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Rick: Lord of the Thangs

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That is the worst thing Rick has ever done. Ever. I have defended him for everything I think, but that? Just no. Awkward.


He's just trying to figure out why the apple sauce - and everything he puts in his mouth - tastes like a dirty rats-nest beard.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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That is the worst thing Rick has ever done. Ever. I have defended him for everything I think, but that? Just no. Awkward.

He reminds me of the dude in the Harry Potter movie that kept sticking out his tongue...The creepy guy that was the Minister of Magic's son...Crouch was the last name...

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Throw Rick in the show, get him new clothes, and trim his beard and he will look HOT in no time.


I don't mind the beard - he lookes like Grizzly Grimes. (his last name is appropriate now, isn't it). Besides, Rick's got better things to do then worry about hipster beard trimming. He's old school nature boy!

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I don't mind the beard - he lookes like Grizzly Grimes. (his last name is appropriate now, isn't it).

More like Grimy Grizzly - but hey, I got no room to judge. I come back from backwoods camping for a week or two without a razor, and the first question most folks ask me is "Where's the banjo?"

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So, it appears that Beard and Shirtless Rick makes all the ladies wet; without the aid of a shower or garden hose.


I honestly don't know how they are going to play it yet, as its still in the 'inseminated' phase;  but they are setting up Rick for some real morality assassination if they have him get with Jessie and help her cheat on the hubby/family.  I know morals are looser than a cheap hooker in the new ZA world, but despite all that has happened and all he's done, I don't see Rick as a guy who would knowingly & willingly help ruin another family [who hasn't set out to hurt or ruin his own (extended) family]. 


Guess we'll wait and see where tptb are taking his newest character arc, in that regard.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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So Alexandra Breckenridge has already has to ask people to stop hating on her on Twitter. Seriously, how do people get this worked up over a fictional man and who he knocks boots with?

I honestly can't believe this ad just popped up on this page:

"Corktown: Give your Beard some Love"

Sometimes those contextual ad sensors can get a little tricksy, donchaknow.

Mine is an ad for wedding rings!
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So Alexandra Breckenridge has already has to ask people to stop hating on her on Twitter. Seriously, how do people get this worked up over a fictional man and who he knocks boots with?


I know it could be debated that its their own fault for being 'out there, in public' with their Twitter accounts, etc... but I find it utterly and amazingly sickening that people attack actors/actresses like that.  Call me "old fashioned", but when did blasting a character (and/or actor) on forums like this, become not enough?  I have a special kind of dislike for "fans" that personally attack entertainers in this way (ie, via social media).  [/steps off soap box]

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Oh jeez. I knew some Richonne shippers might grumble here on the forum, but people are seriously giving an ACTRESS hell about something her character may or may not do in the future? Damn. Unhinged. That's all I have to say. 


I don't even think Rick is necessarily going to "get with" this chick. I think it's quite possible that she might like him and flirt with him a bit, but the bigger story is going to be her husband, who already doesn't seem to like Rick being there. 

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I like fresh faced Rick against the well worn clothes. We've known himnclean shaven with his sheriff's uniform, and hairy with his nasty clothes...it's a nice juxtaposition for part of the ep (then he puts on the uniform again).

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Oh jeez. I knew some Richonne shippers might grumble here on the forum, but people are seriously giving an ACTRESS hell about something her character may or may not do in the future? Damn. Unhinged. That's all I have to say. 


I don't even think Rick is necessarily going to "get with" this chick. I think it's quite possible that she might like him and flirt with him a bit, but the bigger story is going to be her husband, who already doesn't seem to like Rick being there. 


This is why I was so upset about this relationship and about the show baiting (with scenes like Michonne's reaction to a clean-shaven Rick). While I don't blame the show for crazy fans, and i have a feeling it's not just Richonne fans who are behaving this way (any time a woman on a show is involved with or supposed to be involved with a leading male character, they tend to get hate), fanning the flames makes things more difficult. It's easy to say that the actors should just deal with it, but clearly that isn't easy for her.


