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Season 7 First Looks etc.

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53 minutes ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

That's my problem with Kim - she is so quick to play the part of the victim. And yet she has shown almost no capacity to take ownership of her own horrible behavior over the years (including with regards to her dog). She gets no sympathy for me in any of her conflicts with the other women.

According to Kyle, in response to Heather McDonald suggesting Kim get extra money since she was made into a huge part of the storyline, allegedly Kim brings this up at the Reunion, that in essence Rinna doesn't want her on the show but then creates a storyline with her smack in the middle.  All I can say about this sober Kim, is she did take a stand and I don't like it when Kim Richards starts making sense.  The matter gets fuzzier when after the Reunion LVP gives an interview of the importance of Kim as an original cast member. 

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Question I'd have is did Kim ever give it to Hucksley?

If she did....then what went back to her daughter's house and took it back from his room?

Or she never did anything with it other than toss the bunny somewhere in her apartment?

I take Rinna's house, at least Lorena would keep it clean.

They were setting up a nursery for Hucksley in Kim's condo so most likely she has toys and things like the Bunny that stay at her house so there isn't shopping back and forth.

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, sarivon said:

More likely she gave it to Kingsley?

Had she given it to him, there would be nothing left to give back but a shredded mess!


1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

I liked Eileen's response to Kim about making faces

They can all make some weird/hysterical faces time to time. That said, Eileen does use her shocked soap opera face quite a lot! LOL

  • Love 3

I just assumed it would be the panties. 

I can see that. Having Eileen and Ericka sitting a bit farther apart, with the panties Dorit bought Ericka on a pillow between them. Then on the other side, inbetween Kyle and LVP, the panties Kyle used to wipe her mouth sitting on a pillow as well. Then LVP's knickers show up as a surprise guest and starts telling the other 2 panties about how heavy the crown is or something.

Anyway. It's early in the morning and I still haven't had my first cup of coffee.

Edited by AndySmith
  • Love 6
On 4/8/2017 at 0:59 PM, motorcitymom65 said:

If expecting folks to not talk about my wardrobe malfunction the next morning and imply that I did it on purpose, and then go about implying it with other people after that, then I also set impossibly high standards for friendship. I would assume most people would feel the same way.


But, Eileen and Rinna were the only people who implied it was on purpose. Dorit said several times that she knew it was an accident and that's why she thought Erika would be ok with the joke. When she felt out the other women about the joke, Kyle was the only one who suggested it might upset her. The two people who should have known best whether Ericka would go along with it or not, Rinna and Eileen, encouraged her and implied it was on purpose while mocking Ericka. 

It wasn't until they realized that Ericka might actually be upset, that they started their damage control. They basically took up a fight to defend Ericka against their own implications and mockery while scapegoating Dorit. 

On 4/8/2017 at 6:15 PM, HunterHunted said:

I know some have argued that Erika has no right to be embarrassed because she writhes around nearly naked as Erika Jayne. That has never been my position with her and pantygate. My issue has always been that if you aren't over it, don't say that you are! If your friends, Eileen and Rinna, bring up how hurt you were by it, turn to them and say "I appreciate what you're trying to do, but I don't want to revisit the topic." If Vanderpump wants to make snide jokes about it say "I was really hurt and embarrassed by that. Please don't make anymore jokes." But sitting there swallowing all of this shit, secretly keeping track of how many times you were wronged, and exploding because Dorit couldn't figure out that your "I'm over it" actually means that you aren't is not fundamentally fair. 


I totally agree with this! You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube. You flashed, you were embarrassed by the "joke" at your expense. If you say that you are over it and not to discuss it anymore because it gives life to the incident, then you have to move forward with that perspective. If it turns out that you aren't over it, SAY SOMETHING so the offender has a chance to set things right. 

  • Love 11
11 minutes ago, MatildaMoody said:

But, Eileen and Rinna were the only people who implied it was on purpose. Dorit said several times that she knew it was an accident and that's why she thought Erika would be ok with the joke. When she felt out the other women about the joke, Kyle was the only one who suggested it might upset her. The two people who should have known best whether Ericka would go along with it or not, Rinna and Eileen, encouraged her and implied it was on purpose while mocking Ericka. 

