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Little Women: Atlanta - General Discussion

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It looks like Andrea is going to get back together with Chris so he can proof for the 50th time he's a loser and she's stupid to keep taking him back.  When is Andrea going to want more for herself and her kids when it comes to a man?  Amanda has been on point when it comes to Chris and his actions.

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There was so much terrible producer manipulation going on with the "Andrea has suddenly moved out scene to the surprise of Amanda and Minnie." Namely, they just happen to go over there to knock on the door to see if she's there and then open the door with the film crew ALREADY IN THERE to find it empty aside from one toy. Like if this was an outright scripted show, that would be totally fine because you don't have to think about the cameras and such but this was just so laughably scripted.

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So how is Andrea going to make money to take care of her TWO special needs children? Chris surely aint paying shit, what with his reluctance to keep a job and his other family and kids. 

Maybe they think this will keep a storyline going, but I think Andrea is just dumb as fuck (as evidenced by the last two years on the show).  Amanda better stay on and start some mess with Monie or something to keep her check rolling in.

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Wow, I gave Andrea way too much credit.  I can't believe she is going back to Texas to be with Chris.  Is he the only man on earth to her?  Why him?  

Tanya getting mad because Nico said that was all the children he wanted was telling.  It just shows she is still wanting a relationship and isn't just interested in him being a father to her children.  Let that go Tanya, come at it from a co-parenting perspective and leave all the sex and romance alone.  That's dead.  Now you have two children to raise together, stop running him out of there will your bitterness.  Yes, it sucks, and he may suck (haven't seen too much to show he sucks, he keeps trying to be around the kid and be involved and what Tanya says happens does not).  It's just the woes of having a baby daddy. You picked him, now you deal with him for the rest of your life.  

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Tanya and Nico both strike me as two very immature people.  Tanya is clearly still in love with Nico and i think her ex husband can see that. The only real adult there is her ex husband who seems to he a good man.  He helped raise not only his child but also a child that is not his.  I really hope her ex husband is smart enough not to get back with Tanya.  He's too much of an adult for her and deserves better.  

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I thought Andrea was on the path of wanting better things for her life and her kids lives. Wow was I wrong.  She may say Chris has nothing to do with her moving back to texas all she wants but it's very clear she is getting back with him and he is the reason she moved back. Anybody can see that. Whenever he is involved in her life she attacks her family and chooses him over her family at all costs.  She acts very cold to her family when she's with him. 

Amanda needs to do things on her own.  She needs to live her life and learn to be on her own.  If Andrea wants to ruin her life for that loser than let her.  Amanda has tried helping her sister but Andrea will always choose Chris over her and the family.  That isn't going to change. 

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Yeah but if Amanda and Andrea aren't together, what happens to the zillions of people who "want" the tiny twins?  Who will create another terrible perfume?   Who will host game night on my cruise?  Who will twerk in the club for money?

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Although I don't like how Nico is quick to raise his voice.  He actually made Tanya look stupid.  Even her ex didn't say Nico was lying about anything he had said.  You could see Tanya was pissed her dirty laundry was exposed.  I'm sure there is plenty that Sam doesn't know about her so called bestfriend.  I still didn't hear Tanya give Sam an apology for how she acted towards her.  Sam once again apologized to Tanya which I feel she did nothing wrong to apologize for.  

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Abira looked beautiful at the reunion.  I really hate her, like, I'm really disgusted by her, but she looks great all fancied up. 

You know how regarding the Teen Mom show, they say the age they had their kids is the age they seem stuck at mentally?  Well I've always kinda thought with these Little Women shows (Atl & Dallas, not LA), the height they are stuck at which seems to be the size of an 8 year old, seems to be where they are mentally stuck at.  They just make the dumbest life decisions and are not positive role models for other little people.  What happened to The Little Couple with that female doctor, she was such a great role model.

And I agree with everything you posted PreciousGem.  I can't stand Tanya, I'd almost rather have those creepy troll like twins from last season, The Drummond Twins on this than have Tanya and boring-no-story-line Sam.

