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Season 18 Live Feed Discussion: Their Lives are Almost as Boring as Ours!

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2 minutes ago, mooses said:

So, today was Bridgette's birthday - did anyone do anything for her? I'm not a fan, but that's rude. I mean, Z got like a week of celebration.

All I've seen or read is that they sang her Happy Birthday at midnight and that was it. 

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So James decided to stick with Paulie, and Natalie seems to prefer Paulie/Corey to Bridgette/Frank/Tiffany. Corey also talked about taking Natalie off the block - I presume to put Da'Vonne up so she can't get Corey out. 

Ick. No more fun.

And stop making me have to agree with Frank, HGs!

Screen Shot 2016-07-16 at 12.17.49 AM.png

Edited by mooses
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So, Michelle thinks Paulie is the strongest in the house, but Nicole and Zak disagree. Maybe Michelle can be convinced to vote to evict Corey. Hey, stranger things have happened already!

I actually don't think James is with Paulie. He was telling Day that he sees that Tiffany is being bullied and that he won't just ignore her. Day rolled her eyes when he said the word bully, but it's true. They are absolutely bullying her. I actually think James could be the one to convince Michelle to flip. Frank says he'll work on Michelle, but she won't listen to him. James, on the other hand, can appeal to her need to be part of the cool kids. If he tells her that America hates bullies and loves the underdogs and Tiffany is the ultimate underdog and America would love her if she flipped again, she might at least consider it. 

Paulie thinks Tiffany saying that she'll self evict is a strategy. Is it over the top? Yes. But he doesn't have empathy, clearly, if he thinks everything about her is a strategy. Paulie, why don't you get off your high horse that is Derrick and come live in the real world, where people are real and have real emotions and real feelings? You know, where people actually see through your bullshit and realize they're on the outside and don't like that? 

I had no idea it was Bridgette's birthday. Poor girl is also on the outside if Nicole and Zak can have this huge celebration and she barely gets a happy birthday song. 

Honestly, I never wanted to say this, but I'm starting to get season 15 vibes. Not completely, because there's no hardcore racism and sexism and homophobia, but there's definitely shades of 15 with the isolation and seclusion of targets.

Corey and Nicole didn't even want to wake up Tiffany at midnight to celebrate them not being Have Nots. Paul had to go wake her up. Paul, at least, has some class. You go, Paul. At least he's trying to be a decent person, even if he's also an asshole. 

I seriously can't believe I'm liking Frank. I still want him to go, but...maybe after Corey, Paulie, and Nicole now. Maybe even after Zak also, because Zak is really grating on my nerves. He's definitely going to take down Tiffany if he wins, and I'm so happy to hear that. He's better at prioritizing who his allies are when he gets the full picture. Plus, he's got Paulie, Corey, and Nicole fooled. 

Corey also wants to pull Natalie off instead of himself if he wins veto, so Tiffany or Day will for sure go. He assumes Natalie will vote with Paulie/Corey. Unfortunately, he may be right, but I also have hopes that James can flip her.

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4 hours ago, mooses said:

So James decided to stick with Paulie, and Natalie seems to prefer Paulie/Corey to Bridgette/Frank/Tiffany. Corey also talked about taking Natalie off the block - I presume to put Da'Vonne up so she can't get Corey out. 

Ick. No more fun.

And stop making me have to agree with Frank, HGs!

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James never had game

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I think James is riding the middle, and unless Tiffany wins veto or gets taken down, she'll be evicted. She's the easiest choice for everyone, especially people like James and Michelle and even Paul. If they vote Tiffany out, they aren't really picking sides since no one wants her in the house anyway. 

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Day: [Tiffany] is a good girl.
Frank: She is not as bad as people like to paint her.

LOL at this irony. I mean the reason everyone hates her is because of those two!

I have to say, I'm getting a little tired of Tiffany's bemoaning of her treatment. Like let's be real, it really isn't that bad. I mean I've seen people take far more actual abuse. Vanessa was like this, too. Basically I am back to not really blaming everyone for thinking Tiffany is just like Vanessa because she is just like Vanessa.

That being said, I hope Tiffany wins veto lol. There is really no one I'm rooting for so I'm just rooting for drama. Last season was like that for me too and it delivered so I hope this season follows suit.


Paulie: America hates the guy smacking girls' asses, not the guy who confronted the guy smacking girls' asses.

Oh, Paulie, we can hate two people at the same time!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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4 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

That being said, I hope Tiffany wins veto lol. There is really no one I'm rooting for so I'm just rooting for drama. Last season was like that for me too and it delivered so I hope this season follows suit.

