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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Mika was worked up into a frenzy again this morning.  She doesn't know what day it is and it's one week til the campaigns.  What? 

Maybe it was the anxiety over having an actual journalist, former editor of the Boston Globe and Washington Post, Marty Baron on the show. 

Marty did have a lapse of judgment during his tenure at the Post, as he agreed to publish Joe's moronic screeds.  Eventually Marty retired, and we're not sure why he appeared on today's program, other than it appeared they had to agree that Joe couldn't speak to him. 


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BS Jeff Bezos

How is it that the WAPO editorial staff had to get your ok to publish an editorial endorsing Kamala Harris but the execs at Orgin Blue didn’t have to get your ok to entertain Trump

Since the editorial staff (some of which resigned) made it known what you did they’re a brave group and you are a spineless coward 

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7 hours ago, tres bien said:

BS Jeff Bezos

How is it that the WAPO editorial staff had to get your ok to publish an editorial endorsing Kamala Harris but the execs at Orgin Blue didn’t have to get your ok to entertain Trump

Since the editorial staff (some of which resigned) made it known what you did they’re a brave group and you are a spineless coward 

Bezos wants those government contracts in case you know what happens.  He can lie his stupid little ass off all he wants, everyone knows the truth. 

He is literally so stupid to think that Trump would help him out.  

Marty Baron stood up to the Archdiocese of Boston and he's not afraid to call out Bezos for what he is. 

And Jeff, if it doesn't matter if a paper endorses a candidate, then why tell them they can't endorse Harris? 

You little weasel. 

Edited by SeanBug
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 Joe and Mika have dialed it to 11 today. 

Joe is repeating everything three times, like he's trying to summon Beetlejuice.  Maybe he should take the day off since he can barely speak and screaming at people about Maricopa County election officials isn't helping. The reporter didn't mean Republicans, he meant officials who don't buy into the voter fraud nonsense. Calm down. 

And Mika has her anxiety scarf on. It's like a thunder shirt that dogs wear when they are afraid of a storm.  


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Mika's ego is going to be off the charts after that chat with Stevie Nicks. 

Stevie I pray to God you have better things to do on a Saturday night than calling Mika.

I have to wonder who on the staff had to explain Stevie Nicks' career to Mika. The queen of "I don't care about popular culture, etc" is suddenly besties with one of the First Ladies of Rock? 

Stevie if you want to get your new song in front of the public and to speak to American women, why didn't you just call the Harris campaign? I'm sure they'd love to have you speak at a rally. 



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Jonathan Lemire will be promoted to co-host of Morning Joe 9 am hour.



This will allow Joe more time to work on the Harris White House transition as well as talking  to world leaders & film & tv celebrities.

Joe's interviews with Bill Maher & Jimmy Kimmel were trending on Tik Tok.


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Yes, the crowd size was massive.  One thing I didn't understand was why the outside rally wasn't held in the afternoon instead of 7:30 when it's dark.  I live just outside DC and would have gone if it had been held in the afternoon, but no way in hell would I have attended in the evening.  I hope everyone got home safely.

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Mika’s interview with Stevie Nicks got me thinking. I think the lady doth protest too much when it comes to sports and pop culture. Do I think she loves sports and is deep into the pop culture zeitgeist? No. But I think her indifference and “above it all” demeanor any time these topics are brought up is an attention grabbing schtick. Her way of getting all eyes on her, no matter how irritating it is. I remember girls like this in high school. It wasn’t cute at 15 and it sure as hell isn’t cute at 60 (or however old she us). 

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2 hours ago, Newsreader said:

Mika’s interview with Stevie Nicks got me thinking. I think the lady doth protest too much when it comes to sports and pop culture. Do I think she loves sports and is deep into the pop culture zeitgeist? No. But I think her indifference and “above it all” demeanor any time these topics are brought up is an attention grabbing schtick. Her way of getting all eyes on her, no matter how irritating it is. I remember girls like this in high school. It wasn’t cute at 15 and it sure as hell isn’t cute at 60 (or however old she us). 

I get what you're saying but IMO Mika doesn't have the brain power to play that con.  She just blurts out whatever dumbass or rude thing pops into her head. 

Apparently this wasn't Stevie's first interview regarding her new song "Lighthouse". She was on CBS Sunday Morning, and it's a much more in depth enjoyable interview (IMO). It focuses on her career with Fleetwood Mac, her solo career and her personal reason for writing the song. 

She performed the song on SNL a couple weeks ago. 

Funny there's no mention of calling Mika.  I don't quite understand why people think Mika is leading the fight to restore Roe.  Other than cry talking, what is she doing?  Sometimes I wonder if people are told in pre interviews to kiss Joe & Mika's ass in order to be on the show. 

