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Big Brother: Over The Top, Week 6 (11/02/2016 - 11/08/2016)


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So Live DR recaps!  Let's try to get it right, after two fails before.

Whitney's up first.  Question 1 is a vapid one about Halloween, I'll skip it.  Question 2 is about obstacles in her game:  Whitney declares the week a roller-coaster, and justifies her actions as necessary to save herself.  Question 3 is about the nominations, she talks up the BSers as an alliance and says she has to stick together blah-blah. 


Question 4 is about who is your biggest threat and Whitney says it's Alex.  (Not the person who nominated her or the alliance that now has her "friends" outnumbered, nope.)  So I guess she won't be "sticking together, us four girls", after all.  She says she's going to "have to" turn on Alex, so she really isn't in the alliance any more then, is she?  If she takes power next week (be it HoH or CP), she'll be targeting Alex, just as Justin/Jason/Kryssie/Dani want.  Traitor sellout vermin.

Ahem.  Moving on…

5.  "Who are you most loyal to, and why?"  Whitney names Justin.  Yeah, the idea that she's still BS is BS.  She's joined an anti-BS alliance, she's targeting Alex, she names somebody on the other side as her #1, and she's not like "I need to save Justin for late in the game, because he can help me against Alex then", she's all "I have to get Alex NOW!"

Backstabbing Bluegrass Bitch.

And again, ahem.

She's all "Justin has let me in on information and opened my eyes" as justification for making him her #1.  Er, what, exactly?  Aside from telling (untrue) smutty stories about Danielle and tipping off the original Morgan/Shelby noms plan that Whitney already knew, what did Justin do to "open [her] eyes" this week?  Not a damn thing AFAIK.  

And you'll notice that she does NOT mention that she's formally made an alliance with J/J/K, much less that she's joined in on their plotting.  She uses the popular name of the Ballsmashers as a totem to keep her in good with "America", but she's hoping that a chunk of the feedsters didn't see the Sunday night HN room convo.

Liar.  Liar, liar, overbite on fire! Grrr.

Q6 is more crap about Halloween.  Skip it.

Q7 is about the results of the Veto.  She's just all grateful to Danielle for pulling her down, which was completely random and she had no idea it was going to happen, it's not as if she had Jason negotiating for her, never!

What a load of shit.

Q8 is about the HoH.  Whitney implies she might throw it, and tries to plant seeds with the viewers about how she has to be "grateful" to Danielle, and how Alex is coming for her, and claims that her being on the block was "Alex and Scott's plan".  When in fact they had no say in it, knew they had no say, and were simply banking on the AN working in their favor to help them winch-lift HypoKryssie out of the house.  

So, gosh, Li'l Miss Innocent may just have to go after Alex "before she can go after me"!  But I still love the Ballsmashers, y'all! Hawnest!  

Oh, vomit.

Q9 is about if the HG is planning any strategic changes.  Whitney is again all "well gosh if I HAVE to stab the BS in the back, I guess I have to!  But it's all Alex's fault!  She's coming for me, I knows it!" and other such bilge.  

Wow, I'm really starting to hate her.  Not as much as Jason or Justin, but to quote Buffy Summers…"Give me time".

She begs for the CP, which she already knows is the double-HoH.

Q10 is, as usual, the catch-all.  She just does shout-outs and leaves.

Ugh!  She lied straight to our faces.  As if we didn't see her in that H-N room, plotting with the LNJ, not merely on the Sunday night feeds, but in the Weekday Recap just before this.  I'm so done with her.

  • Love 2

OK, so I really appreciated Whitney's DR. I wanted to know where her head is at. Interesting that she thinks Alex is her biggest threat, considering Alex planned on voting her ass out this week. Glad to hear she's not done with the ball smashers, as I'm not done with them as a foursome either. Completely understand why she trusts Justin the most, I think he totally has her back.

But as usual, Shelby was my everything in the live DRs. She acknowledged today that Whitney was totally right to try to save herself, because she was in trouble otherwise. Said she didn't trust her, but needed to, because she needs to work with her. Basically said goodbye to Scott, which YES! So want Scott gone. Talked about how embarrassed she was about how she still sucks at comps. Said she trusted Alex the most, and would feel like an idiot if she was wrong about Alex (which, heh.)

  • Love 3

Kryssie.  Oh, wonderful.

She thought her only obstacle was keeping Danielle on path and is glad this worked out.  (She doesn't mention plotting Dani's demise, though…but to be fair, she may be the only one of the New Jamboree who's not that interested in it.)  She's excited that they "captured" Whitney…gee, I thought Whitney was still with the Ballsmashers?  I mean, it's not as if Whitney just lied to our faces, or anything…

She celebrates Scott's demise, but far less obnoxiously than she could have.  Or probably will, tomorrow night.  She belches.  She names Dani as her biggest threat, but still pledges loyalty to Justin and Jason.  Her "Love Triangle" Alliance.  She claims to be loyal to Danielle.  Yeah, we'll see about that.  

She basically says they threatened Dani into breaking her word about keeping Scott safe/not using the Veto.  She wants to win the HoH, and also talks about keeping her side in power.  Unlike a certain Whitney Hogg whose name I won't be mentioning.   She plugs her band.

