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The Wall - General Discussion

Meredith Quill

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The Wall is back after a 1 month hiatus -- seriously, who schedules this stuff. ?  Returns from the winter run to show 2 episodes, wait 5 weeks, and then continue. WTF ?

Going 0 for 2 in first 2 questions of the FreeFall round -- and they were really easy questions -- didn't really set a good tone for this episode

On the 3rd question -- they got $3.  Three.  But finally got decent money on the last 2 questions and ended up with $65004.
Seriously, not a single contestant pair has failed to make it out of the freefall round and on to the rest of the show -- so why keep stating that there is a risk unless the contestants are complete and utter idiots.  And since they never take them below zero, the odds are stacked for them.

Freefall questions:

What is the Weekend's first name ? Cain/Abel -- Abel (they got it wrong)

Where is Bondi Beach ?  Sydney, Australia/Honolulu, Hawaii -- Sydney (they got it wrong)

What is the traditional color of the soles of Christian Louboutin shoes ? White/Red -- Red

What street does SoHo in NY fall below ?  Houston/Hobart -- Houston

What was the name of the crab in the Little Mermaid ?  Sebastian/Flounder -- Sebastian

In the second round, they increased the pot from $65004 to $70005 -- meaning after all that effort they added a whopping $5001.  Wow !!

Seriously, if Aaryn is the trivia whiz in the family it doesn't say much since he didn't know a lot of these questions and just guessed a lot.  
And he took forever to actually make his selection.

Aaryn guessed Hebrew as the 3rd language on the Rosette Stone -- that was just bad guess.  Apparently history is not one of his hobbies.

So they walked away with $520,096, means they will probably get $280K or so after taxes, which will probably only pay off medical school bills for one of the two doctor daughters.

I find it so ironic that the contestants almost always seem to be jocks or military types, who in high school probably would have been the ones pushing host and co-producer Chris Hardwick up against his locker, holding their fists to his face, foaming at the mouth, screaming "I'm gonna pulverize you nerd!" And now he's being constantly hugged on stage by them and handing them moolah.

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I only caught the last half of tonight's episode, so only saw the 3rd round (which means I missed the required dead relative story) but the wife played safe and signed the contract so they ended up with $150K instead of the $850K.   The questions in the 3rd round were pretty easy -- on which Hawaiian island can the Banzai pipeline be found, how many dots are there on the Domino's logo, who played against Green Bay in the 1st Super Bowl

I was distracted by the wife's lips and her annoying voice.  At least they kept the reveal short -- and didn't go on and on about what changes this will make in their lives (after taxes, probably not that much).


And if they are from Jersey, that $150,000  contract was already taxed. Sometimes I think my odds are better at a casino in Conn. I personally think the game show taxes are higher due to the location as to where contestants are from. So far three people signed the contract so far...

Edited by Robert Lynch

Finally saw the first half of the episode -- good things happen to good people, blah, blah, blah, but they have to ditch Lebron from the intro since he is never actually on the show.

The Freefall questions continue to be insultingly easy.

Zac Efron was the captain of what team in 'High School Musical' -- basketball or soccer (basketball -- which they got right)

Everglades National Park is located in what US State -- Florida or Louisiana (Florida -- which they got right)

Which live streaming web site popular with video gamers was purchased by Amazon for nearly one billion dollars -- Flinch or Twitch (Twitch -- which they got right, but totally guessed).

Which cocktail is traditionally made by mixing gin and vermouth -- martini or manhattan (martini -- which they got wrong)

UFC holds fights in a cage that is what shape -- octagon or hexagon (octagon -- which they got right)

Delvar and Bonnie are this week's couple -- he's a smiling and waving garbageman and she's in I.T., which I guess makes them some of the "good" deserving people.  Except I think this is the first time CH didn't actually say this -- so does this mean Delvar and Bonnie aren't good or deserving ?  But in the intro Lebron says this is the opportunity for "real people" the opportunity to live out their dreams -- does that mean other game shows have "fake people" ?

And because they can't go below zero, they should have been down $30,001 after the very first Freefall question -- but not on this show.

Q2 gets them 30,100, but then after missing Q3 the are down to $5K.  Q4 adds another 5,011 to bring them back to $10,111, followed by Q5 bringing them up to $15, 221 -- which is pretty low compared to most contestants.

Man, the Freefall questions are embarrassingly easy, and yet the contestants celebrate like they just discovered the DNA helix.

After the 2nd round, they get completely zeroed out -- and despite the fact that they had $40,022 in the bank, they lost $260K on the final drop of the 2nd round.  But on this show, back to zero -- too bad investing in the real world didn't work that way.

