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Home Town - General Discussion

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Ben and Erin were extra giddy this episode. Amazing considering the amount of work in that heat.

I loved the minister's home too. I appreciated the understated decorating that didn't have too many throw pillows and such. I have color in my home but I thought the subtle colors were perfect for him and the house. I want to know the name of that light gray-green Erin uses so much.

I also use my big dining room for multiple purposes. Don't need it for dining often, but when I have people for dinner I really need it and my dining table.

I wonder if we'll ever see them do a sleeping porch - a staple of my southern childhood.

Happy that the minister has his first home. My inlaw's parents didn't get their own home until their 50s; he's a pastor and has lived in whatever the churches provide them.

People say that one can live outdoors all year in the Deep South. That isn't true 'cause the mosquitoes will eat you alive. I have an open front porch and a screened back porch for that very reason. My neighbors invested in expensive landscaping, big gas BBQ thing, and an outdoor seating area and they complain they can't use it from June - September.

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9 hours ago, mojito said:

Who loved the white stove and white refrigerator?

I did, I did! The style made them look like they belonged to that kitchen! What a find! Because we rented when we were first married, I have had avocado and autumn gold....remember the 70's! Then my mother-in-law redid her kitchen and she got black appliances....I hated them because they showed everything(mostly the sticky fingerprints of my two sons!) Finally when I finally got my own house, what was in it? That horrible dark copper color...don't remember the name and really don't remember the stove and dishwasher all that well because they were gone in a flash! Since then only white which means you can change the kitchen colors and not worry about changing the appliances! And no, stainless steel never crossed my mind...again, too many fingerprints and smudges.(I know they are supposed to be better now but I also think stainless steel looks cold and uninviting!)

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I trooly-ooly loved the pastors house. Nice to remember that there are spiritual leaders who aren’t in it for the tv contracts and mansions. 

Could watch Ben’s skills in the woodshop about five times a week.  Don’t mind seeing his revolving cast of carpenter helpers, either:  good-lookin’ men! 

Mallorie is a cutie and a nice counterpoint to Erin...

...who in theory I like a lot, but pregnancy - or something! - has sure amped up her volume this season. I do believe at one point I might’ve uttered the B word as she snarked at Ben: “BRAT!”

Other than that ... I hate heat, humidity and ‘skeeters, but if somebody arranges a trip to Laurel over, say, the Christmas season, I’ll take it!!! This show is an incredible boon for the city and inspiring on many levels for those who like to improve and rebuild!

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The range at the pastor's house was an Aga.  They cost a fortune.  It seems at odds with the "if it costs too much we will make it ourselves" theme of the show.  I know Ben cannot build appliances, but still...

Also, saw on Instagram that they have been picked up for season 3.  With Laurel being a tenth of the size of Waco I am surprised there are enough homes and people willing and able to pay for these renovations.  Maybe they will branch out to the surrounding areas?

  I understand they are very passionate about reviving their little town, but all of the improvements may alienate a lot of the current residents.  The new stores and businesses in the downtown area seem to be very gentrified and "hipsterish".  They look lovely and quaint, but my guess is that their prices are not really affordable on a daily basis for the average residents. According to Wikipedia the average income in Laurel is $25K per year. Those folks cannot afford a $70 shirt or a $25 candle.

  I have looked at the Laurel Mercantile website. Their merchandise is lovely, and the emphasis on made in America goods is admirable, but wow, it is not cheap. They do have the web business, and I would love to know what percentage of sales come from web vs foot traffic.  Don't get me wrong, I wish them every success in their business.  I just wonder how sustainable it is in that area.  I live in an area with a booming economy and yet I see small mom and pop businesses going under all the time.

Maybe the tv exposure will bring in tourists a la Waco, and that will boost the town's revival, and keep the new businesses in the black.

Also, gotta wonder how filming season 3 with an infant daughter will go.  The filming schedules for these shows are pretty intense, with very long days.  That was one of the reasons Chip and Joanna quit, and their kids are a lot older.

