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Current DCCs: My Boots Do the Talking

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I do love Melissa! She has such a great personality and she has brains too! Nice to know some of the girls are more than just a pretty face


Me too!  And I have no idea how she does it all - school along must take up so much time and balance the practice aiyaya!  Part of me is a tad jealous - it's not fair!  The pretty girls aren't suppose to be smart too lol

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Me too!  And I have no idea how she does it all - school along must take up so much time and balance the practice aiyaya!  Part of me is a tad jealous - it's not fair!  The pretty girls aren't suppose to be smart too lol

 Some of those girls are so much more inspiring than what we get to see on MTT. I don't know how Melissa does school and DCC full time either. Then there are the girls that have to work full time too since they can't live off DCC pay. Who all works? I think I've seen Paige post about Danielle working full time, which might explain her absence from SG. Does anyone know of other current DCC's that are working full time? I want to give them a gold star! ;)

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I just think Melissa is super-woman. Or maybe she's So smart she doesn't have to study much...so talented that she doesn't have to practice much. Nah. I'm betting she's just a multi-tasked like that.

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There are plenty of single mothers out there who, on top of trying to take care of children, work full time and go to school. I'll hold off on giving a cheerleader praise for taking classes.

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I give her props as a science major myself. And what I've done isn't nearly as difficult as what she's doing. I do think the girl works hard, but she also must be brilliant. I am in awe of her- or, really anyone who is a serious contender for medical school. Hats are off to them.

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Melissa is definitely smart, but a lot of these girls take the minimum 12 hours to be a full time student (or less) and stretch college for Five or six years. Also, so much is online now, that you can knock out a class in a couple of weeks. Cassie was one of the girls who changed majors several times and was basically a general studies student over several years. Not sure if she graduated.

My point is that being a 'student' is a really broad definition and not quite the same as someone taking 18 hours all in classrooms.

DCC is time consuming, but Melissa is one of the exceptions to the rule in taking really difficult classes and juggling DCC, show group, etc.

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There are plenty of single mothers out there who, on top of trying to take care of children, work full time and go to school. I'll hold off on giving a cheerleader praise for taking classes.


Lol good point !  It is still admirable to be beautiful and smart.  A lot of people who are pretty rely just on looks so it's inspiring to see young women strive to be "more" and not just be the trophy wife.

I admire my mom the most - she worked the late night shift, came home with donuts for us and to drive us to school and then cleaned the house and cooked us meals.  We always had a delicious home-cooked meal at night. 

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There are plenty of single mothers out there who, on top of trying to take care of children, work full time and go to school. I'll hold off on giving a cheerleader praise for taking classes.

Just to be devil's advocate, saying Melissa works hard for taking difficult classes, being in DCC and SG as well as teaching classes is difficult and requires lots of multi-tasking isn't saying single mom's taking care of kids, working FT and taking classes is easy.  Multi-tasking lots of commitments is difficult regardless of what the commitments are, and each path done well is worthy of praise.

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well I guess it's all relative... people probably look at Melissa and don't expect her to be this pre-med / chemistry / whatever whatever brainiac girl.  They probably thought she would be another pretty blond who can kick high and aspires to be a cheerleader and then the wife of an NFL / other sports athlete. 


It'd be interesting to see where she takes her career post DCC.  I think someone posted link once to a former DCC who went to med school and became a dermatologist (hardest specialty to get into) ... now that's brains!

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Yeah, dancing is just one side to many of these girls. While Melissa may spend a lot of time juggling dancing now, I don't blame her one bit. Dancing lasts a short time while her medical engineering studies will last a lifetime. So more power to her!


Nicol Bush was a DCC in the 1990's who is a County Surgeon.



Makes me wonder what Melissa and Amy T will be doing in 10, 15 years. Amy T already has a patent in her name for spinal cord therapy. What the future will hold!  These girls are sure more than a pretty face. :)

Edited by Kaedee
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There are plenty of single mothers out there who, on top of trying to take care of children, work full time and go to school. I'll hold off on giving a cheerleader praise for taking classes.


I don't think she gets praise just for taking classes, but I think its the fact that she is/was taking (and received a degree I believe) classes in a very difficult major.  An engineering degree is difficult for students who don't work on the side and just go to school. Many people I know got weeded out by junior year - kind of like all of those people who were pharmacy majors freshmen year but definitely were no longer chemistry majors after attempting organic chemistry. So of course, she's not doing the most difficult thing in the world, but I don't think she's shouldn't be praised just because there are other people are also doing more difficult things. 

