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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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20 hours ago, oakville said:

What would this show for content without referring to Trump?

Possibly extended versions of Scarborough's Commander-McBragg-meets-Macgyver fantasies, with Geist as Sherman to his Peabody.

Just wanted to add, I really dislike Michael Steele.  He's positioned as some kind of Republican insider but he brings nothing to the discussion but to state the obvious -- and worse, he laughs all the time.   He can be talking about individuals committing the most un-American, unpatriotic acts, and then he'll shrug and laugh, like "what are you gonna do, right?"  It's all a big joke, Mike.  Fuck you.

Edited by millennium
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On 4/11/2023 at 7:16 AM, tres bien said:

Please do not play audio (or video) of Nancy Mace. She doesn't mean anything she says.

She's my rep.  She will say whatever is expedient. 
However, she could have easily taken the MTG route to garner clout.  She's better educated, smarter, and attractive.  A path to MTG-like celebrity was laid out for her but she chose not to take it.  Whew.
She's not liked here because she became more moderate once elected (it is South Carolina after all), and she's not democrat so the left doesn't like her.
It's hard to know what she stands for, as it's kind of all over the place.

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Willie solo hosting in NYC today and Joe is reporting from....Ireland?

By himself? Like when he went to Poland by himself? this so weird - an actual Ireland! MJ! Special! with Joe & Mika & Willie would have been amazing, but what on earth is the value of just sending Joe there? 

he's just standing, by himself, in front a fake backdrop anyway. in terms of resources it just seems wild 🥴

and why is it so easy for Joe to go there but so hard to go to NYC to do real shows? why wouldn't real NYC shows (or DC! the DC ones are sometimes even better) be the priority? aaaaaah, the plot, it thickens. 

this show is just so fragmented into pieces now and the pieces are all so boring on their own. like eating each ingredient of a recipe on its own, sigh 

ETA: imagine how awesome it wouldve been if Joe and Mika and Willie had been like live in a pub with a crowd drinking Guinness *cries* instead we get Joe being all boring and droning in his used! car! salesman! voice. and it's not even a solemn occasion, it's a hopeful one, i don't get it. why is everything always so disappointing

oh well, at least Jen Palmieri is here this morning, yay

Edited by neona2
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If I were the powers-that-be, or even a regular guest on MJ, like Barnicle, Eddie Glaude, Rev., I’d be ticked that he can get himself on a plane to go to another CONTINENT, but can’t get to New York on a regular basis. The show is so much better when they’re all around one table. I have to admit that I’ve been DVRing Deadline White House and then watching it the next day in place of MJ. 

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Joe just said, we are here, with Ashford Castle behind us!

well at least that would be something, but no! it's a PHOTO of Ashford castle! aaaaaah. He could literally be anywhere. 

I miss Mika. i'm kinda mad on her and Willie's behalf re this apotheosis of used car salesman Joe. it's about the teaaaaam.

also, imagine if Barnicle had been there!

ETA: also intentionally excluding your female co-host from stuff considered "important and serious" like this Biden interview and then the Ukraine special and then Poland etc is so distasteful agggh. i can't believe Mika wouldnt object to it, it looks so bad

Edited by neona2
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On 4/12/2023 at 7:29 AM, millennium said:

Possibly extended versions of Scarborough's Commander-McBragg-meets-Macgyver fantasies, with Geist as Sherman to his Peabody.

Just wanted to add, I really dislike Michael Steele.  He's positioned as some kind of Republican insider but he brings nothing to the discussion but to state the obvious -- and worse, he laughs all the time.   He can be talking about individuals committing the most un-American, unpatriotic acts, and then he'll shrug and laugh, like "what are you gonna do, right?"  It's all a big joke, Mike.  Fuck you.

Ha! Morning Joe provides a sanctuary for former GOP insiders like Steele, Elise Jordan, Charlie Sykes. I don't remember the last time they had any guest who was a member of the Trump administration.

4 hours ago, neona2 said:


ETA: also intentionally excluding your female co-host from stuff considered "important and serious" like this Biden interview and then the Ukraine special and then Poland etc is so distasteful agggh. i can't believe Mika wouldnt object to it, it looks so bad

I agree. in fairness, Joe did allow Mika to interview guests when they were in Dubai.

