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S13.E09: The Next Generation: Top 8 Perform + Elimination

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Jake and Jordan went home.  There was no saving of anyone.  I guess we're supposed to believe they were the two lowest vote getters.  Now of course knowing the show can manipulate, I was a little surprised to see Jake leave.  Just because he seemed popular online.  But I guess we go back to ballroom doesn't totally connect on this show and Jake was solely doing ballroom last week.  Also possible that people were put off by the visual between Jenna and Jake.

Jordan I like, but I'm not really surprised.  I thought she had a forgettable week last week and people were probably voting to save Ruby.  Also while JT isn't great, there was no way he was going home after last week's "very special" routine.

Edited by spanana
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9 minutes ago, spanana said:

Jake and Jordan went home.  There was no saving of anyone.  I guess we're supposed to believe they were the two lowest vote getters.  Now of course knowing the show can manipulate, I was a little surprised to see Jake leave.  Just because he seemed popular online.  But I guess we go back to ballroom doesn't totally connect on this show and Jake was solely doing ballroom last week.  Also possible that people were put off by the visual between Jenna and Jake.

Jordan I like, but I'm not really surprised.  I thought she had a forgettable week last week and people were probably voting to save Ruby.  Also while JT isn't great, there was no way he was going home after last week's "very special" routine.

I'm surprised by Jake, but not Jordan. I also think Fox is seeing their error if we're only in week 3 of the live shows and they're already speeding ahead the eliminations. Jordan; while a good dancer, doesn't get anywhere near the praise of Tate. I would have much preferred JT to leave over Jake. 

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20 minutes ago, Loves2Dance said:

I'm surprised by Jake, but not Jordan. I also think Fox is seeing their error if we're only in week 3 of the live shows and they're already speeding ahead the eliminations. Jordan; while a good dancer, doesn't get anywhere near the praise of Tate. I would have much preferred JT to leave over Jake. 

IMO it largely comes down to the how the kids are packaged.  Putting aside tonight, what happened last week?  Jake danced yet another ballroom routine, which was fine, but nothing special.  And then JT was given the end pimp spot with a magical Travis Wall routine that got a standing ovation and etc.  Up until tonight the show has mostly protected JT by making sure to give routines that ensure his survival and I think the show only has room for one cute little male contestant.

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Loathed tonight's Travis Wall routine for Tate and whatsherface.  Travis, himself, didn't help by telling me what I was supposed to be feeling by the end of the piece.

I reluctantly think that Kidah did a really great job with Ruby.  I still don't like him and I dislike the combination of him and Fikshun.

I'm sorry Jordan's going.  In general, I liked watching her dance.  I hated that Cheesman piece to that truly overwrought version of "Amazing Grace". The whole thing was overwrought.  I am disappointed because I tend to really like Cheesman's choreo.

I'll be glad never to see Jenna and Jake together as long as I live.  

In Robert and JT's dance tonight, Robert had a brief little section where he took the bushel off of his light - WoW, 2.5 seconds of ultimate Robert sexiness.   I liked that dance a lot and feel that JT's growing stylistically.  For some reason, I fear injury for him.

I think they're speeding along the eliminations because they're off the air for 20(?) days and the schedule doesn't allow for lollygagging as a result.

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I hate Sean Cheeseman's choreo. At least with Tasty Oreo it is hit or miss, but I've never been a fan of SC. With that I felt that Jordan would be bottom two the following week and thus going home. Well I was in for a rude awakening. I'd rather have seen Tate and Jake leave. SC's choreo for Amazing Grace felt too mechanical and should have been more emotional for it to match the tone of the song. 

Of course it's blatently obvious that the producers want the final two (there will be a final two right?) to be Tate and Kida. Tate's edit rather reminds me of the contemporary dancer who won a few seasons ago. Sorry cannot for the life of me remember her name. She was the one where all her dances were contemporized (is that even a word?). Melanie I believe. I know the setup for this year's competition isn't like previous seasons, but with Tate every performance seems the same. Whenever she performs with Katherine my eye is always drawn to Katherine. Tate's performances all look the same to me. Lift right leg straight into the air immediately followed by broken leg position. Apologies due to not knowing the correct tech terms for each dance position/move. I'm guessing two weeks ago that Tate performed a hip hop routine, but for the life of me I cannot remember it so I will be searching for it to get another perspective on her dancing outside of her wheelhouse. (Why is it that I rarely like the fan favorite and/or show favorite?) 

