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Dawson's Creek - General Discussion

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I'm a middle-aged woman who still ships the hell out of Pacey/Joey. I'm not proud of this, but at least admitting the problem is the first step to recovery :)

My favorite season was definitely S3, though every season had just enough surprisingly engaging, smartly written episodes and clever dialogue to keep me hooked on this often frustrating but addictive show.

Does anyone have favorite episodes? Mine mostly revolve around Pacey/Joey because, again, I am hopeless. They were my OTP years before anyone ever used that term!

Edited by iknowyouknow
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20 hours ago, iknowyouknow said:

I'm a middle-aged woman who still ships the hell out of Pacey/Joey. I'm not proud of this, but at least admitting the problem is the first step to recovery :)

My favorite season was definitely S3, though every season had just enough surprisingly engaging, smartly written episodes and clever dialogue to keep me hooked on this often frustrating but addictive show.

Does anyone have favorite episodes? Mine mostly revolve around Pacey/Joey because, again, I am hopeless. They were my OTP years before anyone ever used that term!

I'm with you on that. I love them together and I love how the show was pushing so hard for everyone to obsess over Dawson and Joey but chemistry took over and they changed the course of the show. The only thing I hated was after Joey and Pacey broke up, the writers seemed to forget that they were ever a couple and they seemed like they hardly ever met let alone dated for a year. You can't expect me to buy that Joey wouldn't give a crap about Pacey dating Audrey.

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On 4/12/2018 at 11:42 AM, iknowyouknow said:

I'm a middle-aged woman who still ships the hell out of Pacey/Joey. I'm not proud of this, but at least admitting the problem is the first step to recovery :)

My favorite season was definitely S3, though every season had just enough surprisingly engaging, smartly written episodes and clever dialogue to keep me hooked on this often frustrating but addictive show.

Does anyone have favorite episodes? Mine mostly revolve around Pacey/Joey because, again, I am hopeless. They were my OTP years before anyone ever used that term!

I LOVED the build up to Pacey and Joey but felt the writers really dropped the ball on the pairing once they ended up together.  Then, once again in college when it looked like they might get together, I loved that build up.  But then... Eddie.  Yuck.  Anyway, so most of my favorite episodes are when Joey and Pacey were first getting together.  The Anti-Prom is one of my favorites. When he whispers "I remember everything."  Oh. My. Gosh.  How could you not love that? Oh, and Crime and Punishment! I love when that guy is telling Pacey to walk away and Pacey responds, "Dream another dream, cowboy.  That isn't how this shakes out" before kicking his butt. I like seeing how differently Pacey and Dawson handle the situation.  And I guess my third favorite episode is Detention.  Love the look everyone gives Pacey when he mentions how Emelio Estevez "made those duck movies! They are classics."  Can you tell I love Pacey?

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1 hour ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

I LOVED the build up to Pacey and Joey but felt the writers really dropped the ball on the pairing once they ended up together. 

Preach it. Season 4 is my favorite but P/J was just such an eye-roll-worthy couple. They had a dramatic fight every single episode that season and always some cheesy makeup speech at the end. It was so immature and exhausting, and it always baffled me that people rooted so much for them as a couple. They were just awful together and brought out the absolute worst in each other. I never got the appeal.

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On 4/23/2018 at 4:54 PM, CleoCaesar said:

Preach it. Season 4 is my favorite but P/J was just such an eye-roll-worthy couple. They had a dramatic fight every single episode that season and always some cheesy makeup speech at the end. It was so immature and exhausting, and it always baffled me that people rooted so much for them as a couple. They were just awful together and brought out the absolute worst in each other. I never got the appeal.

