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Sal and Destiny: Family Is...Everything?

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She's like ridiculously perfect looking.  She does have a "blog" if you want to call it that.  To me a blog should be based (but not exclusive) to a certain topic. With interaction with your readers, maybe some giveaways from a sponsor.  Hers is more like so many others...a "Dear Diary...Today I went shopping".  Nobody really cares if you just journal about your life, day in and day out.  http://www.destinymoniz.com

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Okay Destiny's mom is annoying and a freak.  She wants Destiny induced for her own needs!!! Who does that?  The baby will come when she is ready.  I feel for Destiny as her mom is going to tell her exactly how to parent and nothing is more annoying as a first time parent.

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Destiny is a better person than I am. If my FIL came to my home, and joked about taking my little daughter out shopping and feeding her meat behind my strict vegan back, well, I wouldn't have been as ladylike as Destiny was. Where do all these in laws get off, dictating to their son and daughter in law how to raise their child? I realize at least some of it must have been staged but sweet tapdancing Jesus. All of the parents were utterly overbearing. And Sal is a spoiled mama's boy who won't stick up for his wife.

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Wow, they're such a good looking couple, the baby will be beautiful when she's older. Not a fan of the name however! The in-laws are very.. overbearing indeed xD

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I agree that the name is dumb. I can understand wanting to acknowledge the Italian heritage and the need to be unique, but that poor girl will never be able to order Caprese salad ever.  Or wear capris. Or drive a Chevy Capri.

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If there is one thing I cannot stand, its people using babies as puppets to say stuff that they won't say themselves. "why is mommy doing this?" "mommy, I don't want a nanny!" If I were Destiny I would have had a screaming fit or several by now. She must have the patience of a saint. I felt so bad for her during the baptism sequence--you could see how uncomfortable she was and that she was trying to put a good face on things. The MIL's are busybodies who are steamrolling Destiny, showing no respect for her as a person or as a mother. The nanny interviews! Oh my god-when Destiny's mother asked the prospective nanny if she had a boyfriend and would he be coming over, I thought "just leave. Leave now. even if they offer you the job, don't take it. These women will make your life a living hell". Destiny and Sal need to move far, far away. Mongolia, or Fiji or someplace.

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Sal's mother is the reason why I could never marry into one of those ultra-involved, overbearing Italian families. I'm an introvert by nature and don't like people crowding my home and space. Destiny's mother is no better.

I can understand sucking it up and doing the Baptism though. I was raised Catholic and its a huge deal in that religion to have your child baptized as an infant. My late Grandmother literally would've had panic attacks if one of our relatives waited until their child was older.

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Oh, I know, and I understand why she agreed in the end. I wouldn't have, but Destiny is a better person than I am. :-) She is being bullied at this point, by both MIL's. Sal should stand up for Destiny more. And both those overbearing harpies need to let Destiny parent her own child. My mother would never have dreamed of interfering in that way!

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Sal's mother is the reason why I could never marry into one of those ultra-involved, overbearing Italian families. I'm an introvert by nature and don't like people crowding my home and space. Destiny's mother is no better.

I can understand sucking it up and doing the Baptism though. I was raised Catholic and its a huge deal in that religion to have your child baptized as an infant. My late Grandmother literally would've had panic attacks if one of our relatives waited until their child was older.


I'm Catholic and I know a lot of children who are baptized later so I saw Destiny's point.  I think Destiny feels that she is losing control and that's scaring her.  


I've met people who say to me, "you Americans are so cold."  What they mean is that Americans traditionally are more concerned with the individual than the collective.  Sal seems to be from one of those old school families that are all about the collective; everybody raises the baby, not just mom and dad.  Destiny is more, "this is our baby and we are the ones who should raise her."  Neither one is right or wrong and both have their good and bad points.  I get the feeling that Sal's family really doesn't like Destiny.

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Sal seems to be from one of those old school families that are all about the collective; everybody raises the baby, not just mom and dad.

Except they seem to be very invested in not letting Destiny mother her baby at all! "I"m going to take her out and feed her meat!" Papa gleefully tells strict vegan Destiny. "You have to baptize her! Its bringing her in to the community of God!" they shout, when Destiny calmly and quietly tries to explain her feelings about baptism. I'm sure Sal's parents and Destiny's mother would say they are only trying to help. But they show no respect to Destiny as Capri's mother. They shout her down or laugh at her. That's not right.

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I was trying to figure out why Destiny's mom started that Baptism conversation when it's so obviously a touchy subject. Then to be the one egging on Sal's parents ('Oh, she didn't care what you guys thought' - something like that) as Destiny was clearly just trying to get out that she HAD DECIDED TO BAPTIZE Capri but had, at one point, been hesitant to do so (because she's clearly thoughtful about big decisions...Heavens!)

I have a feeling that Destiny's mom thought that THIS would be the conversation that would turn into a catastrophic fight between Destiny and Sal's parents and would be her best shot at manipulating Destiny and Sal into either kicking out Sal's parents OR Sal's parents getting so upset that they might voluntarily leave for a while...leaving Destiny's mom the last grandma standing in this disgusting under-the-surface tug of war for Capri.

In sum, Destiny's mom seems to be one evil genius at covert manipulation (maybe to the point of pathology...hate to just throw this out there but Borderline Personality Disorder????).

If I'm jumping to conclusions about that last point, we can probably at least all agree that Destiny's mom is THE. WORST. (And the fact that Destiny wasn't even phased by her mom's antagonism and lack of support during that discussion? She obviously knows what's up.)

