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Big Brother: Over The Top, Week 1 (09/28/2016 - 10/04/2016)


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18 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:




I knew Monte would win; it was pretty much written in the cards last night. If Jason or Kryssie come down, I'm not quite sure who would go up. Maybe Neeley? Maybe Danielle? If Shane comes down, it might be Cornbread, Whitney, or Morgan who go up. I'm not really sure who America likes less out of the White Bland Group. 

I'm confused. Who is part of the white bland group? Why are they bland? I wouldn't describe any of these people as bland, they all seem like attention craving extroverts. 

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10 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

See my post above for one reason.

Did Neeley say or do something seen as "angry"?  I'm asking, not accusing.

5 minutes ago, aurora296 said:

I'm confused. Who is part of the white bland group? Why are they bland? I wouldn't describe any of these people as bland, they all seem like attention craving extroverts. 

I'm confused too.  I really need to watch the feeds.  I didn't even know Jason and Kryssie were nominated.

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

And so it begins.

ETA: Here's the video.

Also, apparently Monte said Justin was chill and goofy, but he thinks Justin is the type of guy who will snap and go crazy. I mean.
ETAA: Sorry to keep editing, but I just need to post all the ways Monte is horrible lol. 
Monte on being HOH: "I don't want a girl to have do all this, they can't handle it as well. I will be a man and do this. I got it."
Also, unrelated to all of this, but I guess we don't get to vote for HNs this week. Rude!

He is definitely becoming the player and man I thought he would become. It's good to know that my gut feeling was right.

Also, I choose to believe that they decided not to do Have Nots this week because Monte was HOH and they are saving Have Not status for him next week.

49 minutes ago, aurora296 said:

I'm confused. Who is part of the white bland group? Why are they bland? I wouldn't describe any of these people as bland, they all seem like attention craving extroverts. 

I'll be completely honest here; I really just like the play off words with the name. White Bland Group. Plus, at the time that I wrote it, I barely knew anything about that particular set because they hadn't really been doing anything. I classified Monte/Shane/Cornbread/kinda Scott/Alex/Whitney/Shelby/Morgan (before I knew Shelby/Morgan were less than inclined to be loyal puppy dogs to Monte/Shane) as that group because I didn't know what else to call them. 

  • Love 1
47 minutes ago, La Traviata said:

Did Neeley say or do something seen as "angry"?  I'm asking, not accusing.

I think Neeley provoked everyone by showing up strong and black and Monte hasn't taken the time to get to know her. He's likely afraid of her. Do we think Monte was cast specifically to be the macho asshole this year? Monte is Caleb without any of the things that made Caleb seem amusing.

I can't stand Jason. How can anyone listen to him drone on and on about "his season". He was evicted fifth. He's no big deal.

  • Love 3
54 minutes ago, La Traviata said:

I'm confused too.  I really need to watch the feeds.  I didn't even know Jason and Kryssie were nominated.

They're a threat to Monte's game. He really wants Jason out, while Shane really wants Kryssie out. I guess because Jason's a vet that he might be too loved by America. That's fine for an excuse. As for Shane, it seems more personal in that he just doesn't like Kryssie's personality. He might have also said that he's afraid that she's loved by America, but it mostly seems like dislike. They like Neeley, though! Shelby and Justin are also possible targets, or at least replacement noms, but Jason/Kryssie are the targets. Well, to Monte. Once America's Nominee kicks in, that could change, which would be great. I don't like Jason and I haven't listened to Kryssie long enough to form an opinion (though she seems too extroverted for my incredibly introverted self), but I dislike Monte's ego and I'd like to see him not get what he wants, and possibly have Cornbread/Shane be evicted in a surprising first week twist (because apparently, Cornbread's an option for America to put up and I don't get why people don't want Shane up!)

  • Love 1

Another question:

Do the HGs have a thing about not going to bed until the herd goes to bed? I woke up early and checked the feeds and they were all up at about 3 a.m. house time. That would murder me. But I would never play this show. Sleep deprivation will not be kind to HGs. Maybe Production wants them to go crazy.

Who is sleeping with who? I can't stand to watch so much so I haven't been paying attention.

Edited by zibnchy
another thing
45 minutes ago, Visby said:

Cornbread starting a country Christian alliance with a blonde in former London room.  Ugh!  When they bring their God into it, it becomes so boring.  He only will trust Christians and feels he is the father figure.  You know this is friendship 2 and has nothing to do with Paul.  

OK then I'm more than fine if Cornbread is America's nom.

