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Legends of Crush Objects, Partners, Teammates, (and Everything Else): The Relationship Thread

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I want to state, for the record, that I hate mashup and shipper names with a fiery passion BUT on Twitter Ciara Renee posted about Ray/Kendra potentially being called Hawkward.


That makes no sense. Hawkward for what? where does the Ward come from?


I have seen Atomic Hawk, HawkAtom..

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I'm a bit more iffy on the depth of Kendra's love for Ray.  I think he loves her but that she spent two years pretending about being happy to the point of wanting NOTHING of their former life together.  Technically she got to choose him but in reality she was stuck with only him as a good option for the past two years.  How strong are her feelings? I'm going to need some convincing. 


I actually don't really doubt her feelings for him after that little speech at the end.  I think it was just that even though she spent the first several episode not really wanting to be this Egyptian Hawk Demigoddess that once she settled down into 1958 housewife suburbia - she was like huh, I think I'd like that back.  She had come to enjoy living her life for a "greater purpose" and once she had a chance to take that back - she was all "bye bye library books - hello space/time travel and kicking ass!"  Ray was associating the "life" they had built with their relationship but she wasn't.


I think that's why she was all "Hey stupid, I still want to shag you - I just want Internet instead of the Ed Sullivan show. Call me an adventurer!"

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That makes no sense. Hawkward for what? where does the Ward come from?

I have seen Atomic Hawk, HawkAtom..

Hawkward was a joke by Ciara Renee, I believe. It's a play on "awkward". If I remember correctly, she posted it on Twitter or Instagram after that first episode when Ray asked her out (I think that was Star City 2046).

Edited by Starfish35
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I don't think Kendra pretended to be happy with Ray or lied to him or strung him along.... But I do question the depth of her feelings considering she was so quick to abandon everything. I can understand her not wanting to risk life or limb to go back for that sentimental knick knack, but it might have been nice for her to even express a little sadness at losing their special picnic spot or something. I totally get the I'm back saving the world excitement taking over, but it did seem a little odd and sad that she wasn't going to miss anything about the 2 years they spent together.


More importantly, what makes me question the depth of her feelings is that she couldn't pick up on any of the hints (both subtle & big) that Ray was dropping as to why he was so disappointed to leave their life. It wasn't a perfect life, but they were happy and it meant something to him. She seemed oblivious to this for a lot of the episode. To me that makes me think that she doesn't know Ray as well as someone who is deeply in love with him would know. Coincidentally, I have known his character for about 2 years now (most of which I actively did not like him) and even I could pick up on his behavior.


I buy her speech at the end, that she was happy to finally be able to choose her own life and partner. That being with Ray did mean something to her... but I couldn't help but feel that their relationship is just a stepping stone for her. That if given another opportunity to pursue something outside of her relationship with Ray, she would take it even if it means abandoning Ray. Let's just put it this way, I see another Jello moment coming down the pike for Ray. Maybe not as immediately painful & harsh as the 1st Jello moment, but infinitely longer & deeper heartache because I do really believe that Ray has some pretty deep feelings for Kendra after their 2 years together. I do not see this relationship ending well for Ray at all, and I most definitely see it ending either through one of their deaths or the return of Carter. Even if they have a standard break-up, I see it resulting in one of them leaving the team/show permanently.

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Yes, this romance was just way too fast-tracked for me to buy it as something other than a plot point. It had a very different feel to the standard love story in a Berlanti comic adaptation (even if Berlanti probably doesn't have a lot to do with LoT). It actually kinda endears it to me, in a way - at this point, I'm so tired of the endless will-they-or-won't-they, longing looks, multiple romantic false leads and the perennial lying about secret identities (or children). Here, it starts to feel more like a relationship instead of a TV romance. I could have maybe liked it, if I cared even a bit about Kendra (or Ray, although at least he's a better actor and easy on the eyes).

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I don't think Kendra pretended to be happy with Ray or lied to him or strung him along.... But I do question the depth of her feelings considering she was so quick to abandon everything. I can understand her not wanting to risk life or limb to go back for that sentimental knick knack, but it might have been nice for her to even express a little sadness at losing their special picnic spot or something. I totally get the I'm back saving the world excitement taking over, but it did seem a little odd and sad that she wasn't going to miss anything about the 2 years they spent together.


