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Current DCCs: My Boots Do the Talking


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It would be great if we had a "season breakdown" or stats thread that goes through each of the past 10 seasons and lists things like:


* Number selected to training camp (how many vets, how many rookie candidates)

* Dance background on the rookie candidates (ie: other teams they've been on, teams they went to after being cut, etc.)

* Number selected to the team (how many vets, how many rookies)

* Tenure of the vets selected (how many 2nd, 3rd, 4th year vets, etc.)

* List the vets who retired and those who were cut

* Group leaders and seconds

* Show Group members

* Who got which award/honor (point girl, Pro Bowl, Rookie and Veteran of the year)


It would be great to have as a reference, but a LOT of work though!

 Here's some stats for last year's TCC:




Three of the TCCs cut went to other teams: Selina (Mesquite Marshals Darling Deputies), Shelbi (Texas Star Dancers), and Courtney J (Dallas Stars Ice Girls).

I think the weird neck thing is because she's sucking it in and trying to stand up straight and square her shoulders?  Who knows


I was just looking through the twitter feed for DC Star Magazine and found that they'd posted a cheerleader of the week all last season. Has anyone else seen these and wondered why some of these photos are better than the ones on the DCC page on the Cowboys website?


Case in point:


This is so much better than Holly's cameo. She's still doing the neck thing, but not as much.


Sadly, the one cheerleader who didn't get featured on twitter was Victoria. She of the least flattering DCC cameo photo of all time.

Danielle strikes me as being adored by all and has such a fun, sweet personality. Being liked translates to being listened to and respected, so I think Danielle probably makes a great second leader and would make a great first leader as well. While she isn't the strongest dancer on the team, I think she's perfectly capable of rallying a group and teaching the choreography proficiently.

I agree that she would make an excellent leader, she seems to have the rallying skills and the charm to help shape the rookies. As for her dancing, I think her career and tenure would speak for itself. As we have seen in previous seasons, just because you are a vet doesn't mean you can stay on the team, you have to bring you A-game, every year! 

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No I semi-agree with you ... She seems very sweet and like she's really trying but I definitely don't get the DCC performance vibe from her.  For me, she just lacks spark and dazzle I associate with DCC


Yeah, my thoughts exactly. She's going to classes and working hard but she's been out danced by numerous people in the videos. 

Kat is a beautiful dancer, her solo really highlighted her technical skills and I think DCC is a style she is not used to. Excited to see what she brings to auditions.


At 5:15 in episode 2 the critiques kind of line up with your comments. You can tell in her heart she really wants this, so hopefully she will find the fire and go from rookie to rock star. 


Which of the girls do y'all think has the best mix of dance skills and field presence? 

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I know there are other really technical girls on the team but Holly P just stands out to me so much and I think a big part of it is EVERY dance she does she full out performs. She makes it look like she's really not even thinking about it, just living in the music. And she's so young!!! I can't imagine what she'll be doing in even a few more years. Loving her hair color there too! 

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I personally love Holly Arielle and I'm sad to see her go. I actually really love Mary too, she was one of those that flew under the radar on MTT because she picked up the choreo and style easily. 


I really liked Mary too ... she is a great dancer, performer and totally under the radar.  I also liked how her look is so different from other DCC ... she wouldn't be considered "traditional" beautiful.  I also like Megan as a performer... and Holly's facials are great (although very exaggerated sometimes)

Ugh, Holly. So talented I just can't even. She's going to go far.


She's awesome!  But it does sort of annoy me how forceful and exaggerated she gets sometimes.  I prefer Jennifer K's style

Not gonna lie but I am not a fan of Jinelle as a performer or dancer...she's so wiggly and reminds me of Olive Oye (Popeye's girlfriend).  Too spaghetti arms and legs.


She's definitely matured and looks better since being a DCC though.  Just not a fan of her dancing and body shape.  She's not in show group is she?  I can't imagine her

I really liked Mary too ... she is a great dancer, performer and totally under the radar.  I also liked how her look is so different from other DCC ... she wouldn't be considered "traditional" beautiful.  I also like Megan as a performer... and Holly's facials are great (although very exaggerated sometimes)


She's awesome!  But it does sort of annoy me how forceful and exaggerated she gets sometimes.  I prefer Jennifer K's style

Not gonna lie but I am not a fan of Jinelle as a performer or dancer...she's so wiggly and reminds me of Olive Oye (Popeye's girlfriend).  Too spaghetti arms and legs.


She's definitely matured and looks better since being a DCC though.  Just not a fan of her dancing and body shape.  She's not in show group is she?  I can't imagine her


Me too. She's sassy..sort of like Ashley N.

I really liked Mary too ... she is a great dancer, performer and totally under the radar.  I also liked how her look is so different from other DCC ... she wouldn't be considered "traditional" beautiful.  I also like Megan as a performer... and Holly's facials are great (although very exaggerated sometimes)


She's awesome!  But it does sort of annoy me how forceful and exaggerated she gets sometimes.  I prefer Jennifer K's style

Not gonna lie but I am not a fan of Jinelle as a performer or dancer...she's so wiggly and reminds me of Olive Oye (Popeye's girlfriend).  Too spaghetti arms and legs.


She's definitely matured and looks better since being a DCC though.  Just not a fan of her dancing and body shape.  She's not in show group is she?  I can't imagine her


Jinelle is in show group - that was a noted part of this past season, when she was really hoping to make it into show group for a second year but the judges didn't think she was as good as she'd been the first year (she did make it back into SG though).  