Time will tell I guess...

Edited by 3 is enough
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I liked this week's home. As a Texas Flip 'N Move fan, I'd not seen the drama that can go behind moving a home; on that show, moves seem to go smoothly when a house falls apart, they probably pass on filming that house). I like seeing what can be done with these old homes, and enjoyed the changes they made to great grandma's house. It certainly looked to be on solid ground once it was completed. I liked the "firecase" and even the racks across the window. Coincidentally, on TFNM, the last episode also included shelving across windows, something I'd never seen before. Not that I like to display plates and glasses; as long as you need shelving it's nice to have the option of running them across the windows and still having the light shine through. I believe Ben's shelves were easily removable, too. 

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@3 is enough, fair questions about the HT phenomenon’s sustainability. A few reactions & observations:


Really don’t think this is going to happen. Look at a street map of the city, & there’s lots more to the town than the show may indicate. Even the Reheim house (the one they moved to new foundations) seems to be on the outskirts of the gridded city proper, and it was certainly worth the effort - and on a modest (these days) budget. 

* LOCALS SUPPORTING DOWNTOWN.  Yelp shows several shopping opportunities in Laurel that all of us can afford pretty easily —

https://m.yelp.com/search?cflt=shoppingcenters&find_loc=Laurel%2C MS&start=10&mapsize=414%2C-49 )

— and I can’t help but think of the resort towns that have supported downtowns of shops specializing in t-shirts, sunglasses, souvenirs and suchlike for decades. Do locals go there for their tee’s, or everyday lunches? Mostly not. The downtowns of many touristy towns look a lot like Laurel is beginning to look.  Some yuppier / more hipsterish than others, but many (if not most) viable commercial areas  

* TOURISTS **AND** ...

.... GEEZERS, baby!  I’ve seen about a dozen comments around the web from baby boomers who are thinking about relocating to the South and have Laurel on their shortlist. And I’m not on the web much. The city website has a link to retirement living so my guess is that it’s one of the pillars of the planning.


Could one itsy-bitsy baby cause her folks to throw in the feed-sack towel on shooting the show? Anything’s possible, but (a) Erin’s entire support system seems to be in town and also (b) Ben’s history as one-time youth minister at an established church in town lead me to believe they can put together a whale of a framily effort to maintain their working-parents plan. 

I nearly lost interest in the show this summer as most of Erin's Journal entries complained about their “grueling” schedule. I like Erin fine but she does give off the spoiled brat vibe here & there; when she revealed her pregnancy, I forgave a lot. I despise hot weather and feel very sorry for anyone who’s pregnant in MS heat & humidity. 

But I digress. I don’t think the Napiers are in any danger of having to choose between childcare and long workdays, especially when the long workdays only last like 8-10 weeks out of the year. 


Did they? No secret that I don’t like FU, Chimp nor JoJoprah; but even those who do, acknowledge that there are probably several reasons the couple are retooling their TV  presence.  It’s a scary world out there and I can understand concerns about celebrity children’s security. Still, I don’t think the children are the big reason and certainly not the only reason C&J are correcting their course. 


I personally think it’s way premature to worry about HT & LaurelMS crashing anytime soon. I really hope they don’t. The shows have improved just from the first season to this, and the continuing variety of projects, more looks at Ben's workshop products, etc., seem to hold promise of even more pleasant tweaks with S3.

i hope so, any way!

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I do hope everything continues to go well.  I can certainly see where my post came across as being prematurely pessimistic.  I guess I can just see this following the Fixer-Upper pattern. Halfway through the second season they have already been renewed for a third.  Erin and Ben seem just a tiny bit goofier,  but maybe that's just because they are becoming more comfortable on camera.  I don't think Ben would stoop to Chip-level shennanigans, at least I hope not.  If that were to happen they would lose me.  

