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Big Brother: Over The Top, Week 6 (11/02/2016 - 11/08/2016)


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Please let Kryssie go. This hour long cry fest is crazy. She is crying because Monte would not talk to her. Then because his picture was greyed out in her HoH. Then she is going to lose one of her friends so she is sad. She can't be friends or talk to anyone but her crew? Why isn't she mad that Justin didn't even read the directions? If she is so desperate for her friends to stay why not ask Jason to help her and Justin learn the game instead of calling the BS "potty names" all night. She still thinks season 11 , the season she watched is enough for her to know everything.

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Let's hear it for My Girl Shelby! Woot, woot!  To quote Whitney (I think):  "Are you real?"  Heck yeah she is. :)  So cool to watch her just walk through it, make a few mistakes but quickly correct them, and nail it on her first guess.  After watching Whitney/Alex/Kryssie (and struggling mightily myself to figure out who was who until production started zooming in on the clues right before Alex solved it), I never would have dreamed she could make it look so easy.  Rock on, Shelby!

I was definitely worried about Justin at the beginning, though…he was going fast and getting most of them right…and then he hit the button and I realized the doofus didn't remember he had to combine two faces!  If it's possible to have your jaw drop from shock at the same time you're smirking, but it is, that was my reaction.

Whitney is doing a terrible job of trying to hide her flip.  She was in the bathroom when Alex left to join Morgan and Shelby for the Storage Room Celebration and she didn't even try to follow, much less join in.  She's not even playing at being a Ballsmasher any more.  And she didn't even hug Shelby when she won, and Alex told Shelby that when she, Whitney and Danielle were watching Kryssie's round, Whitney was "cheering for" Kryssie.  (Probably no more than a few encouraging words, but that's enough.)  But when Shelby was going, Whitney had no such "let's go" enthusiasms.  

To be fair, Shelby smoked the comp so fast that maybe Overbite didn't have time to cheer her on. ;)  But OTOH she apparently cheered for Justin, in front of everyone, which is just stupid, given as there has to be someone in the house who doesn't want Justin to be HoH, even if they're hiding it.

Oh, and to make this more fun, apparently Justin has been talking mad shit about Shelby, right up to the eviction ceremony.  In fact, Morgan said that during the competition, after Shelby went, it was just Morgan and Justin in the DR (Jason was on a pee break) and Morgan tells Shelby that Justin asked her if she was planning on targeting him if she (Morgan) won HoH, and when she said "no", he said "good, because I'm targeting Shelby".

Ooopsie.  I guess he thought that there was no way My Girl was winning the comp.  Well, at least Shelby knew you needed two answers per face, you Bayou Bozo, you! Ha!

Now watch, he'll get the CP and mess everything up.  But I've got 36 hours of fun ahead of me, so I'm gonna enjoy them.

ETA:  What the heck, let's do some transcribing.  Ballsmashers (I'm no longer counting the absent Whitney) in the SR:


ALEX:  Kryssie was crying that she timed out!

SHELBY:  She said she wasn't even done crying before I was finished!

ALEX:  Yeah, she got up there and…obviously, I did 27 minutes, I wasn't like super-happy with my time. She just got there and just started bawling. I'm [thinking] like, "you are fricking 30-years-old, grow up!"

MORGAN:  None of us are crying because of our times, like—

ALEX:  I'm like, "fricking suck it up!"  But, no. She has meltdowns every week, at this point.

Actually, she's been having them the entire season.  I guess Alex missed the first couple, perhaps?


SHELBY (false sympathy):  Well, [if] she has to go on the block, I hope she doesn't have another meltdown.

MORGAN:  You are the perfect person to get it this week.

SHELBY:  Scott is so happy watching us from home.

(They turn to the camera and jump for joy)

ALL: Scott! Scott! Scott! Scott!

ALEX (as they stop jumping, to MORGAN):  You know what's even greater? You would have for sure gotten it, if she hadn't, because you were next best.

SHELBY:  Yeah, you were like…I actually was thinking you were gonna beat me.

MORGAN:  I was nervous.

SHELBY:  And once again, you weren't, like, being efficient, but you still had a really good time!

(All laugh)

Yeah, I don't know if Morgan will ever get a second go-around, but if she does, I could completely see her becoming a comp beast like Janelle in All-Stars.  It's sometimes forgotten that Janelle didn't win that many comps in S6 (just the HoH/Veto double to send Jennifer out, the F5 Veto to save herself and then the F4 HoH) compared to her complete domination the next summer.  Once Morgan stops ignoring the starting horn and not bringing the boards with her and things like that, her natural athletic skills will make her someone to reckon with.  Perhaps even as soon as later this season.

So anyway, the girls wrap up the SR convo by again noting that Whitney didn't congratulate Shelby even when they came inside (she just sulked with Justin) and Shelby wonders if they should call her out.  And then they take their suitcases out of the SR (remember, Morgan and Shelby had to pack, they were on the block with Scott) and into Tokyo and Whitney is right there, doing her makeup in the mirror, and is immediately all complimentary.  Gee, I wonder if somebody was listening at the SR door?

I mean, good gameplay if she was, and it's not as if Shelby was being exactly quiet in there.  But it's still funny!

ETAA:  Kryssie crying about Monte is HILARIOUS!  "I don't know what that son-of-a-bitch looks like because he was too good to interact with me!"

Er…yeah.   You do realize that his picture has been on the fucking Memory Wall for five weeks, right?  Sitting right there for you to look at.  In perfect view while you're eating, should you so choose.  You saw S11, you've seen this comp, and I'm sure Jason told you that sometimes people obsessively study the wall, just to be ready in case it happens.  Even if you don't know when it's coming, even if it never comes at all, it's not like you're so busy you can't put in some time learning the faces.