After the 3 free drops in the 3rd round they are back up to $500,020 and after missing a couple of questions and zeroing out .... again .... they still manage to go home with $399,792 after lucking out on a triple up on the very last question.  But if they had to actually count all the money lost on the red drops, it should have been closer to $180K.

Both of them got 3 out of 5 questions right in the Freefall round, she got 1 out of 3 questions right in the 2nd round, and 1 out of 3 questions right in the 3rd round.

Seriously, she guessed 'Lando' as Samuel L. Jackson's middle name (since she is in I.T., she needs to have her geek creds revoked), and that Gustav Eiffel helped design the Empire State Building.

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8 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Both of them got 3 out of 5 questions right in the Freefall round, she got 1 out of 3 questions right in the 2nd round, and 1 out of 3 questions right in the 3rd round.

Seriously, she guessed 'Lando' as Samuel L. Jackson's middle name (since she is in I.T., she needs to have her geek creds revoked), and that Gustav Eiffel helped design the Empire State Building.

 I had thought they were 0/3 in the second round. Thanks.

I'm staying with the show but a) mostly to see people crash and burn and b) always DVR-ed. It takes about a half hour that way, fast forwarding thru the non- essential parts.

"I'm playing that number because there are seven up there and I have to pick one"

Edited by opus
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On 5/16/2017 at 2:36 PM, roughing it said:

Horrible, uninteresting show.  Hate the dead grandma crap (they do that on Chopped too, to gain sympathy points for crap cooking) and the I love you so much more than a million dollars schmoopie crap.  Just loaded crap, all around.

Sadly, I think that's the standard for all reality shows now.  Chopped, America's Got Talent, The Wall, this list goes on.  They all have to have some sympathy angle to win the audience.  It really isn't necessary.  These are contestants, no one is giving them the money, they have to win it.  Why do they need to pile on the schmaltz?  The sympathy ploys always ring false because everyone is doing them now.  And ugh to the weepiness at the end.  

I know this would never happen, but I want someone to just flat out say when they're asked about why they're on the show: "Because I want money." 

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On 7/14/2017 at 1:58 AM, Amethyst said:

Sadly, I think that's the standard for all reality shows now.  Chopped, America's Got Talent, The Wall, this list goes on.  They all have to have some sympathy angle to win the audience.  It really isn't necessary.  These are contestants, no one is giving them the money, they have to win it.  Why do they need to pile on the schmaltz?  The sympathy ploys always ring false because everyone is doing them now.  And ugh to the weepiness at the end.  

On this show, they are practically just giving away money.

As for the latest episode, Jeff and Jamie go 3 for 5 in the FreeFall round, and barely make it out of the round in positive money with $20,011.
The questions were, yet again, embarrassingly simple.

And they manage to get out of the 2nd round with $70K, but were completely wiped out by the end of the 3rd round, and Jamie tore up the contract so they ended up with nothing. Though I do have to give Jamie props for successfully deducting several answers she admitted she knew nothing about.

I guess these 2 weren't "good people" who were "deserving".

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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7 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

This week's contestants -- Paris and Chris -- zeroed out after the 3rd question in round 3, so they never even bothered to do the last 3 ball drops, but ended up signing the contract and talking home $140,231.

Questions continue to be ridiculously easy.

I really liked Paris and Chris and what they are doing to help people.  Kinda makes you wonder if someone didn't put a bug in his ear ( literally or not literally) to sign  the contract. 

I'm watching Tomeka and Andre, and all I have to say is, man, they are two dumb asses. I can't believe they find people who have absolutely no knowledge of anything to be on this show. Holy cow, these two are some real ... well, dumb asses are the only words I can come up with. I guess maybe the general populace of the United States is just as uninformed and stupid, I just don't hang around with them. Watching this show depresses me.

And these dolts always leave with money. WTH.

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On ‎8‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 9:39 PM, starri said:

This show really makes me wish The Soup was still on the air.  There's something about the pairs being forced to stare into each other's eyes and spout canned platitudes that would be rife for their mocking.

I agree.  First, just because I still mourn the loss of The Soup.  But, also because it is so fake, fakity, FAKE that these people have to not only do it when they split up at the top of the episode but again at the end.  My daughter and I joke that my husband and I can never be on this show because we just don't talk like that.  I would never be able to hold it in if he picked the right choice and we won bucket loads of money, either.  How do they listen to all of that with a straight face?

