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Season 12 Spoilers, Speculation and Anticipation

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I do crap like that ALL the time.  One story I was referencing Reid's mother. And I called her Marilyn *facepalm* 

came back from the beta with the notation "Um. *Matthew's* mother is not in a Las Vegas sanitarium. Just thought you might wanna change that"

and below was my reaction


and...back to the season 12 promo that has been airing. I wanna say although I love that it starts with Reid, it really annoys me that there is no sign of Hotch (except one brief glimpse of a man from behind that might be him but I'd have to see it again to be sure.) really? 11 solid years on the show and not even a reference? even if he was *fired* he still deserves a proper send off :(


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45 minutes ago, Franky said:

Hmm, I would think if any one of our gals would be described as 'vanilla', it would be JJ. Midwestern, corn-fed, wife and mommy (off the clock)...

Emily's a fallen Catholic with punk roots that 'sins to win' in Vegas every chance she gets. 

While I think that both her and JJ are badasses in their own way, I disagree that Prentiss fits the vanilla label.

Feel free to disagree but Prentiss being vanilla to me doesn't preclude JJ from also being vanilla (she is). I'm just particularly uninterested in Prentiss.

2 hours ago, ReidFan said:

I do crap like that ALL the time.  One story I was referencing Reid's mother. And I called her Marilyn *facepalm* 

came back from the beta with the notation "Um. *Matthew's* mother is not in a Las Vegas sanitarium. Just thought you might wanna change that"

and below was my reaction


and...back to the season 12 promo that has been airing. I wanna say although I love that it starts with Reid, it really annoys me that there is no sign of Hotch (except one brief glimpse of a man from behind that might be him but I'd have to see it again to be sure.) really? 11 solid years on the show and not even a reference? even if he was *fired* he still deserves a proper send off :(


Matthew looks like he's thinking, "I can't believe brushed my teeth with (pumpkin spice) Neosporin!"

Edited by Bookish Jen
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I'm watching the beginning of Rossi's tenure in season 3, and i'm thinking, boy, Mandy Patinkin did this show a huge favor by flaking out. The writers turned a "spanner in the works" into a way to reintroduce almost everyone, except Hotch. Through Rossi's eyes, we see JJ anew, Prentiss has a little more edge to her, and especially Reid is examined from a new perspective, which allows us to get to know him all over again.

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It might turn out that way.  I have to agree with @normasm--the Rossi/Gideon shake up really was worth watching.

I stopped watching almost completely after the episode we learned pregnant JJ was sent to the Middle East to fight terrorism for no believable reason.  I'd check here once in a while to see if there was an episode worth trying to watch, and maybe watched 2 over the last couple seasons.

As much as I liked Hotch (and he was a favorite), I plan on checking out the new season, just to see how they handle it.  Whether or not I stay depends on how much I'm enjoying it.  I can't be the only one doing a look-see, becUse shake-ups can be really interesting.

Edited by Mari
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I'm on for the whole ride (big surprise, right?), but I have to confess I'm feeling conflicted. My love for Hotch is at war with my anger at Thomas. Not to sound glib or minimize what happened, but half of me is all "You go stand in the corner and don't come out until you apologize for what you've done!", and the other half is like "HOTCH I ALREADY MISS YOU SO MUCH!"

I really am looking forward to the season, though. More Reid is always THE number one choice. 

  • Love 6

Feeling exactly the same, divided between love (for the character) and anger (at the actor). 

Yesterday I was watching... I don't remember which episode and I realized that one of the thing I'm going to miss most about Hotch is his voice. I absolutely love it, it's one of the reasons why I won't watch if I can't have the original voices (in some  channels you get only the dubbed version and... I just can't listen). Because of all the actors' voices, but especially Hotch's 

  • Love 7
4 minutes ago, senin said:

Feeling exactly the same, divided between love (for the character) and anger (at the actor). 

