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S12.E18: Hell's Kitchen

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The BAU investigates an urban vampire in New York who kidnaps his victims at night and holds them underground in the sewer system. Also, Reid makes an impossible decision in prison that severely affects himself and other inmates.

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So in other words, The BAU investigates an urban vampire in New York who kidnaps his victims at night and uh (mumbling) a-blah-blah-blah. Who gives a caramel? (Does that sound harsh?)

To be fairly honest, I just want to know Reid will do in his impossible decision in prison that will severely affect himself and the other inmates. But at the same time, I am scared s*** and as a motherf*****. (Again, does that sound harsh?)

Edited by Fashionista7
Missed some words I wanted to add on
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Second misstep of the season for me.  Way way way too much UnSub.  I zoned out in minutes and only looked up at the screen when the team or Reid was on it and they were hardly there.  All I can say is I'm still enjoying the Reid arc.  What did he do?  Did he switch out the drugs?  Alter them in some way?  Or was it a bad batch?  That was interesting.  Otherwise the episode was a snore fest for me.  May next week's be better.

One pet peeve, besides too much UnSub, is why doesn't Reid shave?  You're allowed to shave in prison.  I'm getting tired of the scruffy look.

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1 minute ago, CrimeFan12 said:

Second misstep of the season for me.  Way way way too much UnSub.  I zoned out in minutes and only looked up at the screen when the team or Reid was on it and they were hardly there.  All I can say is I'm still enjoying the Reid arc.  What did he do?  Did he switch out the drugs?  Alter them in some way?  Or was it a bad batch?  That was interesting.  Otherwise the episode was a snore fest for me.  May next week's be better.

One pet peeve, besides too much UnSub, is why doesn't Reid shave?  You're allowed to shave in prison.  I'm getting tired of the scruffy look.

I agree; too much UnSub. God help us for next week, assuming Matthew will be in the episode.

Either way, still scared s*** and as a motherf*****. (Again, does that sound harsh?)

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So much talking, not enough showing. This might have been a fun case if we didn't see the UnSub, or if we actually saw- not had the UnSub explain- what was the bond between he and his victim.

Furthermore, wouldn't it be...well, appreciated...if just once during one of these "we've got to save the victim" the victim doesn't make it? Or the victim decides to fall in love with the UnSub and actually doesn't want to leave?

I don't know...something different?

As for the Reid thing...I'm certain he's being framed. Again. To show that his existence in prison truly is futile and that his only fate is to be beaten up.

Anything else...and his character is being assassinated. I'm not sure there's any way I could ever rectify what the show has done with the character.

Episode Grade:


Was there any doubt?

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Oh nonononono... our boy has made a HUGE MISTAKE! 

OMG, he was told time and time again that the shipment was that bald guy who beat him's PERSONAL STASH. He had no idea that new guy Malcolm or Calvin would be partaking of that! Calvin told him he would get beaten again, probably killed, and he had just seen Luis killed, and is getting no sleep. He was in survival mode and he used his sciencey science to DO something to those drugs. THERE IS NO WAY REID MEANT TO MURDER PEOPLE!

This episode was directed by Simon fucking Mirren, and it showed. It was GORGEOUS. I really liked the UnSub too, and so did my kids, we were 3 for 3 in agreement. He was just this super-warped guy, but he was also super nice and we were kinda actually upset when Stephen killed him. Way to go, Walker. Kill the one UnSub who was a nice dude. Except for... y'know... the murdery.

I can't begin to fathom what these results will do to Reid. I NEED MOAR NOW.

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The actor made the UnSub very sympathetic.  Right from the beginning I knew he had a physical problem - though I thought porphyria.  Very ingenious to cut a hole in the bottom of the van.  I felt sad for him at the end when he finally got out in the sunlight, only he was dead.

Reid, Reid, Reid.  You knew cutting that coke would harm someone; tho I don't think he realized it would be the whole block.  And I think he called it right that Calvin runs the block.

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Forgive my complete lack of knowledge about illicit drugs and about chemistry. But.

