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First Dates - General Discussion

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I think Stanton the baseball guy is cute and adorable but he comes off as wanting to be a woman's "bitch" and I think it's off- putting to women (although I couldn't stand the Napkin Bitch).  He seems a bit needy and insecure but maybe in a few years he'll be more self-assured.   

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I am so going to ask for a black napkin next time I go to Sizzler.  I think the plan was to portray herself as cultured.  Had he been more secure in himself (why the hell not!) he would have seen through it.  Maybe he did and that is why he set up the basket ball date hoping she would pass. 

30 minutes ago, EDTV said:

guy that was married to Bill Gates daughter

He was married to his sister.

30 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

The guy who was a medium (as opposed to a large) was a twin for Miley Cyrus. I thought he was fun, while his "older" 24-year-old date was a little bitch. I can't say "little bitch" enough about that guy. What a (drunken) little bitch jerk.

He worked in radio and thought himself a fancy one.  Alcohol problem alert.  

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Agh, Stanten! Likable, kind, athletic, cute, intelligent, gainfully employed in a job he loves ... and the show has twice matched him with shallow, preening women who can't get past their own self-sabotaging neuroses.

I'm drawn to quiet, introspective people, so the former Gates brother-in-law was an unpolished gem to me; he just needed some confidence back after his traumatic divorce. A lot of white collar women love blue collar men who get "dirty" at work! He's good looking, too. I hated to see him so down on himself and wish him well with whomever he's dating. I just hope she's not someone who's going to spike his heart on her high heels just for the fun of it.

If anyone here watches Married at First Sight Second Chances, I thought Matt, the burn survivor in the green slacks and pink shirt would have been a great match for Danielle. He's an actual mature 26-year-old, unlike Cody.

Edited by Lord Donia
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Wings, you made me do a spit-take on my computer (sorry for the bad visual) thinking about you asking your Sizzler server for a black napkin. And I'm totally with you, Lord Donia, about the former Gates brother-in-law. He's an even better match FOR ME (did you hear that, show?) than Stanten. Although I'm not above dating both. I love baseball and love men who can get dirty. (And I mean that in a strictly clean way!) I forgot to mention earlier than i was a big fan of the burned-guy's outfit. It was fun. I'd go out with him, too. *taps fingers and waits for show to call*

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1 hour ago, Lord Donia said:

Agh, Stanten! Likable, kind, athletic, cute, intelligent, gainfully employed in a job he loves ... and the show has twice matched him with shallow, preening women who can't get past their own self-sabotaging neuroses.

While I agree that his dates were shallow, preening and self-sabotaging, I do think that (most?) women aren't attracted to men that they think they can just roll over, and I think Stanten gives off that vibe.  I would date him though. : )

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It just struck me how the intro really sells this restaurant as an alternative to "the age of online dating." I mean, I'm not sure what the difference is. You're still meeting a stranger. It's just one that some producers have told you is maybe a good match. So someone made a decision based on selective data to pair up two strangers. 

Kyle 31. Looking a little rough for 31. Sun damage. Too much hair gel. Justine 30. I can't tell if that's sun damage or fake tan. Her hair looks fried from over-dyeing in the TH but it looked OK on the date. He was slurring a little but I couldn't tell if that was just his voice. I feel like he was asking questions but not opening up the conversation. When she said she went to the beach, he could have said any number of things that would have continued the conversation instead of just switching topics. WOW, she has had bad luck with guys. I don't think either of them are natural conversationalists but I think they were making the effort to flirt a little. He tried to tease her a bit. I think she was a little wary with the way she mentioned needing some time to get his sarcasm. Their teeth were a little yellow. I don't know if this show just doesn't have flattering lighting or if it's not being used to seeing normal people on TV. But then you see normal people on the news and they look fine. Anyway, I wasn't that into him. I'm not sure if she was either. Hearing intercut stories about her bullying was a weird choice by the editors. I think he looked like bobo Bradley Cooper mixed with Seth Green. It's not his face. It's the hair gel and the unbuttoned shirt and the antagonistic way of talking. I get why she brought up the bullying but there was no reason for him to ask if she thought he was cocky. They seemed to cut some of the misogynistic assumptions he was making. It was a like a preview but then they just cut to the post date interview. 

