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S12.E01: Keep Calm and Carry On

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18 minutes ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

Also: makes no sense how they were able to track Dean and have HenchBitch crash into Baby even though she said something about 'location services' on Dean's phone.  They used vet jerk's phone to call the HMSS bitches, and then Dean broke it.  He didn't use his phone.  They shouldn't have been able to find him, unless they did it with Sam's phone.

I have most that stuff turned off on my phone, but if you turn your location services on for GPS and such, you're broadcasting your location. I'm assuming they did some bullshit hacking now that they knew Dean was alive. They would've known his number probably just from having access to Sam's phone, or they did their research?

But, even if they didn't track Dean's phone, they knew he had been at the vet's, so it probably wouldn't be too hard guess the road they took out of there since it was a rural area and probably not a lot of choices.

18 minutes ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

Although that made me laugh, because "a few blocks" from Lebanon, KS is all farmland.  And small towns on down the road.  Pretty sure they don't have traffic cams to catch any jaywalking cows.  Heh.

Or four-lane intersections like that. I mean, I live in a one-stop-light town and I can tell you it not only doesn't have a traffic cam, but also is only an intersection between two two-lane streets. I laughed really hard at that, myself. ;)

18 minutes ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

Crowley mentioned that Lucifer was weak - which is why he's jumping from vessel to vessel.  I think it's interesting to consider that (Lucifer is weak) going forward -what with the spoilers for one of the upcoming episodes.

I've been wondering if Amara did something to Lucifer when she was either torturing him last season or when she blasted him out of Cass?

Edited by DittyDotDot
16 hours ago, DittyDotDot said:

But, even if they didn't track Dean's phone, they knew he had been at the vet's, so it probably wouldn't be too hard guess the road they took out of there since it was a rural area and probably not a lot of choices.

I didn't think of them backtracking from the vet's.  That makes a lot of sense.  Of course with all those big four lane intersections in the area, I'm shocked they didn't get confused.  ;)

16 hours ago, DittyDotDot said:

I've been wondering if Amara did something to Lucifer when she was either torturing him last season or when she blasted him out of Cass?

I can't remember the exact wording now, but Crowley specifically said Lucifer was weak due to something with (taking on? Maybe?) The Darkness.  So yeah - could be a combination of the torture and her blasting him out of Cass.

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Lucifer status right now doesn't make any sense to me.

If Amara damaged Lucifer by ripping him out of Cas why does he have the power to possess someone; to escape Rowena's paralyzing spell; why does he have fully functioning wings which gives him the power to teleport and he can move objects and people (Rowena) to him; why does he have the power to heal his meatsuit at least temporarily. (Which BTW since he can do that now, he should have been able to do that with Nick, but I digress)?

Ooh ooh incoming fanwank...

When Rowena tried to throw Lucifer back into the cage with her spell, she momentarily opened up a "conduit" to the cage in hell, but instead of being drawn in, Lucifer was able to get some power from the connection instead which he used to his advantage. Until Rowena started that spell, it looked like Lucifer was getting defeated, but then when she tried to throw him back in the cage, he seemed to "power up." So my fanwank is that he was able to draw power from the "connection" (to hell with all of the souls there to draw from) rather than get sucked into the cage. Kind of like how Rowena's spell backfired and instead of killing Crowley, it made him stronger and/or more evil?

Lesson learned: Not all of Rowena's spells do exactly what they are supposed to do. In both of those cases, they had the opposite effect from what they were supposed to be doing. Now how much of that was accident based on messing with powerful forces and how much was an accidentally on purpose is up for debate...

As of course is my entire fanwank.

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55 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

Lucifer status right now doesn't make any sense to me.

If Amara damaged Lucifer by ripping him out of Cas why does he have the power to possess someone; to escape Rowena's paralyzing spell; why does he have fully functioning wings which gives him the power to teleport and he can move objects and people (Rowena) to him; why does he have the power to heal his meatsuit at least temporarily. (Which BTW since he can do that now, he should have been able to do that with Nick, but I digress)?

Messing with Lucifer doesn't mean he's completely powerless; just less powerful than he used to be.

