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Dr. Jeff, Rocky Mountain Vet - General Discussion

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On 8/12/2018 at 11:53 PM, LittleIggy said:

There has to be a way to train a dog not to injest random stuff in its path. Spray bitter apple on things and put them on the floor? ?

Hopefully they find a way. My dog's items of choice to chew on were the coffee table legs, the legs attached to the underside of my bed, and in certain circumstances the wooden frame of my bedroom door in my apartment that I didn't own. Not stuff I could take away and redirect her to other things, and she didn't seem to notice bad taste with any of the bitter sprays. Guess I'm lucky it wasn't large objects that she could swallow and could get caught, though I guess I'm also lucky little shards of wood didn't do anything to her. Thankfully, she just grew out of it.

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I hope the dog with the huge cancerous cysts who couldn't defecate has a good several years left after the surgery. His owner was so distraught. Beautiful shots in the follow-up of him rambling on snowy trails.

Having to make a decision between getting needed medical care for your pet vs practically bankrupting yourself is always wrenching to watch. Daily occurrence at vet clinics worldwide, but Dr. Jeff is one of the few to do something about it.

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5 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

Nala's story of courage & heroism tugged at my heartstrings. 

It broke my heart when she was crying when they took her out of the car.  What a good natured dog, though - she was in so much pain but was pretty calm when they took her into the back, before anesthetizing her.  She looked happy be-bopping around on three legs. 

Poor Howie (love that name for that dog) not being able to lie down or poop.   He's a handsome boy.   I well remember worrying about Tai not pooping after surgery (a lot of times all the medications bind them up too) and doing a happy dance when she finally pooped! 

LOVED the visit to the wolf sanctuary - aw, that poor wolf who was worried about his brother.  They're all so beautiful though.  I'm looking forward to Wolves and Warriors that was promo'd all during this episode.

Dr. Jeff B talking to that guinea pig was too cute.

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1 minute ago, raven said:

It broke my heart when she was crying when they took her out of the car.  What a good natured dog, though - she was in so much pain but was pretty calm when they took her into the back, before anesthetizing her.  She looked happy be-bopping around on three legs. 

Poor Howie (love that name for that dog) not being able to lie down or poop. 

LOVED the visit to the wolf sanctuary - aw, that poor wolf who was worried about his brother.  They're all so beautiful though.  I'm looking forward to Wolves and Warriors that was promo'd all during this episode.

Dr. Jeff B talking to that guinea pig was too cute.

I absolutely cannot handle the sound of any animal in pain - it pierces right through my heart and makes my ears want to bleed.

I am looking forward to Wolves and Warriors, too!

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It's my understanding that Wolves and Warriors is about wolves who are in a sanctuary, after being rescued from poor domestic situations, and they have soldiers who suffer from PTSD help them.  I guess, I'll have to check it out, but, doesn't this promote the idea that they are pets and like therapy dogs? And, aren't they wild animals, who aren't designed to have one on one relationships with humans?  ?? Oh well, maybe, the show will clear that up. 

I wonder if the Denver ASPCA is involved in any leash law enforcement in their area.  It sure seems that a lot of dogs and cats, suffer due to not being on a leash.  I wonder why more of these pet owners don't watch Dr. Jeff's show and learn some safety precautions. 

I have to hand it to this show.  I have watched vet and animal shows for years, but, never realized how many health benefits spaying and neutering have.  They do a good job of getting that information out there. I wonder why it's not commonly done by others. 

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I can't begin to tell you the number of people (mostly males) I have talked to about the benefits of neutering their dog. One guy was a doctor's assistant. It took me talking to him and bringing him print outs over several months before he finally got it and had his dog neutered. I am a firm believer of this. That is because way back when I was younger and not as educated, my male dog died of testicular cancer. He wouldn't have died if I had him neutered. WAKE UP call for me!!!!!!!

I do like the fact that Dr. Jeff pushes the spay/neuter to his patients. This will help in slowly bringing down the number of unwanted pets born because of stupid people.

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5 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I have watched vet and animal shows for years, but, never realized how many health benefits spaying and neutering have.

I, too, appreciate that they talk about those in addition to the obvious necessity to stop adding more companion animals to a world that already has more of them than there are homes for them -- spaying/neutering an animal, especially when done as early as is safe and healthy, reduces, if not damn near eliminates, the risk of several diseases/conditions.