 It just seems to me that HGTV has decided that this show is going to fill the hole left by Fixer Upper.  They are promoting it to death.   Erin and Ben seem like a nice couple and I hope their life doesn't change too drastically.  Having a baby, especially after being married for 9 years, is a huge lifestyle change and when you combine that with becoming minor celebrities seemingly overnight and the time commitment involved with filming a tv show it is a lot to handle.  They do seem to be pretty grounded and have a bigger support system than most people so that helps tip the odds in their favor.

I have also read Erin's blog.  She did say that they condensed the shooting schedule last summer to 4 1/2 months from the original plan of 6 months due to her pregnancy- that is a lot more than 8-10 weeks.  Sure, they don't have to worry about finding someone to watch the baby while they shoot, but 6 months of 10-12 hour days will drastically reduce the amount of time they can spend with their daughter.  I just wonder if they will find it is too much to handle.

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Wow, @3 is enough, that was months, not weeks? Guess you are right. My big bad! 

I only watch HT on DVR and don’t have HGTV on throughout the day, so I’m unaware of the promos. ITA with you about if Ben gets stupid like Chip (Chip crossed from goofy to stupid long ago IMHO).

i actually have appreciated that there’s been a lot less of Erin’s annoying whooping when they find heart pine, this season. Their business partner / Erin’s cousin Jim has tried to bring some silliness in a couple scenes and has fallen dead flat, again MHO.  Buh-bye, Jimbo. Go attend to the Napier family’s Financials, there’s a good fellow. 

I agree about the shock to the system of finally becoming parents later in a marriage, but by all accounts it was Erin’s fear of childbirth that postponed things and again, Ben seems so strongly supportive of her that I’m hoping things are going to work out just fine.  They seemed very aware of the sea change Helen would bring about. Forewarned is forearmed, even though that seems a little overmuch to say about early parenthood!! LOL

@3 is enough, I’ve enjoyed your posts! Lots to think about, and I do enjoy chatting about my co-favorite rehab show (the other is Brett Waterman’s “Restored”)!

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Just a quick post before the Olympics start...they are sure making me late watching some of my shows but what the heck, they are only every 4 years! I love, love, love Miss Pearl's house! The perfect size for her and the kitchen was great! If I had a house, I would like the built-up garden...no kneeling or too much bending.(One thing, there would be no hot peppers in my garden!) I liked how they put the trellis around it so that one could plant beans and other vining plants. We are planning a trip(or maybe two) to Laurel this spring and I am pretty sure where we are going to eat!!! Her house should be pretty easy to find with that big church just across the street. I thought that the trim they added to the front was a great addition and those rockers were wonderful....especially since at least one of them was built a bit lower to make it easier for her to sit in it 'cause she really looked short. I would love to have that house..perfect size for one person, and the colors were just right! Great work Erin and Ben(I don't think I have seen Ben build anything that I didn't like!

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I understand that there were budget constraints but I do question the durability of a painted wood floor in a bathroom, especially the only bath in the house.  It seemed to be a fairly small room and I would guess that the cost of refinishing the floor, which was in pretty bad shape, would have covered the cost of some basic tile.  I may have been mistaken, but the shower stall looked to me to be flush with the floor, and there was just a shower curtain.  I must have seen it wrong because that would mean that the water could flow on to the floor.

Other than that I liked the design.

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4 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

I understand that there were budget constraints but I do question the durability of a painted wood floor in a bathroom, especially the only bath in the house.  It seemed to be a fairly small room and I would guess that the cost of refinishing the floor, which was in pretty bad shape, would have covered the cost of some basic tile.  I may have been mistaken, but the shower stall looked to me to be flush with the floor, and there was just a shower curtain.  I must have seen it wrong because that would mean that the water could flow on to the floor.

Other than that I liked the design.

I agree about the wood floor but imagined Pearl got a bath throw rug in pretty short order. I would've!!

The shower looks like it probably has a 2” or 3” high lip as part of the design. That with the shower curtain should be more than sufficient to keep the water where it belongs. My shower only has a 1” or 1-1/2” lip and I rarely have any overflow. 