It wasn't until they realized that Ericka might actually be upset, that they started their damage control. They basically took up a fight to defend Ericka against their own implications and mockery while scapegoating Dorit. 

I totally agree with this! You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube. You flashed, you were embarrassed by the "joke" at your expense. If you say that you are over it and not to discuss it anymore because it gives life to the incident, then you have to move forward with that perspective. If it turns out that you aren't over it, SAY SOMETHING so the offender has a chance to set things right. 

I think Erika has gone from being done to just taking this thing way too far.  Erikas has brought it up twice in Hong Kong, and at LVP's party she is now the one keeping it going.  The Kemsleys have apologized and answered her questions, it appears from the previews she holds Kyle to task as well.  I don't know if the clapping seals on either side of Erika on the couch are going to be on the receiving end of Erika's displeasure but at this point she is essentially saying she upset with the lot of them over something that happened nine months earlier.  These women laughed and joked about Erika's unfortunate choice and resulting fall out.  What were they suppose to do create a support group?  Maybe poke PK's eyes out?  She tells PK to get the fuck out there and questions why he is on the couch?  Erika what do you want from people? 

The stage persona thing falls flat because Erika has LVP has points out she wears "cunty" around her neck. I just find this middle age twist on Hannah Montana bizarre.  I find Erika essentially spoiled and she throws a tantrum when people don't buy her bullshit.  If any number of people have a hard time distinguishing between Erika Jayne and Erika Girardi, perhaps she should not be on the RHOBH.  I don't even know who played Farrah Dubose on The Young and the Restless.  Erika Girardi played a role in Sharknado IV  so again is it a stage name or some weird made up persona.  Yesterday I posted an interview with Erika Jayne and her DWTS gig and she is talking about her husband and son.  This would be in direct contrast of her claims that what we see on DWTS is pure Erika Jayne.  Does Erika Jayne have a husband and child? 

  • Love 11
8 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

Keeping track of and/or distinguishing between Ericka Girardi and Ericka Jayne isn't that hard or complicated.

Apparently her co-stars who actually know her find it to be.  It is not about being hard or complicated it is about blurring lines and rendering the two indistinguishable.  Gee do they wear the same wigs?  I guess we know they don't share the same underwear.  It would be very easy for any of the women to claim what we see is their public persona and they have an entirely different private persona.  There have certainly been times these claims have been made.

It is another one of Erika's assumptions and quite frankly I think it is a lot to ask anyone to waste the energy trying to figure out who they are dealing with especially when the event is about exposure for her Erika Jayne persona or was it BH? 

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Apparently her co-stars who actually know her find it to be.  It is not about being hard or complicated it is about blurring lines and rendering the two indistinguishable.  Gee do they wear the same wigs?  I guess we know they don't share the same underwear.  It would be very easy for any of the women to claim what we see is their public persona and they have an entirely different private persona.  There have certainly been times these claims have been made.

Which of her co-stars exactly have gone on record saying they find it hard to be? Just curious/

Again, I find it easy to distinguish between the 2 of them.


Kim destroyed herself on RHOBH (imo)

Yeah, I mean it wasn't like the first 4 seasons of the show were all sunshine and rainbows for Kim. And even during season 5, a good chunk of the drama and angst for Kim came from being caught in the feud between Kyle and Brandi.

Edited by AndySmith
  • Love 4
5 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

Which of her co-stars exactly have gone on record saying they find it hard to be? Just curious/

Again, I find it easy to distinguish between the 2 of them.

Yeah, I mean it wasn't like the first 4 seasons of the show were all sunshine and rainbows for Kim. And even during season 5, a good chunk of the drama and angst for Kim came from being caught in the feud between Kyle and Brandi.

Well LVP said it on the clip I posted and you responded to.

I will put it differently, whether one is dealing with a petulant child, a too moody boss, most don't want to guess which mood or which side they are going to deal with.  So if Erika shows up no underwear dressed to the nines in her Theirry Mugler and made up a lot like Erika Jayne, who  do those around her think she is playing that night? When she comments she is not wearing any underwear was it Mrs. Girardi or Erika Jayne?  The only difficulty lies when there isn't a meeting of the minds between the Erikas and who she is interacting with at the time.  If someone shows deference to Mrs. Girardi and the Erikas spread their legs* and remark they aren't wearing any panties is it on the person she is having the conversation with to make the changeover?     