I agree.  Tiffany winning veto will bring mayhem and chaos!  Putting on tin foil hat here for a minute, I think AG would agree.  It will be interesting to see what the veto comp is.  It will be easy to determine if the comp favored Tiffany or Cory.  We won't know until we hear them talk about her victory (optimism) if it might have been encouraged.

Frank is excellent at this game.   

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Im just catching up with BB after being MIA since the premier.  Liking this season but not too keen bringing back vets, especially the 4 chosen.  They were kinda duds the first time around.  The team twist just bogs down the game.  Hate it.   Kinda loving the RK twist.   Better than Americas player.   Always thought it was rigged.  

My dream season would be a season with past winners.  Never will happen but one can dream.  

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42 minutes ago, LGGirl said:

My dream season would be a season with past winners.  Never will happen but one can dream.  

That would be fun.  Or just 2's, 3's and 4's.  Bigger player pool with the hook "They all made Final 4.  And lost!"

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Corey kept referring to Tiff as a big girl with shades of fat shaming in his insisting she didn't win RK.

Why is he such a golden boy when he does that, used the F word as gay slur when he got stiffed on a bartending tip, and the 'almost' animal cruelty story about a goat. 

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6 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Geez louise!

I wish there was a chance Corey would go this week. Sigh.

The week ain't over yet.  Last week we thought Tiff was a goner.  With this crew, anything can happen.  

You know production has to be pushing for Tiffany to be saved.  Corey is expendable. 

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And they have the audacity to complain about a dish not being washed properly. LOL.

1 minute ago, LGGirl said:

The week ain't over yet.  Last week we thought Tiff was a goner.  With this crew, anything can happen.  

You know production has to be pushing for Tiffany to be saved.  Corey is expendable. 

I don't see it happening this week but yea anything is possible. I think actually the best chance of Corey going home is Tiffany winning veto and then Day being put up in her place.

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11 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I wish there was a chance Corey would go this week. Sigh.

HEY!  Positive thinking today!   Cory will go this week.  He will.  Tiffany will win the veto, take herself down and hopefully put up someone less likely to get voted off.  

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Anyone remember in the pre-show interviews when Corey said that he was this crazy sleepwalker that would wake up under cars at the 7-11? False advertising, dude. I want a refund.

My only hope this week is that he sleepwalks into Tiffany's bed and causes Nicole to lose her shit when she sees it and he becomes the new target. But even if that happens, I have no doubt that Nicole would blame Tiffany for it. 

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It's Day and Bridgette in the veto. That actually might be good. If Day wins, the best bet for her is to take Tiffany down. I'm only 60% positive that she would, though. For a replacement nom, I could see it being James who goes up. 

So, it's going to be Tiffany, Bridgette, and Day to fight for Tiffany to get off the block. Again, best case is Day winning. 

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

And they have the audacity to complain about a dish not being washed properly. LOL.

I don't see it happening this week but yea anything is possible. I think actually the best chance of Corey going home is Tiffany winning veto and then Day being put up in her place.

I agree. I'm not sure if Frank/Bridgette would be able to give in to temptation to boot her, though. If they don't, it'd be up to Michelle/Z. I know they say they don't trust Day, but I don't know if they're ready to make that move yet.

3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Feeds are back. It's unclear who exactly was picked. Frank, James, and Paul are not playing, presumably. It sounds like Bridgette is. 

Oh, man. I did want to see the action if Frank pulled Tiffany down.

1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

It's Day and Bridgette in the veto. That actually might be good. If Day wins, the best bet for her is to take Tiffany down. I'm only 60% positive that she would, though. For a replacement nom, I could see it being James who goes up. 

So, it's going to be Tiffany, Bridgette, and Day to fight for Tiffany to get off the block. Again, best case is Day winning. 

I don't think Da'Vonne would take her down. It's too risky. James really is her number one right now. If it's James/Corey/Natalie, either Natalie or James go.

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4 minutes ago, mooses said:

I don't think Da'Vonne would take her down. It's too risky. James really is her number one right now. If it's James/Corey/Natalie, either Natalie or James go.

That's what I'm worried about, but part of me would hope that Day and Tiffany stick to the plan and they all get Corey out. The problem is that they absolutely need Michelle's vote, so it depends on who would best be up on the block to ensure her vote over Corey. 

Either way, at least it's not Zak or Nicole playing in the veto. 

