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Property Brothers - General Discussion

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Jonathan is my favorite. I like the little quirk to his smile and he seems more playful and easy going. And I guess I'm the only one who liked the highlights.

Even though I tease them (I still cackle about a blogger who once called them 'those two trolls') incessantly, they are pretty damn cute in a little boy stuck in a man body way. Have you seen their baby pictures? I died for a few minutes from the cuteness. I think the problem with Jon's highlights is that they are a bit brackish blond in his hair. He should go more for a soft caramel or even a light auburn lowlight.

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Good grief. There's STILL more space on the side of the house! It's like the clown car of back yards. They must have a double lot, or else they bought and expanded out next to the adjacent stables.


Why does a guest cottage need two bedrooms, again?


Everything looked fine, I guess, but nothing special. I'm starting to think they should have hired the designer(s) they use for their PB shows Or else they did and hindered them from using anything but browns, tans, and grays.


Lovely parents, though. The boys got their good looks from their mom!

Edited by lordonia
  • Love 2

I too was confused on the setup for Property Brothers at Home, and I'm embarrassed to say I looked it up on several websites.  So here's the concept: Jonathan (I think) has more than one home, and he bought this place in Vegas awhile back and hasn't done anything to it.  He spends a couple of weeks a year there and was deciding what to do with it.  He decided to turn it into a family vacation home to accommodate everyone including the very cute parents and the surprise third brother, JD, who looks an awful lot like the twins.  And, presumably, whomever they may be dating.  So no one's planning to live there full time, let alone together.  

The property brothers did do the work they do on Property Bros and continue to operate a large business.  They are much more than eye candy. Their resume is impressive.  From wiki: 


"Jonathan Scott, a licensed contractor, and Drew Scott, a real estate agent, have managed real estate holdings for nearly 15 years. In 2004, they founded Scott Real Estate, Inc., a company that oversees the sales and construction of residential and commercial projects, with offices in Vancouver, Calgary, and Las Vegas.[6]

Drew and Jonathan started buying and renovating property when they were teenagers.[10] They bought their first house when they were 18 years old. After renovations, they sold it a year later for a $50,000 profit, while attending university.[11] However, before going into real estate as a profession, the brothers tried acting. Both Jonathan and Drew appeared on the Canadian television show Breaker High. Drew had a role on Smallville and Jonathan was on the X-Files.[10] The two also did improvisational comedy and Jonathan became an illusionist. They decided to go back to school for construction and design. Their business soon grew and they were approached to do the television show.[10]

Both brothers are licensed real estate agents. Drew was licensed in early 2004 and continues to be a licensed agent with Keller Williams Elite in British Columbia. Jonathan became a licensed agent in Las Vegas when they founded their firm that same year. But for the show, Drew is shown as the realtor and Jonathan as the contractor.[9]

They founded Dividian Production Group in 2002 with their older brother JD. They live in Las Vegas.[8] Both brothers stand tall at 6'5"."


The only "work" they do on PB plus their other shows is acting, period.  If you total up just the hours required to film their various shows plus other public appearances and travel, etc., it's far more than a full-time job for each of them.  Their other main focus is PR.  It shows, doesn't it? 


Incidentally, Wikipedia isn't known for accuracy b/c they allow submissions from anyone.  I'd bet almost anything and/or everything that the bros' PR team wrote that on their behalf and submitted it to wiki.  Although not 100% fictional, it's chock full of errors by omission that'd admit their real story.  Two words covers it:  they're actors.  They always have been and always will be.


Well, o.k.  Agreed, Jonathan admits to being an illusionist, lol.  Acting covers that, too!

Edited by BearCat49
  • Love 1

Aren't ALL reality TV stars actors?


And for what's it worth, I LOVE both brothers (and JD) and enjoy their shows, especially the mini "at-home" series.


Why doesn't someone explain that to them?  Why are they (apparently) ashamed of their profession, i.e. acting, the same thing they've been doing since they were children?  (Their father was in the business.)


Why do they feel the need to fool or con or put one over on the viewers, essentially claiming that reality television is a documentary instead of drama?  Why can't they give the viewers credit for having basic intelligence?  Is there something inherently wrong or negative about working as an actor, in their opinion(s)?


They are creating a brand as actors and television personalities.  That's what they do - nothing more, nothing less.  Why not admit it?


What is wrong with explaining to the viewers that the participants purchased their homes prior to the start of filming, using their own realtor, and that Drew is reciting lines, taking responsibility for exactly none of the RE transaction?


Likewise, what is wrong with Jonathan admitting to the viewers that he doesn't work as a designer and instead, recites a designer's lines b/c the designs are coordinated by a Toronto design firm plus a local designer who completes the staging. 


