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Sleepy Hollow in the Media

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I find the timeline of this very interesting. If this was filmed in November why was it only put on the tvguide website yesterday? Does Fox have the authority to hold this back until they wanted it released to the public? Also the fact that this was filmed in November means it took place around the time Deliverance aired, so maybe Fox kept this in their back pocket to use as PR when they felt the time was right? Or maybe Mison just said this off the cuff and Fox got really lucky that it worked out in their favor?


Either way the fact that this just happened to surface yesterday is no accident. We have been hearing that these last few episodes of the season were likely to either have re-writes or a change in direction so it is very good timing that Ichabbie is being pushed in the media as Fox is trying to draw in back fans before Season 2 ends.  Maybe I am reading too much into things, but it makes me hopeful that the network is invested in this show and understand why people started watching in the first place and are going to start focusing on Ichabbie again going forward.

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But this whole thing is really an eye-opener.  For certain fans to get so bent out of shape over a TV show is mind-boggling.  


I take it you were not a part of the Lost fandom, then?


I find the timeline of this very interesting. If this was filmed in November why was it only put on the tvguide website yesterday? Does Fox have the authority to hold this back until they wanted it released to the public? 


I'm pretty sure that in exchange for access to the set and access to the actors, the networks require some conditions from the journalists, one of which is what the journalist can or can't reveal about what he/she saw while on set and when the piece is made public.  They'd be crazy not to do that.

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I find the timeline of this very interesting. If this was filmed in November why was it only put on the tvguide website yesterday?

What you are asking vanard1 is quite common. Interviews are often done weeks, even months in advance of a show’s airing. By the way, TV Guide has been running these Tom Mison interviews for the last month or so. Take a look at his clothing and especially Nicole’s and it appears they are wearing their “Kali Yuga” outfits and Nicole’s hair is definitely the same in the episode as it is in the interview. Go here and compare the coat Tom is wearing to episodes in which that coat is seen it.


By the way, parts of Mark Goffman’s interview with the Huffington Post after the mid-season finale had been taped earlier in the season and they said so at the end of the article.

Again, taping interviews in advance is commonplace.

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I have certainly been avoiding the Fail!Witch episodes. I only watch them at a later date with liberal use of the fast forward button. I will now watch the remainder of the season live just because Mison caused a disturbance in the internet...and I have been enjoying (no. enjoying is not the right word). I have been intrigued by all of the back stage manoeuvres and counter-manoeuvres.


I really wish this hadn't happened to a show I so dearly loved...but I guess this preferable to the show fading away with a whimper?? At least the cast and fans "fought" for it as much as they could. Maybe TPTB will learn that messing with what works has consequences, and these consequences are immediate now, thanks to social media.


I still hope this show can recover. Fingers crossed!!

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CRIMINEY, ON 31 JAN 2015 - 12:25 PM, SAID:
But this whole thing is really an eye-opener.  For certain fans to get so bent out of shape over a TV show is mind-boggling. 

I take it you were not a part of the Lost fandom, then?


I bailed out of Lost the 3rd season.  I just lost interest.   I did the same with Heroes except I never made it to Season 2.  


I'll stick with this as long as there are going to be positive changes.


I wonder how TPTB are processing the Internet meltdown of Katrina fans.

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And Monday's episode is very Katrina-centric which, before TM's statement, a great number of people probably wouldn't have watched.......

Yes, they are in full damage control mode. Interestingly enough, after holding back advance copies of episodes from blogger types the last few weeks, Monday's episode of Spellcaster has been made available. (So glad).


As a result, people like me can come on boards like this and say - It's not as Katrina-centric as it appears in the descriptions, even with the multiple roles for KW. (Come on, you must admit you have to be slightly interested to see whether Winter can pull off an Orphan Black-type dual role??)


Spellcaster is not as much fun as Kali Yuga, but it's solid. The Kurtzman/Orci rep, Aaron Baiers, who has become the de facto spokesperson for TPTB on Twitter, revealed that we'd see Sleepy Hollow's new direction in Spellcaster. I'm cautiously optimistic about Sleepy's future based on checking it out. There are still some issues, but the bad days of demon pregnancies are over, I think. . .Hallelujah.