(I think the funniest thing along those lines was S9's Natalie Cunial, who spent hours counting every single thing in the house, just in case there was a "how many of these objects are there?" comp.  And then they had one…and she was outgoing HoH and couldn't play!  Oops. I'm still not sure they didn't choose that comp for that week just to mess with her.)

Edited by DAngelus
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Congrats to Shelby.  This should be an interesting week.  She's smart and she's not going to let anyone make decisions for her.

LNJ fans are already wanting Jason for ACP so it would spare him from being evicted and so he'd be forced to work with Shelby.  I think Jason for CO-HOH is a stupid idea.  Remember what it did to Meech last season?  It was basically a waste.  Plus, it made her ineligible for any future care packages as well as the following week's solo HOH.  LNJ fans aren't thinking this through.

  • Love 2

My happiness has ended over Shelby's win. BB is obviously favoring Justin. He ate candy, 8 pieces of candy during Shelby's HoH room reveal and admitted it and others saw it. He was called to the DR and they did nothing. No penalty nom, no punishment. Just told him to not slip up again. Jen got a penalty nom for an apple and Justin eats 8 candy bars and gets nothing! This happened at about 3:00 on camera 1, and about 30 minutes later Krysssie and Whitney and Justin whisper about it and then he is called to the DR.


Other over night facts: Kryssie wants Alex out. Shelby tells LNC the girls (Shelby Alex and Morgan) plans.

  • Love 1

I'm so glad Shelby won!!! I stayed up for Whitney's but simply had to go to bed after that. Actually I was already in bed w/the laptop, but, oh well. I think Whitney for ACP just to torture her for flipping but pretending to BS that she didn't flip. She might put up Danielle to appease both sides. As far as Nomination goes, I was thinking Justin or Jason. I'm thinking which LNJ is most likely to win if still remaining, so I want that one gone!! No way Kryssie wins against a BS.

Those faces were hard. They hardly showed them close up. The Kiss one had Neely, I'm pretty sure, and maybe Scott. The far end one had Justin and Whitney had her face correct in the nerdy one. I think Jason was in that one, too? I'll have to watch Shelby's.

1 hour ago, silverspoons said:

My happiness has ended over Shelby's win. BB is obviously favoring Justin. He ate candy, 8 pieces of candy during Shelby's HoH room reveal and admitted it and others saw it. He was called to the DR and they did nothing. No penalty nom, no punishment. Just told him to not slip up again. Jen got a penalty nom for an apple and Justin eats 8 candy bars and gets nothing! This happened at about 3:00 on camera 1, and about 30 minutes later Krysssie and Whitney and Justin whisper about it and then he is called to the DR.

Other over night facts: Kryssie wants Alex out. Shelby tells LNC the girls (Shelby Alex and Morgan) plans.

It's not even just Justin. The Misfits get away with sneaking food, sneaking PILLOWS that they're not allowed to have as Have Nots, and sleeping during the day when they're not supposed to. 

Justin's pretty awful. Alex has correctly deduced that he only comes to talk to them when they are in power. Other than that, he ignores them. He's such a rat. 

The one thing Shelby needs to do is just nominate Justin outright. Whoever is co-HOH (it looks like on Jokers, it'll be between Whitney and Jason), they can either nominate Alex outright, or they can try to work with Shelby. The thing is that I think they both have to agree on the noms, although I could be wrong. 

In other news, Kryssie thinks she could have beat Shelby's time, despite the fact that it took her ten minutes to get close to the right answers. 

Kryssie definitely needs to be AN. Shelby needs to put up Justin. If Whitney's co-HOH, she should put up Jason. That way, one of them is guaranteed to go home. But nobody can even trust Whitney anymore, so who knows if she'd put up Alex or not. The only way this works is if Whitney rejoins her alliance. At least, that way, she can try to save Justin from being evicted. Shelby said she might confront Whitney on her flipping. 

2 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Those faces were hard. They hardly showed them close up. The Kiss one had Neely, I'm pretty sure, and maybe Scott. The far end one had Justin and Whitney had her face correct in the nerdy one. I think Jason was in that one, too? I'll have to watch Shelby's.

Here's the answers to the boards from the far left one to the right one near the board:

1) Cornbread/Morgan 
2) Kryssie/Monte 
3) Danielle/Scott 
4) Shane/Neeley 
5) Monte/Alex 
6) Whitney/Shelby
7) Justin/Jason

1 hour ago, silverspoons said:

BB is obviously favoring Justin. He ate candy, 8 pieces of candy during Shelby's HoH room reveal and admitted it and others saw it. He was called to the DR and they did nothing. No penalty nom, no punishment. Just told him to not slip up again

And, if you can bear to watch Kryssie's KryFest 2016, at sometime around 1.30 AM (before Danielle takes over Kryssie-sitting duty at c. 1.45), Justin is complaining about how hungry he is* and he and Kryssie discuss what punishment he might get if he eats.  So it's not as if he was unaware that there's an issue there. 

* Poor baby only had a pizza party last night, including cake, and a Chinese food party the night before.  Plus I hear he's supposed to be some sort of chef…forget Joe Arvin, freakin' Ivette knew how to make a decent menu out of the penalty food.  (Which was peanut butter & jelly back then, rather than slop, but even so.  And she didn't have the range of condiments to work with that HGs get nowadays.) JFC.

ETA: when Justin and Kryssie were commiserating about how their asses were in a sling this week, it was either "one of us…or Dani", who was going.  They definitely haven't playing up their distance from Danielle to seduce Whitney or anything like that; she's a spare number, that's all.

If Whitney has a real interest in sticking with the Ballsmashers, what she should do is out J/J/K to Dani and A/M/S this week, and capture Dani as a 5th wheel for the BS.  There's no reason they shouldn't be able to clean house down to the F5 in this scenario, and I think that Dani and Whitney, even if they realize that the other three are closer to each other, could live with going 2-on-3 then.

But it will never happen, because Whitney is pretty clearly considering Justin to be her ride-or-die.  Jason is more likely to sell him out than Whitney is, I'm thinking. 

