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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Appears no joe or Willie. Mika has been doing ok. Just hope she doesn’t start drama reading. She has difficulty mixing serious up with drama. But so far so good. I’m almost happy joes not there. Maybe he’s too busy advising international leaders. 

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1 hour ago, Kemper said:

Has Joe been off for a couple of days? And returned as the Wise Sage Persona? Because he snagged the “big story” above-the-fold mention this morning on Mediaite.


I think Joe was rehearsing today's rant while he was off. Joe said that several viewers with low blood pressure had contacted him while he was off. They wanted Joe to go on a rant against "Trump Republicans" so they could get their blood pressure back to normal. Joe cares about his viewers.

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Mikas contribution so far as been to moan in the background.  This is a beyond terrible situation but good lord be freakin professional.  What would be the reaction to this behavior if it was anyone else.  It is so embarrassing.  

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3 hours ago, jacourt said:

Mikas contribution so far as been to moan in the background.  This is a beyond terrible situation but good lord be freakin professional.  What would be the reaction to this behavior if it was anyone else.  It is so embarrassing.  

I hope Mika has not returned to cry reading the news.

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7 hours ago, Lowcountry snark said:

Mika read what her dad wrote about Putin in 2014.  It's amazing how his foreign policy interest and expertise is alive and well within her.

Well, she's proving that she knows her value as the offspring of a foreign policy expert and the sister of an ambassador. Again aligning herself as being in their league...by association.  I heard a hint of "cry read" when I clicked by and didn't bother to stay. Her turtleneck/sweater combo didn't impress me today. Must have been a hard night.

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So I was up all night and I decided to watch for the first time in forever since it was 4 am.  Does Mika ever say *anything* that hasn't been typed in for her on the teleprompter?  So stilted and so scripted. 

And I had to mute when she read, first, David Ignatius's article to him, at length, and then later, when she read Hillary Clinton's article to her, at length.  It's one thing to read a well-chosen sentence or two to set up the interview questions, and yet another to drone on and on without a hint of editing for context.  Mr. Ignatius and Ms. Clinton already know what they wrote.

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for me, I am so, so tired.

I'm so damn depressed about teh Ukraine shitshow I had to give myself a time-out so as not to have a rule-breaking meltdown on here 🥴 literally everyone could see it coming but still everyone was like, maybe this! maybe that! putin is inscrutable! what are his long-term chess-playing totally logic-ass plans, hey, why don't we wait and see?

 ---> dude, there's no long-term plan, he's not inscrutable, just a cruel-ass lunatic. that's what power does to you. You start out as a stone-cold rational vaguely intelligent calculating asshole and end up a deranged nationalist perverted human with a fairly tenuous grasp of reality.

People. Change. Power. Changes. People. Aaaaaand never ever for the better *cries*

one good thing is MSNBC brought back Rachel for this, man oh man, that was a lifeline.

the comparison of Morning Joe with Rachel is actually why I gave myself a break from MJ ---> Rachel when there's a crisis does research, writes down what her opinions are, then goes on air, totally calm, and presents her opinions, but always, always, with this undertone of depth and nuance and *kindness*.

And tbh her guiding principles are *calmness* and *kindness* no matter how severe teh shitshow is. If she gets emotional and angry you get the sense she gets emotional and angry *on our behalf*, not like exhaustingly yelling directly *at* us like Joe and Mika do. It's like she has a perfect internal clock that tells her who to be angry at and who to be kind to ----> she'll cut down Putin but warmly and kindly thank Richard Engels for staying up late and effortlessly make a cute joke about "we have to stop meeting like this", without detracting from the serious shit

 --->  for me the biggest difference between this and breaking news on MJ is, if on MJ they spend one segment yelling at eg Putin, they'll continue from there and also angrily yell at their guests and at their audience the rest of the show, and also angrily yell that a commercial break is coming. There's no sense of natural transitions and flow and context and it's stressful af, like there's no reason not to make the audience feel welcome and guests feel appreciated no matter what is happening....