Edited by TV Juriste
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This is the craziest friggin' show/fandom/mess EVER. I love it. (sorry, I probably shouldn't admit it). 


This is the kind of devotion that usually makes sci-fi so much fun but when it turns weird it can get kind of scary. (Sci-fi and soap fans. Two fan bases that don't forgive.)


I've checked out on SH media for the most part so this is my first time seeing all of these fireworks. 

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Yes, they are in full damage control mode. Interestingly enough, after holding back advance copies of episodes from blogger types the last few weeks, Monday's episode of Spellcaster has been made available. (So glad).


As a result, people like me can come on boards like this and say - It's not as Katrina-centric as it appears in the descriptions, even with the multiple roles for KW. (Come on, you must admit you had to be slightly interested to see whether Winter could pull off an Orphan Black-type dual role??)



If I had any inclinination that Winter was capable of more than what we've seen, I would be interested.  However, since so far my only impression of Winter as an actor is that she would make a better model (well a short one) I have no interest in seeing her dual role.

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Yes, they are in full damage control mode. Interestingly enough, after holding back advance copies of episodes from blogger types the last few weeks, Monday's episode of Spellcaster has been made available. (So glad).


As a result, people like me can come on boards like this and say - It's not as Katrina-centric as it appears in the descriptions, even with the multiple roles for KW. (Come on, you must admit you had to be slightly interested to see whether Winter could pull off an Orphan Black-type dual role??)


Spellcaster is not as much fun as Kali Yugu, but it's solid. The Kurtzman/Orci rep, Abaiers, who has become the de facto spokesperson for TPTB on Twitter revealed that we'd see Sleepy Hollow's new direction in Spellcaster. I'm cautiously optimistic about Sleepy's future based on checking it out. There are still some issues, but the bad days of demon pregnancies are over, I think. . .Hallelujah.


I've heard this also, that the previews you lucky guys get were halted for a while. I think it happened after the Deliverance episode. There was so much negative comments about the episode before it actually aired, it was insane. The beginning of the end.


So you've seen it, and it looks to be a step in the right direct?? Yes? Excellent. They can't fix everything right away, it will take time. Kali Yuga had some small tweaks made, but yeah, I also heard that Spellcaster is the first episode with the major changes. This sounds like a step in the right direction.


For what's its worth, from Marisa Roffman, who writes for GiveMeMyRemote, commenting about Spellcaster.


Marisa Roffman @marisaroffman  ·  16h 16 hours ago

This Monday's episode of #SleepyHollow is one of the strongest ones they've done all season. So many great things set up.

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I'm cautious.

I know a lot of folks want "EvilKatrina" but I don't... I just want her gone - because if she's still here, Goffman can always make her central. Again - the issue wasn't shipping! If that's all they fix.. then ... eh. Giving us Ichabbie won't help if Katrina is the one the stories are told around (like this season).

Uh - I'm a spoilsport, I know.

Thank you TV Juriste - I'm going to attempt to remain patient and heed your words that the episode isn't as Katrina-centric as we think. I feel like I have PTSD or something - afraid to watch and get burned again. Deliverance and Pittura Informante still burn me up.

Edited by phoenics
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I find the timeline of this very interesting. If this was filmed in November why was it only put on the tvguide website yesterday? Does Fox have the authority to hold this back until they wanted it released to the public? Also the fact that this was filmed in November means it took place around the time Deliverance aired, so maybe Fox kept this in their back pocket to use as PR when they felt the time was right? Or maybe Mison just said this off the cuff and Fox got really lucky that it worked out in their favor?


Either way the fact that this just happened to surface yesterday is no accident. We have been hearing that these last few episodes of the season were likely to either have re-writes or a change in direction so it is very good timing that Ichabbie is being pushed in the media as Fox is trying to draw in back fans before Season 2 ends.  Maybe I am reading too much into things, but it makes me hopeful that the network is invested in this show and understand why people started watching in the first place and are going to start focusing on Ichabbie again going forward.