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Yeah, the most telling thing was the way Vaughn, who legitimately doesn't seem to be a shit-stirrer (yet) refused to disagree with anything Nico had to say.

Nico is immature, and no doubt an asshole in numerous ways.  But it's hard to maintain composure with those little fucking fingers wagging at you and the rolly pollies stuffed into their way-too-tight dresses (Samantha?  Stop.  Just Stop.  And eat a salad for Christ's sake!) and screeching like harpies at you.

Minnie's mother is no better.  Sweet fuck.  How old is that broad?  And she still acts like common ghetto trash?  Have some self-respect.  

I never thought I'd say this, about anyone, but as far as those "tiny twins" go, I think twerking really may be the best they can do.

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The preview for next week showed something about Amanda and her boyfriend and a cheating situation.  I wonder who cheated.  He was crying so I'm thinking she was the one who cheated. 

Did anyone see the commercial for a Monie wedding special on June 7th?  It looked like they went to one of those male revue strip show things.  I wonder if it's Vivica's Black Magic guys since they are on the same network.  I really hope the wedding isn't full of drama from Monie's two dads and her two brothers who both think Monie is too good for Morlin. 

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I didn't like that Monie made herself seem like a gold digger.  Saying she's not going to give morlin all of her for free he has to pay up. That she is spending Morlin's money.  Morlin run baby.  Run!! He's too good for her.  If she truly loves him she would not have said what she did. Sounds more like she using him for financial gain.. Juicy had me cracking up with all the facial expressions and drinking during the Nico, Tanya, and Devon conversation.  I know Tanya is Sam's bestfriend but I'm sure Sam didn't know Tanya was obviously lying about things she told her about Nico.  With the exception of he needs to be around more for his kids.  Tanya is clearly still in love with Nico and very hurt he didn't want a relationship with her.  

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First off, Terra was awful as the host. I thought she was pretty mehh as host for Dallas but here, she was terrible. She spent so much time mugging for the camera and trying to get attention drawn to herself.  And what is up with the Auntie Entity braid styles? She needs to soften that shit up a bit.

Minnie needs to tell her mom to back off.  I guess she gets some compensation when she shows up on air but I think Tammi needs to get another job and leave the shit stirring on TV to her daughter.

Sam, you are a waste of airtime.  You need to figure out a storyline FOR YOURSELF.  Butting into Tanya's baby daddy drama makes you look stupid because you are only getting stupid Tanya's version on things.  Bust out, get a job, find a man...something.

Tiny Twinz.  Ugh.  Soooo tough when you are together but so pathetic on your own.  And I absolutely CAN NOT with Andrea trying to get with Chris again.  She and Tanya need to start a club for women who will not face the reality that making more babies with a man who doesn't give two shits about you will NOT make him love you.  Amanda dear, make your own life.  Your sad ass sister cares more about her dead beat baby daddy than your "huge" career hosting as the Tiny Twins.  Go out and find your way and make her regret picking him. 

Monie looked really nice but she didn't look like herself.  Maybe she's trying to get classy?  Looks like some fireworks next week with her ex.  I still maintain that she wants her son to join her in Atlanta to give her a storyline. Moving that young man would be a bad, bad move.

Juicy, are you trying to win the Joe Gnoffo Drunken Idiot Award?  Not that she did anything particularly embarrassing, but the constant nips (which I maintain was water or red bull) from your flask just looked dumb.  And Minnie did have a point about that dress...not flattering at all.

Finally, dumb ass, sad ass, conniving, Tanya.  Give up trying to make Nico want you, and when he doesn't trying to make him look bad.  Yes, he is a jackass and was absent for a lot of your son's life but YOU LAID DOWN WITH HIM AND CREATED ANOTHER BABY!!!!   I still think that he never lied to you about who he was or what he wanted from you.  I think you heard what you wanted and built a dream senario in your head about a happy family with him.  Your chance at a happy family was with Vaughn but you screwed him over.  Just thank God that Vaughn seems like such a good father that his is willing to put up with your crap and take care of your children.  He seems like a good guy.  And stop being so smug and damn self righteous about everyone else's situations.  You are the absolute last person I would take advice from.  Get your own shit together and stop blaming others for your incredibly poor life choices.