also tbh in terms of coverage, I wish they would have more on the ground reporting. and I don't mean, correspondent so-and-so brought an intrepreter and talked to so-and-so and will now explain what they said, I mean actually flesh and blood Ukrainian human rights activists who speak f-ing English and can literally just facetime the world in the flesh agggh

Edited: bc of swearing sorry sorry generally i've been trying to b good but I'm tired 

Edited by neona2
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I finally had some free time to start watching Morning Joe. My DVR decided to start recording Friday's show at 6 14 am. I have no clue why it did that.

Mika is wearing a black turtleleneck & Joe is wearing a new black suit with pinstripes to show gravitas.

David Ignatius is the special guest .

Joe supports sanctions  against the oligarchs.

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Recap continued.

My DVR recorded the first 12 minutes separately due to a local Amber alert which interrupts all recordings.

Mika was reading the news about Ukraine in a modified cry reading voice. it's wasn't full cry reading but semi cry reading. is that whimper reading the news ?

Joe wants more sanctions on Ukraine & compares Putin' invasion to Germany invading the Sudenteland in 1938.

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I tuned in during the latter part of the 8:00-8:30 slot; seven squares of people (I think). Michael McPhaul had been speaking when Joe jumped in and started talking about how the two of them had grown up during the Cold War, he was a child of the south, how he felt, etc. Meeka kept saying mmm/hmmm.

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1 hour ago, Kemper said:

I tuned in during the latter part of the 8:00-8:30 slot; seven squares of people (I think). Michael McPhaul had been speaking when Joe jumped in and started talking about how the two of them had grown up during the Cold War, he was a child of the south, how he felt, etc. Meeka kept saying mmm/hmmm.

Michael McPhaul appears regularly on CNBC, so I can listen to his opinion without Joe interrupting.

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1 hour ago, jacourt said:

The transmission rate for NYC and the surrounding counties is low.  No more excuses.  Get into the freakin studio.

The weather in Jupiter is nice, & the crime rate in NYC so Joe could tell MSNBC that he doesn't feel comfortable flying to NYC or Washington yet.

I recall a few months ago when Joe was excited to come to NYC & told Willie he was happy to show his vaccine cards to restaurants.

I do hope to find some time to do a proper recap of the show this week.

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I did watch today, it wasn't too terrible. they are super-stressed but then so is the whole world so I guess that's fair, only I feel so cringey when they are so stressed that people like the French ambassador doesn't even get a "good morning" 🥴

Richard Haas gets points for yellow tie! yellows and blues and sunflowers ---> that's visual symbolism that is actually positive and meaningful and an expression of solidarity 

i don't usually care about mispronounciations and shit buuuuuut I think they forgot to tell Joe and Mika about this, seems kinda important:  


in other news, Lemire just said Zelensky was the voice of paddington the bear! a comedian as president is not actually a bad idea. tbh I'd want John Oliver with Sam Bee as VP 

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4 hours ago, neona2 said:

tbh I'd want John Oliver with Sam Bee as VP 

British-American and Canadian-American, though, so no joy under our Constitution.

As for pronunciation, the article says the Ukrainian pronunciation is "kee-yiv," yet I am hearing most people on TV calling it "keeeev."

Edited by meowmommy
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6 hours ago, meowmommy said:

British-American and Canadian-American, though, so no joy under our Constitution.

damn, you're right. well then, Jon Stewart? w Colbert as VP. or Colbert's wife, I like her. or wait, Al Franken!! he would actually be qualified

6 hours ago, meowmommy said:

As for pronunciation, the article says the Ukrainian pronunciation is "kee-yiv," yet I am hearing most people on TV calling it "keeeev."

yeah, but at least it's closer-ish I guess. 🥴 This article (scrolling down about half way) has a useful audio clip thingy by a Ukrainian professor


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Joe started by interrupting Mikas doing her read thing.  Very Rude!!! I thought oh no here sdwe go.  Yelling will ensue.  But thankfully Joe asked David Ignatius a question and he calmly answered, never raising his voice.  This is what we need.  Not someone hysterical.  I think he chiiled Joe out.  I only watched until 6:30 but up to then it was calm and informative.  