When I have seen Erika on WWHL, she flips back and forth so much between Erika Girardi and Erika Jayne there is no delineation.  One minute it is talking trash and flirting with the guest, the next it is all about hurt feelings ranking on her co-stars and pantygate.  BTW Erika is introduced as Erika Jayne on WWHL.  To me Erika Jayne doesn't have co-stars on RHOBH. 

*This is in reference to her WWHL appearance not the White Party.

  • Love 5
22 hours ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

That's my problem with Kim - she is so quick to play the part of the victim. And yet she has shown almost no capacity to take ownership of her own horrible behavior over the years (including with regards to her dog). She gets no sympathy for me in any of her conflicts with the other women.

THIS ^^^^ 100%

  • Love 7

Well LVP said it on the clip I posted and you responded to.

I didn't respond to any clip you posted. I don't even know what clip you are talking about or referring to. In any case, LVP would make it a co-star, not co-stars.

Again, for whatever reason, I don't really see the difficulty in distinguishing between Ericka and her stage persona. Also, if one keeps referring to them as "The Erickas", doesn't that mean that they are also seen as two separate people, instead of one person that is indistinguishable?

  • Love 4
17 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

I didn't respond to any clip you posted. I don't even know what clip you are talking about or referring to. In any case, LVP would make it a co-star, not co-stars.

Again, for whatever reason, I don't really see the difficulty in distinguishing between Ericka and her stage persona. Also, if one keeps referring to them as "The Erickas", doesn't that mean that they are also seen as two separate people, instead of one person that is indistinguishable?

But are they really 2 separate personalities or is this just her hook/shtick for this show? LOL

  • Love 4
13 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

I didn't respond to any clip you posted. I don't even know what clip you are talking about or referring to. In any case, LVP would make it a co-star, not co-stars.

Again, for whatever reason, I don't really see the difficulty in distinguishing between Ericka and her stage persona. Also, if one keeps referring to them as "The Erickas", doesn't that mean that they are also seen as two separate people, instead of one person that is indistinguishable?

I will break this down.  If LVP is saying it, others have had to admit to judging Erika based on Erika Jayne videos, if people are speaking to Erika Girardi about Erika Jayne videos and then asked to show an Erika Jayne  move who is being addressed?  I call them Erikas because Erika insists there are two separate people-it is in her tagline.  It doesn't mean I buy  into it.

To me the Erikas situation is akin to piercing the corporate veil, when there is no real separation between a business entity and its owners.  I just don't see the a real separation between the Erikas.  Perhaps I am being simplistic but if Erika Girardi were wigless, didn't have a Glam Squad following her around and telling her how fabulous she is, that might be a beginning.  With Ericka's recent revelation that she drops $40k a month on clothes, hair and make up because she is on TV-who is on TV?  Which one?  Erika Jayne is on DWTS, except when she is giving interviews about Erika Girardi's son and husband, Erika Girardi is on RHOBH except when she is performing or acting.  And just whose creative director is Mikey?   He seems to consult her about everything from gifted underpants to choreography.  Who pays all the bills for the Erikas?

  • Love 4
On 4/11/2017 at 1:40 PM, MatildaMoody said:

But, Eileen and Rinna were the only people who implied it was on purpose. Dorit said several times that she knew it was an accident and that's why she thought Erika would be ok with the joke. When she felt out the other women about the joke, Kyle was the only one who suggested it might upset her. The two people who should have known best whether Ericka would go along with it or not, Rinna and Eileen, encouraged her and implied it was on purpose while mocking Ericka. 

It wasn't until they realized that Ericka might actually be upset, that they started their damage control. They basically took up a fight to defend Ericka against their own implications and mockery while scapegoating Dorit. 

I totally agree with this! You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube. You flashed, you were embarrassed by the "joke" at your expense. If you say that you are over it and not to discuss it anymore because it gives life to the incident, then you have to move forward with that perspective. If it turns out that you aren't over it, SAY SOMETHING so the offender has a chance to set things right. 

