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Stranded With A Million Dollars - General Discussion

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11 hours ago, Amarsir said:

Yet another even gentler possibility is to split all the money when awarded and then basically play individual games side-by-side. If 10 people arrive, they each get $10,000. 5 each get $20k. (You could even have challenges for the money to manufacture excitement and force them to come together.) If you want to buy something it comes from your share. When you leave you take what you earned so far.  It would remove the most essential conflict as there would be no need to fight over "spend vs no spend". However, you might get some interesting peer pressure as the wet people look at the tent and go "I wish I'd bought that", or the eaters look at the someone else's cash stack and go "I'm not sure I spent wisely."


I think it would be interesting if all the money was split equally at the start with contestants being able to spend their share as they choose.  However, they have to carry their share of the cash (which we know can get heavy), carry anything they purchase (unless they pool resources with another person), and they have to leave everything if they quit/get eliminated.  Their cash/supplies could then be won by the remaining contestants through a challenge or maybe purchased at a discount rate. 

  • Love 7
57 minutes ago, AngryCarrot86 said:

Even though I found the defecating in the water source to be heinous, I'm still team MaCody.  Alex and Gina are just too insufferable to root for.  Cody is trying to break them any way he can...I can't say I blame him for that, especially after their money destroying hissy fits. 

I have to agree that Alex and Gina are exactly as you said; just too insufferable to root for.  Alex is like the over-achieving, hyper academically competitive annoying kid from elementary all the way through high school who won first place in every science and social studies fair.  The same type of kid who ran for president of every academic and student government club imaginable and always won.  Now he is in a situation that he isn't winning and he doesn't know how to deal with it.  Even now a year later, he can't mentally grasp and accept that he wasn't the "best" out there.  He feels that because *he* devised a strategy that no one else can also have an opposing strategy.     

Gina...give me a break with her.   By her own admittance, her family is disappointed and embarrassed by her.  Well, it is easy to see why.  She is lazy and unable to think for herself.

  • Love 11
14 hours ago, Amarsir said:

I'd go so far as to say "shared by all" isn't a rule at all, let alone and enforced one. Possession is the law.  In another run we might have seen people sprinting for the drop in order to grab food before anyone else does.  You can say "shared by all" in theory, but I'm not sure how that works for something like a pair of socks.  It just isn't how this is set up.


I seem to remember, very early in the season, when they first started refusing to allow Cody to have access to the purchases, that the very next tablet message contained "any items purchased must be made available to all players". I have no idea how they planned to enforce this or why nothing ever came of it after that.

  • Love 1
21 minutes ago, Charlesman said:


I seem to remember, very early in the season, when they first started refusing to allow Cody to have access to the purchases, that the very next tablet message contained "any items purchased must be made available to all players". I have no idea how they planned to enforce this or why nothing ever came of it after that.

I suspect what you heard was "the group must agree on all purchases", which is what they say every time just before "majority rules". (Which sounds like a contradiction because they're using some loose form of the word "agree".)

But maybe you're right. I think I can probably pull up the episodes and jump to the tablet section without too much work.  If I do I'll transcribe them all here.

  • Love 1

OK week 2 had relevant text. They didn't show the group buy screen and Alonzo only read the part about agreeing via majority rules. However, the temptation screen said this:


While on the island, all personal items are off limits.  Collectively owned group items are up for grabs at all times, except during a temptation or other organized event.

So that kind of hinted at what came after. "Up for grabs" is the rule but not during a temptation.

(Curiously, the very first tablet in episode one also contained a typo: "collecitvely". It might be possible we are overestimating the amount of care the producers put into this after all.)

  • Love 4

Alex and Gina are pretty dumb as well as delusional. Alex saying they never withheld items from Cody and makani or refused to give them food. Alex and Co accused Cody and makani of stealing the pot with food in it. If they were sharing the pot then it wasn't stealing. You can't have it both ways. Alex didn't want the two to have any boiled water and tried to stupidly convince Cody that the hot pot of water hadn't been boiled yet lol. Gina annoys me because Cody as the only one shown that helped her in the water and said he didn't want her to drown. Her buddy Alex never offers  to help her. 

