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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Watched for a short time and the topic was loneliness. I had to LOL at the hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness as the panel presented a roundtable discussion in the studio on the topic, often bringing up the isolation caused by people "living" on their phones and other technology...and then cut to the shot of Joe and Mika (apparently wrapped in a pink blanket) huddled together at their retreat in Maine! I mean REALLY!? And he was giving his ever so righteous speech about being together with the family, his dad going to work, yet still doing family things and going to church, etc. I dunno. These 2 somewhat epitomize the whole idea of disconnectedness. (if that's a word.)

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20 minutes ago, plumbago blues said:

Watched for a short time and the topic was loneliness. I had to LOL at the hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness as the panel presented a roundtable discussion in the studio on the topic, often bringing up the isolation caused by people "living" on their phones and other technology...and then cut to the shot of Joe and Mika (apparently wrapped in a pink blanket) huddled together at their retreat in Maine! I mean REALLY!? And he was giving his ever so righteous speech about being together with the family, his dad going to work, yet still doing family things and going to church, etc. I dunno. These 2 somewhat epitomize the whole idea of disconnectedness. (if that's a word.)

They were discussing a new article in The Atlantic written by Hilary Clinton with Atlantic editor Jeffrey Goldberg.

I thought it was so shallow being written by the woman who wrote It Takes a Village. In fairness they didn't read but a few paragraphs.

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On 8/7/2023 at 11:46 AM, millennium said:

The damn sports segment is getting longer.  This morning it's droned on for about 15 minutes.   What percentage of the audience you think tunes in each morning to hear Scarborough, Mika and Katty Kay's sports commentary?


oh man, I feel bad, but I kinda do tune in for exactly that.

because at like 6 a.m. their actual happiness and enthusiasm about an actual live human activity is what I need before being slapped in the face with the shitshow that is reality, aaaaah. Which, yes, I do need to be informed about, but thank you for the soft blow

i don't even care about sports, but my personal theory is you don't have to care about sports to care about sports.

I've been dragged about three times in the past two years to Yankees stadium, and it was the most fun I've ever f-ing had had!!

I literally had zero idea what tf was going on, just the sense of community and the ridiculous food and the crazy gorgeous ridiculous mood 💕 and we all went out and got drunk after, like what's not to love???

the sport shit is kinda niche, but the joy it's for everyone, I'm here for it aaah

Edited by neona2
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also, idk if this is specific to my particular experience. but for me I went in spring and I have really shitty hay fever every f-ing year

so at one of those games I was dragged to I stood in a long-ass line for a public bathroom, and it was awfuuuuul, i was dying

buuut then once inside, I sneezed once... and in a millisecond a thousand older ladies were around me  offering tissues, water, sweetie this, sweetie that, I literally wanted to cry about how kind they were 😭

I had nothing at all to offer in terms of sports commentary 🥴, but there they all were just being gorgeous humans 🥰 

genuinely convinced that team spirit thingy translates to a human thingy, I'm convinced this is also a thing that crosses political boundaries

Edited by neona2
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their painel on *checks notes* rape of a *checks notes* WOMAN in department store


#sixmenonewoman #cantmakeitup

it's wild to me that most of this conversation was Joe talking to Charlie, then Joe talking to the Rev.

yes, good morning gentlemen, in case you missed the point, this is about a *woman* finally being f-ing believed for just stating the actual truth

about something shitty that mainly happens to *women*. why don't they get why that's important, to um, *women* aaaaaah

Alexi eventually got to comment....on a different matter. Yup. 


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why can't they give Mika a chair? it's crazy distracting

this show has like fifty commercial breaks and a whole hour rerun and tons of pre-recorded stuff, so the actual live time with Joe and Mika is about 45 minutes

why can't she have a chair for 45 minutes? 

it looks so weird, especially since they mostly don't let her talk, so they just leave her standing there, left out of the conversation and awkwardly chairless, like an unwanted guest at a party, it's so uncomfortable, ooof

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this MJ Chris Christie interview is a dud.

Joe's being his oblivious self, but I can kinda tell Mika's not having it, but she's not being forceful enough, damnit! and also she doesn't have a chair so looks like she's there to staff Joe.

where's Nicolle Wallace when you need her

#comebacknicolle and rake this dude's ass across the coals, we need youuuuu

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Sam Stein was on during the 6:30 half hour. I was only half-listening; but I think they might have been discussing Trump sweating or some such. The atmosphere seemed jovial until Sam S said he was uncomfortable with the discussion and wanted to move on. I was reading in bed at the time so probably missed something. Did anyone else hear this and find it odd?

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Totally.  Fucking. Irresponsible. of MSNBC and Morning Joe to permit Vaughn Hilliard to gin up the idea of a civil war or violent uprising if Trump is found guilty and arrested for any of the charges against him.   Oh the drama! as Hilliard lapses into his ominous Cassandra voice -- "none of us could have  imagined that an armed mob would attack the capital ... what will happen if Trump is found guilty with millions of die-hard supporters behind him?" 

