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You Know You're Obsessed With Criminal Minds When...

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The only Golden Corral I've ever encountered was a cesspool. It was probably a Georgia thang. I can't really think of a show on now that i'd like the crossover thing to happen with, but I'm a nutty purist, i can't even stand for my fanfic to combine shows. No-no-no. *looks heavenward*

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Ah, the one I go to is cleaner than most of the regular restaurants around. First time I went in there was a firetruck and about 3 police cars-- but they were all there for food. I see firemen, doctors, police, etc in there frequently. Made it just in time for fresh steaks the other night.


I get what you mean about the crossovers-- some really would not work. I mostly only like crossovers when it is done for comedy. I admit that I do wish they would make some references to X-Files on CM.


I also find myself wishing someone on the show would mention the Stargate program and have one of the team think they mean the television show instead of the government program using "psychics" to do remote viewing.

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You think you are hot shit because your birthday is exactly one week before MGGs.


Oh, and you sign up for PreviouslyTV just so you can discuss your latest televised addiction "Criminal Minds." I got addicted by watching the reruns on ION.

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Joining Normasm---I'm Spencer Reid.  And then, because I'm Spencer Reid, I went back and took it again, using the same answers, to be sure the 'characters' weren't just randomly generated.

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I got Rossi on the Buzzfeed one and I didn't try to cheat (although I'm not sure if the hairstyle of Reid is saying anything about the other Characters)


But this is getting a bit offtopic isn't it?

Not at all! It just shows how obsessed we all are that we complete these dumbass quizzes that mean nothing and still get annoyed when we find we come out as Garcia!!

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I took a look at that other quiz, but had to quit at the 'teen pop star'.  Can't tell one from another.


Does that make me Rossi?

Edited by JustMyOpinion
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I took a look at that other quiz, but had to quit at the 'teen pop star'.  Can't tell one from another.


Does that make me Rossi?


I spent ages thinking these stars are getting too long in the tooth to be "teen"stars now surely? I eventually plumped for the least obnoxious. But I guess you must be Rossi - although I suspect he would know them more so than Reid!

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I spent ages thinking these stars are getting too long in the tooth to be "teen"stars now surely? I eventually plumped for the least obnoxious. But I guess you must be Rossi - although I suspect he would know them more so than Reid!


Okay, I'll be Reid!

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Not at all! It just shows how obsessed we all are that we complete these dumbass quizzes that mean nothing and still get annoyed when we find we come out as Garcia!!

OK :-P

That second test was a bit to american for me to answer  but I just picked randomly at that questions and got Hotch :)


And I couldn't help myself and looked into the HTML code of the first test... some choices don't make sense (jeah I'm bored ... watching the german translation of CM S10 in freeTV in the background)

Edited by whitespace
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I got Emily Prentiss, too. Not bad. She was always one of my faves.


Sure, I would have preferred Reid considering we're both introverted bookworms. But my IQ is only slightly above average and I just have a lowly BA. Plus, Reid is very left-brained and I am very right-brained.

Edited by Bookish Jen
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I got Reid on the second test, though I admit to filling it out half-heartedly after the question about teenage pop singers. 


I am disappointed Emily continues to elude me, but I am definitely more of a Reid than Morgan - I do have a really detailed memory, though it's not eidetic. I am prone to addiction (television rather than Dilaudid). But I take better care of my hair.

Edited by idiotwaltz
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when you're watching True Night for the Nth time, and finally realize that the guy who plays Johnny's agent is on recurring status on General Hospital playing a character named Brad. Who is also not a real FBI agent.

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
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I actually thought about this thread the other night at a friend's house. I met another friend's 8 year old son and the poor fella is just creepy and odd, I thought "future Unsub" and was ashamed of myself. In my defense, the kid actually made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

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I'm a teaching assistant for my church's RE classes (RE is the Unitarian equivalent of Sunday School or CCD). One of the teaching assistants asked me to sub for her this Sunday because she's sick. I almost responded, "I'll sub for your but I won't unsub for you." However, I have no idea if she's a CM fan so I refrained.

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When, while serving on a jury, you find yourself compelled to mention that Aaron Hotchner was a former DA before joining the FBI...as if he were actually a real person and somehow relevant to the point being raised. When a couple of your fellow jurors nod knowingly and declare their own affection for Criminal Minds, you automatically adore them despite not even knowing their names. 


When it sometimes takes you a few hours to watch just one episode because you do THAT much pausing and rewinding every single time! 


When you immediately suggest both Elle and Emily as names that your friend should give her not-yet-born daughter, and it's not even like said friend had requested names beginning with 'E.' 


