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Season 7: Speculation and Spoilers Discussion

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23 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

I'm seeing rumours pop up that Sophie will show up in Spain for filming within a month, although I don't know if they're based on anything other than an assumption that if Brienne is at the dragonpit, Sansa must be there as well.

If nothing else, this latest batch of photos would confirm that Brienne's not going south with Jon and Davos, so either Sansa sends her on another messenger errand, or she goes south with Sansa.

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I'm glad Missandei gets to wear something new (and I like what I can see of Jon's new kingly outfit), but her look would also fit Queen Regnant Cersei's Tywin-ish style - black, practical, bits of metal, close-fitting without lots of flowing material like Cersei used to wear before the Walk. I hope they'll find some way to make Cersei and Dany's styles different even though they might both be wearing black now and Dany has often been the kind of practical dresser Cersei seemed to be in the finale. 

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47 minutes ago, anamika said:

Clicking through the pictures in that article, I found these ones interesting


(Jon and Davos starting their descent on those stairs.  Two guards behind them who look like Dothraki warriors.  The shape of the torches along the stairs is very Dany-esque)


(Missandei, next to Jon and Davos, in what looks like an actors' break.  Missandei has some big red piece of fabric (mantle? cape? blanket?).  Given the sunny day and the Spanish weather at this time of the year, in addition to the heaviness of the costumes, I don't think they provided her with the red thing to keep her warm)

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43 minutes ago, SeanC said:

If nothing else, this latest batch of photos would confirm that Brienne's not going south with Jon and Davos, so either Sansa sends her on another messenger errand, or she goes south with Sansa.

Agreed. We should know soon enough: dragonpit filming is in early November. Filming order in Spain seems to be as follows:

Barrika (done) --> Bermeo (finished, unless they're filming tomorrow as well) --> Zumaia (Oct. 25-29) --> Seville and Cordoba (Italica/Las Atarazanas/Castillo de Almodovar del Rio) (Nov. 1-12) --> Caceres (Los Barruecos/Caceres City/Trujillo Castle) (Nov. 14-Dec. 15).

Corresponding to GOT scenes:

Barrika (Muriola Beach): Tyrion/Davos landing on beach, Tyrion/Gendry/Davos escaping from KL.

Bermeo: Jon and Davos walking around Dragonstone, Missandei and Dothraki warriors also present (possibly more scenes, since Varys and Grey Worm's actors are also in Bilbao).

Zumaia (Itzurun Beach): Big Team Dany beach landing at Dragonstone with 50something rowers, night scene shot in grotto at low tide (grotto has the same distinctive rock formations as the other part of the beach used for Dragonstone, so it's probably also at Dragonstone) rumoured to be with Jon and Davos.

Italica Roman ruins: Dragonpit scene with Davos, Brienne, Dany, Missandei and likely several other characters.

Las Atarazanas (Royal Shipyards): No idea.

Castillo de Almodovar del Rio: Beautiful castle, speculated to be Highgarden.

Los Barruecos: Several battle scenes (no naval ones, though).

Caceres City: Speculated to be KL (apparently GOT production is not going back to Croatia, so if there are KL exteriors, they need to do them somewhere).

Trujillo Castle: Shooting supposed to be in a courtyard of this castle, for one day only (November 18th).

Seville/Cordoba filming sought male extras only: all races, thin, in good physical condition, with military experience. Only 1,500 extras would make it past the first round of casting.

Caceres filming (Barruecos/Caceres/Trujillo) said that 2,400 men and 600 women extras would make it past the first round of casting, and called for people of all races and men with military experience.

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Also on the subject of Brienne, I expect this news must deflate Jaime/Brienne people a bit, since it seems unlikely Brienne will be playing much of a role in his story this year if she's only heading south toward the end of the season.

The filming that's been going on at the Winterfell exteriors obviously can't involve Jon, since Kit is in Spain.  We know Meera was spotted on-set, and Sophie was in Belfast, so she theoretically could have been part of it.  Maybe they're doing Bran's arrival or something like that?