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No, but she's being praised for being a DCC and taking difficult classes. People can praise who they want for whatever they want, all I'm saying is I prefer to reserve praising someone who takes difficult classes and has a grown-up job. Plus, for all the talk about "brains and beauty," it seems pretty condescending to say "wow, a pretty DCC AND is smart!!"...why is something like that so shocking?

Edited by ByTor
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No, but she's being praised for being a DCC and taking difficult classes. People can praise who they want for whatever they want, all I'm saying is I prefer to reserve praising someone who takes difficult classes and has a grown-up job. Plus, for all the talk about "brains and beauty," it seems pretty condescending to say "wow, a pretty DCC AND is smart!!"...why is something like that so shocking?


You're right in that in a perfect way maybe it wouldn't be but to be honest, it is still a stereotype and a good portion of cheerleaders are not heavy science majors or end up as top pediatric urologist.  I say good for her - might as well praise accomplishments as they come along.

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Just saw this video of Wrestlemania. Bunch of people booing, so sad. 

Definitely rude, but I'm sure they hear worse at a lot of their performances. And I honestly cringe when I think about some of the comments they must get from people at meet and greets.

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I think they have to kind of expect some responses like that at certain venues...I mean, wrestlemania? To me that is a super weird thing to have the DCC at. I get it because TEXAS but still kind of strange.  I doubt they could really hear the booing over music and other cheers though. 

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No, but she's being praised for being a DCC and taking difficult classes. People can praise who they want for whatever they want, all I'm saying is I prefer to reserve praising someone who takes difficult classes and has a grown-up job. Plus, for all the talk about "brains and beauty," it seems pretty condescending to say "wow, a pretty DCC AND is smart!!"...why is something like that so shocking?

I'm still going to give her applause because these girls have years of dance under their belts, extreme technical skills, and work their butts off to live up to/exceed society's standard of beauty. This is the ultimate dream for most of the girls and you can guarantee they're probably going to do whatever it takes. Just like a single mother would do for their child. DCC is their baby, their baby that involves hours of exercise, skipping indulgences, honing their technique, and dealing with haters that want to scrutinize every piece of them. But lucky for them, they get to go on the field, meet celebrities, and go to any club they want, and walk through the many doors DCC opens.

Also, I thought this was a forum about DCC, not Gilmore Girls....

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A lot of the girls are posting about Mexico. What do we all know about this upcoming trip? 

Annual calendar photoshoot, swimsuit edition lol. I believe every one who is trying out again next month will be there. The retired vets don't go on the trip.

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I think they have to kind of expect some responses like that at certain venues...I mean, wrestlemania? To me that is a super weird thing to have the DCC at. I get it because TEXAS but still kind of strange.  I doubt they could really hear the booing over music and other cheers though. 

Yeah I think it's a texas thing lol ...

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Can anyone confirm if Jinelle is in fact the principal dancer/love interest in Kip Moore's latest country music video?

I saw it for the first time on GAC today and it looked an awful lot like her...

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
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Yes, Jinelle was in the video.

Very cool!


I think Jenna will be a DCC through at least her 7th year. I wonder if Danielle will stay on after her 5th season. She doesn't seem to be tiring of the DCC schedule.  Her, Jessica and Jenna are the last remaining S7 ladies.

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I think Jessica and Danielle will both be done after five years. They both cheered for pro teams even before DCC so it's been a long dance career for them! Maybe Jessica will stay a little longer (just cause I don't know much about her at all outside of DCC) but I think Danielle is going to be ready to move on (or at least be All-Star for a year).  Jenna ... I don't know, i could see her staying a year or so past 5! She is so young, in great shape and seems to just love it.  

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I certainly can see Jenna staying past five years.

Agreed, I think it will be six for her, for some reason. Danielle I think this could be her last year along with Jessica but for all I know they could all return next year lol. I noticed Shelbi this year asking Danielle if she was returning on instagram, so it's not always a given that anyone will return.

I'm jumping way ahead of myself here haha but who does everyone think will be selected for Pro bowl next year? I'm thinking it could be Erica, KaShara (due to popularity, not tenure), Jennifer(Could definitely see her), or Melissa?

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I think Jenn or Melissa for pro bowl, I think they like to pick point but I could be wrong.

