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"Why didn't you bring up the emails"  Anderson:  "We did bring them up" Donald: "No you didn't" Anderson:  "Yes we did" Donald "This is great, three on one..."

I think the microphone is about to stop working again. 

Chris Hayes tweet:  "This is probably the most viewed staging of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf in history."

Edited by jjj
  • Love 6
Just now, 33kaitykaity said:

Or am I insulting 4-year-olds?  

You are insulting the four year olds who have self control.

Just now, jjj said:

I think he is setting up a cancellation of the third debate, by complaining about his unfair treatment. 

The next debate moderator is Chris Wallace.  I think he wants that one.  No fact checking at all.

  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, 33kaitykaity said:

Doesn't Drumpf sound just like a 4-year-old?  "You let herrrrr go long!  You didn't interrupt herrrrr."  Or am I insulting 4-year-olds?  

The first thing I hollered was, "What are you?  A child?!"

And, of course, they're ganging up on him.  He's obviously playing to his supporters, who will complain that the debate is rigged like the last one.  Evidently, Hillary gave Lester Holt some signals...I swear you can't make this stuff up!

  • Love 5

I want a shot clock!

In sports, there is a constant clock on the screen during the action. 

Debates should follow that format. I think the participants would tailor answers to the time limit if they knew everybody could see how much time was left.


ETA Did Trump just say that Russia was new in terms of nuclear? Seriously?

Edited by xaxat
  • Love 8

He would be a complete and utter disaster of a President, how is he even up there with a chance? You could pick some random person off the street and do better. Any candidate from any past election (of any party!) would be better. We might as well put a carnival barker in charge of the country. If he wins ... well, it will be interesting times, I guess.

  • Love 4
6 minutes ago, random chance said:

He would be a complete and utter disaster of a President, how is he even up there with a chance? You could pick some random person off the street and do better. Any candidate from any past election (of any party!) would be better. We might as well put a carnival barker in charge of the country. If he wins ... well, it will be interesting times, I guess.

Even fast food joints vet potential hires.  Who in the world thought The Wig was a good idea for such a good idea to occupy the Oval Office?

  • Love 3


No big gaffes from him (maybe having AG investigate her), except for his complete inability to answer a question with anything specific (or even stay on the topic). A few missed opportunities from Hillary--that he uses Chinese steel, the income tax and foundation issues, his complete lack of financial transparency (esp. a problem when he was criticizing her donors).

Audience questions could have been better. The one "Will you be a president for everyone?" was a waste.  Interesting Hillary went to greet the audience and Trump is just standing with his kids--then saw what she was doing and got into it too.  Melania's not much of a mingler--perhaps she's shy, but she's just standing off by herself--can't imagine her as First Lady.

The moderators took some chances and will get criticized, but I appreciated it.

The commentators will focus on trivia, apparently, per Matthews. I thought Hillary had some substance in answer. Trump had none, knew nothing. The questions were mediocre, so I don't know why they'd criticize Hillary. I think she did fine.  Totally disagree with Chuck that he was in charge. He was in charge if by "in charge" you mean "not answering the questions, but talking on and on anyway." (Good point Chuck and Steve re: his having no answer to humanitarian issue.)

Schmidt was refreshing. And thank you James Carville. "Winning" is not the same as "Knowing nothing" and "Making stuff up" but not drooling and losing your mind.  

Edited by Padma
  • Love 8

Not to mention using his size and Bill's women to intimidate Hillary, which is something Rachel and Cackles just mentioned.

The other thing that struck me was his claim that Hillary has a lot of hatred in her heart.  Compared to whom?  That basket of deplorables you've whipped up into a murderous frenzy?

OOPS!  Changing the channel!  The moment I saw Kellyanne's deep-fried locks, I knew it was time for a long overdue potty break!

  • Love 5
15 minutes ago, car54 said:

"Banana Republicanism".

They're still investigating Drumpf's "university", "foundation", and "taxes", but they'll probably just fine him for any violations.

On PBS, even the right wing guy said Drumpf acted like a bully.   They're talking about him admitting he didn't pay income taxes. 

Crap, now PBS ended their coverage.  YT has all these baloney channels that come up when you do a search for a live feed.  

I got to the CNN feed on their website now.

Edited by atomationage
  • Love 1

Holy f---ing cow, Guiliani is talking about semen on a dress.  About the tape:  Guiliani:  "I play golf, and I've heard worse than that.  I've played with Bill Clinton, and I've heard worse than that." 

Chris Matthews REALLY needs to stop Guiliani from saying Bill Clinton raped someone.  This must be all they say all the time in private. 

  • Love 4
Just now, MulletorHater said:

 I will NOT watch Ghouliani before going to bed.  I don't care if Halloween is a few days away!

Laughing out loud, and I'm sitting in bed with my computer in my lap. 

Watching the CNN panel with Axelrod, Begala, Gloria Borger talking about Drumpf wanted to prosecute HRC being Nixonian, and un-American.

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

I love Eugene Robinson and devour his columns every week.  Admittedly, it's kind of hard watching a man with his gravitas in the same room with that twit, Brian Williams.

I also dig Eugene.  And watching Brian Williams the pathological liar, report on Donald Trump the pathological liar, PISSES ME OFF EVERY TIME. (Keep expecting old Bri to say "I was in that very same pussy-grabbing bus that day, my friends. The sea was angry, the enemy fire was everywhere and my armor was covered in bullet dents -- I threw myself on Billy Bush to save him from The Donald, who begged for my forgiveness...") 

Edited by film noire
  • Love 8
4 hours ago, Queena said:

This is sad y'all. He's like a SNL skit. I can't believe he said Isis in response to the video. 

