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S06.E07: Fireworks

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Here's my over under, I'm going to say that everyone goes to watch the 4th of July fireworks display and has a lovely time. They all hug at the end and walk off best of friends. OR Someone calls someone something "terrible" and this show devolves into the shit-show we all come to watch. 

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Good one, Lisin.  One thing I enjoy about  Sonja -- sadly delusional as she is -- is that at least she seems to know WHY being invited to perform in Berlin or Mykonos (to a crowd of 10,000 people!) would be cool and of the moment.  Some of these other ladies -- Ramona, Aviva, I'm looking at you -- give the impression that they would be stymied by mention of either of these locales.  So I do give her that.  It's too bad that she's not able to hear what Ramona and Harry have been trying to tell her.  

Aviva never disappoints in offering up the the super creepy.  I'm not wild about Carole -- enough with the talk about penises and blow jobs, please -- but I don't blame her one little bit for not being more gracious towards this woman and her totally insincere brand of lunacy.  I would be telling my work mates and the Bravo production team to simply STOP making me interact with Viv, period and ponto final.  There is simply no way that Carole will ever really forgive her for the accusations made -- nor should she feel obliged to. Aviva is a dreadful person.  Pulling out the book was both scary and super bitchy. 

The episode was entertaining -- beachey, summery, crazy.  Kristen looked great throughout and handled Drescher well under difficult circumstances.  She held her own with Ramona -- best to stay out of these messes altogether and I don't doubt that in real life Kristen probably would -- but since the ladies have to bring the cat- fighting and nonsense, okay.  She did fine against the Lucy van Pelt that is Ramona.

Ramona and her dog calendar -- poor Avery.  That thing will go in a drawer, only to be taken out and put on view when Mommy comes to visit. The tackiness of that woman seems to know no bounds. 

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Ramona and her dog calendar -- poor Avery.  That thing will go in a drawer, only to be taken out and put on view when Mommy comes to visit. The tackiness of that woman seems to know no bounds. 

I thought the calendar at first was just going to be the dog.  If she had done that, I bet it would have turned out really cute and Avery probably would put it up in her dorm room.  But a calendar of pictures of her mom....um, that's just weird.


I shared Kristen's utter disbelief at the hypocrisy of Aviva for snipping at Kristen to keep things non-hostile, then minutes later telling Kristen -- in front of the children -- to shut the eff up.


I thought Ramona was pretty rude through most of the episode, but I guess the Bravo editors are "going to go there": they definitely focused on Ramona's face when Mario uttered the line about "the best thing about cheating is not getting caught."  Ouch! 


I was kind of confused when Aviva pulled Carole's book out of her bag.  Before that, Carole was getting annoyed that Aviva had apparently gotten an advance copy (a "galley"?) of Carole's new book, but what Aviva pulled out of her bag looked like a normal paperback.  Is that what galleys look like (i.e., normal books)?


I felt so bad for Heather and Jonathan -- I hope Jax was able to have the surgery and it helped.


We're seeing so much of LuAnn -- I'm surprised she was relegated to "friend of housewive" status.


I haven't had time yet to read the HWs' blogs on the Bravo site, but I took a quick peek at Aviva's.  Boy, she is backpedaling as fast as she can.  Her blog this week seems to be mostly about how, even though she's been fighting with her on the show, Heather is such a great person, mother, etc.

Edited by MMLEsq
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later telling Kristen -- in front of the children -- to shut the eff up.

Weren't the kids off doing their ridiculous activity (making soap?!) by that point?

Is that what galleys look like (i.e., normal books)?


They look like oversize paperbacks, just like what Aviva pulled out of her purse.

After Aviva complimented Carole on her new book, Carole did reply [paraphrasing] "Did you compliment Bill Whatshisface?".  That was pretty funny!

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Aviva annoys the everloving fuck out of me.  I just CAN'T with her anymore.  There is something wrong with that woman.  One of the things that bothers me the most is how calculating she is.  She knows that by going out of her way to compliment Carole on the book...emphatically...in front of cameras, that she can use that FOREVER.  Watch, on the reunion, we're going to hear, "But Carole, I looooved your book.  I told you that!"  It allows her to claim that she's taking the high road in the most devious way possible. 

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Weren't the kids off doing their ridiculous activity (making soap?!) by that point?


They look like oversize paperbacks, just like what Aviva pulled out of her purse.

After Aviva complimented Carole on her new book, Carole did reply [paraphrasing] "Did you compliment Bill Whatshisface?".  That was pretty funny!

