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The Wall - General Discussion

Meredith Quill
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Felt really bad for the two brothers in tonight’s episode. They were doing well until the last question which they got wrong, hit a red ball in $1,000,000 and went down to $0. The other guy didn’t take the guarantee of $140k so they got nothing. They seemed like decent normal human beings who weren’t overacting, at least by the standards of this show.

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How have I missed that 'The Wall' is back ?

I was flipping channels last night and caught a few minutes, and then checked that last night was the 5th episode of this season.

I'm going to have to binge watch, and set the snark level to maximum.

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6 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

I'm going to have to binge watch, and set the snark level to maximum.

Looking forward to your posts, Otto.

The episode last night, I can barely stand that people who are so clueless about everything are winning a million bucks. It's just not right.

A couple weeks ago, both people (husband/wife) were smart, and it was an enjoyable episode. I was happy for the $ they won. But last night ... even considering curling stone are made of shale? Please. I didn't even care about where the green or red balls fell, I spent most of the episode doing something else. I only looked back for the questions, then had to look away as the woman went on and on about how she didn't have a clue. Gah.

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I record it and only watch the questions and the ball drops, then zip to the end to see how much they get. The whole thing that way takes less then half an hour I believe.

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The Wall Season 3 -- Episode 1 -- Rebekah and Chris

Can't believe it has been over 2 years since the last episode of 'The Wall' -- all the way back on Feb. 5, 2018.

Lebron is still around for his 4 seconds of screentime (in two 2 second bites) -- the show has still never really explained within the show Lebron's connection to the show as an executive producer -- and his voiceover 'Welcome to the Wall. on NBC.'  I guess some things never change.

A full 2 minutes and 20 seconds before the game even starts -- looks like superfiller is also new this season in addition to the superdrop.

Rebekah has an artificial limb from the Boston Marathon bombing.  Which is impressive.  I guess that makes them deserving ??

These Freefall questions are way too easy.  And for once they never trotted out a dead relative.

No wonder the jackpots are bigger -- they never had the 'superdrop' before. While they say they drop them at the 'same time', they don't really drop them ALL at the same time.

Wow !! They really lucked out in 3 of the 4 red ball drops in the last round -- $21.  And then $100K with the last red ball.

But $1.4 million+ is a good haul -- I wonder if this show does the standard annuity over 20 years for the big prizes, and everyone ends up taking the present day value of the annuity as a one-time payout and then that one-time payout gets heavily taxed so they really end up with about 35% of their "winnings".

Seriously this show goes by so fast when you fast forward through the filler -- of which there is much.

How quickly things change -- all I could think of was that the studio audience wasn't social distancing much.

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The Wall Season 3 -- Episode 2 -- Bill and Meghan

At least in the 2nd episode they cut back the intro to 1:15 -- and half as much Lebron.
I like how they describe as "all about people we love" vs. the "deserving" story they spun the first two seasons.

A retired firefighter and nurse -- a timely pair of contestants for these days of pandemic. Wonder how far in advance they shot these episodes.  Love Bill's 'stache.
I wish the female contestants on this show would wear more sensible shoes -- jumping around in high heels, seriously someone is going to twist an ankle in one of these episodes.

I think the round 2 and 3 questions have gotten way easier than previous seasons.

Once again they really lucked out in 3 of the 4 red ball drops in the last round -- luck of the Irish, I guess.  $21 and then $100K with the last red ball.    This is 2 shows in a row where the 3 of the 4 final red balls produced tiny amounts -- what are the odds ? I wonder if this a trend.

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The Wall Season 3 -- Episode 3 -- Matt and Nick, brothers and pastors from Texas.

And someone robbed their church and stole the church van.  Who does that ?

I can't believe they got the lowest possible positive dollar amount in the first freefall round -- $3.  And then the follow it up with $111 in the 2nd freefall round.  And they finally got something substantial in the 3rd round -- $10011.  Then they picked up $102 in the 4th round. And polish it off with $30010, for a total of $40327 coming out of the freefall round.
One wrong question and they may have been the first contestants ever NOT to make it through the 2nd round.