I also blame the ridiculous press articles that keep calling her "the new Mrs. Rick Grimes." We barely know her and yet Jessie is being anointed to a huge status. It's a great way to invite backlash and fan anger that reminds me of the ugliness that went on with Lori and Andrea in the first three seasons. Everything about how this character is treated by the press and somewhat in the narrative feels like she is an object, not a person in her own right. I really hope that doesn't continue.


I'd rather see Rick remain single than just have a woman thrown at him solely for the sake of having a woman thrown at him. I was much more interested in seeing him adapt to Alexandria and his relationships with the people in his life than a random beautiful blonde popping up to do his hair. It reminded me of something I could find on fanfiction.net. 

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I love the look that Rick gives Michonne when she notices his beard is gone. It's like he's presenting himself and waiting for her approval/reaction.

However, I will not be taking to social media to berate anyone for their potential future relationship to Rick one way or the other. :p

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I'd rather see Rick remain single than just have a woman thrown at him solely for the sake of having a woman thrown at him. I was much more interested in seeing him adapt to Alexandria and his relationships with the people in his life than a random beautiful blonde popping up to do his hair. It reminded me of something I could find on fanfiction.net. 

Over the length of this series, we've seen many new characters introduced. I guess some would say anyone new is random until you get to know them.

. But I think we have only just begun with the stories in this place---I don't know that Deanna is random or Enid is random.


I also do not think we know enough to say if  she is "just a woman thrown at him solely for the sake of having a woman thrown at him."

Do we know yet what reason anyone new on the show has been introduced to the story?


Frankly, I don't even know if the baby-cheek-pinching grandparents are random and just thrown in just to pinch Judith's cheeks...that whole bit seemed a little forward to me, they just got there.

All the new characters are ciphers so far...we need to not take any of them at face value. It's (Alexandria) a little bit creepy for me.

Edited by kikismom
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All the new characters are ciphers so far...we need to not take any of them at face value. It's (Alexandria) a little bit creepy for me.

Has it occurred to anybody else that at this point in the series, we're right about as shellshocked and suspicious as the members of CDB? :>

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Has it occurred to anybody else that at this point in the series, we're right about as shellshocked and suspicious as the members of CDB? :>




But we have every right to be paranoid and suspicious. Look at all we've been through while watching this show! :P

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I also do not think we know enough to say if  she is "just a woman thrown at him solely for the sake of having a woman thrown at him."

Do we know yet what reason anyone new on the show has been introduced to the story?


The character pops up solely to run her hands through his hair and then leave again, meaning her first scenes (most defining scenes) are about him. Add in the "new Mrs. Rick Grimes" press coverage, and that's how it comes across to me, and it's why I pity the actress for the hate she's getting.

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I like fresh faced Rick against the well worn clothes. We've known himnclean shaven with his sheriff's uniform, and hairy with his nasty clothes...it's a nice juxtaposition for part of the ep (then he puts on the uniform again).


I couldn't believe he put those filthy clothes back on!  Did they walk on into the bathroom and assist him, as foul as they must be?

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I couldn't believe he put those filthy clothes back on!  Did they walk on into the bathroom and assist him, as foul as they must be?


They were probably begging and pleading with him to not shave.  "We can't pull off the 'homeless hobo' look without it!  Do you really want us to up and leave you?  Because we will.  We'll just go and shred ourselves, so we can forever more hang on that Big Clothesline out behind God's house."


Rick's response?  Somewhat predictable:  "Do what you gotta do.  I can find some other stuff and things to wear."

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Something Andrew Lincoln rarely gets credit for is how much acting he does with his eyes. Comparing the scene with Michonne in the car toward the end of last week's episode (where he was afraid, and very suspicious, but trying to let himself hope) with his eyes at the end of this episode, on the porch (where his eyes were completely dead) gave me a chill. 