Jennifer 41 is very pretty. I believe she's 41. Classic LBD. Doug 54. That's quite an age difference. I wonder if they didn't get enough applicants from Seattle or if that's what they each said they wanted or if they somehow read as a great match. He immediately read as nice and softspoken. I can imagine who would play each of them in a movie. Polo shirt and jeans seems reasonably formal for a simple dinner but next to her maybe a little too simple. He seemed a little nervous. "Tomatophile" was a cute dad joke. I do think she was a little over the top laughing and being charming but sad to say, particularly as you age, I think women probably have to put in more effort. Jennifer talking about her marriage felt very honest. I think she chose her words carefully but there was real emotion there. I think she felt really thrown off by him telling her he was a simple guy and felt like a fraud with her. I think there was more from that date we weren't seeing. But I also think maybe it was too soon for him and that she needed someone she had more of an attraction to. I don't know what was going on in her marriage... was her husband gay? But I think she would have responded a lot better if there had been a lot of attraction and chemistry.

Logan 20. Oh my God... baby. What is he doing on this show? Also, I'm sorry, but there's no such thing as mediums. Jacob 24 was adorable. He looks a little younger than he is. I thought it was kind of cute that Logan called his dad. But also... baby, what are you doing on a reality dating show? Unless it's a small dating pool where you live, just go find somebody. Anyway, after he didn't know what "reading" meant I started to get the feeling that maybe Logan isn't as tapped into the gay community. I was surprised that he thought Jacob was the nervous one. LOL, when Jacob asked if Logan saw anyone else there it became such an awkward cold reading. Oh, baby, it's OK. You're only 20. You have a lot more time to grow into being a scam artist. Poor Jacob. He deserves a better date. He was not obligated to play along with that idiocy.

Stanten 24 is back! How did he suddenly become an "executive"? Bria... Drew's voiceover said she was 23 but on the screen it said she was 24. Either way, she looked older. Heavy makeup, especially the brows. And why are these young girls dressing like Real Housewives? Her shoes looked weird but I didn't get a good look. I don't think she was wearing socks so they were just an odd style. Ooh, girl. Bria sounds like the kind of girl men claim exists that I think of as an outlier or a fiction. I don't care if you hold the door open for me. And racing me to the door is just awkward. I feel like Bria had this kind of arch, judgmental look on her face a lot of the time. I would have found it offputting but Stanten was undaunted. 

Matt 26. I'm not sure everyone should want to talk about their inner scars but continue. Not loving the green pants. Not the best look and they didn't seem to fit well. Marie 24. I wasn't expecting Nashville. She looks like a California girl. She either has great skin, great makeup, a great tan, or a combination of all three. He wants to be a husband and father. She doesn't want kids. WHAT KIND OF A SCREENING PROCESS DID THEY USE? She looks so familiar to me. I assume she looks like an actress and not that she's been on another show. I'm glad they enjoyed each other's company but pairing up people who feel differently about kids is a recipe for disaster for longterm relationships.

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 Oh no.  You don't mention you had plastic surgery on the first date!  

Matt and Marie.  Oh please don't tell her you are a burn victim.  Oh gawd, he did.  What is the matter with these people?  

They are on a TV show where they were either A) prepared to come with a story or B) prompted by producers before/during the date. And maybe the people who don't fall for production get prompted by the waiters, maitre d', bartender, etc. 


New Jersey Kyle, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck...I think he's too shallow for her, plus he's the type who'll always be making little digs at her but when he's called on it claim that he was just being sarcastic or joking. Her self-esteem probably doesn't need that.

Oh, that's an amazing way to put it. I totally agree.

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Fuck man. They stuck the shy guy with the I'm looking for a bad boy type woman first and then a checklist woman. He has to do this, this, this, this and that to be worthy of my time. Another type of woman I have no time for. People aren't made up of checklist items that need to be checked off. There are certain things you look for. Of course there is. But, once make everything a person does a test, you and they have already lost.

There's nothing weird about how the divorcee and the two timer are around women. It's a natural extension of rejection that a lot of people never seen to get. Rejection is not something a lot of people can dust off and move on from. It can continue to affect your life. With dating, it leads you to second guess yourself. Makes you less confident. Worried that the next thing you do or answer you give could ruin it all. You start focusing on your flaws too much. They both need to just relax a bit and just go with the flow. Also, take the time and work on themselves a bit and get their focus right before they open themselves up to others.

