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Seasons 1-3: High School Years

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Dylan and Kelly are even scummier when re watching the show. Brenda wasn’t gone 5 minutes before they started flirting .. and Kelly with her fake “ I don’t want to ruin what I have with my best friend “ followed by a few minutes later showing up at Dylan’s door with the baby voice she puts on , ready to make out again is just gross . And Dylan doesn’t even acknowledge that he has a girlfriend . Every time kelly brings Brenda up , Dylan’s all .. “ so what ? “ um , ok . It’s only the girl you’ve been in love with for 2 years who was about to give up her family for you . Just lead her best friend on and pretend your girlfriend doesn’t exist . 

I know they’re teenagers so their choices are stupid but it’s not my fault they look 10 years older and I don’t see them as 17 year olds lol . But even still , this isn’t a Dawson / Joey / pacey situation where Dawson wasn’t even dating Joey when her and pacey fell in love . These two played 2 games of volleyball and are in love ? Ok . 

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Since when had Kelly been crushing on Dylan forever?  She tells him that during the Summer of Deception and I'm trying to remember when that was.  I know she confessed to having  a crush on Dylan at one point during the slumber party episode but I can't recall it ever coming up again.  

I get they are teens and summer flings happen.  I get that Brenda was driving Dylan crazy before she left for Paris.  But for him to being hanging all over Kelly when Brenda was gone maybe a week just doesn't ring true.  That said, Kelly case of the sads, etc. did seem realistic - - although she and Dylan were so damn obvious everyone else was clearly blind.  

About Kelly, she's the biggest hypocrite ever to say that David should tell Donna about Nikki when she's lusting after her best friend's boyfriend.  Girl, stop.  

And Kelly's moping and attempt of schedule changing to avoid Brenda and Dylan, is the show trying to signify that clearly Dylan and Kelly are soulmates?  Because . . . no.  Or should I say NO.   The Kelly/Dylan years signified the start of Baby Voice Kelly, Judgmental Kelly, and as Tara  and Sarah  term it, Cat Butt Mouth Kelly.    Those two never should have been together.  I'll say it again - - Dylan's end game should have been Brenda.  I liked him with Toni.  Basically everyone was a better choice than Kelly.

I think Gabrielle/Ohhhhhndrea looks great when the gang starts their senior (ha ha) year of (ha ha ha ha!) high school but the show has her acting (and dressing) so damn mature for a supposed 17 or 18 year old.   Add me to the list of posters who wish the show had put her with Steve.  Claire was an Ohhhhndrea of sorts and they had great chemistry.  I think Gabrielle and Ian would have been great together.  Again, very unfortunate that in the future GC's real life pregnancy was written into the show.

I see that senior year of high school is when Brandon's Shelf of Hair starts appearing.  I guess maybe he was trying to appear taller?  

I think Jim and Cindy's parenting really went off the rails immediately prior to the Summer of Deception.  If Brenda was under 18, she's still a minor.  If she's over 18, she's a legal adult and can make her own decisions.  I get Jim and Cindy didn't agree with Brenda moving out and into Dylan's house but to bribe her with a trip to Paris?   Really shitty.   And again, if Brenda is under 18, she can't just do what she wants.   Of course, this is ultimately their fault.  They allow Brenda and Brandon to talk so poorly to them, take attitudes and order their parents around.  So they kind of get what they deserve.

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4 minutes ago, psychoticstate said:

I'll say it again - - Dylan's end game should have been Brenda

I'll never get tired of reading this or thinking this, or believing this.

Hell, the first time that Brenda met Dylan, Kelly pointed him out, and while she asked the stupid ass question of whether Dylan likes blondes, Dylan might have said yes, but his eyes quickly tracked over to Brenda and gave her the once, twice, and thrice look over. Along with the "So...you're Brandon's sister."

Kelly, who?

And what that twat admitted to doing in "Slumber Party" was trying to kiss, or flirt with Dylan. Or some such. I tune it out.

I'll forever be upset that Luke never guest starred on Charmed, just so I could see them onscreen together as grown ups. Cuz Shannen BLOOMED.

