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The Mist - General Discussion

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4 hours ago, wayne67 said:

Poor Jay, not only was he risking his life for his crazy girlfriend/sister repeatedly, the only reward he got for his efforts was a burnt hand, multiple bruises and sent to be killed by his dad only to die from being raped by a smoke monster. 

This show is gross on all accounts but I was especially disgusted by the treatment Jay received until the very end. His own stupid father shoved him out the door to die. The same cruel idiot who basically injured and killed two people in an elevator shaft. And that guy is spared at the end? Come on! I have no sympathy for him. Anyway, back to Jay. So Jay saved the daughter from the smoke monster but no one freakin' bothered to pull him out or save him when he was the one who needed saving. They just watched him die slowly and later drove away from his lifeless body. Wow.

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I've stopped watching after episode four but I've kept track with recaps. I watched the finale, in case it has an ending. But of course not. And the same boring, stupid shit was still going on.

If there's gonna be a second season, that would be the biggest twist this show has offered.

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Well, OK, I'm a sucker for these kind of shows.  I agree with you all, there was a lot of stupid shit going on.  But I didn't care and I liked the show very much.  I sincerely hope there will be a season 2.  

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2 hours ago, sisterspoon said:

Well, OK, I'm a sucker for these kind of shows.  I agree with you all, there was a lot of stupid shit going on.  But I didn't care and I liked the show very much.  I sincerely hope there will be a season 2.  

Me, too. It was something to watch during the summer doldrums.

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What a steaming pile of horse manure. I struggled to stay awake watching this episode. The whole thing was a giant WTF with a side of preposterousness. It won't be renewed. Goodbye, assy show. You sucked! I want my 10 hours back!

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On ‎8‎/‎26‎/‎2017 at 4:52 AM, wayne67 said:

Poor Jay, not only was he risking his life for his crazy girlfriend/sister repeatedly, the only reward he got for his efforts was a burnt hand, multiple bruises and sent to be killed by his dad only to die from being raped by a smoke monster. 


I believe he was brainwashed to do that by the crazy lady when she convinced him they needed to make him the sacrifice.

They definitely left it as a possibility to have another season.

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I read the novel as a kid, but literally remember nothing about it (it has merged into any number of other King novels I read at that time).

I always thought the movie was a bit of an underrated gem. It did everything the show did not; it put some compelling characters into a claustrophobic, unknown and dangerous environment and allowed the drama to organically unfold from their fear and distrust (the series felt far less character driven and far more reliant upon external plot devices for drama). The film also had a superb ending, which I won't spoil here; and in reference to earlier posts, I do understand why people may find it manipulative, but personally I felt it was sufficiently earned through the set up and increasing hopelessness and helplessness that was the major story arc. It certainly was not "gunshot, fade to black" or "it was a all a dream" levels of cheap.  

The mist actually felt dangerous in the movie, rather than the show where the level of danger varied to suit the plot at any given time. The film had an internal logic and set of rules with regard to the mist, whereas the show had incoherence and fluid rules. I could continue to point out ways in which the film was better than the show, but what's the point; the show was just bad. 

Edited by Chinspinner
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Jesus, like others here, I was a glutton for punishment and binge watched most (after watching the first couple live) of this this past week.

I highly doubt we'll be seeing a 2nd season of this....just absolute, nonsensical drivel and a tremendous waste of some fairly good actors and actresses.

Amazing to me how something so awful like this gets made. 

Edited by Sader87
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On 8/31/2017 at 1:18 PM, Chinspinner said:

The mist actually felt dangerous in the movie, rather than the show where the level of danger varied to suit the plot at any given time. The film had an internal logic and set of rules with regard to the mist, whereas the show had incoherence and fluid rules. I could continue to point out ways in which the film was better than the show, but what's the point; the show was just bad. 

That's my main problem with the show (well that and terrible characters). Sometimes the mist is meant to be savage, complete monster that kills you in seconds. But mostly you can run around in it and nothing happens.

And I love the ending of the film. It's not just for shock value, but it actually made sense after what happened before. I've never read the short story, but I've heard it's more of an open ending.