Burning the money is the height of stupidity and poor planning. Gina had to know by process of elimination she was up next for the temptation which has normally been food. So throwing a hiss fit over a jar of peanut butter and destroying money was short sited and ridiculous unless both she and Alex have decided to flare out because otherwise they are screwing themselves out of money and their plan failed anyway. 

  • Love 8

As I said before I missed this scene in the last show (dog drags me out so many times a night) but I will defend the prior one,  In the prior example m there was water available up stream. cody went in front of Alex, who was drinking form the dirty pool and said he was going to clean out his dirty underwear and his but after having diarrhea, and then he did it in front of Alex, Alex continued to drink the water - that is pretty disgusting on Alex's part. All he had to do was walk up stream and drink the cleaner water.  Did this time occur the same way? Because Alex was saying he had clean water upstream also that he was not being starved, he was catching shrimp in the ponds. I will say the boards have turned against Alex big time. I Guess  he didn't answer any questions this time because he could not find one trashing his opponents they were all talking about what a bad sport Alex was for burning the money. .

And I would like to add that Makani had not done anything disgusting, but just said insulting things which is to be expected, a lot of stupid and bad stuff has been said to her.  

  • Love 9
6 hours ago, Amarsir said:

OK week 2 had relevant text. They didn't show the group buy screen and Alonzo only read the part about agreeing via majority rules. However, the temptation screen said this:


While on the island, all personal items are off limits.  Collectively owned group items are up for grabs at all times, except during a temptation or other organized event.

I was wondering why during Gina's temptation team Macody didn't go and get all the money out of Alex's tent, I guess this explains it.

I was surprised to see Alex and Gina drinking water out of the stream using coconut shells.  Why did they get rid of all their peanut better jars?  They are hardly carrying anything on the treks so carrying a jar would be easy and it is a useful item.

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, holly4755 said:

As I said before I missed this scene in the last show (dog drags me out so many times a night) but I will defend the prior one,  In the prior example m there was water available up stream. cody went in front of Alex, who was drinking form the dirty pool and said he was going to clean out his dirty underwear and his but after having diarrhea, and then he did it in front of Alex, Alex continued to drink the water - that is pretty disgusting on Alex's part. All he had to do was walk up stream and drink the cleaner water.  Did this time occur the same way? Because Alex was saying he had clean water upstream also that he was not being starved, he was catching shrimp in the ponds. I will say the boards have turned against Alex big time. I Guess  he didn't answer any questions this time because he could not find one trashing his opponents they were all talking about what a bad sport Alex was for burning the money. .

And I would like to add that Makani had not done anything disgusting, but just said insulting things which is to be expected, a lot of stupid and bad stuff has been said to her.  


You are completely wrong: Alex was getting water from the stream when Cody came over to him to brag about the 15k temptation he and Makani took and then he told Alex that he was going to wash his ass in the stream in which Alex got up and left and said that he wasn't getting water from that stream again. 


Cody is a psychopathic who only cares about himself and will do whatever it takes to win that include putting his shit in the water to poison his competition. You cannot defend his actions because they are that of a psychopath. 

4 hours ago, ChristmasJones said:

I've submitted a show request for Jungletown if anyone wants to help with thread titles!!

You can watch the episodes on their site: https://www.viceland.com/en_us/show/jungletown


This looks like an interesting show, thanks for posting it.