  • Love 3
54 minutes ago, Visby said:

Cornbread starting a country Christian alliance with a blonde in former London room.  Ugh!  When they bring their God into it, it becomes so boring.  He only will trust Christians and feels he is the father figure.  You know this is friendship 2 and has nothing to do with Paul.  

So I was seriously questioning why people weren't going for Shane, Monte's closest ally, for a couple of days now. But with Monte questioning Shane's loyalty due to Danielle, and now all of this stuff happening with Cornbread, I'm warming up to it. 

Monte/Alex are really starting to get close. They've been chatting it up more than most. But it's funny because Alex told Shelby last night that Monte told her about his closeness with Scott, and that Jason offered Shane/Monte a F3 deal (both I believe are true...ish). Alex is more of a wildcard than I thought. I don't know where her true loyalties lie. I think it's with Morgan/Shelby/Whitney? 

Morgan, though, is becoming one of my favourites. Her and Shelby are both aware that Shane/Monte will become problems quite soon. Good for you, girls. You keep those minds open.

Meanwhile, I have NO idea where Neeley, Kryssie, or Justin stand game-wise. People seem to love them, but I just want them to start playing the game before they turn into Summer Camp 3.0 (2.0?). 

Monte also needs to take off his damn HOH key necklace. 

4 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

And so it begins.

ETA: Here's the video.

Monte on being HOH: "I don't want a girl to have do all this, they can't handle it as well. I will be a man and do this. I got it."

A graduate of the Paulie Calafiore Institute of Logical Thought Type Thing, I see...

  • Love 2

Does anyone know if Scott actually processed what Monte said?  From the video, it looked like Scott was so concentrated on what he was going to say next that he was only half paying attention to Monte.  We know that Scott is a superfan so if Scott did process what Monte said, he should know that that will not go over well with America.  Hopefully, Scott is smart enough to distance himself from Monte.

Monte and Cornbread are clearly Trump Supporters.  I hope BB tells the house the outcome of the election.  Should be good entertainment to see how everyone reacts.  

I am conflicted about Shane.  I love Shane's hair but I am repulsed by how much he reminds me of Austin. 

Monte is probably not long for this game because of the America Votes element. He'll probably be put up again and again.

I'm liking Shelby/Alex right now although I haven't been watching too intently. I think Alex has a lot of gaming potential. From what I've seen, they have a good read on things (and I like that Alex is hoping to use Shane/Monte but is wary about sucked in with his controlling personality) and seem to be focused on making connections with different groups in the House. Shelby seems too open when talking to her non-allies, but she's pretty ridiculous and makes me laugh.

Not a Monte fan - because of the problems that others here have pointed out, and he's just not my type of player. I don't really like Cornbread, and Kryssie can go. I didn't mind Jason his first season, but he's getting on my nerves so far  with his non-stop talking like he thinks he's the star. I would be one hundred percent fine with him going this week.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Morgan, though, is becoming one of my favourites. Her and Shelby are both aware that Shane/Monte will become problems quite soon. Good for you, girls. You keep those minds open.

I really thought I would hate Morgan based on her pre-show interview and opening package, but I really liked her when she first arrived in the house and I continue to like her. 

  • Love 1
9 minutes ago, J.D. said:

OMG -- these people are so god awful boring.  BB - please do something to shake this up.  I want to get in to watching the live feeds but watching this is torture.  

Yea I totally cancelled the feeds but got that one month free thing so I'm going to switch over to it every now and then and if things don't get interesting then I'm out! I'll catch up here of course. ? 

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I'll be completely honest here; I really just like the play off words with the name. White Bland Group. Plus, at the time that I wrote it, I barely knew anything about that particular set because they hadn't really been doing anything. I classified Monte/Shane/Cornbread/kinda Scott/Alex/Whitney/Shelby/Morgan (before I knew Shelby/Morgan were less than inclined to be loyal puppy dogs to Monte/Shane) as that group because I didn't know what else to call them

The Average White Blands?

(one for the teenagers there)

  • Love 1
47 minutes ago, AbsoluteShower said:

The Average White Blands?

(one for the teenagers there)

Have you heard anything new on James and Natalie? Trying to follow tweets and instagram but not really getting much. I heard they are supposed to do a periscope early next week and she is supposed to do a fund raiser with James in Texas but that's really about it. Wondering if you heard anything besides that. Still miss them.

  • Love 1

Neeley, Whitney, Cornbread, Morgan, and Shane are all safe from Monte's nominations. As for America's Nomination, one of these particular people will be in for a rude awakening in roughly 36 hours from now. 

This is probably why I haven't been able to watch the feeds for very long. They're either boring or slow on the important things like comps and ceremonies. These people haven't made anything interesting (except Justin. I hear he makes the feeds interesting). 