18 hours ago, AwesomO4000 said:

Lesson learned: Not all of Rowena's spells do exactly what they are supposed to do.

Good reminder to me to view everything she does skeptically. I really like the idea of a powerful witch as part of the story, a master spell-caster. Even tho the Winchesters say they hate witches, they cast lots of small spells themselves, and it would be nice to have a friendly (or at least somewhat friendly) expert around.

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I think a lot of the "background" music seems very different this season. So much so that I actually checked to see if we still have the same guys doing the music. (We do) It must be a directive from Dabb, because I think the music has a different tone and it's louder than in previous seasons. Or maybe more intrusive? Anyway, I don't like it as well. I loved when I watched a special on John Williams when he said that the absence of music creates its own mood, so that when the music is introduced, it strikes an emotional chord. These days it seems that music is constant in many programs, so it becomes overwhelming to the dialogue.

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51 minutes ago, FlickChick said:

I think a lot of the "background" music seems very different this season. So much so that I actually checked to see if we still have the same guys doing the music. (We do) It must be a directive from Dabb, because I think the music has a different tone and it's louder than in previous seasons. Or maybe more intrusive? Anyway, I don't like it as well. I loved when I watched a special on John Williams when he said that the absence of music creates its own mood, so that when the music is introduced, it strikes an emotional chord. These days it seems that music is constant in many programs, so it becomes overwhelming to the dialogue.

I understand they are trying new things but the music has become too distracting vs enhancing. Totally agree that it intrusive vs enhancing. 

  • Love 1

And I've caught up to myself. I like Mary's introduction. I like that twice Mary has met adult Dean and tried to kick his ass. It amuses me. I think bringing her back was an interesting way to take the show with a lot of potential. Vet dude, seriously? "Hormones, dude." That demon actor did his job well. Stop trying to trick me with this whole "Lady Toni loves her kid" thing. "I'm just wondering how far I'm gonna have to walk back to town after I kill you. And her." I'm deeply disturbed by how much I enjoyed Sam threatening to kill two human women. I love Sam's "I've been tortured by the devil himself" line. It's true and Jared delivers it well. "I don't have a harp." I love seeing Mary and the Impala reunited. I'm convinced Dean was conceived in that car. Crowley saying "Hello, boys" to other guys feels like cheating on the Winchesters. I like Castiel being sympathetic towards Mary. Get him, Cas! I love when Castiel acts protective of Sam. I'd forgotten the highlight reel of Sam's worst memories. Not fair using Jessica! Twelve years and it's still too soon. Nice trick, Sam. I'm proud of you, even if it wasn't a success. Cas can't push an SUV by himself? Not a bad ep. I tend to like Phil Sgriccia-directed ones. 

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So, answered a few questions.  It really is Mary back from the dead, though why does she look 13 years older??   (heh).  Her look and then Dean's look at the back seat of the Impala was hilarious.

Lucifer is still around, trying to find a vessel, and hopping from vessel to vessel to find one strong enough to hold him.  And Crowley is following and plotting. I guess part of S12 plot will be defeating Lucifer again.  That and working things out with the British MOL.  At least Sam wasn't hurt much by the gun shot.  the fire to the foot probably hurt more.  

Not having to face monsters all the time, in real dangerous situations, has made the MOL soft when it comes to pain if they are so surprised at Sam.  I know I'm watching this a year later, but Toni's statement of "Make America Safe" had be putting "Again" at the end.  And then I laughed (and cried).  And its a heck of a lot easier to ward an island smaller than California of all ingress and egress.  Its another to do so to America, significantly larger, has long land boarders with 2 other countries and a lot more airports.

And boy Sam was so close to escaping.  But for the injuries and the tazer stick, he would have done it.

Have to remember that really, Mary hasn't been around in over 30 years, not just 13.  Yup, a lot of new tech since then.  Still, back in the early 80s, we did have walkmen (small music players with headphones) and hand-held 'video' games, primitive as they were.  So seeing kids with more advanced versions of those shouldn't have been that stare-worthy. Oh, and even personal computers existed too, though sure, a whole lot bigger.