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oh I forgot! yes Joe was in Abu Dhabi (not Dubai)! and that was technically Mika's thing!

and it was actually a great special with the two of them. I think I literally said, I loved that Joe was there bc it meant they all devoted their energy to it and took it seriously. And it was good! though I missed Willie being there

but but then why wasn't Mika allowed in Ireland?

The visuals of this Mika-less Ireland thing, and then the Mika-less Polish! special! (despite Mika being *actually Polish*) and the Mika-less Ukraine! special! are too…you sit at home lil lady, while I go do important stuff. 🥴

especially when they used to do all these kinds of travels and interviews *jointly*.

I can't believe she's not raising hell about this change (although maybe she is and there is some kind of drama, agh)

also unforgiveable that they would deprive the audience of Barnicle, looking cute, with a Guinness moustache 😭 💕

it's all we ever wanted. 

Edited by neona2
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random, but I love how Mara Gay is always referencing her five-year-old goddaugther.

Just goes to show you don't need to be a technical mom to be a badass! mama! bear! 😭💕

all of us women are in this shitshow together, tbh

Across age, religions, demographics, occupations etc etc.

we all got each other's back on this, because it's so f-ing awful. it makes me sad but also gives me so much hope

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12 hours ago, neona2 said:

Willie solo hosting in NYC today and Joe is reporting from....Ireland?

By himself? Like when he went to Poland by himself? this so weird - an actual Ireland! MJ! Special! with Joe & Mika & Willie would have been amazing, but what on earth is the value of just sending Joe there? 

he's just standing, by himself, in front a fake backdrop anyway. in terms of resources it just seems wild 🥴

and why is it so easy for Joe to go there but so hard to go to NYC to do real shows? why wouldn't real NYC shows (or DC! the DC ones are sometimes even better) be the priority? aaaaaah, the plot, it thickens. 


Was Joe supposed to interview anyone while he was Ireland. ?

I found it hilarious that Joe showed the local Irish newspapers to prove that he was in Ireland.

At one point , Joe was carrying an umbrella to prove that he was outside.

I doubt he was in front of the castle.

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Mika is back today, yay!

She's actually live in NYC

Joe is now in front of a fake Belfast backdrop! Still bizarre, they are spinning this as Joe on some sort of special foreign! policy! trip!

But then why on earth without Mika? joe was never a foreign policy expert, that was the entire punchline of the "stunningly superficial" joke where Dr B got his number in 10 seconds. 

Re the gun violence shitshow, one thing i would really like to see is a comparison or a Rattner chart or whatever about how risky it is to be a child in a war zone vs a child in the US

Eg if you’re a kid in Kabul, how likely are you to die of a gunshot wound vs being a kid in the US? How safe is it to go to school?

How safe is it to go to school in Kiev, statistically, vs going to school in cities in the US?

The one major difference between these school shootings and a literal war zone is that in a war zone the adults around you acknowledge it, prepare for it and openly resent the situation and do all they can to end it. Because it’s a situation that affects the entire community

but in this situation only affecting kids, the cruelest aspect is the f-ing “tough luck kid” *shrug* that’s-just-life grotesque gaslighting.

It's not a war in which children are collateral damage, it’s a fucking war *on* children

An entire generation growing up with literal psychological war trauma who will never have the physical or mental or economic support they need bc it's never even acknowledged that that's what it is.

Except for the "kids are sad because Instagram, or something" tropes, seriously stfu. Kids are sad, and scared shitless, because they are getting murdered and none of their existential fears about the climate shitshow future are being listened to.

It runs so damn deep and the discussions about it are so shallow


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7 hours ago, neona2 said:

oh my god, so they had enough money to fly Rattner in?

but not Mika? because women's perspectives have zero value anymore???

I'm out, this shit is just too weird

Joe was sent to Ireland to interview President Clinton, Tony Blair & other politicians who were involved in the Good Friday accord. There was an excerpt of Blair thanking Joe for proposing  the terms of the agreement & his advice to the British government while he was in power.

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so it turns out that apparently the "Morning Joe" Prime Time specials they advertised earlier this year aren't actual MJ specials, they are just...Joe, by himself doing generic run-of-the-mill stiff interviews instead of the trademark MJ conversations?

with no Willie, no Mika, how exactly is it related to MJ?

When they announced primetime MJ specials I thought they would maybe all go on a crazy-ass roadtrip across the US, make stops and have spontaneous discussions with real humans, hang out in local places, have real live human conversations out-of-hours, do crazy, fun, interesting things.