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And then Kelly walks around school with a pus on her face because she hates seeing Brenda and Dylan together .. um, you should be used to seeing them together as they have been for a couple of years until you swooped your way in after Brenda went away for 2 minutes . I find kelly to be the most unbearable character on any tv show .. and no one ever calls her out for anything . And as someone said above , just the episode before her deception , she flipped out on David for kissing another girl and she said “ if you don’t tell Donna I will “. But then again , this is just the beginning of her hypocrisy throughout the series .

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On 8/2/2019 at 2:04 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

I'll never get tired of reading this or thinking this, or believing this.

Hell, the first time that Brenda met Dylan, Kelly pointed him out, and while she asked the stupid ass question of whether Dylan likes blondes, Dylan might have said yes, but his eyes quickly tracked over to Brenda and gave her the once, twice, and thrice look over. Along with the "So...you're Brandon's sister."

Kelly, who?

And what that twat admitted to doing in "Slumber Party" was trying to kiss, or flirt with Dylan. Or some such. I tune it out.

I'll forever be upset that Luke never guest starred on Charmed, just so I could see them onscreen together as grown ups. Cuz Shannen BLOOMED.

You and me both, GHScorpio!  Brenda and Dylan had their issues but he seemed much happier with her than he ever was with Kelly.   I really wish the entire Walsh family had returned for the last season of the show and Dylan picked up and went with Brenda back to London or wherever.  

I also find out hysterical when people like Kelly, who got Dylan via cheating, completely flip out when she thinks Dylan might be cheating.  I see.  So it's okay for him to cheat on Brenda with you but he surely better not do that to you?  Okay.  

Dylan and Kelly supposedly knew each other from kindergarten.  It's clear to me that both of them were on the rebound - - she from Jake, he from Brenda and nowhere near soulmates or even a long-lasting relationship.  Even if they made in through senior year in real life, they should absolutely have gone their separate ways by starting college.  

On 8/2/2019 at 3:17 PM, Jaclyn88 said:

And then Kelly walks around school with a pus on her face because she hates seeing Brenda and Dylan together .. um, you should be used to seeing them together as they have been for a couple of years until you swooped your way in after Brenda went away for 2 minutes . I find kelly to be the most unbearable character on any tv show .. and no one ever calls her out for anything . And as someone said above , just the episode before her deception , she flipped out on David for kissing another girl and she said “ if you don’t tell Donna I will “. But then again , this is just the beginning of her hypocrisy throughout the series .

I guess she was used to seeing them together when she was into Jake or whoever else but in the 10 minutes after Brenda left town that she fell in love with Dylan, things changed.

I liked Kelly during the earlier part of the show - - until the Summer of Deception and until she was with Dylan. Then she became absolutely unbearable and that never changed through the rest of the show.  

I give Brenda a lot of credit, especially at her age, that she was able to not only forgive both Kelly and Dylan but remain friends with both.  Because I know I couldn't have done that at 17 or 18.  And probably not 25 or 30.  

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9 hours ago, methodwriter85 said:

I'm rewatching the Sleepover. This show really did do a great job of the building the friendships and bonding these people. I loved just seeing these characters hanging out and getting to know each other. You really don't see that as much anymore- characters on t.v. shows usually just get isolated in pairs.

If only they had aired the episodes in an order that showed the friendship after this episode. Because we got a few where Ooohndrea still thought of Brenda as a Shallow Kelly clone, and conversations that looked like they hadn’t bonded.

And I just 🙄🙄 at the end of “Perfect Mom” where Oooohndrea tells Kelly she’s AMAZING because she was good at keeping secret that her mom was a Coke junkie and was able to appear to have the perfect life.

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4 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

This is a very random observation , but I like how the gang sits at a different area of the peach pit each episode . On a majority of shows ( especially looking at you FRIENDS) , the characters are able to get the same booth every time without anyone else ever getting it first . 

I never thought about it before but so true. Some actual realism there. Kind of surprising when you think of it.

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One of the most hypocritical lines from Kelly on the show was when Brenda called Dylan for help with something and Kelly said to her : you keep calling him and you need to stop . He’s not your boyfriend anymore Brenda. Why oh why couldn’t Brenda reply : “ that didn’t seem to stop you from being with him when I was in a relationship with him “. After their summer of deception , Kelly kept going to visit Dylan at his house and said “why should I have to stay away from you ? “Everyone was way too nice to Kelly when she deserved a mouthful . It was disappointing .