Can SOMETHING interesting happen? Anything? Usually, I'm feeling this way at F5. We just started this season! 

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I really miss Paul. I appreciate his presence on BB18, even if he wasn't the nicest guy. His Secret Service punishment was by far one of the best things I've got to witness on the feeds. 

None of these people are making the feeds interesting for me. I guess to get my entertainment, I should be watching the OTT Jamboree. But they're up too late for me to watch them. Maybe these houseguests are boring to me because I'm not gelling with them. 

  • Love 1

Cornbread used the term, "Jew you down."  Really.  I cannot stand that guy.  This was in relation to Scott's dad getting a new driveway and how people always want to pay less.  If he is going to leave his family you better give him the big bucks.  He is so valuable and like able and he thinks he is funny, too.  He says so.

CB says he wants to go home with his dignity!  Too late.

cb is on the I hate Shelby tour with scott now.  Did the same with Shane and monte.

  • Love 3
10 minutes ago, Visby said:

Cornbread used the term, "Jew you down."  Really.  I cannot stand that guy.  This was in relation to Scott's dad getting a new driveway and how people always want to pay less.  If he is going to leave his family you better give him the big bucks.  He is so valuable and like able and he thinks he is funny, too.  He says so.

CB says he wants to go home with his dignity!  Too late.

cb is on the I hate Shelby tour with scott now.  Did the same with Shane and monte.

Man, I can't wait to see Cornbread's face when he's nominated, because it's 100% happening. This guy is going to go on a tangent, worrying about not being liked and he's going to be pissed at America. I wonder if it'll get him evicted instead of Jason, because the only person I see gunning for Jason to go is Monte. Everyone else is either ambivalent or they want someone else to go more. Ok, maybe Whitney. But Alex/Morgan/Shelby aren't really gunning for Jason to go, Scott wants Jason to stay, I haven't heard a peep out of Danielle/Justin on who they want gone, Shane wants Kryssie out, and who knows about Neeley. 

I think votes against Cornbread could be Alex/Shelby/Morgan/Neeley and maybe Scott. 

Oh man, if this first week ended in a blindside eviction, that would make the whole season worth the watch. Because right now, there's not much holding my attention. 

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I wasn't paying enough attention to the time when it started, but about 7 a.m. this morning, Shane was telling the group that was still up about deciding to learn sign language as his second language, because with his dyslexia, Spanish was too difficult. He then said something positive about the deaf culture, which I don't remember, but made me like him a bit.

A few minutes later, the discussion returned to his dyslexia, and he told them that in first grade, the teacher told his parents that they didn't know what to do with him because he couldn't read. His parents paid to have him tested to see if there was something wrong, and it sounded like they paid to have a tutor go to his school to teach him, until they were able to move him to a school that had teachers that could teach kids with dyslexia. My dislike for him dissipated a lot, because I have a nephew with almost the exact same story, and now I see my nephew in Shane's actions and words. 

Still dislike Monte, Cornbread and Kryssie, though Kryssie may grow on me given time. So many of the others are on the bubble between like and dislike that it's not worth it to try and list them. Shane will probably be back to dislike before the day is over. 

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You know what they say about first impressions.... I'm really trying to like Shane because so many people I know seem to.  I wish he didn't even mention the whole nose picking thing because that's all I think of when I look at him.  That was my very first impression of him, and I'm finding it hard to shake that image.

I'm on-the-fence with Kryssie.  One minute I like her a lot.  She's like this really cool biker chick.  The next minute she makes me feel like she's a know-it-all.  She has this air about her that makes me feel like she believes she's better than the other HG's.  I trust Jason's judgement, so I guess I'll leave it up to him.  If he gravitates toward Kryssie, I'll grow to like her too. 

The one big bummer for me this season is that there aren't any cuties in the house.  Wish I had some eye-candy to keep my interest when the conversation drags.  :(

Edited by J.D.

Kryssie and Shane had a fairly lengthy conversation in the Safari Room after everyone else went to bed. While she managed to get him to admit he knew who Monte's nominations were going to be, he said he wouldn't betray Monte by telling her.  So after that Kryssie tried a number of tactics on him including being teary eyed, talking about the terrible ramifications she'd face if she went home first, how she was no physical threat, blah, blah, blah. She also threw out both Justin's and Neely's names, along with some hints as to why they're bigger threats. The conversation ended when Shane was told to go replace his microphone pack.  I don't think he fell for any of her BS.  In fact, when Shane shares everything she said with Monte, they may just decide she needs to go first.

Now I'm wondering how long it will be between the time the two nominations are revealed and when the HGs are told about the 3rd nominee by America. It's going to be good no matter what.

