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Small Talk: 1, 2, 3 Non-Cheerleader Conversation

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Someone posted the other day about being tired of people using the world as their "yoga studio" and it made me laugh because I find it really annoying too. Well, just now I check Facebook and this acquaintance of mine who is a very successful travel blogger/writer has posted a picture of herself and her husband doing some ridiculous couples pose in the middle of an airport. Like, literally in the middle of the action to where she surely got in several peoples' way. I can't roll my eyes harder. This girl is so far up her own ass and obviously thinks that everything she does is perfect and adorable. I'm over it.

Edited by Oranaiche
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6 minutes ago, Oranaiche said:

Someone posted the other day about being tired of people using the world as their "yoga studio" and it made me laugh because I find it really annoying too. Well, just now I check Facebook and this acquaintance of mine who is a very successful travel blogger/writer has posted a picture of herself and her husband doing some ridiculous couples pose in the middle of an airport. Like, literally in the middle of the action to where she surely got in several peoples' way. I can't roll my eyes harder. This girl is so far up her own ass and obviously thinks that everything she does is perfect and adorable. I'm over it.


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21 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

That'd be my post. The couple sounds like the couple with matching track suits in Guffman. 

Oh my god, yes! They just think they're so good at everything.

This will sound really bad but this girl has really large teeth and every once in a while she'll get "horse face" comments on her blog. I know I shouldn't laugh at internet bullying...but I privately do. ?

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17 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

Is her husband named willlbuuurrrr? 

Do they have to put peanut butter on her gums before parties to make her look like she's talking? 

Anyone ask her "why the long face"?

That's all I got. Now you're not the only asshole on the Internet. 

You're such a good friend. ❤

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1 hour ago, PBSLover said:

Anyone watching the Puppy Bowl?  Man, they are just selling those sponsors.  Hard.  It’s kind of making me want to change the channel.

Kiddo is recording it and Kitten Bowl, right now we're watching Fish Bowl IV and the puns are crazy

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@QuiteContraryMoni I can't nominate you for Puppy Bowl referee, but you could always make your opinions known about the doggies on https://www.reddit.com/r/toofers/ - it's pictures of dogs with grins.  Or who have vampire-like teeth.  Or both.  Also, there is https://www.reddit.com/r/teefies/ ,which is the cat version.  I have no idea why I find those boards so hilarious, but I do.  I'd say I'm delirious from too many cough drops after fighting bronchitis for the past several days but I can't blame the Ricola, those pics would crack me up regardless.jgmBpt3.jpg

Edited by raindancer
Screwed up the teefy part. Weirdest edit ever.
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21 hours ago, Oranaiche said:

Just spent $250 at Kate Spade on two bags because apparently I've lost my fucking mind.

Seems legit. They're running a good sale right now...$250 for two bags is a great price ?

Lemme know how else I can help validate you! 

Signed, your friend whose whole career has been in retail buying offices

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8 minutes ago, kalibean said:

Seems legit. They're running a good sale right now...$250 for two bags is a great price ?

Lemme know how else I can help validate you! 

Signed, your friend whose whole career has been in retail buying offices

Haha, there's an outlet store where I live and they were running 60 + 20 percent off. I actually just got back from going back up there and buying another one of the bags I got yesterday for my mom. It's her 60th birthday on Friday and she kept hinting at me giving her mine for her birthday. That just made me too sad because I love it so much, so we'll just match!

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QCMoni (whomever gave you that nickname is genius) I have two English bulldog floofertons and when I feel sad I make them show me their underbite so I can get a good giggle in. They are just so silly!



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On ‎2‎/‎4‎/‎2017 at 0:29 PM, kalibean said:

137 fruits and veggies Lady is probably counting that Juice Plus supplement stuff. Isn't each serving supposed to be like 40 veggies? That's honestly the only thing I can think of! And I love my fruits and veggies hard, but even smoothies and juicing wouldn't quite get you there. 

I've made my own bento boxes bc sometimes I don't like a heavy meal at lunch...so I'll have some almonds, chunks of chicken, a hard boiled egg, pineapple, blueberries, whatever veggies I have. Or I'll use rolled up compliant lunchmeat instead of chicken. I always made these for emergency snacks too. Sometimes I would pair it up with soup.

But Mel Joulwan's prep on her website saved me. Loved her soup recipes but especially love her version of pad Thai. The leftovers are amazing too. 

I just got an Instant Pot so I've been messing around with it. Gotta say, dumping in frozen chicken with some Franks and eating it 30 minutes later is pretty stellar on those lazy nights when you know you still need real food. 

wow Bento Box?  THat's impressive!  I eat a HUGE HUGE lunch ... bad I know but it's the only thing that keeps me from crying at work.  LOL!

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This is the first hard winter we had since 1996. The last two winters were mild compared to this year. Good news is the moisture will help with the drought and wildfire season, bad news is flooding could be a problem down the road. We do joke around in Montana by saying we have two seasons: winter and road construction. We are suppose to start warming up again by Thursday.