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29 minutes ago, WhoaWhoKnew said:

Perhaps I'm forgetting, but I don't seem to remember any moments showing Kelly being an especially good friend to anyone throughout the show's run, yet everyone lined up to treat her like a queen.

Even Val, who Kelly treated like trash from the second she met her, came to her rescue at the high school reunion.

I thought Kelly could be a very good friend to Donna sometimes- like when she learned about Ray’s abuse, when Donna decided to have sex with David and go on the pill, when Donna was with Noah and he was being a jerk to her. She gave her a hard time about dating David but that I chalked up to emotional immaturity. Later she would call David on his shit  

That was probably an easy thing to do because Donna was genuinely a nice and kind person. She made mistakes like anyone but she was willing to give people the benefit of the doubt until they proved themselves to be untrustworthy. Kelly had this weird superiority complex because she was insecure. 

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7 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

So let me get this straight . Donna gets suspended and can’t graduate because she had champagne given to her by her boyfriends dad before prom , but Steve hacks in the school computers and changes his grades , and he gets probation and doesn’t get suspended . K . 

To be fair, Steve was originally expelled but his mother pulled a hissyfit and got him reinstated. She was supposed to be like the equivalent of Meredith Baxter-Birney and I guess threw her celebrity around as America's mom?

I mean, Steve never cheated again so he learned a very valuable lesson. (Wait a second...)

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On 8/7/2019 at 12:54 PM, Jaclyn88 said:

Was the mullet ever hot to people ? If it was , I’m assuming the rest of the guys would have had that haircut but Steve had it wayyy too long . I think that greatly contributed to his unattractive ness 

I remember there was one one episode where Steve was getting out the shower and his hair was a little wet and combed down in his forehead more and I thought “whoa, Steve actually looks hot!” Then later he FINALLY got a good haircut and it did wonders for him. 

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The summer of deception was actually a good soapy triangle, but the payoff wasn't there.  Brenda should have found out shortly after she returned from Paris, and Dylan and Kelly should have been dead to her.  Then Brenda's boyfriend from Paris, Rick, should have shown up.  Instead it seemed like the writers wanted to make Brenda as miserable as possible, and the bad guy in the triangle as opposed to the person who got stabbed in the back by her boyfriend and best friend.

It's amusing that the SOD lead to the boring couple of Dylan/Kelly, which turned into the boring triangle of Dylan/Kelly/Brandon, which became the even more boring couple of Brandon/Kelly.  It also resulted in boring judgmental hypocritical Kelly who never missed a chance to cheat, and never missed a chance to lecture someone else about their behavior.

It ruined the best friendship on the show (Brenda/Kelly).  I never believed Brenda and Kelly as friends after that.

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1 hour ago, TigerLynx said:

The summer of deception was actually a good soapy triangle, but the payoff wasn't there.  Brenda should have found out shortly after she returned from Paris, and Dylan and Kelly should have been dead to her.  Then Brenda's boyfriend from Paris, Rick, should have shown up.  Instead it seemed like the writers wanted to make Brenda as miserable as possible, and the bad guy in the triangle as opposed to the person who got stabbed in the back by her boyfriend and best friend.

It's amusing that the SOD lead to the boring couple of Dylan/Kelly, which turned into the boring triangle of Dylan/Kelly/Brandon, which became the even more boring couple of Brandon/Kelly.  It also resulted in boring judgmental hypocritical Kelly who never missed a chance to cheat, and never missed a chance to lecture someone else about their behavior.

It ruined the best friendship on the show (Brenda/Kelly).  I never believed Brenda and Kelly as friends after that.

I was annoyed watching the whole thing unfold because , Brenda was still BFF with Kelly after she found out about them ? Not realistic . No one especially at that age , would be so kind to their “ best friend “ who went behind her back and cheated with her boyfriend . I understood why Brenda forgave Dylan . It’s more realistic for people to blame the other person and it made her realize how much she loved him . Dylan was an even bigger asshole in the scenario than Kelly because he never once felt guilt over it . But it made sense why Brenda let it slide with him on a realistic level . Another thing that was ridiculous was Kelly and Brenda and their few episode arc of allowing Dylan to choose between them . They both looked so pathetic constantly stAring at him in hope that he Would choose them . And also the fact that somehow Kelly was put on the same level as his relationship with Brenda from there on out . Brenda and dylan had so many ups and downs , memories , and intense times together . She lost her virginity to him . But somehow during the triangle we’re supposed to believe Dylan had the same emotional connection with Kelly when we’ve never seen them do more than play volleyball together and have a “ lust” that came out of nowhere when he never looked at her twice beforehand . 