Why was the voiceover weird during the intro ?  It sounded like Hardwick had to loop it again since the original was unusable.  There is a noticeable difference in both pitch and volume level.  For what it's worth, Lebron sounds the same -- though there is still no mention during the show what Lebron's actual involvement is in the show. (though we know he is an EP from the supers during the intro).

The is the The Wall on NBC --- not to be confused with The Wall on PBS, I guess.

That was embarrassing -- and we were short changed by 3 red balls.  I wanted to see how far into the red they could go.

They zeroed out at the end of the 2nd and 3rd rounds.

Finally watched the Sheriese and Kieara episode from Aug. 24 -- that was painful.  If Kieara is the smart half of this pair, that doesn't say much for Shierese.  Kieara went 0 for 3 on questions in Round 2, and there were some pretty simple questions.  Even in the Freefall round, the one question they missed was which half of Penn and Teller doesn't speak.  Really ?

Kieara thought that Giorgio Armani was alive in the 1920s and came up with the concept of the "little black dress" (he was born in 1934).  She also thought that James Earl Jones narrated the movie "March of the Penguins".  And Kieara who claimed she knew all about the dance "Electric Slide" missed on that  question too.

"We created this game so that good things could happen to good people, and you are definitely good people" -- which basically just hammers home the point that this is just a money give away, so why bother with the dropping balls ?  Just have them fill out an application and cut them a check instead of teasing them with millions, and put something else better on TV in its place.

And they dragged out the prerequisite dead relative in the intro -- they didn't even bother waiting until Round 2.

They really have to start telling the contestants to wear flats or anything other than high heels -- seeing women try to race to the wall and jump up and down in high heels is going to lead to an ankle injury at some point.  No one on the show has thought of this before ?

And the reasoning for why Sheriese chose specific ball slots was so weak in Round 2.  I chose 5 because we serve 50 clients a day (ok, I guess, do they never see 47 clients in a day, or is that an average).  I chose 7 because our first car was a 1987 Buick Regal (and the fact that there isn't a 9 or 8 on the Wall).   That was really weak too.  And when she chose ball slot 6 in Round 3 because her sister died in 2006 (and there is no zero on the Wall) they only got $10.

They zeroed out after the end of the 2nd round, and then in the first 4 balls of the 3rd round, they accumulated $22.  That's not a typo, they got a two $10 balls and two $1 balls.

At least they went home with something -- the choice was between  $134, 912 guaranteed or $50,012 -- and Kieara ripped up the contract, so at least they got $50K.

The Wall is back !!!  And for reasons never explained on-screen, Lebron is still in the intro.

Blah, blah, blah, good things happen to "good" people.

The freefall round questions were stupid easy, but they still managed to miss one, yet still came out with $134,111.

However, they cleaned out most of that by ending Round 2 with $19,993.  But they hit the million in the 3rd round -- with a red ball -- and set them back to zero (even though they should be $800K in the red).

But then they got $1.3 back on one drop, only to lose 750K on the very next drop.  And then zero out by hitting the million .... again .... with a red ball.

But Ruben signed the contract and they went home with $195K.  With 5 girls, after taxes that money will barely pay for college for them all.

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Wow !  The freefall round was really simply Xmas-related questions, and the contestants went 3 for 5, but still managed to come out with $135K+.  
They got Frosty's nose wrong (choice of carrot or button -- it's in the song for crying out loud).  They also got a family trip to Universal Studios ..... for no particular reason. They just gave it to them.

And they ended up with $30K+ after Round 2 -- no big surprise there.  Honestly, Cassandra and Victoria may be "deserving" but they are just not that well-versed in festive-themed trivia. And they zero out after the question section of Round 3 and don't even bother with the last 4 balls.  Victoria signed the contract so they walked away with $190K.  Merry Christmas to all.

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Still too much Lebron in the intro.  We get brother and sister Chris and Paris in a non-Xmas themed episode.  
They go 4 for 5 in the Freefall round and come out with just over $100K.

After getting up to $1.4 million by the middle of Round 3, Chris got a question wrong that dropped them back down to $200K, and then Chris missed another question which was tripled up and it wiped them out back to zero. So, for 2 nights in a row the last 4 red balls were not even used in Round 3. 

Can't believe Chris didn't know that the Girl from Ipanema was from Brazil.

Chris signed the contract so they went home with a little over $140K, which might help out with their portable shower facility for homeless people.

Two shows in a row and nobody trotted out a dead relative during a ball dedication -- so that's a mild improvement.

Still no explanation why Lebron is in the intro.  Blah, blah, blah, good things happen to good people. Prince and Chris get the final show of 2017. 