How does the tie-breaker work with a co-HoH?  A 2-2 final vote (with three nominees, two HoHs, and three voters, plus the AV) doesn't seem impossible.  Does Shelby get sole custody of any tiebreak decisions, or would she and the co-HoH have to agree?

Edited by DAngelus

^ above is why I like BallSmasher so much - their attitude. If life hands them Slop, they make Slop cookies, they don't whine about it.

Thank you, LadyCalypso, for the answers. I'm trying to remember the actual pictures, left to right: football player, girl with big blond hair, Kiss makeup person?? 3rd or 4th, shoot, I can't remember the middle ones. Far right was Justin/Jason - that one I figured out, then next was the nerd in the glasses and checked shirt, then the sort of Gene Wilder looking one (from his younger days). But I know there's one I'm missing. 

2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Here's the answers to the boards from the far left one to the right one near the board:

1) Cornbread/Morgan 
2) Kryssie/Monte 
3) Danielle/Scott 
4) Shane/Neeley 
5) Monte/Alex 
6) Whitney/Shelby
7) Justin/Jason

It wasn't just half and half, as the Morph-o-Matic had been before.  Some of the pictures were A-B-A-B this time, rather than just top and bottom.

1)  Morgan's eyebrows, Cornbread's eyes, Morgan's mouth, Cornbread's jaw.  Costume was Eli Manning (#10, NY Giants uniform, quarterback pose), which is funny, as Morgan's probably a Cowboys fan.

2)  Monte's hair, Kryssie's eyebrows, Monte's eyes, Kryssie's mouth and jaw.  Costume was a very strange cheerleader, with pointed Vulcan-style ears.

3)  Danielle's eyebrows, Scott's eyes, Danielle's nose (w. nose ring) Scott's mouth…with an index finger covering the gap in his teeth.  Costume was a goth, complete with white makeup.

4) Neeley's eyebrows, Shane's "ice-blue" eyes, Neeley's nose (also w. nose ring), Shane's mouth and mustache.  Costume was a prom queen.

5) Monte's eyebrows, Alex's eyes (with mascara), Monte's wide nose, Alex's mouth.  Costume was a stoner.

6) Whitney's eyes (with visible contact lenses), Shelby's mouth (with chin acne, much to Shelby's dismay).  Costume was a very cute nerd…they should totally get married and have kids.  

7) Justin's eyes (with the squint exaggerated), plus his birthmark and some of his mustache, Jason's mouth (with acne on the cheeks).  Costume was a punk, complete with mohawk.

Edited by DAngelus
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I wish we knew how the Co-HOH nominating process is going to work.  I was thinking that maybe instead of choosing actual nominees, each person would be allowed to name two HGs "safe", one per night.  In that scenario, both nominees will have to come from LNJ because all Shelby has to do is keep Morgan/Alex safe and the Co-HOH could only save two of the remaining LNJ.  As long as AN/Veto doesn't mess it up, that might be the best scenario.

  • Love 2
3 minutes ago, leocadia said:

 I was thinking that maybe instead of choosing actual nominees, each person would be allowed to name two HGs "safe", one per night.  In that scenario, both nominees will have to come from LNJ because all Shelby has to do is keep Morgan/Alex safe and the Co-HOH could only save two of the remaining LNJ.

Oh, that's brilliant!  A perfect case of how the "negative" process of the safety ceremony eliminating nominee candidates rather than the "positive" process of taking nominees' keys away/putting them in the block could make all the difference.

Great! Give Dani the CP, make her show her cards to her "allies" and there will still be, at worst, a Misfit and Whitney on the block.  If the AN goes to a Misfit, and whoever's unnominated over there (let it be Kryssie, lol) doesn't win the Veto, then even Whitney should be safe…and if the BS vote out Justin to save her, I doubt she'd stick too closely to Jason/Kryssie, given that she knows Jason's coming for her and we just had the competition that Kryssie was sure she could win. ;)

21 minutes ago, leocadia said:

I wish we knew how the Co-HOH nominating process is going to work.  I was thinking that maybe instead of choosing actual nominees, each person would be allowed to name two HGs "safe", one per night.  In that scenario, both nominees will have to come from LNJ because all Shelby has to do is keep Morgan/Alex safe and the Co-HOH could only save two of the remaining LNJ.  As long as AN/Veto doesn't mess it up, that might be the best scenario.

That's true! The Safety Ceremony changes how nominees are selected. So who's left: Shelby, Alex, Morgan, Whitney, Jason, Justin, Danielle, Kryssie. Two HOHs, 4 safe, two nominated. So if they keep Safety Ceremony the same, Alex and Morgan will be safe no matter who has the care package. I suppose Danielle can't be co-HOH since she was HOH last week, or doesn't it count for the CP? (I see Dangelus is thinking the same as me.) We could vote for our most hated person for care package in order to block that person from getting a better CP; on the other hand, then that person can't be nominated for eviction. This is harder than voting for president!

  • Love 1

I am voting Morgan for CP. It is too risky to not have at least two LNJ on the block. I don't want the CO to nominate Alex and Witney might. If America does, oh well but not from within. My noms would be Justin, Jason and America Khyrsee.  End result, either Khyrsee or Justin goes home.  At least Jason can adapt if necessary for his survival . Maybe even work with Shelby and I think he may still think his Deal with Alex is alive. Unfortunately, Alex thinks Jason betrayed her while really it was Justin telling Whitney everything.

Would like to see all the girls talk in HOH. Hash this out. Lets see Shelby's interrogatory  skills at work !

1 hour ago, leocadia said:

I wish we knew how the Co-HOH nominating process is going to work.  I was thinking that maybe instead of choosing actual nominees, each person would be allowed to name two HGs "safe", one per night.  In that scenario, both nominees will have to come from LNJ because all Shelby has to do is keep Morgan/Alex safe and the Co-HOH could only save two of the remaining LNJ.  As long as AN/Veto doesn't mess it up, that might be the best scenario.

