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S12.E20: Unforgettable


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Wow, way to let the Cat outta the bag! xD


"Diana's visit will provide a major break in the case, likely triggering Reid's foggy memory of that ill-fated day in the motel. Messer says Reid will remember the identity of the the woman who drugged him by the end of the episode. It's an old face, but you can rule out one person already.

"It isn't Cat Adams (Aubrey Plaza)," Messer says. " [The person] is a huge turning point for the story. We kind of put all these crazy pieces together and what we thought was correct. We were missing pieces and now pieces are starting to get filled in. And all of that will add up to Reid's exoneration, fingers crossed, by the time we hit the finale. But there's unexpected trouble that arrives because of all of that."

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4 hours ago, ForeverAlone said:

Erica is definitely getting ahead of the Cat speculation to defuse it, but she seemed taken aback by fans knowing about Lindsey's appearance. I can only hope the writers know what they are doing when they are resurrecting this nearly forgotten one off character from nine years ago. 

Or in my case completely forgotten character.  Who is Lindsey?

  • Love 1

Well that was utterly predictable. As soon as Reid's mom said that she had a new nurse "whatshername", I knew it would be Lindsey. Though in all fairness, if her casting hadn't been leaked, I don't know that I would have picked up on it.

I really liked the A plot until it went sideways with the wife doing it. It was more interesting when someone was just targeting FBI agents. I wish that story had been used prior to this Reid arc so it could have had a full episode.

Huge nitpick though - at the beginning when Garcia and Emily started spewing facts about poisonings in Russia that sounded like they should be coming from Reid, AND delivering said facts the same way they would a profile. At least Emily's very last point about Putin still using the facility sounded like something she would/should reasonably know, but the rest of it felt really out of place.

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Oh.  I mentioned to someone somewhere when it was revealed that it was a woman dosed Reid, that she could be one of the nurses taking care of Diana.  Cassie couldn't have been there 24 fours a day so she would have to hire others to help.  Wow.  I actually got something right on this arc.  Again I'm in the minority.  I love this arc and how they have been doling out clues and now everything is coming together.  Loving it.

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Now that's a closing scene. I just hope "Carol" is a willing participant this time.

Oh, and boo to the guard not letting Reid's own mother hug his son. That's just cruel.

Grade time:

The emotional scenes get:


Reid's scenes were really on point, as always, and Walker's backstory and his comaraderie with his buddy were great.

The case gets:


It just didn't really hold my attention. Somewhat novel, and I appreciated that they shot and killed a female UnSub.


It was rather talkative and didn't have too many twists...it was just dull.

  • Love 3

The case of Walker’s friend would have been interesting if it had taken place in season 13.  Placing an exposition episode for the newest team member into the midst of a serialized arc about a long-term, and much beloved, character in peril just wasn’t good timing.  To my mind, both characters and their stories suffered from the decision. 

I don’t understand why the BAU was investigating the case of Walker’s friend even before they knew it was serial.  For me, it just made their inaction on Reid’s case all the more inexplicable.

How did it come about that Fast-Talking Fiona was positioned to bring Diana to the prison?  Obviously, Reid didn’t give permission.  Did JJ?  The last time we saw her visiting Reid, she’d gone along with Diana’s assumption that he was at the beach.  Why would JJ then give permission for Diana to go to the prison, without clearing it with Reid?  Or will it come out that Diana’s new aide (whose new name I’ve forgotten already) lied about having permission for the visit?  For that matter, who hired the new aide?  Cassie?  JJ?

For me, the most interesting part of the episode was the moment in which Diana was confused about which of them was the prisoner.  It took me by surprise, and I love being surprised.

Yet another episode where the most intriguing (and lengthy) parts of the Reid arc were revealed in the sneak peeks.  Sigh.

  • Love 8
38 minutes ago, Willowy said:

My kids were mesmerized. They loved the whole thing. They were all into the Walker story, but they kept saying they wished it was Morgan or Hotch. Walker is just too new to garner that level of intense emotion in the viewer.

Me: "Reid Reid Reid Reid Reid Reid Reid Reid Reid"


And that's exactly what I hope we will be getting the last 2 episodes of the season. It has been ages since we had a season finale where Reid was the major focus. So it is long over due.

  • Love 3

agreed JMO...

she's also 1. not dark haired 2. older than both 'Carol/Lindsay' and Cat Adams and 3. doesn't have stubby black/dark painted fingernails.