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9 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

This is the first hard winter we had since 1996. The last two winters were mild compared to this year. Good news is the moisture will help with the drought and wildfire season, bad news is flooding could be a problem down the road. We do joke around in Montana by saying we have two seasons: winter and road construction. We are suppose to start warming up again by Thursday.

Definitely the opposite here. This is the warmest winter we've had! Like..no snow. And I'm PISSED. 

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It's gross and raining here ... blech! So over it.

And can I just complain for a bit?  My bf who I am sort of wishing I could get rid of except he's totally dependent on me.  He interviewed for a job and they asked if he's ever experienced any product from their competitor.  He said yes and listed them.  They then asked him if he liked theirs better.  And he's like oh sort of, I like the X of this other company better but overall your product is good.

I get that he's trying to be honest but wtf!  I cannot deal anymore.  It's like - do you want the job or not??  And I snapped at him so now we're not talking anymore.  LOL.  #relationshipgoals

To the young ladies here - never date a guy who has "potential".  They are who they are and potential don't pay the rent.

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9 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

I could send the cold and snow to you. Now if Spring would come soon, there will be a lot of happy Montanans.

PLEASE!!!! I really want snow. It has the nerve to be 69 degrees right now. SIXTY NINE. FEBRUARY. UGHHHH!!

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5 minutes ago, tobeyoungagain said:

It's gross and raining here ... blech! So over it.

And can I just complain for a bit?  My bf who I am sort of wishing I could get rid of except he's totally dependent on me.  He interviewed for a job and they asked if he's ever experienced any product from their competitor.  He said yes and listed them.  They then asked him if he liked theirs better.  And he's like oh sort of, I like the X of this other company better but overall your product is good.

I get that he's trying to be honest but wtf!  I cannot deal anymore.  It's like - do you want the job or not??  And I snapped at him so now we're not talking anymore.  LOL.  #relationshipgoals

To the young ladies here - never date a guy who has "potential".  They are who they are and potential don't pay the rent.

LMAO I'M DYING. Why would he tell them the other company's products are better? Is he dumb?

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10 minutes ago, heatherrrrz said:

LMAO I'M DYING. Why would he tell them the other company's products are better? Is he dumb?

I have no effin' clue!!!!  I was so so mad!  He was like well I do like it better!  I'm like are you effin crazy?  Who cares what you like!  Get the damn job!  And no one wants to hear that someone who may work there likes another company's product better.  But he sees it as telling the truth and not lying. So basically yes, he did a very dumb thing (while he is not dumb).

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Just now, tobeyoungagain said:

I have no effin' clue!!!!  I was so so mad!  He was like well I do like it better!  I'm like are you effin crazy?  Who cares what you like!  Get the damn job!  And no one wants to hear that someone who may work there likes another company's product better.  But he sees it as telling the truth and not lying. So basically yes, he did a very dumb thing (while he is not dumb).

I get the whole "telling the truth" thing but man you have to lie in job interviews sometimes.

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3 minutes ago, heatherrrrz said:

I get the whole "telling the truth" thing but man you have to lie in job interviews sometimes.

I know!!!!  I told him that and he still doesn't get it.  He's like oh they liked me.  I really need him to get this job so send good thoughts that they don't punish him for his stupid stupid answer.

I mean really!

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1 minute ago, tobeyoungagain said:

I know!!!!  I told him that and he still doesn't get it.  He's like oh they liked me.  I really need him to get this job so send good thoughts that they don't punish him for his stupid stupid answer.

I mean really!

haha well maybe they'll appreciate his honesty?

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6 minutes ago, heatherrrrz said:

haha well maybe they'll appreciate his honesty?

I hope so!!  He's a really hard worker and I think would be perfect for this company and it's in Jersey which is perfect!  Toss a prayer our way!  We could definitely use the extra $$

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6 minutes ago, California Girl said:

Hey ladies!  Let's sign up together for one of these DCC prep classes (just a group of us from this Previously TV board).  Who is with me!?!

Girl, you have to wear bra tops and I don't think anyone wants to see my midriff lol maybe 5 years ago I would have said yes but nah lol

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1 hour ago, bigskygirl said:

I could send the cold and snow to you. Now if Spring would come soon, there will be a lot of happy Montanans.

Just don't send it to me!  Car crashes, shoveling heart attacks...no thanks.

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Just curious about other people's opinion.  Does anybody think there are too many sub-forums in here?   So many times we start talking about one thing, which leads to talking about another thing, which then leads to  going off topic.  Maybe we'd have a better shot at staying on topic if there weren't so many topics.  Plus, does "Media" really need its own thread?  Thoughts?

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26 minutes ago, heatherrrrz said:

Girl, you have to wear bra tops and I don't think anyone wants to see my midriff lol maybe 5 years ago I would have said yes but nah lol

You have to wear bra tops to a DCC prep class?  Bring it on!  Girl, that makes me want to do this even more.  Nothing is more attractive than a Previously TV group of past-our-prime, not-so-great dancers.  And the good news for you @heatherrrrz is that, compared to most of us on this forum, your abs will look like Kelli Q's.  If we are really lucky, they will post a photo gallery of our group's prep class -- like the one below, only not so pretty.


