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S01.E02: One More Notch

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Two killers are on the loose thanks to the power surge that brought Pritchard back to life and helped them escape from prison, but the former sheriff is determined to find them and save the city he still believes is his to protect. Meanwhile, Pritchard tries to gain Duval's trust by telling him they're half brothers.
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I enjoyed this episode a lot.  I'm glad Pritchard said that they are brothers, so that can at least explain why he is always hanging around and why he knows a lot of his father's haunts and mannerisms.


I liked when he met with the granddaughter at the Chinese restaurant, and how he used his contacts from his former life to help in his current.


Funniest line was when Tim DeKay said "James Pritchard?  He gave you his name?  I'm walking around with 'Duval' and he gave you his name?!"


So in this episode, Otto shortcircuited the officers' Tasers, made that assembly line robot take out the bad guy, and changed the image from the officer's bodycam.  He basically is this computer genius that can control the entire world because he can see or do anything.  So I don't get why they needed to recreate this body.  Why not just find a way to recreate whatever blood cells his sister needs?


And I still find the goo very strange.  Again, why does he have to be naked?  Why can't he wear a swimsuit?  He doesn't seem to sleep in the goo, since we saw his eyes open.  So he's just floating in the goo, watching these two creepily staring at him naked?  Weird.

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I liked last week's pilot better, but I still enjoyed this episode. I like "James" and the story line in general. But it really, really bugs me that Tim DeKay was named "Duvall" by a father named Jimmy. WTHeck? I don't know anyone anywhere named Duvall except as a last name. Maybe we'll find out the meaning to that down the road. I can accept James floating around (naked!) in goo every six hours but no way can I buy him naming a son Duvall. Heh.


I'm hoping that all of the cops being tazered all at the same time makes them forget it was James they saw at that murder scene.


No hooker this episode, but now we have a bar to hang out in, complete with free booze. Win!

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I'm willing to accept whatever crazy science is required to support the concept of this show, but plotwise, I'm very bothered in this episode by the ability of Otto to have an immediate solution to any problem. Hacking all the Seattle PD body cams and finding the right ones just in time? Instantly short circuiting the tasers? Coincidentially being able to activate the assembly line robots? About the only thing I found plausible was being able to track the little girl's tablet.

If this is going to be standard operating procedure for the rest of the episodes, I think it's a step backwards from the pilot.

Edited by Rickster
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If this is going to be standard operating procedure for the rest of the episodes, I think it's a step backwards from the pilot.


It's plot convenience, the genius twins are going to be able to solve any problem when necessary to the plot.

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I enjoyed this episode a lot.  I'm glad Pritchard said that they are brothers, so that can at least explain why he is always hanging around and why he knows a lot of his father's haunts and mannerisms.


I liked when he met with the granddaughter at the Chinese restaurant, and how he used his contacts from his former life to help in his current.






And I still find the goo very strange.  Again, why does he have to be naked?  Why can't he wear a swimsuit?  He doesn't seem to sleep in the goo, since we saw his eyes open.  So he's just floating in the goo, watching these two creepily staring at him naked?  Weird.

Bite your tongue! Sometimes there doesn't NEED to be reason! It's just a treat for the viewer! I'm really enjoying the show. I hope it lasts.

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I liked last week's pilot better, but I still enjoyed this episode. I like "James" and the story line in general. But it really, really bugs me that Tim DeKay was named "Duvall" by a father named Jimmy. WTHeck? I don't know anyone anywhere named Duvall except as a last name.

Maybe Jimmy's wife loved The Great Santini?

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This is not must see TV, but the performances did merit the second-string prime time airing it's getting. I hope Tim DeKay will get another, better casting based in part on his work here.

The premise should have been tweaked before they ever began shooting. I don't know exactly what's wrong, but a little more levity would have helped. I mean, there's so much potential for hijinx that are missed. Maybe if they'd had Duvall discover that James really is his father in the first episode and killed off the twins and the need for immersions.

Edited by shapeshifter
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It's plot convenience, the genius twins are going to be able to solve any problem when necessary to the plot.