Except no, that's not what Dorit said. There are several difference scenes posted here over the last few days that show Dorit saying things like "now, I don't know if she flashed PK intentionally or not.....(which she said in the kitchen to PK), then saying it to Eileen and Rinna, and then when she said the exact same thing to Erika herself when gifting the panties "now, I'm not saying you were trying to seduce my husband or anything". How are these words not at the very least an implication? She was absolutely throwing out the notion that a good girl, a lady wouldn't do such a thing. That no one who didn't want to flash a person would sit like that/wear that, etc. And that is really the point, her constant chatter about how if you don't want people to see your stuff, you behave differently, thereby implying that she must have wanted people to see her pretty little puss. 

  • Love 9

If LVP is saying it, others have had to admit to

No, it just means that LVP said it. Nothing more. Can you post the specific quote?


It was my favorite response of Dorit's to Erika-"you are not interesting or fun."

Spoken from someone who spent a good part of a season chasing after that person and trying to forge a connection with them. And who also wrote in one of her blogs that person did have a fun side to them as well...


How are these words not at the very least an implication? 

Dorit definitely chooses her words carefully, like anyone who makes passive-aggressive comments does.

  • Love 8
On 4/11/2017 at 3:19 PM, zoeysmom said:

Well LVP said it on the clip I posted and you responded to.

I will put it differently, whether one is dealing with a petulant child, a too moody boss, most don't want to guess which mood or which side they are going to deal with.  So if Erika shows up no underwear dressed to the nines in her Theirry Mugler and made up a lot like Erika Jayne, who  do those around her think she is playing that night? When she comments she is not wearing any underwear was it Mrs. Girardi or Erika Jayne?  The only difficulty lies when there isn't a meeting of the minds between the Erikas and who she is interacting with at the time.  If someone shows deference to Mrs. Girardi and the Erikas spread their legs* and remark they aren't wearing any panties is it on the person she is having the conversation with to make the changeover?     

When I have seen Erika on WWHL, she flips back and forth so much between Erika Girardi and Erika Jayne there is no delineation.  One minute it is talking trash and flirting with the guest, the next it is all about hurt feelings ranking on her co-stars and pantygate.  BTW Erika is introduced as Erika Jayne on WWHL.  To me Erika Jayne doesn't have co-stars on RHOBH. 

*This is in reference to her WWHL appearance not the White Party.

It is very difficult for me to understand the confusion as well. Are folks confused about the other ladies and troubled in trying to distinguish between their careers and their regular lives? Do people at LVP's house who see her dressed like she would be bossing around the jackasses at SUR get confussed? Do they suddenly get the urge to ask to see a menu instead of having a relaxing evening among friends? Geez. I just don't get what is so hard about this. 

  • Love 8
47 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

It is very difficult for me to understand the confusion as well. Are folks confused about the other ladies and troubled in trying to distinguish between their careers and their regular lives? Do people at LVP's house who see her dressed like she would be bossing around the jackasses at SUR get confussed? Do they suddenly get the urge to ask to see a menu instead of having a relaxing evening among friends? Geez. I just don't get what is so hard about this. 

First off Erika tag line is about being two people.  No one else has claimed they have a second persona.  LVP is who she is whether it is hosting in her home or running a restaurant.  Guests in her home I am quite sure are aware she runs three restaurants.  It is not difficult, it is simply there are those who refuse to even acknowledge without nonsensical examples that for some  Erika has blurred the lines between Erika G and Erika J.  Not everyone has to agree and by the same token those who don't agree should not be labeled confused or  somehow lacking the ability to comprehend what another claims is obvious. 

This is a continuing issue with Erika-no one called her a whore but she persists in claiming she is a whore by virtue of the others' reactions and actions of  the flash.  I don't think Erika is a whore nor do I think anyone implied it.  Further I don't think Erika Jayne is a whore and I kind of hope Erika G. doesn't think her character Erika Jayne is portraying a whore because her statements have always been about women being able to get their sexy on.  I may not agree with the Erikas and the claim about getting sexy on but I would not reduce someone to a whore for wanting to do it in  the Erika Jayne fashion.   

  • Love 4
13 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

Dorit/PK might be making some sort of claim or allusion to it in the reunion, and that could be what Ericka is referring to. It is still early to tell.

They might not have said/meant she was a whore, but they did try to allude to her being a skank.

No, Erika made that claim on the boat in HC as well. She claimed that Dorit/PK called her a "whore/slut" and when Dorit flat out told her she/they did not, she then said that their "words" amounted to the same thing and again, Dorit told her she was wrong, they never said it or implied it. They never implied she was a "skank" either, only Eileen did that.