Is it possible that the writer (Erica Messer) has tossed us a distraction, a red herring? With his experience in the field and knowledge of chemistry and science, I wondered if Reid was testing that (I'm assuming) cocaine to see how pure it was, if it was clean etc? I'm thinking---hoping-- Reid is not the one who tainted it. I just can't bring myself to believe that he would deliberately set out to harm anyone, even Frazier or Duerson though they 'deserve' it more than anyone else. And he would have no idea how many of the inmates actually partake of the drugs, as someone pointed out, it was made pretty clear that the 'stash' coming in was 'my personal stash' (Frazier). 

He caught Calvin in a lie, and I think Reid called it, Shaw is the one 'in charge' of calling all the shots in there. Still think that Wilkins the guard knows more than he's let on so far too.

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I'm in the minority here, but I'm getting tired of the Reid story.  Why isn't the team doing more to get him the hell out of prison, instead of just visiting him, sympathizing, and reporting to the rest of the team how awful Reid looks?  Just get him out!  I'm tired of prison thugs, mean ploys to keep him in.

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19 minutes ago, Lostinthehouse said:

I'm in the minority here, but I'm getting tired of the Reid story.  Why isn't the team doing more to get him the hell out of prison, instead of just visiting him, sympathizing, and reporting to the rest of the team how awful Reid looks?  Just get him out!  I'm tired of prison thugs, mean ploys to keep him in.

Just 4 episodes to go now....I hope he comes out of the prison at least in the next episode. I just want this prison story line resolved now and Reid should be out to help find Mr Scratch.

24 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

Forgive my complete lack of knowledge about illicit drugs and about chemistry. But.

Is it possible that the writer (Erica Messer) has tossed us a distraction, a red herring? With his experience in the field and knowledge of chemistry and science, I wondered if Reid was testing that (I'm assuming) cocaine to see how pure it was, if it was clean etc? I'm thinking---hoping-- Reid is not the one who tainted it. I just can't bring myself to believe that he would deliberately set out to harm anyone, even Frazier or Duerson though they 'deserve' it more than anyone else. And he would have no idea how many of the inmates actually partake of the drugs, as someone pointed out, it was made pretty clear that the 'stash' coming in was 'my personal stash' (Frazier). 

He caught Calvin in a lie, and I think Reid called it, Shaw is the one 'in charge' of calling all the shots in there. Still think that Wilkins the guard knows more than he's let on so far too.

I just hope so that is the truth. I can never believe Reid would want to kill anyone deliberately. That is completely against his character.

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He told Rossi "Theres a helplessness in here that makes people act like they normally wouldn't..."

Paraphrasing, but that was the gist. He also hasn't slept, having nightmares..  I don't think our Reid is our Reid right about now. 

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42 minutes ago, Willowy said:

He told Rossi "Theres a helplessness in here that makes people act like they normally wouldn't..."

Paraphrasing, but that was the gist. He also hasn't slept, having nightmares..  I don't think our Reid is our Reid right about now. 

Yes may be. But I still want to believe :-(

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32 minutes ago, arieswriting said:

I liked the main episode a lot ... but I am over Reid. I can't believe I just said that, but yeah. I watch this show for profiling. If I wanted crazy prison I'd watch 60 Days In.

As did I. Well that is until I felt that under Erica Messer's watch the profiling, which was once quite prominent as well as interestingly done, had become somewhat of an afterthought. And not much of one at that. 

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13 hours ago, Danielg342 said:

I don't know...something different?

Completely agree.  I'd say the last time an episode really stuck with me was North Mammon.  I did not see the twist coming and it stayed with me (esp Gideon's reaction to seeing the girls walking down the street) for a long time.  And that was in Season 2.  And, for the last few seasons, I can't help but do something else while "watching" CM (usually something equally riveting...like washing dishes).

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56 minutes ago, arieswriting said:

I liked the main episode a lot ... but I am over Reid. I can't believe I just said that, but yeah. I watch this show for profiling. If I wanted crazy prison I'd watch 60 Days In.

May be thats what Messer is trying to do...make sure everyone hates Reid and make Luke the favourite profiler just in case MGG is leaving after this season.