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I clicked by this morning to see Mika in her thumb-hook sweater and a pinkish thing, shawl maybe, trying to compare the Ukraine/Russia trouble with us here debating the use of plastic or paper masks...I had to chuckle at the plastic mask comment. Joe's sporting a 3 piece suit straight outta the 80's...but at least it showed some effort at dressing the part...vs the "I've got a yoga sesh later" vibe from his wife. 

Have they mentioned the Chris Licht thing at all?

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2 hours ago, plumbago blues said:

I clicked by this morning to see Mika in her thumb-hook sweater and a pinkish thing, shawl maybe, trying to compare the Ukraine/Russia trouble with us here debating the use of plastic or paper masks...I had to chuckle at the plastic mask comment. Joe's sporting a 3 piece suit straight outta the 80's...but at least it showed some effort at dressing the part...vs the "I've got a yoga sesh later" vibe from his wife. 

Have they mentioned the Chris Licht thing at all?

I looked on Mediaite to see if there was an MJ picture and mention - and of course there was. I loved the pink color of Meeka’s new spin on a babushka, identifying with the everyday Ukrainian woman. She decided black was too obvious; but I am sure she draped it over her head when she went outside into the cold. Kudos for trying. Now I will lap from my saucer of cream.

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That pink shawl Mika was wearing this morning initially looked like a bathrobe until the camera pulled back to reveal it was a shawl.  Does she have a fashion consultant for the show because she really needs one if she doesn't. 

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4 hours ago, jacourt said:

Joe started by interrupting Mikas doing her read thing.  Very Rude!!! I thought oh no here sdwe go.  Yelling will ensue.  But thankfully Joe asked David Ignatius a question and he calmly answered, never raising his voice.  This is what we need.  Not someone hysterical.  I think he chiiled Joe out.  I only watched until 6:30 but up to then it was calm and informative.  

This episode looks worthy of a recap. My DVR is filed with  Morning Joe shows since Thursday.

8 minutes ago, Kemper said:

I looked on Mediaite to see if there was an MJ picture and mention - and of course there was. I loved the pink color of Meeka’s new spin on a babushka, identifying with the everyday Ukrainian woman. She decided black was too obvious; but I am sure she draped it over her head when she went outside into the cold. Kudos for trying. Now I will lap from my saucer of cream.

Mika should start wearing traditional Polish clothing with wreaths of flowers in her hair. I have a few friends that are of Polish heritage. They dress up in traditional costumes during festivals.

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CNN doubled MJ's viewership yesterday, per Mediaite!! Hope it starts a trend.

I saw they were (I assume) in DC today...I was surprised to learn that the MLB talks were taking place in Jupiter!!! Glad Joe could break away from negotiating for the Red Sox...

Edited by plumbago blues
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I bought cheese balls & non Russian vodka for my recap of today's show which I will start around 7:30 p.m.

I hope Joe will be a special guest at The State of the Union given his legendary career in Congress

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Morning Joe recap with cheese balls & non Russian vodka.

Mika & Joe are in Washington with special guests

David " combs are optional" & Katty Kay & Ed Luce.

Lemire & Willie are in NY.

Mika is wearing a pink shawl over a black top.

Joe is wearing a 3 piece suit with a polka dot purple tie.

Hairstylists  worked overtime on Mika & Joe.

Mika is worried about a 40 mile convoy approaching Kiyv. Mika is using the Russian pronounciation of the city. Yikes !

Joe interrupted Mika. Joe called it a train of death.

Joe said the USA could wipe out the convoy in 15 minutes.