  • Love 3

They never implied she was a "skank" either,

I'll just re-post what someone else said:


Except no, that's not what Dorit said. There are several difference scenes posted here over the last few days that show Dorit saying things like "now, I don't know if she flashed PK intentionally or not.....(which she said in the kitchen to PK), then saying it to Eileen and Rinna, and then when she said the exact same thing to Erika herself when gifting the panties "now, I'm not saying you were trying to seduce my husband or anything". How are these words not at the very least an implication? She was absolutely throwing out the notion that a good girl, a lady wouldn't do such a thing. That no one who didn't want to flash a person would sit like that/wear that, etc. And that is really the point, her constant chatter about how if you don't want people to see your stuff, you behave differently, thereby implying that she must have wanted people to see her pretty little puss. 

Dorit really likes to throw out barbs and be sneaky about it. She almost makes me nostalgic for Nene's "I said what I said, and I said it!" shtick.

Edited by AndySmith
  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

I'll just re-post what someone else said:

Dorit really likes to throw out barbs and be sneaky about it. She almost makes me nostalgic for Nene's "I said what I said, and I said it!" shtick.

Each time she said that she also said she did not think it was done on purpose and her saying her entire thought on camera doesn't mean she was trying to imply anything other than what she said, which was she did not think Erika did anything on purpose! Erika throws out "barbs" as well, heck, they all do. Dorit's biggest fault is that she is making rookie/newbie mistakes is saying/talking/sharing/gossiping too much on camera.

Really, Erika needs this storyline this season because she has little of her private life that she/they are willing to share. The glam squad isn't all that interesting, her mother was a 1 short blip on 1 episode and Tom has only made 2 appearances this season, so brief that if you blinked, you missed him. If we go by what Erika has been selling us, this show is about Erika G and not based on her EJ personality/life but then she shares almost nothing of her EG life. LOL

  • Love 3
11 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Really, Erika needs this storyline this season because she has little of her private life that she/they are willing to share. The glam squad isn't all that interesting, her mother was a 1 short blip on 1 episode and Tom has only made 2 appearances this season, so brief that if you blinked, you missed him.

Scenes with her mother and Tom WERE parts of her private life shown that DID contribute to her storyline. If the scenes of her at her mother's home, amidst her grandmother's things, and then the time they shared at the gravesite were "blips" then what were the scenes with Rinna's daughters?

Erika and her mom in Georgia took up a good part of that episode. Blips...good one.

Edited by chewycandy
  • Love 4

All the women (except for maybe Eileen) had stuff going on that they showed us, like:


LVP - The anti-Yulin Festival campaign, Max's search for his bio-parents

Kyle - Expanding her boutiques, developing her TV show, her growing friendship with Ericka

Ericka - Her trip to Greece, the relationship with her mother, her growing friendship with Kyle

Dorit - Boy George, dealing with the issues with her kids

Rinna - her QVC stuff, her charity event, promoting her kids' career


But instead, the show decided to focus on:


Rinna vs. Kim

Rinna's pills

Which is too bad, the women themselves seem to have lots of interesting things going on in their lives that could have been expanded on. Of course, mileage will vary as it inevitably would regarding what people find interesting about each HW...

  • Love 5
9 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

Implying someone is a skank, but saying she wasn't doing it on purpose? Passive-aggressive bitchiness all the way.

Ericka had stuff going on this season without Dorit and Pantygate.

Nothing passive-aggressive about her comment, she was clear, she did not think Erika did anything on purpose.

What exactly was Erika's storyline this season outside of "pantygate", something that carried through the entire season?

Just now, chewycandy said:

Scenes with her mother and Tom WERE parts of her private life shown that DID contribute to her storyline. If the scenes of her at her mother's home, amidst her grandmother's things, and then the time they shared at the gravesite were "blips" then what were the scenes with Rinna's daughters?

Tom was 2 short blimps on the show, nothing more. She shared zero about her/Tom's home/personal life as a couple except that she only sees him once a week at best. As for her/her mother, it was so short and very little was said about Erika's childhood other than her mother was "tough" on her and they didn't even show much of her grandparents home or tell much of their relationship. I will say that it was a missed opportunity to show us more about Erika as a child but then Erika doesn't really want us to know all that much but it is her choice.