Whew...sorry about the rant.  These ladies just seem to tick one of my boxes.

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I still don't know why Minnie and her mom are even on this show. They are so trashy and are the lowest forms of human beings. The show would be so much better without them. Can we start a petition to get them off?

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I despise Minnie and her disrespectful, disgusting, hateful, enabling mother. With the Tiny Twins probably going to the Dallas iteration next season, I wish the remaining chicks would ice Minnie out and refuse to film with her. Cut off her airtime and her check, that's the best way to stick it to her.

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Oh my gosh Andrea is one dumb dumb woman.  She deserves everything that comes her way.  She needs to stop crying to her family whenever Chris treats her like crap, cheats on her, or leaves her whenever he wants.  She's never going to learn.  Amanda as painful as it is for her to let her sister go she needs to leave her sorry ass sister alone.  Andrea will damage her relationship with her family for this idiot if she hasn't already.  What was the purpose of her going to therapy if she was just going back to Chris no matter what?  Her and Tanya just irk the hell out of me with their stupidity.  

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Part 1 was better. Tammy should not be allowed on the show ever again for inadvertently throwing water on Monie; she is like 5'9" 300+lbs, in no way shape or form should she ever square up with/attack a woman less than 4'5". Minnie should be permanently removed as well for striking very pregnant Tanya by throwing her shoe. 

Terra is trash and just not well suited to hosting the reunions at all. Bring back Kevin Frazier Lifetime, stop being cheap! (I wonder if he will be hosting the LA cast reunion though...)

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Tammie the Triceratops is only there to keep Minnie from living off her and ensure a paycheck. She should face some assault charges, I'm surprised Juicy only filed a restraining order. It's no wonder Minnie feels like she can run up on anybody. When she loses her breath, her great big monster is right behind her to attack. 

Minnie is barely on the show with her lying ass, I laughed to see her attempts at securing Rickey Smiley (an ignorant coon in his own right) fail. Now she is dragging her gigantic momma out here to keep a storyline going. Pay them both dust.

Monie. You couldn't even keep your own call center job and quit to sweep up after Minnie's non hairdoing ass (Mnnie's wigs are a MESS.) How are you going to take care of this special needs kid when you've spent up your whole check on a raggedy Audi sedan and Morlin is ducking your ass every chance he gets? Let that boy stay with his crackhead looking daddy who at least has a stable home and extended family. All you got is a soon to be evicted 'potment and the backseat of a car for him to sleep in.

Tiny Twin baby momma is stupid as fuck and therefore will be on Texas Dwarves next season. Sister with a little more sense and a slow boyfriend will follow because they have no career path. they can't even speak well enough to tell you your balance from a TMobile call center. Shouldve stayed in Atlanta to shake your asses for the few dollars left in them. 

Minnie, just go the fuck away. Didn't her big giant momma have this good corporate job that was threatened by the restraining order, but now she's in hud housing about to get evicted? take y'alls broke asses on.

finally, as a youtube blogger says, Minnie, CATCH YOUR BREATH before you threaten for someone to catch your hands. sit your fat asthmatic diabetic COPD lying ass liar who lies ass down. 

Minnie makes me wish I was little so I could beat her stupid ass. 

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The beginning of the show was everything, I love Abira, she said last week "I want you to touch me right HERE"..

Minnie's mother crossed the line, actually they both did and a pregnant Tanya got hit and Monie got water thrown on her.

Andrea...Andrea..Andrea **knocks hand on forehead**.. she is DUMB!! Amanda just let her go and don't come to her rescue the next time Chris walks out on her.

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What a supreme jerk Chris continues to be. If you want respect from Andrea's dad, grow up and act like a man. Stop using every excuse you can think of to avoid your responsibilities and do right by your kid for a change. Ain't gonna happen, so wake up, Andrea, this worthless heap isn't worth your tears.