More importantly, what makes me question the depth of her feelings is that she couldn't pick up on any of the hints (both subtle & big) that Ray was dropping as to why he was so disappointed to leave their life. It wasn't a perfect life, but they were happy and it meant something to him. She seemed oblivious to this for a lot of the episode. To me that makes me think that she doesn't know Ray as well as someone who is deeply in love with him would know. Coincidentally, I have known his character for about 2 years now (most of which I actively did not like him) and even I could pick up on his behavior.


I buy her speech at the end, that she was happy to finally be able to choose her own life and partner. That being with Ray did mean something to her... but I couldn't help but feel that their relationship is just a stepping stone for her. That if given another opportunity to pursue something outside of her relationship with Ray, she would take it even if it means abandoning Ray. Let's just put it this way, I see another Jello moment coming down the pike for Ray. Maybe not as immediately painful & harsh as the 1st Jello moment, but infinitely longer & deeper heartache because I do really believe that Ray has some pretty deep feelings for Kendra after their 2 years together. I do not see this relationship ending well for Ray at all, and I most definitely see it ending either through one of their deaths or the return of Carter. Even if they have a standard break-up, I see it resulting in one of them leaving the team/show permanently.

Yeah, I think you expressed it well.  What made me really question the depth of her feelings was the seeming obliviousness she had to how much her reaction was hurting Ray.  Dude was not subtle and he kept saying, well, what about or are you sure you don't?  All it would have taken was her going to him and saying something anything to reassure him in that moment, but that she didn't even get there was anything wrong until the end made me, well happy that Ray wasn't getting his heart broken right then but worried it was still coming. 


She had come to enjoy living her life for a "greater purpose" and once she had a chance to take that back - she was all "bye bye library books - hello space/time travel and kicking ass!"  Ray was associating the "life" they had built with their relationship but she wasn't.


I understand her view point, but I think that her lack of sentimentality made her affection seem like a surface or a in the moment thing.  She does want to keep Ray, but she doesn't seem to care about any of their memories together.  All those moments that while they might have occurred while she was being kept from her full potential, those were the moments that defined their relationship and their feelings.  That her first, second and final instinct was to put all of those memories and moments in the past, It felt like she'd be able to do the same with Ray a little too easily.


I am open to being convinced otherwise and knowing this is fiction, it's entirely possible none of what I saw was the message the show runners meant to send but if I'd seen what I saw in real life, I would be stocking up on Ray's favorite ice cream and a bunch of tissues for that inevitable day when he gets left behind.  Probably when she left him to go find herself. 


And again, I don't hold her feelings or lack there of against her.  I just don't trust that Ray has yet found his happy ending.  And more surprising, I found out that I really care if he does. 

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Bringing the discussion about the possibility of Rip/Sara in season two over here from the episode thread.

Personally, I've never been able to get on board with Rip and Sara romantically, even in the beginning of this season when I kind of felt like that was the ship they were pushing.  As platonic friends and partners, yes, but lovers, no.

Rip can get with Jonas. :)  As for Sara, I don't really care whether it's a man or a woman - it's just going to depend on the person.  I was just starting to warm up to the idea of Snart/Sara when they killed him off, so...*shrug*. I actually see Sara with someone like Snart though, someone smart, snarky and badass. 

Edited by Starfish35
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I didn't mention it because I was kind of liking Snart more but after she drank Mick under the table and we saw the episode with their youngers self - I was actually starting to kind of like Sara and Mick too. I'd be ok if they got non platonic close over time.

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Rip strikes me as a little too fragile for a romance at this stage (though maybe that will change in season 2...it kind of seemed like he had a moment of closure/epiphany/whatsits while in the sun).  I'd have been okay with something explicit with Jonah Hex, since they seemed like they'd already had something going on.  But the poor guy could probably use more time before a brand new relationship.

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Rip can get back together with Jonah Hex. 

I didn't really see any chemistry between Rip and Sara, since she didn't seem like she liked him all that much. She didn't like Len at first either but that changed after they got to know each other. That didn't really happen with Rip. Him telling her she's the strongest person he knows is just a true statement. Sara's actually been to hell and back and continues to fight to save others. 

If Snart's gone, then I hope they bring in someone else for her man or woman. The poor girl deserves some happiness. 

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I have to disagree with you.  I think Sara's shown a pretty clear, strong bond with Rip all along.  There's a reason she tends to react so badly when he disappoints her (here and in episode 14) because in general, they do seem to have a healthy respect for each other.  I'd say he's probably one of Sara's closest bonds on the ship, even, after Snart and Kendra.

That said, I don't see anything romantic about their interaction.  If anything, he acts more fatherly toward her.

