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Big Brother: Over The Top, Week 4 (10/19/2016 - 10/25/2016)


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I just voted 15 Danielle, 5 Shane. I will decided on Care Package when I find out who HOH is. I'm leaning toward Shelby, just to keep her safe, but she'd also be a good sport about it, too. This is a tricky one because you want to make someone you don't like be a servant, but on the other hand, that person is safe from being voted out.

I am enjoying this season much better than last season. The people are so much more entertaining to watch. Even the "bad guys" are easier to watch than the people from last season.

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3 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

I just voted 15 Danielle, 5 Shane. I will decided on Care Package when I find out who HOH is. I'm leaning toward Shelby, just to keep her safe, but she'd also be a good sport about it, too. This is a tricky one because you want to make someone you don't like be a servant, but on the other hand, that person is safe from being voted out.

I am enjoying this season much better than last season. The people are so much more entertaining to watch. Even the "bad guys" are easier to watch than the people from last season.

I agree about this being a good season. The only thing I hate is that evicton and HOH aren't on until midnight on the east coast. I'm usually so tired the next day. I can't sleep in the next day like the houseguest do. LOL!!!

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That is what's not working for me at all this season -- everything is on way too late. Also, trying to flashback or watch "full episodes" on my iPad rarely works. The app sucks for me. Even on the computer it doesn't always work properly. Other than that, I am enjoying some of the feeds and some of the people. It helps that they don't let them nap. But I also feel kind of bad for them -- such long days. At least they try to entertain themselves. It will be nice when the showmance is broken up.

I wonder how the "ratings" are going for this OTT season. Not nearly as much interest on here, but other sites seem to be really into it. I'm trying, but it's really annoying that the schedule is not at all east coast friendly. 

I'm thinking about the next Care Package and who to give it to. I wanted to give Alex a better CP, but if a Misfit wins, she's definitely the target for them. I'm not sure if Jason/Justin would save her, so she's definitely one I'd think about giving. If a Ballsmasher wins, then I'd give it to Jason. He's safe regardless, and that way, he doesn't get any of the CPs that allow him to get a free pass to the next week, especially with DE. I know he's sticking around anyway because nobody will target him, but at least we get rid of the chance of Jason getting the F4 CP. 

I definitely worry about this upcoming week. But since I'm fairly positive that Kryssie is going to be a Have Not and a possible nominee, I'm happy.

Unless she wins HOH. 

2 hours ago, diana said:

I'm trying, but it's really annoying that the schedule is not at all east coast friendly. 

Yea, the schedule is really hindering this season, which otherwise is actually really awesome. I feel like the schedule and just the manner of watching it is what's keeping a lot of people from being able to watch/discuss. It's such a shame because it really is such a good season so far.

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I'm in central time and I have been telling myself i don't need to stay up to watch HOH but I get sucked in EVERY. SINGLE. TIME!

although last weeks I did finally go to sleep after a little while and woke up to scott winning. 

6 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Yea, the schedule is really hindering this season, which otherwise is actually really awesome. I feel like the schedule and just the manner of watching it is what's keeping a lot of people from being able to watch/discuss. It's such a shame because it really is such a good season so far.

I'm curious as to their reasoning of this type of schedule.   Are they worried about competing with prime time tv shows in eastern/central time zones?

6 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Off topic but not....but do any of the houseguest comment on Shelby's mouth to the right (or, is the left) thing that she.does.all.the.time? It's sort of cute but very annoying. LOL!!

I haven't heard any of the HGs comment on it, but I have noticed it and I find it endearing and cute.

41 minutes ago, gunderda said:

I'm curious as to their reasoning of this type of schedule.   Are they worried about competing with prime time tv shows in eastern/central time zones?

That's what I'm assuming. Which I guess I do get, but still, it sucks!

Edited by peachmangosteen
2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I haven't heard any of the HGs comment on it, but I have noticed it and I fine it endearingly cute.

That's what I'm assuming. Which I guess I do get, but still, it sucks!

I'm guess they don't think 52 year old people (me) watch this show on the east and work the next day. LOL!! That said, I do understand not wanting to compete with regular & cable tv. CBS All Access is a new endeavor and there will be hills and valley's with it. Hopefully, they'll fine tune it next year if it should come back. 

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Random question: As someone outside the US who can't get feed access and mostly watches regular BBUS for the competitions (since the strategy part bores me, and BBUK basically does everything else far more competently), is it worth tracking down all the daily highlights 'episodes' or would the weekly catchup just be enough?