And I love that basically not an episode goes by without at least a mention of the spay/neuter policy; even if none of the animals showcased are unaltered, they'll include something like an establishing shot of someone (some random client whose story we won't follow) checking in and Jeff's daughter saying, "Okay, for continued care here, he'll have to be neutered." 

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On 8/19/2018 at 2:59 PM, VMepicgrl said:

Hopefully they find a way. My dog's items of choice to chew on were the coffee table legs, the legs attached to the underside of my bed, and in certain circumstances the wooden frame of my bedroom door in my apartment that I didn't own. Not stuff I could take away and redirect her to other things, and she didn't seem to notice bad taste with any of the bitter sprays. Guess I'm lucky it wasn't large objects that she could swallow and could get caught, though I guess I'm also lucky little shards of wood didn't do anything to her. Thankfully, she just grew out of it.

My new puppy decided to take a nap on the ottoman and I guess she noticed the corner of my brand new Pottery Barn coffee table was just close enough to reach over and gnaw on..... a good 2 by 2 inch of wood was removed. 

Can’t blame her it was my own stupidity!!!!! I tried to fix it with wood filler and wax to match the color, but it still is noticeable. Thankfully she didn’t get sick and has pretty much outgrown the chew stage. She’s still cuter than any old table!!!!!

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On 10/16/2017 at 11:04 AM, iluvobx said:

Did anyone notice the segment with Creepy?  When they brought Creepy in, the couple had 2 children with them, one looked to be an infant, yet, at the end for the update, that child was missing and she was pregnant.

I wish we had A Dr. Jeff near me.  I have spent $$$$$ at the Specialty Clinic on our cat..  $3000.00 later, the only thing we know is, he has a tumor (mass) at the base of his heart and they have managed to drain all the extra fluid from around his heart.  They still want to do an aspiration on the mass to see what it is.  At this point, does it really matter what it is?

H! This is super random and a year later but I’m the mom from that episode! I was indeed pregnant. The child at the beginning is the little boy I nanny. I think it was too complicated and unrelated so the producers didn’t explain. I’m glad you noticed I was pregnant and not just fat tho ha! 


Also, Creepy was a good boy and we miss him a lot. 

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5 hours ago, CreepysMomma said:

H! This is super random and a year later but I’m the mom from that episode! I was indeed pregnant. The child at the beginning is the little boy I nanny. I think it was too complicated and unrelated so the producers didn’t explain. I’m glad you noticed I was pregnant and not just fat tho ha! 


Also, Creepy was a good boy and we miss him a lot. 

Welcome. @CreepysMomma!  Thanks for posting, and I hope you stick around.  I am also very sorry for your loss.  Creepy was, indeed, a good boy.

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On 8/21/2018 at 6:04 AM, CreepysMomma said:

H! This is super random and a year later but I’m the mom from that episode! I was indeed pregnant. The child at the beginning is the little boy I nanny. I think it was too complicated and unrelated so the producers didn’t explain. I’m glad you noticed I was pregnant and not just fat tho ha! 


Also, Creepy was a good boy and we miss him a lot. 

Thank you for solving the mystery.  Sorry for the loss of creepy.

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I loved the beautiful tawny cat Meiko who was royally pissed at the staff (gloves! blanket! capture box!) and then got all schmoopy again when his people returned to pick him up.

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My cat Lord Baelish has the same toasted marshmallow coloration as Meiko. He has “points” and blue eyes, so Siamese in the mix. 

Sweet Max. When Shelly mentioned the dog “bucket list,” I thought of that Subaru commercial that made me bawl like a baby.

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2 hours ago, 2727 said:

I loved the beautiful tawny cat Meiko who was royally pissed at the staff (gloves! blanket! capture box!) and then got all schmoopy again when his people returned to pick him up.