Oh...I never thought about that! The safety ceremony DOES change things. I'd love if this was the case. It would really be brilliant. I hope that HOH and co-HOH also have to come to an agreement over who's on the block. I do get the sense that Shelby will save Alex first if she can, and I think Alex could be safe from the block regardless of who co-HOH is, granted that AN isn't Alex or if Alex isn't replacing Morgan, who could go on the block. 

And now, seeing as Reddit seems to agree that the safety ceremony changes things and Alex/Morgan could be safe unless veto is won.....I am totally excited for this week. If Whitney gets co-HOH, then Jason/Danielle could be the noms, and Kryssie could be AN (if we all stick to voting for Kryssie because Twitter is gunning for Alex).

Oh, glorious week. This could be a very, very good week IF safety ceremony impacts who is safe. 

Edited by Lady Calypso
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But a safety ceremony also allows Whitney ( if co hoh) to keep Justin safe. He is my first choice for eviction !!! But, Justin still thinks he has a deal with Alex ( he checked with her last night) so maybe he can be spared. Whit will have to decide between Khyrsee and Jason who to keep safe.

Also, it des not save Justin from Americas nominee ( although that is very unlikely).

Safety Ceremony gives Shelby strong negotiating power no matter who co-HOH is. They can agree on who they want to see out this week and then save everybody except that person and someone else. I really like the idea of a LNJ for co-HOH, because that person has the burden of deciding which LNJ will be on the block and will cause divisiveness in the ranks. LNJ are not a forgiving group.

  • Love 1
9 minutes ago, missyb said:

But a safety ceremony also allows Whitney ( if co hoh) to keep Justin safe. He is my first choice for eviction !!! But, Justin still thinks he has a deal with Alex ( he checked with her last night) so maybe he can be spared. Whit will have to decide between Khyrsee and Jason who to keep safe.

Also, it des not save Justin from Americas nominee ( although that is very unlikely).

I'll sacrifice Justin going up as an initial nom if that means Morgan/Alex are safe initially. As long as Kryssie is AN, then things look very good. Justin can be taken out during DE.\


4 minutes ago, DAngelus said:

So is the double-eviction next Wednesday (F7/F6 chosen) or the week after (F6/F5)?

It is next Wednesday, since next CP is for that. Coincidentally, it's on my birthday, so obviously I want a good birthday DE. 

5 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

[The double-eviction] is next Wednesday, since next CP is for that.

Okay, so when would the voting for the CP take place?  Obviously not on the usual Thursday/Friday schedule, since we'd need to have it in place before Wednesday.  (That's why I thought this week might be single, under the co-HoH reign, and then CP #6 would arrive on Friday the 11th, to set up the DE on the 16th.  But if I'm wrong, I'm wrong.)

Damn, I wish I could have stayed up to watch Shelby absolutely smoke that comp!  Hell, I wish I could have stayed up to watch Kryssie cry about sucking yet again.

I really wish the nominations worked the way you guys are speculating, but somehow I doubt it.  I'm voting for Whitney for the care package.  Better her than Jason (who seems to be the other choice, at least on Jokers).  I don't think she'd have the balls to put up Alex, she'd probably just nominate Danielle.  At least here's hoping!

  • Love 4
4 minutes ago, DAngelus said:

Okay, so when would the voting for the CP take place?  Obviously not on the usual Thursday/Friday schedule, since we'd need to have it in place before Wednesday.  (That's why I thought this week might be single, under the co-HoH reign, and then CP #6 would arrive on Friday the 11th, to set up the DE on the 16th.  But if I'm wrong, I'm wrong.)

I don't have access to all of the descriptions of the ACPs, but someone was saying that voting will take place on the 9th for an hour or only a couple of hours? I think it's a relatively quick voting period, but I'm not sure when that is.

Anyone else can confirm? Also, doesn't the last ACP end on the 16th? So is there a break in between veto and F4 ACP, or is there another ACP that I'm forgetting?

21 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

Damn, I wish I could have stayed up to watch Shelby absolutely smoke that comp!  Hell, I wish I could have stayed up to watch Kryssie cry about sucking yet again.

I really wish the nominations worked the way you guys are speculating, but somehow I doubt it.  I'm voting for Whitney for the care package.  Better her than Jason (who seems to be the other choice, at least on Jokers).  I don't think she'd have the balls to put up Alex, she'd probably just nominate Danielle.  At least here's hoping!

I'm watching it now at work. Shhhhh! Don't tell anyone. Shelby just finished Dani, Whitney, Alex & Kryssie are giving her the blow by blow. Kryssie is on the verge of tears. Hysterical!!!!

Voting is November 9 for the Double Eviction Veto CP. Which is next Wednesday. Here's the description:


During this week's double eviction, the Houseguests will not compete in a veto competition. Instead, the winner of this care package will be awarded with the power of veto.

So the CP winner can remove a nominated house guest, then HOH would put someone else up.   Actually this makes Morgan the better person for the Co-HOH CP. If two BS are HOH, then it doesn't matter who wins the next CP - a BS would replace the removed nominee with another LNJ!!!!

Morgan for co-HOH!!!

Edited by Lamb18
6 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Voting is November 9 for the Double Eviction Veto CP. Which is next Wednesday. Here's the description:

So the CP winner can remove a nominated house guest, then HOH would put someone else up.   Actually this makes Morgan the better person for the Co-HOH CP. If two BS are HOH, then it doesn't matter who wins the next CP - a BS would replace the removed nominee with another LNJ!!!!

Morgan for co-HOH!!!

Actually, Morgan should absolutely be for DE ACP. You know why? Because she'll be safe and she can make her sister safe. Whitney's already leading for co-HOH with Jason trailing behind, but we can't let Jason win it. Shelby may target him. 

