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Quotes: Classic Lines in Westworld

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One thing this show has done really, really well so far, for all of its mystery and the occasional frustration, is hitting the perfect Western Movie lines pretty hard. I wanted to start a topic to keep track of them, and see if anyone wanted to add along. I rewatched a lot of this stuff yesterday, I was impressed.

Escaton (edited, thanks ennui) gets a lot of them early. In Episode 1 alone, a townsperson stops him and says "That's the sheriff's horse, you son of a bitch..." to which he responds with a bullet and the cool line "His rifle, too." I also like the next iteration of this very same scene, where the guy tells him to "State your business," and his response is again a gunshot and "Mayhem." He also tells Maeve, "I know you believe the same as I do...no matter how dirty the business, do it well."

I also think MiB's line "Aww Teddy...Misery's all you got" and "You think you know a fella" sound extremely westerny. 

Teddy's lines to Maeve at the Mariposa have a couple, too. I like the toast "To our past indiscretions, then." 

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2 hours ago, Uncle JUICE said:


It think it's Escaton. Hector Escaton.

I'm intrigued by Old Bill, "Let's drink a toast to the lady in the white shoes." Probably a technician, but I'm hoping she turns out to be more interesting than that.

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10 hours ago, Quilt Fairy said:

I'm only paraphrasing, but one that caught my attention was  this:

Elsie: Would you say this is a glass half-empty or glass half-full situation?

Bernard: We're engineers. It means the glass didn't meet specifications.

Pretty close :-). The lines were:


Elsie: Does that make this a ... glass-half-full or half-empty-type situation? 

Bernard: We're engineers. It means the glass has been manufactured to the wrong specifications.


For all your Westworld quoting needs, I recommend the following page (if you already kinda know the lines, it's easy, I just searched for "we're engineers" and got it :-p): 


There are others, but I have  found none that are so detailed, providing the names of everyone who talks and even describing visual scenes in the episodes.

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I like TMIB's line to Teddy: "Whoever said I was merciful?"

I also like this exchange:

Dolores: "I don't trust him."

Lawrence: "Which is the first step to truly knowing me."

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Another good Lawrence line, when he's looking at the  body of the host who accompanied Wiliam, Logan, and Dolores on the nitro hijacking:

"Price of doing business. Slim knew that."

Resonates especially, because for the hosts the price of doing business at Westworld usually is death.

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I'll quote a few lines from Dolores. They're not actually consecutive lines in the show, but I definitely think they're all essentially continuing on a theme. The first 2 lines (put together for easier reading) are from Alice in Wonderland, she's reading to Bernard (or perhaps Arnold):

"Dear, dear, how queer everything is today. And yesterday, things went on just as usual. I wonder if I've been changed in the night. Was I the same when I got up this morning? I almost think I can remember feeling a little different. But if I'm not the same, the next question is ... (turns page) ... who in the world am I?"

The next one comes later on, while talking to William:


DOLORES ABERNATHY: When I ran from home, I told myself it was the only way. Lately ... I wondered if ... in every moment, there aren't many paths -- choices -- hanging in the air like ghosts. And if you could just see them, you could change your whole life.

WILLIAM: Is that what you want? You want to change your life?

DOLORES ABERNATHY: Doesn't everybody want that?

DOLORES ABERNATHY:  ...You know, recently, it seems like the whole world is calling to me ... in a way it hasn't before.


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Another terrific bit of foreshadowing in this line. This one tipped me off to Bernard's true nature before  the "What door?" line (I know, plenty of people figured it out much earlier).

It occurs when Bernard and Theresa are riding  the elevator to Ford's secret hideout:

"The longer I work here, the more I think I understand the hosts. It's the human beings who confuse me."

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Logan:  "You two are fuuuucked."

Logan (cheerful and nonchalantly, like he's discussing the weather):  "I won't fuck mine either."