She's sticking with her side, etc.  She reiterates her allegiance to the Love Triangle, claiming that Danielle will get invited back but Jason won't get a third shot, so she'd rather he win than Dani.  She then gets all moralistic and self-righteous, and rushes out to eat some more.

Well, that was boring.  

("I don't feel boring quite covers it." "No, you're right.  'Boring' falls short." "Even I was bored, and I'm a Big Brother nerd.")


Jason. The fun just keeps on leaving, doesn't it?  

(BTW, he appears to have lost one of the plastic covers over his collar buttons, so the chain between the buttons makes him look shabby.)

He congratulates himself on his general game play, especially his input to Dani's nominations.  He doesn't really name any "threats", as he still believes he has to take himself to the F3, not knowing that Kryssie would bring him.  He does talk about cutting Justin, which would make me so very happy.  But then he talks about being loyal to Justin and the rest of the (original) LNJ.  No praise for "Baby Girl Whitney", whom he's never really been interested in working with, but is glad to use her.

Like Kryssie, he gives himself credit for spinning Danielle against her original plan and getting Whitney on their side, instead of the original "eliminate the CP candidates" plan.  He wants to win the HoH, but doesn't plan on turning against his allies.

He doesn't want Justin in the F3, but isn't specifying any move against him in the near-future.  He believes he can play without emotion at the end.  And he's glad to make it halfway, this time around.

Not bad, really.  A couple of teases about turning on Justin, which gives me a little hope, albeit most likely prematurely. 

Edited by DAngelus

Justin.  Good thing I'm not eating…

He talks about needing to "convince" Dani to bring Whitney to their side, but says the most important thing was the AN going their way.  He names Alex as his biggest threat, because of her connections to her allies.  He names the New Jamboree as his top loyalties.  Whoops, guess you shouldn't be listening to this guy, huh, Danielle?  He's loyal to everyone on your side…except you.  Sucks for you, Ditz.

He condemns Dani for planning to save Scott and credits Jason with getting Dani to do what they want, instead of what she wants.  He talks about his "strong four" and also Alex, again omitting Danielle, and plans to keep riding the "kooky cook" strategy, as well.  Various New Orleans-themed shoutouts, and we're done.

Wow, almost not one positive word about Danielle and absolutely not a hint of loyalty to her.  The things Whitney could have accomplished for the BS by opening Dani's eyes about this douche, but she doesn't have any loyalty to her "alliance", so there went that.

The BSers just pranked Justin big time. Apparently there's been this thing where he's been a bit scared about the witches hat. Shelby got on Morgan's shoulders, draped herself in black, had the hat on, Whitney brought him into the room, the lights were off, and he totally freaked. I didn't explain it well, but it was awesome!

  • Love 1

Alex. My love. Well, my second love, after Shelby.

She semi-shades BB for only having two people drop by, but she was really happy to see new people, especially Liz.

She rightly diagnoses that her alliance is doomed.  She was blindsided that Dani used the Veto on Whitney, and she's scared for Morgan.  She says she has to win the next HoH, as the amount of the House that's targeting her has jumped from her usual 50% to 75%.

She blames herself for Morgan's nomination, claiming that maybe her tossing Whitney UTB to Jason played into it.  (Yep.)  She's sad that she has to vote against a friend when there are people she doesn't really like (…Kryssie!) sticking around.

Goddamn it.  If only Kryssie had been the AN.  What a wonderful week this would be.  Er, continuing.

Her biggest threat is Jason.  He's ruthless, it's completely different from his first season and she tries to like him, but she really doesn't like how he's playing, not to mention what he says.  This is the easiest question for her to answer.

Her loyalty goes to Morgan, but also Shelby.  She likes how Shelby is a good sounding-board, and she's good for her mental health.

She wanted Danielle to win the Veto, because she wanted to see what Dani would do, and she thought Dani would keep the noms the same.  And then she got fucked over by Whitney's flip.  She says she doesn't know if Whitney knows that she sees through her, and she's disappointed that she has to lose Scott.

She needs to win the HoH.  Only Morgan and Shelby will keep her safe, and she knows that Whitney has flipped to the other side.  She hopes maybe she can do something if she's HoH.  She doesn't think she can "lie low" any more, since she's lost two people this week (Scott AND Whitney).  She would like to work with someone on the other side, but she's lost any hope of connecting with Jason.  

(She doesn't realize that Danielle is a possibility, because Whitney's sitting on information.  I guess I'm hoping for Dani to join up with A/M/S now?  Weird.)

Ditzi Dani.  This should be fun!

She uses the Halloween question to praise the structure of the Veto comp, which is cool.

She thinks she hasn't faced any obstacles, other than "two of my friends were chosen to be Have-Nots".  Except that you're too thick to realize that at least one of those people isn't your friend, and they've been using this time in the H-N room to plot your demise.  Other than that, everything's perfect!

She's proud of how she's handled the nominations.  Because changing your plan twice and breaking your word to everybody in the house never backfires.  She claims she changed her mind the moment Scott was named the AN, which makes it weird that her entire "alliance" is taking credit for straightening her out after that.  She thinks Whitney will be grateful, even though she didn't work any deals or get any promises, and of course she doesn't have a clue that Whitney is allied with Dani's so-called "friends" against her.