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Sara/Rip was my ship going into the show, and then Captain Canary came along. I honestly think this is where the showrunners were orignally heading but also got distracted by CL/WM's chemistry. What they ought to do now is let Rip and Sara bond over their losses, and develop a genuine close friendship, and then down the road see what happens. CL and AD are both very good at expressing emotion and vulnerability. Give them time and see what happens.

Or the new female character could be Sara's new love interest.

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I'm also going by what CL said and she said Sara doesn't like Rip all that much. Which is how I assume she was playing it and it's what I saw. I think she likes him well enough but I think they kind of stopped their bonding when they saw the chemistry between Sara and Snart. 

They may bond now that Snart's gone but I still don't want them going romantic. 

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I like the relationship between Rip and Sara. They were the first two to bond, besides the already established duos, and I always thought Rip and Sara would understand each other on a deeper level. Now, I don't ship them romantically in any way, but I do think that out of all the characters, Sara's closest bond is with Rip. It had been previously with Snart, but it doesn't look like that's a thing anymore. I think that Sara is almost shaped up completely to be a leader of her own team, and I think Rip has been helping her to get to that point in a way. She still has some issues to deal with, but I do think she's been growing beautifully.

I guess, with Snart gone as a regular, Sara/Rip's friendship will grow. I think they both have needed each other as support this season, but next season they can have their relationship develop more....again, not romantically, but as close friends. 

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So far I think that Rip and Hex appeal to me the most.  I like Rip acting like he's in charge while Sara actually leads everyone so I'm fine with their platonic relationship strengthening but, right now, I'm very much against the idea of romantic stuff for them.

I hope that Miller's floating status means that I can still get my Sara/Snart hookup.  Come on, show!  I'm not asking that they get married or even date, I just want one night between two very pretty people.  Let me have my shallow scene!

I want Ray kept far, far away from any more romance plots.  He's best at platonic stuff where he can be goofy.  Put him in a relationship and all that goes away. 

Putting aside romance theories, what I really want is for the current friendships to grow stronger.  If they're going to stay a team then I want them to get to that point where they know one another so well that they're almost reading each other's minds on missions. 

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It does occur to me that if they DO go a Rip-Sara route, I'd really like her to stop punching him in the face.  I don't deny that he's deserved it more than once.  But that's not really a dynamic that I want to see in a romance.

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1 hour ago, Lokiberry said:

Sara/Rip was my ship going into the show, and then Captain Canary came along. I honestly think this is where the showrunners were orignally heading but also got distracted by CL/WM's chemistry. What they ought to do now is let Rip and Sara bond over their losses, and develop a genuine close friendship, and then down the road see what happens. CL and AD are both very good at expressing emotion and vulnerability. Give them time and see what happens.

Or the new female character could be Sara's new love interest.

I didn't really have a ship going in though I did see something between Sara and Rip, before anyone else.  (Technically I saw a connection spark between Sara and every character but the one with Rip felt more developed) I'm really not talking romantic since in season one neither were in a place to have a romantic relationship.  (Rip trying to save his family, Sara just getting over being dead) but they showed Sara reading Rip really well and Rip finding himself opening up to her and relying on her. 

That's what I want more of.  Lot's more.  I want that friendship to grow and strengthen.  And then if the friendship goes the way I imagine it would, then when the time is right, then bring on the romantic aspects, but please to the 100th power don't rush it.  I think anything before the end of season two would be rushing it.  It's one of those relationship that I want it teased for a few seasons.  It's just way to early for romance. 

It was WAY too early for romance between Ray and Kendra but at least they stranded them for two years to grow their bond.  And yet because it happened almost all off screen, (along with her romance with Carter) I really had a hard time caring one way or the other.  Which is why I want lots of time building the relationship between Sara and Rip. 

I'm on board the ship but that doesn't mean I want immediate payoff.  Pretty sure that would be the worst thing they could do.  But I also don't want them to never go there.  It's all about timing. 

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I've low key shipped Sara/Rip since early in the season, and the finale certainly made a strong case for it. No idea if it'll ever happen, but I think the writers did a good job with their relationship as partners, at least, and I enjoyed their interactions a lot.

In perfect life, I'd love a slow burn for them and bonding over their losses, plus Rip being the captain and Sara his (more competent) second in command would work great. 

I never saw anything romantic between Rip and Hex, and the idea honestly puzzles me. It's not that I never see slashy subtext (I mean, I was just watching Penny Dreadful, and holy shit do I get these vibes from Frankenstein and Jekyll), but there wasn't any real chemistry there. I've seen more between Ray and Snart, or Snart and Barry.