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If Bran and Meera (it looks like Meera is wearing the same clothes (which has to mean they just arrived) arrive after Jon, does Arya just miss Jon too?  I feel like the whole Arya going to Winterfell in episodes 3 or 4 is wrong.  I feel like she still has unfinished business in the south.  It would be way more dramatic if she and Jon (Plus Gendry) found eachother someplace else.  

Edited by amandawoods
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3 minutes ago, amandawoods said:

If Bran and Meera (it looks like Meera is wearing the same clothes (which has to mean they just arrived) arrive after Jon, does Arya just miss Jon too?  I feel like the whole Arya going to Winterfell in episodes 3 or 4 is wrong.  I feel like she still has unfinished business in the south.  It would be way more dramatic if she and Jon (Plus Gendry) found eachother someplace else.  

As far as Arya goes, the indicators that Edmure is returning would seem to be more evidence that she has more to do in the Riverlands before heading north, at a minimum.

Still no sign of Rory McCann or any of the Brotherhood actors.

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4 hours ago, SeanC said:

If nothing else, this latest batch of photos would confirm that Brienne's not going south with Jon and Davos, so either Sansa sends her on another messenger errand, or she goes south with Sansa.

It would kind of make sense if Sansa goes south with Brienne, possibly because Dany summons her for an oath of fealty as one of the steps to seal the Targ/Stark alliance, or something like that.

In the last season, the north will likely be attacked and Winterfell may fall to the WW, or hold out with major difficulties. If Sansa does not go north in the books before the equivalent invasion of the Others happens, the show would presumably need Sansa out of Winterfell before the Undead army arrives. The arrival of Bran might also free her to go south, as there would be a Stark in Winterfell, regardless.

Arya may come with her, in that case, allthough she would be more likely to survive even in an undead-infested north.

Edited by Wouter
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Another possibility floated in the WOTW comments section is that Sansa dies and Brienne, relieved of her oath, heads south to find Jaime.

Leaker said that Sansa stayed in WF all season and survived S7, but said that Brienne would stay north all season, so we'll see.

According to Javi, there might be more Bermeo filming tomorrow. Emilia Clarke has been spotted in Bakio, so she might be filming on the San Juan de Gaztelugatxe islet tomorrow. After that, it's off to Zumaia.

Edited by Eyes High
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1 hour ago, Eyes High said:

Another possibility floated in the WOTW comments section is that Sansa dies and Brienne, relieved of her oath, heads south to find Jaime.

Wouldn't her oath mean she'd have to serve Arya?  Though I guess that'd depend on whether she's there or not.

Edit - heh, now that I think about it, if Arya comes back to Winterfell while Sansa and Brienne are there, do the sisters split Brienne's loyalty and service 50/50, or does Sansa have sole dibs because she was the first to accept her proposed fealty?

Edited by SeanC
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Just now, Minneapple said:

If Sansa travels south with Brienne, their storyline could intersect with Jaime and Cersei, which would make sense to me. 

It seems like any combination of them traveling south would be so late in the year that they wouldn't factor into anything beyond the denouement.  If Dany is occupying KL, especially, it would seem like Cersei is probably already toast.

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Brienne told Jaime last season at the siege of Winterfell that honor compels her to fight for Sansa's kin. I don't Brienne will be dividing anything, but if something happened to Sansa, I'm assuming she'll still be loyal to the Starks. She was with Catelyn, now she's with Sansa.

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36 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

It does look like those could be Dothraki warriors behind Jon and Davos, but that makes no sense. 

Yes, it does.  They're local security following the guests around and monitoring them.

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1 hour ago, SeanC said:

Yes, it does.  They're local security following the guests around and monitoring them.

I just saw the picture of Missandei with Jon and Davos. Where are they? Daenerys and Jon are together already? This is exciting. I love this development because I did not think that they would met until the end of season 7 or early season 8.

Kit looks gorgeous too.

Edited by SimoneS
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2 hours ago, WearyTraveler said:

Maybe they are waiting until her actual coronation to give her a truly Targaryen outfit

Possibly. They could be keeping red out of her outfits until Team Lannister is out of the picture (even if Cersei herself isn't wearing red anymore).