Yesterday I was watching... I don't remember which episode and I realized that one of the thing I'm going to miss most about Hotch is his voice. I absolutely love it, it's one of the reasons why I won't watch if I can't have the original voices (in some  channels you get only the dubbed version and... I just can't listen). Because of all the actors' voices, but especially Hotch's 

Thomas Gibson's voice is total panty-dropper.

  • Love 5
10 minutes ago, senin said:

Feeling exactly the same, divided between love (for the character) and anger (at the actor). 

Yesterday I was watching... I don't remember which episode and I realized that one of the thing I'm going to miss most about Hotch is his voice. I absolutely love it, it's one of the reasons why I won't watch if I can't have the original voices (in some  channels you get only the dubbed version and... I just can't listen). Because of all the actors' voices, but especially Hotch's 

Perhaps, I'm imagining this but I thought I had read somewhere that some people said Matthew has an annoying voice. I hardly think it's annoying, a bit "sing-songy," if I can make up a word. And at times he sometimes "upspeaks." But I do prefer Thomas' voice a bit more than Matthew's.

At least Matthew doesn't have the male version of vocal fry. 

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, Franky said:

Both AJ and Erica Messer do it, it's a tonal drop and scratchiness to their speaking voice that some women use as a device to be taken more seriously. Mistakenly, imo.

And don't forget various Kardashians and certain reality TV types like the contestants on shows like the The Bachelor. It's more common among women under 35.

  • Love 2
19 minutes ago, senin said:

You should listen to Matthew's voice in the Spanish version of the show!! (AWWWWFUUUULL)

I had to check the meaning of upspeak (learnt something new today!!), still don't understand "vocal fry". 


@Bookish Jen, senin, I had to check its meaning too, I'm totally adding to my arsenal the "panty-dropper" tho

Edited by smoker
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, senin said:

Yesterday I was watching... I don't remember which episode and I realized that one of the thing I'm going to miss most about Hotch is his voice. I absolutely love it, it's one of the reasons why I won't watch if I can't have the original voices (in some  channels you get only the dubbed version and... I just can't listen). Because of all the actors' voices, but especially Hotch's 

There are shows I'm used to listening in a dubbed version, like CM, so I don't pay attention. It's worse in recent shows which I've been listening in its original version since their begining. SOA is one of the worst dubbed shows I've ever seen.

Not exactly the subject, but regional accents are so unique, it's a gift for an actor exchange them properly.

Although it's not that easy differentiate them if you aren't a native of that language. I remember when Kyra Sedgwick played Brenda in The closer, most of people said her voice was like nails-on-chalk- board and it wasn't the right accent either. I watched the show dubbed version, so when I tried the original voice... well, it sounded weird but I couldn't say if the accent was right or wrong. 

Edited by smoker
7 minutes ago, ForeverAlone said:

Depending on how this story breaks, this could be a good thing or it could be a bad thing. I wonder what they mean by a "fun" Reid story. I hope Erica and the writers don't screw it up.


When it comes to Reid, I have a feeling Erica's idea of "fun" is an episode where Spencer doesn't get shot, stabbed, tortured, addicted to drugs, made fun of or have the potential love of his life murdered in front of him.

  • Love 6
18 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

fun. fun=happy. maybe a new love interest that mama approves of? and more than one episode it says! ooh! maybe a wedding?

(I'm gonna start popping meds now, don't wanna be too excited, in case they do mess it up)

I appreciate your positive attitude, but this is Erica were speaking of. She just doesn't get "Reid" the way we do, which is why I love well-written Reid-related fan fiction so much.

  • Love 3

This is excellent news, and something I've been lobbying for for years! Where's the joy? Mama Reid's coming back! And... if it's supposed to be a 'fun' arc for Reid? That must mean she isn't going to die! I'm willing to give this a chance that it'll be good until I know otherwise. *Cautiously Optimistic*

  • Love 4
Just now, Franky said:

This is excellent news, and something I've been lobbying for for years! Where's the joy? Mama Reid's coming back! And... if it's supposed to be a 'fun' arc for Reid? That must mean she isn't going to die! I'm willing to give this a chance that it'll be good until I know otherwise. *Cautiously Optimistic*

I don't want her to die. I'm sick of seeing "Sad Spencer." And I'm looking forward to seeing Jane Lynch as Reid's mom.