I don't think it's Cassie either. But she is complicit in that she's probably the one who hired --inadvertently or otherwise-- Carol. And she is a guest star (I was mistaken earlier when I thought she wasn't, reading too many things in too short a time) in Green Light, so I wonder if she's the one who lets Reid know that Diana is missing/abducted/whatever.

Am I crazy for thinking there was bit of an anti-russian and anti-Putin sentiment in the episode? Normally a storyline of Russian lobbyists bribing congress members wouldn't faze me, but I can't help but think that it wasn't a coincidence with the state of current events and that they were trying to make a point. Same thing with the poisoning, even though I do think it is unfortunately quite common in the Russian government, so I won't harp on them for mentioning that. It was also integral for the storyline and interesting. However, while the "special room" certainly existed, from what I've researched it is not still in function. However, I did not thoroughly research it thoroughly or anything so I could very easily be wrong.

Being pro/anti Russia is very political in the US right now and I wish they just avoided it.

What really bothered me was the specific mention of Putin's name. I cannot recall criminal minds ever mentioning a real, current head of state on the show. I think this was for very good reasons/decisions. The previous seasons would have said "leaders of the Russian government" instead of specifically "Putin," I think. They could have easily of done this without detracting from the episode and it would have helped the show stay in line with "the code" of the show. I can't help but think they only wanted to include his name so they could bash him and make a point...

The reason this annoys me is because I ardently believe that real world politics should stay out of the show. These writers only have to write 1-3 episodes an entire year for the show, it shouldn't be so hard for them to not use the episodes as a cathartic release for their political views.

It is also very possible that I am reading wayyyy too much into this due to me reading the writers/producers/cast members twitters occasionally. Most of them feel very strongly against Russia, so I thought they might be projecting. Then again, it may have just made me hyper-alert and see things that weren't there.

Btw, I am definitely not pro-Russia or anything, just anti-politics in the show.

Pertaining to other topics, I thought the friendship between Stephen and his friend was very well played this episode. 

  • Love 4

The 2 things I took away from this are: 1. Lindsey, she of the multiple names and identities due to her father's lifestyle and attempt to get out of it, actually has DID; and 2. Cassie was the conduit through which Scratch got into Reid's life, whether she was a willing accomplice, or not. I vote for not. 

Scratch getting to Reid through Diana is the way he will use Maeve and every other element they are going to throw at Reid in the last 2 episodes. It might even endanger JJ. The fact that the BAU is so clueless and disengaged to this point is appalling.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Danielg342 said:

How Erica Messer couldn't see this happening is beyond me. Her assassination of Emily Prentiss' character is bad even by her standards.

Only JJ keeps saying "we have to get him out of there."

Emily keeps responding, "we will, it's just going to take some time."  And moving on.  I like Emily, but I don't like how she's been written during this arc.

  • Love 4
10 hours ago, Haleysgalaxy said:

Am I crazy for thinking there was bit of an anti-russian and anti-Putin sentiment in the episode? Normally a storyline of Russian lobbyists bribing congress members wouldn't faze me, but I can't help but think that it wasn't a coincidence with the state of current events and that they were trying to make a point. Same thing with the poisoning, even though I do think it is unfortunately quite common in the Russian government, so I won't harp on them for mentioning that. It was also integral for the storyline and interesting. However, while the "special room" certainly existed, from what I've researched it is not still in function. However, I did not thoroughly research it thoroughly or anything so I could very easily be wrong.

Being pro/anti Russia is very political in the US right now and I wish they just avoided it.

What really bothered me was the specific mention of Putin's name. I cannot recall criminal minds ever mentioning a real, current head of state on the show. I think this was for very good reasons/decisions. The previous seasons would have said "leaders of the Russian government" instead of specifically "Putin," I think. They could have easily of done this without detracting from the episode and it would have helped the show stay in line with "the code" of the show. I can't help but think they only wanted to include his name so they could bash him and make a point...

The reason this annoys me is because I ardently believe that real world politics should stay out of the show. These writers only have to write 1-3 episodes an entire year for the show, it shouldn't be so hard for them to not use the episodes as a cathartic release for their political views.

It is also very possible that I am reading wayyyy too much into this due to me reading the writers/producers/cast members twitters occasionally. Most of them feel very strongly against Russia, so I thought they might be projecting. Then again, it may have just made me hyper-alert and see things that weren't there.

Btw, I am definitely not pro-Russia or anything, just anti-politics in the show.