I cannot think of any other reason for keeping Reid in the prison for half of the season. As I keep repeating myself that the prison arc(if it was necessary to the story line) should have been kept for last 3 or 4 episodes. Reid should have been part of the team in all the earlier cases. There is no point keeping the main character of the show (at least for me) away from the cases for so long.

The show is about profiling....at least keep it that way. And I am one of those who loves team interaction more than the unsub and I am missing Reid in all the team interactions.

Edited by ReidGirl
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23 hours ago, TheGreenWave said:

Completely agree.  I'd say the last time an episode really stuck with me was North Mammon.  I did not see the twist coming and it stayed with me (esp Gideon's reaction to seeing the girls walking down the street) for a long time.  And that was in Season 2.  And, for the last few seasons, I can't help but do something else while "watching" CM (usually something equally riveting...like washing dishes).

I'm always taken by that scene, as seeing the two girls leaving the crime scene bawling their eyes out has stuck with me. As well as Morgan kicking himself for not arresting the UnSub earlier when he had the chance, and JJ admonishing the small towners.

It was well done, all of it, and did offer a twist on the "will we save them?" storyline. Too bad the writers think doing that now isn't worth it.

I also think this episode would have worked better if the captive was a teammate or a relative of a teammate we'd seen before, because then I would at least care about who the UnSub is rambling to. Part of the problem is that I just didn't care about the victim in this episode. 

On 30/03/2017 at 10:38 AM, ReidGirl said:

Yes may be. But I still want to believe :-(

Perhaps I could buy that Reid feels so helpless and hopeless that he feels the only way he could save his situation is by compromising his character. However, I'm not sure I would like it, because that's not the Reid I grew to like.

It's also far off base from the character I know. I'd like to think that Reid, knowing that prison "makes you do things you might not normally do" would do all he could to counteract it and decide he was not going to allow himself to compromise his character. I would also think that Reid would understand he has yet to face trial, and while he may feel the trial might not go his way right now, it should give him a sliver of hope- and at least allow him to hold on until the trial concludes.

At the very least, Reid would be smart enough to know committing a crime in prison would jeopardize his trial.

If Reid were actually convicted and sentenced to life, I could understand the descent. Not now.

Edited by Danielg342
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37 minutes ago, Danielg342 said:

Perhaps I could buy that Reid feels so helpless and hopeless that he feels the only way he could save his situation is by compromising his character. However, I'm not sure I would like it, because that's not the Reid I grew to like.

It's also far off base from the character I know. I'd like to think that Reid, knowing that prison "makes you do things you might not normally do" would do all he could to counteract it and decide he was not going to allow himself to compromise his character. I would also think that Reid would understand he has yet to face trial, and while he may feel the trial might not go his way right now, it should give him a sliver of hope- and at least allow him to hold on until the trial concludes.

At the very least, Reid would be smart enough to know committing a crime in prison would jeopardize his trial.

If Reid were actually convicted and sentenced to life, I could understand the descent. Not now.

Very much all of this. The illustrious JMO posited elsewhere that because Reid was so sleep deprived for such a long period of time, that he might have either hallucinated this whole scene, or he had a nightmare when he finally fell asleep. I have to say, I certainly hope so, because Reid's moral strength surpasses his physical strength a thousand times, and - unless the writers are throwing this character under the bus - he would never: 1. allow the shipment through; and 2. monkey with the drugs. But he has such a fear of messing up and hurting people like Luis, his mother, his friends, of not being "a good person," that he might have this dream and wake up feeling shame and guilt.

This had better be what happened, or some shark was jumped.

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9 minutes ago, normasm said:

Very much all of this. The illustrious JMO posited elsewhere that because Reid was so sleep deprived for such a long period of time, that he might have either hallucinated this whole scene, or he had a nightmare when he finally fell asleep. I have to say, I certainly hope so, because Reid's moral strength surpasses his physical strength a thousand times, and - unless the writers are throwing this character under the bus - he would never: 1. allow the shipment through; and 2. monkey with the drugs. But he has such a fear of messing up and hurting people like Luis, his mother, his friends, of not being "a good person," that he might have this dream and wake up feeling shame and guilt.