The burn victim. Of course, he shared his story. It's the most important thing that has happened to him. It's shaped the way he lives his life. Yes, he's going to share it.

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Aradia22, your post cracked me up because you saw everyone and everything the polar opposite of how I did. The medium (not large) guy's date asked him if he saw "anyone" around him. And the Miley Cyrus twin replied, "I knew you would ask that!" To me, that's so rude. If your blind date is a lawyer, you can ask him to write some contract for you or advise you on a legal battle you are having? Blind date is a doctor, so that makes it okay to have him examine that mole on your neck? No, it's rude. Plus I loved the green pants. They said more about that man's personality (fun, outgoing, vibrant, secure, not afraid to make a statement) than any words. And yeah, meeting a blind date in a restaurant that is under supervision is WAY safer than online dating. Swipe right on Tinder and maybe your disappearance will be an episode of Dateline. Plus I appreciate my date having the courtesy to open doors for me and walk on the outside of the sidewalk. It shows awareness and respect, two things really lacking in some people these days. No second date for me if the guy doesn't do those polite things for me.

Racj82, excellent insight into the psyche of the divorced. Thanks for posting that.

I might add that I never tell a date I expect them to open doors, etc. I just watch and make decisions on "our" future by their actions.

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Kyle really was so fully of himself, wasn't he?  He acted like he bestowed some wonderful gift to her by agreeing to go on a second date.  Meanwhile, his date had that Seinfeld thing going on where in one light, the girl looks gorgeous; in the other light (the talking head), horrible. 

Edited by sasha206
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And yeah, meeting a blind date in a restaurant that is under supervision is WAY safer than online dating. Swipe right on Tinder and maybe your disappearance will be an episode of Dateline. 

I don't know what you think online dating is but for me it's meeting someone online... and then going to a restaurant. 

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On 5/22/2017 at 0:01 PM, saber5055 said:

Aradia22, your post cracked me up because you saw everyone and everything the polar opposite of how I did. The medium (not large) guy's date asked him if he saw "anyone" around him. And the Miley Cyrus twin replied, "I knew you would ask that!" To me, that's so rude. If your blind date is a lawyer, you can ask him to write some contract for you or advise you on a legal battle you are having? Blind date is a doctor, so that makes it okay to have him examine that mole on your neck? No, it's rude.

I see this differently.  People talk about their work all the time.  And if his job is a "medium" it's certainly something very unique.  Wouldn't most people be curious about whether he sees spirits wandering around a room?   All his date would have to do would be to explain that no, he doesn't see spirits all the time -- it's only when he is in a "zone" or he sees them all the time, but the date isn't about giving him a reading.  

But instead, he decided to try to bullshit his way through hoping he'd impress the guy and was met with healthy skepticism.   To me, it's like someone claiming to be a Dr. and then you talk to them and they don't seem to be able to tell you anything that makes you believe they truly are a Dr.

His date was a dick who drinks too much though.

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On 5/20/2017 at 0:13 AM, athousandclowns said:

And he was married to Bill Gates sister. She obviously has something to do with his lack of confidence. I liked him too. 

I don't see how who her brother is = results in lack of confidence?  Do you think he was constantly measuring himself up to Bill Gates?  Or intimidated by her because she shares DNA?

To me, it sounds like he had a 20-year marriage he wanted to stay in and is still dealing with the aftermath of the divorce.  He probably wasn't a very confident guy to begin with.  

Sadly, I think if he had never commented that basically he didn't measure up to her, she would've gone out for a second date.  No woman wants to date someone who is going to either worship her or lack self-confidence.  

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Sasha, good point about Mr. Medium giving a BS reading when asked. I was expecting him to say he didn't see anyone/thing around his date. Or, to be really hilarious, he could say he saw a bunch of drunken self-absorbed spirits, adding: "They must be related to you somehow." I do disagree with your statement that women don't want men who worship them. On the contrary, I could use one or two (or MORE!) men like that in my life! And you are correct, aradia22, about Dateline deaths. It's always the spouse. So I guess I'd have to marry that online dating-site guy first, THEN get murdered. And speaking of online, I looked at First Date's website and there is an application for new contestants. I don't know if it's old, since tonight is the finale, or if they are casting for next season. I actually thought about filling it out, but then imagined what you guys here would say about me so decided to pass. I wouldn't be able to take the snark! Sad tonight is the finale though. I really enjoy this show, it's easy and a good escape from RL.