Kida and Fikshun should have never been paired together. Yes I'm one who believes that the All Stars did not choose their partners. Kida would have fared better with Joshua. Their styles would have meshed much better, but what do I know. All of Kida and Fikshun's hip hop routines seems to require synchronization which they never appear to execute very well. With Kida being part of the final two will ensure an easier victory for Tate rather than say JT versus Tate imho. 

I cannot remember the two tappers names, but I'm enjoying them more and more each performance. I wasn't a fan of the All Star the season she won and I don't remember why or whom I was rooting for that season. I really wish these two and I don't know maybe Ruby and her All Star could be the final two. Of course I don't foresee that happening. Was tonight's double elimination already planned due to summer scheduling or was this a last minute decision? Also, why couldn't Nigel bring himself to mention Joshua and Katie's names (more importantly Joshua in this instance) when recalling emotional hip hop numbers in the past? 

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24 minutes ago, yourpointis said:

I cannot remember the two tappers names, but I'm enjoying them more and more each performance. I wasn't a fan of the All Star the season she won and I don't remember why or whom I was rooting for that season.

Gabby, the All Star you are referring to, won last year (2015) over Jaja who was the charismatic animator from Philip Chbeeb's crew I.aM.mE

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Ah thank you Anothermi. Wow just last season and I couldn't even remember that. Yes I was pulling for Yaya since the first time she auditioned for this show. Oh well. I am thoroughly enjoying Gabby's skills this season. That performance tonight with them perfectly (imo) in sync was what Kida and Fikshun are sorely missing. 

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Huge pro this week: no cutesy annoying interviews with the dancers! I'm not sure why since this week we have less dancers and fewer routines than we did last week, but I'll take it!

Who choreographed this year's national dance day routine? It was so cheesy yet still boring.

One thing I've noticed this season is that a lot of the titles of the songs seem to be the inspiration for the dance themes. Like this week we had a song called "The Buzz" for a routine about bees. It's a little too on the nose for me.

I wanted to like the opening number, partly because having a group number where they were all wearing very different and distinct costumes made it easier for me to pick out particular dancers.

I have to be honest - I know almost nothing about tap. I took it for a few months when I was very young, but I didn't like it as much as jazz and ballet so I quit. That means I know some really basic things about tap (and I know about some things that are very difficult that I never worked up to learning). Even though tap isn't my favorite style (to learn or to watch), I appreciate that this year we are finally getting more than, like, two tap routines for the entire season. And I was totally fine with it having no story (but I was annoyed with Nigel saying the same thing because you know he's the one asking the choreographers to come up with these dramatic overwrought stories for other dances as Emmy bait).

I liked Tahani and Comfort's hip hop routine but I didn't love it. One of the things that really annoyed me was the camera work. If the two dancers are separated by a wall but they're both dancing, then LET ME SEE BOTH OF THEM. Whose lame idea was it for the camera to circle the set so that we could only see one dancer at a time? I also got secondhand embarrassment from listening to Nigel talk about how surprised and impressed he is whenever hip hop dances get emotional. STFU, Nigel. On a shallow note, I love Tahani's hair. I have stick straight hair that refuses to hold a curl so I have always been envious of girls with curly hair and Tahani has such perfect curls.

Ruby and Paul's paso doble was not my favorite Ruby performance, which was disappointing because I really love her. I wasn't able to pinpoint what I didn't like though. I'm glad that Jean Marc toned down his usual liftathon for this routine.

Jordan and Jake's hip hop drumline routine was better than I thought it would. Watching the rehearsal footage, Jake looked really awkward so I thought this was going to be a mess. One seemingly minor thing that really stood up to me was Jordan's leg/feet when she did a double pirouette. Her foot wasn't pointed but wasn't specifically flexed either. Her foot wasn't in passe or coupe but somewhere in between. Once again, Nigel made me cringe. Exact transcript: "Yo, Jake, yo, Jake, you had me hype there, man! That was fresh! That was dope, man! That was dope!" My reaction was the same as Paula's: "No!"