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On 8/2/2019 at 1:55 PM, psychoticstate said:

That said, Kelly case of the sads, etc. did seem realistic - - although she and Dylan were so damn obvious everyone else was clearly blind.  

Yeah, as a big B&D fan back in the day (middle school LOL) I was pissed at Kelly. But I gotta admit, JG really did a good job at conveying Kelly's mixed emotions. She was a lot better actor in the first few seasons of 90210 than she gets credit for.


I think Gabrielle/Ohhhhhndrea looks great when the gang starts their senior (ha ha) year of (ha ha ha ha!) high school but the show has her acting (and dressing) so damn mature for a supposed 17 or 18 year old.  Add me to the list of posters who wish the show had put her with Steve.  Claire was an Ohhhhndrea of sorts and they had great chemistry.  I think Gabrielle and Ian would have been great together.

Gabrielle looked gorgeous in the summer of 1992; glowing. She shot those episodes around the time she was getting married so I do wonder if that had anything to do with it. I actually think, for the most part, she was dressed age appropriate for the character that summer too (mostly her club uniform and fitted summer dresses). Andrea had good writing as well. She had a boyfriend, she had a good job, she was confident, she had Brandon interested, and best off, got to finally tell him to go to hell. How they handled her character at the beginning of season 3 should've been the template for the next couple seasons, but they blew it.

I agree that her clothes got too mature during the rest of season 3. A lot of boxy blazers and REALLY unflattering glasses that season (when she still wore them). Then again I thought season 3 was waaaay too mature in general. A lot of the time even Tori looked like a grown woman with a career and a kid at home. I don't get the styling of season 3 at all. They often just did not look remotely like high school kids.

The wardrobe was younger for season 4.

A lot of season 3 just felt to me like they were writing a nighttime soap about young professionals. For the most part the high school setting felt arbitrary. 


I think Jim and Cindy's parenting really went off the rails immediately prior to the Summer of Deception.  If Brenda was under 18, she's still a minor.  If she's over 18, she's a legal adult and can make her own decisions.  I get Jim and Cindy didn't agree with Brenda moving out and into Dylan's house but to bribe her with a trip to Paris?   Really shitty.   And again, if Brenda is under 18, she can't just do what she wants.   Of course, this is ultimately their fault.  They allow Brenda and Brandon to talk so poorly to them, take attitudes and order their parents around.  So they kind of get what they deserve.

To me the height of their bad parenting was rewarding Brenda with a trip to Paris for her massive disobedience and overall snotty behavior. As an adult I cringe at her attitude toward her parents. Back in elementary/middle school I was too busy being in love with Brenda to recognize what a little shit she could be.

I would've waited until she turned 18 and left her right at Dylan's. And tell her good luck!

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I wonder if the storyline in season 9? When we find out jack McKay is still alive and was in the witness protection program was always supposed to be a thing or not eventually . I doubt it because they waited 6 more seasons after he “ died “to do the story line but maybe if he had stayed on the show past season 6, they might have done something like that .. but then again , there were new writers I believe so who knows . 

Edited by Jaclyn88
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56 minutes ago, Jaclyn88 said:

I wonder if the storyline in season 9? When we find out jack McKay is still alive and was in the witness protection program was always supposed to be a thing or not eventually . I doubt it because they waited 6 more seasons after he “ died “to do the story line but maybe if he had stayed on the show past season 6, they might have done something like that .. but then again , there were new writers I believe so who knows . 

If Jack was alive all those years, was the ghost of Jack, who saved Dylan while he was "fighting for his soul" just a manifestation of Dylan's Delusions? Ooh, look! Alliteration!

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On 8/10/2019 at 4:53 PM, ButIAm said:

To me the height of their bad parenting was rewarding Brenda with a trip to Paris for her massive disobedience and overall snotty behavior. As an adult I cringe at her attitude toward her parents. Back in elementary/middle school I was too busy being in love with Brenda to recognize what a little shit she could be.

I would've waited until she turned 18 and left her right at Dylan's. And tell her good luck!