Uh Dawson's Creek was 90% dramatic fights lmao Pacey and Joey were introduced having a fight. They continued that even if they were in love, they were both stubborn and I didn't think the disagreements or fights as you say, were that big a deal. They didn't argue every episode so that's a bit of an exaggeration but all of the characters had disagreement and fights every week just to resolve it by the end in that typical DC speechy sweet way (most of the time) Pacey and Joey are still popular and still considered by many fans of the show, casual fans and critics to be one of televisions most beloved couples for a reason. I'm constantly seeing them on favorite/best tv couples lists 15 years after the show went off the air. Even grown men who mostly make fun of the show, end up saying Pacey and Joey's romance was a DC bright spot. That's not because we're all delusional lmao I understand that you don't agree and I respect your prerogative to think they were boring but it was just your last comment of not understanding why people rooted for them that made me want to respond. I think their relationship was written as mature as a DC relationship could be considering the writers thrived and bathed in scripted angst and certainly much more mature than Dawson and Joey's relationship. Talk about dysfunctional and borderline creepy. They couldn't make it work longer than a sneeze. They were written horribly as a couple, fighting over the dumbest stuff. Dawson seemed psychotic when dating her (and even Jen the first time around). At least Pacey and Joey didn't bail at the drop of a hat during their romantic relationship. I also like after they broke up, they stayed friends and there were no angst ridden jealousy fits when one was in a relationship or having a fling with another character. It's weird to me how some fans think being jealous, posessive or pissed off when an ex moves on, is a sign of real love while being mature and supportive is a sign that the love must not have been real. That's ridiculous. While it's natural to feel weird or even hurt when someone you were once in a relationship with moves on but if you really love that person, you want them to be happy even if it's with someone you know. Pacey started dating Joey's roommate Audrey but some fans think that was unrealistic that Joey gave her blessing. I don't get what she was supposed to say? She fell in love with her ex bf's (Dawson) best friend, and then for a while, lived with Dawson's ultimatum that she had to choose him or Pacey. She lived with feeling guilty for the simple act of falling in love so that'd be dumb as heck for her then to turn around and tell Pacey and Audrey she had a problem with them dating. She would've looked like a hypocrite. Pacey and Joey's friendship and romance was written just much more mature than her and Dawson's imo. 

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13 minutes ago, LeslieMusicFan said:

They couldn't make it work longer than a sneeze. They were written horribly as a couple, fighting over the dumbest stuff.

That's exactly how I feel about Pacey and Joey.


Pacey and Joey's friendship and romance was written just much more mature than her and Dawson's imo. 

I wasn't comparing P/J to D/J. Both were absolutely ridiculous and childish pairings, but only one was absurdly venerated by the fandom and still is (P/J, obviously).

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I wasn't comparing P/J to D/J. Both were absolutely ridiculous and childish pairings, but only one was absurdly venerated by the fandom and still is (P/J, obviously).




Yeah PJ had ridiculous moments but their entire relationship wasn't childish. They had some wonderful romantic moments and Katie and Josh's chemistry was incredible on screen so that's why they're so popular and well loved by many. If you didn't like them, that's cool too. Not everybody is going to agree on things but I'm just saying not all of us who loved the PJ pairing saw something that didn't exist. They're still loved after 15 yrs for a reason. 

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Pacey and Joey did fight pretty much every episode they were together, but it was also annoying that the writers had them constantly fight over Dawson. I get doing that in the early stages of their relationship, but having them fight about him during the course of their relationship was a buzz kill. No one would ever have trouble deciding between Pacey and Dawson. No one.

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I hate Dawson and never understood why Pacey or Joey or Jen or Jack or anyone kept falling all over themselves when he was angry. Not to mention his own parents catering to his every whim. Even about their own relationships. I am an only child but my parents would never ever even think of giving me a say in anything not my business.

That said (and totally unrelated) I just watched Don't Trust the B in Apartment 23 and JVDB is hilarious.

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For me, I just never saw JVDB as a leading guy. He wasn't attractive enough and was just pretty annoying. It started off as the Joey and Dawson show with Pacey being more a side character, but he was just more leading material than Dawson. 

On that note, I know a lot of people loved Joey in the early seasons because she was spunky, but she bugged the crap out of me . She had that permanent asymmetrical frown constantly and was so nasty when people were so nice to her. She had a complete personality change in the college years but I actually thought it was for the better.