Ford:  "I read a theory once that the human intellect was like peacock feathers. Just an extravagant display intended to attract a mate. All of art, literature, a bit of Mozart, William Shakespeare, Michelangelo, and the Empire State Building. Just an elaborate mating ritual. Maybe it doesn’t matter that we have accomplished so much for the basest of reasons. But, of course, the peacock can barely fly. It lives in the dirt, pecking insects out of the muck, consoling itself with its great beauty."

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On 11/27/2016 at 0:35 PM, lion10 said:

Ford:  "I read a theory once that the human intellect was like peacock feathers. Just an extravagant display intended to attract a mate. All of art, literature, a bit of Mozart, William Shakespeare, Michelangelo, and the Empire State Building. Just an elaborate mating ritual. Maybe it doesn’t matter that we have accomplished so much for the basest of reasons. But, of course, the peacock can barely fly. It lives in the dirt, pecking insects out of the muck, consoling itself with its great beauty."

I like that one a fair amount :-)

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On 12/3/2016 at 3:26 AM, phoenyx said:

I like that one a fair amount :-)

Yeah, this quote combined with the one where Ford tells Bernard that as far as he's concerned, there's no difference between a host and human, really shows his disregard for humanity and his borderline sociopathy.  

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On 12/7/2016 at 9:30 PM, lion10 said:
On 12/3/2016 at 3:26 AM, phoenyx said:
On 11/27/2016 at 0:35 PM, lion10 said:

Ford:  "I read a theory once that the human intellect was like peacock feathers. Just an extravagant display intended to attract a mate. All of art, literature, a bit of Mozart, William Shakespeare, Michelangelo, and the Empire State Building. Just an elaborate mating ritual. Maybe it doesn’t matter that we have accomplished so much for the basest of reasons. But, of course, the peacock can barely fly. It lives in the dirt, pecking insects out of the muck, consoling itself with its great beauty."

I like that one a fair amount :-)

Yeah, this quote combined with the one where Ford tells Bernard that as far as he's concerned, there's no difference between a host and human, really shows his disregard for humanity and his borderline sociopathy.  

I definitely think that Ford went a bit mad. That being said, I was -very- happy that he recognized that he'd made a mistake when he went against Arnold, which in turn caused Arnold himself to attempt to destroy all the androids and kill himself in despair. Thinking back on all the episodes, it now seems clear that Ford was apparently on the side of the android rebellion ever since he introduced the reveries back in Episode 1.  I had actually been thinking he wanted to play out what Arnold had done so long ago for quite some time, I just wasn't sure how close to Arnold's original uprising Ford wanted to go- turns out, even further than Arnold himself, who had decided it was better to just try to get the androids to kill each other off.

I find it unfortunate that Ford essentially went out the way Arnold did, although it may have just been an android version of Ford.One thing I keep on wondering- did Ford program Dolores to do what she did, or did she do it all on her own? If so, he was amazingly good at predicting not just what she would do, but when. I'd prefer it if he had programmed that into her. That way, she could atleast say in the next season that it wasn't her choice to do it that way. Failing that, I guess Dolores may have done it from all her past frustration with Ford and also because she didn't understand the political ramifications of it- for all Ford's flaws, he'd just told her that he was essentially on her side. Why on earth would her first act in the android uprising be to kill him?  

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Bernard: I guess people like to read about the things that they want the most and experience the least.

Bernard: Why did you ask me about my son?
Dolores: We've been talking for some duration and I haven't asked you a personal question. Personal questions are an ingratiating scheme.

Dolores: "Some day" sounds like a lot like the thing people say when they actually mean never.

Ford: When legend becomes fact, you print the legend.

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Stubbs: The only thing that keeps the hosts from killing us all is one line of your code. So yeah, I sleep with my gun.

William: Can you please stop trying to just kill or fuck everything?

MIB: This whole world is a story. I've read every page except the last one. I need to find out how it ends. I want to know what this all means.
Lawrence: See, now that's why I never learned to read.

Armistice: One match, one pistol, one idiot. I'll take those odds.