This had better be what happened, or some shark was jumped.

Ohh I seriously hope you are right about this. 

This whole mess then makes sense. I cannot accept that Reid can kill anyone deliberately. That is just unlike him and I wont be able to accept it. Please please let that be a dream.

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I'm in the minority because I did like the episode, even the weird case. When I read that it was about a "vampire" I thought "not again, we've had them before" but  I did actually enjoy it, I liked the actors who played the unsub and the victim. 

I've said this somewhere else: I got a feeling of the real Reid during his conversation over the chess game with Shaw, he was somehow prifiling him and using his brain. Good!!

And I just can't believe that he would do something like messing with the drugs. I can make myself that he is participating in the "distribution" or at least letting it happen, but doing something that would actually harm people? I.CAN'T. BELIEVE.IT. 

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26 minutes ago, normasm said:

Very much all of this. The illustrious JMO posited elsewhere that because Reid was so sleep deprived for such a long period of time, that he might have either hallucinated this whole scene, or he had a nightmare when he finally fell asleep. I have to say, I certainly hope so, because Reid's moral strength surpasses his physical strength a thousand times, and - unless the writers are throwing this character under the bus - he would never: 1. allow the shipment through; and 2. monkey with the drugs. But he has such a fear of messing up and hurting people like Luis, his mother, his friends, of not being "a good person," that he might have this dream and wake up feeling shame and guilt.

This had better be what happened, or some shark was jumped.

Agree with this 100%. This episode was just hard work to watch from start to finish. I hope there is some twist to the Reid story because there is no way he is plausibly going to bounce back from all this and just return to the team for a possible Season 13. I agree with all the comments about the lack of effort by the team to help him - this "visitor of the week" wringing their hands over him has got real old now. Why the hell is he still in genpop, or even in prison at all after over six weeks is it? What is his attorney and the team doing - zero!

I cannot get invested in the team at all now, I especially dislike Alvez and Walker is just present with little purpose,  so the case part just seems interminable. Yes it was well acted by the guest actors and well directed but it just didn't command attention. I wish the whole prison thing was over now but we have that long gap of 3 weeks after next week so it's still a long haul of hard work TV before we get there. I sincerely hope they aren't throwing Reid and his noble, selfless character under the bus.

Edited by Old Dog
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Sorry if this is a dumb question, but why is everyone assuming Shaw and Malcolm are dead?  I remember they looked bad and needed medical attention, but I don't recall anyone dying.

Reid has killed people deliberately multiple times to save other's and his own life, so I wouldn't say he'd never kill anyone.  The entire episode he was tossing around the idea in his head that he could die in there which is a very real possibility.  Even if someone did die because he tampered with the batch, it wasn't done in cold blood.  This isn't an everyday situation or an environment where he can sit back and make the most logical and safe decision all the time.  As he himself said; prison can make anyone do things they would otherwise never consider.  He can't trust anyone in there, so what else can he do but find whatever way he can to survive? 

I just don't think it's that far-fetched for any human being to act on desperation.

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No, I'm not assuming Shaw and Malcolm are dead, I'm hoping they aren't even (really) injured.

Reid has not ever committed murder. He has killed in self-defense, and in the line of duty. If he had tampered with the drugs, or even allowed them to go through to their destination, that would be at the least drug trafficking and at the worst, drug trafficking, and assault with intent of bodily harm, even malice murder if someone died from the drugs. Reid knows that. 

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I'm not assuming they are dead either, them and at least two more people, if I remember correctly the guard asked for three gurneys. 

I think I could "forgive" the trafficking, as the only way Reidhas to "buy" a certain level of security. But the rest? NO!!! (Just no, he wouldn't be able to forgive himself)

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1 minute ago, normasm said:

No, I'm not assuming Shaw and Malcolm are dead, I'm hoping they aren't even (really) injured.

Reid has not ever committed murder. He has killed in self-defense, and in the line of duty. If he had tampered with the drugs, or even allowed them to go through to their destination, that would be at the least drug trafficking and at the worst, drug trafficking, and assault with intent of bodily harm, even malice murder if someone died from the drugs. Reid knows that. 