Feisty guy, took me back years. Once upon a time I helped care for a feral colony and made friends with a big old tom. Took forever, literally years, but eventually he stopped running as soon as he saw anyone.  Absolutely refused to enter a trap - story was that he had once been trapped and left in the trap for hours in Oklahoma summer heat and forever after wouldn't go on same side of a building where there was a trap. Anyway, I finally made friends with him and one day just scooped him up in a towel and hauled him away to the low cost animal birth control clinic. He actually ended up staying there an extra night because they wanted him to eat and pee before he was released after his neuter. Finally they told me to come get him, he was to stressed and wouldn't eat and was planning on holding it forever because he was never going in a litter box. When I got there there were several people in the waiting room when the receptionist called back for them to bring him up. Oh my, sounded like a wildcat was on a rampage in the back. Everyone in waiting room looking at each other wondering what sort of beast was being tortured in the back. Eventually the whole staff was back there trying to get him back in to the carrier.

Ah, but the good thing was that he seemed to forget that I was the one who took him in. He decided all was forgiven. I got him home, let him out, he ran over under a tree and finally urinated - then came right back over to eat. That was when he stopped being the "mostly white tom cat" and became Rocky - named after Rocky Balboa because he had obviously been fighting all his life and had the scars to prove it. After years of feeding him and trying to catch him, that was the turning point. Once the testosterone was out of his system, he quickly started to trust people, and actually turned into a lap cat after a few more months. 

Oh, and neutering also apparently stopped his aging. The first time I got him to the vet his age was estimated at 6yo - old for a feral tom. He died 3 years later, and same vet still said he looked 6-8yo.

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I am so glad Dr. Jeff mentioned treating Max with CBD oil, and how it helped in his own recovery from cancer and chemo treatments.  I recently saw a local news feature on a San Diego based company who was at the forefront of formulating CBD extracts for animals.  Not only is it highly recommended by many consumers, but vets are also increasingly embracing these treatments for a variety of ailments.

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On 8/25/2018 at 7:07 PM, 2727 said:

I loved the beautiful tawny cat Meiko who was royally pissed at the staff (gloves! blanket! capture box!) and then got all schmoopy again when his people returned to pick him up.

I watched this at my parents' house last night, and my mom and I laughed our way through that segment, because one of our cats when I was a kid was like that.  If anyone on staff attempted to retrieve her from the cage, they had to don those gloves and prepare to do battle.  But if they were smart and asked one of us to come back and get her, she was just as sweet as could be.


22 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

I am so glad Dr. Jeff mentioned treating Max with CBD oil,

Me too.  Anything produced in nature rather than a lab is worth a try, and what I particularly like about CBD is it mostly prompts the body to produce/use more of its own cannabinoids.  It's a natural means of reducing chronic pain and inflammation, and well worth a try. 

I had been surprised Max's story was featured, as this show tends to avoid stories with negative outcomes, and now I'm thinking it was included so Dr. Jeff could talk about CBD.

Edited by Bastet
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I hope the puppy owner of the dog who had his head bit with jaw crushed, reconsiders placing that dog back with her Mastiff.  That little dog is only about the size of the Mastiff's head and that little dog might not survive another attack. He suffered greatly from that bite, so, I'm wondering how the woman has the heart to give the Mastiff another bite at the apple.  (Pardon the pun.) She said she would keep them apart, but, then give it another shot. Really?  Bizarre, imo.  It's great to work on relationships, but, the risk to that little dog is just too great, imo.  

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5 hours ago, echo.Echo.ECHO said:

Is cat food really bad for dogs? I had no idea. 

Good question - I know there's a difference, and that dogs should not be routinely fed cat food as it has higher protein and fat contents than is healthy for dogs - seem to remember it could cause Fido to get fat and/or cause pancreatitis(?)

Cats eating dog food is a no-no. Not the occasional bite, but cats are true carnivores while dogs are more omnivores. Cat food has an added amino acid (taurine) which would be naturally available in raw meat - something dog food does not have. This amino acid is a must for our kitties. So, cats should not be filling up on dog (or people) food, as they need that taurine to be healthy.

At least that's ehat I remember reading when I googled it after watching ? so I could have it wrong

Edited by SRTouch
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17 hours ago, SRTouch said:

Good question - I know there's a difference, and that dogs should not be routinely fed cat food as it has higher protein and fat contents than is healthy for dogs - seem to remember it could cause Fido to get fat and/or cause pancreatitis(?)

Cats eating dog food is a no-no. Not the occasional bite, but cats are true carnivores while dogs are more omnivores. Cat food has an added amino acid (taurine) which would be naturally available in raw meat - something dog food does not have. This amino acid is a must for our kitties. So, cats should not be filling up on dog (or people) food, as they need that taurine to be healthy.