And, why can't Jonathan admit that he has no experience as a g/c and takes no responsibility whatsoever for the work completed on the show?  Why not give credit to the local g/c's who complete the work?  Oops, if they acknowledged anyone else, the spotlight would no longer be on them.  Can't have that, hahahaha ... ! 


Why did they feel the need to pay $50 or $100 to set up a shell RE corporation, a business that has no projects and no activity?  Was it so they can claim to "run a business"?  Has anyone, repeat anyone, ever talked about a project completed by Jonathan or a home sold by Drew outside of one of these HGTV "reality" television shows?  Oops, that's no, no and no.  (That's unless and until someone demonstrates otherwise.  You'd think one of their many satisfied clients would proudly share that information and provide a testimonial to their supposed skills, right?)


Would their fans like them any less if they were honest?  Why don't they believe that their own profession, acting, is a noble one?


As consumers of reality television, we're all entitled to make our own judgements about its participants.  Personally, I do not dislike or mistrust all actors, as a rule.  I simply don't care for Jonathan and Drew, probably b/c of their inauthenticity as people.


Obviously, their PR firm has done a great job, creating that brand and someone's watching their shows.  Otherwise, the network wouldn't cram them down our throats, constantly. 

Edited by BearCat49

I saw Drew Scott in one of those sappy Hallmark Christmas movies this weekend. I know, I turned away, but it was shocking to see him. It was apparently a large role, he was third actor listed in the credits. Don't know whether he did well, didn't watch it.


No way, lol!  So this means he doesn't spend all of his time away from HGTV-related business working as a realtor?   


Just for kicks, I did a quick search on Hallmark.  Some person who watches all of those programs and blogs about them described that movie/episode as "okay".  Even though Drew was listed third, it sounded like only a small part.  Something about the girl at the beginning of the drama learning that her bf (Drew's character) was cheating on her so she left the area for the holidays, leaving him behind and meeting someone else, i.e. the lead male character.


They described the profession of Drew's character as RE Finance.  Does that mean someone wasn't confident in Drew's acting skills so Hallmark's production company made it easy for him?  (They're both very wooden on PB, IMHO, even though they should have all those ridiculous lines down pat by now after how many boilerplate episodes?)  This reviewer described Drew's character as a "douchebag"!  Too funny!  No comment, lol.



Watched the first episode of their latest boondoggle, "PB At Home", i.e. the main house episode.  For some reason, it bothered me the way Drew said a few times that his gf lives "in my room".  Just the way he said it and the line used bugged me.  Does she have kitchen privileges?  "My" room - not "their" room or wing of the house or ...  ??? 


Or how about saying, "My gf and I live together.)  Sorry but his verbiage ("my room") sounds like the way you'd talk about your childhood room from your parents' home, assuming they still live there after you're long gone, working on your own family and career.  JMHO.


Anyone else notice that?


And, I'm sorry to say it but another thing bothers me.  This woman worked on the show?  Hmmm, they don't have any fraternization policies?  Again, JMHO.

Edited by BearCat49

Why did they feel the need to pay $50 or $100 to set up a shell RE corporation, a business that has no projects and no activity?  Was it so they can claim to "run a business"? 


I was wondering about this myself.  I'm a Vegas resident and I've never heard anything about these 2 being in town till it popped up on HGTV, but someone (here, I think) posted that they run a "successful RE company" here.  I've lived here for quite a while and have had occasion to run into Robin Leach, Penn & Teller, Kody Polygamist, the Ghost jackasses, and the cranky old Pawn guy - and that's just off the top of my head.


Celebrity culture is very strong here and we are the poster child for Six Degrees of Separation (but we can usually do it in 3), and I have never heard either of these two mentioned.  You can't meet anyone in this city who doesn't have an aunt/brother/roommate who personally knows (insert any celeb here) so I find it odd that these two - with all their exposure - are NEVER mentioned. 

  • Love 2

Why are they (apparently) ashamed of their profession, i.e. acting, the same thing they've been doing since they were children?  (Their father was in the business.)


Why do they feel the need to fool or con or put one over on the viewers, essentially claiming that reality television is a documentary instead of drama?  Why can't they give the viewers credit for having basic intelligence?  Is there something inherently wrong or negative about working as an actor, in their opinion(s)?


They are creating a brand as actors and television personalities.  That's what they do - nothing more, nothing less.  Why not admit it?


What is wrong with explaining to the viewers that the participants purchased their homes prior to the start of filming, using their own realtor, and that Drew is reciting lines, taking responsibility for exactly none of the RE transaction?