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Just watched the whole series over the last few months.  I agree there was no reason to kill any of these young characters.  Grams must have conquered her cancer since she was still around 5 years later.  Jen's parents were not portrayed as even being there. And Audrey had been a pretty good friend of Jen, so it didn't make any sense she was left out.  

And they have Joey doing that narrative at the beginning of the last episodes as if it was "Joey's Creek."   Why did they make her the main focus?  She was not such a likable character.  Good luck, Pacey, she bails as soon as something is not perfect.  I just don't believe that happy ending.  There is no way Joey is going to stay in any relationship.  I had figured Dawson would get stuck with her.  She broke up with him 3 times, never for any really good reason.  The last time she did it, it was because she was spying on his phone.  He was supposed to be a monk at any time she had not decided to grace him with her wonderful self.  

I recall a dream scene where Dawson had her engaged to an environmental attorney.  Dawson of all people should realize she would never actually marry this attorney.  Something had to be imperfect.  Same with poor old "Chris."  Oh and she dated some guy the summer Dawson was supposed to have no one because she decided not to talk to him.   

The writers were terrible at coming up with break up stories.  They had the couples break up for such stupid reasons and they made the originator of the break up look entirely stupid.  

Like most TV shows, it is good at first.  Then you sort of slog through the end, just wanting to know what happens in the end.

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On 7/18/2018 at 11:16 PM, Kim0820 said:

Just watched the whole series over the last few months.  I agree there was no reason to kill any of these young characters.  Grams must have conquered her cancer since she was still around 5 years later.  Jen's parents were not portrayed as even being there. And Audrey had been a pretty good friend of Jen, so it didn't make any sense she was left out.  

And they have Joey doing that narrative at the beginning of the last episodes as if it was "Joey's Creek."   Why did they make her the main focus?  She was not such a likable character.  Good luck, Pacey, she bails as soon as something is not perfect.  I just don't believe that happy ending.  There is no way Joey is going to stay in any relationship.  I had figured Dawson would get stuck with her.  She broke up with him 3 times, never for any really good reason.  The last time she did it, it was because she was spying on his phone.  He was supposed to be a monk at any time she had not decided to grace him with her wonderful self.  

I recall a dream scene where Dawson had her engaged to an environmental attorney.  Dawson of all people should realize she would never actually marry this attorney.  Something had to be imperfect.  Same with poor old "Chris."  Oh and she dated some guy the summer Dawson was supposed to have no one because she decided not to talk to him.   

The writers were terrible at coming up with break up stories.  They had the couples break up for such stupid reasons and they made the originator of the break up look entirely stupid.  

Like most TV shows, it is good at first.  Then you sort of slog through the end, just wanting to know what happens in the end.

Agreed . Joey wasn't as bad to Pacey as she was to Dawson though . Granted she was young with Dawson , but she was going on and on for the entire first season about how in love with him she was and how she wished he would see her as a girlfriend instead of a friend .. only for that exact Situation to happen and she dumped him a day later because she " needed to be someone apart from Joey and Dawson ".. that was the most idiotic reason for a break up ever and Dawson was barely even annoyed about what a teasing bitch she was being . That was when I officially jumped on the hate Joey train . 

She was slightly better to pacey in that he technically officially dumped her and not vice versa , but she made every single day of their relationship about Dawson somehow . He was insecure but he really had every right to be . She was clearly still obsessed with Dawson during their relationship . And why on earth would she feel bad for not telling Dawson the second she slept with pacey ? Why would that be any of his business ? God that girl is annoying 

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This popped up on Amazon Prime so I thought what the hell, let’s relive my youth a bit.

Joey’s likeable this season, before the whole world starts worshipping at her alter. Sure she had some immature moments like being so bitchy to Jen, but I could still see the self-conscious teenage girl who had had to grow up too fast. I really liked when she stood up to Gail when she found out Gail was having an affair and talked about the ripple effect her father’s infidelity had on the family. Also when she asked Grams for help delivering Alexander and pointed out of all the reasons Grams disliked the situation (which were not valid anyway) none were the baby’s fault. And WTF Grams with all the racism. Glad she got cool later on.