Tahani and JT's cha cha is a good example of how the old All Star format worked well. I think that if Tahani had been paired with a ballroom specialist for this routine, she would have done much better. She was beginning to pick up the style but there were so many little things that made it obvious she hadn't done the cha cha before. JT, on the other hand, would only have been minimally helped if he'd danced with a ballroom specialist. His dancing is just so immature in its execution. And once again his technique made me cringe in the ending pose. Another great example of competition kids being taught terrible technique. Yes, he was almost doing center splits but his knees were pointed straight at the audience. I feel sorry for that kid because even if he doesn't majorly injure himself in the next few years, he will probably have all kinds of joint pain when he's older due to the bad technique he's been taught. How in the hell did that routine get a standing ovation?

I know that Jordan and Sasha's contemporary was supposed to make me emotional but instead it annoyed me. Look, Sean Cheesman, I've been where you are with my dad in the hospital so I'm glad that you have a creative outlet to help you deal with what you're going through. But this routine was lacking for me. First we had ten seconds of walking through Beyonce's wind tunnel with giant scarves, then we had ten seconds of running around the stage. Like seriously, these routines are only 90 seconds so let's not spend 20% of it on non-dance stuff (aka arsing around TM Len Goodman). I appreciate Sasha recognizing that Jordan is a kid but still trying to get her to focus during rehearsal. I know that the judges are trying to make these kids sound as awesome as possible, but Jason complimenting Jordan for dancing to an a cappella song was stupid. Just because there's no drum beat or instruments doesn't mean that mistakes are more obvious or that you have to know the song like the back of your hand (and I say that as someone who has danced to a cappella songs before). Nigel patting himself on the back for securing the future of dance by having kids this season was puke worthy.

I felt bad for Jake during his jive rehearsal with Jenna. Not only did he rack himself trying to jump over her, but he was getting confused with some turn thing because Jenna was just telling him what to do instead of having Jean Marc do it so he could follow along. Hilarious that Jake offered to do the partner cartwheel with Cat. It was barely doable for him with Jenna and Cat is way taller! WTF, Nigel? Why would he say stupid shit like all the quarterbacks in the country like Tony Romo and Tom Brady wanting to do the jive now. Oooookay.

Emma and Tate's Broadway detention theme was a good use of the dancers' ages. I loved when Sean was talking about how some dancers are total klutzes when they aren't dancing because that is totally me. I was always fine learning choreography and doing it, but in my day to day life I would trip over cracks in the sidewalk, walk into doorways, and end up with totally non-dance related bruises from my own clumsiness. And I could totally relate to Emma when she said that her feet didn't touch the ground when she was sitting on her chair. Story of my life, which makes even short flights really fun. Nigel can STFU for praising Sean Cheesman for not having Tate do a developpe for the first time this season. Never mind that he had her do a HMV turn while she was on top of the table. I guess since she did a battement instead of a developpe, it's fine! And ewww at him saying, "You know how to be naughty girls!"

I was afraid that Kida and Ruby's contemporary would be a disaster so I was pleasantly surprised. I know I have compared Kida to Fikshun every week and found him lacking, but Kida is a much better contemporary dancer than Fikshun was during his season. Considering the immense praise that Nigel heaped upon Ivan during S2 for his dancing in "Why," I was surprised that Nigel wasn't going on and on about how amazing Kida was in this routine. But I guess he wasted his allotted time telling us the history of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." Hee, dancers/gymnasts/aerial artists who don't point their toes are a pet peeve for me so I appreciated Jason mentioning that Ruby pointed her toes the entire routine but Kida didn't.

I prefer Tasty Oreo's contemporary routines to his Broadway choreography (see again: S2 "Why") because sometimes he comes up with some gems. His snow globe routine for the all stars was good but not great. I liked the song though.