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So re-reading the above post (my first ever contribution to previously.tv) ...some background: I just had my first baby less than 2 weeks ago, so I'm extra emotional about random things. As such, I'm sorry if that post was too mean for this forum...let me know and I'll scale it back next time ;) .... I'm learning!!

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LOL, not too mean for me, Briar! You come on over and sit on the "I hate Destiny's mother" couch. That woman is passive aggressive personified. Destiny is amazing! I can't believe how well she maintains her cool. (and congrats on your bundle of joy, btw! mine just turned 22, and he's the light of my life! you're in for a wonderful adventure!)

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Lets hope so valen! (love your moniker, by the way!). The questions the MIL's were asking were so insulting. I have to believe its all staged because there is no way Destiny could maintain so well if the situation at home was really that fraught and stressful.

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Destiny's mother: "you are being so selfish! You're not thinking of me, and my feelings, and what I want!"


So, let me see if I've got this straight--both MIL's moved in to Sal and Destiny's house, apparently stayed for months, but will be gone at Christmas time. Right.


Oh, and Destiny? "How do you cook a meal holding a baby? How do you bake holding a baby?" You do as countless mothers have done before you. The floor. The playpen. The other parent. Sweet tapdancing Jesus, girl, I was on your side, but that put me over the edge. So, their whole story was staged too, I guess? So that we could get the "I miss our crazy families!" conclusion?

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Their storyline was definitely staged. When they were discussing Christmas it felt like watching bad actors trying to remember their lines.

Holidays are the absolute most miserable time to travel. I'm sure the families understood Sal and Destiny not wanting to take a six hour flight with a squirmy baby. That's the stuff nightmares are made of.

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Right? That made the "you're so selfish!" conversation even more nonsensical. "You're so selfish! Why don't you want to deal with all the stress and hassle of traveling with an infant?" And what about Destiny's mother? Does she live in San Diego too? Or do Sal and Destiny have to travel to her also?

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Destiny's mother: "you are being so selfish! You're not thinking of me, and my feelings, and what I want!"


So, let me see if I've got this straight--both MIL's moved in to Sal and Destiny's house, apparently stayed for months, but will be gone at Christmas time. Right.


Oh, and Destiny? "How do you cook a meal holding a baby? How do you bake holding a baby?" You do as countless mothers have done before you. The floor. The playpen. The other parent. Sweet tapdancing Jesus, girl, I was on your side, but that put me over the edge. So, their whole story was staged too, I guess? So that we could get the "I miss our crazy families!" conclusion?

Me too! I think she was spoiled by basically having two nannies for months that it made it hard for her to do it on her own once they left. I can NOT imagine having two house guests for MONTHS.

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These two are gorgeous, but really vapid. Yikes!

This x 1,000. In all seriousness, what exactly is Destiny's 'career'? Does she actually do real modeling? And by real I mean booking jobs through an agency, not posting selfies on Instagram.

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This x 1,000. In all seriousness, what exactly is Destiny's 'career'? Does she actually do real modeling? And by real I mean booking jobs through an agency, not posting selfies on Instagram.

She talked about going back to work and "booking shoots" so she likely is an actual model.

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On 3/10/2016 at 3:38 PM, ButterQueen said:

These two are gorgeous, but really vapid. Yikes!

First off, ButterQueen, I LOVE YOUR NAME and I love your pic of the Golden Girls.  Poor Rose had to live with those bitter butter memories long enough!

Back to show:  Yikes those moms are THE WORST.  Tell them to back off.  It might be too late as THEY ARE IN YOUR HOUSE.  Probably forever.  Destiny is sweet but she is a bit dim on the mom and mother in law issue.  They need to move far far away.  I get her thing on the baptism, I was the one, when I had my first baby almost twenty years ago that was gung ho on the baptism!!  Surprisingly, my mom and in laws were more mellow.  But they need to grow a spine and tell them THEY are the parents.  Did Destiny's mom really tell her to have a baby???

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12 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

First off, ButterQueen, I LOVE YOUR NAME and I love your pic of the Golden Girls.  Poor Rose had to live with those bitter butter memories long enough!

Back to show:  Yikes those moms are THE WORST.  Tell them to back off.  It might be too late as THEY ARE IN YOUR HOUSE.  Probably forever.  Destiny is sweet but she is a bit dim on the mom and mother in law issue.  They need to move far far away.  I get her thing on the baptism, I was the one, when I had my first baby almost twenty years ago that was gung ho on the baptism!!  Surprisingly, my mom and in laws were more mellow.  But they need to grow a spine and tell them THEY are the parents.  Did Destiny's mom really tell her to have a baby???

Why thank you!  The Golden Girls are comfort TV for me.  

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I saw part of this show last night. Was it a new season? There was the couple who have a baby, Sophia. Another couple who were adopting plus pregnant themselves. And a lady ready to give birth who's baby daddy was skeptical about whether or not he was really the father.

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On 2/6/2016 at 5:22 PM, ShaNaeNae said:

She's like ridiculously perfect looking.  She does have a "blog" if you want to call it that.  To me a blog should be based (but not exclusive) to a certain topic. With interaction with your readers, maybe some giveaways from a sponsor.  Hers is more like so many others...a "Dear Diary...Today I went shopping".  Nobody really cares if you just journal about your life, day in and day out.  http://www.destinymoniz.com

Just looked at her blog.  They have 3 girls now!

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