  • Love 3

Nothing passive-aggressive about her comment, she was clear, she did not think Erika did anything on purpose.

I don't think you did anything on purpose, but I'm going to go ahead and imply you are a skank? Yeah, nothing passive aggressive about that at all...


What exactly was Erika's storyline this season outside of "pantygate", something that carried through the entire season?

What was any HWs storyline this season? The only one who seemed to have a long term storyline was Rinna, whose feud with Kim bled into the whole pill story.

None of them really had a long term storyline.

  • Love 6
2 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Tom was 2 short blimps on the show, nothing more. She shared zero about her/Tom's home/personal life as a couple except that she only sees him once a week at best. As for her/her mother, it was so short and very little was said about Erika's childhood other than her mother was "tough" on her and they didn't even show much of her grandparents home or tell much of their relationship. 

I still say the episode in Georgia showed us a lot.

How about Vinnie? Haven't we seen him a couple times at most?

Is Tom a short blimp...maybe...lol.

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

All the women (except for maybe Eileen) had stuff going on that they showed us, like:


LVP - The anti-Yulin Festival campaign, Max's search for his bio-parents

Kyle - Expanding her boutiques, developing her TV show, her growing friendship with Ericka

Ericka - Her trip to Greece, the relationship with her mother, her growing friendship with Kyle

Dorit - Boy George, dealing with the issues with her kids

Rinna - her QVC stuff, her charity event, promoting her kids' career


But instead, the show decided to focus on:


Rinna vs. Kim

Rinna's pills

Which is too bad, the women themselves seem to have lots of interesting things going on in their lives that could have been expanded on. Of course, mileage will vary as it inevitably would regarding what people find interesting about each HW...

I agree, there were so many things to share with us that were more/fun/interesting/important than pantygate, Kim/Rinna and Rinna's bag of pills! I guess we should blame production and not any 1 HW for how it was edited! LOL

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

First off Erika tag line is about being two people.  No one else has claimed they have a second persona.  LVP is who she is whether it is hosting in her home or running a restaurant.  Guests in her home I am quite sure are aware she runs three restaurants.  It is not difficult, it is simply there are those who refuse to even acknowledge without nonsensical examples that for some  Erika has blurred the lines between Erika G and Erika J.  Not everyone has to agree and by the same token those who don't agree should not be labeled confused or  somehow lacking the ability to comprehend what another claims is obvious. 

This is a continuing issue with Erika-no one called her a whore but she persists in claiming she is a whore by virtue of the others' reactions and actions of  the flash.  I don't think Erika is a whore nor do I think anyone implied it.  Further I don't think Erika Jayne is a whore and I kind of hope Erika G. doesn't think her character Erika Jayne is portraying a whore because her statements have always been about women being able to get their sexy on.  I may not agree with the Erikas and the claim about getting sexy on but I would not reduce someone to a whore for wanting to do it in  the Erika Jayne fashion.   

I can't help but think this is from something in her past.  Maybe because she was a cocktail waitress and entertainer (her words), or because she married Mr. Moneybags, several years her senior?  Brandi did the same thing when she first came on the show.  No one called Brandi a slut until she did first at the party where her son peed by the pool.  They assumed, for whatever reason, that they would be judged as sluts or whores, yet no one (except Kim's classic "slut pig") called either one a slut or a whore.  Style choices?  Self appointed sexiness? Insecurities? Interesting.

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, chewycandy said:

I still say the episode in Georgia showed us a lot.

How about Vinnie? Haven't we seen him a couple times at most?

Is Tom a short blimp...maybe...lol.

I don't think the Georgia episode snippet showed much beyond what Erika has already said about her mother/grandmother before on the show.

Very true, Vinny was also a blimp on the show this season, just like Tom was. The show is supposed to be about the HWs/their families and their interactions with each other (HWS).

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, WireWrap said:

I don't think the Georgia episode snippet showed much beyond what Erika has already said about her mother/grandmother before on the show.

Very true, Vinny was also a blimp on the show this season, just like Tom was. The show is supposed to be about the HWs/their families and their interactions with each other (HWS).

Isn't it real HOUSEWIVES?

  • Love 3

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