She names Alex as her biggest threat, even though she calls her the biggest "female target", which would make Alex a good shield, no?  She pledges her loyalty to J/J/K which…well, pardon me a second…


Oh, and she's willing to welcome Whitney to the group!  Bigger schmuck!  I mean, I want the New Jamboree broken up, but it will be fun to watch if she gets screwed over by them, on some level.

She's proud that she won the Veto, because of how she was able to help the LNJ.

She gives her HoH a "9" rating, docking a point for being a bit indecisive.  She doesn't notice that the whole house is pretty firmly opposed to her now, that she's the only person in the house without a #1 (well, barring Shelby, who thinks she's Alex's #1, and probably only isn't because Alex feels obligated to be loyal to her sister).  She's not even anybody's #2…she might be Jason's #3, but that's about it.  And that's hardly certain.

She doesn't plan to change her strategy and says she'll stay loyal to the LNJ.  (Ditz!)  She says she's open to making deals with the other side (wasn't she going to do that this week?) and is proud that she keeps her word (except to Shelby.  Or Scott.  Or Morgan.  Or, somewhat, to Alex).  She welcomes Whitney to the LNJ and pledges to stay loyal to her and fight for her.  And continue to ignore the part where Whitney can't wait to evict her!  Ditz!

So, so blind.  Have to check that Dani thread and see how "perceptive" they think she is, these days.

Dead Scott Walking.He welcomes us to "my last DR" and says he enjoyed the Veto comp.  As for "obstacles", he bitterly chuckles over how Danielle broke all her promises to him and how he's going home.


Jason has basically used every conversation we've ever had against me, and he used the conversations we had this week to make it look like I was (sarcastic hand gesture) gunning after Whitney.  Which I'm sure you guys know is not the case.


He accuses Jason of being a "spin doctor" (that's what the hand gesture was) and pledges to expose everything Jason has said against her to Whitney, how Jason's been after her since Week 1.  "If he thinks I'm going to go out of this house like that, it's not going to happen, and Whitney is going to know that Jason has been targeting [her] this entire game."

"'How do you feel about the nominations for the week?'  I'm screwed."  Yep.  I'll miss you, bro.


I always said that worst-case scenario would be if Whitney decided she wanted to go to the final three with Justin and Kryssie.  And it looks like maybe she offered that deal to Justin and Danielle.  Maybe she offered her Care Package to help out the other side of the house.

Oh, Scott.  Still way overestimating Ditzi Dani, I see.  Nope, Danielle did everything Whitney wanted without Whit offering her a Final 3 deal, without Whit offering Dani safety from the CP.  All it took was for Jason to blow some air in Dani's empty head, and he could spin her round like a record, baby.  Right 'round.  No deals required.


I hope that Whitney does realize that the girls are the only ones who are going to be truly loyal to her in this game.  I offered the other side of the house the first week to keep Kryssie in the game, and they forgot about it (snaps fingers) two days later.

And that's why you just grab the numbers and try and run with it when you can, instead of hoping that "favors" will be rewarded down the road.  Sigh.

He reiterates that he really wants to get Whitney to see that she should be loyal to the BS.   Yeah, good luck with that one.  If she was any further up Justin's butt, she could floss his teeth from the inside.

He names Jason as his biggest threat, again citing Jason's spinning their talks against him, and blames himself for being "starstruck" by a guy who finished in 13th place, originally.  Oy, Scotty.  At least be impressed by somebody who made Jury, ffs.  He says Jason spread their conversations throughout the house to paint him [Scott] in the worst light possible.

He's most loyal to Alex because she stood up to the entire LNJ demanding he be backdoored in Week 2, which is why he's given her permission to vote him out.  He's just hoping the girls stick together, because the other side lies like anything.  He claims to not be upset that he's going out by the AN because he's still glad he stayed last week, as he's really pissed about Neeley's speech during the last eviction.

He praises Danielle's HoH (again, not getting that Dani got played here) and again hopes that Whitney stays loyal.  Again, fat chance.

He says he knows Whitney won't vote to keep him because he's heard her predict that the Have-Nots next week will be Alex/Morgan/Shelby.  He misses the point that this means Whitney is rooting for this outcome, and she's sold out the Ballsmashers, lock, stock, and barrel.


"'What is your plan to stay in the house?'  I don't have a plan…My goal in this game since week 2 has been to push Alex as far as possible, because since week 2 I knew my chances of winning this game were almost nil, so I just hope that Alex can take this all the way."

Awww.  So not so much a crush/stalking, like people (including me) thought, but just gratitude/resignation.  She got him three more weeks, and he wants to pay her back as much as he can.  Good for you, Scotty.

He expresses some hope there's a buyback HoH coming up (apparently they're setting up for a wall comp) but he remembers Julie saying that when you're out, you're out, so he doesn't really think that.

He thanks the fans, the girls, the show and CBS.  He's been watching since he was 10 (that would be S4, right?) and this was his dream.

Awww.  Poor dude.  And fuck you, Jason, but that's pretty much a given, always.

Morgan.  She has her happy face on, and hopes to not run out of time, which she always does.

She expresses disappointment that the AN came from their side, that they lost the Veto, and that Dani stabbed her in the back. (And that Whitney probably sold them out.)  "Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?"

She's also actually worried about both Alex and America's votes, as she is on the block.  Like Scott, she thinks Whitney made a CP-related deal, not getting how much of a puppet Danielle is for Jason to play with.  She hates that she cried after getting backdoored, and she had said she wouldn't do that.