  • Love 3

Go Cody and makani! I totally hate Alex and Gina. If I was in the show I'd sacrifice myself and roundhouse kick both of them and finish them in the river 

If Cody doesn't want to do that then cut the soles off their shoes or steal their shoelaces.  Slice holes in their tent ect 

Edited by LocimusPrime
  • Love 3
On April 13, 2017 at 4:55 PM, kira28 said:

Alex and Gina are pretty dumb as well as delusional. Alex saying they never withheld items from Cody and makani or refused to give them food. Alex and Co accused Cody and makani of stealing the pot with food in it. If they were sharing the pot then it wasn't stealing. You can't have it both ways. Alex didn't want the two to have any boiled water and tried to stupidly convince Cody that the hot pot of water hadn't been boiled yet lol. Gina annoys me because Cody as the only one shown that helped her in the water and said he didn't want her to drown. Her buddy Alex never offers  to help her. 

Burning the money is the height of stupidity and poor planning. Gina had to know by process of elimination she was up next for the temptation which has normally been food. So throwing a hiss fit over a jar of peanut butter and destroying money was short sited and ridiculous unless both she and Alex have decided to flare out because otherwise they are screwing themselves out of money and their plan failed anyway. 

Alex and Gina are dumb dumbs

  • Love 4
On 4/13/2017 at 5:55 PM, kira28 said:

Burning the money is the height of stupidity and poor planning. Gina had to know by process of elimination she was up next for the temptation which has normally been food. So throwing a hiss fit over a jar of peanut butter and destroying money was short sited and ridiculous unless both she and Alex have decided to flare out because otherwise they are screwing themselves out of money and their plan failed anyway. 

Destroying money is not entirely without validity as a strategy, if handled smartly. It is a power you have as an individual, even without the numbers. I don't blame anyone for considering it. The problem is that they didn't really understand it.

At the start of the episode there was $408k. They earned $85k and had 2 more drops. If MaCody intends the "don't spend money" plan (except temptations, apparently) that's a total of $663k to split. If this was AlGina's last effort before flaring, they'd have to destroy at least $332k for the move to be a punishment. (And that's assuming MaCody acted rationally - which it's a safe bet they wouldn't.) Destroying $60k and leaving is a net win for the other side, and they knew it.

So in order for a small destruction to work, you'd have to impress on them that you aren't flaring either way. In which case the pettiness of the move is right on the surface. "I don't need peanut butter I just want it." You can't play the victim at that point.  And of course if you destroy $400k and then quit, you're also being petty and not the good guy. So Alex needed to understand that he was the bad guy. Which he clearly didn't, because even now doing media after the show he still doesn't get it.

That's something we have to say for Cody. He started out as the villain, but he knew it.

  • Love 3

Ilike this review because it calls Alex and Gina  god's people from a prosperity church, and it seems so fitting

Tamara tattles

according to the comments there, the turd is in the previews, is that correct?,  it tends to cut out there for me.  not sure exactly what happened. but will see next week.

in this podcast, on the second half,  Gina as a guest, discusses this episode and general stuff, like you are not allowed to get physical with someone or take anything out of someone's hands. Her one regret is ordering pizza instead of peanut butter which could be rationed.


Edited by holly4755
  • Love 1
3 hours ago, Amarsir said:

Destroying money is not entirely without validity as a strategy, if handled smartly. It is a power you have as an individual, even without the numbers. I don't blame anyone for considering it. The problem is that they didn't really understand it.

At the start of the episode there was $408k. They earned $85k and had 2 more drops. If MaCody intends the "don't spend money" plan (except temptations, apparently) that's a total of $663k to split. If this was AlGina's last effort before flaring, they'd have to destroy at least $332k for the move to be a punishment. (And that's assuming MaCody acted rationally - which it's a safe bet they wouldn't.) Destroying $60k and leaving is a net win for the other side, and they knew it.

So in order for a small destruction to work, you'd have to impress on them that you aren't flaring either way. In which case the pettiness of the move is right on the surface. "I don't need peanut butter I just want it." You can't play the victim at that point.  And of course if you destroy $400k and then quit, you're also being petty and not the good guy. So Alex needed to understand that he was the bad guy. Which he clearly didn't, because even now doing media after the show he still doesn't get it.