Stevie Nicks on CBS Sunday Morning


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I'm not at all surprised that they got a new co-host for the 9am hour of Morning Joe by utilizing Lemire.  I believe it's only been a year since they revamped Morning Joe to 4 hours and it didn't take very long for both Joe and Mika (especially Joe) to take days off during the week and bail on the show after 9am (especially Joe).  Clearly, doing a 4 hour show was too much for them.  Why, just this morning, Joe seemed to disappear after 8am (the usual repeats), Mika's interview with Sheryl Crow/Stevie Nicks and the 9am hour.  They made such a big deal in the beginning about the extra 4th hour would give them time to explore other news other than politics - like book reviews, theatre, media, etc.  But that didn't last long and most of the time it's repeats of what was shown from 6am-8am.  And anytime they discuss Sports, you know how positively rabid Mika gets on the subject.  And every time they do an interview with a celebrity regarding a new TV series/film/play, Mika always seems to be rushing it to get back to regular news or politics.  Morning Joe needs to diversify and cover other things other than just politics 24/7.

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I had a couple stories about Mika show up in my news feed.

The headline was "Mika Brzezinski has Big Career Announcement".

The big announcement? Sheryl Crow and Stevie Nicks are appearing on Morning Joe and Mika founded Know Your Value. 

If someone can find some major career announcement in this nonsense, please let me know. 

Okay whatever

In other news, rain is wet and today is Halloween. 

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Mika needs to be voted off the island.  She’s a damp washcloth.  Every other morning news show has discussed the World Series, but she can’t allow it on MJ.  I agree with her on the tragedy of women dying since Roe was overturned, but get a grip Mika.  Her sniffling and tears were unprofessional and seemed fake.  Ugh, I really don’t like her.

Barnacle looked silly in his picnic tablecloth shirt.  It’s like the 70’s.

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On 10/30/2024 at 12:41 PM, Newsreader said:

I think her indifference and “above it all” demeanor any time these topics are brought up is an attention grabbing schtick

There is zero question it's an act.  Imagine the berating she'd get at home from her cruel and humorless parents if she were to have a Sean Cassidy poster on her wall or listen to "Grease." 
She needs you to know that pop culture is for the stupids and she's not a stupid, she's the most serious newsperson ever.

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Meeka needs validation from other people, especially women, who have earned their place in life through hard work. I am not surprised she decided to interview Sheryl Crow and Stevie Nicks. They have gravitas and have worked hard to get where they are. For decades. 

The network seems to think that their viewers (especially women) want to see her in the role (thanks to her husband) of Woman Warrior. I cannot stand her snobbishness and disdain for pop culture, especially sports. She is the poster child for the person who was born on first base and thinking she hit a triple.

Edited by Kemper
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Agree with all of you re Mika. She is phony, pathetic and the last person anyone would want or need to be fighting for their cause.  Mika is in it for Mika and only Mika. 

No one needs Morning Joe to promote anything they do, be it a movie, book, their music, etc.  Do they pull the same audience as the network morning shows?  And any political issue they discuss is geared toward the audience, which skews liberal. So it's just a lot of yelling about stuff everyone is pretty much in agreement on. It's so tiresome. 

Mika wouldn't make it two days doing what Sheryl or Stevie have done. Touring across the world, performing every night, riding in a bus with the band and crew.  She'd have a stroke if she had to sleep on a tour bus with a bunch of guys. 

All the crying and pearl clutching over the Roe issue is for show. She doesn't even know how to talk about something without acting like a ten year old who just got grounded.   I don't understand why she can't show anger or frustration like a normal person.   She's the wet blanket everyone dreads will actually come to the party and start criticizing everything. Then wonder why no one wants to talk to her. 


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I'm happy for Lemire. Was legitimately concerned he would require hospitalization if he had to continue with WTE whilst covering for Joe's luxurious vacation schedule. I am however not so happy if this means Willie will be spending more time at Today. Geist covers the show at a nice clip when he works alone. 

Can one of you fine people educate me as to what the t-shirt means? Peace sign with the three stars? Both Mika and Nicolle are sporting them today.

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This morning the guys spent the opening  15 minutes talking about the World Series last night.  I thought Mika was going to explode.  She finally said, "I'm putting an end to this right now!" and went on to talk about abortion.  It's all well and good for Mika to not tolerate Sports or anything other subject, but it's perfectly fine for her to use two 15 minute segments before 9am promoting 50 Over 50/Know Your Value garbage with her BFF Human Abedin.  You can't have it both ways Mika.  That's why it's a 4 hour show; to allow for both. 

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Joe said Trump is tired.

Joe deleted Twitter from his phone because there is too much disinformation.

Joe uses the Drudge Report for his news sources. Drudge became very popular during the Monica Lewisky scandal.

Joe forgot that he still has a titter accounts and posts there on a regular basis.

Joe doesn't allow comments to be posted on his account because they are mean to him.

The Morning Joe twitter account gets routinely negative comments because people post clips of his "Joe Biden is the best Biden ever " in March.

Joe is outraged at Trump for wanting to execute Liz Cheney.

