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Current DCCs: My Boots Do the Talking


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No, you do not have to be in Show Group to be an All-Star since Nicole and Katy are current All-Stars. I think they are ask or go to Kelli and Judy in order to be considered. I think Kelli, Judy, Charlotte, and other employees consider which girls will be All-Stars. A few years ago Olivia and Carisa were All-Stars, and they were only on the team for two years.

What is the exact job description of the all stars? - I know they fill in for injured girls like Emma did this year a lot, and they do misc. appearances (not sure what the exact difference is between the appearances all stars do versus the current DCCs, and do they ever mix all stars and DCC together for appearances?), but what else do they do? Do they get paid more or less than an active DCC?

AT one point on the old website, they had a Q&A page with either Kelli or Judy. All Stars were briefly touched upon. If I remember correctly, at the time they had to be at least three year vets who had retired. I'm pretty sure though that there have been a couple recently with two years only. All Stars are asked by invitation by Kelli and perform in press boxes, meet and greets, etc., especially at the stadium. I guess this makes sense that they can sort of roam the stadium while the actual squad is on sidelines or whatever. No Show Group requirement.


I don't think they ever answered if they practice with the regular team or separately. As for weight, there have been several all stars who noticeably gain weight as all stars and are not as trim as they were on the squad. Of course no one is an out of shape blob, but Trisha Trevino, Kelsi Reich and Justine PHillips are three that I thought were noticably bigger as all stars. They would've received weight warnings as regular DCC, but who knows with all stars.

I can't decide about Loren.  Sometimes I think she seems like the type to stay forever, other times she seems more mature and farther along in life (like career, etc.) than some of the others and will want to focus on that more down the road.  I wonder what she is like as a choreographer?  She seems to be the go-to girl for most of the rookies when trying to learn style and steps. She is so quiet on social media but I see other girls on the squad reference her all the time like "Love my Lo! Such a huge help to me during camp!" etc. Wonder if she'd ever try to work for DCC after retirement...


I hope Kat stays at least another year! Just because of her age I can't see her staying for more than like 2 or maybe 3 but she seems youthful so who knows!

Loren? Has she said something?


She hasn't, but I wouldn't be surprised if she got cut.


Not five years.... I thought I read on here they had to have cheered at least 3 years, but I'm not sure. They're held to the same physical standards as the current squad. Can't look hefty in the uniform!


Carisa was an all-star and only cheered 2 years.

Loren is a teacher, so as long as she stays in the classroom, vs going into administration or something, she mostly has to maintain credentials, keep up with continuing Ed, etc instead of vaulting through hoops to get to higher levels. With teacher hours, staying on as a DCC is more feasible than a lot of other careers that have odd hours, lots of travels, etc.

One thing I like about Loren is that she has a real, full time job. Like real as in required a degree/training, is full time, has a real career path, etc. She isn't juggling three or four part time dance teacher/barre instructor/Pyramid sales/part time receptionist for a DCC affiliate. She impresses me, because she clearly loves pro dancing and teaching, but she has her head on her shoulders enough to have a Big Girl job, too.

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I think context on the show means a lot. Take Danielle - there is a subset of people who always want to say she is on the bubble because of her weight or dancing. It's pretty obvious that regardless of your personal opinions on those things, she isn't. They chose her for the new intro, which isn't something they take lightly. She makes calendar, she was the cover of the swim suit issue. Like her or not, they've made the decision she will be here.

Loren is kind of the same. Kelli and Judy aren't that dumb -- they are producing an entire show that has a segment of Loren training TCCs, and then cutting her the next year. They produce that show, and give the girls they want the edit they want.

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Why would you think Loren would get cut???? Seriously very curious because everything I see about her is super positive.


I can't quite put my finger on it, but she doesn't really stand out to me. Neither did Holly though, but look where she has gotten. :-)


I think context on the show means a lot. Take Danielle - there is a subset of people who always want to say she is on the bubble because of her weight or dancing. It's pretty obvious that regardless of your personal opinions on those things, she isn't. They chose her for the new intro, which isn't something they take lightly. She makes calendar, she was the cover of the swim suit issue. Like her or not, they've made the decision she will be here.

Loren is kind of the same. Kelli and Judy aren't that dumb -- they are producing an entire show that has a segment of Loren training TCCs, and then cutting her the next year. They produce that show, and give the girls they want the edit they want.


Who knows what can happen at Finals. I'm just saying, they could have the full intent of keeping her and someone can outdance her. That COULD be the case for just about anyone, but she just doesn't stand out as a strong dancer to me..teacher or not.