Speaking of the affair, WTF was Gail doing pulling Dawson into her confession to Mitch and announcing “I’ve been having sex with another man.” I know Dawson already knew but seriously she should be trying to protect him from the fallout, not exposing him to even more adult scenes he shouldn’t be part of.

Annnnnd of the topic of inappropriate adults, back in ‘98, the Pacey/Tamara didn’t bother me because Pacey was several years older than me and I thought 15 was like, totes an adult who had the mental and emotional capacity to make well-thought out decisions on having a sexual relationship with someone more than twice their age. Now? SO MUCH TAMARA RAGE. She committed a felony (and she kept saying so!) and when the news came out she had the nerve to stonewall Pacey for not being discreet. HE’S 15 YEARS OLD. Her ass should’ve been in jail. GAH.

Jen has always been my fave and the more underutilized character. I loved how she kept going at Joey until Joey gave in and they became friends. I also loved her sitting by Gramp’s bedside and talking to him. I hated how she was slut-shamed. Dawson could go to hell when he told her she must understand his mom cheating.

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On 8/15/2018 at 6:38 PM, WineCheeseChocolat said:

Jen has always been my fave and the more underutilized character. I loved how she kept going at Joey until Joey gave in and they became friends. I also loved her sitting by Gramp’s bedside and talking to him. I hated how she was slut-shamed. Dawson could go to hell when he told her she must understand his mom cheating.

I loved season 1 Joey! 

Jen deserved better than these fools. 

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I agree with y'all about Joey.

I just recently went back and rewatched on Prime (well...up through season 4 and then the 5 years later finale). The first time I watched this I was so mad at how she pined for Dawson and then treated him so horribly and dumped him that I was never okay with her and Pacey. Watching it again and knowing what to expect, I was pretty okay with her and Pacey and was able to actually enjoy and appreciate Dawson and Gretchen's relationship.

Pacey was such a great guy. He was so good to Andi and then the writers went and changed Andi's character completely just so they'd have a legit reason to break them up and put Pacey and Joey together. It was so out of character for Andi to cheat on Pacey. And then Pacey was such a nice guy to Joey and she was just neurotic. Although, I imagine her summer on the boat with Pacey must have been great. That still sounds like so much fun sailing the coast all summer long with the one you love and just making it up each day as you go along. And Joey knew she could trust Pacey to take care of her because even though he wasn't book smart, he knew how to handle himself and handle what life threw at  him.

And Pacey was a great friend to Dawson even though he broke "bro code" and dated Dawson's ex-gf/soulmate/MFEO.

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On 5/15/2018 at 8:52 AM, Jaclyn88 said:

For me, I just never saw JVDB as a leading guy. He wasn't attractive enough and was just pretty annoying. It started off as the Joey and Dawson show with Pacey being more a side character, but he was just more leading material than Dawson.

I don't know that James was ever intended to be a leading man on Dawson's Creek. Dawson was a dreamer, not a take charge, grab the world by the tail kind of guy. I mean, can you imagine Josh playing Dawson? It just wouldn't work. Even though Josh is leading man material, he wouldn't work as Dawson because that's not what Dawson is supposed to be.

Edited by Aryanna
16 hours ago, Aryanna said:

I agree with y'all about Joey.

I just recently went back and rewatched on Prime (well...up through season 4 and then the 5 years later finale). The first time I watched this I was so mad at how she pined for Dawson and then treated him so horribly and dumped him that I was never okay with her and Pacey. Watching it again and knowing what to expect, I was pretty okay with her and Pacey and was able to actually enjoy and appreciate Dawson and Gretchen's relationship.