Likewise, what is wrong with Jonathan admitting to the viewers that he doesn't work as a designer and instead, recites a designer's lines b/c the designs are coordinated by a Toronto design firm plus a local designer who completes the staging.


And, why can't Jonathan admit that he has no experience as a g/c and takes no responsibility whatsoever for the work completed on the show?  Why not give credit to the local g/c's who complete the work?  Oops, if they acknowledged anyone else, the spotlight would no longer be on them.  Can't have that, hahahaha ... !


Why did they feel the need to pay $50 or $100 to set up a shell RE corporation, a business that has no projects and no activity?  Was it so they can claim to "run a business"?  Has anyone, repeat anyone, ever talked about a project completed by Jonathan or a home sold by Drew outside of one of these HGTV "reality" television shows?  Oops, that's no, no and no.  (That's unless and until someone demonstrates otherwise.  You'd think one of their many satisfied clients would proudly share that information and provide a testimonial to their supposed skills, right?)


Would their fans like them any less if they were honest?  Why don't they believe that their own profession, acting, is a noble one?


Where are you getting your information that they are not who they present themselves to be? (gc/realtor)  From what I understand, they both have real estate licenses, so I don't see that as being dishonest. Whether or not they fully complete each transaction is not necessarily germane to the 'story-telling' of the show. It is, after all, a TV show...and details might be boring to the viewers, so again, I don't see any negative.


I'm sure they're not ashamed of being 'actors' eithers...it's just secondary to the premise of the show which is about "buying and selling". In fact, I believe any acting experience is beneficial in order to keep the audience entertained and not become boring like some of the 'million dollar realtors' who are desperate to manufacture drama. Drew & Jonathan are naturals...acting experience and all. No need to take out a billboard there.


Bottom line, I (and many others) enjoy watching their interactions with the homeowners, and maybe pick up a few tips along the way.

  • Love 2

Where are you getting your information that they are not who they present themselves to be? (gc/realtor)  From what I understand, they both have real estate licenses, so I don't see that as being dishonest. Whether or not they fully complete each transaction is not necessarily germane to the 'story-telling' of the show. It is, after all, a TV show...and details might be boring to the viewers, so again, I don't see any negative.


I'm sure they're not ashamed of being 'actors' eithers...it's just secondary to the premise of the show which is about "buying and selling". In fact, I believe any acting experience is beneficial in order to keep the audience entertained and not become boring like some of the 'million dollar realtors' who are desperate to manufacture drama. Drew & Jonathan are naturals...acting experience and all. No need to take out a billboard there.


Bottom line, I (and many others) enjoy watching their interactions with the homeowners, and maybe pick up a few tips along the way.


This information has been researched over years, in great detail.  It's no secret and not breaking news.  If it isn't a problem to viewers such as yourself, then why won't they simply admit they're actors instead of attempting to sell PB as more of a documentary instead of a drama?


Have to assume they're ashamed of their background as actors or they'd simply admit it.  (They don't.)  Sorry but I have to disagree about one of your major points - they're not "naturals", IMHO.  Both of them are poor actors, again IMHO.  I've seen the show - many times, in fact!  They recite their lines in an extremely wooden fashion.  If they were good actors, somehow I don't think they'd be doing reality television and scratching for an occasional bit part in a Hallmark drama. 


If you enjoy watching it, there's nothing wrong with that!  And, nobody's ever heard me say anything to the contrary, BTW.

Getting a real estate license is no big deal. I got one after I retired for something to do. It took passing a 120 hour state approved class and passing the state exam - piece of cake. Doesn't mean I'm a real estate agent.


You're correct, chessiegal.  It's an easy exam, IMHO.  Plus, in multiple municipalities in Canada, you obtain a g/c license by paying a small fee and filling out an application form.  Apparently, the local governments assume that the g/c hires subs who are qualified in their various specialty areas and is merely fulfilling a management role on construction jobs.

Edited by BearCat49

I like the show for what it is and take it with a grain of salt.  Are the brothers more actors than a realtor and a contractor?  Probably, but it's entertainment so that's what I take from it.


Nothing wrong with that, MyAimIsTrue - if you enjoy it as entertainment, continue watching it!


Yes, they're actors and that's all.  Nothing more, nothing less.  For one thing, production companies don't take on the risk of RE transactions or liability from construction jobs.  That's one of the main reasons the participants have all closed on the home prior to filming and the construction work's performed by local g/c's.  Neither of them have responsibility for anything more than showing up and reciting their lines. 


