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Worst of Golden Girls: Your Least Favorite Moments

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On 2/28/2019 at 12:24 PM, Bastet said:

The Triangle was on last night, and I'd forgotten just how awful Dorothy is in it.  I absolutely cannot stand when women are told by a friend that the guy they're dating is a louse and believe the guy over the friend (especially when they're just newly dating).  So that alone would have aggravated me, but been a typical sitcom plot.  But she turns absolutely vicious on a dime.

Yes, Blanche came onto him when she first saw him - as Blanche does - but when Dorothy did the "I saw him first" routine (how old are we, ladies?), she said okay, fair is fair, just let her know if he has a friend who makes house calls.  And, yes, this is very early in the series and I don't remember how long they'd been living together when the show opened, but whatever the length of time, Blanche is her friend and this guy is someone she has been dating A WEEK.

Dorothy thinking Blanche is jealous that a handsome doctor didn't fall at her feet, but instead drooled a little and then continued dating Dorothy is natural, given the characters.  But thinking Blanche lied about him making a pass - especially when she was so uncomfortable saying it, something she waited up to tell her, not something she snapped off like an insult in the middle of an argument or anything - and saying it's because she's "a slut ... an amoral, back-backstabbing, self-centered Jezebel"?!  We'd have been done right then and there.  (Blanche would laugh at the same exact words in another context, but the way they were hurled at her here, no.)

When Dorothy confronted him about Blanche's accusation, he lied, she believed him, and Blanche said she'd been a very good friend to Dorothy and she won't stand for her taking some stranger's word over hers in her own house, so get out, I disturbed the cat by cheering - and then groaning because I knew it would soon all be swept under the rug.  She apologizes for not believing her, as she damn well should, but all the rest just gets a "there's no excuse for my behavior" and the next thing you know there's a group hug.

I honestly felt that Blanche's comment putting Dorothy down for her outfit right before Elliot comes in was another factor as it feeds Dorothy's impression that Blanche was jealous of her and in a way she was given how fragile Blanche's ego is(she uses some of those put downs to feel better about herself)- and also Blanche's way of telling wasn't convincing to a certain extent because of how long it took her to say it as well as her "tiny little waist" comment- she obviously was really reluctant to tell Dorothy and couldn't find the right words so she tried to do it in a gentle somewhat charmingly awkward way that didn't convince Dorothy. Dorothy took it too far though by insulting Blanche to that degree which was really just about her insecurities. Dorothy would really rather be like Blanche in a lot of ways and she just didn't want to lose the one thing that was making her feel like she was. There was still no real excuse for how she acted later on in the episode as it should have been clear that Blanche was not lying. 

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About "Little Sister":  It's actually more understandable that Blanche and Dorothy don't take Rose's feelings about Holly seriously as they are always so annoyed by Rose's naiveness and often feel that they have to take care of her. It often happens that relatives of friends or friends of friends seem perfectly nice to you but not to your friend. They thought Rose was overreacting and that Rose had her own problems with Holly that needed to be resolved between her and Holly, not with Blanche and Dorothy being involved. They weren't thinking that she was lying. 

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One thing I didn't like was how in the episode where Blanche's father dies Virginia(and Blanche too!) is so hard on Blanche about not coming when her dad called: from what Blanche said he only sounded a little depressed and he sure didn't tell her he was feeling really sick and was in the hospital(if he was in the hospital). Maybe it was just Southern pride but how was Blanche supposed to know that? She was going to go up as soon as she could and it's not really right to just drop everything you're doing for a family member unless it's a super serious thing which  it was but Blanche didn't know that! I guess Virginia just felt that Blanche had not been there for her family enough and I could see how that could be true as Blanche is selfish and doesn't see her family enough. But there's no denying she loved her father dearly. Virginia went too far.  

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It's natural when a loved one suddenly dies to go through the litany of "what ifs" even if there's no blame or fault on your part. What if I had come when he wanted me to? What if I visited just one last time? What if I had called them and told them I loved them? Etc etc. Those kinds of thoughts can torture you. At least in my experience.