At least that's ehat I remember reading when I googled it after watching ? so I could have it wrong

I don't know any of the details about why dog food is bad for cats or cat food is bad for dogs. But I do know that it isn't the taurine. Dog food does have taurine and some brands add additional taurine because it helps with heart health. It has come up a lot with the recent news out of the FDA that certain ingredients in dog food may be causing heart issues in dogs. Some of that is apparently attributed to not enough taurine, but supposedly with these ingredients it is happening even in dogs who have adequate taurine. I know the brand of dog food I use does add additional taurine.

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1 hour ago, VMepicgrl said:

I don't know any of the details about why dog food is bad for cats or cat food is bad for dogs. But I do know that it isn't the taurine. Dog food does have taurine and some brands add additional taurine because it helps with heart health. It has come up a lot with the recent news out of the FDA that certain ingredients in dog food may be causing heart issues in dogs. Some of that is apparently attributed to not enough taurine, but supposedly with these ingredients it is happening even in dogs who have adequate taurine. I know the brand of dog food I use does add additional taurine.

Hmmmmm, I'm not claiming to be expert, and since I'm a cat daddy, I mainly focused on cats, sooooo back to google - yep, you're right both dogs and cats need taurine. Apparently the big difference is the amount each needs. While dogs can usually make their own to go along with what's in the food, cats must have it added to their food as their bodies can't make enough on their own. Also, some dogs need taurine added to their diet due to diseases which inhibit their bodies making their own. A couple reasons to add taurine to a dog's diet seem to be prevention of heart disease and treatment of epilepsy - and there's probably others I haven't found in few minutes on google.

So, you're correct, the taurine added to cat food should not be harmful to dogs.... so going back the article I read before my first post :

"the protein-dense diet of cats can cause an upset stomach in dogs with sensitive tummies. Even if say your dog would have an iron gut, the long term ingestion of cat food would create problems because its' not properly balanced for canines when it comes fiber and protein content and certain nutrients. Additionally, Dr. Crowell-Davis adds that the great amount of protein can be hard on the dog's liver and their kidneys.

Not to mention the effects cat food can have on a dog's waistline. Cause for blame is the cat food's heavy doses of fat. This may cause cat food-eating dog to develop a tendency to be obese and even risk developing a case of pancreatitis, explains Dr. Patty Khuly. Kitten food in particular seems to be even more harmful due to its higher levels of protein and fat."  https://pethelpful.com/dogs/Dog-Eating-Cat-Food-Side-Effects-and-Risks

 Ah, but back to kitties https://m.petmd.com/blogs/nutritionnuggets/cat/dr-coates/2014/december/what-taurine-32287 and other articles I read say cats pretty much have to have it added as a supplement..

Edited by SRTouch
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Not any recent posts on here for Dr. Jeff. Is it re-runs season?

I just saw the episode with that cute little ferret and his sweet owner. If I lived near Dr. Jeff's clinic I would volunteer in a heartbeat. Love him and his kind compassionate staff members. He is truly the messiah of veterinarians.

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50 minutes ago, chenoa333 said:

Is it re-runs season?

Yep, that new show Hanging With the Hendersons is the vet show up in the rotation now on Animal Planet.  As far as I can tell, there has not been any word yet as to when this one will return.  It's by far my favorite vet show, so I hope it's back soon!

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1 hour ago, Bastet said:

Yep, that new show Hanging With the Hendersons is the vet show up in the rotation now on Animal Planet.  As far as I can tell, there has not been any word yet as to when this one will return.  It's by far my favorite vet show, so I hope it's back soon!

My favorite as well - and reason it IS my favorite may be why Jeff might decide to stop. My impression is that he and staff are truly all about the animals and educating owners (and the rest of the public). For now, the program is useful is getting his message out. If it ever gets to be too big a distraction, I expect he'll pull the plug...

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15 minutes ago, SRTouch said:

My favorite as well - and reason it IS my favorite may be why Jeff might decide to stop. My impression is that he and staff are truly all about the animals and educating owners (and the rest of the public). For now, the program is useful is getting his message out. If it ever gets to be too big a distraction, I expect he'll pull the plug...