I don't think Rick is going to be The Governor or be a villain, and I don't feel like the show is saying that's what he will become, but I do think the show is saying yet again that the days of Rick being the traditional "hero" are long gone. He wears the garb of a hero and a good man, but, as he told Aaron (and I really hope we see more of that relationship because I thought they worked well together) - being a good man doesn't stop you from killing people.


I'm really happy with how the show has handled Rick's increasing slide into darkness this last season and how various people in the group react to it (Carol and Daryl backing it up or interpreting it their own way, while Michonne challenges him, etc.) As many writing problems as the show has, they've done so much better with this than I thought they would.

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So, it appears that Beard and Shirtless Rick makes all the ladies wet; without the aid of a shower or garden hose.


I honestly don't know how they are going to play it yet, as its still in the 'inseminated' phase;  but they are setting up Rick for some real morality assassination if they have him get with Jessie and help her cheat on the hubby/family.  I know morals are looser than a cheap hooker in the new ZA world, but despite all that has happened and all he's done, I don't see Rick as a guy who would knowingly & willingly help ruin another family [who hasn't set out to hurt or ruin his own (extended) family]. 


Guess we'll wait and see where tptb are taking his newest character arc, in that regard.

I think it's too early to tell.

On the episode thread, some wondered if Jessie's husband was just Rick's imagination. Even if Jesse's husband is real, at this point, to paraphrase kikismom, he's nothing more than a redshirt.  People die all the time in the ZA, so there's no reason why Jessie's husband can't die in a freak gardening accident or spontaneously combust while playing the drums in Alexandria's Spinal Tap cover band.


Then, of course, Jessie is sad and needs to be consoled, and R & J bond over each having lost a spouse, and blah blah blah.

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I think it's too early to tell.

On the episode thread, some wondered if Jessie's husband was just Rick's imagination. Even if Jesse's husband is real, at this point, to paraphrase kikismom, he's nothing more than a redshirt.  People die all the time in the ZA, so there's no reason why Jessie's husband can't die in a freak gardening accident or spontaneously combust while playing the drums in Alexandria's Spinal Tap cover band.


Then, of course, Jessie is sad and needs to be consoled, and R & J bond over each having lost a spouse, and blah blah blah.


I completely agree with all this.


I guess what I meant with that post was I hope they don't go down that road of infidelity, w/ R & J.

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I think anytime a female had a reaction to Rick's new Love Actually good looks he was awkward.  Remember the convo where Shane was "banging a 30 year old on the regular" (ugh I would have hated him even if he wasn't an attempted rapist/psychopath) and Rick never got any?  I have a feeling that Rick was the type that was pretty shy around the ladies when it came to that stuff, and he's showing that side of him when he gets attention.

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The character pops up solely to run her hands through his hair and then leave again, meaning her first scenes (most defining scenes) are about him.

The other odd thing is she doesn't mention her husband.  She talks about her two boys and offers to introduce them to Carl, if it's OK with? and Rick says "it's just me" which would be another spot she could mention a husband.  So, I don't know - if they set her up as a love interest, I hope she is something else besides that and art owls. 



I'm really happy with how the show has handled Rick's increasing slide into darkness this last season and how various people in the group react to it (Carol and Daryl backing it up or interpreting it their own way, while Michonne challenges him, etc.)

I do too.  Thinking back to Rick on Hershel's farm, he would never have said "We'll take it".  He's over that now; Carl, Judith, an extended family, almost being cannibalized, etc etc.  It makes sense at this point.


I had to LOL a little at now not surprised Rick was to see Carl outside of Alexandria.  The father/son bonding was great but it seemed Rick appreciated that Carl was doing his own exploring.  He panicked earler when Carl & Judith were out of his sight in Alexandria, but that was inside the walls of the new place.