Edited by fleurfairy
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On 3/3/2019 at 9:47 PM, Goldenfan85 said:

About "Little Sister":  It's actually more understandable that Blanche and Dorothy don't take Rose's feelings about Holly seriously as they are always so annoyed by Rose's naiveness and often feel that they have to take care of her. It often happens that relatives of friends or friends of friends seem perfectly nice to you but not to your friend. They thought Rose was overreacting and that Rose had her own problems with Holly that needed to be resolved between her and Holly, not with Blanche and Dorothy being involved. They weren't thinking that she was lying. 

Dorothy and Blanche had ample evidence of Holly being awful, though. She was responsible for repeatedly leaving Rose out of their plans, and Rose was there to tell them that Holly had always done that.

Why on earth would they take her word over Rose's?

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3 hours ago, Blakeston said:

Dorothy and Blanche had ample evidence of Holly being awful, though. She was responsible for repeatedly leaving Rose out of their plans, and Rose was there to tell them that Holly had always done that.

Why on earth would they take her word over Rose's?

That's the part I don't understand. If they really thought Holly was great. Why didn't they find it odd that Rose never joined them? They asked Holly to invite her? Why didn't any of them ask her themselves and tell her when to meet them? Or why didn't they decide to stay home? Holly was supposedly there to visit Rose? Yet she never minded going out with them without Rose? She never suggested they stay in and hang out with Rose? 

Edited by andromeda331
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On 3/5/2019 at 10:37 PM, andromeda331 said:

That's the part I don't understand. If they really thought Holly was great. Why didn't they find it odd that Rose never joined them? They asked Holly to invite her? Why didn't any of them ask her themselves and tell her when to meet them? Or why didn't they decide to stay home? Holly was supposedly there to visit Rose? Yet she never minded going out with them without Rose? She never suggested they stay in and hang out with Rose? 

Spot on! 

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I saw The Artist again one day this week. Overall I like the episode. (And I love Blanche sitting on the Whoopi cushion as she’s talking about her grace and femininity). But I’m always bothered by the artist wanting to do a piece on the mature woman and then wanting innocence and naïveté. These are not qualities associated with a mature woman and I certainly wouldn’t consider them desirable qualities. Mature women are wise, strong, sexy, intelligent. There are many qualities to depict.  If you want naive and innocent, sculpt children.

The other thing that bothers me is how he combines all three women into one perfect woman. I know this was a heavy handed anvil on how they compliment each other and belong together. But women don’t have to be perfect and have it all to be worth representing. It’s as if one real woman isn’t good enough, so he has to create a perfect fantasy woman. It’s just misogynistic. 

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Watching “Job Hunting” right now and the writers really were morons when it came to timeline and ages. It’s stated several times in the first season that Charlie has been dead for 15 years. In this episode, Dorothy states Rose is 55 years old so Rose was 40 when Charlie died. Not completely out of the realm of possibility but still...40 was young to be a widow in 1970. 

THEN when discussing the loss of her job, Rose states she had been a housewife for 32 years when Charlie died and had no professional experience. Which would have made her 8 years old when she married him!

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34 minutes ago, fleurfairy said:

Watching “Job Hunting” right now and the writers really were morons when it came to timeline and ages. It’s stated several times in the first season that Charlie has been dead for 15 years. In this episode, Dorothy states Rose is 55 years old so Rose was 40 when Charlie died. Not completely out of the realm of possibility but still...40 was young to be a widow in 1970. 

THEN when discussing the loss of her job, Rose states she had been a housewife for 32 years when Charlie died and had no professional experience. Which would have made her 8 years old when she married him!

I know. There’s no consistency whatsoever. But I think that was the episode where they changed Charlie’s death from 15 years ago to 5 years ago. Rose says she’s not in exactly the same position as when Charlie died because now she’s 5 years older. The 5 years makes much more sense. If Rose has moved to Florida right after Charlie died 15 years earlier, she likely would have been leaving teenagers behind. Or younger. How old was Bridgette in season 1? About 23? 