I just assumed that the producers of Dr. Jeff pay him to do this show. I hope I'm not wrong. However, it is a possibility that filming is a big distraction. If not for this show, many of us would not know about Dr. Jeff and I'm sure it "opens the doors" for donations. I'll miss him if he stops filming. 

Haven't seen "Hanging With The Hendersons".

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50 minutes ago, chenoa333 said:

I just assumed that the producers of Dr. Jeff pay him to do this show. I hope I'm not wrong. However, it is a possibility that filming is a big distraction. If not for this show, many of us would not know about Dr. Jeff and I'm sure it "opens the doors" for donations. I'll miss him if he stops filming. 

Haven't seen "Hanging With The Hendersons".

Oh, yeah, not saying I've heard or read anything suggesting it's a big distraction. The show definitely helps spread his message about neuter/spray and the terrible companion animal overpopulation problem. OTOH, just appearing on TV has potential for bringing nuts out of the woodwork - as evidenced by a couple over zealous fans who have caused problems with the VRC with the popularity of Pitbulls and Parolees show (most recently having to curtail access to facilities and accepting volunteers).

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22 minutes ago, SRTouch said:

Oh, yeah, not saying I've heard or read anything suggesting it's a big distraction. The show definitely helps spread his message about neuter/spray and the terrible companion animal overpopulation problem. OTOH, just appearing on TV has potential for bringing nuts out of the woodwork - as evidenced by a couple over zealous fans who have caused problems with the VRC with the popularity of Pitbulls and Parolees show (most recently having to curtail access to facilities and accepting volunteers).

I understand your sentiments! And dang! That's a cute kitty in your Avatar (?) pic!

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10 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

I understand your sentiments! And dang! That's a cute kitty in your Avatar (?) pic!

Thanks - that's my Spotty, who will turn 19 in a couple weeks. When she first showed up on the patio looking for food she was nursing 4 kittens, weighed under 5 pounds, had an abcess on her shoulder, terrible ear mites.... just a mess - a kitten with kittens as vet guesstimated her to be around 1yo... 17-18 years later, she weighs 12 pounds, still playful and gets the zoomies 2-3 times a week - right this moment purring on on the recliner with me. 

Edited by SRTouch
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15 hours ago, Bastet said:

Yep, that new show Hanging With the Hendersons is the vet show up in the rotation now on Animal Planet.  As far as I can tell, there has not been any word yet as to when this one will return.  It's by far my favorite vet show, so I hope it's back soon!

I  go by his office 3-4 times a week and I  have not seen any filming going on in a long time.

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2 hours ago, SRTouch said:

Thanks - that's my Spotty, who will turn 19 in a couple weeks. When she first showed up on the patio looking for food she was nursing 4 kittens, weighed under 5 pounds, had an abcess on her shoulder, terrible ear mites.... just a mess - a kitten with kittens as vet guesstimated her to be around 1yo... 17-18 years later, she weighs 12 pounds, still playful and gets the zoomies 2-3 times a week - right this moment purring on on the recliner with me. 


1 minute ago, chenoa333 said:

^^^ That's a great story! You know all of us Dr. Jeff addicts love an animal rescue story with a very happy ending!

So sweet!  She looks like the Mama who started my backyard semi-feral dynasty.  That Mama had a litter of kittens in my backyard, and the Feral Cat Coalition could only loan me fewer traps than I had  cats to catch, so her tortoiseshell daughter eluded the first round of TNR, and of course had a litter of her own (also trapped & fixed; some found homes, and some still stay well fed & loved in my backyard jungle).  OG Mama booked it back to her home as soon as she could abandon her kittens, by the way.  ;-)

Dr. Jeff sets the bar for vets pretty damned high, in my opinion.  There is no worse feeling than not being able to afford necessary medical care for one's beloved pets, and Dr. Jeff addresses that issue in a very real and compassionate manner.  His charitable deeds alone put him on a higher plane - but I fear the publicity of this TV show may well lead to additional problems, as his clinic becomes inundated with people from far & wide seeking affordable veterinary care.

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A long time ago I was recommended to Dr. Jeff I had a cat at that time who had a pedigree a mile long. I brought her in for a checkup he was a very nice doctor but he told me that if I wanted to see him again I would have to spay my cat. I got that cat with the intention of breeding the cat I found a new doctor I still go to him with her descendants and he's at an hour and a half away from me I have not recommended him to anyone I know because he forces you to do things you don't want to do. The only thing I like about him it's the way he deals with the homeless people and their pets.

