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S31.E03: Disaster Down Under

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After a scandalous night with male strippers, Jenna disagrees with CeeJai over a regretful decision; Dione creates drama after sleeping with Kailah; an injury threatens to send one roommate home.

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There will be no "After Show" tonight. As promised last week, I'll be watching Archer, but I'll pop to the DVR afterward because Comedy Central's late night lineup is in repeats this week.

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I feel a little guilty for this, but CeeJai talking about how supportive the cast is and how they're family seemed totally fake to me.  I think she was putting on a show for the cameras and producers.


Does anyone else think that Dione's voice is uncomfortably similar to Johnny Banana's?

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Nobody looked good this week. Well, maybe Chris, but I think his coddling of Jenna is misplaced. And the damn hoverboards are so distracting. I keep waiting for somebody to break an ankle.


Jenna is so not going home. Producer Matt will probably let her slide due to her injury. She's too good at attracting drama. And penis. Sorry . . . couldn't resist. I'm sure her bf (best friend? boyfriend?) will see the episode and know that she didn't want the lapdance.

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I'm only part way through the episode so far but two thoughts:


1. Isn't that considered sexual assault if Jenna truly didn't want that guy dancing on her?  I'm fairly sure it would be, and thinking there was no "no" there.

2. The hoverboards are so distracting. Cannot stand them!


(ETA: I see you beat me to it on the hoverboards Lantern7)

Edited by NikSac
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She didn't fight it enough, therefore it's her fault, is what Kailah and CJ think.


They both wanted her gone.


Kailah keeps insisting she has no feelings for Dion but she keeps wandering how he feels about her.  You either care or you don't.


Looks like Dion brings someone home (or maybe it's Amanda) and it bothers her.

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Jenna is SO going home. She couldn't participate in the next activity, she wasn't in the scenes in the upcoming previews, she was only on the last aftershow for 10 minutes and then disappeared, and she's not integrating well into the housemates and refuses to put herself out there because she's "in a relationship". She's going home.

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If Jenna is replaced, I wonder who will enter the house instead.

The concept "go big or go home" is already boring me. Just bring in Dean's estranged/ex-wife, Dione's girlfriend and whatsherface's bio mom and be done with it.

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If Jenna is replaced, I wonder who will enter the house instead.

The concept "go big or go home" is already boring me. Just being in Dean's estranged/ex-wife, Dione's girlfriend and whatsherface's bio mom and be done with it.

It's boring me too. For me, half the cast is either boring or unlikable. I only watch Dione, the Latina and the pansexual guy. I FF thru everyone else. Edited by Silo
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Well, so much for Kailah and her golden coochie. Johnny "Bananas" Fabio (Dione) seems to be allergic to it. I can't stand Dione. I'm getting tired of his "auto pilot" bullshit and watching that douche hoverboard around the house. There's no doubt we'll be seeing him on The Challenge for the next 15 years as a way of avoiding a real job just like the real Bananas. Kailah is pathetic. She tells Dione she's cool with no strings attached sex and then she wonders what Dione thinks about their relationship after they sleep together. Newflash, chick! He just wanted a piece and now he's done with you.


I think Jenna will be sent home. She's already served her purpose with her racist rant in the first episode and grabbing the stripper's dong in this one. The Real World now seems to be more interested in getting as many people as possible on each season in order to field future seasons of The Challenge. Besides they showed the replacements in the casting special. I gotta believe at least 1, if not all, will appear on the show at some point. The only one I think who is safe for now is Sabrina. She won't be leaving until she meets her mom first. They're not going to start that storyline only to abandon it. I do wonder if production plays a role in coming up with ways to send cast members home. It doesn't seem like any of the missions have been nearly big enough yet for these fame whores to not be able to endure them.


I think it would be more interesting if they brought on Dione's girlfriend, Dean's wife, and Sabrina's biological mom to live in the house. I haven't enjoyed this "go big" premise. I know the producers think they need to resort to these antics to get ratings and they're probably right. I just wish they'd get an interesting cast and let that be the show. The Real World was good at one time and didn't need any gimmicks. I wish they would just bring Road Rules back if they want to have missions.

Edited by jmonkey
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Eh I missed the first two episodes because I forgot to set my DVR. I miss the old format. Why are Kailah and Sabrina's eyebrows so distracting? It's all I notice! Hate the Hoverboards. Thinking we are set up to believe Jenna goes home but she will be excused and allowed to stay.

Edited by CourtneyCourt
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Aw, I love the hoverboards and think they are hilarious! Especially when Dean is on them with the big bear feet slippers. Too funny.


I agree that Jenna is going home. 


I cannot stand Dione, but he brings the drama, so at least that's interesting. 


I loved CeeJai in the last two episodes, but she annoyed me in this one. 

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While it's true that Ceejay and Kailah's didn't respect her wishes, Jenna has to realize she is the one that put one foot in front of the other and walked with the stripper on stage. She has to take responsibility for that. I thought the Mormon guy (blanking on his name) gave Jenna very sound advice.

Does Ceejay hate Jenna now? They seemed friendly (even after the whole racist thing) but Ceejay clearly wants her to go home.

Dion's autopilot excuse is bullshit and annoying. Just another person not taking responsibility for their actions. Kailah needs to understand that she was a one night stand and nothing more. I think she's hurt that her "golden vagina" didn't hypnotize him. She thought that even if there weren't feelings, they could be friends with benefits but he flat out ignores her, made more awkward since they live together. All of the flirtiness they once had is completely gone.

With the exception of Ceejay, I feel like the women on this show are not very smart. :-/

This is a weird format. They also chose strange people. A very odd season, I think.

Edited by lightbeam
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Sorry, but I have to side with CeeJay.  If you don't want to go up on stage to have a guy dance on you, you can easily pull your hand out of his and say "gee, no thank you."  This idea that she was forced by everyone else to do something she didn't want to do is ridiculous.  She had a million opportunities to get out of that, starting with sitting her butt in her seat when the guy came over to her.  Or to break away while walking up on stage, or even claiming she had to go pee, or even saying she had to change her tampon (in my experience guys are still mystified and grossed out by periods).  But the idea that she was "forced" to do anything is eye-rolling to me, and its a bit of a slap in the face to women who are survivors.


Although, frankly, I don't understand this new idea that you break up with someone before you go on a TV show and then continue to act as though you're in some relationship.  In Dione's case I think it was convenient for him to claim some relationship with Amanda because he no longer wants Kaliah, but isn't Jenna not in a relationship?

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If you have a relationship that can't survive a stripper on stage, in front of people, you don't have an adult relationship. Plus, she went to a strip joint. What'd you expect would happen?!

And, when she's told she's overreacting, she doesn't even have the self-awareness to stop and check herself before she wrecks herself. Lost cause.

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