Right, and this would not be murder.   I think it was clear he had no intention of killing anyone and there's nothing that suggests 'malice'.  We don't even know if he moved the drugs at all.  He could've dumped them and replaced it with laundry detergent in which there's no such thing as laundry detergent trafficking.  I think at the very worst is drug trafficking and negligent homicide(but that depends heavily on whether or not he moved the drugs and if anyone dies).  If it's just laundry detergent, it's neither.

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16 hours ago, R3volver said:

Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I really liked this episode in comparison to most of this season.  I was equally engaged in both the unsub and Reid's arc.  The acting was amazing.

I liked both sides. Well at the start I was bored by Reid but when he decided to make the drug dealers his bitch I was pleasantly surprised. This is what I wanted, Reid can be smart and he's a grown man. 

Great episode, except for the lack of Tara. 

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35 minutes ago, R3volver said:

Right, and this would not be murder.   I think it was clear he had no intention of killing anyone and there's nothing that suggests 'malice'.  We don't even know if he moved the drugs at all.  He could've dumped them and replaced it with laundry detergent in which there's no such thing as laundry detergent trafficking.  I think at the very worst is drug trafficking and negligent homicide(but that depends heavily on whether or not he moved the drugs and if anyone dies).  If it's just laundry detergent, it's neither.

No, I'm saying if anyone died from ingesting drugs Reid either let go by or tampered with in any way, it would be murder (at least negligent homicide). Even if he flushed the drugs down the washing machine and put laundry detergent in, it could be called trafficking under the law, there might even be enough residue to make it drug-specific. And, if someone died from the detergent (we don't know if it contained chlorine, lye, any number of poisonous substances), it would be murder or negligent homicide at the very least.

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54 minutes ago, R3volver said:

there's no such thing as laundry detergent trafficking.


omg, thank you so much for this. I needed this laugh. (imagining the conversation between Reid and lawyer... "You need me to represent you against a charge of *what?"// "Laundry detergent trafficking, Ma'am." // "I don't think so. Your record's clean."

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25 minutes ago, normasm said:

No, I'm saying if anyone died from ingesting drugs Reid either let go by or tampered with in any way, it would be murder (at least negligent homicide). Even if he flushed the drugs down the washing machine and put laundry detergent in, it could be called trafficking under the law, there might even be enough residue to make it drug-specific. And, if someone died from the detergent (we don't know if it contained chlorine, lye, any number of poisonous substances), it would be murder or negligent homicide at the very least.


Maybe you're right.  I'm not sure exactly how everything works regarding trafficking.  I guess my hope is that the writers were going for Reid deciding not to push the drugs and replaced it with laundry detergent(or someone else did) and his troubles aren't new charges, but rather knowing Calvin lied and that he has no one. 

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3 hours ago, normasm said:

Very much all of this. The illustrious JMO posited elsewhere that because Reid was so sleep deprived for such a long period of time, that he might have either hallucinated this whole scene, or he had a nightmare when he finally fell asleep. I have to say, I certainly hope so, because Reid's moral strength surpasses his physical strength a thousand times, and - unless the writers are throwing this character under the bus - he would never: 1. allow the shipment through; and 2. monkey with the drugs. But he has such a fear of messing up and hurting people like Luis, his mother, his friends, of not being "a good person," that he might have this dream and wake up feeling shame and guilt.

This had better be what happened, or some shark was jumped.

Illustrious?!  I can't comment much on the episode yet, because I'm traveling and didn't see or hear it all that well---will have to wait for a rewatch.  But, yes, I noticed that the episode started with a Reid nightmare, and wondered if it had ended the same way.  

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12 minutes ago, JMO said:

Illustrious?!  I can't comment much on the episode yet, because I'm traveling and didn't see or hear it all that well---will have to wait for a rewatch.  But, yes, I noticed that the episode started with a Reid nightmare, and wondered if it had ended the same way.  