I was waiting to see if they picked up $7 in the superdrop -- it was close if they hadn't got the $100K.

And then they got $1 after the 1st question -- oh man !!  
And then the red ball superdrop dinged them hard -- knocking out $215002.  Ouch !

Off we go to Round 3 where Matt picks up $10 with the first ball, followed by $10, followed by $10, followed by $1 -- $41 for 4 green balls.

The questions are getting really, really easy -- for example.

Question: The original V8 vegetable juice was created in 1933 and was named to reflect the eight vegetables it contained.  Which of these vegetables was not one of them ?
A. Beet B. Carrot C. Celery D. Rhubarb

And getting that question right got them -- $101. 

And Nick gets the last question wrong, but he did go 5 for 6.
And only now do they hit the million -- with a red ball, wiping out their cash.
But Nick tore up the contract so they went home with nothing.  Luck just was not on their side this episode.

Would have been nice to at least get enough for a new church van. 

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The Wall Season 3 -- Episode 4 -- Essence and Valencia, mother and daughter flight attendants from Indiana.

They ended up zeroing out at the end of the 2nd round.

And followed that up by zeroing out at the end of the 3rd round.

But Valencia signed the contract -- and they went home with $100189.
You can plant a lot of trees with that money.


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The Wall Season 3 -- Episode 5 -- Nellie and Taylor, grandmother and granddaughter from Pennsylvania.

They went 5 for 5 in Freefall -- going into Round 2 with $75343.
Taylor goes 2 out of 3 questions right -- and they exit round 2 with $470254.  

Grandma Nellie is doing pretty good with ball position selections -- and Taylor goes 2 for 3 again and exits Round 3 with $1670254.
Taylor tears up the contract and they go home with lots of money.

Seriously, even considering shale for a curling stone ??  Come on.

After 5 episodes I just realized -- not once have they brought up a dead relative.  That was almost a forgone conclusion in the first 2 seasons.
Kind of glad that they ditched that aspect.

You can fly through these episodes when you fastforward through all the filler.

And now I'm all caught up.  :)

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On 4/21/2020 at 10:39 PM, ottoDbusdriver said:

You can fly through these episodes when you fastforward through all the filler.

I fast forward through most of it, i.e. the sentimental introductions, the setups to the ball drops, and the endings ("It was intense back there and I love you so much and I was going to to tear it up, but-then-I-thought...".)  Just tell us already if you signed it or tore it up.

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I cheered so hard* when the red ball went into the $1Million slot and wiped out the total. I get so irritated at people who are so "not smart" yet get on a show like this with the possibility of taking home a zillion dollars. WTH is a "nah-vey" for pete's sake. That she got that as a correct answer ... OMG. Then she obviously had no idea who Oscar Hammerstein was, yet she lucked into answering that one too. In theory, she should have had no answers correct.

Then she came down and the host told her she got "nave" correct, and I could hear her brain thinking WTH is a "nave"? Her husband was all about the "nah-vey" too, so I guess they were meant to be together. Maybe they should try going to church some Sunday.

I hate all that "I love you" cr*p at the end. For once I wish the husband would say, "You are such a freaking dumbass, you lost us $90,000, bitch."

I also wish women would stop wearing heels to jump around on the stage. Makes them look even more vacuous.

I think contestants for this show are chosen by how photogenic they are because these two sure were not chosen for their SAT scores.

*And I cheered again when she said she tore up the contract.

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22 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

Then she came down and the host told her she got "nave" correct, and I could hear her brain thinking WTH is a "nave"? Her husband was all about the "nah-vey" too, so I guess they were meant to be together. Maybe they should try going to church some Sunday.

Watching Deidra try to figure out that Arctic Circle question was painful -- she actually said 90 degrees was 'towards the equator'.  WTF ?  I learned about latitude/longitude in Grade 4, and no one ever hinted about how 90 degrees latitude was towards the equator.

And I can't believe that they both got the Freefall question wrong about Earth rotating or revolving around the Sun.

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Holly and Micheal -- firefighter and kindergarten teacher from Tennessee (Chris Hardwick's home state) -- are up this week. 