The freefall questions were REALLLLLLY easy, and the brothers go 5 for 5 and end up with just over $100K and Chris (the younger brother) goes into isolation.  

Here's how easy the questions were or example: In which southern city is Elvis Presley's Graceland located -- Memphis or Birmingham ?  
Seriously, they couldn't have made it a little tougher and had them guess between 2 cities located in Tennessee ?

After the 2nd round, the brothers still had just over $100K despite doing 1 for 3 on the questions.

And surprisingly the brothers come out in a no-lose scenario after the 3rd round -- they have $159K if they don't sign the contract, and $160K if they do sign the contract.
Congrats to Chris and Prince.

Just saw an ad on TV for this show returning soon. It really bothers me that this is still being produced a year later. It doesn't say a whole lot about the viewing public. If no one was watching it then it wouldn't be on. Will probably watch at least the beginning of an episode when it returns. The holiday special episode was cringe.

37 minutes ago, Tabasco Cat said:

Just saw an ad on TV for this show returning soon. It really bothers me that this is still being produced a year later. It doesn't say a whole lot about the viewing public. If no one was watching it then it wouldn't be on. Will probably watch at least the beginning of an episode when it returns. The holiday special episode was cringe.

There is a new episode tonight at 8pm -- and apparently Mondays at 8pm is going to be The Wall's regular spot, probably until the Winter Olympics.

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Just now, ottoDbusdriver said:

There is a new episode tonight at 8pm -- and apparently Mondays at 8pm is going to be The Wall's regular spot, probably until the Winter Olympics.

Ah, so it's tonight then? Thanks. I had a look at the NBC page for the show. I hate to be shallow and judge people by their appearance and first impressions, but Niko and Kassie look like 2 people I have no desire to watch on television. I'd rather defrag my computer's hard drive. Was hoping to watch Better Late Than Never instead but apparently it's on the same network so that won't work. Defrag it is for an hour.

The intro was way longer than normal, and had way too much Lebron in it ..... blah, blah, blah, good things happen to good people.

Niko and Cassie went 5 for 5 in the Freefall round with 5 REALLY REALLY easy questions and end up with $155K+ at the end of Freefall.

Cassie goes 0 for 3 on questions in round 2, but they only lose a little over $5K and end 2nd round with just over $250K

Despite the fact that Cassie goes 1 for 3 in the 3rd round, they still end up with $740K+ vs. $175K guaranteed, but she tore up the contract.
And they went home with $740K+ despite the fact that Cassie was just terrible at answering questions, but they lucked out since a lot of red balls hit small amounts.

New episode last night -- good things happen to good people, let them live out there dreams, blah, blah, blah -- the intro was nearly 2 minutes long.

Victor and Evelyn -- Victor is a NJ transit cop.

Wow, Hardwick actually mentioned Lebron James during the show -- I think that's a first.

After some embarrassingly simple questions, they end up with $85K+ at the end of Freefall round.

For example, Named for a city in Mexico, Tequila is primarily distilled from the juices of which plant ?  Agave or Guava. 

In the 2nd round, they zero out with Evelyn going 2 for 3 on the questions.

After the 3rd round they ended up with nearly $500K, with Evelyn going 1 for 3 on the questions.

After some really bad acting during the dramatic reveal, they took home the $500K.

This week we get cousins Shana and Jakia fro Washington, D.C.  Blah, blah, blah, good things happen to good people. Thanks Lebron.

The freefall questions were embarrassingly easy, and the cousins go 5 for 5 ending the round with just over $90K, and Shana heads to the isolation room.
For example, which half of the famous singing duo Sonny and Cher served in the US congress ?  A. Sonny B. Cher.
I wish I was kidding.

Shana goes 3 for 3 in round 2 questions, and the cousins end up with $265K+ going into Round 3
After building up over $2 million going 2 for 3, they hit the million with a red ball giving them just over $1 million before the contract decision.
The guarantee is just over $170K, and after the final 4 red balls the pot is ove $565K.

They tear up the contract and go home with $565K+

Last night's (Jan. 22) episode we get Cody and Brook -- firefighter and housewife from Spokane, Washington with 5 kids.

They go 3 for 5 in the Freefall round, and end up with $70,210 after zeroing out on Question 3.  Brook goes to the isolation booth.

Here's how simple theses questions are: "Mario, the star of Nintendo's Super Mario Bros., is known for having which of these occupations ?"  A. Plumber or B. Auto Mechanic.

They finish Round 2 with a little over $310K, after going 2 for 3 in the question portion.