I hear that Kryssie's crying and bitching. I think that she came into the wrong game. 

I'm not sure I'll watch the HOH competition tonight. I'm way too tired to stay up and watch, and the anxiety of a Misfit winning is too great. 

But hey, three guys are out of the house, leaving three guys and seven women left. That's actually pretty impressive. Part of me wants Jason or Scott out next, just for the laughs. 

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Krusty said that she doesn't want all that bs with Scott (he offered to hug her after Shane left) and chewed him out about Shane, and accused Scott of wanting his speech, fame, etc.. she is getting all my votes next week.  Scott kept trying to tell her it is a game but krissy was acting like Shane was sentenced to the wood chipper or something equally drastic.  She doesn't know the game or maybe she does and is just an asshole player.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, SnideAsides said:

Random question: As someone outside the US who can't get feed access and mostly watches regular BBUS for the competitions (since the strategy part bores me, and BBUK basically does everything else far more competently), is it worth tracking down all the daily highlights 'episodes' or would the weekly catchup just be enough?

I honestly don't know, because I'm the opposite. I only watch feeds and avoid the 'episodes'. The live diary rooms they do (which are awesome) is all I need to watch outside just the feeds and reading jokers.

Wow, several HGs in the kitchen right now waiting for HOH and not one word being spoken. This is definitely the most split the house has ever been since Season 6. Yes, there's the whole Alex/Jason/Scott/Justin with a side of Neeley (never gonna happen) being proposed, but that is such a non-starter. 

I think Kryssie and Scott both sucked. Scott needed to stay the fuck away from them after the eviction, and while I know he didn't 'set up' the tie to get air time, and was actually worried that it would put more blood on his hands, he certainly did relish his stupid little speech. But Kryssie is an entitled asshat who should just stop it. In general. Just. Stop. 

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Someone just compared Shane's eviction to BB11 Jessie's eviction. I never watched BB11, but I saw a clip of Jessie's funeral and this is nearing levels of it, in terms of delusion. I don't know why Kryssie is getting so pissed. 

Oh, and now Kryssie's messing with Scott's pillows by rubbing her own sweaty armpits on them. And then she blames Scott for playing the game personally rather than strategically.

So, I'm going to say that there are many who are banding together to put up Kryssie this week if she doesn't win HOH, so I'd throw my votes on her. 

Ok, I don't know why I turned on the feeds. Oh yeah, because I'm waiting for Paul to walk in on the awkwardness. COME ON, PAUL. HURRY. 

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Yeah, Kryssie clearly cannot handle this game.  Or... she is a mad genius and the histrionics are some sort of Vanessa-esqe jedi mind trick.

In almost all of Kryssie's live DR's, she talks about her side of the house represents people in "other" categories who are typically not considered the "norm".  If Kryssie truly believes in this cause, she should be ecstatic.  The first three evictees were all straight white men.  Scott is the only straight white man left in the house.   

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Tonight's HOH is a crapshoot. And Alex has a disadvantage from the veto. Oh lord, we're in for a Neeley HOH, calling it now.

Edited: also, the first part involves finding tokens inside plastic balls to play the crapshoot. But no one can figure out how to open the balls. Terrible. So low rent.

Edited by Katesus7

So, Paul's here with Pablo and the HOH comp is underway.

I can't believe that I've missed Paul; for all of his faults, he has such a presence. They definitely told him to fulfill some sort of catchphrase quota, but at least he's entertaining.

Alex has to wear the beer goggles. 

Everyone seems to be having a good time at the comp. They have to find token in balls that are being thrown down at them, and then they use that to exchange it to try to roll a ball down a lane to land the perfect shot. Everyone's giggling, so at least Paul lightened up the mood. Well, people are faking it well enough for now.

Well, the plus side is if all goes well, the 3rd Nom will be a Misfit and Feedsters could be the deciding vote. I really hope things work out for us and Neeley goes. It would be hilarious to see Neeley go on her bestie's HOH. 

Well, I have to hope that Scott goes for worst case scenario. I like the girls too much, but I think a girl is going this week. 

I guess I'm switching off the feeds for the week, though. I'm in no mood for the Misfits and their bragging. 

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5 minutes ago, zenithwit said:

Okay, I'm starting the campaign now.  Alex for ACP!  I think Scott may be in more danger but I care more about Alex.