The Freefall questions were really really easy.

They really lucked out with those last 4 red balls in Round 3 -- $22.  That's all.

Michael went 2 for 6 on questions, but with the incredible luck on those last 4 balls it's amazing that they managed to finish Round 3 with $850,090.

But Michael signed the contract and they went home with $85,103.

No dead relative was brought up this week -- so I guess that's an improvement -- but Lebron is still in the intro for whatever reason that is never explained.

It's still a little freaky seeing the crowds at these show tapings.  No social distancing or nothing.

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5 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

But Michael signed the contract and they went home with $85,103.

I agree, the questions were easy this time. I guess I'm especially cranky these days since I was yelling for that red ball to go into the million slot and wipe that $800,000 off the board. And for the husband to tear up the contract. It did not warm my heart that they went home with $85,000.

I almost hate myself. Almost.

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Brother and sister Neangela and Michael from Illinois.

I only caught the last 15 minutes but it was all so much filler since Neangela zeroed out before they even sent the contract to Michael with a guaranteed $195K+.

Michael tore up the contract and they went home with nothing.

I'm going to have to re-watch via fast-forward to see where it all went wrong.

ETA: re-watching this morning.  

How in the hell did they miss the Pixar question ?

I wish the Freefall questions were cumulative, including the wrong answers as that would force the contestants to climb out out any holes they dig by getting answers wrong.  Like the $20,110 that should have counted against Neangela/Michael if that wrong answer had been on any questions after Q1, so that they should have only had $115,010 at the end of the the Freefall round.

Oh yeah, the Freefall round questions were super easy this episode.

That has to be a new low in the superdrop -- $205. After going 2 for 3 in the questions, they zeroed out at the end of round 2.  Which was kind of foreboding about what was to come in Round 3.

Luck was just not in their wheelhouse -- that double up that produced $2 was just fate screwing with them, followed by the triple up producing 1,400,001 in the red (cancelling out the $2 by an extra $1,399,999)

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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For some reason, I was all for the brother/sister from Illinois, and felt terribly for them when they went home with nothing. This after last week when I was hoping lightning would strike and kill both of those players, and was disgusted they went home with a nice check.

When the four captain names came up as answers, before the question was revealed I said Captain Morgan was the only real one. I guess Captain Stubing is real too, for fans of The Love Boat.

It's like the wall was super PO'd at these two, green balls falling into the dollar slot and red balls falling into the million slot. They were pretty much cursed and doomed. I wonder how the weeks following the show's taping went for them, if brother got ranked on after all the "I love you forever" bogus talk that's shown on the show. I imagine some harsh words if brother is late for dinner or put an empty milk carton back in the fridge.

I agree that totals should show minus amounts to be climbed back out of to get back into green territory. Not that it would have helped those two last night.

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The mom and daughter pair ... daughter says, "My mom is so smart, I call her my  human google." Wow. Human Google went on to not know a corn hole is bigger than a golf hole, Prince Phillip kissed Sleeping Beauty and tWitch is Ellen's DJ. Okay, so she got the last one by chance, doing a last-minute change guess from Snap.

Then Human Google went on to call drizzle "fog," claimed the Empire State Building was built and Babe Ruth played in the 1920s, and said those John Gresham books were "movies" so couldn't figure out which one wasn't one of his books. Human Google not only doesn't know books and authors, she also doesn't know movies. What a dumbass.

Is it okay for women contestants to jump on and leap onto the show host?

Why didn't the male contestant jump onto Chris? Inquiring minds want to know.

I liked the two doctors and was sorry to see them go home with nothing, although the salaries of two doctors is probably more than they would have won anyway. That, plus I question the abilities of anyone who doesn't know iron rusts, copper does not. Geesh.

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4 hours ago, saber5055 said:

The mom and daughter pair ... daughter says, "My mom is so smart, I call her my  human google." Wow. Human Google went on to not know a corn hole is bigger than a golf hole, Prince Phillip kissed Sleeping Beauty and tWitch is Ellen's DJ. Okay, so she got the last one by chance, doing a last-minute change guess from Snap.