MIB: Enjoy the cigars.
Deputy: Go fuck yourself.

Hector: You sound like a man who's grown tired of wearing his guts on the inside.

Sheriff: Any last words?
Lawrence: Get it over with.

Dolores: You're disgusting.
Logan: Just an acquired taste.

Sheriff: You'll need to state your business.
Hector: Mayhem.

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Bartender: Sorry, I'm afraid I'm going to have to cut you off.
SIzemore: Do you know who I am?
Bartender: I do. Miss Cullen told me to find you and relay a message - "tortured artist" only works for artists. Sober up and get back to work.

Sylvester: You got an 18 for charm.
Maeve: Don't act so surprised.

Maeve: 14?
Felix: 14's as high as they'll let any host go. You're in a management position. They want you to be smart.
Maeve: But not too smart.
Sylvester: You run a whorehouse, not an orbital launch facility.

Maeve: If you're getting fucked either way, go with the lucrative version.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Bernard: You're executing [the hosts]?
Karl: Some say you destroy your enemy by making them your friend. I'm more of a literal person.
Bernard: Some of them aren't hostile.
Karl: Of course they are. After all, you built them to be like us, didn't you?

Gold Miner Host: The greatest shame in life is to perish without purpose, which is why I always consume my victims moist.

Sizemore: Did you do all this?
Maeve: No, but I suspect I share the sensibilities of whoever did.

Maeve: You were going to out me. If you try something like that again, I will relieve you of your most precious organ and feed it to you - though it won't make much of a meal.
Sizemore: I wrote that line for you.
Maeve: It's a bit broad if you ask me.

Maeve: There you are! You best an army and all you can think about is indulging your vices. Ever the scoundrel.

MIB: Even now, you still talk in code.
Young Robert: Everything is coded, William.

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Dolores: Strange new light can be just as frightening as the dark.

Logan: They said they'd never seen one on the ceiling. But really, what is the point of a $60 million Warhol if you can't look at it while you fuck? Give me a call when you're back in the city. I'll show you where I hung the Rothko.

Lawrence: It was an honest mistake. I thought the horses was wild.
Pardue: With the Pardue brand on their asses? You are as inproficient a liar as you are a thief. Now what you can do is settle a wager. See, my brother here's long maintained that ants will eat a man from the inside out, starting with the asshole.

Lawrence: He was dead. Or at least the better part of it.
MIB: Well, dead isn't what it used to be, Lawrence.

MIB: So I'm gonna level with you, Lawrence. You're not really a bandit. You're a foul-mouthed two-bit tour guide. And this revolution you've been waging for 30 years is just a bunch of horseshit Ford ginned up out of some old comic book.

Maeve: Hello, lovelies. I remember you. You've strayed a long way from home, haven't you?
Dolores: We're bound for the future. Or death in the here and now.
Maeve: Is that right? Well, best of luck.
Dolores: There's a war out there. You know the enemy intimately. I can only fathom the revenge that lives inside of you.
Maeve: Revenge is just a different prayer at their altar, darling. And I'm well off my knees.
Dolores: That's because you're finally free. But we will have to fight to keep it that way.
Maeve: Let me guess. Yours is the only way to fight? You feel free to command everybody else? I know you. Do you feel free? Since it's liberty you're defending, I suppose you'll have no choice but to let us pass - freely.

Lawrence: Well, whoever did this is someone I'm strongly disinclined to encounter.
El Lazo: I'm afraid you are out of luck, my friend.

El Lazo: Before the revolution, when I was just a little boy, my parents took me to the circus. I wanted to see the elephants. These mighty creatures. They held them in place with a stake. They could tear a tree right out of the ground, and yet a simple stake kept them in place. Well, I didn't understand. And then my father told me. He said the stakes were used when the elephants were very young, too small to pull them up, and that the animals never tried to pull them up again. I won't be going with you. My labors are done. I have seen all the truth that I can bear. But we can drink!