That's something we have to say for Cody. He started out as the villain, but he knew it.

Great analysis Amarsir.  I never really considered this as a tactic as I think it is a pretty dirty tactic and not how I would want to play the game.

The only part of what you said I disagree with is That Macody wouldn't act rationally.  To me no matter how much money was destroyed you couldn't give in or they would just do it again the next time.

  • Love 3

cody and makani two low life pieces of shit.  And not to damned bright.  Admitting on national tv they are trying to murder (by poisoning the water) their competitors isn't too damned bright.   Can you say murder 1 if they die? 

And then to win food and NOT give them any knowing they're starving?  Besides pedophiles I have never seen two lower scums of the earth. 


Edited by Jwd
  • Love 4
7 minutes ago, Jwd said:

cody and makani two low life pieces of shit.  And not to damned bright.  Admitting on national tv they are trying to murder (by poisoning the water) their competitors isn't too damned bright.   Can you say murder 1 if they die? 

And then to win food and NOT give them any knowing they're starving?  Besides pedophiles I have never seen two lower scums of the earth. 


Yep, I have said from the start of the show that those 2 are vile, conniving individuals but people on here kept defending them. SMH. It's great to be validated!

  • Love 4

I admire Alex and Gina for not succumbing to hatred and pettiness.  Certainly Cody and Makani have sold their souls to hatred and pettiness, which is odd since they aren't even miserable.   I suppose in the end it just comes down to what kind of person you are.

People can legitimately question Alex and Gina's gameplay but to the best of my recollection neither Alex or Gina ever resorted to openly belittling or insulting the other two.   And they certainly never tried to poison them (Cody's word for what he did to the water).

I don't understand why Alex and Gina aren't scrounging for roots, insects, worms, crabs, or even snails.   I know there are crabs because we saw one.

  • Love 2

Only one more episode to go.  I wonder if we ever hear anything from production as to their vision vs what has turned into a dangerous game.  I am not sure this is what they had in mind.  One of my son's friends died at 20 years old from ecoli so this episode put me on edge.

I got a little joy from Alex taking the tinder that Makani dropped and Cody blasting her for losing it. 

Cody is a vile kid.  Love to know what his parents think about his behavior.  

So no more hiking, just the last few days at camp I guess.   That seems anti climatic but plenty of time for Cody to kill Alex and Gina, I suppose.  I wonder if Alex and Gina will get a luxury reward, it is their turn.  

  • Love 6

This is, I think, the most bizarre reality show ever.   Cody clearly studies reality tv show "villains" and he set out to top them all.   It is a bit over the top though and he is reminding me of Snidely Whiplash.  "Poisoning" the water source with his "thrive nuggets."  That water looked really dirty anyway and I'm sure animals poop around there.

I still don't feel sorry for Alex and Gina "starving" now because when they had the majority they gleefully ate pizza, hamburgers, and sandwiches in front of C/M and didnt share.  You reap what you sow.

  • Love 9
On 4/13/2017 at 10:53 PM, Hiacios said:

Cody is a psychopathic who only cares about himself and will do whatever it takes to win that include putting his shit in the water to poison his competition. You cannot defend his actions because they are that of a psychopath. 

I catch this show when I can and I caught this part.  My question to my fellow posters is:  Why do people do such despicable things on camera?  They must know something as disgusting as this will follow him forever.

  • Love 2
On 4/13/2017 at 9:53 PM, Hiacios said:

You cannot defend his actions because they are that of a psychopath. 

I totally agree.  He is an abusive psychopath.  He wouldn't have made it without Makani, but speaks to

her in just as nasty a way as he does to Gina and Alex.

I really fear for our country when someone like Cody is admired and Trump is president.

  • Love 4

not going to defend the shit, there is no defense of that, but seriously they should give food to Alex and Gina when they are starving? I mean if they want to quit, they still can.  I don't think the big fire is going to be necessary, just stamp Help in the sand, and when they come tell them you want to quit. no biggie. Although making it harder to quit, would isa punishment for both teams. with is deliciously ironic. 