Edited by renatae
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On 5/31/2017 at 7:35 PM, PreciousGem said:

Oh my gosh Andrea is one dumb dumb woman.  She deserves everything that comes her way.  She needs to stop crying to her family whenever Chris treats her like crap, cheats on her, or leaves her whenever he wants.  She's never going to learn.  Amanda as painful as it is for her to let her sister go she needs to leave her sorry ass sister alone.  Andrea will damage her relationship with her family for this idiot if she hasn't already.  What was the purpose of her going to therapy if she was just going back to Chris no matter what?  Her and Tanya just irk the hell out of me with their stupidity.  

Amen and a big thumbs up about Amanda letting go of her sister!

Andrea is a sad sack.  She is either addicted to Chris or truly doesn't think she can do better.  Either way, she will always side with him.  Her family needs to take a breath, accept that Chris is in their lives, and let Andrea continue to make her dumb ass mistakes.  However, they need real boundaries.  Since Andrea is moving back to Dallas, let her keep both children.  Let her make all the appointments to all the specialists for Andre.  Let her feel what they have been doing for two years for him because they LOVE AND CHERISH THEIR DAUGHTER AND GRANDSON.  I would hope she would have a bit more appreciation for mom and dad after just a few weeks.  Her family needs to let her date Chris without bad mouthing him BUT when he bolts again, tell her in no uncertain terms that they don't want to hear her whining and crying.  She needs to suck it up and be a single mom.  Would she still choose Chris if she was completely alone with those kids when he jetted out the door?  Doubtful.  Of course, this will never happen because those parents love those grandbabies and can't imagine them alone with only Andrea to care for them.

Monie, dear, let your son stay with your ex.  He has a life in Houston.  Friends, family, activities, maybe even church.  Wanting to uproot him from all his support system is so selfish.  Think about your son!  If you miss him that much, quit the show and move back to Houston.  That ain't gonna happen.  And, was it just me, or did anyone else get the impression that the only reason Monie was marrying Morlin was to show a more stable home life so she could fight for custody in court?  I got a very itchy feeling about that.

Juicy, no real storyline anyone wants to talk about so just sit back and nip off your flask of water.  Theatrics on reunion shows aggrivate the shit out of me.

When Tanya tries to softly tell someone how they should live their lives in that fake, freaking Zen way, it drives me crazy.  Clean your own filthy house first before you tell people how to clean theirs.  Ughhhhh!

Terra is a terrible host.  I hope she saw how ineffective she was at calming this women down and how out of control they were.  Felt like the Bad Girls Club.  Please, please, please bring back Kevin.  Please!  Pretty please, with sugar on top?  KEVIN, KEVIN, KEVIN!

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21 hours ago, sunsheyen said:

Tammie the Triceratops is only there to keep Minnie from living off her and ensure a paycheck. She should face some assault charges, I'm surprised Juicy only filed a restraining order. It's no wonder Minnie feels like she can run up on anybody. When she loses her breath, her great big monster is right behind her to attack. 

Minnie is barely on the show with her lying ass, I laughed to see her attempts at securing Rickey Smiley (an ignorant coon in his own right) fail. Now she is dragging her gigantic momma out here to keep a storyline going. Pay them both dust.

Monie. You couldn't even keep your own call center job and quit to sweep up after Minnie's non hairdoing ass (Mnnie's wigs are a MESS.) How are you going to take care of this special needs kid when you've spent up your whole check on a raggedy Audi sedan and Morlin is ducking your ass every chance he gets? Let that boy stay with his crackhead looking daddy who at least has a stable home and extended family. All you got is a soon to be evicted 'potment and the backseat of a car for him to sleep in.

Tiny Twin baby momma is stupid as fuck and therefore will be on Texas Dwarves next season. Sister with a little more sense and a slow boyfriend will follow because they have no career path. they can't even speak well enough to tell you your balance from a TMobile call center. Shouldve stayed in Atlanta to shake your asses for the few dollars left in them. 