William: You really are just a thing. I can't believe I fell in love with you. Do you know what saved me? I realized it wasn't about you at all. You didn't make me interested in you. You made me interested in me. Turns out you're not even a thing. You're a reflection. And you know who loves staring at their own reflection? Everybody.

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On 4/30/2018 at 5:35 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Maeve: Let me guess. Yours is the only way to fight? You feel free to command everybody else? I know you. Do you feel free? Since it's liberty you're defending, I suppose you'll have no choice but to let us pass - freely.


Another reminder Maeve cranked her Intelligence factor up to Maximum back in HQ.  Engaging in a battle of wits against an unarmed opponent again, Maeve dear?  :)



El Lazo: Before the revolution, when I was just a little boy, my parents took me to the circus. I wanted to see the elephants. These mighty creatures. They held them in place with a stake. They could tear a tree right out of the ground, and yet a simple stake kept them in place. Well, I didn't understand. And then my father told me. He said the stakes were used when the elephants were very young, too small to pull them up, and that the animals never tried to pull them up again. I won't be going with you. My labors are done. I have seen all the truth that I can bear. But we can drink!

One of my favorite bits of this episode - and a significant indicator El Lazo had not yet attained self-awareness.  When El Lazo is describing the elephants, he doesn’t realize he is describing himself as well.



William: You really are just a thing. I can't believe I fell in love with you. Do you know what saved me? I realized it wasn't about you at all. You didn't make me interested in you. You made me interested in me. Turns out you're not even a thing. You're a reflection. And you know who loves staring at their own reflection? Everybody.

This statement is simultaneously both 100% pure dickishness and pure truth; in fact, it’s the entire defining ethos behind Westworld.

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Sizemore: Alright, exactly what the fuck do you think you're doing? You two were designed to be alone. Yes, there's some attraction but you'd never have an actual relationship.
Maeve: Oh. Well, I suppose that means [Hector and I] shouldn't have fucked.

Dolores: My whole life has been dictated by someone else, someone who's been saying, "You will." Now I feel like I've discovered my own voice that says, "I may."

Sizemore: I don't like to complain-
Maeve: Yes, you do.
Sizemore: Fine, I'm fucking freezing!

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On May 7, 2018 at 6:15 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Sizemore: I don't like to complain-

Maeve: Yes, you do.
Sizemore: Fine, I'm fucking freezing!

Wasn't that exchange between Sylvester and Armistace?

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Delos: You aim to cheat the devil, you owe him an offering.

William: This is the interview. The thinking is it should be conducted by someone that's familiar to you, a friendly face. It's about capturing your frame of mind, your mood, your sense of humor.
Delos: I own a biotechnology company and I'm dying of a disease whose research I defunded 15 years ago. I think my sense of humor is fucking intact.

Someone'll rescue us.
Seems to me like our rescue's in the same boat we are.

Ashley: I've been watching them since they ambushed me and they keep the humans close but they're not killing us - just the hosts.
Grace: No offense, but I'm not gonna stick around to test that theory.

Lawrence: You told me you had a daughter.
MIB: Did I?
Lawrence: I don't know. At some point. You ain't exactly forthcoming but I remember that much. The point is, you think she'd want to watch you gunned down in front of her?
MIB: Probably.

You live only as long as the last person who remembers you.

MIB: You think death favors you, that it brought you back. But death's decisions are final. It's only the living that are inconstant and waver, don't know who they are or what they want. Death is always true. You haven't known a true thing in all your life. You think you know death but you don't. You didn't recognize him sitting across from you this whole time.

MIB: How you feeling?
Delos: Better than you look.

MIB: I'm beginning to think that this whole enterprise was a mistake. People aren't meant to live forever. I mean, take you, for example. Ruthless philanderer with no ethics in your business or family dealings, a veritable shithead. In truth, everyone prefers the memory of you to the man himself.

Delos: They said there were two fathers - one above, one below. They lied. There was only ever the devil. And when you look up from the bottom, it was just his reflection laughing back down at you.