Apparently, Kryssie's not putting up Scott, so Alex is definitely the target. Unfortunately, she won't get to have the other ACPs because she needs this one. But it also means that Shelby will be the next target. It sucks, but we MIGHT be able to save her, if we can all get Neeley up on the block and if we all vote for her. 

Twitter fans aside, I think we can do it. But Alex NEEDS that ACP for her to be completely safe. 

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I'm so sad right now. I love the four girls, but unless something crazy happens, I think one of them is going. I guess this is what happens after we get a week where everything worked out perfectly for me. BB karma.

I'm just happy I'm traveling for work all week so I can't really watch the feeds anyway. I just can't with Kryssie on a normal basis, but now that she has power? No thank you.

6 minutes ago, zenithwit said:

Okay, I'm starting the campaign now.  Alex for ACP!  I think Scott may be in more danger but I care more about Alex.

This. I'd prefer Scott to go over any of the girls. But I definitely don't want to see Alex go.

  • Love 4

What sucks most about Kryssie winning HOH (for me) is that next week, even if she's America's nom and/or a have not, she will assume that it is based on her HOH decisions and not because she's been a mean, whiny hypocrite since practically the beginning of the show.  

Despite his helping out the girls this week, I don't really care for Scott so I'm voting for Alex to win ACP this week.   I would love to see anyone from the LNC go home on Kryssie's watch, but it doesn't seem very likely right now.  I'm with those who are avoiding the feeds this week.  I don't think I can stomach of week of "we've got to do this for Shane!"  For the record, I'm equally unthrilled with the BS'ers claiming wins for Monte.  Monte and Shane both sucked and I'm glad they're gone, lol.

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I'm torn.  I don't know who to vote for ACP.  I originally wanted Danielle to win this next one so that she would not be eligible to get a better one down the road, but since Kryssie is HOH, giving the Care Package to Danielle would be kind of a waste at this point.  Part of me wants to vote for Scott because it could be entertaining watching Scott be Kryssie's personal servant right after Scott's HOH and that conversation he had with Kryssie.


However.... I'm afraid that if I don't vote to give Alex ACP then she'll go home and I don't want that to happen.  I think Alex is the best player of the Plastics and she deserves to stay in the house -- BUT -- if I vote to give Alex ACP and she wins it, yes, she'll be safe from eviction, but she won't be eligible to receive a better Care Package at a later date.  Not voting to give it to her leaves her vulnerable to eviction.


The benefit of giving ACP to any of the LNJ is that they won't be eligible for a better Care Package in the future AND since none of them are in any real danger of going home this week anyway, it's not like we'd be really saving anyone.  That's pretty much a given.  


The benefit of giving ACP to any of the Plastics, is they'll be safe from eviction, BUT the price of safety is that they'll lose the chance at a future, better Care Package.


UGGHHHHHGGGHHHH !   Sophie's Choice.  I know I stand alone here in saying this, but I still like Jason in spite of his snarkiness.  I've liked him since BB17 and I followed him on Twitter since then, so it's kind of hard to erase the past couple of years just because he's been heavy-handed these past few weeks. That said, Jason is the only member of the LNJ I actually like at this point.  I couldn't care less if the rest of them were to go and in my magical, dreamland fantasy,.... Jason has an epiphany, realizes he's crossed the line in being mean, changes his ways, cuts his loses, joins the Plastics and I live happily ever after.  :)


That said, I think I'mma just hold off voting until I read what others say.  I need the "pros" and "cons" of who to vote for. 

Edited by J.D.

I just re-read what the CP entails, and there is one point about it that really makes me nervous; because it's a Safety Servant, if Alex gets it, she'll have to do whatever HOH/BB tell her to do. Now, it says BB in the description so does that mean not Kryssie and actually production? Now, if they tell her to vote a certain way and she doesn't, what punishment will she get? Because I worry that they'll "force" her to vote to evict one of her own, and I don't want that. 

But I still need her safe, so unfortunately voting for Alex is our only option to save her 100%. And if that's the case, then Twitter will be gunning for Morgan to go up on the block full force so we need to ensure that Neeley goes up on the block. Because as nice as it would be to give CP to someone like Shelby, hope that Alex gets veto and wins, I don't want to chance it. We can't trust all of the Feedsters to put up and evict Neeley.

The Feedsters are very important this week, and I have no idea where the votes will fall. 

ACP: Alex. We can't worry about what she's not getting in the future when she needs it now.

Nominee: Neely. I'm voting out all hamsters who don't know how the game works. Krissy would have been my choice had she not won HoH.