Then Human Google went on to call drizzle "fog," claimed the Empire State Building was built and Babe Ruth played in the 1920s, and said those John Gresham books were "movies" so couldn't figure out which one wasn't one of his books. Human Google not only doesn't know books and authors, she also doesn't know movies. What a dumbass.

She was more the Human Bing

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And the Wall is back with Jodie and Alex, mother and daughter nurses from Oklahoma.
Alex needs more sensible shoes to jump up and down in front of the Wall.

Can't believe they missed that gimme of a question at Q1 in FreeFall, but it's all good, it's like that question never happened.

"Cornhole Hole" -- I can't believe they missed that question either, they're from Oklahoma.

So they come out of FreeFall with only $15,140.  That doesn't bode well.

"The Human Google" -- yet Jodie missed 2 of 5 easy questions in Freefall.

And they zeroed out after Q1 in Round 2, but more than made up for in a double up that produced $2 on the next question. Only to zero out ... again ... at Q3.  So they didn't even bother with the red ball superdrop, which is the first time this season that that has happened.

The Human Google went 2 for 6 in questions -- not very impressive.  Yet they managed to luck out and take home $199,980 because Jodie tore up the contract.

On 5/25/2020 at 4:51 PM, opus said:

She was more the Human Bing


Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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We get a second episode of 'The Wall' this week -- this time we get father and son doctors from Orlando, Florida.

Umm, don't doctors already make enough money, and don't really need even more money "to live out their dreams", according to LeBron.

After going 2 for 5 in Freefall round, they end up with $35,200 with Bob going into isolation.

Bob gets all 3 questions right, but the superdrop red balls leave them at $140,222 after Round 2.

But Bob then goes 0 for 3 in the Round 3 questions and zeroes out so we don't even need to bother with the last 4 red balls -- this seems to be a trend lately.   This leaves a guarantee of $95,200, but Bob tore up the contract and they go home with nothing.

On 5/25/2020 at 12:44 PM, saber5055 said:

I liked the two doctors and was sorry to see them go home with nothing, although the salaries of two doctors is probably more than they would have won anyway. That, plus I question the abilities of anyone who doesn't know iron rusts, copper does not. Geesh.

How do you not know that iron rusts ?  Come on.

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4 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

How do you not know that iron rusts ?  Come on.

I know, right? Even the son was saying "It's iron, he knows this. He's kidding with us." But surprise, he was not. Let's buy the guy some iron surgical tools.

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Another episode of the Wall -- with Hector and Hecthan, brothers from NYC, one an army veteran, the other a corrections officer -- who will get the opportunity to live out their dreams.  Sure LeBron, whatever.

And on the very first question of the FreeFall round they get the absolute minimum you can get with 3 balls -- $3 -- which they got wrong anyway.  How did they get that 3rd question wrong ?  They even showed a picture of someone kicking a soccer ball, but they guessed cricket was the answer.  This does not bode well.  And they end up going 3 for 5 in the FreeFall round, finishing up with $15,400, with Hector going to the isolation booth.

Parquet floor was in the question -- how did he get that basketball question wrong, of course the answer was the Celtics.  And the red ball superdrop zeroes them out at the end of Round 2

After going 2 for 6 on questions, the guarantee is $55,400 meanwhile they have earned $1,950,009 so far before the last 4 red balls, but luck goes their way and they only lose $200,112 ending up with $1,749,007 at the end of Round 3.

Hector tears up the contract and the brothers go home with the big money -- even though they only got 5 of 11 questions right.

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I only watched part of this episode since I don't care much about people yelling and jumping around while green or red balls fall down the plinko board. I am entertaining myself by guessing the question when the four answers are shown, and got gin and Paul Newman (salad dressing!). I did not know the red-oak parquet basketball floor, although the Lakers would have been my fourth choice out of four.

I guess the guys winning that much money is okay, if they really do use it to help rebuild Puerto Rico and not to buy their relatives (or themselves) a private jet or something. I'd like to see this show do a follow up on all the winners.

