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S02.E16: Evil Did I Dwell, Lewd I Did Live

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I liked this episode, it wasn't about deciphering a tattoo. And they were finally figuring things out for themselves and had the upper hand. Unfortunately all of Shepard's men killed themselves rather than be caught alive.

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The people writing this show have been reading my posts. They had a character tell Reade to fess up or they'd do it for him (I said Patterson should have told him that but it turns out Zapata was the one), they had a random drug test and they even made a joke about food with poppy seeds.

It's silly of them to say they have no leads. They had a Sandstorm operative who still had his memory intact. Sure, he had no idea what Phase Two was but he did say he knew their routines, safehouses, et cetera. They also have a pile of dead Sandstorm operatives who should also be full of clues. They found Sandstorm's smuggling route into and out of the States. But unfortunately this version of the FBI seems to have been transplanted from the Grand Theft Auto series of video games - once the last witness is dead the whole case just disappears!

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Gee, in trying to catch the most important terrorist in the history of the world, you'd think they'd take a few more agents along than the five named cast members, including a forensics expert who is not a trained field agent and should not leave her lab. And where was the team when Patterson called for help after cornering the good doctor?  Those other guys weren't going to get any deader. 

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I want to know how an implant in a tooth, small enough to appear as a cavity on x-ray, would cause massive headaches and the tooth owner to pass out. It should have caused nothing more than a toothache, unless the implant was full of radium or something and made Patterson's hair fall out. Then removing the entire tooth? What about just drilling the implant out like it was an old filling? Otherwise, a pretty good episode with some good action, plus some Jane/Oliver (is that his name?) at the end. Although I still wonder why all tranq darts have to be shot into the neck. Isn't the shoulder/thigh an easier target? Works on elephants and other larger-than-human animals.

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Hmm, not enough Roman - though the flashback caused by Cade was pretty good as was its aftermath. Was it Jane's flashback or Roman's or did they both remember?

I'm always a bit wary of villains who can convince their henchmen to commit suicide before getting caught. That requires either a massive threat to friends or family (a scenario POI pulled with Samaritan) or some true fanaticism - I think the show is going for the later but we still haven't been given a coherent summary of Shepherd's ideology beyond some pseudo-anarchist ramblings. And that is still the biggest problem for me with the show. Sandstorm's extreme network and the loyalty of its members seem to be centered around an ideological black-hole.

I also don't see how a bug in a tooth could cause all those symptoms. Patterson go check your ear! Then deal with your PTSD in a healthier way than you're doing now. (And maybe - as some sort of distraction - you could go down to the basement and talk to the lonely guy in the cell; just an idea.)

Not sure why Jane thought it a good idea to ignore the red flag of Oliver getting all twitchy when asked about his past. Changing your name seems a pretty big deal to me and I would like to know why before I got further involved with anyone - and I'm not someone trained to be hyper-vigilant on a quest to bring down a powerful cabal.

Well, at least Zapata has her s*** together for a change.

Edited by MissLucas
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I will be pissed if Oliver is part of Sandstorm. Poor Patterson- she really can't be happy, can she? I held on to a sliver of hope that Borden would be redeemed and turn on Shephard but that's shot.

I wish Reade got caught so we can be done with this stupid storyline. 

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I thought this was a good episode. The women were especially on a roll.

LOVED seeing Naz be a badass and turning the tables on her attacker.

Loved how Patterson figured out there was a bug on her (and I was also thinking how smart the people on this forum were who predicted that to be the case!). Though, when is she going to stop going after suspects alone without backup? 

Loved Zapata being straight with Reade and not taking any of his bull.

And Borden's now gone. I lked his character, but he needed to be taken down.

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Man, life is tough in that cell for Roman if Jane has to fill out a requisition for a freaking PILLOW for him for pete's sake. And yeah, I was wishing for Reade to get drug busted and get him and that stupid story line off my screen. And since Weller's team is the crackiest crack team of FBI agents ever, why can't one of them find out Oliver's real name and background? Shepherd's people are beyond Jonestown brainwashed. I still want to know what their deal is. Maybe we WANT Sandstorm to happen, who knows?

And we THINK Borden is gone. After all, no body (or parts), no proof. I learned that from watching soaps. Dead people come back to life all the time on those.

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58 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

And we THINK Borden is gone. After all, no body (or parts), no proof. I learned that from watching soaps. Dead people come back to life all the time on those.

Either they themselves or their long lost twin.

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The month-long hiatus got me out of the habit, so I only watched this episode just now... I loved it. One of their best, at least to me.

I was happy they finally got to the bugged!Patterson stuff because I think many of us figured that was what was going on. But I was surprised that it was in her tooth, not an ear bug. saber5055 and MsLucas, I agree, I don't understand why a minuscule tooth implant would cause excruciating headaches... at least, not unless a toothache was causing it. I loved the scene where Patterson told Weller and Jane about the bug via her tablet. And I was amused by how some of them put on a "bad fake acting" voice while reading off the script. They made a big deal out of Borden blowing himself up but they showed a shot of him eyeing a window so I bet he's still alive. However, they closed that chapter pretty nicely so I kind of hope he doesn't pop back up again.

I'm somewhat glad Nas wasn't killed off... I thought it would have been a waste, as she's a little "meh". Hopefully they'll improve her character. Putting how she got into the car situation aside, she was a total badass, that's for sure.