JT and Robert's jazz routine was fun (even though I am a cranky old person who thinks the original version of "Friend Like Me" didn't need to be remade by Ne-Yo), but I don't think that JT pointed his toes once in this entire dance. Once again, he showed that he dances like a little kid. It doesn't matter if he dances with a kid his age or his all star Robert. Either way, he still looks like a kid dancing, which is generally not as true for the remaining contestants.

I saw Fikshun's bee backpack and costume earlier in the episode when he was waiting for Kida backstage so I was totally cracking up imagining why he was wearing that. Kida gets demerits for saying "for Fikshun and I." Unfortunately, it seems that Maddie has suddenly decided that she needs to be as punny and hyperbolic as Nigel. This was a fun routine. I think that Fikshun outdanced Kida again, but Kida showed more personality in this dance than I've seen from him before.

Tate and Katherine's contemporary had me rolling my eyes before we even saw any rehearsal footage. "I want this to be the most complex duet we're going to have on the show this season." Really, Travis? Ugh. And how could I have forgotten how much it annoys me to hear him say cor-ography? Then I had to hear Nigel talking about how Sara Bareilles recorded this song just for SYTYCD and how so many artists clear their songs for the show because of the AMAZING choreographers. But I agree with Nigel that great dancers are also great actors. It was really obvious that Katherine threw herself into this character which took the performance beyond what it would have been if she had only done the choreography without committing so strongly to the character. Last week Maddie admitted on camera for the first time that she had seen Tate before. This week she is referring to Tate as her friend. Maybe next week we'll learn that they're roommates.

What's up with the double elimination this week? Last week only one dancer was eliminated. Jake hasn't been my favorite dancer this season, but it was nice to see him high five Jordan after they were both eliminated. I totally understand if people (including adults) cry when they're eliminated so I don't judge anyone for being visibly upset when they are kicked off a reality show, but it was also nice to see Jake not fall apart because it's tough to see kids cry when their dreams are crushed on tv. Poor JT looked more upset about Jake's elimination. I was much more surprised by Jordan being eliminated. No offense to Jake either - it's just that ballroom dancers fall quickly once voting begins so I'm always pleasantly surprised when any of them make it more than a few weeks.

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I am tired of seeing JT perched up on Robert's shoulders like a ventriloqist's dummy, or being slung around like a stuffed toy.  When will he be gone?  He's cute boy and a good dancer for a 4 year old, I would say.  By the way, Robert has gorgeous feet.

The snow globe dance was a mess, just a bunch of milling around.  same with Toy Shop dance.

Kida surprised me, and it was cute that he was crying.

Emma taps just as well as Gabby.  She is game for anything.  Glad to finally see her not in black leather leggings and a tiny bra top or tiny shorts and a tiny bra top (the Mom in me says)

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14 hours ago, crowceilidh said:

Loathed tonight's Travis Wall routine for Tate and whatsherface.  Travis, himself, didn't help by telling me what I was supposed to be feeling by the end of the piece.


They pumped up the dance so much that it was impossible not to be disappointed.  And luckily he told everyone the story because no one was about to guess it.  The usual flinging arms and overworked right leg.  What the heck was Catherine crying about?

Im disappointed Jordan left.  She wasn't as polished and rehearsed as the other kids, but she has potential and talent.  

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I would have rather them not have had an elimination this week and have two when they return after the Olympics.
It felt too rushed I agree. The only dance I didn't really like was the cha-cha, but the others were good.
I'm bummed Jake left.
Everyone is so critical of the show & Nigel. I love this show & wish it was year round.
Dance and music combination are an overall great way to escape all the drab of the world. It's a great escape.

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5 hours ago, Mae said:

I would have rather them not have had an elimination this week and have two when they return after the Olympics.
It felt too rushed I agree. The only dance I didn't really like was the cha-cha, but the others were good.
I'm bummed Jake left.
Everyone is so critical of the show & Nigel. I love this show & wish it was year round.
Dance and music combination are an overall great way to escape all the drab of the world. It's a great escape.

I will be critical of Nigel as long as he continues to say creepy things like "Daddy's coming home tonight" or whatever similar thing he said to Tahani and Comfort after their dance.

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14 hours ago, Lemons said:

They pumped up the dance so much that it was impossible not to be disappointed.  And luckily he told everyone the story because no one was about to guess it.  The usual flinging arms and overworked right leg.  What the heck was Catherine crying about?