David said the Ukrainian air force may have been degraded & can't bomb them.

David is proud of the Washington Post journalists



Joe said he is frustrated. The USA doesn't want to start WW3

Ed said there will be sieges of major Ukraine cities.

Edited by oakville
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Willie said the convoy are  sitting ducks.

So, couldn't the European lend a few jets to Ukraine to bomb the convoys ?


The International Criminal court is opening an investigation into war crimes.

Keir is in Moscow. Kal Perry is in Lviv.


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Cal said there are hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing Kyiv in cars

Russia will use the Grozny stategy of encircling the cities & bombing them until everyone leaves.

Zylensky will address the European parliament

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Keir said the stock market is still closed in Moscow.

Lagarov wants USA nuclear weapons to leave European soil. Not happening.

Keir said that Kharkiv has many Russians. They refuse to surrender to Russian bombing.

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Belarus won't join the invasion of Russia.

Joe mocked the Russians. The intelligence is horrid.

If Donny was on the show, he would said the Russian failed at branding :)

Mika was taking notes with a blue pen while Joe was speaking. Her phone started playing a clip loudly. Joe told her to take the phone call outside. Joe will sleeping on the Lanai when he return to Jupiter Florida.

Mika apologized to joe. Boris JOhnson was talking to Polish people.

Katty mediaited the dispute with Joe & Mika

Joe said Putin can't pull off the atrocities against Ukraine that he did in Syria because the Ukranians have cell phones.

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There are Ukranian pilots in Poland  waiting to fly to Ukraine.

Cal said Ukrainian TV shows Russian soldiers who are clueless as to why they are in Ukraine. They are trying to call their mom in Russia. Ukraine is winning the information war

Zelensky speaks fluent Russian.

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OK, I want to watch the SOTU, so recap will continue early tomorrow.

Unfortunately, our two older Pugs have insomnia & wake us up at 3 am to go outside & pee.

Recap may continue  at 4 am

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What’s with Mika’s face. She looks frozen. Joe just told her to stop talking. Granted she was going off the rails about nukes. This must be the new chant. Putin is going to nuke everyone. Oh god. 

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1 hour ago, jacourt said:

What’s with Mika’s face. She looks frozen. Joe just told her to stop talking. Granted she was going off the rails about nukes. This must be the new chant. Putin is going to nuke everyone. Oh god. 

It's possible that Mika's KYV seminar in the UAE may be postponed due to the war in Ukraine.

Mika should demand a ceasefire until the seminar is over.

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21 hours ago, Kemper said:

I looked on Mediaite to see if there was an MJ picture and mention - and of course there was. I loved the pink color of Meeka’s new spin on a babushka, identifying with the everyday Ukrainian woman. She decided black was too obvious; but I am sure she draped it over her head when she went outside into the cold. Kudos for trying. Now I will lap from my saucer of cream.

idk but I mean the actually babushkas are actually badass!!! I mean knowing a lot of you guys on here on the board pretty damn sure in the same situation absolutely guaranteed you would be one of them ---->


also I mean it's just a shawl in a cold-ass studio

anyhoo. here for the sunflowers... aaand also Lemire's new haircut *chef's kiss*

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1 hour ago, neona2 said:

idk but I mean the actually babushkas are actually badass!!! I mean knowing a lot of you guys on here on the board pretty damn sure in the same situation absolutely guaranteed you would be one of them ---->


also I mean it's just a shawl in a cold-ass studio

anyhoo. here for the sunflowers... aaand also Lemire's new haircut *chef's kiss*

Actually, the pink color looked really good on her; I was poking fun because of the way she had it draped on herself. 