With Jon's brown and black Dragonstone outfit, he fits right in. He and Dany are a matched set.

This dude on Instagram claims to have witnessed them filming the death of Davos at San Juan de Gaztelugatxe. Yeah, right. What's he supposed to do, fall off the walkway? (Not to mention Davos is alive as of 7x05, surrounded by people who have no reason to want him dead.)

Staz Nair (Qhono) was photographed along with D&D and other cast members at the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao.

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1 hour ago, Eyes High said:

This dude on Instagram claims to have witnessed them filming the death of Davos at San Juan de Gaztelugatxe. Yeah, right. What's he supposed to do, fall off the walkway?

LOL!! Folks are getting a little carried away...

Here's KITN and Tyrion walking ahead and possibly having a conversation while Davos and Missandei follow them with Dothraki guards : https://www.instagram.com/p/BL3a4fUD34E/


I think there are two different scenes: Dany landing first with her gang and the Unsullied (Who are now wearing jumpers under their last season attire) and later Jon and Davos landing there to meet with her...

Also, that place where they are filming is so beautiful. Dragonstone is going to look so good on the show. I can watch GOT just for the scenery.

Edited by anamika
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4 hours ago, WearyTraveler said:

Maybe they are waiting until her actual coronation to give her a truly Targaryen outfit

The show makes little use of the House colours in its costuming.  None of the Starks ever wear grey and white, for instance.  The main exception would be House Martell.

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1 hour ago, anamika said:

LOL!! Folks are getting a little carried away...

Here's KITN and Tyrion walking ahead and possibly having a conversation while Davos and Missandei follow them with Dothraki guards : https://www.instagram.com/p/BL3a4fUD34E/


I think there are two different scenes: Dany landing first with her gang and the Unsullied (Who are now wearing jumpers under their last season attire) and later Jon and Davos landing there to meet with her...

Also, that place where they are filming is so beautiful. Dragonstone is going to look so good on the show. I can watch GOT just for the scenery.

That islet is beautiful, as are many of the other Spain locations they're supposed to be shooting in. I can't wait for the scenery porn we're going to get in Season 7.

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21 hours ago, SeanC said:

Also on the subject of Brienne, I expect this news must deflate Jaime/Brienne people a bit, since it seems unlikely Brienne will be playing much of a role in his story this year if she's only heading south toward the end of the season.

If it means they don't die this year, I for one will be looking at the bright side ;) But I guess I'm an easy shipper since Jaime making heart eyes at the Tarth coastline was enough for me. That said, as last season proved, things can accelerate quickly on this show and distances don't seem to mean anything anymore.

Now if him waving goodbye to her as she left Riverrun turns out to be definite then yes, I will be deflated.

What I really, really want is for Jaime to finally be through with Cersei and hopefully go Queenslayer.

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1 minute ago, Eyes High said:

That islet is beautiful, as are many of the other Spain locations they're supposed to be shooting in. I can't wait for the scenery porn we're going to get in Season 7.

I'll be kind of interested to see if they keep the Dragonstone interiors looking as they did in Seasons 2-4 when Stannis was there, or if the arrival of three of the main protagonists suddenly greatly increases the amount of interior light.

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8 minutes ago, Happy Harpy said:

If it means they don't die this year, I for one will be looking at the bright side ;) But I guess I'm an easy shipper since Jaime making heart eyes at the Tarth coastline was enough for me. That said, as last season proved, things can accelerate quickly on this show and distances don't seem to mean anything anymore.

Now if him waving goodbye to her as she left Riverrun turns out to be definite then yes, I will be deflated.

What I really, really want is for Jaime to finally be through with Cersei and hopefully go Queenslayer.

I thought Jaime was making some pretty serious heart eyes at Brienne in the 6x08 tent scene.

