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S01: Where Are They Now?

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No wonder Robert is single. The Rules of Robert are horrible but he didn't even read the last one No 10: You must have as many babies as I desire. What a controlling shithead.  The room full of tentacle vases and ugly sculptures isn't much to brag about. Jeff's brother is a hot.  Glad Maryum is actually using this experience to improve her community.

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That was actually more interesting than I originally gave it credit for.  Now that the season has aired they can comment on how things appeared to be vs. how they actually were. Jeff remains delusional. He really needs counseling about why he pursues a career than everyone except he can see he's not suited for (and never will be).  Robert continues to creep me out and I wouldn't let my child near him (if I had any).

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Is Robert auditioning  for another reality tv show?  

My guess is that Barbara or more importantly (at least to him) her husband didn't expect the reaction to the show to be anything more the minimal.  Barbara always appeared a little two right of center politically but otherwise open minded.  Her husband on the other hand probably only let (yes "let") his wife participate to prove a point that never got proven.  Added to that the fact his wife might get recognized on the street.  He put a squash on that.

Even if Jeff is right (which I am willing to concede to like with Tami and her crossed arms being about how cold she was and not being stern and angry all the time) and we don't know what really happened during the fight he still is unsuited for bring a prison guard.  He quit the program almost right after. It's not always about strength and muscle something it's about courage.  What happens when he is alone in a room with an inmate?  You can't call it quits then.

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I thought the revelation about Zak's wife and how her actions affected his chosen career were interesting. I also thought it was telling that Zak had been through the police academy and was working with a FTO already. I hope he ended up in the right job for him, and I hope that he has learned a better way to secure his duty weapon (although, if he were on duty when it happened, like it sounded, WHY was his duty weapon at home??).

I wish I had FF through Robert's stuff. Jeff -- even if you DO get a job as a CO, I can see you turning into one of those power-hungry assholes who need to run roughshod over everyone to prove what a badass you think you are. I don't know if you can or can't be a CO (I think no), but please, for everyone's sake just get a job managing fast food/chain restaurants. You can push around people with a criminal record and exert your power that way.

Maryum/Yaz.... whatever.

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Jeff's brother was a revelation.  And that's all I'm going to say about that.  

Robert talked about his "art" being ceramic, but it looked like papier mache or that thing where you pulp paper or egg cartons down, form the goo into shapes, and let it harden.  You know, like you used to do at activity time at summer camp. Only yours was better.

I'm happy for Zac (and his wife, though I suppose I may feel differently about her depending on the upcoming show). But they obviously were not telling the whole truth about whatever happened with his gun.  Did she fire the thing at those people?  Did she load it?  Because he sure as hell should not have left it unattended with a bullet in it.   If his firing was a result of his having left the gun in such a place/state that unauthorized access was possible, even by his wife, putting the blame entirely on her because she fired it/accidentally discharged it is pretty scummy of him. 

Edited by kassa
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Jeff is a nice guy.  He'd make a great friend, and is ideally suited for the "helping" professions, like nurse, social worker, etc.  Working with nice people, not criminals.

Whatshisface is tremendously eccentric yet manages to be a crushing bore.  It's as if everything about him is shallow.

Tami was great, looked happy, and her wife really loves her, it's amazing how it showed.

I too would like to know the real story with that firearm.

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I wonder why they revealed the gun incident now? perhaps they thought it may come out when his wife in in jail so they decided to put it out there?

If she felt threatened by men outside, why not call the police instead of shooting his gun. the whole thing is wierd....I wonder if she was drunk or stoned when this happened. 

Robert is really really bizarre. I just dont even know what to say,lol. Roberts Rules? did anyone notice # 10????

Jeff is a nice guy, and I liked his wife. Barbara, I saw a few tweets from her over the last few months and she was getting very full of herself and also insulted her husband in a few--im sure she is concentrating on savig her family.

I love that Tami and Maryum are still helping others.

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I don't care much about where the participants are now. Except for Zac and Ashleigh. Zac was a total unsupportive dick to his wife when she was in jail. Telling her about his cool Mustang convertible he was driving around Vegas. As his wife is in jail, missing her infant baby. 

I hope Ashleighs jail time teaches her some important lessons on Zacs character as a man and a husband. Not just how much she misses her kid and how jail might help make her stronger in her struggle with addiction.

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