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Big Brother: Over The Top, Week 9 To The End (11/23/2016 - 12/1/2016)


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Final week schedule:


Supposedly the 'special game-changing ceremony' is that the winner of HOH Part 1 gets to pick one of the remaining HGs to be in F3 with them and then the other 2 will battle it out for the last slot in HOH Part 2. So basically Kryssie won't be playing in Part 2 because everyone will pick her lol.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I want to be out, but as usual I feel the need to see it through to the bitter end. I caught Shelby's exit and it was slightly entertaining that she told them about graduating law school. It wasn't as dramatic as I'd hoped. But Justin/Jason seemed impressed. Of course, it did not surprise Kryssie one bit. Morgan told them about the sister twist. They can all converse civilized if they want to. We will see how long they can all fake this.

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5 minutes ago, leocadia said:

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for making this a fun season despite the outcome.  I haven't been this invested in BB for years. It felt good to cancel my All Access!  

Yeah, I be cancelling mine next week. At least, I'll save $5.99 a month or whatever I'm paying. 

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So I watched a bit at the beginning, but I did not have the time to continuously watch the feeds, and it looked from the "episodes" shown the first two weeks that they would almost exclusively cover just the competitions and not really have any other 'story' or conversations shown.  As such, I didn't keep watching the episodes.  Is it worthwhile to 'catch up' and watch them, or did I really need to watch the feeds to get anything other than just comps?

I thought the live episodes were pretty much exactly how the regular tv show episodes went, just in a 60+ min format.  I watched the feeds but I liked watching the live episode so that i could see the DRs.  Towards the end they started to get more rehearsed but at the beginning they seemed pretty genuine. 

I'm gonna need a big brother break after this. Thank God Canada doesn't start to like February or March.

 I think it's really sad the way Justin changed/took his mask off and showed the world his true self. Sad. Disappointing. And...well...sad. I liked Justin. Extremely entertaining. Now? Not so much.

His "I don't have to pretend anymore" or something to that effect when Jason was trying to talk to him was really telling...Man, all he had to do, was keep it up for another freaking week. Just one. More. Week. And he couldn't do it. Truth be told, he probably would've been final 3 over Morgan if he'd kept it up another week.

Justin is one of the best at schmoozing with people he thinks can help him now or down the road,  while talking about how awful people are who he feels can not help him anymore. He's done it all season long. No surprise that he was never ride or die with the LNC, he just never wanted to bad mouth them, since they were getting a lot of wins/breaks. Same with the BSers when they had HOH. 

I mean, it was really good gameplay for most of the season, but he always left me cold. I never saw much genuineness when it came to him. He would flip the script on a dime. 

And him being final three was always going to be from him winning the final HOH comp. Jason isn't stupid, there was no way in hell he was taking anyone other than Kryssie with him to the final three. 

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Morgan won the comp (YAY), so she now has a (long)shot at winning. But, at least she's in there with the final 3. I didn't watch all of the comp but it appeared to be very physical with a ton of running, and of course questions to answer. Justin was gasping and wheezing throughout. 

I'll vote for Morgan and hope some LNJ fans have soured on Jason with all his shit-talking against Justin the last few days. I've read that 2nd place gets 25K, so at least there's that for Morgan if she doesn't win (Kryssie had better not get close to 2nd).

Completely on board with voting for Morgan!  Was Jason a more strategic player? Yes but... I do think we have to give Morgan props on her social game (definitely the best of the F3), winning a couple of critical comps for her game and keeping the sister twist secret for the majority of the game (and revealing it on her terms).

Is there going to be an America's Favorite Player?  If so, can we agree on one BSer to vote for (Shelby maybe)?

Edited by zenithwit

So, I've totally stopped watching since even before Shelby left (sorry Shelbs, but I couldn't just watch you go) but from what I hear, Jason's pissing off all the different fans that aren't Jason's. He's been bashing Justin nonstop, so I imagine that Justin fans (there's probably quite a few of them) will be voting for Morgan because of it. The six Kryssie fans will vote for Kryssie. 