Minnie, just go the fuck away. Didn't her big giant momma have this good corporate job that was threatened by the restraining order, but now she's in hud housing about to get evicted? take y'alls broke asses on.

finally, as a youtube blogger says, Minnie, CATCH YOUR BREATH before you threaten for someone to catch your hands. sit your fat asthmatic diabetic COPD lying ass liar who lies ass down. 

Minnie makes me wish I was little so I could beat her stupid ass. 

OMG Sunsheyen you went there! Yes to every bit of what you said! I have never enjoyed a critique of cast of characters more!  Bravo!  LOL

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17 hours ago, Destiny74 said:

When Tanya tries to softly tell someone how they should live their lives in that fake, freaking Zen way, it drives me crazy.  Clean your own filthy house first before you tell people how to clean theirs.  Ughhhhh!

No truer fucking words.  I'll take Juicy and her obnoxious flask all day over Tanya and her bullshit "Oracle of Delphi Ghetto" words of wisdom.  

One Tiny Twit said the other one "overthinks things"?!?!?  Bitch, please.  You can't accuse either of those imbeciles of thinking too much about anything.

Minnie's mother is garbage.  

And has it really come to the point of pushing Minnie (who isn't married and isn't in any sort of relationship, so there's no "cheating" involved) to admit whether she sucked a guy's dick on that cruise?  Because if a male host asked that question it would be obviously skeevy as fuck.  It's not better because the midget-minstrel Terra asked the question, or should I say, gestured the question.

I'm guessing Samantha was only there to serve as ballast for the couch?

Otherwise, Derrick, Sr. is the hero of this show, shutting Monie's trash-ass right up.  Good for him!

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On 6/2/2017 at 4:14 PM, Alapaki said:

No truer fucking words.  I'll take Juicy and her obnoxious flask all day over Tanya and her bullshit "Oracle of Delphi Ghetto" words of wisdom.  

One Tiny Twit said the other one "overthinks things"?!?!?  Bitch, please.  You can't accuse either of those imbeciles of thinking too much about anything.

Minnie's mother is garbage.  

And has it really come to the point of pushing Minnie (who isn't married and isn't in any sort of relationship, so there's no "cheating" involved) to admit whether she sucked a guy's dick on that cruise?  Because if a male host asked that question it would be obviously skeevy as fuck.  It's not better because the midget-minstrel Terra asked the question, or should I say, gestured the question.

I'm guessing Samantha was only there to serve as ballast for the couch?

Otherwise, Derrick, Sr. is the hero of this show, shutting Monie's trash-ass right up.  Good for him!

I agree.  What does it matter if Minnie had a "good time" on the cruise?  She's single.  I wouldn't have done it with that skeezy guy but, hey, she wasn't breaking any laws. I think it was a jealousy nothing more than anything, from the other cast members.

And Derrick Sr. as the hero, you are totally right.  He stood up for himself and his son.  And on this show, the term hero should be used rather loosely.  

Edited by Destiny74
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I just seriously wish Minnie and her giant disgusting mom would get kicked off the show. I hope Tanya presses charges against that mammoth disgusting piece of trash. Just when you think that low life mother daughter duo can't get any trashier they prove they are the lowest form of life. Lifetime needs to drop them. 

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On 6/2/2017 at 8:31 PM, Jaxy said:

I just seriously wish Minnie and her giant disgusting mom would get kicked off the show. I hope Tanya presses charges against that mammoth disgusting piece of trash. Just when you think that low life mother daughter duo can't get any trashier they prove they are the lowest form of life. Lifetime needs to drop them. 

Their behavior is the sort of thing that'll make Lifetime give them their own series.  

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Can we talk about the Monie's Wedding special here?  Why am I still watching this garbage?!  Ok so Minnie is "feelin' some type of way" for not being in the wedding party.  This whole past season it's been obvious that her and Monie are no longer friends, I'm shocked she's even invited. 

Morlin seems to get aggravated at the tiniest things, I'm not saying Monie is anything special, but I think she deserves someone better.  And since we know this whole wedding is being paid for by Lifetime, if she wasn't on this show would they even be getting married? 

