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S01.E06: Palimpsest

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It is amazing how annoying they've made Otto.  I don't get it at all, I love the actor in other projects, especially Aliens in America and Rules of Engagement. That they have wasted him here is such a shame, it brings down the entire show that he's such an ass.


Taylor Cole was great in this episode, I'm hoping she comes back in a future episode. Feels a bit like a kindred spirit to Jimmy.


Guy from The Following is clearly a problem waiting to happen. Seems like Otto should be much more concerned about him in general, him with his sister, and his intentions for the company and yet he clearly isn't. Same with the assistant, didn't see that coming. Not at all sure what "the right reasons" may be. Couldn't even decide if that was her father, grandfather, or husband.

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Seems like Otto should be much more concerned about him in general, him with his sister, and his intentions for the company and yet he clearly isn't. Same with the assistant, didn't see that coming. Not at all sure what "the right reasons" may be. Couldn't even decide if that was her father, grandfather, or husband.


Agreed, he should be more concerned about those people instead of the guy saving his sister's life.

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Connor may be a total jerk, trying to steal the company.  But, his anger that Mary used him as a f-buddy and is now going back entirely on the merger?  He is absitively, posilutely correct:  Mary is a beyotch.  Like, ulitmate-level beyotch.  


There is no way possible, on this earth, at this time, for them to have cleaned the original vivisecting crime scene as they did. in that amount of time.  Power used?  Hmmm.  Didn't Otto later discover which properties had pulled down voltage?  No mention of that place.  Ugh.  Really, really, reeeeeeeally, bad and sloppy writing.


They did raise one helluva excellent point in this ep, though.  Just what would the Goodwins do with him when he was no longer useful to them?  Would they put him in some crazy, Otto-discovered suspended animation?  Nah.  Dude is dead.  


I did enjoy the synergy of Otto's refusal to cooperate with the FBI and the real-life struggle the FBI is having with Apple, which was a big news item just this week.  Otto happens to be right in principle.  Is LookinGlass now to simply become a digital crime lab for the government?   Should they be compelled to give or sell the technology to the government?  Hge and profound issues in play.  Of course, the show only cares that Otto is butthurt, likely leading to a schism with Mary.


Of course, the ho was a strong, courageous, and bright woman.  A real heroine, she.  TV Tropes for 400, Alex.

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They did raise one helluva excellent point in this ep, though. Just what would the Goodwins do with him when he was no longer useful to them? Would they put him in some crazy, Otto-discovered suspended animation? Nah. Dude is dead.

I did enjoy the synergy of Otto's refusal to cooperate with the FBI and the real-life struggle the FBI is having with Apple, which was a big news item just this week. Otto happens to be right in principle. Is LookinGlass now to simply become a digital crime lab for the government? Should they be compelled to give or sell the technology to the government? Hge and profound issues in play. Of course, the show only cares that Otto is butthurt, likely leading to a schism with Mary.

My problem with Otto refusing to help is that it didn't come from some principled place. It was driven by pettiness and a fit of pique. It would have been a great opportunity for Otto to express why he created LookinGlass and what he hoped it would accomplish. Because right now as far as the what the show has shown us LookinGlass was created to a tool of law enforcement. How does a regular person use it? How is the facial recognition software used for regular functions?

Otto has been shown to be unbelievably callous when it comes to other people not named Mary. I have absolutely no doubt that he'd let James die once Mary is cured.

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Connor may be a total jerk, trying to steal the company.  But, his anger that Mary used him as a f-buddy and is now going back entirely on the merger?  He is absitively, posilutely correct:  Mary is a beyotch.  Like, ulitmate-level beyotch.


Try looking at it from the other side, Connor has been using Mary as a f-buddy. Remember last week when he was all, "Let's do it, that's what you're here for, right?" and Mary had other things to do. That makes HER a beyotch? Me don't think so. 


Just because someone is a f-buddy doesn't mean one has to give the other person part of your zillion-dollar company. Or anything else, for that matter, even a pastrami sandwich afterward. Being a f-buddy means that after the f, it's "Hey, see ya later, bye." And that's all. No commitment, nothing. ESPECIALLY not a business merger.