In Round 3, Brook goes 1 for 3 on questions, but it's all moot since they didn't even need the 4th red ball as they hit the million with the 3rd red ball, wiping out their gains but they have the guaranteed $130K+ to choose from.  But Brook tore up the contract, and they went home with nothing.

On 1/29/2018 at 2:45 PM, opus said:

I was wondering. If a couple somehow ended up with $0 after the first round , do you think NBC would air it?

Probably not -- there wouldn't be enough time in the episode to introduce a whole couple and go through another freefall round - even with all the padding on this show.

  • Love 1

Catching up on last week's episode.  Tonight we have a married couple from Akron, Steve and Nick.

Finally, they decided to shorten the intro to under a minute -- still too much Lebron.

Freefall questions continue to be painfully easy: Which of these is a theory that Charles Darwin developed ?  A. Relativity, B. Evolution

Steve and Nick end up going 3 for 5 on Freefall questions, but emerge from the Freefall round with Almost $50K

I thought everybody knew what "4 score and seven years" meant in the Gettysburg Address -- apparently not Steve, who selected 107 years from the choices of 47, 87 and 107 years respectively.

Steve/Nick are not doing so well in Round 2 -- Steve goes 1 for 3 in questions and they zero out after question 2, then get question 3 wrong.  So they don't even have to do the final red ball drop in the round.

Round 3 doesn't get much better, with Steve going 1 for 3 on questions, but the guys have $900K+ going into the decision vs. guarantee of $89,891.
They totally lucked out in the final 4 red ball drops, scoring 100, 10, 10, and 1 respectively, only taking a low, low $121 off their total.

Steve signed the contract and they go home with $89, 891.

I just watched the show for the first time and I'm wondering if the shrieking Sarah Palin-voiced woman was a typical contestant.   Did she even think before putting on four inch heels knowing she was going to be Clydesdale stomping the entire show?  Yelling at the top of her lungs and fist pumping a ball that cannot be influenced was something else.  It was like an entire hour of the most irritating Price is Right contestant - a show whose bells and whistles drive me mad.

7 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

I just watched the show for the first time and I'm wondering if the shrieking Sarah Palin-voiced woman was a typical contestant.   Did she even think before putting on four inch heels knowing she was going to be Clydesdale stomping the entire show?  Yelling at the top of her lungs and fist pumping a ball that cannot be influenced was something else.  It was like an entire hour of the most irritating Price is Right contestant - a show whose bells and whistles drive me mad.

That's pretty much the gist of this show -- only you have to remember that the contestants are "good people" in the eyes of the producers.

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20 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

I just watched the show for the first time and I'm wondering if the shrieking Sarah Palin-voiced woman was a typical contestant.   Did she even think before putting on four inch heels knowing she was going to be Clydesdale stomping the entire show?  Yelling at the top of her lungs and fist pumping a ball that cannot be influenced was something else.  It was like an entire hour of the most irritating Price is Right contestant - a show whose bells and whistles drive me mad.


19 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

That's pretty much the gist of this show -- only you have to remember that the contestants are "good people" in the eyes of the producers.

Yup....  That's exactly what the show wants apparently.  When the show started yesterday, my 6 yr old son asked if we could go on it sometime.  I said, they would never pick my husband and I because we couldn't dance and jump around like that, and when we answer the questions, we wouldn't go into a whole story about how we picked the answer.  We would answer the question, lock it in and be done with it.  I also said we didn't have "a hook" about why we would be "good people," and deserve to be on the show.  Then they finished the intro of the father and daughter, and my husband said, they didn't have a hook either.  Just that he was a good dad, a good single dad, I guess.  I have tons of student loan debt to pay off too!  

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Season finale time -- and we have Kirk and Brooke, father and daughter from Belfast, NY.

We believe you to be "good people", and we want good things to happen.  Sure, whatever.

They go 4 for 5 earning $35,023 in Freefall round -- not exactly great.

Wow, that speech by Brooke to her Dad before going into the booth was SOOOOO rehearsed.

Oh my God !!  Could Brooke possibly say that phrase more times ?  Wow, she was annoying.

They end Round 2 with $414K+, and finish Round 3 with a little over $1.4 million.

Dad tore up the contract -- and they go home with big money.

Brooke kept talking about it's all about her dad, except she wants to pay off her six figure student loan.  Then she discussed the need to buy her sister diapers, as sister sits there with a gigantic rock on her ring finger.  I couldn't handle it, and I'm the type who likes this kind of sob story.  What happened to the mom?

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