Holy cow! I was so distracted by that BEARD! All I could think about was how does he eat?  What does he look like under all that hair?  And is his wife really ok with it?

I like the renovations (or restorations), but I am not so much a fan of some of Erin's decorating choices.  Too much clutter and too many pictures on the wall. I have found that as I get older I am less fond of clutter. The thought of having to dust all that stuff is just too off-putting for me.

If the brick cutting guy goes through $400 of saw blades in a week how much did it cost to cut those bricks for tile?  Reusing stuff found in the house is admirable, but definitely NOT free...

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I’ve been liking the show. I like to see Ben’s projects, although I often wish he stained them a bit darker or something. 

Why do you think they work so hard to avoid saying Laurel on the show? I swear they muted it in this episode when they were reading the date board to the homeowners.  They showed that it said Laurel, but seemed to cut the town name out of the dialogue there. 

I never noticed that either.  On Erin's blog and her instagram it's constantly #iliveinlaurel.  But come to think of it, in the intro they talk about living in a beautiful small town in Mississippi without mentioning it by name.

That is just too weird.  I mean, it's no secret where they live.  Now I will have to listen for it too.

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I really liked last night's renovation.  Great job.  I do not recall them saying the date the house was built so I am guessing it was a newer build.

I was pleasantly surprised that Erin kept the vinyl siding.  She has turned up her nose at it in the past.  I understand the desire to maintain architectural integrity, but if I lived in Mississippi with the constant humidity and heavy rain I would want exterior materials that resist warping, mildew, and rot.  Give me some triple glazed energy efficient windows so that I can keep the rain out and the cool air from my HVAC unit inside.

My mother has that vinyl flooring in her condo.  You would never guess it wasn't wood and if something spills you have no worries.  Again, pleasantly surprised they chose it.

That crib was gorgeous.  Ben is quite the craftsman.

  • Love 5
7 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

That crib was gorgeous.  Ben is quite the craftsman.

And think of what an heirloom it will become! He does beautiful work and his love really showed in that piece of furniture!

The one thing that he made that he maybe didn't research enough was the chicken coop...or rather the fact that he used chicken wire for the fencing. That will keep out foxes, etc. but if there are raccoons around, it won't work, they can chew through it. He should have used hardware cloth and anchored it in the ground. If anyone saw the FU with the garden shed and chicken run that Chip built, will remember that hardware cloth is what he used. It is to keep rodents out...they cannot chew through it. If someone comes to take care of rats, again, it is hardware cloth that is used.

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13 hours ago, outtahere said:

I really need these two to stop hanging onto each other.  It's a little off putting the way they are so clingy.

It didn’t bother me much but I did read that someone interpreted the closeness as Ben being controlling. Erin wrote an emotional response about how she is an introvert and thus Ben’s touch is entirely positive and crucial to her being able to get thru the stress of filming. 

I found it fascinating that a person who started her own business and is a visual artist and musical performer could be an introvert. I’ve been meaning to read up on introversion/extraversion as a result. 

Anyone who wants a real insight into the couple will enjoy her journal on their store’s website. She kept it daily for 8 years and has said she will start it up again next month after having adjusted to life with a baby. (If one ever adjusts to that, heh!)

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On 3/2/2018 at 7:59 PM, mojito said:

I've found that the older I get, the more tolerant I am of dust.  ?

LOL! I thought I was to that point, then a days work in the basement resulted in a cold that lasted 3 weeks!  I’m giving serious consideration to setting up a Shop-Vac and letting it SUCK THAT STUFF UP!!!!   

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I have to say, they are really taking advantage of the exposure on the show to market their merchandise.  The cedar bath caddy that was shown on Monday night is now available at their store/website. It's $115.  I understand that you pay the price for handmade goods, but the vast majority of their viewers simply cannot afford to buy them. 