When you find yourself frequently engaged in intense, impassioned debate over which of Reid's hairstyles are your favorites and least favorites.


When rewatching even the  subpar S1-S4 episodes (I'm currently on Secrets and Lies!) starts to seem more appealing than watching nearly anything else on TV.  

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I recently watched an episode of Secrets and Lies and let out a squee when I saw that Andrew Wilder wrote the teleplay. I found myself wishing he could work on CM still, but I don't blame him if he's still ticked about being axed.

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When  you find out that your best friend's mother used to get high on drugs and sit around with her friends burning him with cigarettes and laughing at him when he was 4-years old and you immediately think of CM and want to see Hotch take her down (well, after you fantasize about punching the shit out of her).

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You're at work editing a report and accidentally read the word "zoning" as "zugzwang." Granted my insomnia might also have something to do with this.


You use "unsub" as an insult.

Edited by Bookish Jen
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I'm apparently not obsessed enough.


This morning my phone rang at work right before 9:00. It was a woman at "XX Casting" calling to let me know that my "call time for Criminal Minds had been changed to..." when I interrupted to let her know she had the wrong number.


I now realize that what I should have done was let her finish with "my" new call time, ask her to "remind" me where they were shooting, tell my boss I wasn't feeling well and had to leave, show up onset and tell production that the role of "kidnapping victim #2" or "police officer who nods and takes notes while the profile is being given" had been recast, and where was the makeup trailer please? Thank you!


I think I missed my big break...

Edited by Pilgrim Widow
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I sat in on a forensic psychology class just for fun - twice weekly for six weeks - and the prof sounded EXACTLY like MGG. It was like having Reid teach me about serial killers.


Also I was not the only one who noticed that, so the resemblance was more than just a figment of my imagination.

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I had a patient yesterday with chest tubes and a complicated dressing change, so I had to spend a lot of time in the room. At one point I was in with him and he had a family member there, and they were watching television, engrossed. I glanced up and saw CM (onA&E) and said, "Ooh, Criminal Minds. My favorite show." The patient said, "Is that what this is? It's good. I've never seen it," and his niece agreed, saying, "I've heard of it, but I haven't watched. This is really good. Is it still on?" (!)

I said, "Oh, yes. It's on it's tenth season. This is season 7. The episode is called 'True Genius.' " It was a commercial, and so I gave a brief synopsis of the premise of the show and the characters (especially Reid -- after the niece had said, "He is CUTE.") as I worked. I think they were taken aback by the fact that I knew the season and the episode name, but they didn't seem to find me unbalanced, so I suppose all is well. When I told them it would be on CBS at 9 p.m., they said they would watch it. (Hope they weren't too disappointed.)

It's good to talk to patients sometimes about things besides how sick they are, but when I chart on my patient education, there doesn't seem to be a section for CM. Darn it all.

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I had a patient yesterday with chest tubes and a complicated dressing change, so I had to spend a lot of time in the room. At one point I was in with him and he had a family member there, and they were watching television, engrossed. I glanced up and saw CM (onA&E) and said, "Ooh, Criminal Minds. My favorite show." The patient said, "Is that what this is? It's good. I've never seen it," and his niece agreed, saying, "I've heard of it, but I haven't watched. This is really good. Is it still on?" (!)

I said, "Oh, yes. It's on it's tenth season. This is season 7. The episode is called 'True Genius.' " It was a commercial, and so I gave a brief synopsis of the premise of the show and the characters (especially Reid -- after the niece had said, "He is CUTE.") as I worked. I think they were taken aback by the fact that I knew the season and the episode name, but they didn't seem to find me unbalanced, so I suppose all is well. When I told them it would be on CBS at 9 p.m., they said they would watch it. (Hope they weren't too disappointed.)

It's good to talk to patients sometimes about things besides how sick they are, but when I chart on my patient education, there doesn't seem to be a section for CM. Darn it all.

I think you should be named "Nurse of the Year."


Does anyone remember the Shematthew video posted a few days ago? (All of you, "Of course we do, Bookish Jen, you silly pippy-poo!")


Well, you know you are obsessed with CM when you send it to your best friend Nora and tell her, "Thanks for being the Shemar to my Matthew." Like Morgan, Nora is from Chicago. Like Reid, I'm an introvert. Like Shemar, Nora is a person of color-she's Asian-American. Like Matthew, I'm a Pisces.


Other than that, I've got nothing.

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Bookish, you and Droogs just made my heretofore dreary day so much better! Except i'm feeling sorry for myself that I don't at present have a Shemar to my Matthew…. *snif

Edited by normasm
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