Listen, I want my 23rd birthday to have Kryssie and Jason/Justin gone, alright? Let me dream! It's possible! 

I think Whitney will agree to nominate Danielle and Shelby will nominate Jason. If AN goes well, Kryssie'll be up and even if Danielle wins as worst case scenario and Whitney puts Alex/Morgan up, then Jason or Kryssie could still go. But that's assuming that America stays united. 

Edited by Lady Calypso

But if the Double Elimination Veto winner removes Whitney's nominee, then Whitney can choose anyone to replace her original nominee, including Alex or Shelby. I don't think they'd be safe anymore. But now I'm wondering: if the Safety Ceremony goes the same as usual, how do we know which one is Shelby's nominee and which is Co-HOH's? We will know who they're saving - but how would we know which one would be their nominee?  So if Jason is nominated, then wins DE veto and takes himself down, which HOH chooses the replacement nominee? That's why I like Morgan for co-HOH, a LNJ is guaranteed for the replacement nominee no matter who is taken down.

3 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

But if the Double Elimination Veto winner removes Whitney's nominee, then Whitney can choose anyone to replace her original nominee, including Alex or Shelby. I don't think they'd be safe anymore. But now I'm wondering: if the Safety Ceremony goes the same as usual, how do we know which one is Shelby's nominee and which is Co-HOH's? We will know who they're saving - but how would we know which one would be their nominee?  So if Jason is nominated, then wins DE veto and takes himself down, which HOH chooses the replacement nominee? That's why I like Morgan for co-HOH, a LNJ is guaranteed for the replacement nominee no matter who is taken down.

Double Elimination Veto is after co-HOH is over. It'll be Wednesday night, AFTER whoever gets evicted this week. 

Basically, think of it this way: if Morgan gets ACP, she won't get DE veto to get her and Alex through the double eviction. They'll also be down two Ballsmashers to play in the DE HOH. So her or Alex could go during DE.

Edited by Lady Calypso
8 hours ago, silverspoons said:

I was waiting for Scott to sign up to be tested as a future donor. I


This week is hard because we don't know how exactly everything will work because of safety ceremony and on top of that we don't really know how exactly the DE will work with this format either. It's all so confusing!

  • Love 2
16 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Double Elimination Veto is after co-HOH is over. It'll be Wednesday night, AFTER whoever gets evicted this week. 

Basically, think of it this way: if Morgan gets ACP, she won't get DE veto to get her and Alex through the double eviction. They'll also be down two Ballsmashers to play in the DE HOH. So her or Alex could go during DE.

I'm getting confused. Is the Double Elimination on Wed., Nov. 9 or Wed., Nov. 16? If it is Wed. Nov 9, then the DE CP results need to be announced before the elimination ceremony, otherwise it doesn't make any sense to call it a double elimination veto.

Or, if the Double Elimination is Nov. 9, does that mean that the co-HOH can only choose 1 person each to save and that leaves 4 people up for elimination and the top two vote-getters are eliminated? Because if they each choose two, then the two remaining are automatically eliminated.  I'll go back to the website and see if I can find more info on it.

1 minute ago, Lamb18 said:

I'm getting confused. Is the Double Elimination on Wed., Nov. 9 or Wed., Nov. 16? If it is Wed. Nov 9, then the DE CP results need to be announced before the elimination ceremony, otherwise it doesn't make any sense to call it a double elimination veto.

Or, if the Double Elimination is Nov. 9, does that mean that the co-HOH can only choose 1 person each to save and that leaves 4 people up for elimination and the top two vote-getters are eliminated? Because if they each choose two, then the two remaining are automatically eliminated.  I'll go back to the website and see if I can find more info on it.

It's on the 9th. Basically, people will vote on that day (shortened voting period; I think the voting period is only an hour), and the results will be revealed after DE HOH is won and has nominated two people. Obviously the evicted houseguest of that night before DE will not be counted, as well as whoever wins HOH. So if Morgan wins DE HOH, then the next houseguest with the most votes will get it (for example, Justin). 

Co-HOH has nothing to do with DE. co-HOH reign ends before DE HOH comp starts, just like a normal double eviction episode. Just with the DE veto ACP, there's no DE veto comp. So, no lost clown shoes! 

So, timeline for next Wednesday: Eviction > DE HOH Comp > Nominees announced (probably in regular style nomination ceremony) > ACP DE Veto is announced > Winner decides whether to use it or not > Another Eviction. So two people will be getting evicted on Wednesday night. So I imagine from 11pm-12am EST, it'll be like a regular DE eviction episode. 

I hope I clarified things! There are questions that still need to be answered, like the safety ceremony for co-HOH this week. But I do get what you mean; there's so little info about the next week that I could be totally off base!

I think I get it now. I'd forgotten how double elimination works before.  So whenever Double Eviction is, this week (Thurs - Wed) will still proceed normally, but with two HOHs. There will still be a POV competition and one person leaving at the first eviction ceremony. I still wonder if whoever wins POV takes down a nominee, how the replacement nominee is selected when there are two HOHs and the way the safety ceremony works now. For example, Shelby saves Morgan and Alex. Theoretically, Whitney saves Justin and Jason. That means Kryssie and Danielle are nominated. Danielle wins POV and takes herself down. Now, whose nominee was Danielle's? Who picks her replacement? Also anybody except the HOHs and nominees would be eligible to be the replacement nominee, so Alex and Morgan would not be safe anymore, right? In regular BB, in co-HOH we know who picked the nominees and whoever nominated Danielle would put up the replacement. This time, ??? Unless for co-HOH the traditional nomination ceremony is used instead of the safety ceremony. So much to ponder.

Also, now I'm wondering if a LNJ wouldn't be better for co-HOH when you think of voting numbers. For example, Shelby saves Morgan and Alex. Jason is co-HOH and saves Kryssie and Justin. Whitney and Danielle are up. Shelby, Jason, Danielle and Whitney can't vote.  Alex, Morgan, Justin and Kryssie can vote, plus America. Wild card is the POV comp.