Edited by Hanahope
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On 10/13/2016 at 9:46 PM, MysteryGuest said:

I just find it difficult to believe that the Americans have been fighting monsters, demons, etc. all this time, while the Brits supposedly had the problem solved?  And this news never got out?  I find that hard to believe.  That's the one part that really bothered me.   

I still think it is absolutely ridiculous to expect us to believe that they just left all that knowledge in an empty bunker. Also, why wouldn't they have tried to reach out before now and how would none of the hunters have heard about them. And why only send two operatives to take in the two critically dangerous hunters they fear so deeply? I am probably just going to have to accept it. They wanted to add this group and so they did.

On 10/13/2016 at 10:54 PM, Ninamags said:


I hope Samantha was wearing a wig. Mary needs shorter hair if she's gonna be kicking ass and taking names along with her sons. ?

At least get her a hair rubber band.

On 10/13/2016 at 11:48 PM, ahrtee said:

Besides, If they just wanted to make contact with hunters to offer their help, surely there were easier ways to do it (like, maybe, just saying "we've wiped out all the monsters in the UK and want to help you get rid of yours") rather than going straight to torture.   But the end of s.11 sounded like they just wanted to get rid of the Winchesters because of all the times they'd screwed up, so (again) torture makes no sense.  *sigh*

Yeah, it is a bit all over the place, isn't it? Either they want to work with the hunters, in which case why are they approaching it with torture, or they don't in which case why don't they just kill Sam.

It would make a lot more sense if they don't think Sam is a clear and present danger to approach him collaboratively. Even if they had nefarious purposes, she could act as a spy.

On 10/14/2016 at 12:04 AM, catrox14 said:


 Every time they've ever talked about Mary they've called her "Mom". To me it would be weird if he didn't call her Mom. 

Dean's face when he finally hugged Mary just freaking KILLED ME. He looked so stunned and not even sure it's real IMO. Just beautiful.

It was so amazing. I loved that scene.

I agree that calling her "Mom" was the most natural. If I were in a coma tomorrow and woke up 30 years from now, I would still expect to be called Mom. My kids are my kids. Always.

On 10/14/2016 at 12:34 AM, SueB said:

- Dean and Mary.  Dean had ALL THE FACTS of Mary's life.  How many times did he hear those stories?  And he just rattled them off with such reverence.  *sigh* I am SUCH a sucker for Dean/Mary feels.  And his whole body language around her is gentle.  He's treating her like he's never treated anyone else.  I don't know how to explain it.  But Jensen just knocked it out of the park. Squatting down to talk to her.  The way he looked back to check on her as they drove (during that montage).  If you rewatch, just see the way he moves around her.  It's so very well done. And yes, that LOOK when he hugged her. And of course I loved his traumatized realization that his mother was recalling sexy times in the back of that car.  Dean needs a good therapist. I volunteer as tribute. 

. . .

- Dean breaking that phone.  It wasn't the speech that did it for me.  It's the way he just crushed a phone in half, letting his anger out.  

- Hormone-flashback-demon.  That was an excellent bit there.  I love when they give the one-off characters a chance to have a memorable moment.

Agreed. I loved the scenes between Dean and Mary. To have his Mom show up and to treat her with such sweetness. I think he gave her one of his layers during their talk too, which was such a sweet detail. Oh, and how happy amd I for the actress that she gets to wear something other than that nightgown?

On the other end of the spectrum, my sexuality is apparently JA breaking a phone by hand. 😆

I loved hormone demon. He reminded me of the demon and angel at the bar.

On 10/14/2016 at 4:06 AM, goldy said:


Dean and Cas reuniting was really cute. I loved that hug!! I also really missed "badass Cas" glad to have him back!  

Sam and Lady T.  scenes were probably my favorite in this episode.. I loved how determined and mentally strong he was enduring the physical torture and not telling her what she wanted him to tell, but at the same time he felt so weak and helpless blaming himself for his brother's death. I can't wait for him to be reunited with Dean and to find out about his mom being back.