Did they recast Cade? I don't remember him being attractive. Ahem. I was surprised when Nas tried to recruit him, as I didn't expect them to add another person to their team... didn't happen, though. Even though he helped them out, I'm surprised they just let him go with the money. So were Cade and Markos together? I don't remember either of their histories but that's the vibe I got. MsLucas, I agree, I wish we understood more about why people are so loyal to Shepherd. I can understand wanting revenge but being so committed that they'd help carry out what seems to be a major terrorist attack, and be willing to die to protect the mission? Why? I'm pretty much done with Shepherd at this point, as she's become more of a cartoon villain, but I think I would appreciate seeing memories of her recruiting members. I don't think that her threatening to kill people's families is what's keeping these people loyal, though I'm sure that's part of it. I wonder how they'll catch up to her now that she's left the US.

I continue to be curious about why Weller is so crucial to the plan, besides him being the main male character. Maybe Shepherd planted something in him as well? Maybe that's why he mumbles so much! Cheap joke, sorry.

I can't stand Reade's drug plot but I kind of wish he had been using longer before it got out. I don't know much about drug addiction but it seems like he's only done it 2-3 times, so this plot comes across like an after-school special. I'm glad Zapata knows and that she went to Weller about it. Hopefully this plot will be wrapping up shortly because it's not a good one.

And we got to see Oliver! I was worried he'd be dragged into this mess... if he survives (please!), then Jane won't have to keep her whole life a secret anymore... a small consolation prize? LOL. It might be way too much for him (and I think they still want to pursue Weller/Jane) but it would be healthier (and safer) to have it all out there. I still think his name change was about ridding himself of his abusive father's name or he's in witness protection, something to that effect. I'd be so disappointed if he turns out to be part of Sandstorm... shock me, show, by having someone be completely unaware of the main mystery.

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Yes, that would suck if Oliver was a part of Sandstorm because I want to see an adorable karaoke date with him and Jane because that actor can sing (my Mistletones fangirling is coming out). Please let that happen, show.

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Can Patterson please have a day off?? She can still be in the episode, just not at work. She really needs a vacation.  :(

I'm not completely buying the 'Cade is the informant' twist, but it is what it is. I can't believe they just let him waltz out of there with the cash, though. He still was wanted for other stuff from his last appearance, right?

::SIGH:: at this Reade arc.

I like the actor, but it didn't make sense to me that Borden is all of a sudden one of Sandstorm/Shepherd's top men, so I'm okay that he got killed off.

Roman in a cage is really boring; adding to my list of reasons why the memory wipe was a bad idea. Glad for the Jane/Roman scenes though.

...And the curse against love interests of law enforcement officers strikes Jane/Oliver.

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Should have known Nas would find some way to get out of her jam last episode.  Done in by the reclining seat, wannabe assassin!

On the other hand, I don't see how Borden could have survived that explosion, unless the reason Patterson had a decent amount of time to get out of there, was because he was escaping through some hatch or something, but that seems pretty far-fetch.  Then again, for this show, anything could happen...

So, it was Cade who was Nas' informant this entire time.  Besides helping them inadvertently take out Borden (?), he really didn't bring any information, except, yep, Phase 2 is going to be bad!

Reade avoided getting caught by a random drug test, but Zapata finally finds out, and after he refuses to go to Weller for help, she just ends up doing it herself.  Yawn!

Jane and Oliver make-up, only for Sandstorm (I guess), to crash the little party and tranquilize them.

Roman finally gets some books to read! 

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I want to know how Nas, who just had a piano string wrapped around her neck at some strength, can show up for work without the slightest scar, or impact on her voice.  I would also like to know how Jane, after plummeting down a laundry chute and somersaulting through the windowless basement, knew that Cade was making his escape through the north entrance. 

On 3/24/2017 at 0:18 PM, saber5055 said:

Man, life is tough in that cell for Roman if Jane has to fill out a requisition for a freaking PILLOW for him for pete's sake.

On top of that (having myself worked for the Federal Government at one time), she probably had to go through a GSA catalog and fill out the form with some ridiculous verbiage like Pillow, Foam, with Anti-Static Electricity Coating; Type 1, Class 2, Form 3.  Order with matching Case, Pillow, found on page 4.

All in all, the episode did keep me onboard for awhile longer.  I wonder if, over on The Blacklist, Sandstorm has a number.  I have kept a running tally and there are several unaccounted for. 

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This finally came back on here in the UK this week.

I'm glad they didn't string the Patterson being bugged plot out too long and that she was the one to figure it out. They even took the trouble to explain she was scanned for bugs initially but it was a really clever one. I'm hoping they will also do the same thing with Reade's boring and irrelevant coke addiction plot. Apart from anything else, his drug of choice doesn't really make sense if he's wanting to relax and blot out all the stuff with the coach and Freddy.

I don't think I believe Borden's dead. Felt too easy. And although he's had some good scenes with Patterson after he was revealed as the mole, he hasn't really had a major confrontation with Jane or Weller and it seems like the writers would want to have those in there.

I quite liked Cade being Nas's source but it didn't make massive amounts of sense that they allowed him to take off at the end when they need all the help they can get.

Edited by Beatriceblake
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So they finally found Patterson's Bug, but not behind her eardrum, where it would have made sense, but in a tooth. Is she a mouthbreather or how is that picking up other peoples conversations?

Also the explaination why she didn't find it when she was sweeping for bugs was dumb as hell. By that explaination she wouldn't be able to find any modern bug. A better explaination would have been had she had her people do the sweeping and was never close to sweepers herself.

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