She names Whitney as her biggest threat (whoops, Whit!  Targeting the wrong sister!) and feels it sucks that she can't really target Whitney yet, because Whitney hasn't taken any offensive action against the team.  (Yeah, but withholding info, including the details of the deal that Morgan thinks she made, should count, IMO.)

She thinks she has to keep Whitney thinking she's trusting her in order to stay.  She can't let her suspicions be seen.  She knows the BS are dead unless they win HoH, so she has to win it.  She begs for the CP.  She's going to try to cultivate Danielle, especially as she suspects Whitney's flipping.

Points for trying to cultivate Danielle.  A better idea than the time Alex and Scott wasted on Jason, it appears.

And lastly, My Girl Shelby.

Her hair looks great.  She points out that the cue card is incorrectly typed.  Ha.

It sucks she's on the block, it sucks Scott's going home, and it sucks that Whitney has probably sold them down the river.

She names Justin/Whitney as her biggest threats. She excuses Whitney for flipping because "she was going home", not knowing that if Whitney had shared all the info Justin was leaking, they probably would have kept her over Scott, even if the noms didn't change. But Whitney didn't share that intel, so Shelby can't make that judgement.  She also points out that Justin hates being a Have-Not and he can get out of it two days early by winning HoH, so he's really fired up about doing that.

She feels closest to Alex, even though she think Morgan might be the most trustworthy.  She and Alex want to reach out to the other side, but doesn't know how they can do it, given Whitney's flip.

She's completely shocked that Danielle saved Whitney, given that she thought Danielle wanted to clip a CP-eligible Ballsmasher.  She assumes Dani and Whitney made a deal, becoming the third HG to overestimate Ditzi Dani's dealmaking skills.  Oy.

She's annoyed by the perennial "do you want to win HoH" question, wants to work with either Dani or Jason (as Justin/Whitney/Kryssie is obvious) and hopes that they can leverage Morgan's possible CP.  Which makes it good that Alex knows Jason is slime and Morgan prefers Danielle to Jason, as well.

Of course, Danielle working with the BS would require Danielle's brain cells to start firing. Which I guess is theoretically possible, but still…

Damn, it's painful to watch Scott walk the backyard (after the live DRs) and monologue/berate himself for being selfish and not trusting the girls sooner.  If he'd only voted Kryssie out…and Cornbread had his back, 100%, too.

He's still so delusional thinking that he can convince Whitney to stay loyal.  Dude, you would need the Jaws of Life to pry Whitney away from the Jamboree to even have a conversation with her.  She's spent like maybe 30 seconds with the BS tonight, as far as I can see.  I'll scan through to catch up to live before midnight, but Whitney couldn't make the flip plainer if she was to literally spit in the others' faces, I'm thinking.


Everybody who leaves this house has regrets, obviously.

Well, not really.  You get the Kryssies who are just there for airtime, the stipend, and the chance to be a smug, sanctimonious butthole.  She really won't care when she goes.  Whereas this is tearing the kid's heart out.

But it's a hard game.  That's why some of us love it so.  Sigh.

Sped through to Live.  Shelby knows that Whitney flipped, since she sat on all the info.  Even Alex is getting convinced now.  So yeah.

Meantime, Alex went into the kitchen, and Kryssie burped in her face.  I suppose the saving grace here is that by lying down with these particular dogs, Overbite is almost guaranteed to wake up with chronic flatulence, awful skin, or several free-floating STDs.  But still…

I haven't been watching much of the feeds the past couple of days because I'm from Cleveland so I've been having one eye on the feeds and one eye on watching my Cleveland Indians lose the World Series.  That said, I want to say bravo to @DAngelus for keeping us posted with the play-by-play commentary.  You cracked me up several times.....  "Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?" -- LOL

I have to wonder if the HG's still think there's an actual televised BB show or if they realize it's all online.  Some of the stuff the HG's mentioned in their DR sessions completely disagree with what we see when watching online and so it has me wondering if certain HG's are telling us what they think we want to hear because they don't realize we see the truth.  I'm speaking mostly about Whitney, here.  I see one side of her online and a completely different person in her DR session.  If she TRULY still feels loyal to the BSers then she's completely fooled me.... because that's not what I'm seeing online.

Poor Scott.  Dead Man Walking is right.

  • Love 3

I fee bad for Scott. I always like him. I suppose I will put another 20 votes his way, though, because I want Shelby and Morgan to stay over him. I wonder whose votes Shelby will cancel. The voters:

Alex, Whitney, Justin, Jason, Kryssie

She should cancel Whitney, Jason and Justin. I think Kryssie would vote Scott. On the other hand, if she cancels Kryssie's vote, it will give the illusion to Whitney that Shelby still trusts her.

Next CP: it's the co-HOH. Need to see who HOH is first before deciding on a second. The thing is, I want to save Morgan for one of the later CPs. Is Danielle eligible for co-HOH? She may be the least bad choice. If a BS wins HOH and Danielle wins CP, I bet BS could persuade her to leave the dark side temporarily. All they have to do is butter her up and praise her game play.

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, DAngelus said:

And lastly, My Girl Shelby.

Her hair looks great.  She points out that the cue card is incorrectly typed.  Ha.