Edited by Ria
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I’ve often wondered if the girls were supposed to be older in the pilot and first couple of episodes, maybe early-mid 60s for Dorothy and Rose and mid-late 50s for Blanche. That’s when Rose was widowed for 15 years, Stan was mentioned as 65, he and Dorothy were married for 38 years and apart for 2 years and Bea and Betty themselves were in their 60s and Blanche has a 14 year old grandson. Then suddenly Rose and Dorothy are 55, Rose is widowed only 5 years, Michael is too young, Blanche is just hitting menapause and Janet is 30ish and has a girl about 6. It just seems as if the girls were aged downward several years. 

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I have to bring up the Mamie episode again but this time it's Dorothy. It bothered me when Blanche was getting ready to burn the letters Dorothy tells her that she should talk to Mamie because it's obvious that Big Daddy loved Mamie. WTF Dorothy?? Dorothy being a victim of multiple affairs by Stan why should Blanche talk to the shameless mistress.

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10 hours ago, ShadowSixx said:

I have to bring up the Mamie episode again but this time it's Dorothy. It bothered me when Blanche was getting ready to burn the letters Dorothy tells her that she should talk to Mamie because it's obvious that Big Daddy loved Mamie. WTF Dorothy?? Dorothy being a victim of multiple affairs by Stan why should Blanche talk to the shameless mistress.

I never liked that episode for a variety of reasons. But I think we’re supposed to ignore Big Daddy cheating on Blanche’s mom and Mamie abandoning Blanche just because an interracial marriage wasn’t possible at that time. As if that lessens the cheating and lying and makes it OK. They should have had Big Daddy and Mamie have a  relationship after Blanche’s mom died. Then the audience could sympathize with Mamie for Big Daddy not marrying her. 

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18 minutes ago, Ria said:

I never liked that episode for a variety of reasons. But I think we’re supposed to ignore Big Daddy cheating on Blanche’s mom and Mamie abandoning Blanche just because an interracial marriage wasn’t possible at that time. As if that lessens the cheating and lying and makes it OK. They should have had Big Daddy and Mamie have a  relationship after Blanche’s mom died. Then the audience could sympathize with Mamie for Big Daddy not marrying her. 

That would have been so much better and so much more sympathetic then Mamie showing up and informing Blanche the parents she loved and the daddy she adored cheated on her mother for years and wouldn't leave her mother for her. Then expecting Blanche to just accept it and hand over the music box. How they thought Mamie would be sympathetic in that light I don't know. Who would take that kind of news well especially from someone they loved?

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10 hours ago, ShadowSixx said:

I have to bring up the Mamie episode again but this time it's Dorothy. It bothered me when Blanche was getting ready to burn the letters Dorothy tells her that she should talk to Mamie because it's obvious that Big Daddy loved Mamie. WTF Dorothy?? Dorothy being a victim of multiple affairs by Stan why should Blanche talk to the shameless mistress.

I hate that part too. I have a hard time believing Dorothy would defend Mammy at all. She was cheated on herself and knew how it felt. 

35 minutes ago, Snow Apple said:

What bugged me was how much did Big Daddy really loved her anyway since he married Margaret instead of her? There shouldn't be any problem with interracial marriages in the 1980's. Even if there were any issues from certain people, they're old so who cares?

Well, they found out at the very end that he was pretty much a womanizer because the music box played the theme from Bonanza and not Stardust like the one Mammy remembered....

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They really just threw his character under a bus for no reason didn't they? And for one episode. There was really no reason for it. They could have been in love but his parents refused or weren't allowed so they moved on and he married someone else. Or they were together after her mother died. Nope, they threw in the affair for no real reason.  