Pacey was such a great guy. He was so good to Andi and then the writers went and changed Andi's character completely just so they'd have a legit reason to break them up and put Pacey and Joey together. It was so out of character for Andi to cheat on Pacey. And then Pacey was such a nice guy to Joey and she was just neurotic. Although, I imagine her summer on the boat with Pacey must have been great. That still sounds like so much fun sailing the coast all summer long with the one you love and just making it up each day as you go along. And Joey knew she could trust Pacey to take care of her because even though he wasn't book smart, he knew how to handle himself and handle what life threw at  him.

And Pacey was a great friend to Dawson even though he broke "bro code" and dated Dawson's ex-gf/soulmate/MFEO.

I always thought Joey was way too boring of a person for Pacey. Joey and Dawson had that same love for laying around, discussing life all day.. whereas Pacey seemed more like he wanted to be out living life. That being said, I really enjoyed the build up to Pacey and Joey. The writers didn't just throw them together out of nowhere. They actively disliked each other but then tolerated each other, then became friends and that finally led to romantic feelings. It was a really slow, but believable build-up. What wasn't believable was every person on the show being in love with Joey. Though I know it's not a popular opinion, but I never felt that Dawson really was in love with Joey. He didn't even think about her romantically at all until everyone pushed her down his throat, and then he got over her pretty quickly. He only wanted her again because his best friend wanted her and I always felt like it was more of a competition than him actually being in love with her.

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I know I'm late to this but I'm gonna post anyway and see if this conversation gets started again.

I'm surprised by the hate for season 4. I recently rewatched DC on Amazon and ended after season 4. That was the perfect ending for me. 5 and 6 were just not the same. I didn't like those seasons when I first watched. It felt like the writers were just meandering and didn't know what to do.

Pacey sitting there before graduation and just appreciating what he had worked so hard for by himself was a beautiful moment. I didn't need to see anything after season 4.

22 hours ago, Aryanna said:

I know I'm late to this but I'm gonna post anyway and see if this conversation gets started again.

I'm surprised by the hate for season 4. I recently rewatched DC on Amazon and ended after season 4. That was the perfect ending for me. 5 and 6 were just not the same. I didn't like those seasons when I first watched. It felt like the writers were just meandering and didn't know what to do.

Pacey sitting there before graduation and just appreciating what he had worked so hard for by himself was a beautiful moment. I didn't need to see anything after season 4.

I liked season 4, though Joey's obsession with Dawson throughout her relationship with Pacey annoyed me to no end. She can't understand why he's so insecure, yet she feels the need to bring up Dawson in every conversation they have.. including worrying so much about whether she should tell Dawson that she and Pacey slept together or not. Again, why is that any of Dawson's business?

I didn't like seasons 5 or 6 and really disliked how Joey and Pacey had this really intense relationship that ended a few months before college started, and season 5 treated them as if they never dated. However, the college years were the first years I was able to stand Joey. She was still an annoying character, but I felt like she finally wasn't such a bitch to everyone for no reason.

IMO, seasons 3 and 4 were the best.

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re-watching it, and I do love Pacey and he still makes me melt... but sometimes with Joey I found his dialogue a little over the top in the TOO corny aspect. Pacey is at his best when he has his sense of humor and when he's yearning for someone.. but in season 3, he was a little too desperate with Joey and his over the top dialogue was supposed to make me swoon, but sometimes it made me roll my eyes. For the most part I love him, but his desperate pleas for Joey were constant and just too much at times.

I don't know, I thought a lot of the things Pacey did in season 3 to try to win Joey's heart were sweet. I'm sure if I thought about it I could think of some cringe inducing or eye rolling things he said or did. My problem starts in the second half of season 4 when he's pushing her away because he doesn't feel like he's good enough for her and he knows she's going away to college and he's afraid he'll be stuck there in Capeside etc. But I still feel that season 4 was the last good season.

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I'm re-watching season 3 now, and I can see how it would be messed up if Pacey moved in on Joey if Dawson still wanted her, but it was clear he was over her by then. He moved onto Eve very quickly and honestly, Dawson never seemed into Joey too much unless she was with someone else. He didn't want her all season until Pacey was interested in her and then magically he was still in love with her. I also didn't buy that he wanted her at the end of season 1 when all season long it was clear he only saw her as a friend and nothing else.