Jinelle is in show group - that was a noted part of this past season, when she was really hoping to make it into show group for a second year but the judges didn't think she was as good as she'd been the first year (she did make it back into SG though).  

Oh yeah ... you're right.  I can't believe she's in show group ... I always thought she was a weak dancer relative to the rest, maybe because she's so wiggly and Olive Oyl like!

Oh yeah ... you're right.  I can't believe she's in show group ... I always thought she was a weak dancer relative to the rest, maybe because she's so wiggly and Olive Oyl like!


When I see her do DCC stuff I really like her - I think she has a great smile and a fun performer.  But I agree, I don't always like her in the other stuff.  I always have to give her a pass though because I think she seems genuinely sweet and someone I'd love to be friends with. 

Re: Holly's dancing...hmmmm....how do I explain this? She dances like she's constantly trying to stand out and prove she's better than the other dancers around her. Just not a style that's well suited for dancing on a dance "team", or being in a group dance cause she's trying to draw attention towards herself and away from the overall affect of the group.

I agree that she is very good, but she's also annoying to watch even when dancing alone cause she seems to be constantly trying to show you just HOW good she is, instead of just dancing! She comes across as one of those types that always competiting for attention and praise, and I really wonder how the other girls feel about her.

No one else on the show has ever given me this vibe, but those types are pretty common in the competitive dance scene, so that's how I recognize it.

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Re: Holly's dancing...hmmmm....how do I explain this? She dances like she's constantly trying to stand out and prove she's better than the other dancers around her. Just not a style that's well suited for dancing on a dance "team", or being in a group dance cause she's trying to draw attention towards herself and away from the overall affect of the group.

I agree that she is very good, but she's also annoying to watch even when dancing alone cause she seems to be constantly trying to show you just HOW good she is, instead of just dancing! She comes across as one of those types that always competiting for attention and praise, and I really wonder how the other girls feel about her.

No one else on the show has ever given me this vibe, but those types are pretty common in the competitive dance scene, so that's how I recognize it.

Agreed. Her dancing, IMO, is the equivalent of an actor who chews and spits out the scenery.

I went to the IG page of the choreographer who posted the above link and there are like 3 clips of the other girls doing the dance too!! pretty cool how they edited it and fun seeing Melissa a little bit for once! 




Make sure you watch it if you haven't already! 

Whose the girl with the 2 black marks on her face? Is she a  DCC?

I seriously love Holly. I'm obsessed with her. The choreographer seemed to have loved her too because she featured her in a big part lol.


Same. Team Holly P.  She dances like most people just breathe.  I LOVE her confidence. Just because she is used to being solo and in a super competitive scene doesn't make her a bad teammate.  I dont think she should be shamed to dance as less talented than she is.  And honestly, in the clip of the whole group I think they all look great and she doesn't stand out in an awkward way. Didnt someone who saw the DCC perform in person say she didn't even stand out that much at a game?  


But meh, everyone is different. Different strokes for different folks.  :) I do love watching dancers like Jenna and Jenny Kat too - more subtle but so ON IT.  And Jessica Marie is fast becoming one of my favorites!! 

That looks like DCC Lacey w/ some type of cat makeup on her face to me. Kind of strange, but who knows?

Jenna had it too! very odd. 

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Ahhh! hahahah that's cute.  Did anyone see Kat's pics from Vegas? KaShara, Kat, Jenna, Jessica and Amy T went to Vegas last weekend for Kat's birthday lol  She really does seem well-loved on the squad!! 

Yeah, they all seem to love Kat. I think they'll be devastated if she gets cut but as much as I don't really like her, I don't see her being cut unless her dancing is not up to par for a vet.


Oh my. Wheeling is kind of close to me - lol! Per the wheelers web site it looks like it's going to be tomorrow night. Their Facebook lists Kashara, Caila, Danielle, Robin, Angela and Stephanie as the girls you can see.

ETA - gosh - the "VIP ticket" that you need to meet them is $100, goodness :/.

Edited by MyFavShows

Agreed. Her dancing, IMO, is the equivalent of an actor who chews and spits out the scenery.


Completely agree with this regarding Holly. She's certainly very talented, but in the last few videos that I've seen, everything just looks so forced.


I've never been impressed with Jessica on the show (I've never thought she was bad or anything, but she never stood to me), but I think she has looked great in several of the videos that have been posted from dance class. There is an ease to her dancing that doesn't scream "look how sexy I'm trying to be!"like some of the other girls.  

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Speaking of the latest dance stuff we've seen, is that still at Valley Ranch or is that in the new space in... Frisco is it? It looks almost exactly like the stuff I've seen on MTT so I'm hoping it's Valley Ranch. I'd love to see the studio upgraded in the move.


RhiRhi, on 01 Apr 2016 - 9:38 PM, said:

Holly P could lose the winking, kissing, pointing her finger at the camera thingees that she does and just be her beautiful talented self.



Agreed! I have liked some of her vids posted but that playing to the camera gets tired real quick. In my dance class stalking I've much preferred Caila. She's powerful but not out of control or over dancing.

Edited by SanLynn

I went to the IG page of the choreographer who posted the above link and there are like 3 clips of the other girls doing the dance too!! pretty cool how they edited it and fun seeing Melissa a little bit for once!


Make sure you watch it if you haven't already!

Here's Melissa doing the choreography, Holly to me just takes all sexiness or subtly out of the dance but being so hard and over the top


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