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SPN Eye Candy: Drooling Over The Actors And Characters

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26 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Some great shots of Jensen from the SNS last night. @scribe95 not short sleeves but this tee fits niiiiiice  ( as do the jeans mmmhmm). 

Have we ever had such a clear shot of his necklace? 


ETA: Lipbite alert! Also, how is this guy 40 yrs old? I'm convinced a crossroads was involved somehow. 



Edited by Myrelle
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He is so...attractive on so many levels it almost hurts. Like it's kind of overwhelming TBH. I'm not even kidding. I don't know how, if I ever knew him, I would ever stop gawking at how other worldly beautiful and sexy and just all the things he is.

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59 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

I think it says something about me that I have seen all of those pics multiple times.  :/

It says to me that you have good taste :) 

I've seen them all as well; it's the captions that make it (and having them all in one place for optimal gazing).

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On ‎3‎/‎3‎/‎2018 at 11:04 AM, gonzosgirrl said:

For the Dean/Jensen girls, this popped up on my LJ highlights email.  A 'F-F-Fudging F-F-Fabulous  picspam in honour of Jensen's fortieth. You will probably want to be sitting down.

My fav captions, "Faint" (so true)  and "Fine" (how Jensen is like wine). LOL!

I can't pick a favorite. I just can't.  A late Thanks! for posting this GONZOSGIRRL. "Fudging Fabulous" it is!!

And after just visiting my tumblr, I'm just going to go ahead and say that Forty has never looked Finer on a Man to me.

I'm going to go and re-watch last week's episode right now because of how Beautiful Jensen looks on my tumblr this morning with a ton of stuff coming from Good Intentions.

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26 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

I've never see those of Jensen and his pup! AWWWW


7 minutes ago, Myrelle said:

The bottom one is new to me and it makes my heart just melt...*loves*...

Danneel IG'd it yesterday. ♥

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I don't know who made this. It was posted on Facebook by Soupernatural Stew, who found it in Tumblr. If you know who it belongs to please let me know so I can credit. Too cool not to share. Gif is too big for PTV so here's a link.

ETA: damn, it doesn't seem to work from Dropbox. Link to Facebook post - you have to click on the gif to start it.

FB Link

Edited by gonzosgirrl
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I got it to work by clicking on the gif that was on the first pick, I didn't sign into facebook.  Cool seeing him age like that, I can safely say mine wouldn't be that awesome.  Some people are just born with the cool genes and Jensen just seems to get better as he ages.   Drool.  LOL.

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1 hour ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I don't know who made this. It was posted on Facebook by Soupernatural Stew, who found it in Tumblr. If you know who it belongs to please let me know so I can credit. Too cool not to share. Gif is too big for PTV so here's a link.

ETA: damn, it doesn't seem to work from Dropbox. Link to Facebook post - you have to click on the gif to start it.

FB Link

This is Amazing. Love it.

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55 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

That link was to my own Dropbox so I promise it was safe  :) 

Oh I didn't know it was yours. It definitely worked that way and of course it didn't give me any problem at all. Thanks.

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3 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I told you those were some niiiiice pants!

Are there any pics from the front? Just to, you know, get the whole view . . . for scientific clarification, and all that . . .

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2 minutes ago, Res said:

Are there any pics from the front? Just to, you know, get the whole view . . . for scientific clarification, and all that . . .

I'm still able to function coherently, so I'm gonna go with no. 

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I can't get over hold old and haggard the television production makes these actors look. I know they say the camera adds 10 pounds, but it add 10 years as well.  I was in Vegas and saw everyone looking so young and vibrant, and it's jarring to then turn on the TV and feel like it's not the same people.  The biggest example is Jody.  Kim is fit and full of energy, and Jody's frumpy and days away from knitting in a rocker.  I know that's a character choice, though (one I clearly disagree with).  But Jared and Jensen do not look anywhere near as old as they do on the show, and they wouldn't do that on purpose.  Same with Sam Smith.  They need her to look as young as possible to fit the storyline.  She's gorgeous in person and looks closer to 40, but on TV, she's pushing 60.  And I know Samantha Ferris lost some weight recently, but even so, she looks younger in person than she did on TV 6 years ago in "My Heart Will Go On".

This isn't really a complaint, just a surprising revelation for me.

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14 minutes ago, sarthaz said:

Same with Sam Smith.  They need her to look as young as possible to fit the storyline.She's gorgeous in person and looks closer to 40, but on TV, she's pushing 60.  

I definitely don’t agree with that. I don’t think Sam Smith looks anywhere near 60! I know she looks older than her character is supposed to be since Mary is in her early thirties, but I think she looks like she’s in her forties on the show.

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19 minutes ago, Jeddah said:

I definitely don’t agree with that. I don’t think Sam Smith looks anywhere near 60! I know she looks older than her character is supposed to be since Mary is in her early thirties, but I think she looks like she’s in her forties on the show.

Yeah, that's an exaggeration :)  But she looks significantly older on the show than she does in person.

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2 minutes ago, sarthaz said:

Yeah, that's an exaggeration :)  But she looks significantly older on the show than she does in person.

I’m jealous you’ve seen them all in person!

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1 hour ago, Pondlass1 said:

I've never seen any of them in the flesh - but people have said that both Jared and Jensen appear thinner than they do on our TV.  (Might be the 5-6 layers of plaid).

They absolutely do.

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6 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

I've never seen any of them in the flesh - but people have said that both Jared and Jensen appear thinner than they do on our TV.  (Might be the 5-6 layers of plaid).

Yes, and younger as well as mentioned above. Before I stood next to him, I heard Jensen was even better looking than on screen and found that hard to believe. But seeing him that close, believe it!

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19 hours ago, FlickChick said:
On ‎3‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 11:23 AM, Pondlass1 said:

I've never seen any of them in the flesh - but people have said that both Jared and Jensen appear thinner than they do on our TV.  (Might be the 5-6 layers of plaid).

Yes, and younger as well as mentioned above. Before I stood next to him, I heard Jensen was even better looking than on screen and found that hard to believe. But seeing him that close, believe it!

The first time I saw him live waiting for my photo op i was shocked at how thin Jensen looked.  When we hugged I could feel his ribs. Is he better looking in person? Lets put t this way, after seeing him  the first time I couldn't speak for hours. LOL

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I watch a you tube reaction channel and it's a late teens guy in Australia who watches SPN. He LOVES those guys. He finally got to meet them at a convention in Australia and he was raving about how much better looking they are in person and that TV doesn't do them justice. He said they were "glowing Gods". LOL I believe it

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