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The Vet Life - General Discussion

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I have been watching this show and I am not sure why I like it, but I do.

The case of the dog with massive bladders tones has really stuck with me-- I couldn't believe how big they were and how hard they were-- I imagined them being more like medium-density crushable mineral deposits, but they seemed like they were actually giant pebbles -- like actual gravel, not metaphoric gravel.

I guess the surgeries and the other lab stuff are interesting to me. Bets never let you see them doing surgery or xrays, and even the vets I've liked the most will at best describe to you how they do it, not let you watch up close.

I also enjoy seeing a mix of species. The iguana this week was adorable, but I like reptiles. Also a big fan of the giant snake. I hope we get to see more birds, bunnies, etc.

The show is obviously scripted for banter and fake conflicts among the vets, but I'm OK with it. I think a lot of people would be less likely to watch if it was a strict documentary and everything was presented in a dry, factual way. Building up the relationships and emotional commentary from Blue gives a way in, I think.

I know of too many sad stories that happen to animals, so the way everything is always sunshine and happiness on this show is no doubt highly selective and very unrealistic. But I can use the break from sadness, so it's nice that every case they show seems to include families that can afford the surgery, and animals that are recovering nicely, and no heartbreak. The kid (goat) that died during birth in a previous episode was sad, but other than that, it's been mostly good news.

It made no sense to me that the paralyzed dog didn't have a wheelchair yet, but who knows what the story really is-- are some vets that negligent that they wouldn't tell the people that was available? Either way, I liked that they showed it, and also that no one suggested the dog should be put down.

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They could have titled last night's episode, "Save the Tiger!" Imagine getting to examine an abandoned young and frightened tiger without getting hurt, (although i think Dr. Lavinge did get a little scratch) then to shelter her, and then almost have her stolen from right under you. Good thing the shelter employees arrived at the right time to ruin the thief's plans of taking her. Happy to see she's got a new home with plenty of space to roam and a nice pool to cool off in.

I like how the doctors' families are so close that they get together for most occasions, plus every Sunday for dinner. That when one doctor's electricity went out during the storm, his wife brought all the perishable food over to another doctor's house so they could cook it and not let it go to waste.They had enough food for more than one dinner, including the upcoming Sunday meal.

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I think tigers live in heavy brush, or jungly areas. I hope the sanctuary is able to plan some vegetation for Nahla to poke around in. I think living all exposed like that would cause her to be stressed. I love how she was lying in her water, but as she gets bigger, she will need a bigger pool. It has to be really tough to run a tiger sanctuary, so I'm not saying this to be critical, just thinking about how if they give her a greater than 20 year lifespan, I hope it is happy. This show sure does come up with some unexpected cases!!

The assistant who adopted the kittens was sweet. And he named them Lana and Elizabeth!

I was glad the dog with lepto got better. Ditto the dog that got attacked. This show really goes for the happy endings. I'm glad people are willing to get second opinions, and these vets don't just write off the tough cases. And for sure I didn't expect to see a tiger!

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I like this show! The vets all seem like really good guys. Dr. Blue (why did his parents give him such an awful first name?) is my fave. I loved the tiger! I envy Drs. Lavigne and Ross getting to interact with her. Glad she is somewhere she can have more freedom. Brian is a mensch for adopting those sweet kitties, as is the lady who rescued them. Since I've had two cats pass away recently, I'm glad to have happy endings.

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I finally managed to catch an episode of this show - although the second half I was just listening to from the other room because my newly-adopted cat summoned me.  I've been so excited to have a veterinary show where not one, but two! of the vets are black, but I've missed each episode until now for one reason or another.

It has the usual mix of things I think were recreated, or even done just for the show, but I've concluded I have to let such things go in order to watch TV.  A documentary buff in this reality show world has to pick her battles.

I don't know names yet, but I loved the one vet telling the other two, "You say you're seeing a tiger like that's something you do."  And then, "Can I come?"

I have enough problem with zoos, for regular folks in regular homes to try and keep a wild animal pisses me off something fierce.

I loved seeing the woman who'd only adopted her dog a month and a half prior being so determined to help him (through lepto). 

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I think this show is so cute. The only other vet show I watch is Dr. Jeff, which is so different,  but both are equally fun. 

When they perform surgeries, I almost feel like I'm intern learning along lol.

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They're not the only ones who do this, but it stood out to me last night -- I like that they say, "I'm going to go talk to the mom [or dad]" rather than "the owner."

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I agree with everything everyone has said. I am having so much fun with this show.