I thought the kids were still there.  I thought that after Aviva said that, they asked someone to take the kids over to the other side of the room.  Although I usually multitask when I watch the RH shows, so I'm not 100% sure.


Ah, thanks for the info re: the galleys.  I always assumed they looked more like a set of Xeroxed pages.  You learn something new every day.  :-)   

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Being and acting dumb can be fun on these shows.  Same with being manipulative -- that can entertain.  Then we have the delusionals -- plenty of those across the board on the many Housewives shows.  But Aviva manages to be all three at once and all time -- dumb, manipulative, delusional.  Add a hefty sprinkling of mean to the mix and we're left with a cast member whom I would love to see gone.  She brings nothing but heartburn and sinks the show.  The constant repetition of her annoying catch-phrases is enough to make me want to just give up on the whole thing.

Her attempt to mediate the Sonja-Ramona spat was cringe-worthy.  They paid zero attention to her.  She fancies herself the voice of reason and morality and some kind of lofty spokesperson for SAHMs.  No self-awareness at all.  I imagine that coming to see how the vast majority of folks really can't stand her has been a bitter pill to swallow. She under estimates both her fellow Housewives and most of the viewing public.  Here's to hoping this is her last season.

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Amen Nancybeth. I cant believe that aviva did that to kristen. How can she tell kristen to watch her tone(or however she said it) then drop an f bomb.

oh aviva your so important. You alone dictate everything. Your sooo special. (Whatevah)

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I thought Ramona was pretty rude through most of the episode, but I guess the Bravo editors are "going to go there": they definitely focused on Ramona's face when Mario uttered the line about "the best thing about cheating is not getting caught."  Ouch!

Yes, they're going there.  His exact words: "Honey, the best cheaters are the ones that get away with it.  In every sense of the word. Cheers."  Cut to Ramona's downcast face. I'm not a Ramona fan but I felt a twinge of sympathy for her at that moment.

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O.K. Ramona is a kook but I really felt sorry for her. She was well aware Mario was cheating and she looked beat up. She has my sympathy.

Heather- I love ya but mind you're own business and quit trying to make Aviva and Carole happen.

LuAnn- Love Love Love She is sooo different then she was with the Count. Now she's fun!

Carole- Just get a restraining order already. Drescher is nuts.

Sonja- Just sad. And that outfit at the beach party? Really? All she needed was a pole.

Kristen-Seems nice. Stands up well to the others. Her husbands an idiot.

Aviva- Ugh. She is, hands down, the worst person on any reality show. Methinks she has mental problems or drinks a lot (in secret) What an over privileged ass. She can take her leg and GO AWAY. 

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I hope Jax is doing well.  He was dealt a pretty shitty hand at birth, so if his hearing can be improved, I hope the surgery worked.  I also hope he gets his hair cut.


Aviva...wow.  Every week she elevates the crazy.  At least we weren't subjected to Mandy-Melissa-Abby drunk-ass.  Or Harry.  Or George. 


Sonja is just in such deep denial about her situation.  I think she's overloading herself with all her "businesses" to avoid the reality. 


Something I learned last night:  Aviva is to Author as Sonja is to Comedian.  Huh, who knew?  I have written many "published" posts on various forums.  I have told jokes and made people laugh. I guess I am also an author AND a comedian!  BRAVO, call me when you want to do a RHO - Boston! I'm available.

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This season is becoming very difficult to watch. I like fun and silliness in my reality television, preferably with pretty things to look at. This was yet another week of exhausting drama and nothing really happening. Don't these women do anything? That is, I know they don't really do that much, but there are reality shows where people don't do much but they can manage to craft some kind of narrative instead of just having little fake fights in different locations. Honestly, I kind of hate everyone. Carole is the worst. Aviva has some valid points but she is terrible at arguing and she would be intolerable in person. More than Sonja, I think she's playing a character which is why I think I don't dislike her as much as other people do. Heather is tolerable when she isn't up Carole's ass. She does seem like a good mom even though I did bristle a bit about the way she kept talking about "fixing" her son. I was getting ready to say something about how someone who is so driven, both personally and professionally, probably struggles with having a son with so many issues who can't be as "perfect" and "normal" as she wants but then she finally made that comment about it being OK even if he didn't qualify for the surgery. I hope Heather gets in a fight with Carole because she could really be tolerable. Sonja is unbearably delusional. Carole makes me angry. Sonja is just sad and exhausting to watch. As far as this season goes, Ramona is sort of tolerable but like Aviva she is absolutely terrible at arguing with people. She just keeps repeating herself and getting louder. I feel like someone told Kristen she needed to get involved because her weird obsession with Elvis wasn't going to cut it. I found her attempts to get into the drama to be less irritating than Heather's were but not by much. 


