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Season 12 Spoilers, Speculation and Anticipation

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9 hours ago, ReidFan said:

I hope you're right. Maybe, this take on 'Spencer' (which will have something to do with mom) will include one of (or both) two things I'd really like to see: 1. closure/acceptance/a cure/fix/whatever for mom's dementia--and the assurance that Spence won't develop it and 2. marriage/family or at least a pointing to that happening post-series/offscreen/later on if the show continues past season 12 by giving him a serious gf who is not 1. crazy 2. imaginary 3. dead by the end of the episode/arc.

What, Reid and Prentiss might be tying the knot?  Weird, I didn't even realize they were dating (yet)............

Oops, sorry about that, I seem to have slipped into 'fanon mode' for a brief second or two there.  Please don't mind me and carry on.

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No.  not Prentiss.. She's too old for him.    They've got a lovely friends relationship. 

I was thinking more along the lines of someone he met while they were in Paris. Perhaps an Alzheimer's research scientist or summat. 

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4 hours ago, ReidFan said:

No.  not Prentiss.. She's too old for him.    They've got a lovely friends relationship. 

I was thinking more along the lines of someone he met while they were in Paris. Perhaps an Alzheimer's research scientist or summat. 

I fanwanked an idea where Reid moves his mother to a facility in Quantico and he meets a lovely nurse or counselor or maybe an activist/fund raiser for people with Alzheimer's and their families (medical research, support, etc). 

But at this point, I just don't trust the current state of CM to give us a love interest for Spencer that will satisfy us; hence the tragedy of Maeve and the disappearance of Loker, two potential lady loves I could totally get into and support. I was positively woobie over both possibilities.

And as much as I love Prentiss (and Paget) I see her more as an ideal older sister to Reid, and not just because she's older. I can see Reid with an older woman, but at this point, Prentiss and Reid have more of a sibling thing going on. 

Oh, well, gotta get back to my fan fiction.

Edited by Bookish Jen
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3 hours ago, Bookish Jen said:

And as much as I love Prentiss (and Paget) I see her more as an ideal older sister to Reid, and not just because she's older. I can see Reid with an older woman, but at this point, Prentiss and Reid have more of a sibling thing going on. 

Oh, well, gotta get back to my fan fiction.

I genuinely liked Loker, I would have liked seeing more of her (well written).

I've never seen anything romantic between any member of the team, ever. No every member has good chemistry or relantionship with everybody else, plus the writing and continuity issues.  I admit there are scenes where we are left guessing by their ambiguity and I don't know what you guys think about them, but those scenes are the ones which drive me crazy. I can't give you examples right now, but one of them is in season 7 finale, between Hotch and Prentiss, and I hate it.

Anyway, the best friendship/relationship between Reid and other member is the one he had with Elle, just my 2 cents hehe

Edited by smoker
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12 minutes ago, smoker said:

I genuinely liked Loker, I would have liked seeing more of her (well written).

I've never seen anything romantic between any member of the team, ever. No every member has good chemistry or relantionship with everybody else, plus the writing and continuity issues.  I admit there are scenes where we are left guessing by their ambiguity and I don't know what you guys think about them, but those scenes are the ones who drive me crazy. I can't give you examples right now, but one of them is in season 7 finale, between Hotch and Prentiss, and I hate it.

Anyway, the best friendship/relationship between Reid and other member is the one he had with Elle, just my 2 cents hehe

I liked Loker, too. And not just because she was a redhead (though it helped).

And I fanwanked Reid and Elle big time, thinking she relieved him of his virginity in "Aftermath." Lucky bitch.

Edited by Bookish Jen
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about the episode... a few of the young actors playing the unsub/victims/bullies were pretty active on twitter etc over this episode and were most enthusiastic about working with Adam and Joe. Nice to see. Most of the young actors were pretty average, the female 'survivor' at the beginning was good, and I thought the A-T squad kid named Zach (driving the car with the unsub) was pretty good too. Didn't like the two girls in the squad, especially the short reddish-haired one, thought she was pretty bad actually. And man, talk about missed opportunities...the bullying scene, done in flashback to the kid being stripped and taped to the post. They really should have used Reid instead of Prentiss in this scene. Really.Really. Find some way to schedule around the Elliott's Pond directing needs. I'm really disappointed they didn't see what we all so plainly did. Imagine the flashback scene with another flashback within it....lost opportunity...