So far they are sticking to their goal of featuring made in America products.  But  HGTV continues to push them as Chip and Joanna 2.0.  The promos for the show run constantly, and season 3 is scheduled to have 13 episodes instead of 10. I wonder if they will eventually be offered a mass marketing deal like Chip and Joanna have with Target.  That collection has some nice looking items, but it is all made in China.  Gotta question if Ben and Erin would put their name on goods that were not American made. 

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20 minutes ago, 3 is enough said:

I have to say, they are really taking advantage of the exposure on the show to market their merchandise.  The cedar bath caddy that was shown on Monday night is now available at their store/website. It's $115.  I understand that you pay the price for handmade goods, but the vast majority of their viewers simply cannot afford to buy them. 

So far they are sticking to their goal of featuring made in America products.  But  HGTV continues to push them as Chip and Joanna 2.0.  The promos for the show run constantly, and season 3 is scheduled to have 13 episodes instead of 10. I wonder if they will eventually be offered a mass marketing deal like Chip and Joanna have with Target.  That collection has some nice looking items, but it is all made in China.  Gotta question if Ben and Erin would put their name on goods that were not American made. 

I truly like these two - as far as I can try like someone ive never met - and I hope they stay true to their Made-in-USA vision, but who knows?  The other merchant couples we’ve seen in downtown Laurel - men’s furnishings and the artist - are pricey, too. I stand by my suspicion that they are counting on an influx of tourism and  baby boomers & older Gen X’ers relocating. Downtown won’t be the place Moms & dad’s take their kids for back-to-school butbit will be where they take visiting friends & fam who splurge on a $150 sweater or an $85 throw pillow. 

I splurged on a Scotsman USA-made flannel shirt. Honestly haven’t compared it to the ones from Kohl’s but now we’re talking about it, I will!

A friend called me crazy to have paid $70 for it and I just flipped her off. You pay $35, $40 for better [sic] shirts at Kohl’s and they last okay. So far I’m very pleased with everything about my Scotsman brand! 


Oh also: to me, Chip & Joanna are about volume and selling whatever fits. Ben & Erin have been about rebuilding old Laurel and fitting what is already there, into the finished product. 

I read The Magnolia Story and C&J came to the point of getting a show via real estate speculation (that’s not a bad thing) and selling antiques, imports, etc. again, not a bad thing — many affordable “antique” shops are at least 50% antiquey-looking stuff made in SEAsia.

Read Erin’s journal on LaurelMercantile website and see how they come at a whole different situation (revitalizing a small, dead downtown and patchy city center in a very small metro area) than Waco (much larger city, Baylor U as a driving force in the ongoing economy).


Anyhoo. The day I see Ben & Erin's faces on a nationwide magazine by the supermarket checkout stand is the day I probably lose interest in them. Stay local, Napiers.  

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I do not disagree, BckpckFullaNinjas.  I also hope they stay true to their vision.  I have read her blog and they do seem sincere about wanting to revitalize their town.

At the same time it is becoming obvious that there is some pretty shrewd marketing going on.  Maybe it is coming from their partners in the business.  Certainly there is some ongoing serious analysis of social media, which is what all successful businesses do these days. If a lot of people comment about a certain item seen on the show, then selling said item is a no-brainer.  There are people out there who are willing to pay more for quality, and I, for one,  am always happy to see a made in the USA or made in Canada label. 

That's all fine.  If they are content being a borderline luxury retailer and have success selling fewer more expensive items then more power to them.  There is a market for that, especially when the economy is booming.

I am just wondering if they do become as successful as the Gaines if they will "sell out" so to speak.  I can't really fault them if they do.  Nothing wrong with taking advantage of opportunities and making a lot of money during the time they are the "it couple" of home decorating.  They can build a nice nest egg and then return to their small town life when their 15 minutes are over.  They don't strike me as empire builders like C&J.