I am going to join you on your grassy knoll.  No way if TV Guide has had this arrow in their quiver since November that they would not have loosened it before now, especially with all the discontent of S2. it does lead me to believe that Fox probably does have some say over what content can be released in interviews in order to give the media access to stars so that mags & blog etc. don't release an inadvertent spoiler or something before they want it to.


So yeah, I am gonna go all conspiracy and say Fox let this get released now to woo back discontented fans.  And say what you will about so called shipping wars, you will never convince me that Ichatrina fans have any where near the numbers that Ichabbie fans or even non-shippers have.  The vast majority of people can not stand Katrina, so they aren't trying to placate her small number of fans.  And it is not just Ichabbie fans they are wooing but Abbie fans.  Mison leads the interview saying 'It is all about Abbie' after all.


All that aside, it is a master stroke of PR at this point.  It gets the fandom all atwitter (ha, no pun intended), it somewhat placates the Abbie fans, it send the Ichabbie fans over the moon, and it allows Mison to be the one to take the brunt of any discontent by angry Katrina/Ichatrina fans so they don't spew their venom all over Nicole. She didn't say it after all and in her talking head she was still trying to be Katrina's friend.


And finally, it makes me think that Mison was being sincere at least.  I was leaning toward him trolling a little bit, but either the man is an actor worthy of giving Meryl Streep a run for her money or he was telling the truth.  Maybe he was sure this would not be released to the wild and he felt he could say what he wanted to in this instance?  As I said above, he certainly acts with heart-eyes when he is around Abbie and we know Mison loves acting with Beharie.  I wonder if it has been some of his acting choices all along that have fueled the fires for the shippers?  People are saying he is the Captain of the Ship, I was thinking they were being a bit hyperbolic and over hopeful, but now.... I dunno.

Edited by DearEvette
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By the way, parts of Mark Goffman’s interview with the Huffington Post after the mid-season finale had been taped earlier in the season and they said so at the end of the article.

Again, taping interviews in advance is commonplace.


   Yes, Ryan had access and wass privvy to the mid-season finale when it happened but kept quiet until the episode aired.  That was why the interview that followed with Goffman was such a bombshell.


IMO, FOX knew full well that past interview with TM would hit social media this weekend.  From reading various comments, Aaron Beier apparently dealt with open ugliness while tweeting during the Kali Yuga episode.  Maybe this is FOX's way of letting those of a like mind understand exactly where the show is headed.  They probably called TV Guide and said "You can release the interview at any time now.  As early as this weekend is fine with us"


OTOH, I also believe FOX is telling us Katrina will be around for Season 3.  She won't suck up the air around her like she did before, but Katrina stays.  My FOX tea leaves read: "If there is a season three, these are the creative decisions we have made and approved.  Deal with them as you will".


As I said, I'm dipping my toes in again.  My eyes are fully opened and if FOX is playing me like a fool, I only have myself to blame. 

Edited by MissAlmond
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I feel like I have PTSD or something - afraid to watch and get burned again. Deliverance and Pittura Informante still burn me up.

Understand that feeling. I trust TVJuriste but I have to decide if I watch live or wait until after I hear the response from the audience. I am more gun shy than I thought I was. Silly to feel this way about a TV show. But . . .

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Indi, I wouldn't take what this guy writes, or the regular guy who does the reviews seriously, in terms of what's actually in the episode. Both are major Katrina fan-guys. The regular guy thought Deliverance was an awesome episode (the hell?). If you notice in the so-called review, all he does is gush about how pretty Katrina is, how amazing she is, how awesome her magic is, her hair colour, yadda yadda. On top of that, he makes the point to say he doesn't ship Ichabbie. What does shipping have to do with the episode? The regular guy does the same thing in each review. There is nothing of substance here (IMO). In the comments, he says that Katrina is gone for half of the episode to "recharge." her powers, and that it's mostly Crane and Mills in the thick of it.