It seems it's doesn't make any difference if people can answer any questions correctly, they still can go home with some nice cash. And thanks, guy, for answering my question from last week about do men ever jump into Chris's arms.

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I watched this for the first time tonight.....what a gut wrenching experience.  And it left me in tears..... Jamar did so well with the questions.....and they had 1.1 mil on the wall.....unfortunately,  Jamar couldn't know that, nor how well he did because they don't tell you how many you get right.  He signed the contract.  It cost them a million....they still leave with 100k.....I never knew you could go on a show.... win 100k.....and feel like you lost.  I wanted them to have that million.   But at least it isn't nothing.

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Another episode of The Wall -- with a full 90 seconds of intros and LeBron.

Tonight's contestants are Michael and Jahmar, uncle and nephew from Georgia -- Michael is an army veteran and Jahmar is a teacher.  Jahmar's breakfast club for his school is a great idea.

They go 3 for 5 in FreeFall round and come out with $35,091.
Jahmar goes 2 for 3 in Round 2, but the red ball superdrop knocks off about $275K leaving them with $165,166 at the end of Round 2.

In Round 3, Michael hits the million dollar slot twice, and as Chris confirmed that gives them the highest amount ever earned during an episode of The Wall.  Which is impressive.

Jahmar goes 2 for 4 in questions in Round 3 -- the questions were certainly tougher than average -- but they still have $2,015,176 remaining before the contract is sent off.
The last 4 balls are not kind, shaving off nearly a million dollars.

Jahmar signed the contract and they went home with $115,091.
Per @Swenson, I wish they had taken home the million as well.

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Thanks for the recap Otto. I've started to not pay attention to who the players are or their backstories, and I am not interested in the ball drops. I just like the questions. I did have some jaw-dropping episodes when the two decided a dog-sled driver is a Denali, not a musher, and that Sherlock lived on Fleet Street, not Baker. Then it was decided Jahmar would go into the tower to answer questions.

Chris: Jahmar, are you a trivia guy?

Jahmar; Yes, I am!

Me: No, you are NOT!

My feeling was reinforced when Jahmar said Captain Kangaroo said "Knowledge is power." Even Mr. Rogers would have been a better worse guess. I guess the Captain said that in between talking to Mr. Green Jeans and Bunny Rabbit.

When Jahmar said he tore up the contract, I was waiting for him to say "Psych!" like the person did last episode. But no, he really did. And I did not miss the TONE OF VOICE when uncle said, "We could have brought MORE THAN A MILLION DOLLARS back." Harsh, dude. Then he softened up to tell nephew how much he loved him because, after all, he was on camera. But I'll bet the ride home was an interesting one.

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6 hours ago, saber5055 said:

And I did not miss the TONE OF VOICE when uncle said, "We could have brought MORE THAN A MILLION DOLLARS back."

Yeah that took me back a bit. Maybe I'm just conditioned by all previous contestants giving the news in a more gentle manner. That guy said it in the way we all would be screaming at home. 

I found their questions much easier than most. Only missed one in rd2. I like trying to guess what the question is based on the answers. Fast forward through the intros and speeches. 

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30 minutes ago, lynxfx said:

I like trying to guess what the question is based on the answers.

So do I! For the first questions, I like to answer before the answers are shown. Disclaimer: I am not ALWAYS correct. Ha ha.

Next week I am going to keep track of how much money I would have won and lost based on my answers. (Or lack thereof.)

I couldn't figure out why the uncle, who had so much faith in his nephew answering correctly, kept playing from position 1. What was up with that?

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The only two I guessed what the question would be were the Beach Boys song and the movie question. Although that one was split between being their length and how many Oscars they won.

He was playing super conservative though. 

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12 minutes ago, lynxfx said:

The only two I guessed what the question would be were the Beach Boys song and the movie question. Although that one was split between being their length and how many Oscars they won.

I didn't guess either of those questions, but I did know GWTW was the movie answer since I saw that in a theater last year, and it had an intermission (movies nowadays don't), and lots of stores were closed by the time the movie let out!

