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S15.E08: Hollywood Round #2

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They don't want a new Carrie - they want someone to define the series "like Kelly did" <-- not an actual quote. So what they really want is a winner like Sanjaya or Lee DeWyze. If Lee had won, we'd have a winner who couldn't carry a note in a bucket without dropping it like he's dropping a load. Thank God Crystal won!

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I agree. Theres never going to be a match for Kelly. Even if you found someone with a great voice like her, she still has the charming personality, looks, plus marketability. Even if you managed to find somebody with all of those qualities, I don't feel they're ever going to match her. Kelly is Kelly and whoever wins is who they are.

right - there have been SO many singers and  SO many contests, that to most people, it becomes a blur.  I think the average person, who is not necessarily an AI watcher, will remember Kelly, and maybe the Clay/Ruben season, possibly a few others, and then get AI, The Voice, and America's got talent winners, all mixed up.  Kelly is to be remembered because of her success, but also because the genre of singing competition was fresh and new at the time.  


The judges always talk out of both sides of their mouths though, since the Randy-Simon-Paula days.  "You're in a rut and need to get out of your comfort zone, learning to sing all types of music!" .... "Yo, that was terrible.  Get back in your artsy/folky/whatever box!" 



Step out of your box, but stay in your lane!  

Be true to who you are, but have the ability to sing anything!

Be true to the original version of the song , but make it your own! 

Work with others in your group, let them have their moment, but don't let them outshine you!   

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They don't want a new Carrie - they want someone to define the series "like Kelly did" <-- not an actual quote. So what they really want is a winner like Sanjaya or Lee DeWyze. If Lee had won, we'd have a winner who couldn't carry a note in a bucket without dropping it like he's dropping a load. Thank God Crystal won!


Er, Lee did win.

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Yes, I'm aware Lee DeWyze won, because WGWG, to the best that I can tell - the talent disparity between Bowersox and DeWyze was so great that I was well and truly stunned that he won. And I didn't even normally care about AI. But you have to admit, DeWyze would be an awesome bookend, a great way to show what AI could have been and wasn't...

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Personally I loved Lee that season and couldn't stand Crystal so YMMV. I find it funny how so many fans say Lee was a horrible singer that year, how Crystal was so much better, etc. yet somehow he got enough votes to win anyway. Again, how are these contestants that so many people seem to not like winning?

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Vote For The Worst - not only a site, it's a mindset. The people who vote are more likely to vote for a white guy with a guitar than a girl, although it happens that girls can win (obviously); trying to predict the vote is a matter of guessing which way the wind will blow.


I know some people LIKE DeWyze. That's fine, it's a stylistic choice; some people like Nickelback. For me, DeWyze was always flat (musically) and sounded like he was trying to figure out a way to be emotional (thus, flat emotionally as well); I thought the talent disparity between DeWyze and Bowersox was astronomical. (Hearing DeWyze on the radio, I was laughing because it was so obviously and badly autotuned... for an American Idol winner! It's like the AI producers themselves flushed that particular turd down the toilet for everyone to see.)

Edited by HamsterOfDoom
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What happened in the Lee vs Crystal match-up - Crystal began showing attitude by talking back to the judges.


Lee not have not been the most dynamic winner, but it's not like Crystal has gone on to have a great career.


The breakouts of Season 9 turned out to be Katie Stevens and Todrick Hall.  Tori Kelly doesn't count, because she never made it to the voting rounds.

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ifoundit: yeah, I can see the possibility: Crystal lost because she had confidence to actually have an identity and a will of her own. Plus, she looked like a goblin (TWoP's description of her as "the goblin queen" still makes me laugh, even if it's cruel and undeserved. I'm probably going to Hell. Plus, I STILL think that there was no way she lost based on talent alone; even during the competition that season I thought she was miles ahead of everyone else, and poor DeWyze always sounded like he was trying to piss out a kidney stone - oddly enough, Phillip Phillips managed to show us himself how it could be done without sucking.)


Her career seems to have been the victim of executive meddling, surprise surprise.

Edited by HamsterOfDoom
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Generally the way it works is those who are featured a lot probably made it quite far in the show. There wouldn't be much reason to show the ones who don't go far, unless it's some kind of "shocking" elimination like Melanie Tierce or Elvie.


Though sometimes in order not to be completely predictable, they will fake us out by featuring someone during audition week who doesn't go very far. One example that comes to mind is from a couple of seasons ago, that blonde girl from a southern backwoods town, who they showed jumping off a bridge into the local river. And then she held up her Golden Ticket saying, "I'm going to fly on an aeroplane." I thought they were setting up a heartwarming Cinderella story, but in Hollywood week all we heard was her name in a list of "also eliminated were..."