Edited by 3 is enough
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43 minutes ago, 3 is enough said:

he Gaines if they will "sell out" so to speak.  I can't really fault them if they do.  Nothing wrong with taking advantage of opportunities and making a lot of money during the time they are the "it couple" of home decorating.  They can build a nice nest egg and then return to their small town life when their 15 minutes are over.  They don't strike me as empire builders like C&J.

You said it perfectly!  Including the part i didn’t include in the quote.

And when I really think about why I prefer these k kids so much over the Gaines, it comes down to who they are. Chip==hustler and nothing wrong w that while it’s honest. Joanna==Chip-worshiper and while I could never have I ever of those he-man/she-submissive relationships thru go and boy i$ it working. 

OTOH, from what I’ve read, Erin==brilliant if slightly neurotic artiste and Ben==rare breed of solid individual who knows himself and has a heart, at the end of the day, to serve. And that makes them a very pleasant watch. 

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Gam2 said:

I’ve seen brick backsplashes and “Texas stone” backsplashes. The only thing I think of is how hard that would be to clean when food is splashed on it. Plus how dusty would those become over time? Not a good thing to have in a kitchen where food is prepared, IMO. 

LOL - as much as I love HT and liked a lot of what they did with that house, when I realized what was going on I hollered out loud, Z-BRICK!  

Z-Brick was — er, is! — a faux brick wall covering (first popular in the ‘70s and even then I didn’t like it). But the homeowners were practically in tears of joy, so what do I know?

It’s still with us!

i also would’ve strongly objected to the exposed brick chimney in the living/dining room. But since homeowners entrust the show with everything, my only option would have been to have some carpenters come back and build an attractive cover in painted wood over it. Which would look fine, IMHO. 

I get tickled with the show’s love for “Chicago brick.”  I grew up in a brick town where I still live. Guess I take it for granted! 

Edited by BckpckFullaNinjas
Z-brick lives!!!
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On 3/1/2018 at 2:20 PM, 3 is enough said:

I like the renovations (or restorations), but I am not so much a fan of some of Erin's decorating choices.  Too much clutter and too many pictures on the wall. I have found that as I get older I am less fond of clutter. The thought of having to dust all that stuff is just too off-putting for me.

I don't mind the pictures on the walls. My home has pictures everywhere there is room for them. I'm sad that we've nearly run out of places to hang even more.

Clutter? I've got some of that as well, but I love my 'stuff' that has been collected over the past 50 years. I consider my clutter to be treasures.

Edited by CruiseDiva
edited because spelling matters
  • Love 4
2 hours ago, CruiseDiva said:

I don't mind the pictures on the walls. My home has pictures everywhere there is room for them. I'm sad that we've nearly run out of places to hang even more.

Clutter? I've got some of that as well, but I love my 'stuff' that has been collected over the past 50 years. I consider my clutter to be treasures.

Everybody’s tolerance for clutter vs. treasures is distinctly different. I figure 95% of the bric a brac in the staging goes back the next day.

The one House I can’t imagine without the show’s staging was Miss Marian's (?) — the teacher who loved the Afro centric art. Oh that sectional with all the toss pillows!!! That’s my idea of heaven on earth, babies. 

  • Love 2
16 hours ago, CruiseDiva said:

I don't mind the pictures on the walls. My home has pictures everywhere there is room for them. I'm sad that we've nearly run out of places to hang even more.

I have lots of pictures and art on my walls too.  I should have been a bit more specific.  Not a fan of the gallery wall of photos.  The thought of keeping them all straight is very daunting to me. Plus, my husband is a bit of a minimalist and always asks what is wrong with a nice clean wall. ;)

  • Love 1
22 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

I have lots of pictures and art on my walls too.  I should have been a bit more specific.  Not a fan of the gallery wall of photos.  The thought of keeping them all straight is very daunting to me. Plus, my husband is a bit of a minimalist and always asks what is wrong with a nice clean wall. ;)

It was a happy day for me when I discovered the level on my iPhone. I can't stand crooked pictures.