Pertaining to other topics, I thought the friendship between Stephen and his friend was very well played this episode. 

Blame our LOVELY showrunner for injecting her political crap into a television show.

53 minutes ago, roamyn said:

Only JJ keeps saying "we have to get him out of there."

Emily keeps responding, "we will, it's just going to take some time."  And moving on.  I like Emily, but I don't like how she's been written during this arc.

Emily is as much qualified to be unit chief as I am qualified to be a leading mathematician at Stanford.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, roamyn said:

Only JJ keeps saying "we have to get him out of there."

Emily keeps responding, "we will, it's just going to take some time."  And moving on.  I like Emily, but I don't like how she's been written during this arc.

JJ has been inconsistent too, caring about Reid one day and totally forgetting him the next.

I'm also thinking it would not have been hard to write a line where Prentiss says "we got into trouble before when we didn't trust the system", but then...that would be a Hotch reference...

  • Love 4

All they ever had to say was that she was under increased scrutiny as a new unit chief, and couldn't go out of bounds without risking being fired or moved.  That, plus some indication that she was trying to get them working actively on Reid's case.  She certainly seemed to have the power of discretion over taking on the case of Walker's friend, a spy killed in spy-killing fashion, whose case should never have been a BAU case until they had their first non-spy victim. If she had the discretion for that, why not for hunting a serial killer called Peter Lewis?

As to the repeated, "It's going to take some time"---I could see Hotch saying exactly that.  It's what a team leader says to keep her/his team in the game, acknowledging the frustration of not accomplishing their goal quickly, yet encouraging them that they'll get there.  

I think it was Garcia's turn with the 'We have to get him out of there' line last night.

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Finally I watched the episode. I did not care one bit about the case and only concentrated on Reid's part. I loved his scene with Diana, great acting from both. I am missing Reid too much. I hope the final two episodes do justice to this arc and Reid comes out of prison by end of this season. I WANT him back in BAU solving cases with the team from season 13.

I dont really care about Walker, Alvez and Tara at this point so can't really be bothered watching the case being solved.

  • Love 7
15 hours ago, Haleysgalaxy said:

I cannot recall criminal minds ever mentioning a real, current head of state on the show.

I forget which episode it was (it was S4, that's all I know), but there was a scene were Morgan was asking a woman some questions and one of them was, "who is the current President?" to which the woman replied, "Barack Obama". It was a mundane mention, but it was a mention.

I believe the show can get away with mentioning Vladimir Putin because:

  1. He's not (to my knowledge anyway) a U.S. citizen and doesn't live in American territory, so he can't sue the show for libel.
  2. He's likely too busy running Russia to care about some piddly mention on an American TV show
  3. The poisonings have been widely (if not definitively) been connected to him and his cronies, so he can't claim CM saying he poisoned people "misrepresents" him because a lot of people already believe that he did something like that.

Whether or not it's right for the show to invoke that part of him...well, I'll say it's better than an episode about a businessman turned politician who was only elected because he colluded with a foreign government to meddle in the election, with the team unabashedly labelling the businessman a "fraud". That might hit a little too close to home regarding current events.

Having said that, even that kind of episode could be done well. I've said it once before, but crime is a great way to really analyze a social problem, because crimes typically come about when there's something about society that needs fixing. The key would be to provide balance and really get into depth on the issue without getting preachy, which is often where CM of late stumbles.

  • Love 3

I know they don't traditionally mention current events aside from known killers, internet issues, or recent changes in federal law, but I'm totally okay with them going there.

It lends a sense of immediacy and relevance to the story. Some could argue that it would make them seem dated in syndication, and I see that as a valid counterpoint. But I also think it could be seen as a history, upon rewatch, so that's fine with me. 

  • Love 1
13 minutes ago, Danielg342 said:

I forget which episode it was (it was S4, that's all I know), but there was a scene were Morgan was asking a woman some questions and one of them was, "who is the current President?" to which the woman replied, "Barack Obama". It was a mundane mention, but it was a mention.

I believe the show can get away with mentioning Vladimir Putin because:

  1. He's not (to my knowledge anyway) a U.S. citizen and doesn't live in American territory, so he can't sue the show for libel.
  2. He's likely too busy running Russia to care about some piddly mention on an American TV show
  3. The poisonings have been widely (if not definitively) been connected to him and his cronies, so he can't claim CM saying he poisoned people "misrepresents" him because a lot of people already believe that he did something like that.