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Worst opening of the show ever and very annoying. They were completely at a loss of words for a long time and then when Joe did start speaking it was slow and really saying nothing and couldn't get to a point. Like they weren't fully awake yet. Struck me as a day that they both would have normally taken off, but were there only because the election is Tuesday.

Edited by Pike Ludwell
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Mika was on Seth Myer's late night show last night.  Was that mentioned?

Was she on as an election expert? 
Was she on to drop some hints on her and Joe's next big move? their appearances in other platforms surely suggests there's a next stage for them that has nothing to do with morning TV.  This whole Trump Outrage industry has peaked and they probably don't have enough in the tank to find something else to rant about.

KYV?  Can a discussion of KYV even fill up a chat show segment?  I figure after 30 seconds that topic is wrung dry of any interesting bits.

I'm curious to see what she wears:
Sexy sheath and 5 inch Louboutins?
Clam diggers, Keds, Ralph Lauren sweater with another sweater tied around her neck?
lululemon / pajamas?
Scarves & blazer?

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They played a clip of Mika on Seth Myer’s show. In it Mika said women were going to save us. I don’t disagree 

I don’t know why Joe and Mika want to keep doing this show it’s kind of on life support with the same old boring panel. They certainly don’t need the money

And God forbid they would ever invite on any guests and have a real debate because Joe’s not having any of that

On the other hand I won’t watch CNN because of their ridiculous sane washing 

Edited by tres bien
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Joe said he has been reading WSJ editorial page since he was 23.  He would carry it around when he was campaigning for Congress. He would quote paragraphs of it to voters at the door, who were impressed with his gravitas.

It's bizarre how infatuated Joe is with newspaper editorials. He should be able to have formed his own opinions by now.

Joe is ranting at Paul Gigot.

Joe is mad at Doubting Thomases . Joe said the Obama people should have listened to him.

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Joe said Trump people are overconfident. They told Joe off the record that votes are breaking Harris's way. Women are voting in record numbers in Pennsylvania.

The plan is to claim victory even if Harris is ahead on election night & then claim the election was stolen from Trump.

Lemire said Trump is freaking out on Truth Social . He is worried about going to jail.

Willie said you shouldn'tgrade Trump on a curve.

Willie said it was routine to edit the Harris interview on 60 Minutes. Trump is suing CBS.

Willie is worried about RFK taking control of HHS with his anti vaccine & pro healthy eating views.

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In the Seth Myers clip, Mika gets back to the old thing of rolling her eyes and negatively saying "we do FOUR hours every morning, 5 days a week!!". They used to trash this work schedule on MJ, but stopped. I bet they were advised by a producer to stop because it turns off viewers. They AGREED to the contract and they make many millions. To complain about it is ridiculous. Plus they work maybe 90 minutes of the 4 hours and they seem to be off 2 days a week on average. And the producers do most of the pre-show prep for them. Yet, on Seth Myers I guess she thought it would be entertaining.

Edited by Pike Ludwell
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It's hilarious that Mika thinks she can fool viewers with this "we work 4 hours a day" bullshit. Even during the hours they are supposed to be on the set, Willie, Lemire and Katty handle some of the interviews. 

They rerun the 6 am hour at 8 am. At 9 am they show pretaped interviews.

For $8 million a year, maybe they could actually do their jobs instead of figuring out ways to not be there.  And to that point, they work from home, and have a full staff to prepare interview topics for them.  Please explain to me how this qualifies as work.  What they do for that salary is sit at a desk and yell at people. 

As far as Mika being on Seth Meyers' show, either another guest cancelled, or Joe strong armed Seth to let her be on the show. If viewers are anything like me, they saw Mika and thought "I don't need to hear her whining, I'm going to bed". 

Edited by SeanBug
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Mika & Joe are in NY today in the NBC studio. Joe is wearing a suit for the special occasion.

Joe liked Kamala's unity message. Joe complained about Trump simulating oral sex on a microphone. Mika started shrieking in disgust.

Willie is there which is rare for a Monday.

Trump said too many stupid things for Joe to write down.

Mika started moaning when Willie talked about American carnage.


Joe is mad at Trump for using the military against civilians.


Joe said Morning Joe is popular with little kids.

Joe is obsessed with oral sex today.

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Katty Kay is excited about Ann Selzer appearing on Morning Joe. Older women over 50 are breaking for Harris. Mika said they know their value.

Mika said women are dying in Texas because they can't get an abortion.

Lemire said Trump is worried about North Carolina.

Lemire said Democrats are knocking on 800K doors in one day.

GOP doesn't have a strong ground game.

Joe said the race is tied but Trump's campaign is arrogant.

Joe said Trump's people are lying to him.

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Joe started the show with a long poem about elections. People are voting in the rain. There is music.

Joe is wearing his navy sweater. Mika is wearing a black t-shirt with a jacket over it.

Joe said the polls are tied.

Joe said Harris is confident. Willies said there is anxiety.

There are 900,000 volunteers in Pennsylvania for Harris.

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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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