Really suggest that macody give food to people who are starving, when did the campers ever consider the others? And they do not have to starve, they can leave. Giving them food would give then a share of the money they cost again and again. I want them to get down to the last two and then have them fight it out. anyway, the next food is for Alex.   

IS there just one more show? no more camps, 4 more days. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, AirQuotes said:

This is, I think, the most bizarre reality show ever.   Cody clearly studies reality tv show "villains" and he set out to top them all.   It is a bit over the top though and he is reminding me of Snidely Whiplash.  "Poisoning" the water source with his "thrive nuggets."  That water looked really dirty anyway and I'm sure animals poop around there.

I still don't feel sorry for Alex and Gina "starving" now because when they had the majority they gleefully ate pizza, hamburgers, and sandwiches in front of C/M and didnt share.  You reap what you sow.

Alex+ did not stop them from ordering food or anything for themselves!  Cody and Makani just refused to order anything more than a jar of peanut butter.  Anyone one of them were free to order what they wanted.  

  • Love 3
18 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Alex+ did not stop them from ordering food or anything for themselves!  Cody and Makani just refused to order anything more than a jar of peanut butter.  Anyone one of them were free to order what they wanted.  

That's not how it happened at all.   That was the point of Alex's alliance with the other 3 campers so that he could control the voting to get rid of C/M.  Deny them food and other luxuries they were taking.

The only reason C/M were given the jars of peanut butter is because it was payment for carrying the majority of the weight on move days.

Edited by AirQuotes
  • Love 8

The best chance for a happy ending is this: Alex and Gina get sick and leave. Cody and Makani are evicted for unsportsmanlike conduct. MTV keeps the money.

35 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

I catch this show when I can and I caught this part.  My question to my fellow posters is:  Why do people do such despicable things on camera?  They must know something as disgusting as this will follow him forever.

I think this is where the isolation part of "Stranded" really takes effect. For pretty much a month now all they've known is this rivalry. It's been 3 weeks since Chris left and almost 2 since Elish and Alonzo. The only human interaction they get is "the ally" who backs them on everything and "the enemy" who must be stopped.  The lack of other people not only means there's no one neutral to run their ideas past, but they've even lost the baseline for what normalcy is.

They might even be perfectly nice and reasonable people back in society. (Although I'd say Cody has combativeness issues.) But I think the situation is such that it's easy for any of them to just completely separate game behavior from real life.

  • Love 6

Here is what Alex had to say about the episode.


Here is Alex answering a question about the rules of the game. 

Bruce, thanks for writing in. There are two simple rules. The rest is left to the cast’s own whims and reactions.

Majority rules at a group buy (i.e. can’t purchase anything that a majority does not vote for).

You cannot physically touch, push or endanger another cast member to use or destroy an item. If no one is around it, use it or destroy it as you please. Furthermore, you could not steal an item while others were on a temptation.

Those were the basic rules, so other than that, you’re merely seeing authentic reality of how we all reacted. It’s one of the best parts about the show (that it delivers more authentic “reality” television). Crew members are not around nearly as much as other shows, and the people playing the game are not constrained by a copious amount of rules.


Now from what I understand Cody and Makani premeditated putting their shit in the water to poison Alex and Gina thus endangering them so I don't get how Cody and Makani are still in the game?

  • Love 4

I still don't feel sorry for Alex and Gina "starving" now because when they had the majority they gleefully ate pizza, hamburgers, and sandwiches in front of C/M and didnt share.

While they did not share, they gave the others the opportunity to purchase what ever they wanted.  They could have gotten food but they chose not too because of greed.  Which I find ironic as all we hear from cody is about them taking money out of his mouth and his families mouth, yet each and every time there is a luxury reward he has no qualms about spending their money.  cody and makani are evil rotten pos that are consumed by greed. 