If it is the dice veto, my hope is that the first round if Paulie vs Corey, so at least one of the boys is knocked out right away. This week has been going a bit better than expected, but I'm still expecting for the worst to happen, which is Paulie winning veto. So I'm preparing for that. If Corey wins, though....and he takes himself off, then Nicole goes up and Tiffany goes. Day wouldn't risk getting Nicole out, and she wouldn't have the votes. So actually, Corey winning and taking himself off would be pretty bad. 

Plus, I just REALLY want Corey to realize that Tiffany can, in fact, win a competition....it's not like he's won anything. 

Oh....apparently Paul, not Bridgette, is playing. Goddamnit. 

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Paul's making up a code so that he can help them while they're playing. Does BB ever allow this? I feel like I must have heard plans like this other years, but I don't remember if they're squashed or not.

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10 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Oh....apparently Paul, not Bridgette, is playing. Goddamnit. 

And another comp on TV that we'll have to hear "Friendship!" being yelled out over and over and over again. My fist would like to show some friendship to his face.

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Tiffany needs to start trying to work on Michelle today, seriously. Michelle may not come around, but I need her to try.

That being said, Michelle is being unnecessarily cruel about Tiffany so I'm pretty sure she won't flip this week, which sucks. Which means Tiffany has to come off so Day can go up. That way, there's a chance Michelle will actually choose to keep Day over Corey.

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Bridget is playing POV according to the poll on Feedster.  Do you mean Paul is going to give her a code to win.  That is good.  I want Tiffany off the block. 

Edited by wings707
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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

Tiffany needs to start trying to work on Michelle today, seriously. Michelle may not come around, but I need her to try.

That being said, Michelle is being unnecessarily cruel about Tiffany so I'm pretty sure she won't flip this week, which sucks. Which means Tiffany has to come off so Day can go up. That way, there's a chance Michelle will actually choose to keep Day over Corey.

That would be an pretty interesting situation. Because Michelle has to pick sides, pretty much, and we'll know if this Fifth Wheel thing is really what she wants. And Z has to pick between Da'Vonne and Paulie (who would want her to keep Corey). 

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Tiffany sent Z up to Michele with a message.  I missed what it was.  Michele was pissed that she did not come and talk to her rather than send a messenger.  I agree.  Bad move on Tiffany's part. If she wants to stay in she has got to come out of her bed in London and socialize.  

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I think James is starting to work on Michelle by letting her know how powerful the showmances will become. I don't know if it'll work, but it sounds like he's doing a decent job at explaining the two sides of the house. It's good that James is planting seeds of doubt with Michelle now. It'll give her a couple of days to really sit on it.

That being said, I'm preparing for Tiffany to go, only because without Michelle, they don't have the numbers. Not unless James convinces Paulie to put someone else up if Day wins and takes Tiffany down.

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She told Z to tell Michelle she has nothing against her personal or game-wise. Da'Vonne told Tiffany last night to speak to Michelle alone and try to patch things. She's right, but I don't see how since Michelle is like the Showmances' pet. Z and Nicole will never let them speak alone.

Michelle told James she's voting out Natalie if Tiffany comes down. James is trying to explain to her that she is the low man on the totem pole with the Showmances. She doesn't care.

Edited by mooses
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Just now, Lady Calypso said:
I wonder how you and Nicole are going to feel when your men are evicted. Because, really. 

I really liked Zakiyah in the beginning because she seemed like a normal person compared to the other HGs, but she's really getting on my nerves. Not only was a jerk the other night when Tiffany broke down and during her Mean Girl sessions with Michelle/Nicole...her catchphrase is, "Whatever you guys want." She barely even voices an opinion when talking to Paulie.

I think she will go far, but I'm not a fan.

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Interesting tweet from Heath, the comp guy, in response to someone else's tweet. Original followed by his response:


@HeathLuman solitary confinement w/ audio looping of their worst enemies from their previous season laughin. Nicole- Frankie/Christine #bb18

@patschampions Have a better audio punishment planned terrible for anyone who gets it

Guess we're getting another solitary confinement punishment this year.

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6 minutes ago, mooses said:

I really liked Zakiyah in the beginning because she seemed like a normal person compared to the other HGs, but she's really getting on my nerves. Not only was a jerk the other night when Tiffany broke down and during her Mean Girl sessions with Michelle/Nicole...her catchphrase is, "Whatever you guys want." She barely even voices an opinion when talking to Paulie.

I think she will go far, but I'm not a fan.