I know I snark a lot on Joe, but he's an interesting folksy, fun, conversationalists who gets actual humans to engage and say interesting things, why on earth are they putting him in those stale, formal, inflexible environments? and again, without Mika and Willie who are 80% or the recipe and the chemistry. it makes zero sense. 

okay but enough negativity ---> I just watched the 9 a.m. hour and the last segment with the lady from Florida and Mika and Lauren etc was so powerful. like it was genuinely compelling and so sensitively and beautifully executed. honestly they can do good tee-vee when they want to and work with and understand what their strengths actually are

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3 hours ago, neona2 said:

so it turns out that apparently the "Morning Joe" Prime Time specials they advertised earlier this year aren't actual MJ specials, they are just...Joe, by himself doing generic run-of-the-mill stiff interviews instead of the trademark MJ conversations?

with no Willie, no Mika, how exactly is it related to MJ?

When they announced primetime MJ specials I thought they would maybe all go on a crazy-ass roadtrip across the US, make stops and have spontaneous discussions with real humans, hang out in local places, have real live human conversations out-of-hours, do crazy, fun, interesting things.

I know I snark a lot on Joe, but he's an interesting folksy, fun, conversationalists who gets actual humans to engage and say interesting things, why on earth are they putting him in those stale, formal, inflexible environments? and again, without Mika and Willie who are 80% or the recipe and the chemistry. it makes zero sense. 


Agreed. Morning Joe used to have shows in various cities before Mika & Joe became a couple.

Joe believes he has the gravitas to interview world leaders solo.

It's nice of the network to let Joe leave his Florida bunker on an occasional basis.



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i mean, I'm sure he can have gravitas, or whatever. That's not so much the point, it's that none of these people are gonna say anything in dark room cushioned interviews we haven't already heard.

the whole thing about the table (and java joes etc!) was that in conversation in an informal environment people would put their guard down and blurt out interesting shit.

And again, the whole "Joe gets sent on important! assignments! while lil lady Mika sits at home" thing is so uncomfortable aaaaah. it was never like that before and it's so weird


Edited by neona2
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I'm watching this morning's show, why is Joe yelling at this nice and polite looking reporter dude who's just standing outside of a courthouse doing his job? 🥴 

it's like crazy customers who yell at waiters about the weather. for sure waiters have zero control over the weather but in order to get paid they gotta keep smiling and apologize. I can't

ETA: oh this is actually a really good show. Too much to mention but I am here for all of this!!! it's hilarious! at one point Joe was literally wandering around the studio, omg ahahaha


Edited by neona2
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Joe showed Mika his little red book of sayings. Mika was excited.

Joe said Rudy, Mr  Pillow & Sidney Powell will file for bankruptcy if they lose court cases against Dominion voting systems.

Mika was upset that charges were dropped against Baldwin. Joe said they may be refiled for culpability but that would be odd.

Joe said his sources told him that Biden would run for re election but he is waiting till next week.

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agggh I'm scared about this Supreme Court thingy potentially issued today, not sure I can handle any more bad news rn 🥴

this is a good show today, I think, but i miss Willie

am I the only one who can't watch any space! segments! without laughing, because everything sounds like a metaphor for male sexual dysfunction.

pre-mature lift-offs? unscheduled disassemblies? UM. 😳 

ETA: I wish these space! dudes! would focus less on sending people to mars and more on saving the planet we actually live on

ETA2: okay i feel i should clarify, i mean the tech! bro! space! tourist! dudes, not the actually scientists doing important research shit

Edited by neona2
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i'm sorry, but Joe man-splaining Polish history to Mika who is actually Polish with clips of him and a group of just men in Poland and zero women is still inexplicable 🥴

--> he's not Polish and not Jewish? How come MSNBC paid for him to go but not Mika? Mika's brother was there? the co-opting will never not be weird.

but in general, despite the odd boy's club visuals, it is good that someone was there, and the occasion was remembered, so that's a positive at least. 

also, Jonathan! Chait! gets points from all history! fangirls! for referencing Manicheanism. come work in a museum, baby, you're wasting your wit in teh news. although i doubt De Santis thinks he's in a Manichean struggle because there's no way De Santis would know what that means.