I voted for Jason. It's not because I like him but I wanted the girls to have the chance to compete for the double eviction next week. At least, that's what I think is right. Please help me decide. LOL!!! I like the plastics because they seem basically like nice girls. The LNJ is so vile & gross.

Edited by ByaNose
21 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

I think I get it now. I'd forgotten how double elimination works before.  So whenever Double Eviction is, this week (Thurs - Wed) will still proceed normally, but with two HOHs. There will still be a POV competition and one person leaving at the first eviction ceremony. I still wonder if whoever wins POV takes down a nominee, how the replacement nominee is selected when there are two HOHs and the way the safety ceremony works now. For example, Shelby saves Morgan and Alex. Theoretically, Whitney saves Justin and Jason. That means Kryssie and Danielle are nominated. Danielle wins POV and takes herself down. Now, whose nominee was Danielle's? Who picks her replacement? Also anybody except the HOHs and nominees would be eligible to be the replacement nominee, so Alex and Morgan would not be safe anymore, right? In regular BB, in co-HOH we know who picked the nominees and whoever nominated Danielle would put up the replacement. This time, ??? Unless for co-HOH the traditional nomination ceremony is used instead of the safety ceremony. So much to ponder.

From what I remember from last season's co-HOH reign, if Whitney nominated Danielle and she won veto, Whitney would choose the replacement nom. 

Now, an LNJ/Misfit as co-HOH only works if Alex/Morgan are not up on the block. Whitney's pretty much flipped at this point so she's as good as a Misfit this week. But if a Misfit wins co-HOH, like Jason, Morgan or Alex would surely go up. 

Again, this all hinders on America's choice for ACP and America's Nom. 

The only upside to another Misfit winning co-HOH is that they can't compete in DE. But if we can give Morgan ACP for double eviction, her, Alex, and Shelby are all guaranteed safety and a Misfit definitely leaves.

Edited by Lady Calypso
12 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

From what I remember from last season's co-HOH reign, if Whitney nominated Danielle and she won veto, Whitney would choose the replacement nom. 

Now, an LNJ/Misfit as co-HOH only works if Alex/Morgan are not up on the block. Whitney's pretty much flipped at this point so she's as good as a Misfit this week. But if a Misfit wins co-HOH, like Jason, Morgan or Alex would surely go up. 

Again, this all hinders on America's choice for ACP and America's Nom. 

The only upside to another Misfit winning co-HOH is that they can't compete in DE. But if we can give Morgan ACP for double eviction, her, Alex, and Shelby are all guaranteed safety and a Misfit definitely leaves.

Yes, that how it works in traditional Big Brother, but not if the Safety Ceremony route is used. The Co-HOHs publicly choose who is safe, that is, we know which ones Shelby saves and which ones the co-HOH saves, but of the two remaining, we wouldn't know which was Shelby's nominee and which was the co-HOH's. They are just the leftovers. I wish we could know if Sunday will have the Safety Ceremony or if it will be a traditional BB nomination ceremony.

Just now, Lamb18 said:

Yes, that how it works in traditional Big Brother, but not if the Safety Ceremony route is used. The Co-HOHs publicly choose who is safe, that is, we know which ones Shelby saves and which ones the co-HOH saves, but of the two remaining, we wouldn't know which was Shelby's nominee and which was the co-HOH's. They are just the leftovers. I wish we could know if Sunday will have the Safety Ceremony or if it will be a traditional BB nomination ceremony.

That's a good point. That's why I'm hoping that Shelby and Whitney publicly declare who they are nominating.

Basically, I need safety ceremony to still be a thing to secure Alex/Morgan as safe from initial noms. Then we need to outvote the Misfits fans who want Alex up as AN. 

2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Shelby got NSYNC for her music. LOL I love her.

I can't decide whether to vote Whitney or Jason for CP. I don't want to vote for Jason, but I don't want him to get either of the other two CPs.

Obviously, it all depends on what the ceremony is. If it's a traditional nomination ceremony, then Jason cannot get it. He'd put up Morgan or Alex. But if it's a safety ceremony, then it doesn't really matter. Whitney would save Justin/Kryssie, and Jason would probably save Kryssie/Justin as well, so Danielle's going up for sure, along with either Jason or Whitney. Whitney/Jason would most likely backdoor Alex no matter what. It's just that Jason not participating in HOH makes it easier to have someone put him up on the block. 

Basically, there's less of a chance of Morgan or Alex going if Whitney wins and it's a safety ceremony. If it's a traditional nom ceremony, then Morgan will be in more danger. It's tough to say, though, because there's a few factors involved. Let's play Jozea's Scenarios Game (I'm having a slow day at work; I've got the time)

If Whitney Wins Co-HOH:

  • Safety Ceremony- Morgan and Alex are saved by Shelby; Justin/Kryssie are saved by Whitney. Jason/Danielle up on the block.
    • AN is Kryssie----> The only way Alex goes home is if Jason or Danielle win veto and they are Whitney's nom. Morgan would probably be safe (America, Morgan, Jason/Danielle, and Justin). 
      • If Justin/Kryssie win veto and take themselves off, the votes lie with Ballsmashers +America. Jason would go. 
    • AN is Alex -------> Her only way of staying is winning veto 
  • Nom Ceremony-  Depending on if Whitney/Shelby have to agree, then Shelby noms Justin or Jason, while Whitney noms Danielle or Alex
    • Noms= Jason/Justin and Alex and AN is Kryssie ------> Alex might be gone if she doesn't win veto. Morgan would have to win veto in order to save both of them. Then a Misfit goes. 
      • If Alex doesn't win veto, the votes are possibly stacked against her. If Kryssie comes off the block, Jason/Justin, Kryssie, and Danielle vote to evict her. If Jason/Justin win veto and take themselves off, the other of Jason/Justin go up. Alex goes. 
        • AN is Morgan ----> Alex goes, basically. Or, if Alex wins and takes herself off, Whitney puts up Danielle and it's tighter, but Morgan might go.
    • Noms= Jason and Danielle ----> See above Safety Ceremony results. 