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Johnny was unduly defensive about his profession and he seemed to me like he wants to be a player. Is he actually divorced or still legally separated? Ana seemed kind of bossy and full of herself, I thought. I think she saw Johnny as someone she could control and/or mold to fit her supercouple fantasy.

I think Marcy needs to work on her poker face and might want to ease up on the spray tan. She probably made the right choice about Marc.

Re Kori, I was surprised to see a young Mormon woman who's not only divorced but doesn't have any children. Does Ben suffer some kind of acute anxiety or phobia or is he extremely religious? He might be a lot to take on by someone his own age and perhaps should look for older potential partners. I was confused to see in the postscript that they'd been dating because I thought she'd turned him down.

Not sure Brandon was looking for a date so much as an audience. I could sort of see why they matched Anya with him but she probably would do better with someone less self-involved.

Chantel seemed very young emotionally to me and Eddie seemed like he's used to women taking him on as a challenge. It could work since they're both somewhat  out of their elements.

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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I think Marcy needs to work on her poker face and might want to ease up on the spray tan. She probably made the right choice about Marc.

I agree.  she was expecting someone nice, and got Marc, who seemed like an asshole who thinks he's a comedian.  In fact, I'm trying to figure out which comedian he reminds me of.  Especially his voice and his laugh.

Ana seemed familiar to me, like she's been on another show.   Johnny didn't say he was divorced, he said he was separated.  But her idea of being a "power couple"  bugged me.

Brandon and Anya seemed like a good match.

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I don't know who to blame more in the Marcy/Marc interaction. Marcy was so judgmental and quick to take offense, plus putting him down for his age, number of kids and past marriages. If that's her typical pattern, I'm not surprised nobody's ever said they loved her. She looked fifty-ish to me and yeah, way over tanned.

I had to mute the sound and get by with closed captions because of Ana's screechy voice.

I agree about Johnny being weird about his job. I searched my soul and couldn't find any preconceptions about disreputable real estate agents. Jeez. It's not like he said he was a member of Congress.

Oh, Ben. You don't go blabbing to a date that you've never kissed anyone! (It didn't bother me when Chantel did it because it was her choice rather than being imposed on her by others. Plus she and Eddie were adorable.)

Why does Drew's narration always say that "Everyone in the First Dates restaurant is single and on a real blind date."? How could that even be true? ... Gah okay, I looked it up. All the dates were actually filmed on one night. I guess I need to start checking the other tables to spot past daters.

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So the annoying baby-voiced woman's name was Ana?  Gah.  I know they went on a second date but that guy needs to RUN!

I was glad that Marc/Marcy decided to bury the hatchet and act like adults at the end, although I can understand them not wanting to date each other.  I actually liked Marc but he needs to work on not being so blunt.  He reminded me of Steve Buscemi.  

Chantel was cute but those dang long braids and the nose ring were distracting.  She doesn't need all that crap but she's young so maybe in a couple of years she'll be over it. 

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On 5/16/2017 at 10:04 PM, wings707 said:

I disagree.  LOL.  Not unusual for Europeans to speak other languages.  I doubt she is fluent in all 5.  I smell a PR stunt on that one.  It isn't hard to have a successful business when your husband is rich and can hire people to create and manage it.  I do not believe, for one minute, she had a hand in making that business successful.  She or her husband had the idea for her to have a business and someone researched and found an opening in accessories and thought that the best way to go.  She is not smart.  

I'm saying do not jump up conclusions about someone you do not know anything about. It is pretty unusual for Europeans to know more than two languages. She never needed Trump for anything. She didn't even chase him, he chased her because she didn't want to be another woman he called. I think you are letting your obvious dislike for Trump make you have conclusions about his wife. Don't define a woman based on who she is married to.