I do see the show as Pacey and Joey's love story even though that was unintentional. I feel like P & J were very well- written and D & J were not written well whatsoever. They wanted us to believe Dawson and Joey had this epic love story, but they didn't last as a couple for more than 2 episodes and they spent 95 % of their time together either fighting or discussing their relationship or lack of one throughout the entire series. I wish they would have shown us more of their good times together and more of their bond rather than their ongoing fights about not being able to define what they mean to each other. I think the reason everyone fell for Pacey and Joey besides their great chemistry was because the audience actually got to see how they fell in love and cute moments in their relationship. We never saw any of that with Dawson. That, and Pacey's so much better to look at.

Edited by Jaclyn88
  • Love 6

Joey's feelings for Dawson had moved from friendship to romantic. Dawson was oblivious until the end of season 1. They got together (too soon in my opinion). No sooner had they gotten together than the writers were pulling them apart.

You're right, we never got to see Dawson and Joey's good times. And we kept hearing about this awesome friendship they've had since forever but we never really see any of that. Their relationship was made to be about romance from season 1. I don't know that I every really believed that these two had been friends since they could walk and had this deep understanding of each other.

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On 12/6/2018 at 10:14 AM, Aryanna said:

I think we can all agree that Joey annoys everyone.

Joey mostly annoyed me because of her obsession with Dawson in every conversation she ever had with anyone, including her boyfriend (Pacey). Granted, Pacey brought him up most of the time to Joey, but it's because he knew she was always thinking about him which she was. I also found Katie Holmes facial expressions very annoying with her crooked half smile ( I know, i'm shallow.) I just didn't see how every guy she ever came across was enamored by her. She was cute, but had such a dud personality.

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I just finished season 3. 

I found Jen very annoying when it came to Henry .. I really liked them together and would have brought them back together a couple seasons later, but she was pretty unbearable to him in most episodes . And she made it seem like she was decades older than him when in reality they were a year apart ( 15 and 16). 

I loved the coming together of p and j but man , is she ridiculous when it comes to Dawson . So if he didn’t give her permission to be with Pacey , she wouldn’t have gone to him ? I didn’t like how Pacey kept chasing Joey . He made it very clear to her how he felt but everyone around him kept asking “ are you sure she knows how you really feel ?” He told her like 5 times an episode .. I wish they had her act a little more into him than she did throughout the season . She always just seemed blah about being around him even when we knew she liked him .

18 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

Why do they all wear shoes on the bed ? Joey keeps putting her feet up on Dawson’s pillow and i don’t understand how he doesn’t mind . 

I've seen some people hate on TV shows where people wear their shoes inside the house. I don't really mind that much. I wear my shoes inside often. Especially when it's cold in the house. I'm cold a lot. But yeah, shoes on the bed is a big no-no for me. If someone sits on my bed with their shoes on, I tell them to take them off. Then they say that they'll just hang their feet over the side so their shoes won't be on the bed. But if you don't force them to remove their shoes, they always end up back on your bed.

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I know I’m the only one writing on this board but I’m rewatching the series so why not ..

the dawson / Joey storyline is getting ridiculous in season 4. Every single time Joey does anything EVER, it turns into her needing Dawson’s acceptance or her giving him sad puppy dog eyes . Whenever he’s simply walking with Gretchen , she gets jealous and by the end of the episode they have a heartfelt talk about their friendship .. Dawson does the same stuff with Joey so its not just a one way street . They haven’t dated in years and when they did , it was for a very short time . Why are they still this obsessed with each other ? Why is it Dawson’s business if Joey slept with Pacey ? Why can’t Joey just ever be happy with who she’s with ? I get wanting Dawson to still be her best friend , but the way they’re still pining for each other after an extremely short romance a couple years prior is really contrived . I don’t know how Pacey lasted that long with Joey needing Dawson’s acceptance constantly. And Dawson was crazy about Gretchen one episode and the next he’s obsessing over Joey again .. it was just too much . 