For example, if an episode includes footage of Jonathan installing a single piece of molding on the ceiling, it's a safe bet that he installed a grand total of 1 piece of molding in that home!  To produce 44 minutes of television requires approximately 80 hours of filming b/c they'd shoot Jonathan installing that same piece of molding from each and every angle.


It's a shame the 2 guys can't simply admit that they're actors and the show's a drama.  What's wrong with that?  Why do they need to insult the intelligence of their audience by claiming the show's more documentary than drama and they're experts in fields they don't actually work in or have RL experience in?

I was wondering about this myself.  I'm a Vegas resident and I've never heard anything about these 2 being in town till it popped up on HGTV, but someone (here, I think) posted that they run a "successful RE company" here.  I've lived here for quite a while and have had occasion to run into Robin Leach, Penn & Teller, Kody Polygamist, the Ghost jackasses, and the cranky old Pawn guy - and that's just off the top of my head.


Celebrity culture is very strong here and we are the poster child for Six Degrees of Separation (but we can usually do it in 3), and I have never heard either of these two mentioned.  You can't meet anyone in this city who doesn't have an aunt/brother/roommate who personally knows (insert any celeb here) so I find it odd that these two - with all their exposure - are NEVER mentioned. 


Wow, even the pawn guy - I'm genuinely impressed, sskrill!  You're obviously correct, IMHO.  If they'd done anything more than paid the fee to obtain a business name, we'd hear from happy clients, discussing their experience working with the so-called RE "experts", Jonathan and Drew! 


Jonathan also claims to perform as a magician or illusionist in Vegas.  Sounds like he successfully makes himself disappear when he visits the Vegas home!


IIRC, they've been filming their various HGTV productions in Atlanta & TX for most of the past two years - Toronto before that.  Given that, it's not surprising they're rarely seen in Vegas.  Don't see how they could run a RE business anywhere.


(Incidentally, one magic show Jonathan was involved in popped up during the research but it's rarely, if ever, performed, from what I could see.)

Edited by BearCat49

Well I found this interview from a local reporter:


You have an office in Las Vegas. How often are you in town?
Drew: I do have an office in Las Vegas for our production company, Scott Brothers Entertainment. However, with the intense schedule of filming three shows on the road (plus, our other projects with Scott Brothers Entertainment), I only get home two to three weeks a year at most. As a Realtor, I do not work with clients outside the shows anymore. As much as I would love to, filming takes up the majority of my time, and it would not allow me to give the needed attention to local clients.



So I guess its a production company, not a RE company.  According to Jonathon he's only here a few days a month due to filming.

Well I found this interview from a local reporter:



So I guess its a production company, not a RE company.  According to Jonathon he's only here a few days a month due to filming.


Scott Bros Entertainment ("SBE") is not the RE business that popped up in the NV records when this was researched a year or two ago, sskrill.  That's their production company with JD.  JD lives in Vegas and works behind the scenes on the family business - entertainment, including writing, producing and for the twins, (primarily) acting.


They registered another business in NV, a real estate firm, and that one's been inactive.  Or, I should say to be careful, it was inactive when researched and never had been active, IIRC. 


If Drew actually talked about where he lives and (supposedly) works as a realtor, that'd be Vancouver, IIRC.  Sounds like he's finally coming clean about working as a realtor when not filming, however.  That's a step forward so good on him!


Now, what about the main issue:  did he mention that he doesn't work as a realtor on either PB or B/S or any of their other zillion HGTV shows (lol) b/c the participants are required to have already closed on their property?  Wait for it ...  crickets, right?  Hahahaha ...


Or, did he?  Not trying to mislead anyone.  Do you have a link to the article, sskrill?  Was it recent?  Sounds like they've figured out that they can no longer maintain the Vegas charade b/c they're filming there and drawing attention to their own living situation.


I've always had the impression they were trying to minimize their Canadian roots so they wouldn't be lumped in with the rest of the group as just another one of those Canadian RE shows.  BTW, PB and B/S are produced by a Toronto production company.  In addition, they use a Toronto design firm.  (So much for SBE, lol!)


Now, it's time for Drew to speak with their publicist and correct the information submitted to Wikipedia.  (See "All Episodes Talk", the other PB thread on this forum, BTW.)  That's the thing about lying, right?  Must be tough to remember who you told which lie to, hahahaha ...

Edited by BearCat49

It's a shame the 2 guys can't simply admit that they're actors and the show's a drama.  What's wrong with that?  Why do they need to insult the intelligence of their audience by claiming the show's more documentary than drama and they're experts in fields they don't actually work in or have RL experience in?