I've already had enough of them trying to force  Penelope and Luke into our hearts. Whether it's to be a romance, or just a friendship, they are trying TOO hard to make us like it like (those who did) Derek and Penelope. I wish they'd just freakin' let it go.  Doubt they'll be bringing Roxy in regularly; (If it's anything like the Enterprise set was with Porthos) it's too much hassle: the dog, the handler, the dog's staff, the dog's outdoor needs etc) . And frankly, I just don't buy that Penelope is that into Roxy. She's a cat person. Until Roxy arrived, there was never, EVER a mention re dogs from her. The ONLY person who's had (has?) a dog is Rossi-- Mudgie the hunting Black Lab--and he never mentions him/her either. The ridiculousness of those little presents for her.... a sweater? on a big Shepherd like dog? (pardon the snorts of laughter here). The cookies was a nice idea, and honestly, raw diet or not, if they were organic like Garcia said they were, there was no reason Roxy couldn't have had those.  And the collar? She's already wearing one if she's on a leash in the building. They didn't show it close enough to see, but if it was all sequins and flash, then I woulda bought it as something Penelope would give her. It could've been toys, a ball, a kong, a tug o war loop, there were many other things you can buy a dog that would be more of a gift than a collar that she'd already have.

All of which reminds me, did Alvez not ask Prentiss to keep the being in that Rangers unit on the downlow? How did Garcia know about that?

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47 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

about the episode... a few of the young actors playing the unsub/victims/bullies were pretty active on twitter etc over this episode and were most enthusiastic about working with Adam and Joe. Nice to see. Most of the young actors were pretty average, the female 'survivor' at the beginning was good, and I thought the A-T squad kid named Zach (driving the car with the unsub) was pretty good too. Didn't like the two girls in the squad, especially the short reddish-haired one, thought she was pretty bad actually. And man, talk about missed opportunities...the bullying scene, done in flashback to the kid being stripped and taped to the post. They really should have used Reid instead of Prentiss in this scene. Really.Really. Find some way to schedule around the Elliott's Pond directing needs. I'm really disappointed they didn't see what we all so plainly did. Imagine the flashback scene with another flashback within it....lost opportunity...

I've already had enough of them trying to force  Penelope and Luke into our hearts. Whether it's to be a romance, or just a friendship, they are trying TOO hard to make us like it like (those who did) Derek and Penelope. I wish they'd just freakin' let it go.  Doubt they'll be bringing Roxy in regularly; (If it's anything like the Enterprise set was with Porthos) it's too much hassle: the dog, the handler, the dog's staff, the dog's outdoor needs etc) . And frankly, I just don't buy that Penelope is that into Roxy. She's a cat person. Until Roxy arrived, there was never, EVER a mention re dogs from her. The ONLY person who's had (has?) a dog is Rossi-- Mudgie the hunting Black Lab--and he never mentions him/her either. The ridiculousness of those little presents for her.... a sweater? on a big Shepherd like dog? (pardon the snorts of laughter here). The cookies was a nice idea, and honestly, raw diet or not, if they were organic like Garcia said they were, there was no reason Roxy couldn't have had those.  And the collar? She's already wearing one if she's on a leash in the building. They didn't show it close enough to see, but if it was all sequins and flash, then I woulda bought it as something Penelope would give her. It could've been toys, a ball, a kong, a tug o war loop, there were many other things you can buy a dog that would be more of a gift than a collar that she'd already have.

All of which reminds me, did Alvez not ask Prentiss to keep the being in that Rangers unit on the downlow? How did Garcia know about that?

Reidfan, Morgan had a dog named Clooney.