Justin is playing a floating charm game and I am enjoying it. From jokersupdates.com: 

"Justin and Whitney in TBR. Whitney tells Justin he didn't really try to win the comp.

Justin says he gave it 80 percent. Whitney says he could have bulldozed everyone out of the game. 

Justin says she is a sweetie. She replies that's why she was "casted." She says she is naive and sweet. Justin says she is not naive and that he is on to her. Whitney says she is on to Justin as well. 

Justin tells her she is not on their radar."

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18 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:


I just re-read what the CP entails, and there is one point about it that really makes me nervous; because it's a Safety Servant, if Alex gets it, she'll have to do whatever HOH/BB tell her to do. Now, it says BB in the description so does that mean not Kryssie and actually production? Now, if they tell her to vote a certain way and she doesn't, what punishment will she get? Because I worry that they'll "force" her to vote to evict one of her own, and I don't want that. 


In the past, "servant" punishments have just been one person doing chores/silly tasks for the HOH/ whoever (like making the bed, giving a shoulder massage, etc).  Not sure if there are any specific rules around this but I don't think Kryssie would be able to force Alex to do anything she is not comfortable with. For example, say Kryssie commanded Alex to smoke a cigarette.  I can't imagine BB would enforce that command if Alex really did not want to smoke (a bit of an extreme example I know).

In terms of BB moves, there are really only two things that Kryssie can dictate: voting a certain way and throwing the veto.  The votes are made in private and there is no way for Kryssie  to validate who Alex actually voted for.  Yeah, BB would know but BB only cares about drama/good feeds so I highly doubt they would blow up Alex's game because the drama of trying to figure out who Alex actually voted for would be better than just Kryssie being pouty in the corner about Alex "disobeying" her.  Similarly for veto, depending on what veto is, Alex probably could make it look like she "stumbled" in to the win.

And I agree with everyone that Alex needs this package now and we can't worry about the future packages.  On plus side, Julie did say that if everyone in the house had won a care package, they would be eligible for second one.  So it may still happen.

One last silver lining with Alex getting ACP is if Kryssie is mean to Alex, there is 99% chance that Kryssie will be a have not and America's Nominee next week.

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On the plus side, since Kryssie only has Jason's fans as her fans, we may get what we want out of spite for Kryssie as HOH. People are campaigning for Shelby or Alex to get ACP (it needs to be Alex) but I have seen Twitter people say they need Neeley as America's Nominee (ignoring all those crazy stans still gunning for Morgan to expose the sister twist, even though it won't actually expose the sister twist) so there's hope for us, yet. 

Plus, imagine Kryssie's meltdown this week. If she melted down hardcore over someone touching her laundry, imagine if Alex got ACP and Neeley got picked as the third nominee. Hell, imagine if Scott won veto. Imagine if Neeley went home on Kryssie's HOH. IMAGINE. 

See? This must happen. For the drama. Even if someone like Shelby or Scott left, it would send a clear message to Kryssie. 

  • Love 7

Hmm. I just imagined another scenario. It's too risky to try out, but something I just considered.

So, Kryssie's HOH and she puts up Whitney/Morgan. Alex gets Safety. Scott gets picked as the third nominee. Shelby wins veto and takes down Morgan. Oops, Kryssie has to put up an ally, who could either be Danielle or Justin. If it's Justin, then we're screwed. But if it's Neeley or Jason or Danielle, Feedsters could get rid of a Misfit. Boom, Kryssie's meltdown spectacular happens. 

It's never going to happen, but it would be HILARIOUS. 

  • Love 1
8 hours ago, missyb said:

Deciding between Neely and Justin for Americas nom. He is a major power floater and very untrustworthy. I think his time is up. I would not mind seeing him go soon.

Justin one of if not the most popular HG currently so I wouldn't waste a vote on him. He's here for awhile, probably until the end if America has anything to do with it.

Alex shot a look at Danielle after Shane's eviction that was seriously one of the most evil looks I've ever seen. It was kind of hilarious.

Alex is definitely my least fave Plastic right now, but I am super down to vote for her for the CP simply to piss Kryssie off. I do fear that in that case Shelby will be the one evicted though, which is basically worse case scenario for me. So, I'm a bit torn.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, missyb said:

Shelby has been playing the "dumb harmless card" very well. Nobody is looking at her as a threat at all. The way she flung her balls down the track would have made me shake my head. I think she is the safest of the BS'ers. In the words of BB players "nobody wants to waste their HOH on Shelby".