If the leaker is correct and the dragonpit scene does turn out to be a big parley between Team Lannister on one side and pretty much everyone else on the other, I wouldn't be surprised to have shots of Jaime and Brienne looking sadly at each other while Dany, Jon and Cersei argue. There was that whole "Honour compels me to fight for Sansa's kin...to fight you." Granted, that was in a pretty specific context (those words were preceded by a hypothetical where the Blackfish refuses to surrender the castle peacefully), but I wonder if it was pointing to some reunion in Season 6 where Brienne and Jaime are once again on opposite sides.

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7 minutes ago, SeanC said:

I'll be kind of interested to see if they keep the Dragonstone interiors looking as they did in Seasons 2-4 when Stannis was there, or if the arrival of three of the main protagonists suddenly greatly increases the amount of interior light.

I think the arrival of a bigger budget for season 7 will allow them to improve on the Dragonstone interiors.

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Just now, anamika said:

I think the arrival of a bigger budget for season 7 will allow them to improve on the Dragonstone interiors.

It was pretty sunny at the San Juan de Gaztelugatxe islet when they were filming yesterday. I don't recall Dragonstone exterior shots ever being quite so bright and sunlit in the show. They can filter the shit out of it, I guess.

We're already starting to get a rough timeline of one portion of the storyline in Season 7 (even without any reference to leaks):

-Episode 1 or 2 (directed by Jeremy Podeswa): Winterfell scene with Jon, Sansa, Tormund, Brienne, Lyanna, and Megan Parkinson's character (speculated to be Alys Karstark)

-Jon and Davos leave Winterfell and travel south.

-Jon and Davos land at Dragonstone (to be filmed at Zumaia next week).

-Jon and Davos are escorted by Tyrion and Missandei to meet Daenerys

-Episode 5: Davos and Tyrion travel to KL and back, picking up Gendry along the way


-Dragonpit scene with Davos, Dany, Missandei, Brienne, and likely Jon (even though only Davos and Brienne are the only characters from the northern storyline confirmed at the dragonpit)


Somewhere along the way, we know Jon meets with Theon in the south.

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20 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

Somewhere along the way, we know Jon meets with Theon in the south.

Speaking of which, while it's always theoretically possible that they're indoors, Dany's entourage appears not to have gained anybody new since arriving in Westeros, and there's no sign of either Greyjoy.  So Olenna, Yara, Theon, Ellaria et al. are elsewhere at this point (perhaps, in cases other than Olenna, involved in whatever's going on with Euron).

Edited by SeanC
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2 hours ago, anamika said:

Here's KITN and Tyrion walking ahead and possibly having a conversation while Davos and Missandei follow them with Dothraki guards : https://www.instagram.com/p/BL3a4fUD34E/


I think there are two different scenes: Dany landing first with her gang and the Unsullied (Who are now wearing jumpers under their last season attire) and later Jon and Davos landing there to meet with her...

Also, that place where they are filming is so beautiful. Dragonstone is going to look so good on the show. I can watch GOT just for the scenery.

Okay, now I am bursting with excitement and anticipation. Jon and Tyrion reuniting. I wonder how Jon finds out about Daenerys and her army. I cannot for Daenerys and Jon to meet. Will there be an instant attraction or antagonism? They will be a stunning couple no matter what. I will be swooning. 

Edited by SimoneS
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There are two things I am interested in hearing other people's thoughts on.  First is Bronn.  Who do we think he will end up committing his loyalty to of the Lannister brothers?  The whole family is broke, so while I know money will play the biggest factor for practical Bronn, he basically needs to end up weighing the Crown's gold (which he knows is borrowed) vs the unknown quantity of Dany's resources.  Or does anyone else think he might be the means of bringing Jamie and Tyrion together?  I ask because he is such a consummate mercenary, but the uncertainty of who will pay best is really high here, so it's intriguing to think of whether and how much his actual feelings for each of them will play a role. 

The second is Dany's fertility in a Jon x Dany end game.  So if she believes herself to be infertile, then of course that is not confirmed to be medically sound, but it is de facto infertility for her right up until the point when she is unexpectedly pregnant.  For the sake of planning, she is presumably working off of that belief when she considers marital alliances and the line of succession.  So what you end up with between the two of them afai can see is a woman who has to have a surprise pregnancy to even know she can be pregnant, and a man who has spent most of his life determined never to give any woman a surprise pregnancy.  Okay, Ygritte, but I think that's clearly an aberration to a woman in his own society with similar values ... interested in disagreement here too though. 