Excuse my language but this sort of yellow journalism leads me to believe these networks would love nothing more than to see the country erupt into chaos.   You never hear them say,  After January 6th, you can be sure police and other authorities will be on the alert and prepared for any outbreak of hostilities and will quickly put it down no matter what form it takes.  Because that sort of reassurance could, you know, help to defuse and possibly deter the lunatic fringe.

Instead, they give a national spotlight to some rando old man and woman with dubious educations calling Biden Hitler and crowing about civil war outside the Trump rally.

Edited by millennium
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Poor Katy sitting there blinking trying to stay awake while joe is blathering on and on. I wonder if anyone has ever timed the difference in the amount of time joe goes on before letting the guest answer and how much time they are given to respond. And the required you are right joe should be deleted from the time allowed. 

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On 8/7/2023 at 9:39 AM, oakville said:

Joe is furious at the DOJ & Fox News for not realizing that Trump would run for President again to avoid being indicted.

Joe said his torts professor at law school taught him about Trump's strategy.

Was his torts professor a psychic, or a wizard, or just the subject of one of Joe's inane rants when he goes off about something stupid that makes no sense to anyone?

Who else in Joe's life, or in the history of the country, is a former President under three or four criminal indictments who is trying to stay out of prison by running for POTUS again? 

Also Joe, I didn't attend any law school, and even I know what Trump's plan is. 

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13 minutes ago, SeanBug said:

Was his torts professor a psychic, or a wizard, or just the subject of one of Joe's inane rants when he goes off about something stupid that makes no sense to anyone?

Who else in Joe's life, or in the history of the country, is a former President under three or four criminal indictments who is trying to stay out of prison by running for POTUS again? 

Also Joe, I didn't attend any law school, and even I know what Trump's plan is. 

Joe said his dad warned him that President Nixon would end up having to resign after the Saturday night massacre. Joe was 10 at the time but he knew that Nixon was going to get impeached if he didn't resign.

Joe said his professor was impressed with his knowledge of legal strategies because he watched Matlock after his law classes had ended.


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well that is Paul's loss, Kemper. For sure you would've been badass at the tambourine

10 hours ago, SeanBug said:

Was his torts professor a psychic, or a wizard, or just the subject of one of Joe's inane rants when he goes off about something stupid that makes no sense to anyone?

probably his torts professor was a consummate professional. it's just that most of the time during substantive discussions, Joe got distracted by a bumblebee #westwing

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Joe and Mika are, I wanna say in the temple of Jupiter Optimus! Maximus!, except it's not, I think this is the Thoreau-cabin version because the lighting is so bad and they look desperate to go back out fishing or whatever it is they do

Eugene Robinson in DC! looking good and getting a gazillion points for dragging his ass into work *chef's kiss*

i wonder how long this grim! spell! is gonna last. No one has made a joke or said "how are you" for like three days. 

But at least we have our Khaleesi Katty, Mother of Dragons, Transatlantic Queen, thank god


As much as I appreciate the interview with Monique Worrell I'm disappointed in her. I'm also disappointed that neither Joe or Mika did their homework. I know big surprise.

Last year DeSantis fired Andrew Warren the Democrat state attorney who was elected in 2017. Warren sued. He won but the judge said there was nothing he could do.

I'm speaking as a FL voter but I don't live in Warren's or Worrell's district. A big thing missing here is talking to the voters in those districts. 

Yeah Mika you had to throw out you know your whatever stuff. But you guys need to cover the whole story 

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the show is so boring today I went on youtube and literally just watched old clips

look look look at this

they used to be honest about stuff! And Mika was there, she had a chair, she was comfortable, used her normal voice instead of yelling, vocal, included in the conversation, treated with respect

they were in NYC!!

everyone was around a table, making eyecontact and *talking*.  Not yelling, not reciting shit, actually *talking*

I literally wanna time-travel to the time when you could literally just have quality television in the morning like it was the most natural thing in the world. 

Edited by neona2

now everyone is shouting about jesus

No shade on Jesus - I believe on the balance of probabilities he probably was a historical person and most likely an incredible, compassionate philosopher and thought-leader. 

but the literal reading of the Bible is in insane to me.

and why *their* reading of an iron age text should affect *my* life is even more insane to me

there are a lot of books out there. a lot of philosophy, a lot of wisdom. 

a lot of love.

probably that is the core message, if they actually paid attention.


Edited by neona2
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18 hours ago, grommit2 said:

Did wardrobe just give up?  

Sadly, I believe "wardrobe" is whatever Mika stuffed into suitcases/bins in prep for their trip to Maine, as described in her KYV Menopause Chronicles. I did like what I could see of her blouse today. I think they're on their own for hair, make-up, lighting and apparently, seating/standing arrangements. 

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1 hour ago, neona2 said:

I'm going to work now for the day and I haven't laughed a single time. not once, during the morning, during the show. so damn depressing

I laughed out loud at Eugene correcting Joe on the Ocean's 12 or 13 or whatever the fuck he was talking about. I didn't clearly hear Trump's comment, about all the money Hunter Biden's company received from foreign nationals, which I don't think is a crime in and of itself (but I'm not a country lawyer) and then we segued into Ocean's 12, which was about a Faberge egg, stock certificates and returning Terry Benedict's money. 