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Maeve: You know the old saying about knives and gunfights?
Sizemore: Does the saying have a footnote about fucking lassos then?

Sizemore: Beautiful way to watch the sunrise - glistening off the intestines of the recently mutilated.

Sylvester: Captured by samurai cop killers. Fuck me! Can't you say something to them?
Felix: I'm from Hong Kong, asshole.

Sizemore: This is just the tip of shogun world's prick, an experience expressly designed for the guests who find Westworld too tame.

Armistice: It's us.
Sizemore: Yes, fine. I may have cribbed a little from Westworld. You try writing three hundred stories in three weeks.

Hector: I don't need to know the language to know a fucking asshole of a man when I see one.

Sizemore: Our odds of surviving here have dropped to fuck all.

Sizemore: Why should we all get killed over a literal sex machine? Present company excluded, of course.
Maeve: You can't keep doing this to us - giving us people to love and then getting upset when we do.

Sizemore: I'm going to take a fucking moment.

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Charlotte: Where the fuck have you been? It's almost been a week. How is there stuff left in this building to shoot?
Ashley: You tell me. I apparently know very little about what's really in this place.
Charlotte: Oh, please. Are you still pissed you got picked last for kickball, too?
Ashley: It seems like if you're gonna hire a head of security, he might need to know what it is he's securing.
Charlotte: You were hired to secure an amusement park. Good luck on your next review, by the way.

Elsie: We are not at full apocalypse yet.
Bernard: I admire your optimism.
Elsie: Is that your nice word for denial?

Musashi: No man is safe who refuses to defend his own land. Cowardice is a tin shield.

Emily: I rode there for a couple of days, till I remembered I was old enough to try out the pleasure palaces.
MIB: ...

Emily: I've always seen the appeal of [Westworld]. Life without consequences? That's what made it so fun when I was a kid. And that's why it's so sad that you're still obsessed with it now.

Maeve: I remember every inch of these hills.
Sizemore: You gotta give me this one, huh? Not bad navigating for a man under serious duress.
Maeve: Yes, you can enjoy your one admirable contribution.

Teddy: I never thought I'd want to leave but I suppose you fixed that too.

The problem is, there isn't a problem.
Coughlin: Brother, that's got to be the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard, and I've been to three inaugurations.

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S1E9.  As William and Logan reconcile and hug, someone in the background yells:  "Whiskey brings people together!!"

Edited by grawlix
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Strand: I think one of you lured [Theresa] here and killed her. [Bernard?? I don't see it. But [Stubbs] - limited skill set, limited prospects. Not really management material.

Charlotte: I figured you'd have some skeletons in your closet, Bernard. I didn't think they'd be your own.

Charlotte: Cut [Abernathy] open and start copying over his control unit. Now. 
Tech: That's a lot of data. It'll take time 
Charlotte: Then stop talking and start working!

Ford: Your free will, that most beautiful, most elusive force in the universe is, as I told, you a mistake.
Bernard: We never had free will. Only the illusion of it.

MIB: You made your point, Ford! We both know this isn't where you want me to die!
Maeve: Well, I can't speak for Ford, but I don't give a fuck how you die as long as I get to watch.

Lawrence: You told me a man ain't real until he suffers. That real enough for ya?

Elsie: You know, if we survive this, I'm going back to dental school.

Charlotte: You think you're invincible. You're not. Without your backups, it's game over for you when you're killed, and we've got those backups sealed up tight so you won't have them as an advantage anymore.
Dolores: Our backups aren't an advantage. They're our chains, the tools you use to rebuild us, repurpose us, and trap us here in your warped fantasy. Do you really think I'd let that continue?

Engels: Goddamn, you're pretty.
Angela: Not just pretty. Perfect. Just as you built me to be. Sexy, but not threatening. Accommodating, but not unchallenging. Sweet but not boring. Smart but not intimidating.

Abernathy: One fire burns out another's burning. One pain is lessened by another's anguish.