So how does this go down? Will they be so overcome with love/lust that they have sex and Jon just says yolo and takes no precautions?  Will Daenerys consult with an archmaester gyno and find out she actually has the spiffiest little womb in Westeros after all?  Or will there be some delicious angst with her telling him what she believes to be the truth, and then them trying to figure out where to go from there?  Will they just get together after the BfD and not address this at all, kind of leaving it open?  There's a million variations here, but we know Dany thinks she cannot have kids and Jon does want kids, so again ... how do we mesh up all these beliefs?  That Westeros will need an heir to whatever part of it comes under Dany's rule by the end is pretty obvious, I think leaving it an open question would be a cop out, personally. 

I just see a lot of willful denial about this in fandom from people with strong feelings on this union.  Anti DJ forces want to insist that Daenerys' belief in her infertility is a medical certainty, and its not; whereas pro DJ forces want to insist that her belief makes no difference at all to her behavior, and that's equally illogical. 

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3 hours ago, TxanGoddess said:

There are two things I am interested in hearing other people's thoughts on.  First is Bronn.  Who do we think he will end up committing his loyalty to of the Lannister brothers?  The whole family is broke, so while I know money will play the biggest factor for practical Bronn, he basically needs to end up weighing the Crown's gold (which he knows is borrowed) vs the unknown quantity of Dany's resources.  Or does anyone else think he might be the means of bringing Jamie and Tyrion together?  I ask because he is such a consummate mercenary, but the uncertainty of who will pay best is really high here, so it's intriguing to think of whether and how much his actual feelings for each of them will play a role. 

I imagine Bronn's main consideration will be which side is most likely to result in him not dying.

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The show has been known to take short cuts. I don't think they will even address Dany's fertility issues but if they do, they will solve it very quickly whichever way they want. Like Dany's fire immunity or Mel being 400 yrs old - their dealing with magicky things are fickle and can change when necessary.

So, Jon and Dany meeting!! Finally! After 20 years of the books and 6 seasons of the show. The last Targaryens meeting on Dragonstone. Epic!



Jon looks so much like a Ned clone here that I am wondering if that's a real pic or not lol!

Man, Jon and Davos meeting Tyrion and Varys is going to be awesome! I wonder if they will discuss Tyrion's wife. And Drogon possibly makes a fly over giving Jon/Davos a performance. Their reaction is going to be great.


Dany and Varys having conversations is also going to be great. We never saw them interact last season. Season 7 is going to be a smorgasbord of new dynamics and reunions between feuding siblings (Jaime/Tyrion and Arya/Sansa).

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Returning to the subject of whether/when Arya goes back to Winterfell this season, I've been thinking that what we know of Jon's storyline suggests he won't be seeing her again this year.  The big character reunions (particularly for two who haven't shared a scene since 102) should be really meaningful to the story, and what we know of Jon's story this season suggests it's mostly about allying with/possibly marrying Dany.  A reunion with Arya in 701 or 702 would just be a brief character beat before he heads south, not something that would seem likely to be a major part of his arc for the year.  This doesn't preclude Arya from returning to Winterfell, but I don't think she'll get there in time to see Jon.

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1 hour ago, amandawoods said:

Since Jon is wearing his cloak, I wonder if he's leaving Dragonstone at this point. 

Sounds about right. And on that note...From the Kit Harington fan thread at Lipstick Alley comes this tidbit from user "gocus" after Kit was snapped arriving in Bilbao (bold mine):


Annnnnd so begins a VERY interesting 100 days. [Kit and Emilia] will spend 12-15 hours together, for many days, weeks, and months in the same hotels across three different countries. And this is not the end of it. I have it on good authority the big one is in late December/early January in Iceland. Told a 17+ day straight shoot in the land. This a longer straight period of time without rest than he and others such as Rose were ever there for. A pretty fascinating 4 months.