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I have an Android app of this game.  And tonight,  I saw the wall do the same thing my app does to me.....only it's not real money.  You know the drill ....green balls find the 1's and 10's...the red balls are like smart bombs drawn to the big money slots.  The sisters went home with $104.  Hey,  it's better than I do.

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Another new episode of The Wall -- with contestants are Janeris and Jesenia, sisters from Miami, Florida.  Several voiceover edits by Chris Hardwick during the introduction, which never bodes well for the contestants.

And in the first FreeFall question, they get the lowest amount possible on the Wall for 3 balls -- $3. Even more remarkable is that all 3 balls ended up in the same slot.  On the 2nd Freefall question, they boost up their totals by .... $102.  And then they zero out on the 3rd FreeFall question, but manage to redeem themselves on the last 2 questions to end the FreeFall round with $30,301.

Jesenia heads for the isolation booth, because Janeris is the risk-taker.

Jesenia goes 2 for 3 in Round 2, but the red superdrop zeroes them out.  Can't believe she got that Gateway arch question wrong.

This has to be a record for this show -- in the 4 green balls of round 3, Janeris earns a whopping $104.  Luck is not on their side.

Jesenia goes 3 for 3 in the Round 3 questions earning $800,124 with a guarantee of $130,301. However the last 4 red balls are not kind and erases almost everything leaving them with $104.

I think this is also the first time that the amount of money won during the 3 questions of Round 3 was EXACTLY cancelled out by the last 4 balls.   They earned $104 with the 4 green balls in round 3 and that is what they ended up with at the end.

Unfortunately, Jesenia ripped up the contract -- and they went home with $104.  Per Janeris, they will be able to go to dinner with their winnings.

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This episode I planned to keep track of what I would have won if I were answering the questions. It wasn't much fun since these two got almost all the answers correct, and even my knowing that tram is in the Gateway Arch (I've ridden it many times, it's whack), my total still got wiped out at the end by those crazed balls that hated everyone.

These two were the first pair that I really wanted to win. Both were nice, smart, and the one staying with Chris didn't resort to all the theatrics and leaping onto Chris that I hate so much. I also hate the one left on stage, if it's a woman, always wearing a slinky tight dress and mile-high high heels. I didn't actually watch, but I'm guessing this woman wasn't a stiletto wearer. But I digress.

I felt horrible that these two went home with $104, but I would have torn the contract too, if I had been in the answer booth. I liked the one telling the other, the bright side was they won enough for dinner, which was pretty accurate since they probably took home about $60-70 when all was said and done. Meaning, taxes.

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Yet another new episode of The Wall -- I wonder how many of these they have banked from pre-coronavirus, because no one in the audience is social distancing -- with contestants Goldin and Linda, husband and wife from New Jersey, she's a psychology professor and he's gym enthusiast who runs a community program for kids.

While they get the first 2 questions right in Freefall, they get the next 2 questions wrong leaving them with $4909 going into the fifth question. But they manage to get Q5 correct leaving them with $9920 exiting the Freefall round. I was nervous that we might have had our first contestants that didn't make it out of the Freefall round.

Linda goes into the isolation booth, and the superdrop beefs up their total up to $235K+.
They get a whopping $10 on Q1.  That does not bode well.  But luck is with them in the 2nd question as Goldin doubles up but they get it wrong, but only lose $11.  Then they get Q3 right adding another $245k+ to their total by tripling up, giving them $620,030 before the red ball supderdrop where they lose $70K.

They lose $10 getting the 1st question wrong, they double up and add $101 after getting the 2nd question correct, and get Q3 wrong and zero out by hitting the $1 million slot. And yet again we don't have to do the final 4 red balls.

Linda goes 3 for 6 in the questions so the guarantee is $69,920 -- but Linda tore up the contract and they go home with zero.

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When the players were introduced, I wondered if Wardrobe has a bunch of skin-tight dresses to put on the women. All of those slinky dresses have a long and I mean a long zipper up the back, one that would stick you in the butt if you ever sat down in one. Check it out next game show. The zipper thing I mean. All the women on every show are wearing them.