It's quite the opposite IMO. By announcing "we're actors..." THAT would be insulting the audience. Everyone knows they're actors (as you said 'not breaking news'), so why take out a billboard? It would be like Lisa Vanderpump (and the other 37 housewives) announcing that they, too, are just actors. Their audience is not a bunch of idiots. We KNOW and accept that ALL reality TV participants are actors/actresses, and we don't care. We don't need a Dragnet disclaimer at the beginning of each program. But, of course, mileage varies.

  • Love 2

It's quite the opposite IMO. By announcing "we're actors..." THAT would be insulting the audience. Everyone knows they're actors (as you said 'not breaking news'), so why take out a billboard? It would be like Lisa Vanderpump (and the other 37 housewives) announcing that they, too, are just actors. Their audience is not a bunch of idiots. We KNOW and accept that ALL reality TV participants are actors/actresses, and we don't care. We don't need a Dragnet disclaimer at the beginning of each program. But, of course, mileage varies.



It's not breaking news to you or I but it seems to be to many, if not the majority of their viewers and fans.  They continue the charade by lying repeatedly in interviews, claiming that they're RE experts, implying that they do 100% of the RE work (truth be told, they do none) and implying that reality television is more documentary than drama. 


Since you don't believe me, try reading the comment sections on their FB pages or twitter.  Alternatively, I suggest you read any and all interviews they've given.  Then, please proffer testimonials from any and all of their satisfied RE clients.


We're not talking about some sort of disclaimer at the beginning of a program.  Why can't they simply be honest in interviews?  What's wrong with that?  Honesty is insulting? 


They'd be thrilled to take out a billboard and announce themselves as "Real Estate Experts" b/c they've publicly stated how important they believe promotion is and that they're trying to build a brand.


I believe acting is a noble profession and not something to be ashamed of.  It's too bad they apparently don't.



ETA:  Do the RH present themselves as experts in anything?  As experts in something that can affect consumers' entire financial future, including retirement?  

Edited by BearCat49

It's not breaking news to you or I but it seems to be to many, if not the majority of their viewers and fans.


And like me, the majority of the viewers/fans wouldn't care or be as passionate about defending the truth. As another poster up thread stated "it's (just) entertainment..." and not up to us to determine how the PB present themselves.

  • Love 1

And like me, the majority of the viewers/fans wouldn't care or be as passionate about defending the truth. As another poster up thread stated "it's (just) entertainment..." and not up to us to determine how the PB present themselves.


I can't make any representations about their entire audience but the viewers who post on their FB, twitter and other pages don't apparently know the truth.  Without far more information, none of us can make representations about what their opinion would be if they did.


I'll continue telling the truth about their program.  Their viewers and fans can make up their own minds.


It's a shame they refuse to be honest.  Why do they need to put one over on the viewers?  If it's simply honest "entertainment", then why can't they admit that?

Edited by BearCat49
  • Love 1

I can't make any representations about their entire audience but the viewers who post on their FB, twitter and other pages don't apparently know the truth.  Without far more information, none of us can make representations about what their opinion would be if they did.


I'll continue telling the truth about their program.  Their viewers and fans can make up their own minds.


It's a shame they refuse to be honest.  Why do they need to put one over on the viewers?  If it's simply honest "entertainment", then why can't they admit that?

They are not pulling one over on the viewers, the show is for entertainment. That is why I watch it.  Not sure why you are so passionate about a show that you clearly don't like.  There ratings are good and it is a fun show to watch.  Thank goodness there is such a variety out there so that everyone can find something to watch that they like.

  • Love 5

I disliked how they filled so much of the outdoor space in the LV property. The dog run was the only open area it seemed. And with the basketball court, the one brother said he'd be mad if he were the neighbor and someone hung tarp outside his window. The court's wire fencing was a foot away from the neighbor's house -- I'd be upset that it looked like I lived 12" from a prison.

With the two bedroom guesthouse, the mother said at the end that they could have people visit them. They still live in Canada, I think, so maybe they plan on snow birding. Or maybe they're swingers. /shrug

Overall, I have to go with Jonathan. Drew's a little uptight. The kind of man who irons his skinny jeans.

JD wears jeans the best, but he has the Cris Angel hair and the tats and video games are his favorite things in the world. Too much child not enough man.

Jonathan looks good in jeans, and he does well negotiating with difficult personalities. He seems a little sensitive when people question his interior design selections, but I like his talking heads when he bitches about the homeowners.

  • Love 4

I know they are identical twins, but they looks less alike than any identical twins I've ever known.  I have would no problem telling them apart even if they switched clothes.  Jonathon's are eyes are bigger than Drew's.  I like J better.  Someone in another thread quoted Drew as saying that if we was down to his last $50, he would spend it on PR.  That turned me off.

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