Not sure whether gocus' "good authority" was already-established spoilers about Iceland. We knew that there would be an Iceland shoot in January, but I don't think it had been communicated by WOTW or the other reliable sources how long they'd be shooting there. It certainly hasn't been communicated who's supposed to be going to Iceland. (Iceland=beyond the Wall, I thought.)

Anyway, gocus has only made two other posts on the Lipstick Alley forum, most of which relate to specifics of supposed behind the scenes drama and not to Season 7. Also, that thread is full of people, including gocus, who are convinced that Kit and Emilia have had a secret relationship for the duration of GOT. So...context.

Assuming, for the moment, that this information is correct and that Kit and Emilia will be going to Iceland for several days' worth of shooting, I wonder how the Season 7 timeline is going to work.

-Jon has scene at WF with Sansa, Tormund, Lyanna, character played by Megan Parkinson, etc. (Episode 1 or 2)

-Jon leaves WF with Davos

-Jon and Davos arrive at Dragonstone, meet Tyrion and the rest of Team Dany. Jon and Davos see a dragon swoop over them when they're walking on the Dragonstone walkway and throw themselves to the ground in fear. Tyrion helps Jon stand.

-Jon meets Dany.

-Davos and Tyrion head to a hostile, Cersei-controlled KL for shenanigans (leaker says it's a secret, Bronn-facilitated mission to talk some sense into Jaime) and leave KL in fairly short order with Gendry in tow (Episode 5)

-Jon, wearing his fur cloak, speaks with Daenerys at Dragonstone before embarking on their journey north (they're standing fairly close together in one of the pics) (Episode 5 or 6?)

-Jon and Dany head beyond the Wall for some reason (leaker claimed it's to hunt a wight for capture) with a number of other unspecified characters (if the leaks are correct, Jorah, Gendry, Tormund, Beric, Thoros and the Hound, the latter characters "collected" by Jon at Eastwatch en route, go too) (Episode 6/7)

-Dragonpit scene with Dany (returned from beyond the Wall), Davos, Brienne (now arrived from Winterfell), and other characters (Episode 6/7, although it's not clear whether this happens before or after Jon and Dany head beyond the Wall. Going beyond the Wall and returning within the span of an episode--since supposedly Gendry accompanies Jon's team--seems like a stretch, to put it mildly.)

It almost seems impossible for Dany to take KL in Season 7 given this timeline, if she's beyond the Wall with her dragons near the end of the season and KL is still under Cersei's control (as evidenced by the goldcloaks) as late as Episode 5. Admittedly, she resolved her problems in Meereen pretty quickly when push came to shove in 6x09.

If gocus is correct, Kit and Emilia will be together for filming in Spain, Ireland and then Iceland I suppose for the next "100 days."

Edited by Eyes High
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5 hours ago, SeanC said:

Returning to the subject of whether/when Arya goes back to Winterfell this season, I've been thinking that what we know of Jon's storyline suggests he won't be seeing her again this year.  The big character reunions (particularly for two who haven't shared a scene since 102) should be really meaningful to the story, and what we know of Jon's story this season suggests it's mostly about allying with/possibly marrying Dany.  A reunion with Arya in 701 or 702 would just be a brief character beat before he heads south, not something that would seem likely to be a major part of his arc for the year.  This doesn't preclude Arya from returning to Winterfell, but I don't think she'll get there in time to see Jon.

After last season, I have maintained that the show has ignored the Jon-Arya relationship and is not planning on doing anything about it. On the show, there is no special closeness between the two siblings. David and Dan have talked about how Needle represents 'Revenge' for Arya. The fake Arya plot was removed in order to give Sansa something to do. They had a lot of chances for Jon to mention Arya last season, but any mention of her was by Sansa - both with Brienne and later with Jon.

Spoilers indicate that Arya is getting the Sansa-LF plot this time around instead of Jon. Now this could be because Arya does turn up at the Vale in the books and gets involved in taking down LF before heading North. Or maybe the writers are again using main characters as a plot device and it's Arya's turn to look like an idiot. Either way I think Arya heads North to WF next season.