Anyway, I didn't pay much attention to the ball drops. My mind tends to wander when those happen. I'd be fine if the show just skipped to "You just won ..." or "You just lost ..." X amount, but I guess this show is built on players jumping and shouting and picking up Chris to dance around the stage with him in their arms. So there's that.

As soon as I saw "falcon, eagle, vulture" answers come up, I knew the player was screwed, just like on Jeopardy yesterday, I knew Mammals would be the last category chosen. I was right on both accounts. As soon as I saw the video I said "falcon," and then the audio clue "peregrine" made me say "falcon" again. Too bad it made the player say "vulture." But it only gave me $11. *sigh*

I'm not a classical music nor ballet fan, but I'm also not a total dumbass so I knew Tchaikovsky wrote Swan Lake and that Bach never wrote any ballets that I'm aware of. So that final ball drop that went into the million slot that wiped out the player's bank account sent me home with $1,750,121. If only that were real ...

I got a laugh out of the commercial that played right after yet another couple was sent home from The Wall with a big, fat zero in their pockets. It was promoting "The Wall, the feel-good show of the summer." I think all those losers would disagree. What, it's been three weeks in a row now of zero winners? Or maybe four. They are starting to run together.

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This last episode was a nice reverse of the previous. Other than their near complete failure in the opening questions the woman that had to answer did a great job. The balls just did not though. If anything I hope they sign online with a 🎤 everytime now. 

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We're at the season finale of The Wall -- Karen and Lori, sisters from Portage, Michigan.

They were off to a good start in the first 2 questions of Freefall, but then zeroed out at Question 3. And then they got Question 4 wrong, which means they had to get Question 5 correct.  No pressure there.  Except Question 5 was a gimme, so they end up in positive territory with $10,011.  That's 2 weeks in a row where the contestants almost didn't make it out of the Freefall round.

Lori goes 3 for 3 in questions in Round 2, but the red superdrop knocks off about half of their earnings, leaving them with $260,022 at the end of round 2.

The 4 green balls in Round 3 added $10, $100, $1 + $1 respectively adding $112 to their total.  That's it.
Lori gets the first question right, earns another $1. Then she gets the 2nd question wrong and they lose $200,001, leaving them with $60,134.
And Lori gets the 3rd question right -- which was a tough question -- and they triple up and score big, earning $1.8 million.

The 4 red balls knock off another $400K+, leaving them with $1,410,024 -- and Lori tore up the contract sending them home with big money.
A positive ending to Season 3 -- but we probably won't see Season 4 for a long time.

It's still weird seeing the audiences on these "new" shows, that were probably recorded late last year or in January, with no masks or social distancing.

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On 5/4/2020 at 4:26 AM, ottoDbusdriver said:

Holly and Micheal -- firefighter and kindergarten teacher from Tennessee (Chris Hardwick's home state) -- are up this week. 

The Freefall questions were really really easy.

They really lucked out with those last 4 red balls in Round 3 -- $22.  That's all.

Michael went 2 for 6 on questions, but with the incredible luck on those last 4 balls it's amazing that they managed to finish Round 3 with $850,090.

But Michael signed the contract and they went home with $85,103.

No dead relative was brought up this week -- so I guess that's an improvement -- but Lebron is still in the intro for whatever reason that is never explained.

It's still a little freaky seeing the crowds at these show tapings.  No social distancing or nothing.

I watched this episode last night, first time ever watching The Wall.  I was wondering, because the two players are a pair rather than randomly selected players pitched against each other, if it wouldn't be wise for them to decide ahead of time whether to sign or tear up the contract.  For this particular couple, if they had agreed to tear up the contract, they would have gone home with $850,000 instead of $85,000.  Would it be wise to take a gamble with the attitude, "we came with nothing, we leave with nothing?"  Those of you who watch it regularly may know why, or why not, this would be a good option.  Please share.

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2 hours ago, Annifran said:

Would it be wise to take a gamble with the attitude, "we came with nothing, we leave with nothing?" 

Hard to say. There have been plenty of zero winners lately but a lot of that could be attributed to poor ball placement. 