I like that they feature unusual pets, not just cats and dogs, and drop important educational info so we don't get carried away and run out and adopt without seriously thinking (like how you can't predict if you will get a 40 lb pig or a 200lb pig-- is that true??).

I also like that they feature pets with disabilities, because I think they are doing a great job of showing how it's not necessarily a tragedy or a burden, and maybe this will help some more animals get adopted who would not otherwise be considered. "Hoppy" was so happy and bouncy post-surgery, and in a previous episode we got that dog with a wheelchair who was also a beloved peppy creature. I love that they don't do these stories to tug the heartstrings and cause weepiness. We don't need that! Happy people and happy animals is a much better motivator.

I have had eye inflammation myself, so seeing the owl was giving me sympathy pains/ptsd flashbacks. I learned things, though, like about the possibility of the iris adhering to the cornea or lens. I agree that watching the surgery and other procedures feels like I'm learning a lot! It's probably not all that true/practical, but I'm enjoying the illusion of being educated.

Have they featured a "more wild"/sanctuary type animal every episode? There was the tiger, and the owl, but I can't remember if there have been others. I feel like there was, but I can't name it.

I have never watched a vet show before. Maybe I should check out some of the others.

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possibilities, you should check out "Dr. Dee: Alaskan Vet" which starts next week, and I highly recommend "Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mt. Vet" which just ended its season. Look for some epis online. Dr. Jeff is my hero!

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On 7/13/2016 at 9:09 PM, LittleIggy said:

Dr. Jeff has had some sad stories but not too many. I know what you mean since I've recently had two cats pass away.

LittleIggy, I am so very sorry for your losses.  In the past 6 1/2 years I've lost my 5 eldest cats.  I know you are inconsolable, and my heart aches for you.

I watch ALL the vet and animal rescue shows; this one is a little too cutesy, but is slowly growing on me.  Dr. Jeff is definitely my all time favorite.

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That girl being mortified that she put a pink collar on a male rabbit made me sad. I mean, get over it. The rabbit doesn't care.

If the vets couldn't remember their lines, why didn't they use cue cards? And why didn't they each hold an animal, since it helped Blue relax when he was practicing? I thought it was strange, also, that they thought a video was a big expensive production. People are putting stuff on YouTube all the time without spening thousands of dollars in production. I thought the idea of educational videos was good, though. Too bad they gave up and just made one PR type ad, instead of aticking with the original concept.

I am really sensitive about eye stuff, so it was hard to watch the entropoin surgery. I wish they'd said why that  happens. I'd heard of it before, but never seen it. Maybe they don't know what causes it.

I thought it was interesting that the cat's eye was showing symptoms due to the dental abscess.

And I didn't understand why the people whose dog needed the c-section were sent away from the first hospital they went to. Why would that place send them to Cy-Fair instead of doing it themselves? It was an emergency situation... I know the show often tells us selective details, but that story seemed really off to me. The dog was sweet, though, and clearly loved her people.

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On 7/24/2016 at 10:08 PM, possibilities said:

And I didn't understand why the people whose dog needed the c-section were sent away from the first hospital they went to. Why would that place send them to Cy-Fair instead of doing it themselves? It was an emergency situation... I know the show often tells us selective details, but that story seemed really off to me. The dog was sweet, though, and clearly loved her people.

I made a similar comment in the Dr. Jeff forum. The more I think about it, the more I think production feeds them those lines because it just doesn't make any logical sense. With the eye, I can see a vet sending them to the hospital because they don't have the specialized equipment to look at the eye, but for a c-section, it doesn't make any sense to send them away, especially if it was an emergency. 

This is my least favorite of the vet shows. I realize that it is called The Vet Life and therefore, I should expect info about their lives, but I don't care about their families and I don't find Dr. Blue anywhere near as adorable as Dr. Blue finds Dr. Blue. They don't even try to cover up that it is somewhat scripted, which I actually appreciate. It seemed like half of the last episode was about them filming a video, which I don't actually remember seeing the final version, but may have changed channels, and before that it was the dog training competition, and the barbecue competition. I think this is just going to be one of the shows I watch when its on a repeat and nothing else is on. If they get another season, I hope it becomes more about the animals and Dr. Blue tones it down a bit. 

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I like this show but not sure its coming back for another season.  I have to comment from another post, its not just  2 vets that are black, but all 3.  They all went to Tuskegee and Dr. Lavigne is black.

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Poor Brinnie. :-( Puppies! :-)

No wonder Dr. Ross doesn't want to move if his mom makes gumbo from scratch!