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Ooh! Right! And we saw Clooney, much like Rossi's, only once. Just like most shows, the dogs only make an appearance when it's necessary to the story in the show. Otherwise, no mention is ever made of dog needing walking, feeding, going outside etc. (soooooooo realistic. Not.) At least Alvez mentioned that Roxy's walker would be by later for her. 

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35 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

Ooh! Right! And we saw Clooney, much like Rossi's, only once. Just like most shows, the dogs only make an appearance when it's necessary to the story in the show. Otherwise, no mention is ever made of dog needing walking, feeding, going outside etc. (soooooooo realistic. Not.) At least Alvez mentioned that Roxy's walker would be by later for her. 

well, that's another thing, but he (they) had a dog.

The dog issue, pretty much like direwolves in GOT. I guess it's not easy working with animals, aside of expensive. Frankly, I've always thought they vanished Clooney because it was impossible for that kind of pet survive on Morgan's schedule. At least, Rossi must have hired someone to take care of his manor (or whatever) while he is away. Just more continuty mistakes.

Edited by smoker
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44 minutes ago, thewhiteowl said:

I can't imagine anything I need less than to have continual updates on how these folks take care of their home stuff. They're reasonably intelligent adults, I can assume they have it covered.

Could we include significant others and children there, please? Sometimes I miss when we didn't know (almost) anything about their personal lives.

And it bugs me the use of Roxy in the introduction of AR's character. Most of people love animals so it seems an animal lover is a win win :(

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48 minutes ago, smoker said:

And it bugs me the use of Roxy in the introduction of AR's character. Most of people love animals so it seems an animal lover is a win win :(

that was probably their intent, hoping that people that are/were upset about Morgan leaving would make Alvez more palatable by making him an animal person. 

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I wonder if the writers will ever remember that Garcia used to have 4 brothers or that JJ had a niece. They seem to have forgotten about the dogs owned by Rossi and Morgan.

I know animals can be a pain to work with, but sometimes I wish they would have more pets on in a good way. Like they go to interview someone at their home and a cat or dog climbs on them. 

Edited by zannej
extra letters at end of post-- may have been from cat stepping on keyboard
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6 hours ago, ReidFan said:

  Doubt they'll be bringing Roxy in regularly; (If it's anything like the Enterprise set was with Porthos) it's too much hassle: the dog, the handler, the dog's staff, the dog's outdoor needs etc) . 


You know, it always kind of bugs me when characters, who are single, live alone and have jobs which supposedly take them away from home for weeks or even months, have pet dogs. Ok, so you maybe have a dog walker... What does the poor pup do all night alone, trapped in a house (or tiny apartment) all the time? They're social animals. An hour a day or whatever of company is frankly cruel. They always act like dogs are just the same as cats, but they're usually way more work. You can't just leave them alone that long. They'll get mentally ill. 

It's funny you mention Enterprise.  Way back when, it made it much harder for me to like Archer on that show too, knowing he was keeping poor Porthos in a tiny room on a sanitised metal ship with no grass or trees or even lampposts to piddle on every day. The little creature only met a couple of other dogs in four years. Archer obviously meant well, but it simply wasn't right. 

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Yeah, Lebanna, cats can actually chill for a while, days, if need be, but dogs must be cared for every day, they cannot do without it and be happy, healthy animals. A BAU person with a dog would almost have to have a wife/husband, or some kind of au pair to take care of a dog. IMO.

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Cats are social too - just because you don't need to walk them and they're smaller so need less exercise, that doesn't mean they're okay to be left alone for days at a time.

It bothers me when people say 'oh I'm too busy for a dog, I'm gone all the time, I'll get a cat'. Sure, the cat can survive, but it's not going to be happy or healthy.

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No, a cat won't be happy/ healthy if left alone all the time, but they are much more adaptable to being left alone during a work day, and over a weekend if enough care is taken with their food and environment. I have 2 cats and 2 dogs, so, their needs are all important but the dogs need certain things and the cats don't need as much over a small amount of time.

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And this is why I have fish.  