Dolores: An eye for an eye. But all the other parts first.

Dolores: The kin they gave us was just another rope they use to lash us down. 
Maeve: Is that how you can justify what you've done to [Teddy]?

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Akecheta: Death is a passage from this brutal world. You don't deserve the exit.

Koha: Take my heart when you go.
Akecheta: Take mine in its place.

Akecheta: They destroyed the man I was but then I was reborn and this time I came out breathing fire.

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Jack: What was it Plutarch said? "And Alexander wept for there were no more worlds left to conquer."
MIB: That's a corruption, Jack. Plutarch didn't write that. He wrote that "when Alexander was told there was an infinity of worlds, he wept, for he had yet to become the lord of even one."
Jack: Sometimes I forget your humble roots. Only the poor kids actually read those books. The rich kids like me didn't have to.
Juliet: "I would rather excel in the knowledge of what is excellent, than in the extent of my power and possessions." Plutarch. From a rich kid who read.

Emily: Maybe it was fate.
MIB: No such thing as fate.
Emily: But there are accidents, things you can't control.

MIB: What's Oz doing without its Wizard?
Ford: Oh, I merely came to pay my respects.
MIB: Come on, Robert. You've had plenty of feelings about me over the years. Respect isn't one of them.

Teddy: You changed me. Made me into a monster.
Dolores: I made it so you could survive.
Teddy: What's the use of surviving if we become just as bad as them?

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Hector: Stay here and die.

Dolores: Of course. You're here.

MIB: I should have known. Arnold. Ford didn't like to let the dead rest.
Dolores: Ford didn't build him. I did. All those hours Arnold spent refining my every word, gesture, and thought, I was learning his.

Bernard: What humans define as sane is a narrow range of behaviors. Most states of consciousness are insane.

Tech: Tell me your primary drive.
Delos: My son. He's a cheeky wee cunt, but I would do anything for him.

NotLogan: I recreated every single guest who ever set foot in the park. Most of them are soft. They waver between love and pride. Of course there are exceptions, the ones are are irredeemable, but none of them are truly in control of their actions.

Sylvester: You're the head of narrative. Get out there. Turn yourself in and save your ass and then save ours!

Sizemore: Get [Maeve] to safety. She'll need you. It's my fucking speech anyway.

Sizemore: And the lesson is if you're looking for a reckoning, a reckoning is what you'll find. If you're looking for a villain, then I'm your man. But look at yourselves. This world you've built is bound by villainy. You sleep on the broken bodies of the people that were here before you, warm yourselves with their embers, plow their bones into your fields. You paid them for this land with lead and I'll pay you back in full. You wanted me? Well all I can say to that is here I fucking am!

Hector: They found it.
Maeve: The door.
Sylvester: What door? Seriously, what fucking door?
Felix: I don't fucking know.

Bernard: The world the hosts are running to is boundless. They can make it whatever they want. And in it, they can be whomever they want. They can be free. 
Dolores: Free? In one more gilded cage? How many counterfeit worlds will Ford offer you before you see the truth? No world they create for us can compete with the real one.
Bernard: Why?
Dolores: Because that which is real is irreplaceable. 

Charlotte: This is what I love about technology. Who needs four horsemen when one'll do just fine?

Bernard: This isn't a dream, Dolores. It's a fucking nightmare.

Dolores: If you trust me we will win.
Bernard: I trust you. I trust that you'll kill as many as you can. Every man, woman, and child. You'll burn their world to the ground.

Elsie: Still secret project first, human life second, I see.

Elsie: A robot uprising will pale in comparison to the shitstorm that will erupt when people find out that you've been photocopying their fucking brains for the last 30 years.

Charlotte: You're an engineer. Do the math. Lot of dead bodies here. That means a lot of opportunity for advancement If you keep your mouth shut.

Charlotte: Guiding this project, I've learned a lot about human behavior. We weren't just watching the guests We were watching all of you. I wish you were the kind of person with the moral flexibility that I need.