The finale was kind of ...meh.  The house was not one of my favourites, and neither was the couple.  

The final result was very nice and all, but I kept wondering what the upstairs looked like. Are they looking at another $100K  to get that fixed up?  I know everyone has different priorities, but given the choice I would rather spend money on a nice master suite than front porch AND backyard party patio.

I really did enjoy seeing Ben's excitement about the snow, and the baby is adorable.  Kind of sad that we have to wait 10 months for another season.

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On ‎3‎/‎1‎/‎2018 at 11:43 PM, Myrrhine said:

I’ve been liking the show. I like to see Ben’s projects, although I often wish he stained them a bit darker or something. 

Why do you think they work so hard to avoid saying Laurel on the show? I swear they muted it in this episode when they were reading the date board to the homeowners.  They showed that it said Laurel, but seemed to cut the town name out of the dialogue there. 

I just watched the last 2 shows - the one they moved a house, and the huge house where they showed the baby at the end. The beginning is definitely different. They used to show the Amtrak train and CSX train going through in the intro and mention Laurel. Now they don't mention Laurel or show the trains. I wonder why? Did the city object?

I loved both those houses, especially the huge one. I had a friend in grade school who was born later in her parent's lives. Her father was a retired doctor in our tiny town of 2,000. They had one of the grandest old homes in town. It was beautiful and fun to visit.

Edited by chessiegal
  • Love 2
18 hours ago, chessiegal said:

They used to show the Amtrak train and CSX train going through in the intro and mention Laurel. Now they don't mention Laurel or show the trains. I wonder why? Did the city object?

There has been some confusion about this. I really don't understand.  On their social media it's all Laurel this, Laurel that.  Ben and Erin are charter members of a group that is revitalizing Downtown Laurel.  Their store is called Laurel Mercantile.  I am pretty sure because of the show people are actually visiting the town and spending money there.

On Fixer Upper they mention Waco by name multiple times each episode.  All the flip shows have the city name in their titles.

It is a bit of a mystery.

Edited by 3 is enough
  • Love 2

Huh! I hadn’t noticed that. Now when I rewatch, I’ll have something more to listen for.

Read where students are descending upon the town for spring break?  For.....sundaes & soul food??? I mean, that’s my kind of fun but IIRC lots of spring breakers want sand, sun & swill. 

Im sure that has nothing to do with downplaying the name this season, though. 

Oh also: anything that indicates the Napiers are NOT following in the Gaines’ overhyped, over saturated, over promoted footsteps is fine with me.

I've given it a bit of thought and I don’t hate FU, I just appreciate HT’s much more genuine and underplayed vibe, Ben’s hands-on work, and Erin’s devotion to color and the integrity of the homes’ original styles. 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, BckpckFullaNinjas said:

Read where students are descending upon the town for spring break?  For.....sundaes & soul food??? I mean, that’s my kind of fun but IIRC lots of spring breakers want sand, sun & swill. 

Well, it is one of the few towns in Mississippi that is not "dry", so they can get their "swill".  Not really far from the coast either.

  • Love 3

Ugh - those dry counties in the South. We took the Crescent from NOLA to DC (which goes through Laurel) on a Sunday once and asked for wine at dinner. We were told Amtrak didn't serve alcohol on Sundays. I'm sure it was because of dry counties it went through. I've taken Amtrak from DC to NYC on Sundays and they sold alcohol.

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4 hours ago, chessiegal said:

Ugh - those dry counties in the South. We took the Crescent from NOLA to DC (which goes through Laurel) on a Sunday once and asked for wine at dinner. We were told Amtrak didn't serve alcohol on Sundays. I'm sure it was because of dry counties it went through. I've taken Amtrak from DC to NYC on Sundays and they sold alcohol.

Thanks for this and also to @3 is enough for the insights!

Ben wrote that his daddy asked him to never partake of alcohol and he never has. Erin even showed a couple bottles of sparkling cider bought for a big celebration.  Party hearty, guys. 