If Jason Wins Co-HOH:

  • Safety Ceremony- Probably very similar to Whitney's scenario. 
  • Nom Ceremony- Jason would put up Alex; Shelby would put up Justin.
    • AN is Kryssie ---> Morgan would need to win veto and take Alex down.
      • If Alex wins veto, Morgan goes up and goes home. 
    • AN is Morgan -----> Alex would need to win veto, or else she's a goner.

Basically, if it's safety ceremony, Shelby can potentially get out Justin if Jason's co-HOH and Whitney will come back to their side, but if it backfires, Whitney switches sides for good. If it's a nom ceremony, Whitney should get it. 

Edited by Lady Calypso
  • Love 1

Pretty excellent work, Lady Calypso!  (The formatting alone…)  

I would only point out that if Alex is the AN (either case), she can just as easily be saved from the block by Shelby or (if she's pulled for Veto) Morgan;  there's no consequences to Morgan here, because the AN is not replaced on the block.  It hasn't happened yet this season, but it's still possible.

Also, if a Willett sister is nommed by the co-HoH but a Misfit is nommed by the AN (in a non-ceremony scenario), and one of the original nominees or Shelby wins veto, the votes can get interesting.  Let's do the "Whitney as co-HoH, Shelby noms Justin, Whitney noms Alex, America noms Kryssie" possibilities:

• If Kryssie wins Veto, she takes herself off, and Alex goes home.  (Jason/Danielle/Kryssie vote out Alex, Morgan votes Justin, the AV can't change anything.)  Same thing if Jason/Danielle/Whitney win veto and save Kryssie, knowing that Justin is safe from the vote.

• If Morgan wins Veto, she takes down Alex, Whitney has to nominate Jason or Danielle, and the Willett sisters get to choose which of three LNJ members they vote against.  If America backs them, or if America and the last LNJ split their votes, Alex/Morgan get their way; if America and the remaining LNJ unite to force a voting tie, then it's down to how the tie-break works.  If Shelby (as actual HoH) is the sole determinant, she backs Alex's play, but if the HoHs need to agree on the evictee…I don't know how that would work. Does America's vote get double-counted or something?  

• If Alex wins Veto (or if Shelby wins and takes her down) and Whitney replaces her with Morgan, or if Justin wins Veto and saves himself (and Shelby replaces him with Jason/Danielle), then the LNJ put two votes on whichever sister is up, but the other sister and the AV might combine their votes on a target (the sister should logically vote against AN Kryssie here, even if she and Shelby might rather that Justin/Shelby's possible re-nom go, instead) and we'd have another 2-2 tie, with again the question of how you break it.

Damn! Confusing.

But I still say we can't give the CP to Morgan:  we don't want only Alex eligible to play in the DE HOH and it being guaranteed that the Veto goes to the LNJ (counting Whitney on that side).  That's basically putting all of our eggs in Alex's basket, at 4-1 odds against.

BTW, is there an AN during the DE?  I don't see how there could be, unless they take a loooong pause after nominations to let "America" choose this, too.  I guess there could be simultaneous AN/CP voting, but it seems like it could easily go sideways, with there being 6 CP candidates and 4 AN choices, and people having to vote for one of each.  But we'll see.

ETA:  Is Danielle incapable of pronouncing a short "e" vowel if it comes before an "r"?  The ice cream that Shelby got, which Danielle had wanted, Dani called "Ben and Jairry's".  Just like "Amairica" during the AN ceremony.  Weird.

Edited by DAngelus
  • Love 2
12 hours ago, urusai said:

I need Zingbot to show up before Kryssie gets evicted.  His zings on her would be endless with so much material she gives.  From the bleeding, nearly amputated hands to her stank face she always has on and the bitching and moaning about everything.

So Kryssie's excuse for losing this week is Monte was to good to talk to her so she didn't know what he looked like.  She's crying to Justin in hn room and saying she should have won.

Zingbot isn't showing up this season.

9 hours ago, silverspoons said:

My happiness has ended over Shelby's win. BB is obviously favoring Justin. He ate candy, 8 pieces of candy during Shelby's HoH room reveal and admitted it and others saw it. He was called to the DR and they did nothing. No penalty nom, no punishment. Just told him to not slip up again. Jen got a penalty nom for an apple and Justin eats 8 candy bars and gets nothing! This happened at about 3:00 on camera 1, and about 30 minutes later Krysssie and Whitney and Justin whisper about it and then he is called to the DR.


Other over night facts: Kryssie wants Alex out. Shelby tells LNC the girls (Shelby Alex and Morgan) plans.

I read that he got two extra days of slop as his punishment.  It seems they went away from penalty noms.  When Jeff got in trouble for taking ONE accidental sip of gatorade I believe they gave him an additional day of slop.

Just saying, it's a good thing there aren't live feeds to Survivor. Last night they showed a burp-fest after a Reward challenge. It was like three Kryssies going at the same time.

Also I sent 30 votes Whitney's way earlier today. I'll check the chatrooms later to see if there's any insight on how the Safety/Nomination Ceremony will work on Sunday.

One more thing - what about Have Nots? I'm thinking Morgan and Danielle - maybe Morgan can lure Danielle over from the dark side. I'd rather not do Alex if she does have a kidney problem. So that leaves Kryssie or Jason. Jason is nastier but Kryssie is stinkier.  Of course the easy vote is Jason, Kryssie and Danielle (if none are Co-HOH), but that might lead to additional resentment of the BS.

I wish I could ask Scott who to vote for for America's Nomination. I'm leaning toward Jason because I think he is the biggest threat against a BS.