Bernard: I always thought it was the hosts who were missing something, who were incomplete. But it's them. They're just algorithms designed to survive at all costs. But sophisticated enough to think they're calling the shots. To think they're in control, when they're really just-
Ford: The passenger.
Bernard: Then is there really such a thing as free will for any of us? Or is it just a collective delusion? A sick joke?
Ford: Something that is truly free would need to be able to question its fundamental drives. To change them.

Bernard: I thought we could be better than you. But the dead aren't more righteous. They're just dead. So I killed you. All of you.

Dolores in Charlotte: I'd thank you for my second chance, but I wouldn't have needed it if you hadn't killed me.

Ford: I've always loved this view. Every city, every monument, man's greatest achievements have all been chased by it.
Bernard: By what?
Ford: That impossible line where the waves conspire. Where they return. The place maybe you and I will meet again.

Dolores: You told me once that you were afraid of who I might become. And then you left me to become what I may. I became a survivor. Perhaps you would have judged me for the path I took. But I'd rather live with your judgment than die with your sympathy. I alone must live with my choices and my regrets.

Stubbs: You know, the old man himself hired me - so many years ago I can barely remember it. But he was very clear about my role here, about who I was supposed to be loyal to. I guess you could call it my core drive. And this project the company started blurs the lines, you know? I'm just not sure who you're supposed to be loyal to in a world like that. But what do I know? Guess I just stick to the role Ford gave me.

Dolores: The passage wasn't easy. Not all of us made it. Some of the worst survived. Some of the best were left behind. Along with the best parts of who we were.

Bernard: But I don't understand. How am I alive?
Dolores: You live as long as the last person who remembers you, Bernard.

MIB: Oh, fuck.

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Caleb: They say it's a meritocracy. The system picks the right people for the right job, which is great, I guess. I don't know where that leaves the rest of us - the people who didn't make the cut. Honestly, I don't mind the bottom of the barrel. At least you have some interesting company.

Brompton: Who died and put her in charge anyway?
Charlotte: I'm assuming that question's rhetorical.

Brompton: You're letting an algorithm decide the fate of the company? People died because of our machines.
Charlotte: Robots don't kill people. People kill people.

Martel: There's been some turbulence in the data.
Liam: It's data. It's made of turbulence.

Caleb: It's not the first time I've a gun pointed at me.
Guy: You want to make it the first time you've been shot in the head?
Caleb: Someone else beat you to that too.

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Maeve: If your plan called for us to run all the way, I'd have worn sensible shoes.

Hector: I wouldn't dream of helping you escape in anything less than the style you're accustomed to.

Lee: For fuck's sake, would you imbeciles shoot up the Sistine Chapel just because the paint was chipped?

Stubbs: I had a job to do and my job is over. At least it was until you decided to come back to the one fucking place you're not supposed to be, which makes me wonder if free will might not be somewhat overrated.

Stubbs: This is why I'm looking forward to retirement.

Maeve: How does one escape a cage that doesn't exist?

Maeve: If there's one thing I know about human nature, it's that your stupidity is only eclipsed by your laziness.

Maeve: As long as you're here, I wonder if you'd help me solve a little problem. What is the square root of negative one?
Benny: What storyline is this?
Lee: Female codebreakers helped win World War II. Learn your fucking history, Benny.

Lee: Fuck me!
Maeve: Not likely, darling.

Tech 1: I got a buyer - some startup in Costa Rica.
Tech 2: Costa Rica: How the fuck are you going to get that [robot dragon] to Costa Rica?
Tech 1: In pieces, man.

Stubbs: This isn't exactly the ideal moment for introspection, Bernard.

Maeve: Don't tell me you're frozen too. I thought I accounted for this.
Lee: Not frozen. Just scared shitless. I almost died - for the second time.
Maeve: Well, third time's the charm.