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On 2/6/2019 at 3:45 AM, Rabbittron said:

The only thing I like about him it's the way he deals with the homeless people and their pets.

I'm asking this question with respect for your opinion so please don't misinterpret anything. What, exactly is it that you like about "the way Dr. Jeff deals with homeless people and their pets."? 

I find that he deals with all people (homeless or not) with the same respect, professionalism, and love for all living beings. 

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On 2/6/2019 at 3:45 AM, Rabbittron said:

I have not recommended him to anyone I know because he forces you to do things you don't want to do

He doesn't "force" anyone to do anything.  But if anyone wants to take advantage of his low cost services, they must agree to spay or neuter.  Everyone is free to choose, and to go elsewhere with their breeding stock.  I'd surmise the name of the practice, Planned Pethood Plus, would give an indication of what they are all about ...

I applaud his resolve and his mission to reduce the terrible problem of pet overpopulation.  I also hold the personal radical opinion that all breeding should cease until there are no more homeless and unwanted animals; but that's just me.

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3 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

  I also hold the personal radical opinion that all breeding should cease until there are no more homeless and unwanted animals; but that's just me.

No, it's not just YOU. And it's not just "radical" ; it's logical, intelligent, unselfish and humane. 

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I'm still trying to figure out walking into a place called Planned Pethood and being surprised by a mandatory spay/neuter policy.

I enjoy watching The Incredible Dr. Pol, but there are so damn many breeders among his clients my blood pressure spikes every episode; I really want this show back on the air to smooth it out.  Also because I enjoy watching him and his staff travel to remote, rural, impoverished, and/or under-served communities to offer a one- or two-day veterinary clinic.  I like the stories in the office, too, but I really appreciate seeing those field segments. 

Plus, I like Dr. Petra.  I always did, but I was really hooked when she described the process of surgically reconstructing a shattered bone as trying to put a fucking puzzle together while drunk.  And Shelley, the vet tech who always gives her furry patients smooches.  And, of course, Dr. Jeff.

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58 minutes ago, Bastet said:

I'm still trying to figure out walking into a place called Planned Pethood and being surprised by a mandatory spay/neuter policy.

LOL! It's like walking into a place called a restaurant and being surprised they serve food. 😁

I watched a very old (2009?) episode with an older tortoise shell color kitty with liver/kidney failure and the young Aussie Shepard (?) who had to have a leg amputation. I didn't get to see the outcome of the kitty but I was hoping she got some extra time on this earth with her sweet owners. And I think the Aussie amputee went home to live a happy life with 3 legs and 2 awesome owners.

If I lived anywhere near Dr. Jeff's clinic I would certainly become a volunteer addict and a part of Dr. Jeff's "Army"! 

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DR. JEFF: ROCKY MOUNTAIN VET Returns For An All-New Season Saturday May 18 At 8PM ET/PT


In the premiere episode, Dr. Jeff rushes to save a puppy suffering with a deadly virus while his team treats a stray cat with a life-threatening neck injury.  Dr. Jeff also steps out of the office, meeting face-to-muzzle with a pack of rescued wolves to try to gain their trust to help an ailing wolf hybrid in need of medical attention.

Other stories this season include Dr. Jeff and the team treating an injured rescue alligator; visiting a nearby farm to treat a rescued alpaca; treating a family cat after it consumed poison; and coming to the aid or a 30-year old neglected turtle.


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I'm so glad this show is back!

Economic euthanasia is a heartbreakingly accurate term.  I’m angry with the people who choose not to spend the money necessary to treat their pets, but I’m far more upset about the number of people who would if they could but simply can’t; it’s getting harder and harder for the economically disadvantaged to stay afloat, and pets are often the first casualty of that reality.  Thank goodness for those like Dr. Jeff who can and do provide low-cost services.

The cat with the embedded collar was captured at just the right time.  I loved Susan telling him, “Tomorrow I’m going to pick you up, did you know that?”  He has the kind of story that increases adoption chances – tearjerker beginning, but with no ongoing special need.  Add in being young and friendly, I’m not surprised he got a home quickly.