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I do think that after setting up a huge corporate merger and giving impassioned pleas about being the only person she can trust to care for Otto after she's gone, Mary's "I'm not dying after all, kthxbye!" pillow talk was astonishingly self-absorbed and dismissive.

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Rob K. was on Carson Daly last night. So he's British ... who knew. He also said that's his head but it's pasted on someone else's body for those "tank" scenes. He said he no way has even half of those abs. Another "who knew."

I do think that after setting up a huge corporate merger and giving impassioned pleas about being the only person she can trust to care for Otto after she's gone, Mary's "I'm not dying after all, kthxbye!" pillow talk was astonishingly self-absorbed and dismissive.


Her f-buddy should have been happy she's staying alive. He can work out other ways to weasel into her bank account if that's what he's after. Mary would be better off with James as her f-buddy if that guy is going to be that much of a jerk-faced tool.


And someone who was suppose to be dead in a few weeks from uncurable cancer is entitled to be more than a LITTLE "self-absorbed" when she discovers she's in remission and is going to live after all. I know I would be. Is f-buddy happy she's going to live? Hell, no. And that makes MARY the bad person? Yeah ... I don't think so.

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That's the thing...while she was dying, there was no knowing her true motivations.  Her urgent pleas to Connor to take care of Otto and to take the company could certainly have been all noble.  However, last night, when it became clear that she didn't have a death sentence, her true colors came out.  From, "I needed that." (and being sure to hold the bad news until after she had her way with him) to taking the side of Pritchard over her brother's, despite the fact that this cooperation with the FBI was problematic at best for LookinGlass, it's allll about Mary.  


Who is not all about Mary?   The viewing public.  Another .6 rating in the demo, 2 million total viewers.

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
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Rob K. was on Carson Daly last night. So he's British ... who knew. He also said that's his head but it's pasted on someone else's body for those "tank" scenes. He said he no way has even half of those abs. Another "who knew."

Honestly, I wish they hadn't bothered. Unknown body double has more of a swimmer's build, but the genuine article is preferable from where I'm sitting.

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However, last night, when it became clear that she didn't have a death sentence, her true colors came out.


Yeah, she was using the guy for sex, just like he'd been using her for the same thing. Men "use" women all the time, telling them lies to get them in the sack. But this was a 50/50 relationship, and that's too bad, so sad that Connor feels used and tossed aside. Except the only reason Connor DOES feel used is because Mary isn't dying and isn't giving him her company. He still got laid, which is the only basis for their association, according to the brother. So, suck it up, Connor, and get over it. (Although I think he will not, and HE will turn out to be the beyotch.)

Who is not all about Mary?   The viewing public.


And me. While Mary is nice eye candy, I'm all about James, whether those are his real abs or not. I, too, appreciate the genuine article, Bruinsfan. Thanks for that link!

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Of course, the ho was a strong, courageous, and bright woman.  A real heroine, she.  TV Tropes for 400, Alex.


Her value as a commodity just plummeted and she's all "My wings now!"  Yeah, right.  As soon as the tattooing actually started, I knew that they had no clue of what this would really do to her psyche.


Just because someone is a f-buddy doesn't mean one has to give the other person part of your zillion-dollar company. Or anything else, for that matter, even a pastrami sandwich afterward. Being a f-buddy means that after the f, it's "Hey, see ya later, bye." And that's all. No commitment, nothing. ESPECIALLY not a business merger.


He said that he just picks up the phone and the lawyers do the rest, but it's not that simple.  Backing out of a merger requires the same approval drom the Boards of Directors, and I'm sure the SEC will want to know what happened.  So James has lost all the time and expense putting together the merger, and now has the time and expense of undoing it.  He's got a right to be pissed off.

Edited by jhlipton
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So James has lost all the time and expense putting together the merger, and now has the time and expense of undoing it.  He's got a right to be pissed off.


He could have expressed just that to Mary, as in: "Hey, I've been working to put this deal through and now you're all 'no way'? WTHeck, we need to discuss this!" Or at least have her pay his lawyers. Something. Anything. But no.