Edited by raven
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I've always felt like Rick was probably a dorky, goofy guy for a long time, and his disastrous marriage to Lori likely slowly drained this out of him (I'm sure it took a lot out of her too - I don't believe they ever should have been a couple). I wish we could see more of that Rick. 

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The other odd thing is she doesn't mention her husband.  She talks about her two boys and offers to introduce them to Carl, if it's OK with? and Rick says "it's just me" which would be another spot she could mention a husband.  So, I don't know - if they set her up as a love interest, I hope she is something else besides that and art owls. 

Hey now - at least she HAS a husband....

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I think Deanna wanted Rick to meet Jessie for some reason.  Even after she said she told people to leave them alone for awhile she sent her over with a basket of stuff, which it looked like that house was ready and waiting for them, all stocked up.

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The Zoners seem to have a lot of technogoodies: the microphones, the videotaping...maybe they have CC cameras.

Like, in the showers.


Winner for the day.

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I think Deanna wanted Rick to meet Jessie for some reason.  Even after she said she told people to leave them alone for awhile she sent her over with a basket of stuff, which it looked like that house was ready and waiting for them, all stocked up.


Good possibility.  And if true, that means one of two things [or more]... 1} There really is no husband, and even if she already has two kids - and Rick does as well - making (more) babies is on CWD's agenda.  Or 2} There is a husband, but CWD wants to drive a wedge between them for some reason;  or just maybe wants to see what kind of character Rick has, if knowing she's married and waiting to see how he handles that knowledge, even with Jessie showing interest.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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This is why I was so upset about this relationship and about the show baiting (with scenes like Michonne's reaction to a clean-shaven Rick). While I don't blame the show for crazy fans, and i have a feeling it's not just Richonne fans who are behaving this way (any time a woman on a show is involved with or supposed to be involved with a leading male character, they tend to get hate), fanning the flames makes things more difficult. It's easy to say that the actors should just deal with it, but clearly that isn't easy for her.


I also blame the ridiculous press articles that keep calling her "the new Mrs. Rick Grimes." We barely know her and yet Jessie is being anointed to a huge status. It's a great way to invite backlash and fan anger that reminds me of the ugliness that went on with Lori and Andrea in the first three seasons. Everything about how this character is treated by the press and somewhat in the narrative feels like she is an object, not a person in her own right. I really hope that doesn't continue.


I'd rather see Rick remain single than just have a woman thrown at him solely for the sake of having a woman thrown at him. I was much more interested in seeing him adapt to Alexandria and his relationships with the people in his life than a random beautiful blonde popping up to do his hair. It reminded me of something I could find on fanfiction.net. 


Yep.  TPTB acknowledge Richonne and yet fans get gaslighted by other fans about it all the time, and I can't figure out why.  It is extremely weird.  Gimple called Michonne Rick's "work wife," he didn't use that term for Carol or Sasha or Daryl.  He also compared Richonne to Pam and Jim's relationship on The Office (if anyone ever watched....  Jam took quite a damned long time to get off the ground, and people argued about its direction and if it tanked the show blahblahblah).


I knew as soon as Rick had shaved that squirrel off his face and was stalking around the McMansion freshly showered and shirtless and there was a knock on the door that something was up.  I swear I saw Jessie's eyes pop out of her head and her tongue rolling out to the ground as she cheerfully chirped, "Hi!  I'm the next Mrs. Grimes!!"  My only conclusion is Rick is in for a world of hurt.  TPTB cannot have him be a happy man.

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Oh yeah, the people who are harassing Alexandra Breckenridge on Twitter are a few bricks short of a load.  No excuse.


That being said, I read somewhere that before social media TPTB were able to get on with thangs without fans getting on their case and that simply isn't true.  There have been massive letter writing campaigns on behalf of characters, story arcs, etc.  The only thing social media facilitates now are people voicing opinions, who likely in the old days would've been too lazy to put pen to paper.