But, also, philosophically speaking, most of the universe is probably in one, against De Santis's ass 


Edited by neona2

it's Mondaaay!

so the usual Monday! vibes!

it's one of those days where Mika is putting herself in a corner and invisible and not talking, she hasn't said anything or asked any questions in 15 minutes. idk why she keeps doing this to herself, sometimes I'm like yelling at the screen, say something! i mean we do actually wanna hear it?

Joe is actually on fine form though! he actually has a very relaxing presence when not yelling etc

Ed Luce is here, and our badass Mara Gay

The hilarious thing about De Santis is basically this

The Media!: De Santis is not well-liked, polls single digits, most people have never heard of him outside of Florida and HAS NOT DECLARED HIS CANDIDACY. Why is there so much attention paid to this random dude?

Also The Media!: DesantisDesantisDesantisDesantisdesantis


ETA: It's also one of those morning where the first person they go to on their Abortion! Discussion! is....Ed Luce *sigh*

is it so hard that if the word "abortion" is in the chyron you're really maybe probably gonna need some women on teh panel?

Edited by neona2
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5 out of 7 humans on this screen are not affected by this shitshow. at all. and yet.

ETA: and now some Matt dude is saying the pro-life people are noble humans, except for the "political problem". WTF? WOMEN ARE DYING.

this whole segment is so damn disappointing i want to cry. we don't need a eulogy of the Republican Party, that.is.not.the.point.


i need a newsbreak tbh

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Joe just went AWOL and now Monday! Mika! is by herself being super stressed and tense and not even welcoming guests 🥴 i wonder where Joe needed to be at 7 a.m.?

come baaaack Joe, honestly we need his easy energy rn

okay okay, enough negativity ---> I am here for Mark Leibovich. And Jennifer Horn just said "I don't care about my former party, *democrats* need to focus on turnout", yes hi!! thank you for accurate priorities #democracy #notadrill

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a really really great guest on this Della Volpe! segment on young people would've been.... an actual young person. 

Joe still awol, I wonder where he is, but actually Mika's got the right questions. But again... talking about actual humans in the abstract instead of *talking to* them is weird.

okay officially going on that newsbreak now 😂

Edited by neona2
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9 hours ago, neona2 said:

Joe still awol, I wonder where he is, but actually Mika's got the right questions.

When Joe is in attendance he still disappears for hours, yet Deadline has had a chyron for the past hour: JOE TALKS TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT AT 8.

Why? Zoe Lofgren covered it nicely with Nicole, "Its a blessing for the country, it's a blessing for the world." Done!

(No mention of a Mika appearance but I'd like her to be in the background with that big cat who jumped into the filled bathtub on IG.)


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2 hours ago, chick binewski said:

When Joe is in attendance he still disappears for hours, yet Deadline has had a chyron for the past hour: JOE TALKS TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT AT 8.

Why? Zoe Lofgren covered it nicely with Nicole, "Its a blessing for the country, it's a blessing for the world." Done!

(No mention of a Mika appearance but I'd like her to be in the background with that big cat who jumped into the filled bathtub on IG.)


I have it on now bc I'm waiting for Rachel! 

it's so weird, Joe is in the florida studio by himself (no reason Mika couldn't be there, wtf) and suddenly High-lemann shows up there, in person! in Florida! who even knew that was possible

but again no Mika or Willie

my guess is maybe Willie and Mika are transitioning out of television and Joe is going for some sort of primetime thing instead of MJ and this is a trial run?

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10 hours ago, neona2 said:

I have it on now bc I'm waiting for Rachel! 

it's so weird, Joe is in the florida studio by himself (no reason Mika couldn't be there, wtf) and suddenly High-lemann shows up there, in person! in Florida! who even knew that was possible

but again no Mika or Willie

my guess is maybe Willie and Mika are transitioning out of television and Joe is going for some sort of primetime thing instead of MJ and this is a trial run?

Ha! I would say that CNN'S  hot mess morning show is a ratings boost for MJ.

I haven't watched CNN at 6am since they threw John Berman and Brianna Keiler under the bus

Edited by tres bien
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The first story was about Aaron Rodgers being traded to the NY Jets. Joe is worried about his belief in conspiracy theories.

Mika announced that Joe Biden was running for re-election.

They showed his campaign video. Let's finish the job is the slogan.

There was no mention of RFK running against him.

Willie admitted many Democrats don't want him to run for President.

Joe said Kamala would be on the ticket. She had a successful trip to Africa & will defend abortion rights during the campaign.