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On 12/14/2018 at 2:09 PM, MoistestCake said:

The frozen heads when Rose has her heart attack and operation, and her annoying daughter Kirsten turns up. It's only a dream, but it doesn't do it for me. 

That scene with the frozen heads also shows a horrible side of Sophia. Sophia says she sent Dorothy's death to America's Funniest Home Videos and won. Now it's just a dream but damn sending your child's death to America's Funniest Home Videos. That's traumatic for any parent. 

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6 hours ago, ShadowSixx said:

That scene with the frozen heads also shows a horrible side of Sophia. Sophia says she sent Dorothy's death to America's Funniest Home Videos and won. Now it's just a dream but damn sending your child's death to America's Funniest Home Videos. That's traumatic for any parent. 

I think this show’s one true weakness (for me anyway) is in trying to make cruelty and meanness funny. 

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2 hours ago, Ria said:

I think this show’s one true weakness (for me anyway) is in trying to make cruelty and meanness funny. 

Agree 100%.  There's a line each of the women crossed more than once.  Dorothy was the target more than the others and, for me, there was a sense of writers saying "Well, this will get a big laugh so let's throw in a line about Dorothy looking like Fess Parker."  

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The episode where Sophia's son Phill dies and Sophia is feuding with her dead son's wife, Angela who she calls Big Sally.  It just wasn't funny to me and I thought it made Sophia's character look really bad.  She was so petty on this episode.  She said the reason she was upset with Angela's was because Angela's father wrote her a bad check.  I guess that was supposed to be funny, too because the audience was laughing...but it fell flat for me.  Then Sophia broke down crying at the end.  I didn't feel sorry for her at all.  She never saw her son Phil after he married Angela.  She never even went to see her own grand kids.  This was all because Phil liked to wear dresses?  Sophia is pitiful on this episode.

There are also two episodes I don't like that are focused on Rose.  The episode where she's addicted to pills.  She was yelling and slamming stuff in the kitchen.  Then she went off on the director who was trying to film a pizza commercial at the house, which was a paid gig for them.  After that incident, she would have been finito.   The other episode is the one where Rose moves out after she claims she died and went to heaven.  Once again, she was behaving erratically.   Blanche's complaint was that Rose was getting phone calls at all hours of the night and had people running in and out the house and Rose wasn't doing anything to help out around the house.  So, Rose is like well if you don't like my new lifestyle I think we have a problem.  Dorothy was like "no YOU have a problem, Rose"  LOL  Love Dorothy.  So, Rose  moves out, which is fine.  If she wants to drastically change her lifestyle, moving out was the right thing to do....but then she moves back after she finds out her new roommates actually have lives that she's not a part of.  I wouldn't have let Rose come back, but that's just me  lol 

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5 hours ago, Tarius said:

She never saw her son Phil after he married Angela.  She never even went to see her own grand kids.  This was all because Phil liked to wear dresses?  Sophia is pitiful on this episode.

 Yeah, except we know she did visit Phil and her grandkids a few times.  So, that makes no sense.

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1 hour ago, Josette said:

 Yeah, except we know she did visit Phil and her grandkids a few times.  So, that makes no sense.

She also never seemed to have a problem with how he dressed. She even brought him Victoria Secret item for Christmas.

 She made comments about it but nothing worse than what she says about Dorothy every day.

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1 hour ago, Snow Apple said:

She also never seemed to have a problem with how he dressed. She even brought him Victoria Secret item for Christmas.

 She made comments about it but nothing worse than what she says about Dorothy every day.

I have no idea what the purpose of that episode was other than to make Sophia the most petty uncaring mother possible. 

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On 4/8/2019 at 10:36 AM, Tarius said:

The episode where Sophia's son Phill dies... 

The episode where she's addicted to pills....

The other episode is the one where Rose moves out after she claims she died and went to heaven.

I hate the Phil and Rose moving out eps. Skip them! 