He's gonna grab Isis by the pussy and make 'em all get on a treadmill and exercise them to death. 


Mitt Romney's looking like a profile in courage now.

Does he ever. Even "binders full of women" seems almost gentlemanly in comparison -- a bit of banter between the Countess of Grantham and Carson when discussing a new lady's maid for Cora -- back in the good old days,  when political misogyny involved a glass ceiling, not Chester the Molester bragging about sexually assaulting women.

Edited by film noire
  • Love 8

Why must there be Hugh Hewitt? Why? Oh yay. Howard Fineman has taken his place!

Rewatching this on CNN now, I don't think Hillary's getting nearly enough credit. She wasn't rattled by Trump's absurd parade of Bill's accusers. (And why not Jill Harth, Trumpeters? The Wash Post found her story of being assaulted by Donald in Ivanka's bedroom at Maralago very credible -- plus, she reported it in real time, I believe. His own wife's deposition accuses Donald of rape. There are the Miss Universe contestants with his unwanted kissing and touching--then, by his own words, ogling them when they were naked "because as the owner I could." I really, really wish Anderson had asked him "if Bill's accusers are so credible, aren't yours, too?"

Anyway, she was calm and articulate, didn't descend into the gutter with him, didn't take the bait (he tried at least four times) and looked presidential. She also was polite, returning to sit while he was taking a question.  I hope he's hit hard tomorrow for looking like a thug stalking her walking around, coming in close behind her, scowling, even threatening to jail her (no charges, Donald. No trial. You can't just throw opponents in jail like you think, sorry).  He lied constantly and didn't answer a damn thing with specifics.

I hope when the dust settles people give her points on this one. He stuck to his game plan but she was cool under pressure. A leader.

  • Love 12
5 hours ago, atomationage said:

He seems to have problems breathing.   Maybe he needs his nasal passages re-done after the coke habit.


Yeah I think so.

Ach du lieber! Sniffing-level at Defcon 1.

I've been an inner-city social worker for a few years.  I wasn't always aware of signs, but now I am. DT's upper cheeks/nose/sinus areas were red and swollen.  His eyelids were bloated. Reach your own conclusions.

I can't sleep!  The stunt right before the debate knocked me down.  So Hillary was once a defense attorney representing an alleged bad guy?  Oh.  Shudders. Disqualifying! (My compassion for real victims of sexual violence is limitless.)

The spouses were introduced to shake hands. Why were the 3 Trump progeny allowed to march in too?  Chelsea and Marc stayed in their seats?

I felt compassion for President Clinton.

Lewandowski declared Trump the winner tonight on CNN.  Whew!  Now I can sleep. 

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, 33kaitykaity said:

Joy Alert on MSNBC!!!

Joy talked about her father being from the Democratic Republic of Congo and that there the leaders always put their political opponents in prison if they can.  Joy's take was personal and now Rachel is replaying what Joy is talking about.  

I have come to HATE Chris Matthews' interactions with Joy Reid.  The other day she confronted an evangelical with his OWN words, and CM scolded her for attacking someone on religious grounds. Tonight CM shut her down (or attempted to) by calling her "young lady."  Just no. She handles the disrespect well.  I could not.

  • Love 6

So, on CNN, Michael Smerconish mentioned an interview he did with a Debate guy (not McCurry) at the first debate.  Rumor had it that Mrs Clinton was putting Trump-nemesis Mark Cuban in the front row.  Debate guy said, absolutely not!  Cuban can be there, but not in front row.  Debate people would not allow that kind of antagonistic move.


So...Why were the BillC accusers allowed their prime seating then? Was it because it wasn't on the floor?  It was still prominent, front-row seating.  Ach! I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight.

Edited by sleekandchic
  • Love 5
32 minutes ago, sleekandchic said:

So, on CNN, Michael Smerconish mentioned an interview he did with a Debate guy (not McCurry) at the first debate.  Rumor had it that Mrs Clinton was putting Trump-nemesis Mark Cuban in the front row.  Debate guy said, absolutely not!  Cuban can be there, but not in front row.  Debate people would not allow that kind of antagonistic move.


So...Why were the BillC accusers allowed their prime seating then? Was it because it wasn't on the floor?  It was still prominent, front-row seating.  Ach! I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight.

Giuliani and Bannon went ballistic, per CNN, before the debate. Why? Because they wanted those women to be seated in the FAMILY BOX!  Fahrenkopf refused.  But let them sit in the front row, prime seating! And post debate, they said they were filing a complaint about how unfair he was.  

That is SO "Trump 101".  Make an outrageous demand, have a big fit when you don't get your way, then count on them to give in on something that was what you wanted all along. It was completely ridiculous, that Cuban couldn't sit up front and they could. Cuban's nothing more than a Trump critic/Hillary supporter. Those women were on risers, too, and spotlighted. So gross.

I wasn't a big Hillary fan a year ago but I respect her greatly now.  And she is handling Trump more brilliantly and successfully than any of the opponents he faced in the primaries (to the GOP dismay, I'm sure, in retrospect.)  Glad to see she won per CNN polling: 57% to 37%.  (Kellyanne saw this before her segment, but continued to lie, "blahblahblah...and that's why Mr. Trump won the debate." Wolf showed it to her again at the end and she just dug in, as always, "I watched a different debate.")

Edited by Padma
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My husband is on duty, my beloved puppy passed away four months ago, and we don't keep booze or junk food in the house. Thanks for the company!  And thanks for the CNN poll data. I've been worried that some might be fooled by the DT strutting and strumming and posturing.   Cannot wait for November 8th, one minute after last polls close!

Also can't wait for Jeffrey Lord, Kayleigh, Scottie and, omg, Lewandowski to be humbled.

Edited by sleekandchic
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