Also, is anyone else suspicious about the therapist telling him to spill to a journal? Didn't Scratch play off his subjects' innermost fears? It would be easy enough to has the lack deputy sneak into his cell when he was gone and read what he's having nightmares about, and then try to make them come true.

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I think it would be really cheap it it turned out it was a dream. Don't get me wrong, I don't want Reid to have killed/ injured all those people. But writing a very bizarre scene just to show you next week that-aha! It was all a trick! It just seems...like bad writing? Like cheap thrills? Even though I kind of hope it was a dream, bc the alternatives also seem pretty implausible.

Do you think maybe Reid finally snapped and wanted revenge? If that's the case, I think he only intended it to be for those guys who killed Luis.

But that would be murder and I don't see how Reid would ever get out of prison, which we know he does by the end of the season. It's interesting to explore people's "dark side" but the consequences of this seem too great.

3 minutes ago, normasm said:

Also, is anyone else suspicious about the therapist telling him to spill to a journal? Didn't Scratch play off his subjects' innermost fears? It would be easy enough to has the lack deputy sneak into his cell when he was gone and read what he's having nightmares about, and then try to make them come true.

Yeah that whole thing seemed weird. For some reason I couldn't really imagine Reid going to group therapy and writing his fears down in a journal. Even though he did go to that substance abuse meeting once, so maybe it isn't implausible. It just struck me as odd.

Edited by Haleysgalaxy
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4 minutes ago, Haleysgalaxy said:

I think it would be really cheap it it turned out it was a dream. Don't get me wrong, I don't want Reid to have killed/ injured all those people. But writing a very bizarre scene just to show you next week that-aha! It was all a trick! It just seems...like bad writing? Like cheap thrills? Even though I kind of hope it was a dream, bc the alternatives also seem pretty implausible.

Well, perhaps you have been spared the sometimes life-changing melodrama of night terrors, in which you do unspeakable things to people, even people you love, only to wake and realize it didn't happen, and then you are so relieved, but still wonder what's in you to feed that impulse you just dreamed, that seemed so real....

Pretty dramatic, to me.

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24 minutes ago, normasm said:

Well, perhaps you have been spared the sometimes life-changing melodrama of night terrors, in which you do unspeakable things to people, even people you love, only to wake and realize it didn't happen, and then you are so relieved, but still wonder what's in you to feed that impulse you just dreamed, that seemed so real....

Pretty dramatic, to me.

Oh, no I'm sure it would impact Reid a lot. I meant it would be cheap for the show to use that narrative. "Let's have Reid do this unimaginable thing so everybody will definitely watch next week! But we don't have to worry about it making sense since we can just say it was all a dream next week. Ratings and views!" It just seems to break the invisible "contract"between viewers and writers. But I don't really watch any tv besides CM, so maybe it happens more often then I think?

Edited by Haleysgalaxy
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35 minutes ago, Haleysgalaxy said:

Oh, no I'm sure it would impact Reid a lot. I meant it would be cheap for the show to use that narrative. "Let's have Reid do this unimaginable thing so everybody will definitely watch next week! But we don't have to worry about it making sense since we can just say it was all a dream next week. Ratings and views!" It just seems to break the invisible "contract"between viewers and writers. But I don't really watch any tv besides CM, so maybe it happens more often then I think?

I only really watch CM now, but I remember three famous 'dream' explanations, from back in the days when I watched more:

St. Elsewhere (series took place in the mind of the autistic son of one of the doctors)

Dallas (Bobby coming out of the shower, having died only in a dream)

Newhart (where psychologist Bob dreamt the whole series of the Bob who owned the inn in Vermont)

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I thought this was a boring ass episode. WAY TOO MUCH UNSUB. I was bored out of my mind for yet another unsub/victim scene and his incessant droning. There are very few unsub heavy episodes I like, and I think there is near zero (possibly one or two) where I like unsub heavy episodes that don't feature the unsub interacting with a main cast member.

And since I was over Reid's prison arc as of last week, I didn't care to see the latest adventures of Oz lite. I will only be engaged in a Reid prison arc if it is actually tied to his case. I don't care about any of his prison buddies or some power struggle with an inmate. 