Heh! Agreed. I always think it is hilarious when they give so much info on a dance which is not portrayed because a) there is no need and b) the dances are 90 seconds long. "So this is the story of a couple who when they first met each had a dark past of abuse and they wanted to find pure love in one another and they did, but they discovered they were barren so they could never have the family the long for and now, that they are 90 they are only just hanging on to each other because their best friend recently died and this has really shown them how fragile life is and their last wish before they too may die is to eat in the restaurant they first met at." Cue two dancers reaching and suffering and doing 2 triple pirouettes and a lift. It all ends in a hug. Standing ovation. Tears from Paula. Nigel has never seen anything this beautiful and thanks the show for reminding people that elderly people are important and restaurants should never close because what about first dates from the past?

I only watched the dancing and eliminations without the chaff, and was sad to see Jake and Jordan go. Particularly Jake who was my favourite and whose jive was great (I thought). Jordan to me was the least memorable of a very strong group of females - she is amazing but when I think of the show I remember Tate, Tahani, Ruby and Emma long before I remember Jordan.

Least favourite was that chacha which looked like something my 4 year old could master with a bit of music and her favourite stuffed toy. I thought a whole bunch of routines were good this time, liked Ruby and Kida's contemporary, Jake's jive, Emma and Tate's kid friendly hiphop (I wish we saw more of this, I mean they don't have to dance to "It's a hardknock life" but stuff children can actually relate to, rather than the search for the long lost birth mother or the longing for the joy from times of yore).

Worst award goes to camera work this week. For the group routines and for the wall piece in particular but also for most other numbers. We do not need revolving cameras, we do not need constant back and forths, close ups, tricks... just have a static camara filming centre stage - that is how you best enjoy dancing! 

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13 hours ago, spanana said:

I will be critical of Nigel as long as he continues to say creepy things like "Daddy's coming home tonight" or whatever similar thing he said to Tahani and Comfort after their dance.

Or when he told Emma and Tate that they know how to be naughty girls.  Ugh!! 

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I really appreciated some of the fresh spin put into some of the concepts, probably because they have to place the choreo on kids.  Jake and Jenna's jive was a breath of fresh air and really helped eliminate quite a bit of the awkwardness about the age/height disparities in the partnership.  Emma and Tate's delinquent Broadway was fun and fresh.

It was so completely obvious who was leaving from all of the comments and Sasha's emotional state.  Both of the kids handled it very well, although I do think Jordan already knew.  Jake really showed what a great person he is by the way he handled himself on the way out.  I really think Jordan was much more the total package than her time on the show revealed to the audience. 

Camera work in Comfort and Tahani's number was some of the most annoying I've seen -- and they've got quite a history of idiotic choices to live up to on the show so that's saying a lot.  Could not for the life of me figure out Comfort's deliberate breathing during the entire critique.  Made me worry about my girl.

The critiques this week were particularly nauseating for the multitude of reasons already mentioned by others.  I'll just leave it with, eww.  It's apparent by Nigel's comments to JT that they're well aware he cannot handle even the slightest hint of criticism and they're afraid they'll look like complete monsters for making the precious little moppet cry.  He looked adorable in the Aladdin number, but it's obvious he's in way over his head.   I will not be at all surprised to see him walk away with it at the end, not that he's the best dancer or performer.  He looks like something you'd find in a Disney casting catalog, so I'm sure he's got a career until acne and a growth spurt eliminate the overriding cute factor.

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Agree on the camera work especially in Comfort and Tahani's number.

JT should have been eliminated first if it was based on overall dance technique.  He shouldn't have even made it past the hip-hop round in the Academy.  But it's not going to happen because of the cuteness factor.  He also got a lot of views and votes from Mandy's and Travis' contemporary routines.  I liked those two routines but he's not very versatile.  