Edited by FurryFury
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I didn't see chemistry between Hex and Rip so much as subtext in the way they spoke to each other about their history and Rip having to make the choice between that time period or his family (and the implication that part of the appeal of that time period was hanging with Hex) and him going back to his family (as if he'd been considering leaving them for his mistress).  And the fact that Rip still wears his coat, lol.  They interacted like exes but I never saw any heat or longing looks. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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I'm probably the exception to the rule, but I didn't romantically ship anyone. Nor did I really see any romantic bonds forming. I saw connections and friendship/family bonds developing. Perhaps a few sexual sparks here and there, however, at no point did I see an actual romantic couple forming. The closest was perhaps Snart & Sara but that seemed to be motivated by the fact that they knew Snart was leaving - so they threw a bone to the audience.

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5 hours ago, FurryFury said:

I've low key shipped Sara/Rip since early in the season, and the finale certainly made a strong case for it. No idea if it'll ever happen, but I think the writers did a good job with their relationship as partners, at least, and I enjoyed their interactions a lot.

In perfect life, I'd love a slow burn for them and bonding over their losses, plus Rip being the captain and Sara his (more competent) second in command would work great. 

I never saw anything romantic between Rip and Hex, and the idea honestly puzzles me. It's not that I never see slashy subtext (I mean, I was just watching Penny Dreadful, and holy shit do I get these vibes from Frankenstein and Jekyll), but there wasn't any real chemistry there. I've seen more between Ray and Snart, or Snart and Barry.

That's because Snart oozes chemistry like Sara does. But I don't usually see slash and I saw it with Jonah and Rip. I don't want it to become a thing really, but it did make the episode itself more fun.

So I'm all alone in seeing potential between Mick and Sara huh? I'm sorry but that look her gave her when he told pre-island Sara that our Sara is "quite the badass" and her little smile back at him - I love them together rather they are ever romantic or not.

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I love Mick and Sara as friends, I loved Rogue Canary as friends, partners. It made complete sense those three would be drawn to each other. They all survived horrible pasts and killed a lot of people. I think they bonded the most on the team, because they were already bonded by their experiences. 

I don't ship Mick and Sara since Sara and Snart were kind of thinking of being together and even though they didn't get a chance. I'd still see it as you don't date your friends crush even after they die. Unless it's years in the future or something and Snart is still dead. I would love for them to grow closer as friends and always have each others backs. 

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Well, the idea of Mick as a legit love interest feels weird to me. He's just too much of a caricature/comic relief at this point. I do believe he has had the strongest arc on the show (with Rip's being #2), but still, no. I could imagine him with somebody like, say, Brienne of Tarth (in the Tormund/Brienne way).

Second, she almost had a thing with Leonard, and while he's dead (or is he?), bro code should still be in effect for those two.

I do love them as platonic friends, and I could even buy Mick crushing on Sara, but the idea of a romantic relationship weirds me out too much.

Edited by FurryFury
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I can see them doing Rip/Sara at some point. I hope that they build them up as good friends/teammates first, but I can see them heading into a romantic direction. Not going to lie, I was all about either Leonard/Sara or Ray/Leonard, but now that Lenny is gone (sniffle) for now, Sara/Rip seems like the most plausible pairing to me. They have a lot in common, she calls him out on his crap, but they seemed to have developed a lot of respect for each other, in between the arguing. Granted, I do not want this for awhile (with Rips family still having died pretty recently), but I could get behind it at some point. And, honestly, most shows just cannot go without having some big ship to focus on, and unless they pair off someone with one of the new characters, Rip/Sara seem like the most logical choice.   

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I love that CL is really pushing to get Sara and Iris together. I would love to see Iris hang out with Sara for the day on the Flash. However if Sara ever gets to the Flash, Iris will probably be absent since that's what usually happens to her when anything important is going on that doesn't revolve around her relationship with Barry.

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Caity says Rip and Sara have this brother/sister hate/love relationship

She's right - at the moment, they do. The question is if it ever evolves into something else. I'll understand if it doesn't, but I'd love it if it does.

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The one advantage Rip and Sara has a couple for me is that they're not that far apart in age.  It annoys me a little that every romantic pairing we've seen on Legends has involved a young woman with significantly older man.  