I have always thought that Lauren does not have good lines in her dancing. I still remember her into scene where they showed her teaching a class at her school or a studio or whatever and she kicked her leg up and her hips were all wrong for what a proper dance kick is supposed to look like. I've seen a lot of other shots of her dancing w/ similar placement issues - like perhaps she never learned the basics of ballet.

However, she has a lot of power in her dancing and is very beautiful (especially once they darkened her hair), she seems like she's tall too and they always like that. Her swimsuit photos are gorgeous too. I think they'll keep her as long as she wants to stay, and may even make her a GL cause of the teaching skills she has - don't know about show group though.

Edited by MyFavShows

Loren looks to me like a cheerleader who turned to dance later. She's stiff like a cheerleader and not fluid like a dancer, but clearly, she's keeping up or she wouldn't have been a pro team dancer for this long. She isn't lyrical show group material, but she seems to be aware of that. Those awful leaps across the stage during the show group auditions - I seriously think they made them all audition for the MTT show. Much like Lauren Williams and some of the horrific anthem singers. They didn't have a choice and they knew it wasn't their forte, but played along.

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Loren has blossomed since becoming a DCC. That's what the organization loves. Not understanding thought process on this one. To me, she is the new Brittany Schram. Not as silly and fun, but a leader the way Brittany was.

Yeah, I like Loren. Is she a dynamo point girl like Whitney? Well, no. But I think she's done a great job.

I wonder if Ashley N could handle being an All Star....possibly a little less stressful on her knees. I hate that she is retiring when I think her body is making the decision for her and not her heart.

I am hoping she can be an All Star too. I'm sure it's much less demanding on the body . She's so pretty or as Kitty would say "I love her, she's nasty" but in a good way lol

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I can see Caila wanting to stay for a good long while if she can! She seems to have hit her stride and I'm happy for her :)  Rooming with Lacey will be a good thing for her too. 


So Alex, Jessica and Kat are all nannies?? I thought Jessica had a job in accounting or something?? Not sure it's a good idea for them to posting pics of the kids they watch on public social media :-/ but maybe their parents were ok with it.

Ooo and I see on KaShara's twitter that she had the Abbey bear a couple of weeks ago! This further cements my theory that she will be Rookie of the Year lol I know Bess was also a rookie with the Abbey bear but something makes me think KaShara. I will probably be totally wrong!!


ETA: couple clips on Caila's public IG of her dancing at Michelle Keys' class with KaShara and Jax!!  All three killed it!



Edited by LaurenBrook



ETA: couple clips on Caila's public IG of her dancing at Michelle Keys' class with KaShara and Jax!!  All three killed it!



They do look great. All the girls have been posting vids of those classes lately, and it's so interesting to see them dancing alongside non-DCC. You can really see the difference.


Simone posted a video. She still looks noodle-y, so I worry about her chances for next year's squad, but it's nice to see Alex Hermes: https://www.instagram.com/p/BAcz-94QByT/?taken-by=simonecollett


They do look great. All the girls have been posting vids of those classes lately, and it's so interesting to see them dancing alongside non-DCC. You can really see the difference.

Simone posted a video. She still looks noodle-y, so I worry about her chances for next year's squad, but it's nice to see Alex Hermes: https://www.instagram.com/p/BAcz-94QByT/?taken-by=simonecollett

Yeah Simone just doesn't look powerful to me

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 Looks like rookie Stephanie. In Calia's videos it looks like Jacqueline (Jax) is dancing with Calia and Kashara.

It's Stephanie...Jenna had a post on her IG with the names of all the girls at the class because Jason DeRulo himself responded to her tweet about it! Chantel is the only one she mentioned in it that I didn't see any video of...it was fun to see Melissa in it! I feel like I don't get to see nearly enough of her dancing!!


Simone definitely seemed kind of weak and Kat was not great at the choreography BUT she always seems to fake it with style.  It will be interesting to see if she's back next year. 


And agree with whoever said Caila is girl crush...love her! She has become SO much more fun to watch and her work ethic is awesome.  I feel like she would be such a great teammate. And goodness, she is beautiful.

I'd probably never try out again either if I was cut as a vet unless I had a personal assurance from K&J that I would make it back. I wonder if K&J or the DCC PTB ever do that in general - reach out to those who have either been cut as vets or in TC and imply that they'd like them to come back and imply that their chances of making the team this time would be very high?

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