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I'll just wear that flannel over my bra, buttoned up, instead of around my waist. 

On the job thing, I think he should have said something like, "product x has the advantage of widget a, b, c, but your product has d, e, f. If we could find a way to implement A, that would bring stronger profit/sales/etc." 

It shouldn't be a trick question and I feel like it's trying to suss out how well the interviewee did their homework on the company he's interviewing with and their competitors. 

But, could also be like telling Kelli you're a die hard Steelers fan or that you make the uniform. lol. 

12 hours ago, tobeyoungagain said:

wow Bento Box?  THat's impressive!  I eat a HUGE HUGE lunch ... bad I know but it's the only thing that keeps me from crying at work.  LOL!

I didn't specify the size ?I've got all kinds of creatively shaped food storage containers. I make mini bentos for snacks too tho, normally a hard boiled eggs, diced chicken, almonds, some carrots. Basically the snack boxes they sell at my fit foods. 

I'm a big lunch person too, but sometimes it's a snack kind of day (no lunch break) and it's easier to pick vs. heating up a more standard lunch for me. I do leftovers a lot too tho!! 

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@raindancer...so sorry to hear about your highlight experience!  I have curly hair & in 2014 (yep I remember the year!) it seemed like all of a sudden it wouldn't curl & would just "pouf"...when I tried to straighten it, this time I had straight pouf.  So I thought my best bet was keratin...well, I ended up with hair that was half wavy, half straight, and still frizzy.  Then, I got highlights and the place I go to uses Olaplex, which is supposed to (according to chemists) repair the bonds that break in the coloring process.  Well, I do not remember the last time my hair was so dry...so much so that when I comb it in the bathroom I get dry ends all over the sink and on the floor.  The curl is basically gone & I need a TON of gel to coax it back, but I still have parts of my hair that dry in just a snarled mess. Because of that, I'm straightening it so it looks presentable & still looks like hair, but then I'm in a vicious damage circle.  I don't want to cut all my hair off, but I may have no choice but to get a Madeline 'do!

Edited by ByTor
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I don't believe Olaplex is protein.  My hair does hate protein...keratin protein is probably the lowest on the culprit scale, but it really really REALLY hates hydrolyzed wheat/rice/soy protein, so I avoid it.  And yes, it's definitely true that too much protein makes hair brittle. Yep, tried Moroccon oil, it doesn't help.  I have Amika oil, which is oil plus silicone (I know, curly hair is supposed to stay away from silicone but I have never had an issue with buildup), I put gobs of pure jojoba oil on my hair, I tried coconut oil which is all the rage for curly hair but it actually makes my hair dry, I deep condition with non-protein conditioners, I've tried to cream "cleansing conditioners", I've styled with gels, I've tried mousses, I've tried creams, I've used insanely expensive products, I've used drugstore products (my product graveyard is HUGE with everything I tried and didn't like)...NOTHING works...not that anything worked so great before, my hair has always been dry, but never THIS dry.  

Speaking of Aveda, back in the day I could use some of the Brilliant cream and all was well.

Edited by ByTor
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1 minute ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

@Oranaiche thought I'd bring it over here....I'm a NUT for mid century ANYTHING. Haley Mills movies are no exception. The house in this movie is my dream house. Mid-Century modern all damn DAY. It was just such a dreamy time.

Do you mean the ranch or the Boston house? I adore the original "Parent Trap." I actually squealed when I saw it got added to Netflix, but I haven't had a good time to watch it yet. ?

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5 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

That's what I'm watching it on! I'm like, YEAH Netflix!!

The California ranch house. I mean, my GOD. Can you STAND it?! It's amazing! And Miss Inch at Camp Inch lmao!!! Let's get together yeah yeah yeah! I had the 45! Thanks for being old enough that I don't need to explain what a 45 is.


Haha, I don't know if all people my age would know what a 45 is, but I come from a family of musicians/music lovers so it's inevitable. My mom still has all her 45s and plays them sometimes. She says James Taylor and Carol King sound better on record, and I'm inclined to agree.

I love the California ranch house too. Sigh. I have the house to myself tonight. I was planning on a marathon video game session (yeah, I'm not kidding), but I might have to watch "The Parent Trap."

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Just now, QuiteContraryMoni said:

Yesss!!! DO IT! You'll be drunk on nostalgia. It's delightful!

What?! I thought you were old like me! I'm as old as the aforementioned record.

I just turned thirty in November.

But actually I'm 29. Twenty-nine forever.

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guys - wish me luck and send me good  vibes.  having heart to heart w/ my boss man this afternoon.  He's planning on changing my role in a way that won't be perceived positively and frankly will set me up in not a great way.  Not sure if he means to or if he just thinks I will suck it up and take it (or if he simply doesn't give a sht).  Either way, I'm going to let him know and ask him to do xyz to help me feel less negative about this.

It's possible he will say "let me think about it" which will depress me because it means he won't and it means that he doesn't even care enough to simply say yes. Either way, it's evident to me that I'm not valued and it's important I get my arse in gear and start looking for something else.  Really really bummed :(

Resume updating is on the menu for this weekend!!  That's for sure!

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