It's something that I really wished had been addressed a bit during the Kendra-Ray stuff.  Hawk baggage aside, there is something like a fifteen year difference in ages there.  A woman in her early twenties probably won't be in quite the same headspace as a man in his mid-to-late thirties.  It's perfectly natural that she'd be a bit mixed up as to what she wants because she doesn't really have the life experience he has.  (At least not in this time period, without Savage murdering her first.)

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Kendra's 4000 years old and lived over 200 lives, Ray was the baby in that relationship. 

With Sara and Snart. Sara's been through so much that she is much older than her real age. So I didn't mind their age difference. 

I'm not a huge fan of Rip, which is why I don't want him with my favorite character. I like Arthur Darvill and maybe Rip will grow on me know that saving his family isn't his top priority. I just hope he really moves on from Miranda before getting with Sara. I don't want Sara to be anyone's rebound relationship. She deserves better than that. 

Or better yet, bring in someone new for Sara. 

Edited by Sakura12
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Was I the only one 'shipping Rip and Hourman at the end there? I mean, after the Old West episode they seem to be setting Rip up as bi- or pansexual and I always thought the Suits guy tended to have better chemistry with the men on that show. 

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I think a lot of Rip's shady behavior was because of his desperation to save his family. I think he'll settle down now that he's accepted their deaths. But he'll still have some edge because he'll always be the orphan little cutpurse who was manipulated and betrayed by the Time Masters. I'd enjoy seeing him bond with Sara over their losses, whether it's as brother/sister as CL described or something more.

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29 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

Kendra's 4000 years old and lived over 200 lives, Ray was the baby in that relationship. 

With Sara and Snart. Sara's been through so much that she is much older than her real age. So I didn't their age difference. 

I'm not a huge fan of Rip, which is why I don't want him with my favorite character. I like Arthur Darvill and maybe Rip will grow on me know that saving his family isn't his top priority. I just hope he really moves on from Miranda before getting with Sara. I don't want Sara to be anyone's rebound relationship. She deserves better than that. 

Or better yet, bring in someone new for Sara. 

Kendra doesn't remember a whole lot of those lives.  And from what we saw of what she does remember, it's a lot of being murdered pretty young.  As stupidly repetitive as the barista line was, it had a point: Kendra has very little actual life experience to draw on.  Ray's a man in his late thirties whose been engaged before, he had/has a career.  He knows exactly who he is.  He's not the baby of that relationship, and we can see that especially in 1960 where he's ready to settle down and she's clearly not.

I didn't think Snart and Sara built enough to really judge whether the age difference would matter in character or not.  I do feel like Sara acts older than her age.  (For that matter, so does Rip.  When Rip and Snart or Rory clash, I tend to forget that he's also more than a decade younger than they are.)  I don't see the same inequality in Snart-Sara that I do occasionally with Kendra and her relationships.

But I'm honestly so tired of the Hollywood cliche of pairing the young but mature beyond her years woman with a much older man.  I'd much rather see Sara involved with someone her own age.  If he or she is also "mature beyond their years", fine.  But someone her own age, please.

4 minutes ago, TyranAmiros said:

Was I the only one 'shipping Rip and Hourman at the end there? I mean, after the Old West episode they seem to be setting Rip up as bi- or pansexual and I always thought the Suits guy tended to have better chemistry with the men on that show. 

I didn't see any chemistry between Rip and Hourman yet, but I could be convinced.  :-)

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13 minutes ago, TyranAmiros said:

Was I the only one 'shipping Rip and Hourman at the end there? I mean, after the Old West episode they seem to be setting Rip up as bi- or pansexual and I always thought the Suits guy tended to have better chemistry with the men on that show. 

I didn't see it, but I'm certainly willing to be convinced ;)

I wish the showrunners had the guts to make Rip or Snart, when he was a regular, bi or pansexual but I don't think they do (or DC won't let them).

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That choker is horrible and way too much like Canary Choker that I'm getting distracted by conspiracy theories or inside jokes.

Sara has chemistry with a lot of people, however, I don't feel like it's ever I'm going to commit to this relationship type chemistry that makes me want to officially ship her with anyone.

Meanwhile Ray has this obsessive you said Hi to me that means we're going to get married and have babies chemistry that is way over the top and quasi-stalkerish.

Rip has a fiery chemistry with people that makes you think he is just wants to jump anything that moves.

The other remaining team members I just don't see a whole lot of chemistry oozing from them.

Honestly, for me I think that is the biggest problem with ensemble cast is that I don't ship anyone because there is not enough of the type of chemistry that builds relationships. I may want to see a few hook-ups but I've yet to find a romantic relationship to root for.