Edited by ForeverAlone
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2 hours ago, Haleysgalaxy said:

I think it would be really cheap it it turned out it was a dream. Don't get me wrong, I don't want Reid to have killed/ injured all those people. But writing a very bizarre scene just to show you next week that-aha! It was all a trick! It just seems...like bad writing? Like cheap thrills? Even though I kind of hope it was a dream, bc the alternatives also seem pretty implausible.

Do you think maybe Reid finally snapped and wanted revenge? If that's the case, I think he only intended it to be for those guys who killed Luis.

But that would be murder and I don't see how Reid would ever get out of prison, which we know he does by the end of the season. It's interesting to explore people's "dark side" but the consequences of this seem too great.

Yeah that whole thing seemed weird. For some reason I couldn't really imagine Reid going to group therapy and writing his fears down in a journal. Even though he did go to that substance abuse meeting once, so maybe it isn't implausible. It just struck me as odd.

Just curious - how do you know he gets out by the end of the season? Has there been something concrete to confirm that or is it just general assumption??

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5 hours ago, R3volver said:

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but why is everyone assuming Shaw and Malcolm are dead?  I remember they looked bad and needed medical attention, but I don't recall anyone dying.

Reid has killed people deliberately multiple times to save other's and his own life, so I wouldn't say he'd never kill anyone.  The entire episode he was tossing around the idea in his head that he could die in there which is a very real possibility.  Even if someone did die because he tampered with the batch, it wasn't done in cold blood.  This isn't an everyday situation or an environment where he can sit back and make the most logical and safe decision all the time.  As he himself said; prison can make anyone do things they would otherwise never consider.  He can't trust anyone in there, so what else can he do but find whatever way he can to survive? 

I just don't think it's that far-fetched for any human being to act on desperation.

True, but as it appears most of the actors involved in the prison series, including the actor who plays Shaw (who I liked alot actually), and the main bad guy seem to be finished up after this week. Some of them have confirmed this via twitter  He is not on the cast list for next week, which you would assume he would be if he was going to play any further role.  So my thinking is, he's a gonner and very possibly a few more. 

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27 minutes ago, PMPA said:

Just curious - how do you know he gets out by the end of the season? Has there been something concrete to confirm that or is it just general assumption??

If I remember correctly Harry Bring confirmed it on twitter. He also posted behind the scene photos of Reid's apartment when they were filming the last episodes. 

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10 minutes ago, Haleysgalaxy said:

If I remember correctly Harry Bring confirmed it on twitter. He also posted behind the scene photos of Reid's apartment when they were filming the last episodes. 

You could be right.  Can't say I follow Harry what he says as he pretty much blocks anyone and everyone at will, if they so much as think the name Hotch...but, he has also proven to be somewhat shady on how he puts things. (polite description).  My point is, there has been a lot of "he'll be fine, it will be ok," etc etc but to my knowledge, actual confirmation of Reids release, not so sure. I am totally open to correction though. Yes, I saw those pics of Reids apartment, but again, could be a red herring.  

I think the reason I asked, is that there still seems to be alot of uncertainty as to how this 'arc' is going to end.   I would have thought confirmation of Reids release might have given some sort of hope to Reid fans. 

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Harry hasn't confirmed if anything does or doesn't happen to Reid, and the apartment scenes could totally have to do with Diana, her caregiver, JJ and the boys, or something else entirely. 

And I totally still suspect something is up with that caregiver. Scratch minion suspicion.

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11 minutes ago, Willowy said:

Harry hasn't confirmed if anything does or doesn't happen to Reid, and the apartment scenes could totally have to do with Diana, her caregiver, JJ and the boys, or something else entirely. 

And I totally still suspect something is up with that caregiver. Scratch minion suspicion.

Yeah, I thought of that too. I just can't imagine them ending the season with him in prison. Could you imagine if the show didn't get renewed and the show ends with Reid incarcerated?

I also thought we saw a behind-the-scenes picture of reid in a suite? Maybe it was his court outfit? I was hoping it was an indicator that he was free

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