These reviews from SpoilerTV are notoriously biased towards Katrina. I take more stock in reviews that are neutral, logically analyze what's one screen. Also, TV Juriste has seen the episode and thinks it's pretty decent. I trust her word, so am gonna watch.

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Yes, they are in full damage control mode. Interestingly enough, after holding back advance copies of episodes from blogger types the last few weeks, Monday's episode of Spellcaster has been made available. (So glad).


As a result, people like me can come on boards like this and say - It's not as Katrina-centric as it appears in the descriptions, even with the multiple roles for KW. (Come on, you must admit you had to be slightly interested to see whether Winter could pull off an Orphan Black-type dual role??)


Spellcaster is not as much fun as Kali Yugu, but it's solid. The Kurtzman/Orci rep, Abaiers, who has become the de facto spokesperson for TPTB on Twitter revealed that we'd see Sleepy Hollow's new direction in Spellcaster. I'm cautiously optimistic about Sleepy's future based on checking it out. There are still some issues, but the bad days of demon pregnancies are over, I think. . .Hallelujah.


Thank you so much for this news TV Juriste! I nearly gave up on this show, but I remained optimistic that my show could return to its S1 glory. To read this gives me hope that my optimism isn't totally naive. 


Thank you!

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If I had any inclinination that Winter was capable of more than what we've seen, I would be interested.  However, since so far my only impression of Winter as an actor is that she would make a better model (well a short one) I have no interest in seeing her dual role.

Hahaha - Just remember - I didn't say she pulled it off - I just said aren't you curious to see if she can.


She made an effort, bless her heart. (It's Sunday. A good time to be gentle).

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I just can't get past the fact that there is still a focus on Katrina's background two seasons in and that practically the whole second season has revolved around someone who isn't top two in the credits. We are getting nothing in the way of Ichabod Crane Man Out of Time navigating his modern surroundings because the writers are stuck on things that happened in his colonial days. This show pulled a bait and switch in more ways than the casting.

Edited by savinggrace
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There is nothing of substance here (IMO). In the comments, he says that Katrina is gone for half of the episode to "recharge." her powers, and that it's mostly Crane and Mills in the thick of it.


He also says the episode is about her. As if most of this season wasn't! I know Spoiler TV is very biased and they love Katrina, but still, this is another Katrina episode, which explains why they released that clip with Mison trolling about Ichabbie.

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Indi, I wouldn't take what this guy writes, or the regular guy who does the reviews seriously, in terms of what's actually in the episode. Both are major Katrina fan-guys. The regular guy thought Deliverance was an awesome episode (the hell?). If you notice in the so-called review, all he does is gush about how pretty Katrina is, how amazing she is, how awesome her magic is, her hair colour, yadda yadda. On top of that, he makes the point to say he doesn't ship Ichabbie. What does shipping have to do with the episode? The regular guy does the same thing in each review. There is nothing of substance here (IMO). In the comments, he says that Katrina is gone for half of the episode to "recharge." her powers, and that it's mostly Crane and Mills in the thick of it.


These reviews from SpoilerTV are notoriously biased towards Katrina. I take more stock in reviews that are neutral, logically analyze what's one screen. Also, TV Juriste has seen the episode and thinks it's pretty decent. I trust her word, so am gonna watch.

That guy is an absolute douchebag... he's in the comments arguing with the fans and fangirl-ing all over Katrina. What's funny is that one of the commenters said his review has convinced her not to watch the show since his review was so Katrina-heavy.

He can't handle the criticism - and instead makes excuses about how he can't give away the plot... there are about 4 Katrina-fans there bashing people for being tired of the Katrina-focus...

He's not doing the show any favors with that review - I think someone counted that he said Katrina's name 12 times.

He's an idiot if he thinks he's helping. People will read that and tune out. He really doesn't seem to get it at all.

But - reviews like his make me even more upset that Katrina will likely not be killed off. He's like one of a tiny fan base and catering to that base killed this show - and I'm convinced that even if Goffman makes Katrina "evil" he will still focus way too much of the story on her and we'll never move forward. And with this tiny part of the fan base screaming for it (notice his attempt to cast Tom Mison's comments as a "joke" - really? that didn't sound like a joke - maybe an attempt for PR, but a joke? Nope.), I'm worried Goffman will give them "Evil Katrina" as a temporary consolation prize until he can have Ichabod "work her back to being good" for the EPWIC WUV STORY... and I'm just not here for that.