It's why Shelby is relatively safe this week. It'll definitely be Alex or Scott as the targets. If neither of them are eligible for eviction, then it may be Shelby, but that's assuming Scott will win veto and Alex will get ACP. But they could also very well target Morgan (probably not Whitney) before Shelby. 

I think we need to stand together and give our votes to Alex this week for ACP. Many people will be voting for Shelby for the laughs, but imagine the entertainment value with Alex being Safety Servant. I think Kryssie and Alex hate each other just as much! Plus, I fear for the votes splitting and Alex not getting it, nor Shelby. 

It's also why we need to stick to voting for Neeley as America's Nom. A lot of people are rooting for Neeley to go up, but if there are split votes, then Morgan will go up. I just want this week to go well, ok? But I already fear Neeley being taken down as nom and a BS'er going. I'll happily sacrifice Scott, though, if I have to. 

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I'm not convinced that LNC won't go for Shelby simply because they're all (well, maybe not Danielle) such petty assholes and they hate Shelby the most.

Scott going this week would be so ideal. Well, Jason going would be the dream, but that ain't gonna happen, so I'm going to do my part to try and get Scott out!

  • Love 3

So, I just realized something. Since Misfits want to backdoor Alex, they won't get the chance to put her up outright when America's Nominee is put up. If that is Neeley (and it's a high chance), Alex could actually be safe without ACP. If a Misfit wins veto, they'll have to choose between saving Neeley and backdooring Alex. If they save Neeley, then they can't backdoor Alex, leaving either Whitney, Morgan, or Scott to be evicted. If they want to backdoor Alex, then they have to leave Neeley up on the block and she has a high chance at getting evicted.

Just something to think about. We'll see who Kryssie decides to put up (it sounds like it might be Whitney/Morgan), but Kryssie probably isn't getting Alex out this week, with or without ACP. 

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I was also thinking not to waste the CP on Alex this week. I don't think I want to chance it. After Alex and Shelby got HN over Kryssie I'm not willing to risk it.  I also worry Morgan from all the campaigning on the other side might get nominated over Neely. At first I was happy only paying subscribers could vote but I guess some people have found a way around that and it sure has made the America's voting less fun.

FYI - Alex has about 52% of the vote for ACP on Jokers (Shelby has 25%).

20 minutes ago, silverspoons said:

I also worry Morgan from all the campaigning on the other side might get nominated over Neely.

But America's Nominee is chosen after the HOH noms.  It sounds like there is a good chance that Kryssie will put Morgan on the block.  So, assuming Alex has ACP and Kryssie nominates Morgan and Whitney, that leaves Jason, Neeley, Scott, Justin and Shelby eligible for America's Nominee.  (I think Danielle wouldn't be eligible since she was America's Nominee this week).  In that small group of people, I think there is a strong chance that Neeley will get the most votes.

2 minutes ago, zenithwit said:

FYI - Alex has about 52% of the vote for ACP on Jokers (Shelby has 25%).

But America's Nominee is chosen after the HOH noms.  It sounds like there is a good chance that Kryssie will put Morgan on the block.  So, assuming Alex has ACP and Kryssie nominates Morgan and Whitney, that leaves Jason, Neeley, Scott, Justin and Shelby eligible for America's Nominee.  (I think Danielle wouldn't be eligible since she was America's Nominee this week).  In that small group of people, I think there is a strong chance that Neeley will get the most votes.

Do you think Morgan will get to Justin enough that he will talk Kryssie into  Whitney/Shelby on the block. It is so hard to tell with Justin where he is at.

I have had a hard time watching the feeds since Kryssie's win and reaction to it by the LNJ. I used to have them on in the background most of the day.  There was such a scream of disappointment in our house when that ball went in , my son came out of his bedroom and said his partially deaf friend he was on Skype with heard the screaming. I thought if the rest of us screamed that loud, we needed at least a short break from the feeds.  I have just been checking Joker's instead. I am concerned about their polling since they had Kryssie as a HN and she was in #2 I think and she wasn't in the top 3 when it was revealed. Joker's used to be pretty accurate but this year the "war" has made polls less reliable.

I think Morgan made a BIG mistake in her live diary room saying she is sticking with Alex and her cheer about sister power. Alex is playing it much smarter, I don't think she even brought up her sister in the diary room. I don't think America is rooting for a sisters finale like Morgan. I didn't have an issue one way or the other with Morgan before the live diary room. Now I think she would be the first of the BS/Plastics I would like to see go.

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