Ocean's 13 is about Danny Ocean getting even with Willy Bank for screwing over Reuben and causing him to have a heart attack. 

(Thanks Wikipedia!!) 

And yes, as Eugene pointed out, to my delight,  it was Ocean's 11 when they robbed Terry's casino because Danny was pissed off that Tess was going to marry Terry, and Brad/Rusty walks out with bags of money and Danny goes back to jail. 

If you're going to quote 20 year old movies, Joe, try to find one where you actually understood the plot, and one that pertains to the subject at hand. 


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41 minutes ago, neona2 said:

this all reads like gibberish to me but clearly I'm now gonna have to watch the Ocean thingy movies when I get home

Seanbug which is the first one? there's like ten, eleven, twelve? where to start aaaah


Ocean's 11 is the first, it's a remake of the older movie with Frank Sinatra. 11 because that's how many people are in the gang. 

Ocean's 11 trailer

Ocean's 12 is the first sequel. It's okay. They bring in Catherine Zeta Jones as Rusty's old girlfriend, who is an Interpol agent.  

Ocean's 12 trailer

Ocean's 13 is a waste of time unless you enjoy seeing Al Pacino wearing more self tanner than our former President. And Matt Damon in a fake nose. 

Ocean's 13 trailer

These are in no way serious films, they are fun light hearted heist movies with A list casts.  

The plots are a little intricate because there are so many twists and long cons the audience doesn't know about til they are revealed.  Which is probably why Joe got so confused.  Only us non law school attending normals would get them. 

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Joe is in NY today, hosting the show solo. He is mad at his earpiece bothering him.

The focus of the show is on Trump's legal problems.

Joe is mad at Trump for lying about the election.

The FBI killed a man who threatened to kill President Biden. Joe said he was obsessed with Trump.

Rev Al wore a tan suit. It was a big scandal when President Obama wore it to a press conference.

Joe made fun of evangelicals that kept saying that Jesus was coming back to earth.

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Joe is frustrated that Biden isn't getting credit in the polls for low inflation & unemployment.

Tom Rogers is worried that Trump could win in 2024 if there is a strong 3rd party candidate.

Joe is worried about Mancin leaving the Democratic party.

Joe is happy that the Southern Baptists church was pro-choice till 1980.

Joe blamed Jerry Falwell for switching positions.

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Joe got mad at his guest Pastor Daniel Darling for saying that many evangelicals aren't interested in politics & watching cable news shows. Joe said his friends that are evangelicals who support Trump. The Pastor said most evangelicals are focused on getting their kids to school.

The Pastor said that Jesus's teachings are still popular with evangelicals.

Joe's new segment is called faithful fridays.

Joe rattled off several bible verses to impress the pastor.

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49 minutes ago, tres bien said:

I didn't stick around for the pastor but based on your reporting Oakville I don't think he has a clue who he's preaching to

Watch it Pastor Darling! Joe will have God smite you for disagreeing with him!  Eugene Robinson almost got hit by a bus when he left 30 Rock the other morning after correcting Joe on the Ocean's movies. 

(JK Eugene is fine) 

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59 minutes ago, jacourt said:

This show is sooooo much better when people are face to face talking to each other. Normal give and take with interaction. Not just making a statement and moving on to something else. Why can’t this be everyday?  Why can’t we have nice things?  

I doubt the network could afford to pay Mika & Joe extra money for them to appear in person in NY or Washington regularly. Joe complained to the network about paying state income taxes while living in Connecticut. He also invited the state governor on the show to criticize him for the high rate of taxation in Connecticut. Joe wanted a discount on his taxes since he created jobs for assistants, cooks, and hair care providers. Joe ended up moving to Florida.

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44 minutes ago, jacourt said:

So does Willie get a stipend for living in ny?  Does Nicole get one?  Such bs. 

No. Before the move, Mika & Joe told the network that their mothers needed to live in Florida for health reasons. Mika & Joe were the primary caregivers to their moms, so the network had no choice but to agree to their demands. Joe also reminded the network that he could keep a close on Mar A Largo during the Trump administration by living nearby in Jupiter, Florida.

Joe's suspicions were correct when classified documents were found at Mar A Largo.

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On 8/10/2023 at 7:06 AM, tres bien said:

Yeah Mika you had to throw out you know your whatever stuff. But you guys need to cover the whole story 

I was appalled when Mika dismissed that impressive woman with "Thank you for knowing your value," like know-your-value was somehow instrumental in Monique Worrell standing up to DeSantis (or Dee-Santis, as Mika pronounces it).  It was as if Mika was trying to assimilate Ms. Worrell into the KYV brand.  I wish Monique Worrell had said, "WTF are you talking about, Mika?"

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I unfortunately caught Joe RANTING about southern baptists being left wing liberals.  He is just f*cking terrible.  Standing on the desk SCREAMING at his guests about a lie he just invented, trying to sell them some line of shit.  Jesus.  Imagine that asshole drunk at a dinner party, mansplaining to you some BS topic directly into your ear.

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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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