Ugh - I couldn't even read the review - I was so upset about the title of the article I could only get through about the first 2 sentences.

Edited by phoenics
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He also says the episode is about her. As if most of this season wasn't! I know Spoiler TV is very biased and they love Katrina, but still, this is another Katrina episode, which explains why they released that clip with Mison trolling about Ichabbie.


Good point about the timing of the Mison clip. Most likely deliberate. Good PR move. Honestly, with the way this guy wrote the review, I don't think he even knows what the episode was about. He's too focused on pretty Katrina and her hair and whatnot, that maybe to him, the episode featured Katrina prominently because that's all he paid attention to. *grin* Read the comments too. They are amusing.


I'm putting stock in the reviewers who basically have complained about the same things I've (we've) complained about in the last few weeks. If those people now come out and say the episode is good, then I believe them. It's kind of the reverse bias, but the things pointed out were legitimate, not just how pretty someone was.

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I honestly don't know why too many people had a melt down over Tom's comments. I thought he was just trolling the fans when he said that and didn't really mean it. I thought fans would know that and move a long. Soo naive. Anyways, I really should have known better though. lol

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The problem with keeping Katrina around-- evil or not-- is that all romantic prospects for Ichabod are off the table. Unless they go against his character and have him cheat on his wife we won't get to see Ichabod with anyone else as long as Katrina is around sucking up screen time.

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Thank you so much for this news TV Juriste! I nearly gave up on this show, but I remained optimistic that my show could return to its S1 glory. To read this gives me hope that my optimism isn't totally naive. 


Thank you!

I hope I haven't overstated things and folks run me out of here with pitchforks on Monday.


To be clear, even after I watched Spellcaster, I definitely still had some fundamental issues with the show. (Even as they tried to make Katrina a little more badass, a burst of activity from her was followed by extended periods of rest. The current writers can't resist treating the character like a delicate flower and wanting men to fight over her.). I'm not great at talking about a show w/out spoiling it . . . so that's all I'll say about my on-going problems until everyone's seen it.


I don't know if we'll ever get back to season 1 glory, but the seeds planted for a new direction could work for me, but ONLY if a new team takes the helm. Otherwise, I suspect they'll slip back into their pattern of wanting to redeem certain mass murderers and thinking we'll enjoy watching the pretty red-haired lady be pretty.

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Juriste, are there any strong Abbie or Ichabbie moments to look forward to? (If you can't drop hints, yes/no will work.) And thank you for peeking around the corner for us!

Nothing like the karaoke scenes, that's for sure. Nothing overt, this episode lays the groundwork for future developments. Remember the scene earlier this season we all hated where Abbie eats pizza for one? In this episode, she's not the one left behind.


To make the new direction work, they will need writers with a different point of view. The current writers weren't trying to be obnoxious. They truly didn't seem to see what we all saw. 

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Good point about the timing of the Mison clip. Most likely deliberate. Good PR move. Honestly, with the way this guy wrote the review, I don't think he even knows what the episode was about. He's too focused on pretty Katrina and her hair and whatnot, that maybe to him, the episode featured Katrina prominently because that's all he paid attention to. *grin* Read the comments too. They are amusing.


I'm putting stock in the reviewers who basically have complained about the same things I've (we've) complained about in the last few weeks. If those people now come out and say the episode is good, then I believe them. It's kind of the reverse bias, but the things pointed out were legitimate, not just how pretty someone was.

There's a decent amount of Katrina, much more than in Kali Yuga. But, her presence didn't feel as oppressive and intrusive as compared to the Pittura and Succubus. 

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I totally get that TV Juriste. Its just that even this baby step towards a course correction is so much better than the epic failure that season 2 has been that I am excited by any good news.