That dog who loves hanging out watching “cat TV” in the adoption area cracks me up.  I used to work with someone whose dog had her own pet cat, because she just loved them so.

How much more obvious did the sketchy backyard breeder situation need to be for Lola Jane’s owner to know she was dealing with total assholes?  I appreciate that a sick puppy is with people who will care for her, but lining the pockets of these gross people just perpetuates the cycle.

Koda having to be carried because he was too scared to be walked back to the treatment room got an audible “aww” out of me.  And then another one when he was so happy to see his daddy.

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Poor Jack! Glad he ended up in a good home. Not long ago, on the local news, there was a story about a dog who had been chained up so long that the chain was embedded in his neck and required surgery to remove it. The person who did it to him should be chained up, IMO. 😡

I had an Italian Greyhound, Claudia, who adored cats. I already had a Siamese cat when I got her as a puppy. She never met a cat she didn’t want to lick in the face!

Glad Lola Jane survived. While of course her owners shouldn’t have bought from a puppy mill, I can’t condemn them for taking her away from that hell.

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The momma cat isn't much bigger than her nine-week-old kittens; poor thing having to carry four of them.  The row of them all knocked out after surgery, with Tequila's paw over the kitten closest to her, was such an adorable sight.

A dog Bella's size is really lucky to have survived a coyote (if that's who attacked; it could have been another loose dog).  Hopefully seeing the horrible consequences scared the kids into never leaving the gate open again. 

Ugh to Snappy's owner deciding she/he didn't want him anymore after 30 years!  But, having never taken proper care of him to begin with, it's a good thing and I wish it had happened long ago.  I like the name Tortellini, too; that poor little guy looked so miserable, it was particularly gratifying to see him perk up.

Jes the vet tech not being able to hit the vein on his own dog was touching.  Melody sticking her head right in the vomit bowl to smell what was coming up was classic.  And Fred keeping watch over his BFF was sweet.  I laughed out loud at Tina loving to eat anything and everything extending to activated charcoal.  That's hard core.

The goat sanctuary was cool, and OMG the hooves on that one!  I like Dr. Jeff saying he's always excited for the opportunity to neuter something new.  And at this rate Dafni is going to enter vet school with more experience than most of her classmates combined. 

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Tina the Dalmatian chowing down the charcoal slurry was funny.

Tortellini is an adorable name for a tortoise. The shot of him beside the great big tortoise was cute. Glad he is in a good home now.

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19 hours ago, Bastet said:

Jes the vet tech not being able to hit the vein on his own dog was touching. 

Wow...how compassionate and unselfish of Jes to want to be "the one" to be there for his dog.

Read the following at your own discretion:

Many, many years ago while I was working as a vet tech, a pet was rushed in that had been hit by a car. He was crashing and his blood pressure was almost non existent. The owner made the wise decision to euthanize. But since the pets blood pressure was so low I was having a hard time finding a vein. Then the head vet tech comes up to me and says "let me do it. The needle just goes directly in the heart and it's over."  And I said: "GO AWAY. If I can't hit a leg vein on the next try, I'll call you back here." And I did find a vein and the sweet little pet died with me by his side getting love, compassion and kindness. So many people work in vet medicine that have no heart. So thank the powers that be, for "Jesus Jeff"!

And for the many other compassionate warriors that dedicate their time and lives to animal rescue/welfare.

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I'm one episode behind and just have to re-state my love for Shelly the vet tech.  She so obviously cares about the animals.

I also really liked the wolf-dog sanctuary.  The animals are so beautiful.

Jack, the poor cat with the embedded collar!  One of the techs said it was supposed to be a breakaway and I know it is very difficult to recover a lost cat, so hopefully this was a case of poor lost kitten and not stupidity/cruelty.

I am glad Lola Jane recovered.   I was a bit annoyed that the woman's reaction was "they shouldn't have sold us a sick puppy" - which is true - but also should have been "I'm glad we are the ones who got her, so we could get her care".  I realize I am a little nuts on this subject though.  Well, they were caring enough to bring her to Dr. Jeff, so I'll be gracious (grumble, grumble).  Plus we got Dr. Jeff to give a PSA on NOT buying from backyard breeders, though I suspect he's preaching to the choir with his viewers.

The little boy being so devoted to Scales the snake and doing what the doc told him was cute.

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