I can't believe production hasn't stepped in here.  First they take the pot so that Alex and Gina can't boil water to drink and then "poison" the only water they can drink.  Nasty.

And yes,


but seriously they should give food to Alex and Gina when they are starving

they should have given them some food.  For Christs sakes, they've had 1 meal in 4 days, cody and makani had the luxury meal, they have peanut butter (I honestly don't care that they were able to hoard it, that may be because they had a luxury meal and didn't have to use their peanut butter) therefore when they won that extra food they were no where near hungry and there's 2 people who are STARVING.  While I get that it's a game and you want the others to quit, if they haven't quit after starving for 4 days, odds are they are going to hang tough any way so why not be a decent human being and do the damned right thing? Ugh.

Edited by Jwd
  • Love 2

I went back and rewatched early episodes.  The point of the 4 campers' alliance was to have the majority vote to block the others from getting things that they could get for themselves.

At the beginning of Ep 4 Makani went and talked to Alex and Alonzo about wanting a tent because they had one and it would be fair.  They were smug and smarmy saying they "would think about it."  That is why at camp 4 Makani *took* the tent and the 4 campers kept demanding it back. 

C/M could not buy whatever they wanted.  They were being blocked by the 4 campers.  The only reason they got jars of pb was because it was payment for their pack mule services.

  • Love 12

do not forget that early on, the campers denied use of the pot to others.  they also denied buying them a tent and other things.  Do not take pity on the self pitying Alex, he does not need any help. Gina would have dropped out long ago without pizza.  The real crime would be if they make it to the end and get any money.

I would only be happy with MTV keeping the money if they give it to charity and not one of those fake celebrity ones like Trumps where he kept most of the money, but something like feeding people in the SUdan where they are and have been starving for decades. 

  • Love 8

I might be going to hell in a hand-basket, but I was CRACKING UP at the editing genius of Cody putting his turd in the water while Alex was saying he prays for them, hahahahahahaha!

I think Poopgate is disgusting, and I almost felt bad for Alex and Gina this episode.  That said, and I'm not sure why my last post was deleted - so I'll say it again:  I don't like any of the cast members.  I think they're all awful in their own ways.  Cody acts like a sociopath, Makani is passive-aggressive, Alex has entitled special snowflake syndrome, and Gina is basically worthless in every way imaginable.  I will, however, continue to root for MaCody, thrive-nuggets be damned, because I find entitled personalities like Alex and Gina to be less tolerable on reality tee-vee.  YMMV of course.  

  • Love 13
2 hours ago, AngryCarrot86 said:

I might be going to hell in a hand-basket, but I was CRACKING UP at the editing genius of Cody putting his turd in the water while Alex was saying he prays for them, hahahahahahaha!

I think Poopgate is disgusting, and I almost felt bad for Alex and Gina this episode.  That said, and I'm not sure why my last post was deleted - so I'll say it again:  I don't like any of the cast members.  I think they're all awful in their own ways.  Cody acts like a sociopath, Makani is passive-aggressive, Alex has entitled special snowflake syndrome, and Gina is basically worthless in every way imaginable.  I will, however, continue to root for MaCody, thrive-nuggets be damned, because I find entitled personalities like Alex and Gina to be less tolerable on reality tee-vee.  YMMV of course.  

You have a backwards way of thinking. SMH.

Edited by Hiacios

I stopped watching a couple episodes back.  The premise for this show was great and it could've been so much better.  However, no interest in seeing/hearing about someone trying to poison another contestant's water, or trying to starve someone out.  There should have been some basic ground rules in place.

Did they ever explain how decisions are handled when there is tie?  The last thing I watched was Gina begging for peanut butter while Cody ordered a backpack.  It was 2-2, and yet they somehow only got a backpack.  Didn't seem to make a lot of sense

Edited by snarts
  • Love 2
46 minutes ago, snarts said:

I stopped watching a couple episodes back.  The premise for this show was great and it could've been so much better.  However, no interest in seeing/hearing about someone trying to poison another contestant's water, or trying to starve someone out.  There should have been some basic ground rules in place.