Edited by realdancemom
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Heh! Agreed. I always think it is hilarious when they give so much info on a dance which is not portrayed because a) there is no need and b) the dances are 90 seconds long. "So this is the story of a couple who when they first met each had a dark past of abuse and they wanted to find pure love in one another and they did, but they discovered they were barren so they could never have the family the long for and now, that they are 90 they are only just hanging on to each other because their best friend recently died and this has really shown them how fragile life is and their last wish before they too may die is to eat in the restaurant they first met at." 

OMG that is so going to be Emmy award-winning!  

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5 hours ago, Concrtslt said:

OMG that is so going to be Emmy award-winning!  

Only if there's a giant prop involved like a door, a bed, a bench, etc. I guess since they're going back to the restaurant where they first met, they can dance on the bar!

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On 8/3/2016 at 8:40 AM, realdancemom said:

Or when he told Emma and Tate that they know how to be naughty girls.  Ugh!! 

Truly a new low for Uncle Pervy.

Does anyone understand their claims for 20+ MM YouTube views. If this format is generating that kind of buzz, it could save the show, but I'm seeing no single video above 1.3 M. Were they totaling the count across videos?

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I was one of the few who didn't hate the format in the first few eps but I'm really not too into it this year.  I fast forward through all the judge's comments and all the elimination portion and any self-promoting bullshit like dance day.  Honestly I'd rather watch them dry Cat's hair or something.  

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4 hours ago, WhineandCheez said:

was it not on last night??????

It's on a two week hiatus because of the Olympics.  Not the same network, but most networks don't want to air new programming against them.  Show would even get worse ratings than it already does.  I think that is largely why they also did a double elimination last week.

I have no idea on youtube video views since I haven't looked, but no, I don't buy that this season is generating a lot of buzz.  However I do get the impression that the vids are posted on Facebook and that is where a lot of the views come from.  I remember Jenna posting something about how excited she was that their video was getting X number of views on Facebook and she was so excited...before promptly being eliminated the next week.  So also goes to show how much views online correlate to actual votes.

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My friend and I were talking about how we don't appreciate JT, but when he's gone, there's no more Robert, whom we love.  Made us wonder how much the voting is influenced by the All Star paired with the contestant.  For example, Daniella had a little-known AS who left early his season, and Jake had a polarizing AS.  Granted, other factors are in play, too--limited audition coverage, the fact that ballroom dancers seem less popular--but it must be a contributor, at least somewhat.  

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Bringing this post to Top 8 where it belongs (after getting confused and posting it in Top 5). That's what I get for trying to catch up near the end when there are so many threads to choose from.


So this episode, what stood out for me most was Nigel's shout out to my favourite contestant ever: Mark Kanemura, and partner Chelsie Hightower for Bleeding Love. But I blame Joshua for Katie Shean not getting a shout out for No Air. Grrrr. However, it was nice to see another Season 4 alumnus, Comfort, become part of the list of impressive-emotional-Hip-Hop-routines-by-Nappy-Tabs-and-performed-by-Season-4-veterans (my all time favourite season!). Fitting.

I was also pleased to see Sean Cheeseman back to choreograph - this time with hair! I'm one who generally loves his choreography and this episode was no exception.

It appears the mystery of how to cleanly capture tap sounds for Television has been solved. I'd like to know how they accomplished it because it took a few seasons of disappointing trys to get it right. Really enjoying the tap this year.

Too bad for Tyce that he drew the episode AFTER "the genius" for his All Star group routine. Still, he got to recycle the costume material from it and the piece was pretty good... I'll take it over nothing at all!

Jean Marc's Paso stood out for me as well. I liked the costumes a lot. I expected Carrie Ann Inaba to call out the "lift" in the move after the pause in the music... but she's not on this show and I think Ruby managed to keep one toe in contact with the floor the whole time. So There.

That Bee dance was pretty darn entertaining as well. It looks like Misha Gabriel's stint as Justin Beeber's translator, back when, has landed him a gig where he can show off his day job skills! (remember the best something-or-other-crew competition sandwiched into the show - however many seasons ago - where Beebs was supposed to intro the groups and Misha ended up doing all that 'cuz the Beebs didn't have two brain cells to rub together?) Misha pulled off a perfectly silly and entertaining routine. Totally in keeping with this season. I liked it. Now I wonder what he could do with adult dancers? (not including the Beebs in that group)

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