The pills - I have sympathy for Rose and quite like the episode. Even though the story is a bit far fetched as in 30 years getting pills from the Dr in Minnesota, addiction (like Dorothy's gambling addiction) is tough and unpredictable, considered nowadays as an illness, and  Rose got angry/irratic when she was feeling ill (flu, hiv scare) - and I think this is the same, so I am ok with her behaviour in these circumstances. 

Edited by MoistestCake
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The Rose addicted to pills isn't the best but has two highlights for me. It involves Dorothy. When they play St. Olaf version of Monopoly and Dorothy says "This is the stupidest game!" Dorothy slamming the pizza down in the commercial and the look she gives the camera when Sy tells her to look at it like she's making love to it. Dorothy saying she can act and write after correcting the script lol.

Yeah the Phil dying episode really made no sense. Why would they have the funeral in a Miami when Phil has never lived there a day in his life? Why wasn’t it possible to have it set in Brooklyn? It’s not like they were filming outside on location. 

It didn’t ring true to Sophia’s character at all that she was intolerant of Phil’s cross dressing. She gave Blanche a lecture about accepting Clayton’s homosexuality and seemed to be pretty progressive in terms of hot button issues. I just think that episode was really poorly written. 

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I don't know why they killed off Phil in the first place. His mentions were always for comic relief and should have continued that way. 

We never "met" him so I didn't feel much for the character. And then they made Sophia so hateful instead of grieving for most of the episode so we didn't feel sad along with her.

The only part of the episode I liked was the scene with Phil's poker buddies.

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14 hours ago, Snow Apple said:

I don't know why they killed off Phil in the first place. His mentions were always for comic relief and should have continued that way. 

We never "met" him so I didn't feel much for the character. And then they made Sophia so hateful instead of grieving for most of the episode so we didn't feel sad along with her.

The only part of the episode I liked was the scene with Phil's poker buddies.

Me too. I loved that his poker buddies dressed up in drag for him or they were cross dressers too. Either way it was really cool. I hated Sophia's reason for being mad at his wife because she always seemed accepting of her son's cross dressing. Which had been nice. Maybe if she had been more grieving the episode would have been better. 

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Watching the episode where Dorothy brings Angela over from Sicily. It’s impossible to believe Dorothy didn’t know of the feud between Sophia and Angela. The Christmas party that started it was in 1955. Dorothy was an adult. It’s unbelievable Sophia wouldn’t have told her all about it. And how could she never notice her mother and aunt never talked again? The episode could have worked as well, and made more sense, if Dorothy knew but was trying to patch things up. 

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1 hour ago, Ria said:

Watching the episode where Dorothy brings Angela over from Sicily. It’s impossible to believe Dorothy didn’t know of the feud between Sophia and Angela. The Christmas party that started it was in 1955. Dorothy was an adult. It’s unbelievable Sophia wouldn’t have told her all about it. And how could she never notice her mother and aunt never talked again? The episode could have worked as well, and made more sense, if Dorothy knew but was trying to patch things up. 

That would have made more sense. 

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2 hours ago, fleurfairy said:

I’m watching the episode “Family Affair” and it always bothered me how Rose could dish it out but couldn’t take it. If I was Dorothy I wouldn’t have forgiven her. I think the term “loser” is way worse than “tramp”.

Me too. Sure she had no problem insulting Dorothy's son but when Dorothy turned around and insulted her daughter she couldn't take it. Dorothy probably wouldn't have said anything if Rose hadn't just insulted her son. Did she really expect Dorothy to say nothing? I do like Blanche trying to defuse the situation. 

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Rose was extra stupid in the episode where she dated the cheeseman in disguise. She didn't understand what he meant when he said he'll call her later. Then she was more concerned about Barbara lying about having a gun than she was that the cheeseman was caught.

The thing is that Rose is not a stupid character. She may not understand a few things and naive at times, but the above was ridiculous.

Edited by Snow Apple
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15 hours ago, Snow Apple said:

Rose was extra stupid in the episode where she dated the cheeseman in disguise. She didn't understand what he meant when he said he'll call her later. Then she was more concerned about Barbara lying about having a gun than she was that the cheeseman was caught.