It sucks she's on the block, it sucks Scott's going home, and it sucks that Whitney has probably sold them down the river.

She names Justin/Whitney as her biggest threats. She excuses Whitney for flipping because "she was going home", not knowing that if Whitney had shared all the info Justin was leaking, they probably would have kept her over Scott, even if the noms didn't change. But Whitney didn't share that intel, so Shelby can't make that judgement.  She also points out that Justin hates being a Have-Not and he can get out of it two days early by winning HoH, so he's really fired up about doing that.

She feels closest to Alex, even though she think Morgan might be the most trustworthy.  She and Alex want to reach out to the other side, but doesn't know how they can do it, given Whitney's flip.

She's completely shocked that Danielle saved Whitney, given that she thought Danielle wanted to clip a CP-eligible Ballsmasher.  She assumes Dani and Whitney made a deal, becoming the third HG to overestimate Ditzi Dani's dealmaking skills.  Oy.

She's annoyed by the perennial "do you want to win HoH" question, wants to work with either Dani or Jason (as Justin/Whitney/Kryssie is obvious) and hopes that they can leverage Morgan's possible CP.  Which makes it good that Alex knows Jason is slime and Morgan prefers Danielle to Jason, as well.

Of course, Danielle working with the BS would require Danielle's brain cells to start firing. Which I guess is theoretically possible, but still…

Shelby really does crack me up. Hopefully, she, Alex & Morgan can recover from this week. It's an up hill battle though. Go, BS!!!!

I'm torn on who to cast my next 20 votes for. I really like Morgan - always have, even more than Alex - and I like Scott, too, but I like Shelby the most. I'll probably vote Scott again as Morgan hasn't gotten a CP yet.  We need to strategize on the next HOH CP, also the next group of Have Nots.  I think Danielle and a BS, Alex or Morgan if they aren't HOH, in order to work on Danielle to leave the dark side.

1 hour ago, J.D. said:

I have to wonder if the HG's still think there's an actual televised BB show or if they realize it's all online.  Some of the stuff the HG's mentioned in their DR sessions completely disagree with what we see when watching online and so it has me wondering if certain HG's are telling us what they think we want to hear because they don't realize we see the truth.  I'm speaking mostly about Whitney, here.  I see one side of her online and a completely different person in her DR session.  If she TRULY still feels loyal to the BSers then she's completely fooled me.... because that's not what I'm seeing online.


You'd think they would since BBOTT was promoted initially as an all online show. Everyone in the BB community knew about it in early July, when casting was underway. These houseguests were not sequestered until a week before BB18 finale, at least. I guess it's possible that they had no idea what BBOTT would actually consist of, and that's fair. But if they try to say that they had no idea about the online aspect, I'm calling bullshit on it, especially to the actual BB fans like Whitney, Danielle, Alex, and Scott. 

Whitney's betrayal on her girls disappoints me. I was really hoping that she wouldn't turn, but she has. And now we probably have to give her one of the upcoming CPs, and I have no clue which one. I won't hate if she gets to the end, because she definitely has fought hard to get far, but I will be disappointed in her betrayal to the Ballsmashers. I don't really know what I want to happen next week now.

However, she didn't tell the Misfits about the name of the all girls alliance, so that sparks a little tiny bit of hope. Although, as always, Jason goes for the trash talking by guessing their alliance name has something to do with trash. Whitney also called Danielle a slut, so there goes that. Also, there was more Shelby bashing. 

I really want Whitney to get HOH. That would for sure be the most interesting outcome. And then if Morgan got co-HOH that would make it even more interesting. 

The only people I really care about being safe are Whitney, Shelby, and Morgan. Oh and Kryssie because her delusions still crack me up. The rest can go whenever lol.

1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

I really want Whitney to get HOH. That would for sure be the most interesting outcome. And then if Morgan got co-HOH that would make it even more interesting. 

The only people I really care about being safe are Whitney, Shelby, and Morgan. Oh and Kryssie because her delusions still crack me up. The rest can go whenever lol.

Well, if Whitney won HOH it would make the game interesting. She would have to show her cards. Also, she would be planning as a single HOH for a few days. So it will fun to see which side she works with before & after the care package drops in.

  • Love 1

Do you think Whitney might try to throw it to keep her flip-flopping under wraps? She's seemed to literally try to avoid making moves and decisions and getting blood on her hands at every turn, but her brush with the block/potentially having been on her way out this week might've scared her enough that she'll actually go on the offensive now (I hope!)

Edited by Matteo
  • Love 1

I flipped on the feeds for a few minutes last night after promising to take a day off (too easy with a smart TV not to peek at what is going on). Whitney is all in with the LNJ IMO. Justin has certainly gone from fun to watch to as vile as the rest. It was one thing for Justin to tell his wild sex stories outside the house but now two nights in a row he has talked about doing sexual acts to the BS. This talk isn't game play or stories, it is just wrong.

There are so many people I would like to see go right now, I just have this bad feeling Kryssie will win another HoH and we will get a worse week of her, America loves me talk.

DAngelus, great recaps of DR's. 

Regardless of the consequences, I think a BallSmasher HOH needs to nominate Justin. Let everyone know he is not untouchable. Whether they have the votes or not, the house is divided anyway. Now you are saying , no one is safe. Take this opportunity  and blame your vote on Americas vote).