If Arya is not going to take down Cersei, I don't see much for her to do down south. I see her killing more Freys and freeing Edmure early on and then heading North.  And I think Cersei is going to be around for much longer. Jon wanting Lannister forces for the fight against the WW gives the writers an ingenious way to keep Cersei/Lena Headey around for much longer. Which also implies that the Lannisters continue to hold the Iron Throne into the last season. This is clearly not what happens in the books - GRRM has mentioned several people sitting on the throne after Tommen - possibly Cersei, fake Aegon and Dany.

Anyways, all this leads me to believe that the show views the Jon-Arya reunion very low on the list of priorities. We may get a low key reunion at the beginning of next season between Jon/Bran/Arya and then it will back to dealing with the Others. One good thing about this could be that the show has got rid of the whole Nissa-Nissa stuff. Arya being Jon's NN in the books was a possibility considering how much GRRM stressed about their love for each other. Or maybe Jon makes his beloved sister Queen in the North and now that Gendry is back in the picture maybe a Baratheon-Stark marriage alliance is finally going to happen after two earlier, unsuccessful attempts.

1 hour ago, Eyes High said:

Anyway, gocus has only made two other posts on the Lipstick Alley forum, most of which relate to specifics of supposed behind the scenes drama and not to Season 7. Also, that thread is full of people, including gocus, who are convinced that Kit and Emilia have had a secret relationship for the duration of GOT. So...context.

I would not really trust what a lot of these folks say considering their thinking is directed in a particular way. As you say, context! lol! They need Kit and Emilia to carry on some secret affair, so any spoilers could be tailored to support that.

1 hour ago, Eyes High said:

It almost seems impossible for Dany to take KL in Season 7 given this timeline, if she's beyond the Wall with her dragons near the end of the season and KL is still under Cersei's control (as evidenced by the goldcloaks) as late as Episode 5.

Yes, I think the Lannisters  will still hold KL at the end of season 7. Which, ugh! I want them gone! But I guess David and Dan want Cersei around sipping alcohol till the very last episode. I don't know how Cersei's continued presence is going to affect Jaime's story going forward and whether it will be different to the books.

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1 hour ago, anamika said:

Yes, I think the Lannisters  will still hold KL at the end of season 7. 

I can't imagine that the Lannisters will still hold KL if Dany is holding court in the Dragonpit by season's end.

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59 minutes ago, anamika said:

Yes, I think the Lannisters  will still hold KL at the end of season 7. Which, ugh! I want them gone! But I guess David and Dan want Cersei around sipping alcohol till the very last episode. 

D&D have never made any secret of how much they enjoy writing for Lena Headey's Cersei. Maybe it was hasty to assume that she'd be cleared out in Season 7 with the rest of the plots unrelated to the fight against the WWs.

As for Arya, one Redditor who claimed to be in the know stated that she comes south with Brienne. We should know pretty soon either way.

Details on the sequence of the next few weeks of Spain filming, with some bits I forgot in previous posts:

1. Zumaia (Oct. 25-29): Dany landing on the shore at Itzurun Beach, a nighttime landing on the beach at a grotto on Itzurun Beach (probably Jon/Dany). There may be more scenes, but those are the ones we know about.

Seville/Cordoba (Nov. 1-12) - only male extras sought for filming:

2A. Roman ruins at Italica: Dragonpit scene (Dany, Davos, Brienne and Missandei for sure, probably others)

2B. Castillo de Almodovar del Rio: Probably Highgarden?

2C. Las Atarazanas (Royal Shipyards): ???

Malpartida de Caceres (Nov. 14-Dec. 15) - male and female extras sought (4:1 ratio of male extras to females sought, judging from initial casting call)

3A. Las Brenas: Big ambush scene involving 450 extras, Dothraki, Unsullied, at least one dragon, Tyrion and one of his siblings.

3B. Los Barruecos de Arriba: Scene or scenes filmed near the water, involves one major character falling into the water.

3C. Caceres City: King's Landing?