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I know it's common for every guy to fall for the lead female character in tv shows, but I usually can see why. With Joey, literally every single character was enamored by her, and I just can't see why. I don't find her particularly pretty, even for 90's standards.. and her personality is either angry girl or boring girl. I just can't understand everyone's obsession over her.

I liked the series finale and thought it was well done unlike most other shows.. but it annoyed me that even with Jen dying, the whole storyline was about Joey. Jen's dying wish was for Joey to make a choice between Pacey and Dawson? Okaaaay.

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8 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

I know it's common for every guy to fall for the lead female character in tv shows, but I usually can see why. With Joey, literally every single character was enamored by her, and I just can't see why. I don't find her particularly pretty, even for 90's standards.. and her personality is either angry girl or boring girl. I just can't understand everyone's obsession over her.

I liked the series finale and thought it was well done unlike most other shows.. but it annoyed me that even with Jen dying, the whole storyline was about Joey. Jen's dying wish was for Joey to make a choice between Pacey and Dawson? Okaaaay.

I never had a problem with it because I think Katie Holmes is gorgeous. Also I hate it when there's a girl who's clearly beautiful but no one is ever interested in her. There are very few teen and YA shows that don't do this. I was just watching an episode of another dorky teen show and the main character, who is model pretty, has never had a boyfriend or been kissed. In reality, every straight guy in her school would have made a pass at her by that point.

The whole dying wish thing was supremely stupid, tho, I agree.

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On 9/23/2019 at 2:52 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I love that Michelle Williams and Busy Phillips are still BFFs. Michelle took Busy to the Emmys as her date again!


I see Busy on commercials and stuff but other than Dawson's Creek, I couldn't name one thing she has been in. And she was in the two seasons of Dawson's Creek that I pretend didn't happen. She's like a Kardashian; famous for being famous. 

3 hours ago, Aryanna said:

I see Busy on commercials and stuff but other than Dawson's Creek, I couldn't name one thing she has been in. And she was in the two seasons of Dawson's Creek that I pretend didn't happen. She's like a Kardashian; famous for being famous. 

She's been in a lot of stuff. She was one of the main characters on Freaks & Geeks (RIP), she played one of the doctors on ER for one season, and she was also one of the main characters on Cougar Town for six seasons. She has also guest starred on a lot of shows (Drunk History, Arrested Development, How I Met Your Mother,  Terminator, Community, Happy Endings, New Girl, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Entourage) and she's done some movies. When I look back, it seems she's been working pretty steadily since Freaks & Geeks.

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20 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

She's been in a lot of stuff. She was one of the main characters on Freaks & Geeks (RIP), she played one of the doctors on ER for one season, and she was also one of the main characters on Cougar Town for six seasons. She has also guest starred on a lot of shows (Drunk History, Arrested Development, How I Met Your Mother,  Terminator, Community, Happy Endings, New Girl, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Entourage) and she's done some movies. When I look back, it seems she's been working pretty steadily since Freaks & Geeks.

Not to mention her talk show, Busy Tonight, which was great!

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On 9/30/2019 at 3:56 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

She's been in a lot of stuff. She was one of the main characters on Freaks & Geeks (RIP), she played one of the doctors on ER for one season, and she was also one of the main characters on Cougar Town for six seasons. She has also guest starred on a lot of shows (Drunk History, Arrested Development, How I Met Your Mother,  Terminator, Community, Happy Endings, New Girl, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Entourage) and she's done some movies. When I look back, it seems she's been working pretty steadily since Freaks & Geeks.

Yeah, looking at her imdb I see that she's been in one or two episodes of a lot of different things. And when she does get a regular or recurring role in a show it's a show that only lasts one season or like in DC she's in the last couple of seasons where the show has fallen off. I quit ER after the original characters had gone (season 6 or 7 maybe?) and I never saw Cougar Town. I still couldn't name anything she's been in.

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