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I've always felt like Rick was probably a dorky, goofy guy for a long time, and his disastrous marriage to Lori likely slowly drained this out of him (I'm sure it took a lot out of her too - I don't believe they ever should have been a couple). I wish we could see more of that Rick. 


Remember in the pilot, where Rick is describing his problems with Lori to Shane?  He really came across as the passive partner.  Lori may have been "just a housewife" but she wore the pants in that family, no bones about it.  They got together when they were teenagers practically.  I think Lori thought Rick was a stand up guy and she liked that she could boss him around.  She confessed to her friend that she was angry that Rick wouldn't argue with her, that she wished he would just "blow up" at her.  Ugh.  Jessie reminded me of her.  She was so sweetly pushy about that haircut, wasn't she?  OMG.  I knew she seemed familiar.  

Edited by JBody
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Please don't let Jessie be a Lori. That'd be awful.


On rewatch, it's so interesting to me to see clean shaven Rick talking to unclean Daryl. Just by sight, Rick looks like his old, original self, but Daryl looks like "current" Daryl, having gone through all the things he has, with Rick. It's a juxtaposition kind of moment for me.

Edited by mandolin
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On, rewatch, it's so interesting to me to see clean shaven Rick talking to unclean Daryl. Just by sight, Rick looks like his old, original self, but Daryl looks like "current" Daryl, having gone through all the things he has, with Rick. It's a juxtaposition kind of moment for me.

I think we were seeing what people were Before. Thus "Remember". Carl as a kid going to school and playing video games; Rick as a fresh-faced law man, Carol as a mousy housewife. But Daryl looking and behaving the same as he always has because he is still who he was Before. (Only now he is valued, respected, loved, for his ways). The ZA didn't change Daryl, it just gave him a leg-up in the hierarchy. 

Daryl didn't fit in with the Before and thus he doesn't fit in in this place that is mimicing the Before. And he knows it. He's clearly uncomfortable. 

His pacing in his "interview" and then the pacing like a caged animal after the dust-up with Glen & Aidan. Loved that and loved the shot of him sitting in the corner of the porch when Rick asked if he was coming and he said no. The vertical porch spindles around him were a strong visual metaphor for him being caged/jailed. Maybe I am giving the Show to much credit but that was spot-on. In the Before he very well could have ended up in jail, in the fake Before they are in now, he's like a caged animal.

Unlike the others he can't pretend to be who he was before because this IS who he was before. 


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Lori may have been "just a housewife" but she wore the pants in that family, no bones about it.


I bet she was the type to give Rick the silent treatment, or pout until she got her way and then say something like, "Oh, sorry. I'm such a bitch" with a big smile. I think she had him wrapped around her little finger.

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I bet she was the type to give Rick the silent treatment, or pout until she got her way and then say something like, "Oh, sorry. I'm such a bitch" with a big smile. I think she had him wrapped around her little finger.


Of that I have no doubt.  And she didn't respect him for it either. 


They were clearly not right for each other but toughing it out for Coral's sake.  If the ZA hadn't happened they likely would've divorced before too long, with much regret on Lori's part, and much bewilderment on Rick's part.  He has grown in leaps and bounds since those Officer Friendly days.  Not necessarily in positive directions but enough to keep his family alive.  So... I see Jessie as a throw back to the Lori days.  Shall be interesting to see how he reacts to her.  His bowing to the hair cut does not bode well.  

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That being said, I read somewhere that before social media TPTB were able to get on with thangs without fans getting on their case and that simply isn't true.  


Yah, I can think of a couple of CBS execs who could probably still roll out a few dozen crates of peanuts to successfully argue THAT point. :)

I bet she was the type to give Rick the silent treatment, or pout until she got her way and then say something like, "Oh, sorry. I'm such a bitch" with a big smile. I think she had him wrapped around her little finger.

I didn't remember Lori being a cheerleader in high school.

That would definitely explain a lot.


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