Interesting that on this series the vets and techs scrub up, mask and gown whereas on Dr. Jeff they glove up (certain they scrub up, too), but don't wear masks.

Edited by LittleIggy
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On 4/15/2017 at 11:31 PM, LittleIggy said:

Poor Brinnie. :-( Puppies! :-)

No wonder Dr. Ross doesn't want to move if his mom makes gumbo from scratch!

Interesting that on this series the vets and techs scrub up, mask and gown whereas on Dr. Jeff they glove up (certain they scrub up, too), but don't wear masks.

I wonder if that is partially a result of the part of the country they are in? Do the warm moist climates lead to more illnesses that could be contracted by humans?

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I PITY the poor fool who has to live with her mother-in-law for FOUR YEARS!!!!.  It is high time to wean your big ole manchile off his momma's titties.  Gumbo schmumbo, boy needs to grow a pair and move far far away from Mommie  Dearest.

I just can't with "Dr. Blue".   Stop mugging for the camera so much, and I might believe you are an actual veterinarian.

I like the odd man out - Dr. Lavigne or something?  He seems "normal".

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On ‎4‎/‎29‎/‎2017 at 11:46 PM, LittleIggy said:

The difference in the mastiff's before and after the surgery was like night and day. They better get that big boy some super durable toys!

Dr. Ross and his wife picked the house I liked best.

Was that the second house?  The one that had a pool and a small backyard?

Mr. Lavigne is like the "grown up" of the group.  I do like seeing the friendship among the 3 doctors and their families.

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Hemi was such an incredibly sweet kitty. I was hoping the tech who rescued her would adopt her. :-) My mother nursed back to health a cat that was cut up by a car engine when I was a teenager.

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2 hours ago, LizDC said:

I felt bad for Gus having to have that giant mass growing on his neck for two months before his owner got him checked.

I don't get that either. Judging from the owner's house and neighborhood, he wasn't poor.

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I couldn't believe the size of those bladder stones!

I also couldn't believe (possibly in another episode; I just had Animal Planet on for a while and paid sporadic attention) the woman and her teenage son who brought in their cat because he was spraying on things in the house and the woman theorized the cat was doing it to annoy her.  Um, no, he's doing it because he's two years old and you haven't neutered him yet!

There was also a couple who kept breeding their dog, despite the fact she had complications every time.  That's when I changed the channel.

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10 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

That kinkajou was adorable! That said, people shouldn't have wild animals as pets.

Exactly.  It ought to be illegal in ALL states.

BTW - I do watch this show, but I wish these guys would stop mugging for the cameras so much (lookin' at you, Blu).  I wouldn't mind seeing their friendships in a natural setting, without so much forced effort.  But then,  I'm in it ONLY for the animals, and give zero shits about their home lives.  I have plenty of other vet shows to fill my niche.  ;-)

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Dr. Lavigne is the adult, Blue is the 12 year old and Ross is the chameleon who can hang with either one. I don't think this show focuses on the home life any more than say Dr. Pol (yep, Charles, I'm talking about you...), but I agree that less is way more with those storylines. I also think that because so much of their practice is dogs and cats, its hard to find compelling stories without some background filler (either the docs or their customers) and based on how clueless some owners are, I think I'd prefer to see Blue playing the fool than some bubble-headed girl wondering why she can't feed her cat pizza and chips. 

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Pi, the tripod dog, was adorable! I'm glad she got a forever home (near the beach!)! Wonder how big Cris P. Bacon (I've heard that name before) will get? If they really stayed that little, I would get one!

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16 minutes ago, Happy Belly said:

I was wondering if anyone has heard how they made out with Harvey hitting Houston

It sounds like they're fine, because the only thing their Facebook says about the flooding is "Cy-Fair Animal Hospital is collecting supplies for the various local rescue groups who will be heading to the flood zones. We are wanting to aide in these efforts!"

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On 12/18/2017 at 7:47 AM, LizDC said:

The show is coming back on Jan. 13. 

Yea!!!!  I like this show.  I like the interaction between the friends who have been friends since vet school.  I like the interaction between the vets and their patients.  

This show is not just a "heal the animal" show.  It also about friendship and family.  To me, that's what sets it apart from other vet shows.  We get a glimpse of each vet's home life as well.  When Dr. Blue's brother had a heart attack, the brother's wife asked that the camera not follow them back when Dr. Blue went into his brother's room at the hospital.  I liked that because it said it's not all about being on TV.

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