Whether or not it's right for the show to invoke that part of him...well, I'll say it's better than an episode about a businessman turned politician who was only elected because he colluded with a foreign government to meddle in the election, with the team unabashedly labelling the businessman a "fraud". That might hit a little too close to home regarding current events.

Having said that, even that kind of episode could be done well. I've said it once before, but crime is a great way to really analyze a social problem, because crimes typically come about when there's something about society that needs fixing. The key would be to provide balance and really get into depth on the issue without getting preachy, which is often where CM of late stumbles.

I think you're right. I think I was seeing stuff that wasn't there. I also think I should stop reading their twitter's due to my strong aversion to politics. 

  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, Haleysgalaxy said:

I think you're right. I think I was seeing stuff that wasn't there. I also think I should stop reading their twitter's due to my strong aversion to politics. 

I don't think you were wrong- I would imagine there would be those averse to any show mentioning Russia in any capacity, given current events. I just don't necessarily agree, that's all.

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So I'm one of those people who didn't bother watching the first half of this season, but thought the descriptions for Reid's storyline sounded like they might be interesting so started watching again, and I am starting to regret it.  I feel the need to keep watching to see how they wrap it up, but they have been dragging it out way too long.  I didn't know anything about casting announcements, but as soon as Reid's mom said she fired her nurse and hired someone new I figured the new nurse would be involved somehow, though I didn't expect the implication that she was the one who killed the doctor and drugged Reid.

As for the case of the week, the BAU felt entirely pointless other than one of the victims being new guy's friend (I'll be honest,  I don't actually know the names of either new guy), because as soon as the Unsub poisoned her husband's food instead of injecting him, it became obvious she was the killer.  The plot to randomly inject people with poison she had been saving for years just felt insane and made no sense, but at the same time saving radioactive materials for years and changing hospital records makes it seem like she couldn't have been totally batshit crazy.  I think it would have worked better if the writers had the setup be the husband bought food at food cart or something every day and the wife managed to sneak in and dose some of the food, so the poisoning were random and the BAU had to put some actual effort into profiling. 

  • Love 3
38 minutes ago, shksabelle said:

I don't want to sound mean, but isn't it time for Garcia to tone it down some?  What looks cute and quirky when one is young, IMO, looks odd and bordering on pathetic when one is in her mid 40s. Also when she does go on site with the team, how does she have all those intricate  accessories in her go bag?

You could say the same abt Abby on NCIS.  Goth doesn't look good on a middle aged woman.

  • Love 6

Thanks for somehow finding a way to make a long Reid arc almost unenjoyable to watch, Messer and writers. 

Christ on a bike, stop interrupting the most interesting thing to happen on this show - in a LONG time - to do things like give new(est) characters depth!  I can't muster the effort or desire to give much of a s**t when my guy Reid is going through a lot in the same 43 minutes.  Why waste character backstory when its a very distant 2nd in consideration to the main arc?  Also, the BAU can drop everything to find a (NEW) member's friend's killer - who's not even dead yet - but Reid gets to rot in prison because 'procedural rules'??  [at the time they found out about Walker's friend, it wasn't a serial, but they jumped right in head first anyways]

The idiocy, character assassinations, and unfathomable lack of storyline cohesiveness that Messer & her writers are putting on display just absurdly astounds.

Even if this show will be back for a 13th season, I am honestly teetering on the edge of just dropping it.  What they've done (to this point) with this big Reid+Scratch arc - or should I say, lack thereof actually doing anything with it - is just killing my interest and desire to keep doing this in the future.  If they can't keep my attention and focus on an arc like this, how will they do anything else any better?

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
  • Love 5
37 minutes ago, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

Christ on a bike, stop interrupting the most interesting thing to happen on this show - in a LONG time - to do things like give new(est) characters depth!  I can't muster the effort or desire to give much of a s**t when my guy Reid is going through a lot in the same 43 minutes.  Why waste character backstory when its a very distant 2nd in consideration to the main arc?  Also, the BAU can drop everything to find a (NEW) member's friend's killer - who's not even dead yet - but Reid gets to rot in prison because 'procedural rules'??  [at the time they found out about Walker's friend, it wasn't a serial, but they jumped right in head first anyways]

Agree with all of this wholeheartedly. 

At this point Reid is the only reason I watch the show. 

Edited by ReidGirl
  • Love 2
10 hours ago, roamyn said:

You could say the same abt Abby on NCIS.  Goth doesn't look good on a middle aged woman.

I don't think Abby ever looked good (pigtails on a professional working woman, really?).