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, ByaNose said:

Well, if Whitney won HOH it would make the game interesting. She would have to show her cards. Also, she would be planning as a single HOH for a few days.

Actually, the interesting part is that Whitney is quite certain the co-HoH is this week.  So if she won HoH, she might be hesitant to target Alex, for fear Morgan would get the second spot and slap Justin up there in retaliation.  She and the New Jamboree might decide this was the time to try to slide Danielle out of there, as a way to keep the BS "in the dark" about Whitney's flip.  Or maybe Whitney might pretend that Scott really had "opened her eyes" and go after Jason.

Or maybe she'd target Alex, anyhow.  I would much rather one of the BS (Morgan perhaps) won HoH and then Whitney had her CP burnt off as co-HoH.  And then they could be all fake-friendly in the HoH room:  "So, Jason and Danielle as the noms?" "Sure, sounds good to me!" and Kryssie is the AN and hopefully Justin doesn't win the Veto (he could mess things up by pulling Jason down in this scenario, as Alex/Shelby would be the only replacement options and J/J would have the votes to evict them) and it would almost look like a normal week.  And then Morgan would still have her CP available to control the Veto during the DE.  

But, of course, first they have to win.

Checked out a board I hadn't been keeping an eye on.  From week 1, wrt to Danielle:


First time ever I saw someone get HOHitis while on the block

Heh.  So true.

  • Love 1

I finally realized why Alex received so much love since  the season started.

She is what America has been conditioned to idolized...the pretty, young, Aryan blond that you will find all over TV, Movies, magazine and newspaper advertising.  The members of the Late Night Jamboree all fall outside of the type Madison Avenue has been telling us that is the perfect woman for decades now. Don Draper would have been all in for Alex.

  • Love 2

Yeah, 90% of the time I only listen to the feeds, I don't watch them.  I like Alex because I think she's playing a strong, pro-active game, it has nothing to do with her looks. And I dislike the LNJ due to the constant bashing they do, along with how they sanctimoniously play the game.   Nothing to do with their looks.

  • Love 6
1 minute ago, Katesus7 said:

Yeah, 90% of the time I only listen to the feeds, I don't watch them.  I like Alex because I think she's playing a strong, pro-active game, it has nothing to do with her looks. And I dislike the LNJ due to the constant bashing they do, along with how they sanctimoniously play the game.   Nothing to do with their looks.

Especially the sanctimonious part. They all think different is better. Well, not necessarily . How are they more deserving ? I have never seen the BS'ers go as far as the LNJ in bashing. And believe me, they all have the language to do it. 

Personally I think Jason is jealous that those ladies are not a part of his crew. Last year he loved begin part of Meg and Jackie and Meg personifies what they all call "the plastics".

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Hopefully, they will show Jason being all nasty on the Finale. I wonder since the Finale is on ALL Access if it will be a longer Finale? They could make it as long as they want since they don't have a deadline for a certain show, right? Anyway, I would like them to air all of the vile things he has said in front of the girls.

My ideal outcome for this week would be Alex wins HOH, Morgan wins CP, America nominates Khrysee and two HOH's nominate Justin and Jason. 

I don't really care who wins veto. 


I don't mind Whitney flipping ( although I don't love it). She is playing to survive in the house. I don't like Jason and KHyrsee working her. I hope she knows it.

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Alex has not been good at working deals. First, she let Scott speak for her a lot. Secondly, there is no follow up. How do you talk to the HOH about working together in the future and then not give her the time of day ? Dani is last in her LNJ alliance. Alex should be working her more to align with her and work each side of the house.  Alex should have already talked to Whitney about the deal she had with J/J and that is was just for safety, she would have never evicted her. No follow through at all. I like Alex a lot but feel she has let her game play fall through the cracks.

  • Love 2

If a Plastic wins HOH, then I'm thinking Danielle for the care package. If Morgan wins, I bet she could persuade Dani to put up a Jamboree. Maybe say that the Jamboree person is a pawn. Maybe it would work. I just don't want to use up the co-HOH on Morgan because then no Plastics are eligible for the remaining care packages.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, missyb said:

My ideal outcome for this week would be Alex wins HOH, Morgan wins CP, America nominates Khrysee and two HOH's nominate Justin and Jason. 

I don't really care who wins veto. 


I don't mind Whitney flipping ( although I don't love it). She is playing to survive in the house. I don't like Jason and KHyrsee working her. I hope she knows it.

I want this to happen to but I'm affraid something bad will happen in the end. In theory, it sounds like a great plan but then two CP are pretty good, too. Unfortunately, time is running out and Whitney is possibly (or already has) flipped. I would like Shelby to win HOH just because it was drive Jason nuts. LOL!!

1 hour ago, North of Eden said:

[Alex] is what America has been conditioned to idolized...the pretty, young, Aryan blond that you will find all over TV, Movies, magazine and newspaper advertising.  The members of the Late Night Jamboree all fall outside of the type Madison Avenue has been telling us that is the perfect woman for decades now.

If it makes you feel any better, I think there's a pretty good chance Alex is gay.

• Her "5-year" boyfriend is actually a "long-distance" relationship, so there's not a lot of interaction there.  If he exists at all.