Hmm, Cautiously Optimistic? New song for Spencer, Hold My Earrings?

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, ForeverAlone said:

Depending on how this story breaks, this could be a good thing or it could be a bad thing. I wonder what they mean by a "fun" Reid story. I hope Erica and the writers don't screw it up.


Oh, wow. This could be fantastic. Or terrible? But maybe wonderful?

I don't care about Reid love interests, honestly, because I assume they'll mess up and it'll somehow ruin Reid's character. But Jane Lynch is a great actress and makes awesome choices as Diana Reid. I'm just so relieved that they're bringing her back, not just killing her off screen. And actual Reid drama! Mommy issues! Can't wait.

  • Love 3
14 minutes ago, Lebanna said:

Oh, wow. This could be fantastic. Or terrible? But maybe wonderful?

I don't care about Reid love interests, honestly, because I assume they'll mess up and it'll somehow ruin Reid's character. But Jane Lynch is a great actress and makes awesome choices as Diana Reid. I'm just so relieved that they're bringing her back, not just killing her off screen. And actual Reid drama! Mommy issues! Can't wait.

I think one of the cutest scenes is when Diana reads to Lil Spencer. It makes me feel all woobie!

And if I fell into a parallel universe and chose to have children, I would consider it a blessing to have a child like Spencer.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, normasm said:

I hated Kyra Sedwick's "accent" but more than that, the cutesy-poo things she was written to say that were supposed to be SO SOUTHERN BELLE!!!! Please. Ain't no way. (I'm Southern US, if you don't know)

I didn't normasm, I totally understand you, it happens to me too, I live in place with an accent which is difficult to mimic, I didn't know till I listened several lame attempts, they talk like a region is next to us most of the times. I guess it happens a lot :S

Now, I am curious, I love FNL and Justified, but I don't know if they sound exactly like they should. Did you ever watch any of those shows?

Edited by smoker
  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, Bookish Jen said:

I think one of the cutest scenes is when Diana reads to Lil Spencer. It makes me feel all woobie!

And if I fell into a parallel universe and chose to have children, I would consider it a blessing to have a child like Spencer.

Oh, and in the flashback I think she was reading from 'Du côté de chez Swann' which is the first book in the 'À la recherche du temps perdu', ('Rememberence Of Things Past') series, which is just so unbearably meta. Because that would be exactly the kind of connection that Reid would make. Just perfect. God, this show, sometimes.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, ForeverAlone said:

Depending on how this story breaks, this could be a good thing or it could be a bad thing. I wonder what they mean by a "fun" Reid story. I hope Erica and the writers don't screw it up.


I agree with Booky on this, Messer has some kind of compulsive lying disorder. My best wishes guys.

  • Love 1
8 minutes ago, Lebanna said:

Oh, and in the flashback I think she was reading from 'Du côté de chez Swann' which is the first book in the 'À la recherche du temps perdu', ('Rememberence Of Things Past') series, which is just so unbearably meta. Because that would be exactly the kind of connection that Reid would make. Just perfect. God, this show, sometimes.

I'd probably end up reading my latest issue of "Martha Stewart Living" or "Mother Jones."

Ah, Martha and Mother, what different worlds I romp in.


Edited by Bookish Jen
  • Love 3
33 minutes ago, smoker said:

I didn't normasm, I totally understand you, it happens to me too, I live in place with an accent which is difficult to mimic, I didn't know till I listened several lame attempts, they talk like a region is next to us most of the times. I guess it happens a lot :S

Now, I am curious, I love FNL and Justified, but I don't know if they sound exactly like they should. Did you ever watch any of those shows?

And now I'm wondering where you live, speaking as a person who tries to mimic any kind of Spanish accent at all every single day, hearing myself wandering around the map and usually just sounding plain English! But yes, accents are so incredibly hard. They're so exact. I know if people are from my hometown or the town next door!

The nice thing on Criminal Minds is that I think everyone in the regular cast normally just gets to do pretty much their native accent. 