Agreed!  I loved Zak in the beginning.  Anymore, I can't stand her Mean Girls childishness.  I can't wait till she's in the hot seat and has to grovel to someone she doesn't want to grovel to,.... like Natalie, Bridgette, Paul or Tiff.  I'mma laugh my ass off.

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1 hour ago, J.D. said:

Agreed!  I loved Zak in the beginning.  Anymore, I can't stand her Mean Girls childishness.  I can't wait till she's in the hot seat and has to grovel to someone she doesn't want to grovel to,.... like Natalie, Bridgette, Paul or Tiff.  I'mma laugh my ass off.

Thirding this. I can't wait to see Z on the block. She'll cry and, like you said, have to actually talk to people she never speaks to. It will be so fun! 

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7 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Thirding this. I can't wait to see Z on the block. She'll cry and, like you said, have to actually talk to people she never speaks to. It will be so fun! 

I wish Tiffany could still be in the house when it happens. Because she seems to be one of the only ones who sees straight through Z. 

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I feel conflicted. I want Tiffany to win Veto. If that doesn't happen, I would be happy with Da'Vonne winning and taking Tiffany off. But in either of those situations, Natalie will most likely be the one leaving. And I don't want that to happen. 

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

I feel ya, @Callaphera. Natalie is the only HG left that I actually like unconditionally. But honestly I'd OK with her leaving simply because she doesn't bring anything drama-wise to the show and that's what I'm rooting for now.

I go back and forth on it because yeah, from a drama standpoint there's nothing there. But at the same time, I'm officially out of people to root for if she goes and it's been nice not wishing the ants would eat them all in their sleep since Week 1. I'm just hate watching from that point on, really. And there's nothing wrong with that. I've got plenty of practice hate watching the feeds over the years. But just once I'd like the person I'm rooting for to make it further than second jury spot.

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18 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I feel conflicted. I want Tiffany to win Veto. If that doesn't happen, I would be happy with Da'Vonne winning and taking Tiffany off. But in either of those situations, Natalie will most likely be the one leaving. And I don't want that to happen. 

Yeah, Michelle let James know that earlier. He can't be happy knowing he's the low man in every alliance/agreement he has, but he's not in a bad position. He's probably the only vet that is not being target one bit, and he kind of has a Paul thing going on - everyone wants him around to help obtain their own personal vendettas on the side. Paulie wants him for the bro-lliance, Frank wants him as a number, Da'Vonne needs him, Michelle needs him as an ally outside of the Showmance Alliance, and Nicole wants to keep him over Da'Vonne and Frank. He kind of has a Paul situation going on, but with stronger game relationships to help him out.

It'd be much better for him for Corey to go home because no one should want a Four HG Voting Block in there, but he's not in bad shape when Corey stays. Da'Vonne will be in much bigger trouble than James is.

Edited by mooses
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If the next HOH is endurance, and Paulie can't win it, James has the best shot I think. (Or Victor, if he comes back in)

I'm actually really rooting for a James HOH because he's the only one I like and who will actually make a huge game move with zero fucks given. Frank would too, but I don't like him and don't wanna deal with a Frank power trip for 7 days. 

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I like the idea of a James HOH for those same reasons, Ceeg.  

I am fine with Natalie leaving.  I don't dislike her nor can I root for her.  Right now, I like James. 

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If Natalie was serious about not wanting to get her feet wet by going out there to mingle on her own, when James explained that was why he avoided her yesterday, then I won't mind seeing her leave either. She's been playing an awfully passive game so far and that conversation didn't help her "I'm a strong woman" image she's been trying to push.

James gave her information she could've have used wisely but instead sat on and let things happen. If she had informed Bridgette of how the house perceived Frank, maybe they could've done something to better her current situation. The worst decisions was not going to talk to Bridgette before she made her nominations. I totally get not trusting Bridgette, but this passive lies they've been telling each other is helping neither. In fact, it'll lead to them being picked out one at the time. She had an idea that the votes almost flipped on Bronte and kept her trap shut. Now it's her but on the block so how did her decisions the lady two weeks help?

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
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Is she talking about Da'Vonne here? It's true that Day helped make her an early target with her Vanessa paranoia, but I'm pretty sure she's the only one who actually kinda likes her there now.

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Apparently Da'Vonne cried after Corey won? She really wanted that guy gone! And Corey's upset that people weren't happy with his win.

Edited by mooses
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It may be the best play for Tiffany to put Da'Vonne up. It's not a certain thing and it would strengthen the other side of the house to get Da'Vonne out but chances are, Tiffany will walk out the door anyway. 

It would be the best play for some drama, though!

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