Brenda was really snotty to her parents . I mean , she was portraying a teenager so it makes sense .. but her constant wide eyed resting bitch face was annoying to watch . And yea , I get that they bribed her to go to Paris because they really wanted her away from Dylan , but why are they rewarding her after all the lying and sneaking around behind their backs that she did . Meanwhile Brandon works at the peach pit and beach club , acts like the Beav , and gets another summer of ... working ? 

Edited by Jaclyn88
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I know I post a lot in here but I’m watching the re runs every day so it’s all coming back to me .

it seems like ever since Kelly scored Dylan, she became such a nasty witch . Literally every episode since they got together , she’s bitching at him and everyone else . She was mad because Andrea told her that she read his manuscript but that he wrote great things about Kelly in it .. and she’s bitching non stop that he won’t show her it even though he’s said numerous times that he’ll show her it when it’s finished . But this is just one of pretty much every episode that they’re together that she is in a bad mood . And then the writers want to convince us that they’re soulmates 2 seasons later ? They can’t even be in the same room together for 5 seconds  without fighting . 

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I watched the infamous senior prom and Donna Martin Graduates episodes on Pop today. Thoughts:

• Mel’s line about how he’s going to go into his bedroom and trying to remember his senior prom is such a WTF? Is he going to masturbate?

• The gang did a shitty job of hiding Donna. I don’t know why in the hell they didn’t just TAKE HER UPSTAIRS INTO A ROOM instead of trying to get her out through the front door!

• I am confused as to how Donna became so drunk. What is the timeline? She had a glass at Mel’s and then a glass or two on the way to the prom. How many hours is that? It just seems ridiculous even though they did say she hadn’t eaten all day and she was the size of a toothpick. 

• Andrea is looking every bit of her actual age in these episodes.

• Gil makes me sick. 

Edited by PepSinger
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Maybe it's the nostalgia goggles, but the Brenda/Dylan/Kelly triangle is one of my favorite soap triangles. Ever.

I also did enjoy the Dylan/Kelly/Brandon triangle, though not as much.

I will say that I do feel the B/D/K triangle was played out by the end of season 4, though. And am curious to know how the show would have gone on had SD stayed.

Edited by Hiyo
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50 minutes ago, Hiyo said:

Maybe it's the nostalgia goggles, but the Brenda/Dylan/Kelly triangle is one of my favorite soap triangles. Ever.

I also did enjoy the Dylan/Kelly/Brandon triangle, though not as much.

I will say that I do feel the B/D/K triangle was played out by the end of season 4, though. And am curious to know how the show would have gone on had SD stayed.

The Dylan Kelly Brandon triangle was much less dramatic , and as I recall , Dylan only cared that Kelly and Brandon were dating because he was drunk and sad because he lost millions of dollars so he took it out on them . Brenda was actually legitimately heartbroken over k and d getting together . At that point , I’m fairly certain Dylan was so over Kelly and her whining and the only reason they ever got brought up again as an epic couple on the show and he couldn’t live without her was because Brenda left and the show runners needed a main couple . 

Also , after all the screwing over of her best friend and pain she caused , Kelly dumped Dylan because she was attracted to John sears ? Sounds like soulmates to me 🙄 

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On 9/2/2014 at 8:17 AM, Qoass said:

They stripped R.E.M's Losing My Religion from the Brenda/Dylan breakup scene too.  Broke my heart.

I will NEVER not think of Dylan and Brenda breaking up when I hear that song. I had a "younger" friend rewatching it with me and I hyped up the break-up and dramatic song and I was PISSSSSSSSSSSED when they cut it out. It didn't impact me nearly as much as it should and my friend thought I imagined it.

On 11/18/2022 at 1:16 AM, StewieGriffin said:

Been rewatching on Pluto TV tonight they have their own channel for 90210.  They're showing the summer of 92 episodes now.  30 years later I still side with Brenda.  Kelly was all over Dylan before the bus was out of sight.

Yes I still side with Brenda. Kelly and Dylan did her dirty, and then lied from her and continued to sneak around. Dylan was the most wrong as Brenda's boyfriend, but Kelly got on my nerves too, she wasnt the victim! She knew Dylan was with Brenda, pouted about it, and was supposedly Brenda's friend! I contend that Dylan only chose Kelly because Brenda dumped him and he was mad that she didnt show up after his father was released. Dylan always preferred Brenda and wanted to keep Kelly as a side chick. 

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