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On 8/26/2017 at 7:52 AM, wayne67 said:

Well that was awful. I kept waiting for that paint shop to explode the mall but apparently they forgot that plot point in all the stupidity.

It was a fire in a hardware store full of other flammable materials -- did the Mist put it out ?

To borrow a phrase from the movie 'Anchorman': "Boy, that escalated quickly. I mean that really go out of hand fast."

So despite the fact that the Mist is so thick you can barely see through, Kevin raced a train down the streets at high speed.  Sure, why not ?

All of the deaths by Mist seem to be fear based, yet both Alex and Jay both got the smoke monster treatment -- does that mean they both have the same fear of monsters from the TV show 'Lost' ?   Obviously the security guard was afraid of snakes, and Mrs. Raven had a fear that her baby would suck the life out of her (or something, who knows for sure), and the mall manager was afraid of manila file folders, because for some reason he mad dashes it up to his office and decides to do a little filing.

One of the characters said that this is only day 5 --- day 5 !!!!!!  That's it ??  And the mall is already completely out of food.  But they already have the trains running ?

If Kevin is right and the train cars were full of people (that looked like prisoners since they were all wearing the same red jumpsuits) to feed the Mist, that means that Mist feeds on fear.  Because it doesn't seem to actually eat the people it kills.

The other part that really bugs me is that the 6 survivors in the car were out running around the parking lot to get to the car, breathing in gallons of air/mist to no ill effect, and Alex basically inhales a large volume of the Mist with no problems.  But the people in the mall get a whiff of the Mist .......  and they're dead.

Jay was outside in the Mist for a good 15 minutes in show time, and he was just fine until he helped Alex and ended up taking her place in line with smoke monster duty.

This is the most "shocking" incest reveal since Wayward Pines Season 2.

Everyone seemed to quickly lose interest in Mrs. Raven/Nature's Messenger poorly told bear story pretty quickly, so I didn't see her newly founded religion lasting too long.

My biggest disappointment was that there were no actual monsters in the 10 episode run -- 400% longer running time than the theatrical movie, 100% fewer monsters.

How come Mia isn't seeing her mom in the Mist anymore ?  Does the mist monster just give up after you have "faced your fear" ?

I'd be more impressed if the fear monsters in the mist were all from other Stephen King novels -- if it was super, super misty and the clown from 'IT' or Cujo the rabid dog or Christine the evil car showed up and tried to kill me, I'd be scared shitless.  Now there's a show -- we could call it 'Once Upon a Time: Maine Edition'.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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53 minutes ago, Armchair Critic said:

That was so bad it was hilarious, then it looked she was going down on her husband (if you know what I mean) when she slid down. LOL

It was her dead husband resurrected by the Mist to bring the baby, so I guess that makes it ok.  But, yeah, it did look like that.

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I finally found you guys!

Anyway, I am really enjoying this show. Maybe that says something about my taste in tv shows but I love small town mystery stuff.


I really dislike the teenage daughter. 

So where did all the other townsfolk go? Are they still wandering around in the mist? 

I think the only reason the cops threw the soldier in jail was because they need to fill an inmate booking quota. 

That said, I thought the soldier (Ryan?) and Mia had good chemistry together. Pretty sure that they're the reason I keep going with this show.

Edited by aliferous85
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On 9-7-2017 at 9:04 PM, ottoDbusdriver said:

So, did they release 99 red balloons ?   Does that mean that the will they be rescued by Nena ?

No, but possibly by a cannibalistic clown living in the sewers.

Because of course red balloons.

The mall seemed like a common variety one, which has an unseen grocery store and a bookstore, and a video game store. One of those places which is bigger on the inside then it should be perceived on the outside. 

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If the soldier wanted to call the army in army code why didn't he just volunteer in the first place to get the radio. Why wait for a lottery draw and go with a witness he potentially have to kill to keep his cover secret.  The writers got lazy. 

And after the 2 other soldiers commited suicide and they caught the 4th soldier. Why didn't the mom come out and say, hey I killed the other soldier with his gun cause he try to kill me after he try to call the army in army code. seriously. none of the writers sat there and said hey this doesn't make sense.  Total bs. Theyre forcing the story to revolve around the mom. 