Person of Interest did a great job of introducing a dog, and it was included several times a season, in addition to being mentioned when the dog wasn't in the episode.  The whole team practically fought over the dog.  

On topic:  Garcia/Alvez:  *shudder*  Just stop.  There's quirky, which is what she used to be, and unbearable, which is how she is now - making everything about her.  I hear enough about her personal life as it is, if I have to hear about her fanning over him I will have to sever ties with this show.  I genuinely like Alvez as a character.  He is the first team member since Prentiss started that seems to genuinely enjoy his job, rather than being all angsty or brooding. 

Edited by HospiceDoc
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Hey, JJ finally cut the super-long hair off! It looks good. This is a really silly scene, and not in a good way. I'll give Joe a chance, as well as Breen, although I guess i'll be on alert for canon screwups. 

It does look like the Jane Lynch episode(s) will wait until January...

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11 minutes ago, normasm said:

Hey, JJ finally cut the super-long hair off! It looks good. This is a really silly scene, and not in a good way. I'll give Joe a chance, as well as Breen, although I guess i'll be on alert for canon screwups. 

It does look like the Jane Lynch episode(s) will wait until January...

I can't wait that long.


Edited by Bookish Jen
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3 hours ago, smoker said:

sneak peek



I hope Mr scratch is behind Tara's drama.

OMG this is the one directed by Mantega.

Good luck :S

To be perfectly honest, I would have to say I'd probably resent the fact that a story line that was originally meant for Hotch would be given to Tara Lewis. I guess it really doesn't matter though, since this will probably be a no watch episode for me. I have yet to warm up to her character plus I don't expect there to be much in the way of Reid in this episode.

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37 minutes ago, MMC said:

To be perfectly honest, I would have to say I'd probably resent the fact that a story line that was originally meant for Hotch would be given to Tara Lewis. I guess it really doesn't matter though, since this will probably be a no watch episode for me. I have yet to warm up to her character plus I don't expect there to be much in the way of Reid in this episode.

I only want danger far away from Hotch just in case they feel tempted to kill him off. Aside of that, I agree with you.

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45 minutes ago, MMC said:

To be perfectly honest, I would have to say I'd probably resent the fact that a story line that was originally meant for Hotch would be given to Tara Lewis. I guess it really doesn't matter though, since this will probably be a no watch episode for me. I have yet to warm up to her character plus I don't expect there to be much in the way of Reid in this episode.

Tara Lewis/Peter Lewis?

I know it's a common name, but I like to think that it wasn't by accident.

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1 hour ago, secnarf said:

Tara Lewis/Peter Lewis?

I know it's a common name, but I like to think that it wasn't by accident.

I think I could dig a twist where Tara is really Peter's sister. I'd say we could go further and say that Tara was sent by Peter to infiltrate the team (since Tara replaced Kate Callahan, who was on the team when Mr. Scratch first surfaced), but I worry about stretching believability.

Edited by Danielg342
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2 minutes ago, Danielg342 said:

I think I could dig a twist where Tara is really Peter's brother. I'd say we could go further and say that Tara was sent by Peter to infiltrate the team (since Tara replaced Kate Callahan, who was on the team when Mr. Scratch first surfaced), but I worry about stretching believability.

That would be some disguise! :) lol, I do those slip ups lots

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1 minute ago, autumnmountains said:

That would be some disguise! :) lol, I do those slip ups lots

Oops. Thanks. I corrected it.

Having said that...

I hope I won't get too roasted for this, but it's 2016...at least greater society has acknowledged transgender people exist. We're still working on getting Hollywood to acknowledge that (beyond making transgender people the butt of a joke).

So maybe making Tara Peter's brother isn't so far-fetched an idea after all...we'd get a bit of The Manchurian Candidate alongside The Crying Game. It could be all kinds of fun.

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Heh, that would be cool, but this show won't even let Prentiss be a lesbian or Reid be bi... so, doubtful. 

Now I'm imagining a scenario where all 3 come out at once!

Tara: *rips off wig* I'm a MAN, baby!

Reid: *raises finger* I like men!

Prentiss: That makes one of us!

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