Unfortunately, all the BB Alumni will be gathering votes for Jason, so it feels somewhat of a lost cause, but we just need to get Morgan second. 

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I'm voting for Jason.  I think it will be between Jason and Morgan.

Justin did leave on a good note.  He was very nice, said congrats to everyone and said he loved them all and he would see them soon (in a couple of days). I didn't sense any bitterness from him as he left.  He seemed in good spirits. Or as good as he could be with having to leave. 

OK so I broke down and got my dad to give me his credit card info so I could get the 1 week free trial and vote for Morgan. I guess I am still somewhat invested!

I just flashbacked so I could watch Morgan's plea to America. I went back a bit too far so I had to watch a bit of Kryssie's, which I ended up muting because no, but it was still super annoying because she was making such exaggerated faces. Ugh, I really need her to get third. I wanna see her face when she loses to Morgan!

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Just watched the F3 speeches.  Kryssie knows that America watched everything that happened in the house, right?  

Anyways, it looks like Jason and Morgan are neck and neck at the moment according to Taran Armstrong's (from RHAP) twitter poll.  Kryssie has just a couple of percentage points.  It is clear that Ballsmasher fans will rally around Morgan.  I thought it was smart that Morgan included in her final pitch that a vote for her was a vote for the Ballsmasher alliance - but then she ruined it by mentioning Monte.  

While the vast majority of LNJ fans will certainly vote for Jason, it seems like there will be a few defectors to Kryssie (or is it possible that they are Kryssie fans?).  If Kryssie gets enough of the vote, she may spoil Jason's victory.  She could be be the Ralph Nader/Gary Johnson of BBOTT (too soon?).

I'm putting my votes on Morgan.  As long as she gets at least 2nd place, I'll be happy.

ETA - currently cameras 1 & 2 are on the fake Monte doll lol.

Edited by zenithwit
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8 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

he site says you can vote up to 20 times per day.  Does that mean I can vote again tomorrow since it's 11/30 here?

Yes, you should be able to vote 20 times after midnight on 12/1  in your time zone up until whenever BB cuts off the voting (not sure on the end time).

11 hours ago, zenithwit said:

I thought it was smart that Morgan included in her final pitch that a vote for her was a vote for the Ballsmasher alliance - but then she ruined it by mentioning Monte.  

Right! I was like, 'that's cute and a good idea,', and then she mentioned Monte and I was like 'well, you ruined it.'

1 hour ago, leocadia said:

I refuse to get my hopes up for a Morgan win, but it would be absolutely delicious if Jason bringing Krissy to the end and splitting the vote is what tanks him.  I would love for him to feel that he would have had a better chance if he'd only brought Shelby instead.

This would be amazing.

I think Jason definitely has it in the bag though. The BB alums are rallying behind him, which is annoying. Spencer saying he doesn't care about the game he just wants Jason to be financially secure was both rage inducing and hilarious.

I guess since I got the free trial I might as well watch the finale. I am curious how they'll do it.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I cancelled my feeds when Shelby lost and since I was paid up until yesterday I could only vote for Morgan 20 times. Can't believe she mentioned Monte in her speech. Get a clue, girl.

I came into this season a Jason fan and now I don't think he deserves any money at all, even the stipend lol. He's just a bitter, hate-spewing excuse for a human being. The fact that he has so many alums campaigning for him is gross and why they should do away with the whole returning vet thing. They won't of course. I don't know, 5 months of Big Brother has proven to be too much for me and I'm sick of the whole damn thing. Love this forum though!

Edited by Marie80
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Finale on.  Shane cut his hair.

ETA - Julie asked the former houseguests who they voted for.  4 went for Jason (Danielle, Shane, Whitney, Neeley), 5 for Morgan (Alex, Scott, Shelby, Cornbread, Monte), none for Kryssie.  Justin didn't vote and when Julie asked who he would have voted for, he said all three (of course lol).

Edited by zenithwit
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