• Said "boyfriend" is (allegedly) named "Tegan", as in Tegan & Sara.  So it might not be such a boyfriend, after all.

• She wears a lot of lesbian-trendy fashion choices: the snapback cap, the plaid shirt, the beanie (oh, hai, Vanessa!  Hai, Tiffany!).  I'm also wondering if the pink racer-back tank (two straps in the front, but one column in the back) we've seen Morgan in is actually Alex's.

• She has a cat.

• She enjoys lifting weights and beating guys at sports.

Not that any of this is a guarantee of anything, but it might indicate why Alex, despite being the older sister, is pretty clearly estranged from what Morgan described in their intro package as their "conservative, religious family", why Alex is into all the "weird stuff" where Morgan is the typical "Texas girl", why Alex asks Morgan if she's giving Mom a shoutout in her DRs (does Alex do this herself? I don't think so. Maybe she doesn't have such a great relationship with her mom, then…) and why Alex only makes reference to seeing Morgan "at Christmas".  

I mean, Granbury is only 35 miles southwest of Fort Worth…it's only a 90-minute drive (or 2 hours by bus) from where Alex lives in Dallas.  Seems as though Alex could be seeing her mom every weekend.  Instead, it's maybe one Christmas visit per year?  (Where she and Morgan fight, apparently.  How does Alex "provoke" Morgan on this visit? Talk about her girlfriend, perhaps?)

The girl has formed an all-female alliance and been supremely uninterested in any of the house men, after all. Whereas Morgan definitely at least had some interest in Monte, Whitney (despite being "virtually married" to Winston back home) is at least keeping Justin on a string, and Danielle (who has admitted to enjoying receiving oral from women, but more enjoys telling stories of getting boned by drunk guys while they're driving down the highway at "100 MPH") has been quite interested in both Shane and Justin, by way of contrast.

Not that any of this makes my theory a certainty, rather than just a collection of breadcrumbs possibly forming a trail, I'm just saying that Alex may not be what you think she is.  And even if she were, what of it?  Does being blonde disqualify her from being nicer than Jason, Justin, Kryssie and Danielle?  Apparently not, given what we've been seeing.  But JMO.

1 hour ago, DAngelus said:

If it makes you feel any better, I think there's a pretty good chance Alex is gay.

• Her "5-year" boyfriend is actually a "long-distance" relationship, so there's not a lot of interaction there.  If he exists at all.

• Said "boyfriend" is (allegedly) named "Tegan", as in Tegan & Sara.  So it might not be such a boyfriend, after all.

• She wears a lot of lesbian-trendy fashion choices: the snapback cap, the plaid shirt, the beanie (oh, hai, Vanessa!  Hai, Tiffany!).  I'm also wondering if the pink racer-back tank (two straps in the front, but one column in the back) we've seen Morgan in is actually Alex's.

• She has a cat.

• She enjoys lifting weights and beating guys at sports.

Not that any of this is a guarantee of anything, but it might indicate why Alex, despite being the older sister, is pretty clearly estranged from what Morgan described in their intro package as their "conservative, religious family", why Alex is into all the "weird stuff" where Morgan is the typical "Texas girl", why Alex asks Morgan if she's giving Mom a shoutout in her DRs (does Alex do this herself? I don't think so. Maybe she doesn't have such a great relationship with her mom, then…) and why Alex only makes reference to seeing Morgan "at Christmas".  

I mean, Granbury is only 35 miles southwest of Fort Worth…it's only a 90-minute drive (or 2 hours by bus) from where Alex lives in Dallas.  Seems as though Alex could be seeing her mom every weekend.  Instead, it's maybe one Christmas visit per year?  (Where she and Morgan fight, apparently.  How does Alex "provoke" Morgan on this visit? Talk about her girlfriend, perhaps?)

The girl has formed an all-female alliance and been supremely uninterested in any of the house men, after all. Whereas Morgan definitely at least had some interest in Monte, Whitney (despite being "virtually married" to Winston back home) is at least keeping Justin on a string, and Danielle (who has admitted to enjoying receiving oral from women, but more enjoys telling stories of getting boned by drunk guys while they're driving down the highway at "100 MPH") has been quite interested in both Shane and Justin, by way of contrast.

Not that any of this makes my theory a certainty, rather than just a collection of breadcrumbs possibly forming a trail, I'm just saying that Alex may not be what you think she is.  And even if she were, what of it?  Does being blonde disqualify her from being nicer than Jason, Justin, Kryssie and Danielle?  Apparently not, given what we've been seeing.  But JMO.

This.never.even.crossed.my.mind. I think I leave a sheltered life. LOL!!! I just thought she was a cute girl and was just different then Morgan. I don't see any of it but I guess I'm dumb about stuff like that.

20 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I don't see any of it but I guess I'm dumb about stuff like that.

Or I could be completely off the rails.  But she's raised my eyebrow a few times, I admit. However, since there's no Jury House for her and Shelby to recreate Aaryn and Jessie's BB15 hookup in, we'll most likely never know.  (Seriously, Jessie…Aaryn? Girl, no.)

Jason told Scott that Alex "has been having the easiest ride in the house".  Which…what??  We had to send her a CP to save her, ffs.  She's target #1 for the entire other side.  Justin isn't even making his usual "If you keep me safe, I'll keep you safe" pre-HoH offer to Alex, this week.  Perhaps because he's definitely not throwing HoH this week…as Shelby said in her DR, he wants to get out of being a Have-Not asap.