Joe told Democrats to stop whining about poor poll numbers.



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i'm on self-enforced news!break! so I didn't watch this episode (heh)

but just to chime in re absences - i'm pretty sure my instincts are right, they are winding up Morning Joe to end.

Joe has been awol so many days of MJ and misses such huge chunks of the show every day and seems to be aiming most of time and resources on bland and generic run-of-the-mill foreign policy stuff rather than the honest punchy (and fun) domestic stuff.

it's honestly sad because he is so so so much better at the latter. I'll never understand why people who truly excel at one thing abandon that for something at which they are merely mediocre, out of some sort of misconceived vanity. in the sense that it is actually a loss to human culture because they are so good at their main thing. 

i also wonder in whatever their thinking is about the plan for Mika? like what's the strategy in suddenly excluding her from every single trip abroad and every single high-profile interview? she was there before for the Koch brothers, Obama, shows all around the country etc etc.

she's always had to fight against the "why doesn't she contribute in substantive discussions" shit that is out there, which is often unfair, and now they've suddenly started deliberately reinforcing that impression instead of fighting back and insisting on being present as a co-host 

Even if MJ is ending, how is being redefined as the lil lady stuck at home going to help her? also, Joe basically appropriating (rather than supporting or joining her in) her heritage and foreign policy connections is just wild. it's gotten to the point where Joe tells her family stories *for her* 🥴

not to mention, the show was always a hundred times better and more balanced when they both (with Willie) did these things together, as a team.

no concerns for Willie though. he'll be fine no matter what happens. so will Barnicle, who will live to be a 110 and remain a sartorial tee-vee icon. 

but man, I hope they've all thought this through 

Edited by neona2
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9 hours ago, charmed1 said:

I thought it was bad when Joe wandered on set sipping his Coolatta, but today was next level. Camera caught Joe wandering on set zipping up his pants then pans out to show Mika wearing what looked like a pair of pajama pants and tube socks. Why even bother coming to work, guys?

okay well after reading this comment i broke news! quarantine! to watch this part. 

tbh I think we should just be grateful that he was wearing actual! pants!, and not the leopard print speedos he wears while mowing the lawn

i love when the actual real MJ unintentionally says hold! my! beer! to the SNL parody of them. I say this with great affection.

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i mean you say that like it's a bad thing




man I checked in and Joe is in NYC in studio? for once! but now Mika is in Florida and Willie is in the Basilica aaaaaah what a waste of a potential real show with everyone. for once Joe is showing up and the other two not, whyyyyyyy

Joe is on his a-game tho. I think i also called him mediocre, i feel bad, honestly the second part of what i did say is he was excellent at exactly this, the studio stuff. just mediocre at the tedious one-on-ones. and I miss the real table shows!!



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i don't understand these abortion segments where it devolves into Joe yelling about What Jesus Actually Said

unless it was the admittedly great advice to dance dance dance with my hands hands hands above my head, I'm not super interested in what Jesus said about my body 🥴 

no shade on Jesus, I like the non-violence doctrine and neo-platonic philosophy.

it's beautiful and probably I would agree with a lot of it. but it's also irrelevant to my health. 

but I wish they had more doctors on etc. and again, there were like 6 men in these discussions and only Elise and Mika as the only women. 


Joe: *goes on World Tour of Mediocrity*

Ron de Santis: Hold.My.Beer.

ETA 2: I wonder why Joe and Willie and Mika didn't all just bring their deck chairs and do a live Global Citizen special?

its a great event and they used to be so good at that kind of thing?

Macron is not even live, you can't make this up. it's joe, going to NYC, not to host his NYC-based show, but to be live on stage to recite pre-written questions to a giant screen.

A total waste of Joe's actual talents

it's like how for the MJ 15 anniversary they did nothing, despite promoting it for a year?

nothing fun for the MJ viewers, just joe's personal projects that are for himself.

Chris Hayes just celebrated his anniversary and he was literally on live in person with a live studio audience, it was *chef's kiss* 

Edited by neona2
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12 hours ago, neona2 said:

i don't understand these abortion segments where it devolves into Joe yelling about What Jesus Actually Said

I didn't see the segment but in the past Scarborough has criticized evangelical Christians who profess to follow and uphold Christ's words and values, yet support and defend politicians and policies that are antithetical to those words and values. 

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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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