Edited by Lamb18
1 hour ago, J.D. said:

 why do people assume Whitney would save Kryssie?  I understand her saving Justin -- but KRYSSIE!?!  They never talk.  If anything, she'd save Danielle because Danielle took her off the block.

It's a complicated scenario that hinges on several factors.  Break out the aspirin, J.D.… you might need it.

Whitney saving Kryssie depends on:

1)  Whitney getting the CP and becoming co-HoH (duh)

2)  The co-HoH working like last season, where each HoH names one nominee and has the power to replace them, should the Veto take them off of the block.  If it's done like we've been doing this season, where each HoH would get to keep two people "safe" and the remaining two are nominees by default (two HoHs, two people saved by each of said HoHs, and two left over as nominees), then this whole scenario goes out the window.  (Because then Shelby would "save" Alex and Morgan, and the only way they'd be up is by the AN.  So in that case, Whitney would use the Veto (if she won it) "defensively", to save Justin, rather than "offensively" to evict Alex.)

But let's assume it's "name your nominee" rather than "give two people safety" and go on from there.  And let's assume what we get is…

3a)  Shelby nominating Justin

3b) Whitney nominating Alex

3c) America nominating Kryssie

4) Whitney winning the Veto, leaving her a decision to make.

Now in this case, the crucial element is that Justin is Shelby's nominee, meaning that if Whitney saves him, Shelby gets to name a replacement.  Whereas since Kryssie is the AN, if Whitney saves her, there is no replacement nominee.

So Whitney has two Veto/voting scenarios facing her:

5a) Save Justin, have Jason replace him on the block, leaving Justin, Danielle and Morgan as the eligible voters. Justin and Dani vote out Alex, but if Morgan and America vote the same way (likely against Kryssie), then it's a 2-2 tie, and Alex might stay, depending on the (unclear) tie-breaking procedures.


5b) Save Kryssie, and nothing else happens, nomination-wise.  Now the voters are Jason, Danielle, Morgan and Kryssie, and Jason/Danielle/Kryssie can outnumber Morgan/America and send Alex home, by a simple 3-2 vote.

So, in this one particular scenario, which does hinge on a lot of uncertain factors, it might very well make more sense for Whitney to save Kryssie, even though that would leave Justin on the block, and possibly vulnerable if Jason or Danielle flip against him.  She would have to choose between sure safety for Justin, or believing that the LNJ are as committed to the "evict Alex" plan as she is.

So, quite complicated and still not certain, but at least a possibility.  "Easy as really difficult pie", am I right?

ETA:  New Jamboree Whitney is a rather different person from Ballsmasher Whitney, but she's not entirely without her charms:


JUSTIN (after he and Whitney joke about being "exclusive"):  What kind of questions [did the DR] ask you?

WHITNEY:  Like, if you were to be trusted or not.  And I was like…"Fuck, no!"

(JUSTIN and KRYSSIE laugh their asses off)

It's always the quiet ones…

Edited by DAngelus
1 hour ago, gunderda said:

I doubt whitney would turn on the BS that quickly.  

I don't think so, either.  Even if she has, I don't believe she's fully done so.  I think she's playing the middle now and seeing which avenue ends up being the better one for her game.  Problem is, she's doing it just as badly as Justin was a few weeks ago.  Both sides know what she's doing.

But I'm really going to see what she does if she wins the Care Package.  If she targets Alex, then I'll go with @DAngelus that she has indeed flipped.  If she goes for any of Jason, Justin, or Kryssie, I'll know she's still with the girls.  If she goes for Danielle, then I'll remain firm in my belief that she's just playing the middle for the time being.

  • Love 2

So next week's double eviction starts earlier, according to Julie in her houseguests Chenterview. She said the episode will start at 8p Eastern with the first eviction right after that, and the second eviction "later that night."

So that's good, except how can I watch BB and Survivor at the same time? Dilemmas, you guys, dilemmas.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, gunderda said:

I read that [Justin] got two extra days of slop as his punishment [for eating the HoH candy].

I saw the convo in the H-N room after Justin was called to the DR for this (c. 3.30 AM BBT) and I'm not so sure.  Basically Kryssie asks if he's okay, if they didn't punish him and he sounds affirmative and says "I got two more days"…but I don't think he means two additional days; I think he's just referring to having to endure Thursday/Friday before he's done with slop.  And then Kryssie is like "don't mess up and you'll be good".  

So I think he got off with nothing more than a "warning".  We'll see Friday midnight BBT, I suppose.

10 minutes ago, flipflopdiva said:

how can I watch BB and Survivor at the same time?

Can't you pause your feeds?  Or use Flashback later?  Or, if you're using All Access to watch the feeds, then I suppose you could just watch BB Live and see the Survivor ep when CBS puts it on the website.  I hope you find a solution.

Danielle managed to nicely bury herself with her Julie question, didn't she?  (About using the Veto.)  She had the right answer (she didn't want Whitney to leave, so she saved her) but then she went on about how the AN was like America wrapping Scott in a pretty little bow, and she didn't want to displease America, so she changed her plan (and broke her word) and she hopes America loves her now, etc.

Meantime, there were three not very happy faces listening to this.    Including our new HoH.  Oopsie?

I hope this incarnation of Big Brother is going well for CBS and helping them draw an All Access audience, because I'd like it to come back! It seems cheap enough to produce. Big Brother is like my favorite reality series, so it's nice to have a double dose. I definitely DON'T have viewer fatigue yet, because the summer series just ended up annoying me less than halfway through, and this one has been so different/entertaining. 

If I were to ever play the game, I'd almost rather be on OTT, just because it's less pressure/media/ public exposure/scrutiny since its online-only and only the diehard fans are probably that invested. Like I have always wanted to play, from a gameplay standpoint and just to see how I could do, but I have no desire to be a minor celeb/famewhore haha.

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