The only real hope for a return to S1 greatness is for some actual genre writers to be hired (as opposed to these wretched almost soap opera "writers"). They also need to understand the power of the chemistry between the two leads. Crane and Abbie could have been the new Mulder and Scully. Even when an episode of the X Files was bad, it was worth watching just to watch M&S work together.

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I've heard this also, that the previews you lucky guys get were halted for a while. I think it happened after the Deliverance episode. There was so much negative comments about the episode before it actually aired, it was insane. The beginning of the end.

I remember when I watched the advance copy of Deliverance. I immediately starting writing my recap (the "is sleepy hollow trying to break up with us" one), because I needed to take my time with it. I knew the fandom would explode. 


Poor Sleepy Heads, we've been through so much. 


Time to get snacks together to watch the big game, until Monday . . .

Edited by TV Juriste
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Thanks TV Juriste for the nuggets.  It took them 13 episodes of myopia to damage a lot of trust and goodwill.  I don't expect them to repair all that in two episodes.  I too have the same level of Sleepy Hollow PTSD that Phoenics has.  I watch each episode with a kernel of hope, but also prepared to be very disappointed.  Like Abbie told Luke, I am tempering expectations.  So even though I want it to hit every home-run possible, I will be ok with a base run.  Right now I am in a place where as long as they don't screw Abbie, and give Ichabod some functioning brain cells when it comes to his trifling family, then that is enough to get me to stay and watch the next episode, even if I have to live with a little bit more of damseling of Katrina.

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Good point about the timing of the Mison clip. Most likely deliberate. Good PR move.


Which means they still don't get it. Besides the fact that blatant lies like that are heinous, it's still more of the same bait and switch they love to do. What's the point of saying that? I don't even know that it will affect ratings, but if it does, it can only be short term, because people will realize they're being played with. Lies are not good PR. This is why I don't care, what they say about any mythical changes. I'll believe it, when I see it.

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Which means they still don't get it. Besides the fact that blatant lies like that are heinous, it's still more of the same bait and switch they love to do. What's the point of saying that? I don't even know that it will affect ratings, but if it does, it can only be short term, because people will realize they're being played with. Lies are not good PR. This is why I don't care, what they say about any mythical changes. I'll believe it, when I see it.




I think it's far too soon to say that Mison is lying about Ichabod's feelings about Abbie. Ichabod might very well be in love with Abbie but because he is married he can't/won't pursue anything until his marriage is over via divorce or death. It's a pretty bold step for Mison to say this without their being a nugget of truth to it.  How big that nugget is remains to be seen

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Which means they still don't get it. Besides the fact that blatant lies like that are heinous, it's still more of the same bait and switch they love to do. What's the point of saying that? I don't even know that it will affect ratings, but if it does, it can only be short term, because people will realize they're being played with. Lies are not good PR. This is why I don't care, what they say about any mythical changes. I'll believe it, when I see it.


Agreed, except I'll believe when I read about it!

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I remember when I watched the advance copy of Deliverance. I immediately starting writing my recap (the "is sleepy hollow trying to break up with us" one), because I needed to take my time with it. I knew the fandom would explode. 


Poor Sleepy Heads, we've been through so much. 


Time to get snacks together to watch the big game, until Monday . . .



TV Juriste, you need to rate the episodes on a scale from 1 (Deliverance aka bad bad episode) to 10 (Sin Eater, Mama, or whatever one you think is amazing) and let us know. *grin*. For scientific and reference purposes of course.


That SpoilerTV review now has over 100 comments....god love this fandom!


Go Seahawks!

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IMO, the scale should be the number of heads.



That is....no heads for an episode like Deliverance and 5 heads for something like the pilot or Midnight Ride which iMO are still the highwater marks for the show.  

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The problem with keeping Katrina around-- evil or not-- is that all romantic prospects for Ichabod are off the table. Unless they go against his character and have him cheat on his wife we won't get to see Ichabod with anyone else as long as Katrina is around sucking up screen time.


There are a lot of ret-cons they could pull out of their butts to negate that marriage, including that it never happened and Ichabod's relationship with her is based on enchantments, fraud  and illusion, or they could have Katrina break the bond between them and write an end to her mortal life. They could write a mundane modern day divorce or annulment for them. They don't need to keep the marriage to keep her in the picture.