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5 minutes ago, Kemper said:

Actually, the pink color looked really good on her; I was poking fun because of the way she had it draped on herself. 

yes, I apologize --->  for me i reacted on that the description was she had draped it was *like a babushka*. Like this was a bad thing ---> when there are Ukrainian Grandmas out there right now currently fighting for their lives. 

agggh I apologize, we are all tired etc.  and obviously on here, we are all on the same side on this at least, i think it goes w out saying, without the dumb vocabulary shit. honestly for me I learn so much from disagreements on here and perspectives and how to articulate things kindly amongst friends. 

so in my view all disagreements are positive & I apologize for occasional unwarranted rambly meltdowns. 🥴

again, all of your babushka assess would've been there to drive Putin's ass out and we all know it  🥰 

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The first half hour was pretty good.  Joe is really pushing nuclear hysteria, but maybe I'm naive.  Mika made one slip up.  But the show was professional and no screaming.  They did not make me cranky.  

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reposting my post from yesterday about Tuesday & Wednesday's shows bc I think maybe I made some mistakes about the rules, sorry sorry hopefully this is okay ---> 

i had a work thingy all day yesterday so I'm watching some of the SOTU coverage today

On yesterday's show, the Ukrainian MP lady was saying something about that they could do a no-fly zone electromagnetically? is that a real thing? 

also if it's not gonna happen no matter what (and I understand why 😭) i wish they would all push back in the coverage and actually make that clear and be honest. these people deserve honesty. that's why I like Julia Ioffe who they had on and who's realistic about this shitshow, sometimes that's kinder 

another thing I was wondering re nukes is, what's the chain of command in Russia? if he gave some sort of order would the generals push back? Like what level of control does Putin have in that respect?

Alya Shandra, so damn impressive she almost made me cry

i love that they brought on Joy and Rachel and Nicolle for teh SOTU coverage. for me i thought the panel was too crowded, the three of them just talking spontaneously is the best thing, the other people kinda disrupt the flow. but it was good

re today's show. Claire Mccaskill has emerged from teh kitchen!! I like studio!Claire! it's like we don't have to go to the Pythia she comes to us!! 

Barnicle looks cute

here for Richard's keffiyeh.

also John Hudson gets points for colorful socks!

Andrea Mitchell!!! omg. I miss my daytime girls Andrea and Katy and Hallie so damn much!!! I did not like lockdown bc i am not an indoor human but the three of them were the absolute best. also for me on foreign policy Andrea is the real deal. 

what's this Florida boxman joe interlude, I'm skipping this

Elizabeth Warren!! 

I was wondering how many oligarchs there actually are. i mean, are we talking a small select group or like a hundred or thousands of people?

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17 hours ago, jacourt said:

Ha Ha. Michael McFaul Was on Nicole Wallace’s show and he thanked her for giving him so much time to talk. Words you’ll never hear on MJ. 

for all of teh McFaul fangirls (and boys) on here ----> he appeared on High-lemann's podcast and unlike on morning joe, he was uninterrupted!

Along with Julia Ioffe, also uninterrupted! It's a couple of days out of date, but it's really really good and tbh they are more honest I think than people are being on teh tee-vee. If you don't have a podcast app on your phones you can listen online here


I love High-lemann's podcast, I listen to this totally unironically and probably would listen to this even if I had never watched MJ. i have literally nothing negative to say about it, the entire thing is professionally produced and flawless and *chef's kiss*. And High-lemann is calm and a great listener and interested and curious about everything and condescending about nothing. Maybe my only complaint is, credit the cover art in the intro! Also the word ouroboros is technically Greek, but not an actual word used in Greek mythology, Carl Jung literally just made that shit up in the 1920s or 30s 😂, also oldest extant ouroboros we have evidence of is not Greek but from Egypt, from the second shrine in King Tut's tomb ca 1324 BC ~end of art history with neona, a dull-ass pbs special~ 🥴

maybe I'm a bad person but I am actually hoping for the candlestick scenario. Not sorry.

Does anyone know when the fourth MJ hour thingy actually starts?

I think Joe said today thank you for watching this week, so I guess that means they're awol tomorrow


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