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Rip has a fiery chemistry with people that makes you think he is just wants to jump anything that moves.

Really?  I don't see that at all.  Rip most of the time comes across as too much of a little boy to me to be sexy at all.  I think that's part of my problem with the Sara/Rip ship.  There's rare exceptions, such as when he grabbed Savage after Kendra stabbed him.  I'm like, wow, ok, where has this Rip been all season?  But most of the time he comes across as a kid way in over his head, to me anyway. 

I did see chemistry between him and Hex though.  I don't know what the deal was there. 

Edited by Starfish35
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I also didn't see any fiery chemistry between Rip and any of the characters. He never once came across sexy to me. Sara's the one that had chemistry with the people she talked too. I just never got any romantic vibes from Sara and Rip. 

I don't need a ship to watch a show, in fact I find the shows more enjoyable when I don't ship the characters romantically. I'd rather see friendships develop as the characters grow. I liked Sara/Snart but am not devastated that they are not getting together. I wish Snart didn't die because I liked his character as an indiviual. That's how I am with most pairings I like, if they get together, good. If they don't, okay. It doesn't really change my opinion on the show. 

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31 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

Really?  I don't see that at all.  Rip most of the time comes across as too much of a little boy to me to be sexy at all.  I think that's part of my problem with the Sara/Rip ship.  There's rare exceptions, such as when he grabbed Savage after Kendra stabbed him.  I'm like, wow, ok, where has this Rip been all season?  But most of the time he comes across as a kid way in over his head, to me anyway. 

I did see chemistry between him and Hex though.  I don't know what the deal was there. 

I didn't say the jumping would be good... it's more like when pre-teen/teenage boys discover nude magazines or realize their penis can do more than pee. That kinda misdirected intensity.

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21 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

I also didn't see any fiery chemistry between Rip and any of the characters. He never once came across sexy to me. Sara's the one that had chemistry with the people she talked too. I just never got any romantic vibes from Sara and Rip. 

I don't need a ship to watch a show, in fact I find the shows more enjoyable when I don't ship the characters romantically. I'd rather see friendships develop as the characters grow. I liked Sara/Snart but am not devastated that they are not getting together. I wish Snart didn't die because I liked his character as an indiviual. That's how I am with most pairings I like, if they get together, good. If they don't, okay. It doesn't really change my opinion on the show. 

Now see I've thought Rip was sexy at times (like the gun slinger moment in the Jonah Hex episode) but that doesn't mean I've seen chemistry with him and anyone yet. I've just had moments where I personally thought he looked yummy.

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Ehhh. I guess I don't see it.  The only intensity I really saw with him was with Hex, and I think that came across as chemistry to me because of the tension of their history. Otherwise, I see intensity for the mission, but not sexual intensity at all.  *shrugs*  It could change.  I'll have to see what Rip's like now that he's accepted that his family is gone.  

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9 hours ago, kismet said:

I didn't say the jumping would be good... it's more like when pre-teen/teenage boys discover nude magazines or realize their penis can do more than pee. That kinda misdirected intensity.

I've got to admit, I don't see it like that.

I do think Rip's got a certain adversarial chemistry with some characters, like Snart and Rory.  (To be fair, Snart has chemistry with pretty much anything.)  Oddly, I think he's got a certain chemistry with Martin too.

I don't really see the character as childish in that respect (though I'd hate to think how the Time Masters would have taught about or dealt with sexuality in general), but he is in a fairly constant amount of pain.  That doesn't generally lend itself well to a relationship.

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The one advantage Rip and Sara has a couple for me is that they're not that far apart in age.  It annoys me a little that every romantic pairing we've seen on Legends has involved a young woman with significantly older man.  

Now that Rip has accepted that he will never save his family, and Len is dead,  I can see the TimeCanary ship (Rip/Sara) making a comeback. 

Dont usually like Rip, but It was kinda hot when she manhandled him in the season finale.


It does occur to me that if they DO go a Rip-Sara route, I'd really like her to stop punching him in the face.

But but thats the best part, lol jk. 

Edited by WildcardC
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He deserved those punches in the face. 

When Rip stops lying or withholding information, Sara will stop punching him in the face. 

Edited by Sakura12
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I never said that Rip didn't deserve to get punched in the face every so often.  But if you combine it with a romantic relationship, you have a formula for domestic violence, which isn't fun particularly to watch regardless of whether the aggressor is a man or a woman.

If they do become romantically involved, I would prefer a different character take over punching duties.

Edited by squidprincess
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