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, senin said:

Feeling exactly the same, divided between love (for the character) and anger (at the actor). 

Yesterday I was watching... I don't remember which episode and I realized that one of the thing I'm going to miss most about Hotch is his voice. I absolutely love it, it's one of the reasons why I won't watch if I can't have the original voices (in some  channels you get only the dubbed version and... I just can't listen). Because of all the actors' voices, but especially Hotch's 

Yesterday I watched the one where Gideon leaves and Strauss is gunning for Hotch. When he profiles her in her office, and she stops him, the differences in their voices is amazing. His is all calm, steady, confident. Hers is a screechy horror. It's supposed to be like that, we're not supposed to like her or what she's doing.

But then there's just the smallest measure of difference when he starts talking about his team. His tone is still calm, and informative... but also caring. He says things that only someone who cares would know: "Reid's intellect is a shield that guards him from his emotions, and right now that shield is under repair." He could have just said the first half of that sentence to make his point, but he added the second half because he sees and is worried about his agent, his charge. 

I love that scene for him and him alone. He commands that we listen to him through sheer inflection and a turn of his head and I will miss that quiet strength, so much. All this to say that I agree with you, Senin. :)

  • Love 4
10 hours ago, Bookish Jen said:

Perhaps, I'm imagining this but I thought I had read somewhere that some people said Matthew has an annoying voice. I hardly think it's annoying, a bit "sing-songy," if I can make up a word. And at times he sometimes "upspeaks." But I do prefer Thomas' voice a bit more than Matthew's.

At least Matthew doesn't have the male version of vocal fry. 

I enjoy Matthew as long as he doesn't rush through the lines. I know they've experimented with the speed delivery for Reid, but that throws away the lines and his wonderful thought process.

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, normasm said:

I hated Kyra Sedwick's "accent" but more than that, the cutesy-poo things she was written to say that were supposed to be SO SOUTHERN BELLE!!!! Please. Ain't no way. (I'm Southern US, if you don't know)

I live in the south, but I'm from Chicago. For years I've been annoyed by all the fake southern accents you get in movies and television. I will say after moving to the south I discovered that people do actually say "hey." When I was growing up, I always thought it was funny when they said "hey" to each other on the old Andy Griffith show. It's one of the things I allowed myself to pick up. I still can't bring myself to say y'all. 

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, Bookish Jen said:

I think one of the cutest scenes is when Diana reads to Lil Spencer. It makes me feel all woobie!

And if I fell into a parallel universe and chose to have children, I would consider it a blessing to have a child like Spencer.

Or when she tells him that his father would have liked to have a houseful of kids but she stopped at one because "why mess with perfection?" 

I see bringing Jane Lynch and Paget back as damage control. Both are great , but I doubt we'd have gotten either if it hadn't been for the pickle they put themselves into when Thomas was fired. I don't have any confidence in the current writers so I have no idea what you're likely to get. I could imagine them announcing that Diana was miraculously cured of all her conditions. But, seriously, I'm happy for all of you who will still be watching. I will keep tabs on what actually happens through your comments. Any other season I would have been jumping up and down at the thought of having either of these magnificent ladies back on CM. My heart is still heavy over the loss of Hotch. It's strange to think that we have known about it for so long and the season hasn't even begun yet. And I am a little ticked off that it took a major incident like firing TG to get them to do this. Wonder if the scripts will actually be any good this season? Maybe they'll quit focusing on the unsubs and give the team something to do. 

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my thinking is that they're gonna write closure for all the characters still there this season, knowing it might be the last, that's why we have Diana again, to resolve that aspect of Reid's life. Much like the episode 2 where there's gonna be some kind of thing for JJ. Not overly aware of it, but did she ever actually clue Will in as to what happened to her over there? He'd see the scar of course, but everything she apparently went through? They'll have to tie up loose ends for Garcia and the newbies too (which means they'll have to give them stories in the first place lol)

and for Old Dog and Droogie and my sake, they better freakin' give Reid a love life and a family....

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