These plot holes are ruining this show. 

Edited by Hllgamer
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All my questions will be left unanswered, like:-

How did this crap ever get made? Did anyone read the script before green lighting it? Had anyone involved in this show read the book or seen the film? Did they all get their jobs through nepotism?

Edited by Pindrop
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On 9/2/2017 at 6:39 PM, ottoDbusdriver said:

All of the deaths by Mist seem to be fear based, yet both Alex and Jay both got the smoke monster treatment -- does that mean they both have the same fear of monsters from the TV show 'Lost' ?   Obviously the security guard was afraid of snakes, and Mrs. Raven had a fear that her baby would suck the life out of her (or something, who knows for sure), and the mall manager was afraid of manila file folders, because for some reason he mad dashes it up to his office and decides to do a little filing.

I think that he ran to his office and locked the door, leaving everyone else out there to die. The bit about the papers is about him nervously trying to do something to keep his attention away from the screaming.

So I watched this over at Netflix. I didn't hate it as much as people here, but I didn't love it either. It was just one of the many average, or below average, shows I watch on Netflix that keep me entertained enough and then when I'm done with them I just forget them. I imagine that if I watched it live I would have been way more frustrated than I was.

Some things did stand out to me in terms of badness.

First of all I felt the show kind of lacked a theme. Sure, the main theme of a story like this is related to how people will go nuts when locked up together in an emergency situation. Some of that was here, too. But then there were these other things that seemed just forced in there for some reason, and I couldn't figure out why they put them there, thematically speaking. All this stuff about sex, and promiscuity and date rape, and Adrian bisexual woes and whatever relationship he had with the jock... and Mia and her addiction and the money, and the military, and memory loss... like it really bothered me because I kept trying to figure out what they were trying to say and how it related to the mist, but in the end it felt like they just threw whatever in there and weren't really saying anything.

I also didn't understand how the mist worked, at all. It just seemed to do what the plot wanted it to do. It had so spare Alex first so the grieving mother could create drama, but then later it had to want to eat her or possess her or who knows just because it as time for Jay to die (because they couldn't be a couple now that we knew they were siblings and the triangle between the grownups, one of whom just lost his son and would hold on to Alex more now, was clearly more interesting in the writer's minds).  The mist spared the nature lady the first time around so she could create her cult, but then later killed her at the mall. Nature lady saw the mist as nature putting things back in order, when Kevin hallucinated it was implied that it had to do with evil/supernatural forces/the devil and then the military subplot implied that it could be a man made something. I have no idea how any explanation could make sense, except maybe the supernatural one. And even in that case I don't know, still, how the mist worked and how it chose it's victims.

And final nitpicking: I was so distracted by how everyone just locked themselves up everywhere and then they were oh so safe from the mist. The mist is basically air. If they can breathe, the mist can get inside. Slower than if the doors were open,  sure, but still. I can buy that the mall's front doors could seal enough to not let the mist in, same as some doors at the hospital. But there were so many times when they were just normal doors, with normal door gaps between the doors and the floor (among other gaps). Same with the cars. They were oh so safe in the cars, and here I was just thinking all the time about how the mist should be getting inside through the air conditioning vents.

I really disliked Kevin basically killing everyone at the mall. I get the desire to do it, and I get that the audience probably wanted it to happen (i know I did want the mist to get them), but whatever things they had done before, Kevin outdid them. He killed them all and it wasn't even self defense. I guess one of the themes was that the nice looking people sometimes are the WORST, even if they don't want to admit it to themselves. The worst people, the ones who did the worse things, weren't the obvious bad guys like Jay or Mia, but the "nice" people like Kevin, the mall manager and Adrian.

I agree with whoever said that poor Jay was so screwed over. Poor, poor guy. He turned out to be one of the best people in the show, one who never hurt anyone and just tried to help.

I wish they had let the finale end when they were off to find out if they could get away from the mist, if it was happening everywhere. That could have been more of a closed, yet open, ending than what we got. I'm annoyed when shows get canceled with no resolution.

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