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I think Jenn or Melissa for pro bowl, I think they like to pick point but I could be wrong.


Not necessarily. Everyone who went to the Pro Bowl wasn't point. And Melissa? I think if anyone from her class would have went to PB it would have been Mary..but now I'd say Lacey.


I think Danielle or Jenn for PB.

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I love Kashara too! I think she would represent so well, but I agree she is probably not veteran enough. I'm guessing/hoping it will be one of the fifth year girls. I personally like Danielle, I think she has a distinct look and style and based off of all the merchandise like calendars, magazine, and even the breast cancer awareness game cup, looks like Kelli and Judy are in favor of her. 

Who else is team Danielle? I also like Jessica too, she is so cute!

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I think Jennifer K will be pro bowl girl...will be shocked if she was not.  I really think this is going to be her year. I would have said Jacie for SURE before. Agreed though on Danielle. She is a favorite in the organization and easy to see why. I'm rewatching season 7 right now and just adore her.  She is so sweet and hard working. 


IF it was someone with less tenure, I could also see Erica. She is a huge fan favorite (check how many followers she has on IG - wow) and they clearly love her as a glam girl (using her for the ads and what not).  

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I think Jennifer K will be pro bowl girl...will be shocked if she was not.  I really think this is going to be her year. I would have said Jacie for SURE before. Agreed though on Danielle. She is a favorite in the organization and easy to see why. I'm rewatching season 7 right now and just adore her.  She is so sweet and hard working. 


IF it was someone with less tenure, I could also see Erica. She is a huge fan favorite (check how many followers she has on IG - wow) and they clearly love her as a glam girl (using her for the ads and what not).  

Definitely Jenn K - she seems so INTO being a DCC and obviously K&J love her.  Do Pro Bowl girls usually retire the year they're picked or do some return for more?  I would imagine it would suck to be Pro Bowl, then come back to be a DCC the following year and then not be picked.


Anyways I agree that it's Jenn's year!  Jacie had it in the bag in my opinion but with her gone .. it's Jenn all the way.  For some reason, I'm just not a fan of Danielle even though I do think she's gorgeous with a unique look.


Melissa seems too vanilla and in the background to be PB but who knows

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Jenn K would make a great embassador/representative for the PB - she is very classy. She'd get my vote as well. Even though I don't think she's very glamorous or sexy for a DCC, in the case of the PB that's okay, her other qualities make her the perfect choice.

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I absolutely love Jenna, I think she's a great DCC so I'd be fine with her as PB. I think between the girls it's gotta be Danielle, Jenn K, Jenna, maybe Erica? Idk. I think if I was picking PB I'd go with Danielle or Jenn.

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Not necessarily. Everyone who went to the Pro Bowl wasn't point. And Melissa? I think if anyone from her class would have went to PB it would have been Mary..but now I'd say Lacey.

Can I ask - why do so many people dismiss Melissa? As a PB choice, as point, as one of the top dancers on the squad? During her initial audition, Kelli said Melissa had the best solo she'd ever seen. Then for her sophomore season she got one of the coveted starting/ending positions for her solo. Kelli said she was the "Emmitt Smith" of dancing. So why do so many posters here dismiss her as worthy of being point or even as a top dancer?  I'm genuinely perplexed about this.


I know Melissa doesn't have the standard hour-glass body, and she isn't the most glamorous on the squad. But she's a very pretty girl with what seems to be a genuinely nice, caring personality.

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Can I ask - why do so many people dismiss Melissa? As a PB choice, as point, as one of the top dancers on the squad? During her initial audition, Kelli said Melissa had the best solo she'd ever seen. Then for her sophomore season she got one of the coveted starting/ending positions for her solo. Kelli said she was the "Emmitt Smith" of dancing. So why do so many posters here dismiss her as worthy of being point or even as a top dancer?  I'm genuinely perplexed about this.


I know Melissa doesn't have the standard hour-glass body, and she isn't the most glamorous on the squad. But she's a very pretty girl with what seems to be a genuinely nice, caring personality.

My thoughts exactly! Kelli has continuously praised her dancing. In that video posted with the girls, Melissa was one of the best technical dancers besides Holly. She seems to have a great personality, like you said and she works incredibly hard. She's also super smart, which makes her a good ambassador.

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I like Melissa. She is a talented young lady and one of the best dancers on the team. All of us need to remember not everyone will like every girl on the team or all the girls who try out.

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