Instead, he gets all evil-eyed and PRETENDS he's happy for her while calling her a bitch. Way to conduct business and keep relationships, Connor. The basis of all relationships, business and personal, is good communication. You failed on all fronts.

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I think it's plain that all he really wanted from the relationship was to make golden promises he had no intention of keeping, so he could get to rape LookinGlass for everything he could get, throwing Otto onto the streets in the process.  Now, he's upset.  I feel for him!

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Is this "body modification" thing a real thing?  People actually have surgery to implant these horn things in their head?  And walk around outside in brought daylight like this?  If it's a real thing, I guess they can only get jobs in alternative bars, because wow.


I thought this was a good episode, although I raised my eyebrows at James just bringing this girl into the home with no thought at all about security concerns.  Of course she is going to blab about all the cool stuff she saw there in the future.

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Is this "body modification" thing a real thing?  People actually have surgery to implant these horn things in their head?  And walk around outside in brought daylight like this?  If it's a real thing, I guess they can only get jobs in alternative bars, because wow.


I thought this was a good episode, although I raised my eyebrows at James just bringing this girl into the home with no thought at all about security concerns.  Of course she is going to blab about all the cool stuff she saw there in the future.


Yes, unfortunately, it is. These are way more frightening than the ones on the show, even.

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I would have thought the local police (including the late Jimmy Pritchard) to say nothing of the FBI would have been more than familiar with that Ink bar and the "body modification" group who inhabits it. For law enforcement to find it a big surprise was in itself a big surprise. 


Those wing tats got put on in record time. Will we see the new angel prostitute in future episodes? Maybe she will replace Jimmy's favorite blond, whom we haven't seen since episode two.

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Anyone think that the episode's title ("Palimpsest:) is a bit much.  (A palimpsest is "a manuscript or piece of writing material on which the original writing has been effaced to make room for later writing but of which traces remain".) It's a bit far to see the body mods as a palimpsest, and the doctor was trying to completely redo his victims.  I guess it might apply to Jilly but that's about it.


Maybe she will replace Jimmy's favorite blond, whom we haven't seen since episode two.


I hope not.  OMP (Original Model Prostitute) was much more fun.

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Anyone think that the episode's title ("Palimpsest:) is a bit much.


Thanks for the explanation. I figured the title was an anagram and was going to ask here if anyone knew what it translated to or meant. And now that I know, I give a big YES to it being not a bit much but way too much much.

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I tend to think that the best episode titles refer not only to that particular episode but to some broader aspect of the series.   If the episode is well-written, the title suggests another dimension by which you can view the characters and the series itself.  


To me, Jimmy is the series' palimpsest -- and in a much deeper, more complex way than those who chose body modification.   I also thought it was interesting that Jilly chose to keep her tattoos -- she was changed by the experience and wanted to keep the "scars", the reminders of what happened to her, what she learned about herself.  So in that way, she is the palimpsest, too.   I like that Jilly's name is almost a "twin" of Jimmy's, leading me to see her situation as a reflection of his.   A good story changes the main character (and perhaps others) in some way.  I need to see this episode again to consider Jimmy in light of that title.   

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I tend to think that the best episode titles refer not only to that particular episode but to some broader aspect of the series.   If the episode is well-written, the title suggests another dimension by which you can view the characters and the series itself.  


To me, Jimmy is the series' palimpsest -- and in a much deeper, more complex way than those who chose body modification.   I also thought it was interesting that Jilly chose to keep her tattoos -- she was changed by the experience and wanted to keep the "scars", the reminders of what happened to her, what she learned about herself.  So in that way, she is the palimpsest, too.   I like that Jilly's name is almost a "twin" of Jimmy's, leading me to see her situation as a reflection of his.   A good story changes the main character (and perhaps others) in some way.  I need to see this episode again to consider Jimmy in light of that title.   


Speaking of scars people want to keep --wasn't this the episode where Jimmy noticed his own scar from cutting himself on the fence the night he proposed was gone?  

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Speaking of scars people want to keep --wasn't this the episode where Jimmy noticed his own scar from cutting himself on the fence the night he proposed was gone?  


I think so.  "A scar incurred in the tank is permanent; a scar incurred outside the tank is healed." 

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