3D. Trujillo Castle: Filming is for three days, filming will have 100 extras, rumoured to be an Essos location (female extras were apparently told they'd be playing slaves)

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After all these years of thinking Jon/Dany was a pretty likely ending, not hating it but not caring enough to look forward to it either, I think that epic Wall sex rumor actually managed to turn me into a Jon/Dany shipper - I didn't expect to be so thrilled by the first low quality photos of them together. It helps that I like Show Dany far more than ADWD Dany.

I thought the season would have Dany's triumphant taking of KL because one of the earliest S7 reports, IIRC, seemed to be about plans for a big parade scene. If it happens, it has to be in the finale and probably leads to Cersei fleeing to the Rock if the showrunners want to keep her around.

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L7R reported on the planned filming at the Castillo de Almodovar del Rio. Apparently, in addition to D&D, three Season 7 directors--Shakman, Mylod, and Podeswa--came to look at the grounds. Apparently, the interior of the castle is very small, so there won't be any filming in the rooms proper: filming will center on the towers and walls, the courtyard, etc. L7R's guess (and the article makes it clear that it's only an educated guess)? The castle is doubling for the interior of Dragonstone, not Highgarden as previously speculated.

The castle will be closed to the public between the 4th and the 16th of November, with the first and last days of that block used for prep and teardown.

Edited by Eyes High
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8 hours ago, SeanC said:

I can't imagine that the Lannisters will still hold KL if Dany is holding court in the Dragonpit by season's end.

According to spoilers, I think the Dragonpit is where they have a conference of leaders from Westeros and where Jon and Dany try to convince Cersei of the WW. If this is true, then Cersei still holds KL at the end of season 7.

8 hours ago, Eyes High said:

As for Arya, one Redditor who claimed to be in the know stated that she comes south with Brienne. We should know pretty soon either way.

I thought it was Sansa who was rumored to come down south with Brienne?! Maybe they both do, leaving poor Bran in charge of the Winterfell. Maybe we will get LF Vs Bran!! 

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25 minutes ago, anamika said:

According to spoilers, I think the Dragonpit is where they have a conference of leaders from Westeros and where Jon and Dany try to convince Cersei of the WW. If this is true, then Cersei still holds KL at the end of season 7.

I thought it was Sansa who was rumored to come down south with Brienne?! Maybe they both do, leaving poor Bran in charge of the Winterfell. Maybe we will get LF Vs Bran!! 

The leaker, who's been right about a frightening number of things so far, claimed that Arya and Sansa stay at Winterfell all season. However, the leaker also claimed until proven wrong that Brienne stayed at Winterfell all season, something we now know to be untrue. Another Redditor (starkandlannister), attempting to support their previous claim that the leaker had gotten at least half of the spoilers wrong, offered "spoilers" from their own source stating among other things that another Stark (later clarified to be Arya) comes south with Brienne. We'll know the truth of it in pretty short order, since dragonpit filming starts in a little more than a week. We'll see who (if anyone) shows up in Seville other than Gwendoline Christie and the cast members already in Spain.

ETA: WOTW has posted pictures of one of the long boats to be used in Zumaia filming. Javi has also hinted on Twitter that there might be another GOT cast member in Spain.

The news about the Iceland filming several months ago was that "six main characters" would be filming there.

Edited by Eyes High
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32 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

Just when I thought that I could not be more excited, I see the picture of Jon and Daenerys together. Finally! I cannot wait to see how their relationship unfolds. 

It's that thing you know will happen, you wait for it to happen, and then when it happens, you're not really sure it's happening because you think you might be hallucinating.

I've been waiting for this since the 1st book. That's like half of my damn life.

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52 minutes ago, anamika said:

According to spoilers, I think the Dragonpit is where they have a conference of leaders from Westeros and where Jon and Dany try to convince Cersei of the WW. If this is true, then Cersei still holds KL at the end of season 7.

I thought it was Sansa who was rumored to come down south with Brienne?! Maybe they both do, leaving poor Bran in charge of the Winterfell. Maybe we will get LF Vs Bran!! 

LF vs. Bran?  A spoiler said LF dies in a surprising way....

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