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Wow, you guys remember names so I don't know who ya'll were talking about. I do remember Brandon's name since he said it so often, and I agree that he was looking for an audience, not a date. I really liked Anya while Brandon was a little too theatrical for me. I thought their intros said one was from Chicago, the other from NY, so don't know how that would work. But someone needs to tell me what's the difference between dating and hanging out? Brandon wanted to hang out with but not date Anya. What does that mean? No sex? Dutch treat? I liked the black couple, the woman with the extra-long braids, and her date. I thought the never-been-kissed chef was cute and appealing, I would go out with him -- at least once. I found the divorced-three-times guy too crusty. I'd take my meal in a to-go box if I were his date. See ya, don't wanna be (with) ya. I also wondered if all the dates were filmed at the same time. How many cameras must they have in that place? I think they come at different times, since some arrive at dusk, some after dark. But still ... there must be zillions of camera guys in that place. Kudos to the editors!

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ETA: I looked at the Tribune link and it did say the restaurant: "... had to be shut down for nearly six weeks to set up hidden cameras and film the drama." But then again, what do I know? LOL!

I'm pretty sure the dates were not filmed in one night since restaurant was shut for six weeks "to film the drama."

Apologies for my sentences not making all that much sense. Please read from bottom to top!

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I meant to mention a couple of the guys and the way they dressed.  First up is Eddie the DJ:  why in hell was he wearing shorts?  I would have walked out of the restaurant as soon as I saw him.  Then there was Marc:  he looked like he was going bowling.  Both men need to step up their wardrobe game, especially on a first date! 

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11 minutes ago, booboopbedoo said:

The Trans guy bugged me- to full of himself and the wide eyes annoyed me.

I was thinking "serial killer."  I thought she was awfully nice to agree to go out with him again.  

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2 hours ago, saber5055 said:

I found the divorced-three-times guy too crusty. I'd take my meal in a to-go box if I were his date. See ya, don't wanna be (with) ya.

Crusty is a good word for him, but nicer than anything I thought of.  The one segment where he was alone, talking to the camera, and basically made a masturbation joke?   what an ass! 

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I watched this show last night for the first time and am kind of hooked. To me, Brendon (sp?), the transgender man, appeared narcissistic. His date was a deep, beautiful and seemingly successful woman. I understand not being attracted to someone who "on-paper" is perfect, but his self-satisfaction was a little too glib and it bugged me. 

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EPISODE 8... I hope this show gets renewed. I like talking about people's dates. I like talking about my own dates. The Online Dating thread here isn't active enough for me. This was fun.

Johnny 28. Do people really have that many hangups about real estate agents? Ana 26. Even makeup. Believably 26 though I think some of her styling choices (and maybe fake tan?) age her. The single print jumpsuit is a LOOK. I think the power couple fantasy was a bit much but I get what she meant about finding someone who was also social and could handle himself. I would never trade phones with a guy but I thought it was cute that they were both into it. There weren't intense sparks but it seemed like a good first date. 

Marc 58. Dressed pretty casually. He could have been going bowling. Marcy 49. Oh, that's a lot of look. That hair. That tan... or sunburn. I feel like Norm Macdonald and Wendi McLendon-Covey would play their more attractive counterparts in a movie. Maybe Steve Buscemi. I didn't love the dress. I would wear that to a funeral. Marcy seemed really thrown by his kids and his age. I'm not sure why unless she specified something in the profile she gave the producers. I do think it's fair for her to not exactly be thrilled with his 3 marriages. Oof, the white pants comment. Ohh... that bathroom phone call. I feel really bad for the people who went into this with open hearts and got bad matches. I hope the producers didn't do it on purpose. The male waiter got some more airtime! I feel like we were being led into thinking it was going well. I'm not surprised she said no to a second date though.

Kori 25. I kind of like that they're showing some younger divorced daters. You expect more baggage with the older couples but... stuff happens. Ben 31. No first kiss... at 31. Wow. He's not unattractive but I think she's definitely more attractive than him. I was immediately curious about what happened in her marriage. It could have been anything. She was so vague about it. His parent's story felt like something Nicholas Sparks would have wrote. I'm not sure she was so into it by the end but she was very nice about it. 