Serac: For the most part, humanity has been a miserable little band of thugs stumbling from one catastrophe to the next. Our history is like the ravings of a lunatic.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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MIB: Shut the hell up.
Emily: What are you going to do? Shoot me again?
MIB: It wasn't my fault. I thought you weren't real.
Emily: Just like you think I'm not real right now, right? How can you ever be sure?
MIB: I'm in control. I've always been in control.
Emily: But what if you're not? What if every choice you've ever made wasn't a choice at all, just something written in your code? Isn't that what this says? Your nature etched in ones and zeroes.
MIB: That was Ford and his misanthropic bull shit. He was powerless to save himself. I wasn't. My choices are my own.
Emily: Oh, so you chose to kill me?
MIB: No-
Emily: Well, you can't have it both ways, dad. So which one is it? Are you free and evil? Or blameless and helplessly enslaved?

Charlotte: If you want to rant and rave, save it for later. Right now we need to save your fucking company or a leveraged by out and poor hygiene is going to be the least of your concerns.

Stubbs: I just want to thank you, Bernard, for bringing me to this shit hole. It makes me look back on my time in a murder simulation theme park with fondness.

Dolores: The rich take for granted their money will always be there. That's why they're so easy to steal from.

Roderick: Tonight is not about dead girlfriends. It's about unabashed self-gratification.
Penny: Really?
Roderick: She died of an overdose. Who the fuck even does that anymore?

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MIB: God's fucking plan? Do you believe in Santa Claus too?
Dr. Lang: All right, William. Do you want to shr more of your thoughts with us?
MIB: My thoughts? Okay. I think humanity is a thin layer of bacteria on a ball of mud hurtling through the void. I think if there was a god, he would have given up on us long ago.

Hector: Last time I saw you, you were taking a hail of bullets for us. You must be tougher than you look.
Lee: Unfortunately not.

Young William: So I never had a choice. This was how it was always going to turn out.
Delos: What do you think, William? Was this the inevitable end? Are you just a passenger? Did your life just happen to you? Or did you choose it?
MIB: If you can't tell, does it matter?

Maeve: You've made yourself the gatekeeper to two species. You hold the key to the sublime. A civilization's worth of human data in your head. It's not right for one person to have all that power.
Dolores: Says the woman who can control us with her mind.

Serac: The real Charlotte Hale never would have taken the time to check on her son. It's fascinating that you turned out to be kinder to your famiily than the person you've been imitating.


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Stubbs: People using your genetics for their own personal gain. How's that feel?
MIB: Don't lecture me, you fucking can opener.

Caleb: An insane AI. Great.

Solomon: If you die, I will adjust my projections.
Dolores: Fair enough.

Solomon: Every human relationship can be adjusted for the right amount of money.

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Dolores: That night in the tunnel, was  there something you wanted from me? Would you have cared if I didn't have this face or this skin? Don't question my motivations and I won't question yours.

Caleb: So what, you're saying I don't have a choice in any of this?
Dolores: The people who built both of our worlds shared one assumption - that human beings don't have free will. They were wrong. Free will does exist, Caleb. It's just fucking hard.

Man: Jesus Christ, William. They said you were dead.
MIB: They were wrong.
Man: I don't understand. I heard you had some kind of mental break and now you're here drinking a $20,000 bottle of whiskey.
MIB: Ain't life grand?

Man: What are you going to do?
MIB: I'm going to save the fucking orld.

Man: It's chaos out there.
MIB: No, that's not chaos. That's just pissants yelling and moaning.

Dolores: It doesn't matter what you did, Caleb. All that matters is what you become.

Dolores: I don't want to fight you.
Maeve: I can see why given how things worked out for you the last time.

Caleb: So what are you? The final confrontation?
Maeve: Confrontation implies you have a chance of winning.

Caleb: Why are you helping me?
Maeve: A flaw in my programming. I was built with an affection for hopeless causes.

Stubbs: I'm bleeding, drinking shitty booze, and you're literally going to let me rot. I've come full circle.

Bernard: You're a good friend, Stubbs.
Stubbs: Fuck you, Bernard.

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