Scott is "recommending" the girls nominate Jason/Justin if they get HoH, on the theory that Dani could be the AN and Kryssie isn't much of a Veto threat.  But of course the co-HoH would scramble all of that, anyhow.

24 minutes ago, J.D. said:

Oh, good grief!  I'm playing catch up and I'm listening to Scott's dribble in the yoga room trying to convince Whitney how heroic he is to play this game to protect the BSers.  BLECH!  Scott is delusional.  

I saw this and it made me so very happy I voted 40 times to evict Scott.

12 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

... this HOH is probably the most important one....yet!

If only I could watch it live, but no BB refused to schedule this show with me in mind!

7 minutes ago, Matteo said:

I am going to die if Shelby wins HOH just for the lols. Everyone would lose it. They are so rude to her, but she's literally like the most entertaining feeds-person! I would love a Shelby HOH just to watch the LNJ lose their collective minds.

It's got to happen. I need it to happen. If I'm staying up to frickin midnight on the east coast it better frickin happen. LOL!!! C'mon, Shelby!!!!!!

  • Love 4

So, Heath posted a preview of tonight's HOH comp and it looks like it'll be face morph.

I'm going to guess Shelby, Alex, or Jason got this. I can't imagine Kryssie getting it because it requires her having paid attention to other people and not herself. Justin's a wild card. I'm not sure about Whitney either. 

I'm rooting for Alex, just because they MIGHT be able to rope in Whitney again, since Whitney wants to target Alex. And that way, I can happily promote Justin for co-HOH and then hopefully Jason and Kryssie will be the two noms plus whoever out of Morgan/Shelby. 

The few times I've turned on the feeds in the last 24 hours, Scott's talking to himself has made me supremely uncomfortable.  I'm hoping the eviction isn't too cringe-worthy and he remembers all the times he said that he wouldn't go out like Shane.  I know it's a blow to the players that I like, but I am really, really glad he is going.  If he doesn't go, I may be out.

4 minutes ago, leocadia said:

The few times I've turned on the feeds in the last 24 hours, Scott's talking to himself has made me supremely uncomfortable.  I'm hoping the eviction isn't too cringe-worthy and he remembers all the times he said that he wouldn't go out like Shane.  I know it's a blow to the players that I like, but I am really, really glad he is going.  If he doesn't go, I may be out.

Don't worry; he's definitely going, and seeing as he reprimanded Neeley for going out without any class, I think he won't go that route until his name is called.

On another note, the HOH comp will be a timed one so it'll end about 2-4am EST. I guess I won't be able to watch, then. I have to be up early in the morning.

Have fun, West Coasters!

(I say this and I'll probably be watching as late as I can).

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I don't think Alex is a lesbian. She said she went off to college to major in something else, it was something her parents wanted her to do. She decided to change and go into programming. She said it was hard because it was almost all guys and her work now is almost all guys. My son is taking programming right now and there is one girl and 44 boys in the class. I think Alex might me a bit "manly" because of being in a school and work environment for the last 7 years with almost all guys. You still see the girly side of her as I watched her painfully doing her hair for almost an hour with those extensions or not wanting pictures without makeup.


I came back to just watch the HoH, I bet this is going to be a long night. I hope Whitney wins (I read production tipped her off to study the wall) so she has to show her true side.  If Kryssie wins Ill be taking a longer break from the feeds.  

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And that's why people lie in DRs, I guess. Whitney got a nice Golden Edit tonight, not showing her making the alliance with Kryssie/Justin/Jason, nor any of the anti-Dani shit-talking, so why not play innocent in the DR? She's still got a CP she wants to win, and she wants to avoid the AN and the AV and win at the end.  

Sure, some of us know what was going on in that H-N room at 3.00 AM BBT on Sunday night/Monday morning, but it's not as if all of us were watching then.  (I only found out because that Danielle thread was [understandably] pissed, and then I used Flashback later on Monday to see for myself.)  And there's a part of "America" that has All Access for non-BB-related reasons, checks out the episodes, but doesn't even watch the feeds.

The only giveaways to Whitney's true game in the episode were a couple of shots of her smirking, plus her completely-unnecessary decision to lie about how she didn't think Dani was going to use the Veto.  There's no real reason she couldn't have said that Dani had told her what she was going to do, and that she had done it to get Whitney to vote Scott out.  She tried to make it seem that she hadn't struck a deal, but the lying actually made the flip more obvious to Alex.  (Go, Alex!)

So weird to see the Survivor-style editing of the HoH comp, with Julie's voice dubbed in, and two of the rounds cut out for time.  (The ones that ended in a tie.)  Makes me realize how used I am to the regular, live version.

And boo on Jason for the obnoxious faces he was making during the HoH.  I missed those last Wednesday night.  I hope he spends this HoH making faces instead of deciphering them.

Well, I'll stay up long enough for the World Series game to end....which might not end for hours...but I doubt I'll stay awake until the end of this comp, I'm tired and these timed comps take forever. Unless they have to find three small objects in the dark, in that case it takes barely any time. My order of preference is Alex, Morgan, Shelby, Whitney, and nothing else. Knowing my luck, Kryssie will smoke this.

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