Did they ever explain how decisions are handled when there is tie?  The last thing I watched was Gina begging for peanut butter while Cody ordered a backpack.  It was 2-2, and yet they somehow only got a backpack.  Didn't seem to make a lot of sense

For a yes there must be a majority vote.   A tie vote is still a no.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Hiacios said:

You have a backwards way of thinking. SMH.

And why is that?  I'm not staunchly defending any of these kids, they are all terrible people.  This is reality TV, and certain people are more entertaining than others.

 I think that for me, the big difference between MaKody and AlGina  (and why I dislike AlGina more) is the degree of self-awareness.  At least Cody and Makani are acknowledging their actions.  They know they're being assholes and they own it.  They aren't calling themselves America's heros.  When Alex and Gina were still part of the group of 4, they tried to act like they were on some moral high ground with their pretentious and short-sighted actions, when in reality they were being shits.  Now they're drinking shits.  Lol. 

And that folks, is why I'm team MaCody to the bitter end of this show.  Shake your head all you want. 

  • Love 14

I agree, but I think I dislike Alex most of all because of his blogs. SO self righteous, so I am the best guy, even Gina takes hits from him, he is the only good guy, Doesn't' matter that we saw him making some of the decisions, he denies it in writing, denied he ever denied use of the pot,  denies he ever denied food. WHines on the show and then claims it was all an act.  No forgiveness for him. 

this part of this weeks blog got to me


If a guy named Jesus could pray for his enemies while on a cross at Calvary, I can certainly try to follow the same standard. I believe that even if I was not religious, I would find a lesson in that. Prayer helped me keep the game in perspective. I never took any aspect of the game personally. It is, after all, just a competition.


Sorry, if it is jsut a competition, then why did you fight to hard and wish ill on others in the beginning.  when you are bringing Jesus into a reality show, that is too far. Jesus would never have gone on this show, sorry. 

Edited by holly4755
  • Love 11

 I think that for me, the big difference between MaKody and AlGina  (and why I dislike AlGina more) is the degree of self-awareness.  At least Cody and Makani are acknowledging their actions.  They know they're being assholes and they own it.  They aren't calling themselves America's heros.  When Alex and Gina were still part of the group of 4, they tried to act like they were on some moral high ground with their pretentious and short-sighted actions, when in reality they were being shits.  Now they're drinking shits.  Lol. 

And that folks, is why I'm team MaCody to the bitter end of this show.  Shake your head all you want. 

Opposite opinion here.  Makody are true assholes whereas AlGina are merely situational assholes.  

Cody came in on day 1 with a plan to be a ruthless dick and make everyone else leave.  He told the cameras who he was and what he was going to do.  Makody isolated themselves from the group early and purposely acted contradictory any time the group strove for comfort or food.  That was their game plan.   I think both are difficult people in real life.  Thus, truly assholes.

AlGina were forced to react to Makody.  Were they at times assholish? Yes.  But it's really easy to second guess their reactions from the comfort of ones couch.  Had Makody not separated themselves and been more willing to work toward with the group, I don't see any chance that AlGina would've targeted them (or others) ostracizing them from the group.  Hence, decent people who acted foolishly in times of stress.

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4 hours ago, snarts said:

I stopped watching a couple episodes back.  The premise for this show was great and it could've been so much better.  However, no interest in seeing/hearing about someone trying to poison another contestant's water, or trying to starve someone out.  There should have been some basic ground rules in place.

The game was designed to let people be as kind or as harsh to each other as they choose.  While I get how that can be unpleasant to watch, they're about as good as they can be in that direction. (Without it becoming The Hunger Games.)  I don't think you can add minor rules without either seeming arbitrary or massively changing the whole game.