That hug. ❤❤❤

I loved Sam/JP so much on this episode and I found myself holding my breath each time they tried to get him to talk. Really solid work. I need a really good reinion STAT.

On 10/14/2016 at 7:24 AM, sigmaforce86 said:


Not buying the BMOL claims.  First the "we eradicated all the bad things" - forget the stray vampire, demon etc sneaking in; even if they could track and immediately take out those what about home grown things; vengeful ghosts and the like.  They can't possibly try to claim that things like that don't get at least one victim before they go hunting them.                                                                                                                                  

Yep. It just isn't possible.

On 10/14/2016 at 9:50 AM, DittyDotDot said:

It had a great quietness to it; they let the actors act instead of filling every space with pointless dialogue. I thought is was beautiful, sad and funny all at the same time. It really struck a chord with me this morning.

I was trying to put my finger on it, but this nailed it. We didn't get a string of monologues. We got a lot of details, but just enough to be satisfying. Like with Mary. We saw the tail end of the conversation. Enough to really show the impact without a full show recap. 

On 10/14/2016 at 8:42 PM, ahrtee said:

IIRC, the only time we heard Mary say anything about the car was in "In the Beginning" when she said "what happened to the van?"  She didn't seem to dislike it, just was puzzled because they'd agreed on the VW.  But she had nearly 10 years with the car (and John, and the kids, as well as her obviously happy memories of the backseat) so I think we can assume she had many good memories of the car that we never saw.  

I think, beyond memories themselves, she is also synonymous with John for Mary. Baby is familiar and reminds her of home and of her husband (who she just found out is dead). I loved her reaction to Baby.

On 10/14/2016 at 10:39 PM, Commando Cody said:

This show has not been able to bring very many women on to the show and make them likable. I see this English Rogue MoL as Bella 2.0. It didn't work the first time. 

I know a lot of people had Bela but I loved her and I am still a little bitter on how she went out. I loved that she was self interested and turned her knowledge into profit. I actually thought it was a really interesting take. I didn't love her sad backstory at the end. I think she could have been way more interesting as a variation on Crowley. Making deals for her own purposes. Acquiring artifacts. 

Lady Toni is not at all interesting to me. I just dont find her compelling right now as a cog in the wheel. She feels more like an angel following orders to me. 

On 10/16/2016 at 8:07 PM, RulerofallIsurvey said:


  • Lol at Cas: "I don't have a harp."  I totally think they should get him a harp as a gag now.
  • Read through all the comments and didn't see anyone else mention it, so I guess it was only me, but I kept expecting Lady McDieBitchDie and Evil BMol (which I want to read as Bowel Movement...)Hench Bitch to electrocute Sam while the giving him the cold shower.  So glad they didn't.

Yes on the harp!

I also thought they were going electrocution. I was also glad they didn't.


I loved this one. I thought it was actually a really great start to the season. The Mary/Dean scenes were really amazing. They didn't spare us the trauma and sweetness and worry. We got a meaningful Cas reunion as well. JP did phenomenal work and I found myself actually worried. I don't really care about the Lucifer parts but loved hormone demon. 

Overall, it felt solid to me.

  • Love 1
On 2/18/2020 at 2:58 PM, The Companion said:

eah, it is a bit all over the place, isn't it? Either they want to work with the hunters, in which case why are they approaching it with torture, or they don't in which case why don't they just kill Sam.

It would make a lot more sense if they don't think Sam is a clear and present danger to approach him collaboratively. Even if they had nefarious purposes, she could act as a spy.

And considering the fact that they have apparently studied the Winchesters, shouldn't they know that Sam's basically a pushover and if she had given him a believable story, he would have worked with her and let her in on anything?  This is the guy that worked with a demon (and she knows that).  

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1 hour ago, Katy M said:

And considering the fact that they have apparently studied the Winchesters, shouldn't they know that Sam's basically a pushover and if she had given him a believable story, he would have worked with her and let her in on anything?  This is the guy that worked with a demon (and she knows that).  

Yes! I think that Sam would have welcomed what looked like a network of support had they approached him correctly. I mean, both of them have worked with demons, monsters and the like when they thought that there were shared goals.

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