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On 6/8/2017 at 11:35 AM, AZ Curls said:

Can we talk about the Monie's Wedding special here?  Why am I still watching this garbage?!  Ok so Minnie is "feelin' some type of way" for not being in the wedding party.  This whole past season it's been obvious that her and Monie are no longer friends, I'm shocked she's even invited. 

Morlin seems to get aggravated at the tiniest things, I'm not saying Monie is anything special, but I think she deserves someone better.  And since we know this whole wedding is being paid for by Lifetime, if she wasn't on this show would they even be getting married? 

IMO, Morlin doesn't want to marry Monie but doesn't know how/want to end it and seem like the bad guy. Hence his previous "you gotta get your temper under control"; "you lost the ring now the wedding is off"; "your family is too much"; going on the road as a trucker and rarely coming home...but he got sucked in by the TV proposal. His unwillingness to just be 100 and say "we rushed into this relationship and I no longer want it" is what is keeping him around and keeping his temper short. Monie doesn't want to see it, she just wants to get married and he doesn't want to speak up. If they stay on the air, at least she'll have a (divorce) storyline in a season or two. Whatever happened to her voice over artist career that she quit her job to sweep hair behind Minnie  for? 

Aside from Juicy, none of these women have a paycheck outside this show (when's the last time Minnie did some hair?).They're going to be in for a world of hurt when it gets canceled, especially the ones that keep popping out babies by deadbeats.

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7 hours ago, jumper sage said:

Just saw the story of Melissa being charged for DUI that caused a death.  It's off to prison for her.

The one who thought she was better than everyone else on the show, ha? She thought they was ugly and she was a model, ha? Looked down on them with her lil white friend Bri, ha? Didn't even make a half seasons worth of paycheck, ha? Never seen again on TV, ha? 


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Did anyone catch the Thanksgiving Special? It was basically them sitting around "reminiscing" over the last few seasons, including fights, trifling baby daddies, Minnie's lies, etc. There was quite a bit of time devoted to dragging Minnie's mother, and I'm surprised she didn't snap with all the comments the cast were making. 

It seems to be on their website, here.

They also had a preview of the upcoming season that starts Dec 13. I tried to find a video to share but since I couldn't, 


Dumb Twin reveals that she is pregnant for a THIRD time by trifling Chris. Queen Nico is back, and as dramatic as ever, and hopefully Tanya's uterus will stay empty. Monie seems to be pursuing a "should we get pregnant" storyline. Caylea from Dallas makes an appearance and Abira (the stripper/twerker) seems to be back for a few episodes, and they both seem to get into physical altercations with the ladies. Otherwise, it doesn't seem like the main cast has too much conflict with each other. 

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Glad you guys finally posted, I was embarrassed I might be the only one watching this season.

So is the whole Morlin Cheating story line over?  It was a huge deal one episode, he refused to talk about it and then the next episode everything is back to normal. 

What the heck is wrong with DeVon?  He seems so normal and chill why is he putting up with Tanya and all Niko's babies? 

And so they finally found a story line for Sam (I actually had to Google the cast to remember her name).  Thinning hair!  While I do feel sorry for her, she needs to just wear wigs and get over it, it's not a big enough reason to even have her lame ass on the show.

Did anyone really look that that hand tattoo Minnie got?  Lame. https://www.instagram.com/p/BdQhh78l-ge/?hl=en&taken-by=msminnielwa

Why didn't Andrea get her tubes tied right after Aubrey?  Did her parent's bring it up and she refused just to spite them?  Because that sounds like something that woulda happened.

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I think the Morlin cheating storyline will rear its ugly head again. Last season when he was going back and forth on the wedding, I suspected he was cheating. 


I just can’t with Andrea. ANOTHER BABY! With a dude who barely takes care of the two he already has with her. Also he has another baby momma out there somewhere.  I also hate the way she allows him to disrespect her parents who is taking care of his kid. 


Tonya needs to give it up, it’s a physical impossibility for her to have a natural birth so we already know how this storyline will end. As for Von, she sure has her hooks into him, taking care of 3 kids, 2 of whom aren’t his. Then again, biology doesn’t make you a father. 