The thing is that Rose is not a stupid character. She may not understand a few things and naive at times, but the above was ridiculous.

I hated when they did that. Rose was naïve and stuff but there were times they made her too stupid. 

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On 4/22/2019 at 8:15 AM, Snow Apple said:

Rose was extra stupid in the episode where she dated the cheeseman in disguise. She didn't understand what he meant when he said he'll call her later. Then she was more concerned about Barbara lying about having a gun than she was that the cheeseman was caught.

The thing is that Rose is not a stupid character. She may not understand a few things and naive at times, but the above was ridiculous.

I actually think Rose is plain stupid. She’s been shown before to not grasp simple English sentences. Like when Blanche says they’re all in the same boat and Rose asks “what’s this boat she keeps talking about?” Or when Dorothy is talking about her gambling problem and says “I’ve lived with the temptations and learned to handle it” and Rose says “Dorothy’s lived with the Temptations! I’ve never even been to one of their concerts”. Or when Al dies in her bed and Sophia says “he bought the farm” and Rose thinks he really bought a farm. The police say their neighbors aren’t who they think they are “you mean we invited the wrong people to dinner?” There are dozens of instances like that. 

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34 minutes ago, BigBingerBro said:

I watched a random interview with Betty White where she said that the Rose character was not actually stupid but just VERY naive.  She took everything literally (like Ria's examples) which made her seem stupid.

There’s a point at which that IS a sign of low IQ or some mental challenge. Forrest Gump also took everything very literally. My neighbor’s son with ASD also is that way although not low IQ he’s low functioning in daily life. It’s puzzling how she managed to date a professor, doctors and lawyers being such a dingbat. I guess back then smart men didn’t need smart women as long as the woman was cute, warm and ditzy. 

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On the one hand she doesn't understand the Cheeseman when he says "I'll give you a ring" and on the other she's clever enough to suspect that the fire inspector was crooked when they accused Sophia of burning down Shady Pines (even though for the sake of the joke they made her not understand it fully).

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The whole Cheeseman storyline drives me bonkers. The writers had to make Miles interesting by putting him in the Witness Protection Program. Otherwise he was just a college professor with an interest in dance and three-day-old pastries.

I was watching the episode about David's visit. What a rude kid! He goes out in the middle of the night to get a pizza and brings home some strangers to rock out in the girls' living room. When they get kicked out, David is all miffed and says those guys were his friends. No, they're some idiots you met at a pizza place.

Also, I realize I have been working at a small town paper too long when my first thought about the pizza place on the corner is, "But Richmond Street is zoned residential!"

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15 minutes ago, fleurfairy said:

Dorothy dumping Al the Cop because he had a dangerous job was lame. So cops, firefighters, armed forces, etc don't deserve love? There's more of a chance of a cop dying in a random car accident or of cancer than of being killed on the job. I just thought it was really selfish of Dorothy. 

People, especially women, should act in their own best interests when it comes to what they will and won't accept in a relationship.  Dorothy didn't remotely imply that cops doesn't deserve romantic relationships, just that she was not the person to be involved in such a relationship.  Whether or not her fears were overblown (and I agree they were, but she had just been through his partner's shooting, so it's understandable), that's how she felt -- that she would spend so much time worrying about him, it wouldn't be a good way to live. 

Selfish would have been getting involved with him despite her issues and proceeding to hover over him or ask him to quit the job he enjoyed to accommodate those issues. 

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Dorothy not wanting to date a cop at least made more sense than Blanche not wanting to date a pharmacist. Now that was dumb. 

I never understood the problem with Dorothy dating Eddy the love machine. This was a woman who didn’t date much and had sex even less. Let her have some fun. When it ran its course, so be it. What was the problem that she had to dump him? And I hate Eddy’s line that the good ones always want more than sex. Maybe they’re just not that into you Eddy. 

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