Brandon 33. Looks like someone. Like knockoff Jeremy London? I do think with his voice I might be led into thinking he was gay. Anya 25. When they're together I really feel like they walked out of a late 90's, early 2000's teen movie. The hair, the styling. I wouldn't have guessed that he was trans. I feel like especially a lot of nerdy guys have voices that are higher pitched so I wouldn't have picked up on that as one part of the transition. Also, she looks and sounds so much like an actress but I can't place it. It seemed like it was going well. I was a little sad Brandon wanted to just stay friends. 

Chantel 23. Her hair is amazing. But it seems like it would be so heavy. My own scalp hurt thinking about it. Eddie 30. He has a pleasant voice. I'm surprised there was such an age jump. Her kissing hangup was even weirder than Ben. What is this... Pretty Woman? They... weren't the greatest conversationalists. I'm not sure "that's dope" is the right reaction to my family got closer after my mom got through breast cancer. 

I was pleasantly surprised to see so many happy couples in the 'where are they now' end bit.

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On 5/26/2017 at 0:28 PM, saber5055 said:

Sasha, good point about Mr. Medium giving a BS reading when asked. I was expecting him to say he didn't see anyone/thing around his date. Or, to be really hilarious, he could say he saw a bunch of drunken self-absorbed spirits, adding: "They must be related to you somehow." I do disagree with your statement that women don't want men who worship them. On the contrary, I could use one or two (or MORE!) men like that in my life! And you are correct, aradia22, about Dateline deaths. It's always the spouse. So I guess I'd have to marry that online dating-site guy first, THEN get murdered. And speaking of online, I looked at First Date's website and there is an application for new contestants. I don't know if it's old, since tonight is the finale, or if they are casting for next season. I actually thought about filling it out, but then imagined what you guys here would say about me so decided to pass. I wouldn't be able to take the snark! Sad tonight is the finale though. I really enjoy this show, it's easy and a good escape from RL.

Ha, I love the drunken self-absorbed spirits!

On worshipping, I meant no one wants to date someone who seems to think you're out of their league.  Confidence is sexy!

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23 hours ago, backformore said:

I agree.  she was expecting someone nice, and got Marc, who seemed like an asshole who thinks he's a comedian.  In fact, I'm trying to figure out which comedian he reminds me of.  Especially his voice and his laugh.

Ana seemed familiar to me, like she's been on another show.   Johnny didn't say he was divorced, he said he was separated.  But her idea of being a "power couple"  bugged me.

Brandon and Anya seemed like a good match.

Marc reminded me of Buster Poindexter.  Or any sleezeball character on a sitcom.  That said, Marcy, for her being upset at his comment on heavy women, seemed to take one look at him and had instant dislike.  I'm guessing she was judging him for his looks right off the bat.  

Ana also bugged me too.  I got the impression that she was auditioning for more reality shows.  Her cutsey act was so irritating.



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Kori was adorable.  But 31 year-old never been kissed must have some serious, serious issues.  That's just not odd.  I'd be afraid this guy is into some really whacky porn or a serial killer.  He seemed way too emotional.  

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Brandon was so irritating.  Full of himself, yes.  And how many times did the words "amazing" get uttered during the date.

Chantal was adorable.  So was her date.

I think Kori needed to date Ben to help her singing career,; I mean, she needs the publicity of this show.  Listen to the awful song she wrote.  I mean, it is truly awful.


Edited by sasha206
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marcy was very cold in her greeting of Marc and was so judgmental of everything Marc said. As if two 50 year old's aren't supposed to have pasts. I thought he seemed like a decent guy, but he probably shouldn't have mentioned the fat girl online considering Marcy wasn't exactly thin.

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8 hours ago, sasha206 said:

Brandon was so irritating.  Full of himself, yes.  And how many times did the words "amazing" get uttered during the date.

Chantal was adorable.  So was her date.

I think Kori needed to date Ben to help her singing career,; I mean, she needs the publicity of this show.  Listen to the awful song she wrote.  I mean, it is truly awful.


Boy is she awful.  She wouldn't even get a chair turn on The Voice.

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27 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

Boy is she awful.  She wouldn't even get a chair turn on The Voice.

And the lyrics to the song, the progression of the song, are even worse than her singing!

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1 hour ago, EDTV said:

marcy was very cold in her greeting of Marc and was so judgmental of everything Marc said. As if two 50 year old's aren't supposed to have pasts. I thought he seemed like a decent guy, but he probably shouldn't have mentioned the fat girl online considering Marcy wasn't exactly thin.