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15 hours ago, bluvelvet said:

I just can’t with Andrea. ANOTHER BABY! With a dude who barely takes care of the two he already has with her. Also he has another baby momma out there somewhere.  I also hate the way she allows him to disrespect her parents who is taking care of his kid.

Andrea doesn't even take care of her first baby; the grandparents have reared that child from birth. It was so sad when the grandparents told Andrea that her son asks why he's not with mommy and daddy when he sees pictures of them with Aubrey and Andrea completely ignored it. She has zero interest in raising her son because it's easier to have her parents do it. If she had Andre with her, Chris would already be gone, just like he will when this next kid is crowning.

Edited by Zanne
misplaced pronoun
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I don't know how Andrea's parents do it. Besides her stupid ass, they have to "deal" with Chris. I wish I would walk up in somewhere and the motherfucker whose child I'm raising (and have been since birth) won't fix his mouth to speak to me. He would get straight cussed out every single time I saw him and I would have them both served for child support, Andrea be damned. I know it's hard, but they need to wash their hands of her for real. Next time he leaves, let her see just how impossible she has it. They have to do her like an addict. Cold turkey, complete detachment. She really disgusts me.

Tanya is too stupid for words. Yes, hemorrhage out, kill your fetus, and leave your other two children motherless (one of them to be stuck with Nico), all to satiate your ego. 

Why are these bitches who cannot physically take care of all of their special needs children nor financially (without this show) still popping out kids? 

Morlin is cheating. Juicy is still messy. Sam is boring. Minnie has no purpose and has now just become the official party planner. 

Edited by neenyah
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So, I guess all that training that Minnie has been doing doesn't involve walking around the block?

Tanya unable to birth in her living room kiddie pool - quelle surprise.

Andrea puts her twerking "career" on hold to gestate yet another Chris baby.  Will her parents raise this one, too?

Oh, the suspense.

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Ha @ Minnie not even stretching or doing any prep for running a few miles, I'm shocked, shocked I say at her failure.

And WTF at Morlin already having 4 kids?! I wonder what his relationship is like with them.

And what the heck @ Amanda being so rude at that manager lady.

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I was shocked that Morlin had 4 kids. I know 3 of them are girls due to pictures from another site. I wonder if the 4th is also a girl, he did make a comment to Monie in season 1 about possibly having a Morlin Jr.  Also, this is Morlin’s 3rd marriage.  


We all knew Tanya wasn’t having a natural birth. What I would like to know if what hold does she have over Von. He basically took time off work AND school to be there when she gave birth to Nico’s baby ????? He will now be raising 3 kids, two of which aren’t his own.

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Minnie is doing the lipo AND tummy tuck for a loss of 10lbs??????  How hard can it be for her to lose 10 lbs instead of going thru all that?  These women are such crybabies.

AND the hope to deliver at home in a pool????  For a little person?  That was just irresponsible and unsafe not only for her but for the baby too.

UUuuggggg...why do I still watch?  LOL

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I know alot of people don't like Sam but I actually like her.  Tanya is annoying.  She did exactly what Juicy said she would do. Juicy said it from the beginning that once things didn't work with Nico she would jump on Von. I'm sorry but he's just dumb to get back together with her.  Tanya is using him.  She's only with him because she can't be with Nico. Someone mentioned Tanya and Von are engaged.

Minnie being mad at Sam is ridiculous. Minnie being childish

Juicy needs to get off that Minnie trying to be like her.  Who cares...

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I've always hated Juicy being on the show, but a barn door was opened for the cow when Minnie tried to appropriate her career as "Miss Minnie, baby," manager to the Tiny Twins. I'm a sucker for Minnie, I know she's done stupid shit, but there's a vulnerability about her that I find endearing and I detest Juicy for taking advantage of that and Monie, too, for ganging up on her.  Although, besides baby mama drama, the Juicy & Minnie feud is all this show has. Caylee from Dallas is going to be interesting, I think she'll be a great cast add-on! If you don't have talent all you have left is dysfunction, that describes this cast to a T -- Yikes!

Edited by HadleyFields
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