I've actually grown fond of Garcia's eccentricities. Sometimes they overdo it, but she's not that odd in her choices. She just prefers bright matching colors and large, frilly designs. Although, I must admit that I always question just how she supposedly gets so many different frames for prescription glasses.

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20 hours ago, Danielg342 said:

To paraphrase Drew Carey on "Whose Line Is It Anyway?":

"Welcome to Erica Messer's 'Criminal Minds', where the plots don't make sense and consistency doesn't matter!'

Can't like this enough. The BAU team isn't a team anymore and I am ashamed to say they are. They are now a pathetic excuse for a team. Really, I wouldn't be surprised if Reid goes unsub and just annihilates his "teammates."  

  • Love 3

I, for one, enjoyed the episode.  I liked getting a peek at Walker's history.  I saw nothing wrong with him being the focus of the episode and I saw nothing wrong with them helping him.  They have gone out on a limb many times before when one of the team needed their help.  It would have been out of character for the whole team to just dismiss him because he's the new guy and his good friend dying after being poisoned isn't important enough for them to help.  That would be cruel.  They're frustrated that they can't help Reid, so here's a chance to actually do some good.  

I've been enjoying the season.  I've been enjoying the story arc.  I've been enjoying the mix of the case and what is going on with Reid.  The team is solid.  I like the new dynamics the new members have brought to it.  Emily is doing a great job as Unit Chief.  Her years of experience in profiling international and domestic serial killers and the years she spent running the London office for Interpol makes her qualified to run this team.  She's not Hotch and she's not supposed to be him.  She's her own person.  She has her own management style and he had his.  I'm glad they're not focusing completely on Reid every episode because that is not what the show is about.  I would actually turn it off if all I saw was Reid, Reid, and nothing but Reid.  I may have a favorite, but I watch the show for everyone.

It was great to see some of the pieces in Reid's case starting to fall into place.  I'm really curious to how Lindsay became involved in all of this.  I thought it was interesting that Diana thought she fired the nurse.  We all know that didn't happen because only her guardian, Reid or maybe JJ who may be standing in for him, has the power to do that.  Everything is coming to a head and I can't wait to see how it all comes out.  Next week can't come fast enough.

  • Love 5
8 minutes ago, CrimeFan12 said:

I, for one, enjoyed the episode.  I liked getting a peek at Walker's history.  I saw nothing wrong with him being the focus of the episode and I saw nothing wrong with them helping him.  They have gone out on a limb many times before when one of the team needed their help.  It would have been out of character for the whole team to just dismiss him because he's the new guy and his good friend dying after being poisoned isn't important enough for them to help.  That would be cruel.  They're frustrated that they can't help Reid, so here's a chance to actually do some good.  

I've been enjoying the season.  I've been enjoying the story arc.  I've been enjoying the mix of the case and what is going on with Reid.  The team is solid.  I like the new dynamics the new members have brought to it.  Emily is doing a great job as Unit Chief.  Her years of experience in profiling international and domestic serial killers and the years she spent running the London office for Interpol makes her qualified to run this team.  She's not Hotch and she's not supposed to be him.  She's her own person.  She has her own management style and he had his.  I'm glad they're not focusing completely on Reid every episode because that is not what the show is about.  I would actually turn it off if all I saw was Reid, Reid, and nothing but Reid.  I may have a favorite, but I watch the show for everyone.

It was great to see some of the pieces in Reid's case starting to fall into place.  I'm really curious to how Lindsay became involved in all of this.  I thought it was interesting that Diana thought she fired the nurse.  We all know that didn't happen because only her guardian, Reid or maybe JJ who may be standing in for him, has the power to do that.  Everything is coming to a head and I can't wait to see how it all comes out.  Next week can't come fast enough.

Then we'll just have to agree to disagree. They drop everything to help Newbie, but won't do anything about Hotch being targeted. I'm not saying they shouldn't investigate, but where's the dedicating to the team member who's really in trouble? Reid, their colleague for TWELVE years is in prison. That defense attorney is a doltThey say they need to get Reid out of prison. Well, get off your ass and DO something. INVESTIGATE. The Replicator didn't stop them, so what pray is stopping them now? I saw the promo for next week. They better damn well investigate Diana's abduction. 

And before you all say I'm once again trying to rant about Hotch, I'm not. I'm ranting about the continuity of the show. I have found a wonderful person who is exactly like Hotch and the Phantom of the Opera

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