My strategy would be to just play all balls that have a guaranteed red ball to follow in the #1 slot. I believe that is 3 or 4 balls in round 2. Those red balls are the last to be played and people have been playing one or two of them in the #6 or #7 position and they can easily hit the million and wipe out an entire bank. 

So with that protection it comes down to the questions. For the first round just put them all in #7 and double and triple up. Hopefully you get them right and build a bit of bank. If you get wiped out no big deal as round two has such higher dollar amounts. In round two I would play much more conservative especially if I had a nice bank. 

The person behind the wall really needs to pay attention to how many questions they think or know they got right. If it is more than half tear up the contract. 

Still comes down to luck as even in the #1 slot balls have bounced over to $1m. If all you want is a guaranteed $100k or so then go in with the plan of signing the contract. I mean it is a lot of money compared to most game shows. 

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20 hours ago, lynxfx said:

Hard to say. There have been plenty of zero winners lately but a lot of that could be attributed to poor ball placement. 

My strategy would be to just play all balls that have a guaranteed red ball to follow in the #1 slot. I believe that is 3 or 4 balls in round 2. Those red balls are the last to be played and people have been playing one or two of them in the #6 or #7 position and they can easily hit the million and wipe out an entire bank. 

So with that protection it comes down to the questions. For the first round just put them all in #7 and double and triple up. Hopefully you get them right and build a bit of bank. If you get wiped out no big deal as round two has such higher dollar amounts. In round two I would play much more conservative especially if I had a nice bank. 

The person behind the wall really needs to pay attention to how many questions they think or know they got right. If it is more than half tear up the contract. 

Still comes down to luck as even in the #1 slot balls have bounced over to $1m. If all you want is a guaranteed $100k or so then go in with the plan of signing the contract. I mean it is a lot of money compared to most game shows. 

Thanks for your insight.  There's a lot more to consider in this game than I realized.

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On 7/1/2020 at 1:17 AM, ottoDbusdriver said:

We're at the season finale of The Wall -- Karen and Lori, sisters from Portage, Michigan.

They were off to a good start in the first 2 questions of Freefall, but then zeroed out at Question 3. And then they got Question 4 wrong, which means they had to get Question 5 correct.  No pressure there.  Except Question 5 was a gimme, so they end up in positive territory with $10,011.  That's 2 weeks in a row where the contestants almost didn't make it out of the Freefall round.

Lori goes 3 for 3 in questions in Round 2, but the red superdrop knocks off about half of their earnings, leaving them with $260,022 at the end of round 2.

The 4 green balls in Round 3 added $10, $100, $1 + $1 respectively adding $112 to their total.  That's it.
Lori gets the first question right, earns another $1. Then she gets the 2nd question wrong and they lose $200,001, leaving them with $60,134.
And Lori gets the 3rd question right -- which was a tough question -- and they triple up and score big, earning $1.8 million.

The 4 red balls knock off another $400K+, leaving them with $1,410,024 -- and Lori tore up the contract sending them home with big money.
A positive ending to Season 3 -- but we probably won't see Season 4 for a long time.

It's still weird seeing the audiences on these "new" shows, that were probably recorded late last year or in January, with no masks or social distancing.

I’ve always figured a lot of the players make a deal with each other on how they want to play end game. 

I do feel bad when they don’t win any money esp since they have some kind of social/ civic backstory.  Why can’t the show donate 1k to a homeless shelter or food bank in the contestants home town? Come on Lebron make it happen.

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On 9/30/2020 at 3:25 PM, gsnrocks92 said:

Renewed despite NBC’s efforts to kill it.

This show deserves to be killed after spending wasting an hour on Keaton and Taylor. Talk about two dumbasses who don't deserve to win any money for being too dense to breathe. Man, that episode was PAINFUL.

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1 hour ago, saber5055 said:

This show deserves to be killed after spending wasting an hour on Keaton and Taylor. Talk about two dumbasses who don't deserve to win any money for being too dense to breathe. Man, that episode was PAINFUL.

Wow she was terrible! I had to guess on a few, but got them right. 

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