To each his/her own, of course, but I couldn't find one thing about him that I would call decent. To me, he was obnoxious from the second he opened his mouth and it slid rapidly downhill from there.

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1 hour ago, Kimmmmmm said:

To each his/her own, of course, but I couldn't find one thing about him that I would call decent. To me, he was obnoxious from the second he opened his mouth and it slid rapidly downhill from there.

I agree.  He just struck me as every sitcom sleezebag character you've ever seen.  I felt a little sympathy about his wives cheating on him, but he seemed so uncouth.  Also, please shave your head.  If he shaved his head, he would look so much better.  And women like a shaved head.

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3 hours ago, sasha206 said:

And women like a shaved head.

Not all women.  I hate shaved heads.  The guy doesn't have to have a full head of hair (especially past a certain age), just have a neat haircut.  So I think that Marc could have had a neater cut, and worn a sports jacket.  At least he looked better than the guy in shorts. 

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4 hours ago, SayMyName said:

How long ago did they film this? Kori is now married.


The Chicago Tribune article said filming was done during one night in July of 2015. So basically everything is ancient history now and the ending blurbs are meaningless.

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10 hours ago, Lord Donia said:


The Chicago Tribune article said filming was done during one night in July of 2015. So basically everything is ancient history now and the ending blurbs are meaningless.

Bummer.  Probably none of these people in the ending blurbs are dating each other now.

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I did some research and the show was not filmed all in one night but rather over three weeks in late July 2015. Yeah, almost two years ago. The people in the background are not other daters but extras who got a free meal for spending the evening at MK. And filming was done with hidden cameras. Here are the facts from the Chicago Tribune:

July 13, 2015: It appears we now know exactly who rented mk restaurant (868 N. Franklin St.) for three weeks this month. Owner Michael Kornick has been mum about the who and why, but now comes word, via the restaurant's newsletter no less, that the project is "First Dates," a hit in the UK making its way across the pond. And you can get in on it. The show is looking for extras (that is, not participants) to fill out the background during filming. You'll get a free meal and maybe catch a glimpse of yourself on TV eventually. The show seeks single men and women between age 17-75.

August 6, 2015: MK restaurant (868 N. Franklin St., 312-482-9179), closed for three weeks to accommodate filming for a reality TV show, will reopen to the public Friday. Michael Kornick's restaurant reportedly made a nice piece of change (and allowed its staffers some paid vacation time) in exchange for being the backdrop for the reality TV show "First Dates," an American version of an existing British show.

So all of those dating/not-dating couples are older now!

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No kidding, Ohwell, I'd be TOTALLY in on being an extra for this show. I can get to Chicago easily, and would for a free meal at MK. I'm just two years late hearing about it. I'm such a loser! MK does offer a $49 First Date dinner now though. Menu is online!

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This past episode is the first time I have watched this show. Reading here that it was filmed almost 2 years ago is a definite turn off. It is annoying enough that shows like the Real Housewives series are shown 4-6 months after filming. Two years delay is ridiculous.

I didn't care for Marc or Marcy but Marcy bugged me the most. I thought that she decided right away about Marc based on looks. Not that that is unusual, but considering she used to be 110 or 115 lbs heavier (depending on whether you go by her TH, or her conversation with Marc) one would think she might be a little less likely to judge someone based on looks. And while dating someone who has been married three times could send up red flags, the fact that she has never been told "I love you" by a romantic partner could also send up flags for the person dating her. 

I thought Eddie was very sweet, Chantel not as much. She seemed very much a "me me me" person. When Eddie talked about his mother having cancer, she never asked the obvious question of how she is doing now. He did not bring up that she had passed away until later, but one would think she would ask him since he shared that they had that in common. Also Chantel said that she had had a boyfriend for three years, but later said that she has never been in love. Why would you stay with someone you don't love, espeically at that young age? Waiting for someone better to come along? I think Eddie could do better, and I hope he has.

Brandon and Anya. Ugh. I have several friends who are very successful real estate agents - no one thinks badly of them. They are quite well respected in the community. I don't know what his deal was. Anya reminds me of someone - can't put my finger on it. But she acted like she was auditioning for another show - maybe The Bachelor? Didn't like either one. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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