I was really considering taking a break after this week but next week there's a spa and a drink gets thrown in someone's face and as a former Smash fan, I can't miss that. Damn you, RHONYC.

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Aviva annoys the everloving fuck out of me.  I just CAN'T with her anymore.  There is something wrong with that woman.  One of the things that bothers me the most is how calculating she is.  She knows that by going out of her way to compliment Carole on the book...emphatically...in front of cameras, that she can use that FOREVER.  Watch, on the reunion, we're going to hear, "But Carole, I looooved your book.  I told you that!"  It allows her to claim that she's taking the high road in the most devious way possible.

Oh, I didn't see it as calculating at all. That is, I don't think it was meant to be anything but a transparent reprimand. She was basically being a "well-wisher" and telling Carole the exact things that she's been saying she wanted Carole to say to her. It was a very passive aggressive... well, I guess you could cal it a "lesson." 


I'm kind of OK with having Aviva on the show for the drama. But Carole can go. She's awful and she doesn't really have any storylines. She should be thankful for Bookgate (at least in the context of this show). 

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Boy but Carole will not let it go. I mean we have all heard the expression "Like a dog with a bone" but this is the first time I saw "a bone with a bone." She holds her resentments with a death grip that is quite impressive. Even her head cheerleader Heather thinks she need to give it a rest. Enough already.

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What is Aviva's storyline without this book kerfuffle? 


I agree with Nancybeth who talked about Aviva being calculating. After she's gone off and accused Carole of having What Remains ghostwritten, after she's acted like being a well-wisher is actually something, Avvia went back to someone at the publishing house and (very likely) harangued them to get her a copy of Carol's novel. It looks like she got the novel for the precise reason of wanting to show Carol (and the audience) that she (Aviva) is a "well wisher." Except Aviva really isn't a well-wisher. She's a shrew and a cow who has standards for others that she herself will never rise to. 


Case in point: The whole dramatic covering of her mouth to stage whisper to Kristen that she should be careful around the children only to turn around minutes later and say "Shut the fuck up" in front of them. 

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I wouldn't say Carole won't let it go. The way I see it when Aviva and Carole sat down this time Carole said "I want to know what terrible thing I said at the lunch to precipitate you going out and spreading lies about me." or something along those lines and then Aviva just babbled and said she didn't want to talk about it and they should just drop it etc. she refused to answer Carole's question so Carole continued asking it. Which is basically the same thing that happened with Kristen. 

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I think it takes a very, very long time to get over the sheer rage that Carole probably experienced when this was still relatively fresh.  Letting go can be (much) easier said than done.  Aviva's accusations have been vile and vilely self-serving.  She's no one's friend. She's pathological.   I'm a pretty forgiving person, I think, -- In large part, because I hope to be forgiven myself for my transgressions and mistakes.  BUT this charge of Viv's was really, really beyond the pale.  And the show, because it is what it is, has no doubt forced these gals into upping the drama and so returning to the conflict.  I can overlook a lot, but once a line is crossed, I'm out, and the anger can take awhile to spend itself. 


Carole will NEVER forgive Aviva this one -- and will certainly never forget it either.  I would imagine that, by now, almost a year later, she's cooled off considerably.  I'm not wild about Carole either -- and think her claims to being a serious author of literature are over-blown and pedantic.  But I don't fault her for not being able to snap out of this one quickly. 


As for her current blogs, it would be great if she could drop it now but wonder if she is being encouraged to clue us in as viewers as to how she felt at the time. 


I like the show fine and am happy to see some folks missing The Countess, who has always been my favorite.  Bravo goes too far across the board in subjecting us to these Omarosa types.  The villains manage to draw ratings because haters gotta hate but also drag on each and every one of these franchises.  

Edited by copacabana
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What is Aviva's storyline without this book kerfuffle?

Well, to be blunt, there's her leg. I'm sure she could make up a charity event if necessary. She has her own book to promote. And it's not really a storyline but she can go do things with her kids or her husband or (God forbid) they could bring George back. 