The person this year I would've liked to hear sing once more is Josia Siska, who auditioned with that great baritone version of "Ghost Riders." It would've been interesting to hear how that deep voice fit into a group performance. But all we got is two seconds of him in that stupid montage of groups that couldn't dance.


Melanie TIerce didn't actually get a video feature in audition week, she just stood out because of how blown away all the judges were by her singing. That has to rank with the most baffling eliminations in the history of the show. Maybe they didn't find her Hollywood song choice as inspiring, but she was still the same singer who gave what Harry said was the best audition he'd ever heard, and who literally reduced Keith to tears. And suddenly she's not even good enough to be in the group round? Considering some of the dreck they did put through? Crazy.

Edited by bluepiano
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I'm hoping Trent makes it. Simply because he was up front about his illness, but he didn't try to milk it. Just explained, and then went ahead with what he needed to do. The producers TRIED to make drama, but it didn't really work. And I'm glad the show didn't disqualify him. That would have sucked. 


It reminds me of Phillip in a way. I don't think anyone ever knew he was sick. There were a lot of comments on the boards about why he wasn't in those commercials and whatnot, and it wasn't until near the end of the season when we found out he was pretty much having surgery every week to get rid of the continuing kidney stones, then recovering while working on his next performance and then he had to have major surgery after the finale. I have mad props for those who get sick and don't try to use it to get ahead. (coughCJdudecough). 

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I always like to track who gets spotlighted in every single round (or at least mentioned in passing). On the guys side of the competition there's only a half dozen. Trent, Lee Jean, Dalton, Manny, Jordan Sasser & Thomas Stringfellow. Andrew (the kid from Russia) had a lot of airtime with the drama that happened with his group, but I don't think he was shown in the Lines of Ten show. Nevertheless I'd be seriously surprised if this group of 7 isn't heavily represented when we get to Thursday night.

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
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To be fair I looked at the girls who've showed up in all three rounds. Just in the country genre alone there are five. Tristan, Jeneve, Michelle Marie, Emily Brooke (sort of, they focused on her dancing in the group round not her singing), and Shelbie Z.


From other genres, Jenn Blosil, La'Porsha, Gianna Isabella, Sonika, and Jessica Cabral (sort of, we saw her successfully make it through the group round performance but they didn't focus on her singing).


Make of that what you will...

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
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Well I read the spoilers months ago so I already know what's going down...

TBH I prefer reading spoilers, I did it last year as well. Honestly it doesn't ruin anything for me at all. This way I know what contestants to look out for in auditions and it also helps me not get too attached to anybody I know isn't going to make it. The only frustrating thing is when others haven't read them and you want to say so much but can't.

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I'm not "fillin' " (as the kids say) La Porsha. Is she big hair with the baby? If so,then yeah, I'm not feeling it.  


Kind of shocked that Tierce got booted. I did not see that coming, but then I usually don't.

I find the first name middle name trend very annoying, as mentioned. The only thing worse for me is first name ONLY. That grates imo unless you are Cher, Elvis, or Madonna.

Get off my lawn . :-)

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Shame BogoGog24, shame lol.


To me the act of trying to create in my head an ideal Top 24 (or put my mind into the shoes of the producers/judges and figure out the choices they will make instead) is one of my guilty pleasures for the whole season. I even do it w/ AGT's Top 40 or 48 Quarterfinalists (I know, I know...life priorities). I am mildly spoiled on one individual this year due to the comment section of another website being a bit like the Wild West, but other than that I'm in deep analysis mode for Thursday night.


ari333, you're not alone. I recognize La'Porsha's talent but she does nothing for me. She might as well be a uniquely coiffed blank spot on the girls side of the equation. I felt almost identical w/ Jordan Smith and Sawyer Fredericks the last two winners of the Voice. If they slurp her week after week all the way to the finale I will not be enthused


Also, some of these kids must think they have objectively weird sounding last names. I remember country Bieber saying his last name was something like "McNanny"...

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
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LMAO...at the end of the last episode of Reality Check, it's pointed out that AI got caught w/ their hands in the editing cookie jar. 


When Thomas Stringfellow was shown performing, the show cut to a girl in the audience exclaiming "wow, he is so good!"  Stringfellow is standing behind her in the audience when she says that, hahahahaha.

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LMAO...at the end of the last episode of Reality Check, it's pointed out that AI got caught w/ their hands in the editing cookie jar. 


When Thomas Stringfellow was shown performing, the show cut to a girl in the audience exclaiming "wow, he is so good!"  Stringfellow is standing behind her in the audience when she says that, hahahahaha.


Yes, I saw that! Bahahah! I wonder who she was really talking about, probably some guy we never got to see. :p 


I think Slezak and Melinda should be the judges this year. Their commentary is so much more entertaining than the real thing. :p

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