Edited by yuggapukka
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De-lurk: Anyone who thinks Evil!Katrina would be an improvement, think again.


Evil!Katrina will mean the entire show becomes about Katrina's redemption. And Ichabod refusing to give up faith in the woman he loves. And Abbie trying to convince him otherwise, and ultimately being proven wrong. Because, as we know, Katrina is everything.


And even setting aside the Katrina-obsessed showrunners, this show is not capable of creating an actual villain, from what I've seen.

Edited by kieyra
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I think that after the show runners setting up the Katrina/Ichabod shippers as the "true fans" they have rather painted themselves into a corner. They can't just kill K unless they turn her acolytes at least neutral. So, at very best, I think we can hope to see a diminished presence of K but not her extinction

My hope is that the future contains no CFD and that when we do see K she moves the story forward rather than bringing it to a grinding halt.

Edited by pcta
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I think it's far too soon to say that Mison is lying about Ichabod's feelings about Abbie. Ichabod might very well be in love with Abbie but because he is married he can't/won't pursue anything until his marriage is over via divorce or death. It's a pretty bold step for Mison to say this without their being a nugget of truth to it.  How big that nugget is remains to be seen

My only concern with this is that we won't ever be able to verify whether it's a lie or not. Because I don't think the show is going to kill off Katrina. And as long as she's alive - I don't think Ichabod will consider himself "single". It just wouldn't fit with the definitions of marriage during that time.

So - it may be true - but it also may NEVER be revealed on the show. So they would basically be baiting fans with something they will never actually do on the show.

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My hope is that the future contains no CFD and that when we do see K she moves the story forward rather than bringing it to a grinding halt.

Katrina's mere existence grinds the story to a halt. She's a character that should be dead. Her presence shifts the focus and motivations of the main character from the Apocalypse to his spouse. The story should be Colonial man out of time teams up with modern Black female cop to stop Apocalypse. That's it. With Katrina in the mix, the story is now about a man trying to save his marriage. I feel cheated out of the "real" story every time Katrina appears on my screen. She's a wedge between the actual leads and giant wet blanket on the entire show,

Edited by savinggrace
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That's exactly it! I feel cheated every time she's onscreen - because you're right - she detracts away from the premise I was sold in the pilot.

Even with her evil, I don't think that would change things.

Edited by phoenics
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I would have been happy to see her turn evil in S1. or even early S2. But now her character has caused so much damage to the real story only her death (or banishment to occasional recurring character) will really heal the wounds.


Right now I'll take whatever small course correction fixes they can fit into the story. If the show gets a S3 I will need to see a more substantial change.

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TV Juriste, on 01 Feb 2015 - 04:50 AM, said:

Yes, they are in full damage control mode. Interestingly enough, after holding back advance copies of episodes from blogger types the last few weeks, Monday's episode of Spellcaster has been made available. (So glad).


As a result, people like me can come on boards like this and say - It's not as Katrina-centric as it appears in the descriptions, even with the multiple roles for KW. (Come on, you must admit you have to be slightly interested to see whether Winter can pull off an Orphan Black-type dual role??)


Spellcaster is not as much fun as Kali Yuga, but it's solid. The Kurtzman/Orci rep, Aaron Baiers, who has become the de facto spokesperson for TPTB on Twitter, revealed that we'd see Sleepy Hollow's new direction in Spellcaster. I'm cautiously optimistic about Sleepy's future based on checking it out. There are still some issues, but the bad days of demon pregnancies are over, I think. . .Hallelujah.

Did you watch the preview they provided for the press? They no longer make the show available to me. I think they found out I've been bad mouthing them.



(Nevermind, I read the previous page, so I know you watched it).

Edited by Blackhoney
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That's exactly it! I feel cheated every time she's onscreen - because you're right - she detracts away from the premise I was sold in the pilot.Even with her evil, I don't think that would change things.

Maybe they can turn her so evil she morphs into another actress?

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