Well yeah, and I'd prefer the writers design plots in which the twins provide believable assistance and are not instantaneously solving every crisis through some remarkable coincidence (selling the PD the tasers, previously owning the factory, etc, etc)

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I agree about the need for believable assistance.  I get that in this world, everything is connected digitally, but it is a little unbelievable how they are able to near-instantaneously provide assistance.  It should have taken some time to look up the taser company, hack into their system, then figure out what command to enter to make them tase themselves.  Instead, it's push a button and instant solution.


I could deal without the assistant sobbing in every episode about Mary stopping chemo.  I assume she doesn't know about Jimmy, but surely they could just tell her that Mary is pursuing an alternative treatment instead.

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I had a bad feeling interest in here would flag.  So much silliness and all unnecessary in this ep.


Maybe ratings would be better if James wore a cute cheerleader skirt like Hayden Panettierre?  


Of all the stupidity, I think the worst was that he did not kill either escaped murderer.  Now we are to believe that his genetics were altered to be forgiving?


There is no explaining how Duval could even begin to get away with his actions after he went to Lookinglass.  He was already on a very tight leash with the new boss, who also expressed significant frustration with his absence at one point.  His FBI career would be all but ovah.


Dilshad is so ridiculously pretty.  So, there's that.


If this was supposed to be a Stan Lee hero story, they really should have just gone there.  What name should the Sheriff be given?  Maybe just "Sheriff?"    

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What name should the Sheriff be given?  Maybe just "Sheriff?"


Works in Teen Wolf.


Of all the stupidity, I think the worst was that he did not kill either escaped murderer.  Now we are to believe that his genetics were altered to be forgiving?


Don't forget the magical autistic guy who can turn tasers on their wielders. Not a lot of realism here. Even when you accept "guy who has to float around naked in goo every few hours" as a reasonable basis for drama.

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Make that three creepily staring at him naked, if one wants to count me. *shallow*

Five. Six if you count a rewind.

I enjoyed the bad dude starting his villian speech about being born in blood, blah, blah, blah & then Sheriff just punched him quiet.

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Five. Six if you count a rewind.


You crack me up, Ramble.


You guys are so hard on this show! Of course, a show about bringing a dead guy back to life and rejuvenating him back to age 30-something isn't going to be realistic, so I can forgive all the plot contrivances that progress a storyline. The brother tazing all the cops at once is no crazier than what happens on Person of Interest (my fav show!) when Harold cracks a firewall in microseconds to put in some fake identity for someone. 


My complaint that DeKay is named Duvall is the only one I have with this show. More goo floating, please!

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And I still find the goo very strange.  Again, why does he have to be naked?  Why can't he wear a swimsuit?

YOU HUSH YOUR MOUTH!!! Nekkid Rob Kazinsky is this show's #1 selling point!


The interactions between Jimmy and Duvall really made this episode, and I applaud the decision to have the former jump to the half-brother cover story as swiftly as possible rather than dragging out the mystery rescuer thing. It does bother me that Jimmy apparently had zero interest in speaking to his daughter though , as her character seems to be something of an afterthought on the show.


I'm not loving Otto at all. As others pointed out the instantaneous hacker saves really strained my suspension of disbelief. Note to producers: if the computer experts in The Matrix couldn't manage a hack featured in your script, you should probably reconsider that plot point. The guy's Pseudo Mark Zuckerburg, not Doctor Who. Also, his comments about Mary's reaction to Jimmy were the creepiest scene I've seen on television this season, and I watched every episode of American Horror Story and Ash vs. Evil Dead. I half expected him to say "Arthur reports that your vaginal moisture spiked 75%!" in an accusatory tone.

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My sister loved this show during its recent stint on Hulu.  I am three eps in and I like it.  I really like Otto and had the show been a success, I would have liked to have seen the authors address the pseudo-incestuous vibes that are coming from Otto.  He would then turn against Mary and whats-his-name, Jimmy.  Otto would have made a great villain.  I will get tired of the assistant and her intrusiveness very quickly. 

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