16 minutes ago, J.D. said:

The one big bummer for me this season is that there aren't any cuties in the house.  Wish I had some eye-candy to keep my interest when the conversation drags.  :(

Did you not see Monte wearing his Daniel Boone cap?  I'm sure if you ask Monte, he'll be happy to tell you how good looking he is.

  • Love 2

One more Kryssie comment and then I gotta go....  After her discussion with Shane this morning, she puttered around in the kitchen for a while, then trotted off to bed where she found Jason already asleep next to one of the girls.  (I dunno which one).  Anyway, so she woke Jason up to have him move.  Jason grabbed a blanket and pillow and laid down on the floor.  Man, that just ain't right.  Jason was sound asleep and Kryssie had no problem waking him up to give her a place to sleep.  Why didn't she just sleep on the floor?  Why wake up an already sleeping person?  Not cool, Kryssie.  So not cool.

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Monte's afraid of Danielle "snapping" if she is put on the block. Mmmkay, Monte. I don't want to call him a racist since I barely know him, but I do think saying stuff like he is saying could easily be seen as racist statements. He's also afraid of Justin and Neeley. 

Cornbread is officially annoying and on my shit list. I gave him a chance, but I'm fine with him going. 

Justin's fantastic. I finally listened to one of his stories and he's hilarious. He's the next Paul, but hopefully a nicer version. If there's AFP, he could win it easily.

1 hour ago, J.D. said:

One more Kryssie comment and then I gotta go....  After her discussion with Shane this morning, she puttered around in the kitchen for a while, then trotted off to bed where she found Jason already asleep next to one of the girls.  (I dunno which one).  Anyway, so she woke Jason up to have him move.  Jason grabbed a blanket and pillow and laid down on the floor.  Man, that just ain't right.  Jason was sound asleep and Kryssie had no problem waking him up to give her a place to sleep.  Why didn't she just sleep on the floor?  Why wake up an already sleeping person?  Not cool, Kryssie.  So not cool.

Wow. Honestly, I was on the fence about Kryssie, but unless she has a legit medical reason for not being able to sleep in the sleeping bag on the floor, then she shouldn't have woken Jason to get him to move so she could sleep on the bed. That's pretty selfish in my eyes. And you know what's worse? Justin apparently offered Kryssie to sleep in his bed so she wouldn't be alone. Also, why can't these people share beds? There's enough room for people to not have to sleep on the floor. 

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Hi ALL ~~~~~~(waving)~~~~~~

  I don't have the feeds, but I'm following on Jokers Updates, and of course here with youse guys. Just started today.  From what I've read, I can see that TPTB nailed casting the Dudebro thing.  Hopefully America can vote them down early in the game.  Wonder if they'll get the hint at being nommed. 

Actually from what I've read on Joker's, this OTT thing is basically a low rent S18.  Same bro jargon, same fractured way of speaking type thing.  Same girl cuddling up with a bro and disappearing.  But I feel as though I've been dropped in at mid-season.

Feedsters - you have my heartfelt sympathy for having to put up with watching it.


Did you not see Monte wearing his Daniel Boone cap?  I'm sure if you ask Monte, he'll be happy to tell you how good looking he is.


If Paul can wear a floatie, Monte can wear a Dan'l Boone cap.  Same thing really - "Look at me.  I'm so quirky you just gotta love me."  Ummmmm, no.

  • Love 1

This is more fun than I expected. Justin got in trouble earlier because he tried to pick up a rock or a log outside and it was some top secret producer thing. He got called to the diary room, then in the kitchen he was saying, "I was curious! I was wondering what it was! I didn't know!" Then Alex and Morgan are teaming up, and Alex told Morgan she had to glam up so they would look less alike. Morgan was, "No I want to be comfortable!", then later said, "I'll rat my hair tomorrow." People are commenting on how Neely is reserved today - she said she is menstruating. I didn't think I'd like Shelby, but she is fun. Scott is wearing lipstick and a pearl choker, not sure why. There was lots of conspiracy talk in the storage room with Alex, Morgan, Shelby and Whitney.

41 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:


I don't want to read the whole thread so pardon me if this has been addressed... but has there really been no one-hour-ish 'episodes' so far?  All I see is clips and short crap and live feeds on my CBS All Access (which I subscribe to for other shows).  Didn't it start weeks ago?  Thanks!


They will be having weekly episodes Wednesdays at 10pm ET followed by the live eviction.  Since they just moved in this past Wednesday, the first episode should be next Wednesday.  Here is the weekly schedule: http://bigbrothernetwork.com/big-brother-over-the-top-schedule-2016/

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