Watching Carole is just tiresome, irritating, or depressing for me. She pretends to edit her book in the most annoying way possible. She records her audiobook (badly) and makes stupid, crass jokes. She is the queen of the sad mermaid parade. She awkwardly flirts with younger men. Why can't she do something interesting like own how awful she is and how she's always flirting with all the husbands? This kind of goes for everyone on the cast but look, stop pretending you're a nice person. Because you're not. We can clearly see how awful you are. Just own it. 

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Avvia went back to someone at the publishing house and (very lilely) harangued them to get her a copy of Carol's novel.


I heard that someone at Bravo got it for her.  Like how Danielle was encouraged to bring the book to Teresa's dinner by the producers.  I've no doubt that Bravo was hoping for drama the likes of which we haven't seen since the table flip.


Regardless of how she got it, she used it to rub in Carole's face and to show Carole how a well wisher would congratulate an author on a new book.

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Just because someone is unpleasant doesn't mean that they are not right in what they are saying.  I think Aviva is a nasty piece of work but Carole is lot worse. I have no doubt the people in the publishing world are feeding Aviva dirt on the Princess. Did you see how she interacted with her "editor." Nasty as nasty could be. I bet she has a lot of people that would hand Aviva a shiv to place in her back.

As far as story lines go...please let me know what Carole's has going on other than bitching that everyone is copying her and abusing her in some way. I heard she put out a hit on Batman because he stole her idea about wearing a cape.

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The way I see it when Aviva and Carole sat down this time Carole said "I want to know what terrible thing I said at the lunch to precipitate you going out and spreading lies about me." or something along those lines and then Aviva just babbled and said she didn't want to talk about it and they should just drop it etc. she refused to answer Carole's question so Carole continued asking it.


If Carole really wants to know, she should just watch the lunch episode.  She'd see that she was the one that started with the accusations.  Then continued with her sarcasm and dismissiveness.  That just got Aviva all torqued and equally ugly in return. I've watched that scene 3 or 9 times and unless I'm missing something, that's the way I see it.


They're both off their rockers but I agree that at least Aviva is the villain that every reality show, unfortunately, has to have.

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For someone who was bashing Ramona and Sonja for drinking too much last season, Aviva is putting the drinks back with the best of them this season.


Now, I am going to be mean. I think that the voice of Aviva's "word on the streets" is Jill Zarin. Jill and Aviva were friends and Jill attended Aviva's premiere party last season. Jill really wants Carole fired and replaced by herself. Jill also considers herself an author. To top it off, there was Aviva's nasty dig in her blog about Heather's Yummie Tummie being a Spanx rip off. Guess who else has her own Spanx rip off. No other than Jill. After all the crap during Amazon, I will not put anything past Jill.

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I can't get over how delusional Sonja continues to be, and ramped up to 11.  Wow.  Yes, dear, you have 15 different careers, only one of which provides an actual paycheck.

Word to this. My friend and I have been theorizing that Sonja is on the booze & Adderall diet, accounting for her weight loss (she definitely looks much slimmer this season) as well as her erratic behavior.


Re-watching episodes like Scary Island when Sonja was the rational voice of reason make me so sad for what she's become.


Luann continues to be my surprise favorite- I think being demoted to Friend of the Ho'Wives was the best thing to happen for her with regards to fan perception. I loved how she (attempted) to handle Sonja, who of course acted like a looney tune in response.


Aviva is insane, but Carol is still the one coming off far worse in this BookGate. And when even your bestie Heather is telling you to drop it already, maybe you should.


However, Aviva's conduct during the Soap outing with Kristen was ridiculous. The fact that she was so dense to not even acknowledge the inappropriateness of saying "Shut the Fuck up" in front of their small children was positively mind-blowing. She's so over the top in her villainy, I am seriously starting to question whether or not she's putting on airs for the show, guided by production. I mean, can anyone really be that batshit cray cray?

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Aviva is bat shit crazy but she can be right about some things. Was it any of her business to scold Ramonja about their drunken behavior on St. Barts? No. Was she wrong when she was telling Sonja that she felt sad watching her downward spiral? At the time it seemed wrong but in retrospect, she wasn't too far off the mark. Sonja is spiraling. She's so delusional it's almost not fun to watch anymore.  Almost.

I have a theory about why Sonja and Ramona are friends with her. I think when she made those comments to them, that burned them badly. Mostly because the truth hurts and they realized that she wasn't completely wrong with her assessment. Perhaps they believe now, that she really did have/does have their best interests at heart. So they're friends. I just can't think of any other reason they'd be friends with her. I don't really buy the producer-driven angle

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