For example, what does "trying to starve someone out" mean in terms of a rule? Does it mean the pot or the firestarter must be shared? Those weren't starting equipment, so what if the group didn't buy them at all? How is it "starving out" to not get a pot in one circumstance but not "starving out" to not get a pot in another? I'm not denying that's what they were trying to do to each other in their minds, but you can't make rules against thought crimes. There has to be a definition of what behavior is forbidden / required and know that whatever the rule is, that line will be pushed.

And if you simply want to say "buys must be shared", that's a heck of a tough thing with Alonzo's socks, let alone a sandwich or a tent.

The basic ground rules they went with are "majority decides the group buy", "possession is the law", and "no physical confrontation", which includes taking an item in someone else's possession. I don't see an easy way to add to that in a minor yet consistent way.

(That said, there's a rumor allegedly started by Cody that they were forced to share the firestarter but that wasn't shown on camera. If so, I am annoyed that they do have rules which weren't stated.)

2 hours ago, AngryCarrot86 said:

And why is that?  I'm not staunchly defending any of these kids, they are all terrible people.  This is reality TV, and certain people are more entertaining than others.

I'm the same way. I think I binged the first 3 episodes and at that point I released myself from the burden of having to root for anyone. That made this all more entertaining.

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3 hours ago, AngryCarrot86 said:

And why is that?  I'm not staunchly defending any of these kids, they are all terrible people.  This is reality TV, and certain people are more entertaining than others.

 I think that for me, the big difference between MaKody and AlGina  (and why I dislike AlGina more) is the degree of self-awareness.  At least Cody and Makani are acknowledging their actions.  They know they're being assholes and they own it.  They aren't calling themselves America's heros.  When Alex and Gina were still part of the group of 4, they tried to act like they were on some moral high ground with their pretentious and short-sighted actions, when in reality they were being shits.  Now they're drinking shits.  Lol. 

And that folks, is why I'm team MaCody to the bitter end of this show.  Shake your head all you want. 

I agree with you 100%. The episodes where the group of 4 were horrible shits to Makani and then Makody made me angrier than any other viewing of a tv show I have ever experienced in my life.  Idc what Makody does from here on out, as long as they win.

The other hilarious thing is that Gina and Alex are constantly calling Makodi immature, when AlGina are constantly saying and doing the most immature things I can possibly imagine.  The denial and lack of self-awareness is absolutely mind-boggling.

And for the record, I still don't think Makani is a terrible person. The other three...yes. So much yes.

Edited by Zima
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4 hours ago, AngryCarrot86 said:

And why is that?  I'm not staunchly defending any of these kids, they are all terrible people.  This is reality TV, and certain people are more entertaining than others.

 I think that for me, the big difference between MaKody and AlGina  (and why I dislike AlGina more) is the degree of self-awareness.  At least Cody and Makani are acknowledging their actions.  They know they're being assholes and they own it.  They aren't calling themselves America's heros.  When Alex and Gina were still part of the group of 4, they tried to act like they were on some moral high ground with their pretentious and short-sighted actions, when in reality they were being shits.  Now they're drinking shits.  Lol. 

And that folks, is why I'm team MaCody to the bitter end of this show.  Shake your head all you want. 

"they own it" LMAO! They don't own up to anything they have done on the show and they wont after it ends.


Cody and Makani are the most hypocritical, conniving lowlifes I have ever seen on TV.

Examples of their hypocrisy:

Makani was standoffish to the 4 campers and constantly antagonized them, she left the 2nd group buy and didn't vote for the tent but expected to use it then she later steals their food and tent and goes and spends 30k on her temptations after she critisied them for every pizza and hamburger they got. SMH.


Cody tells the viewers on episode 1 that his plan is to get rid of everybody so he can get all the money, convinces the majority to not get anything at the first group buy so he can make them quit, he tells everybody that he doesn't need the money but then goes on to criticizes the 4 campers for spending the money on the tent, pizza, hamburgers, when he spends 15k after 15k on his, Chris, and Makani's temptations. What a complete hypocrite.

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