I have no issue with folks deciding if their own free will to abstain. It’s when whole governments prohibit the sale (and thereby the consumption) of a substance that I travel elsewhere. 

Bloomin’ — and sipping! — where I’m planted, to augment a cliche. 

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On 3/17/2018 at 7:54 PM, chessiegal said:

Ugh - those dry counties in the South. We took the Crescent from NOLA to DC (which goes through Laurel) on a Sunday once and asked for wine at dinner. We were told Amtrak didn't serve alcohol on Sundays. I'm sure it was because of dry counties it went through. I've taken Amtrak from DC to NYC on Sundays and they sold alcohol.

Interesting, also what @3 is enough said!

Ben wrote in some essay or another on the Laurel Mercantile blog that his daddy asked him never to drink alcohol and he never has.  

I stopped by the Fixer Upper board where folks are wondering why there are rarely window treatments against the elements. And on that note I have to admit that my darlin Napiers over here on Home Town in Mississippi have me flummoxed by ripping out screened-in porches IN MOSQUITO HEAVEN.

Not just them, either — the show has scenes of lots of open porches.  Do folks just run fans / burn citronella / swat ???  I live in another mosquito-inclined locale and if I could, I’d have screened-in porches front, back and sides!!!! 

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I guess they are choosing style over function.  The screened in porches look kind of dingy, but they do serve a purpose.  I have noticed most of the  porches have ceiling fans.

I'm afraid I would not fit in Laurel.  When it is hot, humid, and there are mosquitoes around you will find me in my cool air conditioned house.  And if I chose to eat outside, it would be in the privacy of my backyard, not on the front porch where everyone walking by would see.

Then again, I do wonder if the town is really as much like Mayberry as they claim.  I think the historic district where they redo most of their homes is actually quite small, and the rest of the city is made up of less picturesque neighborhoods.  Also, a lot of the renovations have been for their friends and business associates.  There seems to be a group of young entrepreneurs working at revitalizing the downtown area, and they all want to live close to their businesses. So yes, their own little neighborhood may be very much like the image they are projecting, but the rest of the town maybe not so much.

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@3 is enough thank you! I’ve been waiting for somebody to say. Can’t find any other place than here where there’s even a _hint_ of critique, much less plain ol’ skeptical criticism, of this show.

When the couple showed the retired schoolteacher a house with security bars over the front door, Erin commented that those weren’t necessary in *this* neighborhood. She may have been thinking of neighborhoods in other towns, but be real — even Mayberry had Ernest T. Bass and Otis.

I get tickled at folks who are champing to relocate there — they must like heat, humidity and skeeters, and not mind the occasional hurricane. 

Living in a walkable town with cafes & coffee within strolling distance is very attractive — but it almost certainly means a drive to groceries, everyday shopping, etc.  which is no big whoop  I drive to _everything_ now and that’s no fun at all.

All that  said, I wouldn’t mind visiting Laurel as part of a road trip, seeing the Lauren Rogers Museum  & staying at one of the higher-end B&B’s, figuring out which homes I’ve seen in the TEEvee, as Erin pronounces it. And heck, to be honest, maybe running into Ben & Erin on a walk.  But it’s gonna have to be between Christmas and St. Patrick’s Day, according to my southern friends who know my impatience with h&h !!!

Edited by BckpckFullaNinjas
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And so it begins...

Erin and Ben announced via Instagram today that they have a book coming out in October.  It is a memoir called "Make Something Good Today".

It expands on her blog, with Ben writing his perspective.  I will probably buy it, as I did enjoy reading her journal.  They both have a way with words, I must say.

Also, last week Ben posted some photos of a furniture factory in Virginia, with a comment about a "business opportunity".  If he is collaborating with an American furniture maker, kudos to him for keeping things stateside.

They certainly seem to be following the Gaines' pattern.  I think (and hope) they will do things on a smaller scale, but we shall see I guess.

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